ISO8859-1N@| \z; @ |8#Y&'*k.`/C14269'%&1EWt   +   ]+'%&10B_   +  3N0@-9M(,v. NUsage: lslpcmd [-v|V] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-A | -h | name [name...]] -A Display all attributes of all LP commands. -n host,..Which nodes the LP commands should be listed for. By default, LP commands on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List LP commands from all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more LP commands to display all the attributes. Running cmd: %1$s Usage: lslpcmd [-TV] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-A | -h | name [name...]] -A Display all attributes of all LP commands. -n host,..Which nodes the LP commands should be listed for. By default, LP commands on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List LP commands from all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more LP commands to display all the attributes. Usage: lslpcmd [-TV] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-A | -h | name [name...]] [-R [RunCmdName[,RunCmdName..]] -A Display all attributes of all LP commands. -n host,..Which nodes the LP commands should be listed for. By default, LP commands on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List LP commands from all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. -R RunCmdName,..RunCmdName of one or more LP commands to display all the attributes. name... The name of one or more LP commands to display all the attributes. Usage: lslpcmd [-TV] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-A | -h | name [name...] | -R RunCmdName[,RunCmdName..]] -A Display all attributes of all LP commands. -n host,..Which nodes the LP commands should be listed for. By default, LP commands on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List LP commands from all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. -R RunCmdName,..RunCmdName of one or more LP commands to display all the attributes. name... The name of one or more LP commands to display all the attributes. %1$s: 2667-520 The combination of -R flag with LP resource names or -A flag is not allowed. Usage: mklpcmd [-l ] [-n host] [-h] [-v|-V] name command_path -l Set Lock on the LP command. Default is 0. -n host Which node the LP command should be created on. By default, LP command is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. name The name of the LP command that is being created. command_path A fully qualified path name of the Least Privilege command. Usage: mklpcmd [-l ] [-n host] [-h] [-TV] name command_path -l Set Lock on the LP command. Default is 0. -n host Which node the LP command should be created on. By default, LP command is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -h Display this usage information. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. name The name of the LP command that is being created. command_path A fully qualified path name of the Least Privilege command. Usage: mklpcmd [-l ] [-c 0|1|2|3] [-R RunCmdName] [-s filter_script_path] [-A FilterArg] [-n host] [-h] [-TV] name command_path [Id Perm [Id Perm...]] -l Set Lock on the LP command. Default is 0. -c Set ControlFlags to 0, 1, 2 or 3. Default is 1. -R RunCmdName RunCmdName of the LP command. -s filter_script_path A fully qualified path name of the filter script. -A FilterArg Filter Argument String that will be passed to FilterScript. -n host Which node the LP command should be created on. By default, LP command is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -h Display this usage information. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. name The name of the LP command that is being created. command_path A fully qualified path name of the Least Privilege command. Id Specifies the network identity of the user. Perm Specifies the permission allowed for the Id. It is specified as a string of one or more characters, where each character represents a particular permission. Perm Description a Administrator permission. r Read permission. Consists of e, l, q, and v permissions. w Write permission. Consists of c, d, o, and s permissions. x Execute permission. c Refresh permission. d Define and delete permission. e Event permission. l Enumerate permission. o Online, offline, and reset permission. q Query permission. s Set permission. v Validate permission. 0 No access. %1$s: 2667-530 The name of the LP command cannot be blank. Usage: chlpcmd [-r] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-v|-V] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] -r Recalculate and assign CheckSum for this LP Command. -n host,.. Which node the LP command should be changed on. By default, LP Command is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change LP Commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the LP command to be changed. attr=value Set this LP command attribute to this new value. Usage: chlpcmd [-r] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] -r Recalculate and assign CheckSum for this LP Command. -n host,.. Which node the LP command should be changed on. By default, LP Command is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change LP Commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the LP command to be changed. attr=value Set this LP command attribute to this new value. %1$s: 2667-500 The combination of -r flag with attr=value type arguments is not allowed. Usage: chlpcmd [-r] [-l 0|1] [-c 0|1|2|3] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] -r Recalculate and assign CheckSum for this LP Command. -l Lock (1) or unlock (0) the LP resource. -c Set ControlFlags to 0, 1, 2 or 3. -n host,.. Which node the LP command should be changed on. By default, LP Command is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change LP Commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the LP command to be changed. attr=value Set this LP command attribute to this new value. Usage: chlpcmd [-l 0|1] [-c 0|1|2|3] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] chlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] -r name -r Recalculate and assign CheckSum for this LP Command. -l Lock (1) or unlock (0) the LP resource. -c Set ControlFlags to 0, 1, 2 or 3. -n host,.. Which node the LP command should be changed on. By default, LP Command is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change LP Commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the LP command to be changed. attr=value Set this LP command attribute to this new value. %1$s: 2667-501 The combination of -r flag with attr=value type arguments or -l or -c flags is not allowed. Usage: rmlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-v|V] [-h] name [name...]] -n host,..Which nodes the LP comamnd should be removed from. By default, LP command is removed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Remove LP commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more LP commands to remove. Usage: rmlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] name [name...]] -n host,..Which nodes the LP comamnd should be removed from. By default, LP command is removed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Remove LP commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more LP commands to remove. Usage: runlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-v|V] [-h] name flag_operand_list -n host,..Which nodes the LP comamnd should be run from. By default, LP command is run on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Remove LP commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name The name of LP command to run. flag_operand_list The flags and operands to the LP command. Usage: runlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] name flag_operand_list -n host,..Which nodes the LP comamnd should be run from. By default, LP command is run on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Remove LP commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. name The name of LP command to run. flag_operand_list The flags and operands to the LP command. Usage: runlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] name flag_operand_list -n host,..Which nodes the LP comamnd should be run from. By default, LP command is run on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Run LP commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. name The name of LP command to run. flag_operand_list The flags and operands to the LP command. Usage: runlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] RunCmdName flag_operand_list runlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] -N Name flag_operand_list -n host,.. Which nodes the LP command should be run from. By default, LP command is run on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Run LP commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. -N Specify this flag to use Name instead of RunCmdName. name The name of LP command to run. Use -N when specifying Name. RunCmdName RunCmdName of LP command to run. flag_operand_list The flags and operands to the LP command. Usage: runlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] RunCmdName [flag_operand_list] runlpcmd [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] -N Name [flag_operand_list] -n host,.. Which nodes the LP command should be run from. By default, LP command is run on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Run LP commands that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. -N Specify this flag to use Name instead of RunCmdName. name The name of LP command to run. Use -N when specifying Name. RunCmdName RunCmdName of LP command to run. flag_operand_list The flags and operands to the LP command. Usage: lphistory [-c] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-v|V] [-h] num_of_commands -c Clear history list. This cannot be combined with num_of_commands. -n host,..Which nodes the LP command history is to be retrieved from. By default, LP command history on the local machine is returned. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Return LP command history on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. num_of_commands Number of previously run LP commands to be returned. If not specified, it returns the previous 10 commands from the history list. Usage: lphistory [-c] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-TV] [-h] num_of_commands -c Clear history list. This cannot be combined with num_of_commands. -n host,..Which nodes the LP command history is to be retrieved from. By default, LP command history on the local machine is returned. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Return LP command history on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. num_of_commands Number of previously run LP commands to be returned. If not specified, it returns the previous 10 commands from the history list. %1$s: 2667-511 Input to lphistory is not valid. Valid input ranges from 1 to 1000. Usage: lphistory [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-u UserID] [-m MappedId] [-C CommandName] [-S CommandPath] [-B Mmddhhmmyyyy] [-E MMddhhmmyyyy] [-L a|c|e|m|n|t|u|x] [-h] [-TV] [-c] num_of_commands -c Clear history list. This cannot be combined with num_of_commands. -n host,.. Which nodes the LP command history is to be retrieved from. By default, LP command history on the local machine is returned. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -u UserID List or remove records containing this user identity. -m MappedID List or remove records containing this mapped identity. -C CommandName List or remove records containing this command name. -S CommandPath List or remove records containing this command path. -B BeginTimeStamp List or remove records created at or after this time.(MMddhhmmyyyy, where MM is the two digit month (01-12), dd is the two digit day of the month (02-31), hh is the two digit hour (00-23), mm is the two digit minute (00-59) and yyyy is the four digit year. -E EndTimeStamp List or remove records created at or this time.(MMddhhmmyyyy, where MM is the two digit month (01-12), dd is the two digit day of the month (02-31), hh is the two digit hour (00-23), mm is the two digit minute (00-59) and yyyy is the four digit year. -L Display the fields in the same order as the letters in the flag argument. This flag is mutually exclusive of the -c flag. This flag takes the following arguments: a Display all fields from Audit log in the following order t,u,m,n,e,x,c. c Display the command string (the default). e Displays the standard error output. m Displays the mapped identity. n Displays the name of the node where the command executed. t Displays the time field. u Displays the authenticated user identity. x Displays the LP command exit status. -a Return LP command history on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. num_of_commands Number of previously run LP commands to be returned. If not specified, it returns the previous 10 commands from the history list. Time::UserID::MappedID::NodeName::StdErr::RC::CommandPath::CommandNameUsage: lphistory [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-u UserID] [-m MappedId] [-C CommandName] [-S CommandPath] [-B Mmddhhmmyyyy] [-E MMddhhmmyyyy] [-L a|c|e|m|n|t|u|x] [-h] [-TV] [-c] num_of_commands -c Clear history list. This cannot be combined with num_of_commands. -n host,.. Which nodes the LP command history is to be retrieved from. By default, LP command history on the local machine is returned. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -u UserID List or remove records containing this user identity. -m MappedID List or remove records containing this mapped identity. -C CommandName List or remove records containing this command name. -S CommandPath List or remove records containing this command path. -B BeginTimeStamp List or remove records created at or after this time.(MMddhhmmyyyy, where MM is the two digit month (01-12), dd is the two digit day of the month (02-31), hh is the two digit hour (00-23), mm is the two digit minute (00-59) and yyyy is the four digit year. -E EndTimeStamp List or remove records created at or before this time.(MMddhhmmyyyy, where MM is the two digit month (01-12), dd is the two digit day of the month (02-31), hh is the two digit hour (00-23), mm is the two digit minute (00-59) and yyyy is the four digit year. -L Display the fields in the same order as the letters in the flag argument. This flag is mutually exclusive of the -c flag. This flag takes the following arguments: a Display all fields from Audit log in the following order t,u,m,n,e,x,c. c Display the command string (the default). e Displays the standard error output. m Displays the mapped identity. n Displays the name of the node where the command executed. t Displays the time field. u Displays the authenticated user identity. x Displays the LP command exit status. -a Return LP command history on all nodes in the cluster. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. num_of_commands Number of previously run LP commands to be returned. If not specified, it returns the previous 10 commands from the history list. %1$s: 2667-512 Input option to -L is not valid. Valid display options are a,t,u,m,n,x,c. %1$s: 2667-513 Cannot combine display option "a" with other display options. %1$s: 2667-514 Cannot combine -L and -c flags. %1$s: 2667-515 Invalid time format for -B or -E. Usage: chlpclacl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o][-h][-TV] Id Perm [Id Perm ...] chlpclacl -l [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o][-h][-TV] Id [Id ...] Perm chlpclacl -d [-a|-n host[,host...]][-h][-TV] Id [Id ...] chlpclacl -f file [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o|-d][-h][-TV] chlpclacl -x [-a|-n host[,host...]][-h][-TV] -a Change Class ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -d Delete the user identity from the Class ACL. -f Input is specified in a file. -l Alternate form of multiple IDs and one permission. -n host,..Change Class ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -o Overwrite the existing permissions. -x Set Class ACL to deny all access. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of chlpclacl command. End processing of chlpclacl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Reading input file. Modifying the ACL. Relaying error information. %1$s: 2667-701 The permission "%2$s" is not valid. %1$s: 2667-702 The number of user identities and permissions is not the same. Usage: chlpracl [-a|-n host[,host...]|-r][-o][-h][-TV] Name Id Perm [Id Perm ...] chlpracl -l [-a|-n host[,host...]|-r][-o][-h][-TV] Name Id [Id ...] Perm chlpracl -d [-a|-n host[,host...]|-r][-h][-TV] Name Id [Id ...] chlpracl -f file [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o|-d][-h][-TV] chlpracl {-b|-x} [-a|-n host[,host...]|-r][-h][-TV] Name chlpracl {-B|-X} [-a|-n host[,host...]][-h][-TV] -a Change Resource ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -b Use Shared ACL. -B Use Shared ACL for all resources. -d Delete the user identity from the Resource ACL. -f Input is specified in a file. -l Alternate form of multiple IDs and one permission. -n host,..Change Resource ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -o Overwrite the existing permissions. -r The Name parameter is a resource handle. -x Set Resource ACL to deny all access. -X Set all Resource ACLs to deny all access. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of chlpracl command. End processing of chlpracl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Reading input file. Modifying the ACL. Relaying error information. Usage: chlpriacl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o][-h][-TV] Id Perm [Id Perm ...] chlpriacl -l [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o][-h][-TV] Id [Id ...] Perm chlpriacl -d [-a|-n host[,host...]][-h][-TV] Id [Id ...] chlpriacl -f file [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o|-d][-h][-TV] chlpriacl {-b|-x} [-a|-n host[,host...]][-h][-TV] -a Change Resource Initial ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -b Set Resource Initial ACL to use Resource Shared ACL. -d Delete the user identity from the Resource Initial ACL. -f Input is specified in a file. -l Alternate form of multiple IDs and one permission. -n host,..Change Resource Initial ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -o Overwrite the existing permissions. -x Set Resource Initial ACL to deny all access. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of chlpriacl command. End processing of chlpriacl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Reading input file. Modifying the ACL. Relaying error information. Usage: chlprsacl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o][-h][-TV] Id Perm [Id Perm ...] chlprsacl -l [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o][-h][-TV] Id [Id ...] Perm chlprsacl -d [-a|-n host[,host...]][-h][-TV] Id [Id ...] chlprsacl -f file [-a|-n host[,host...]][-o|-d][-h][-TV] chlprsacl -x [-a|-n host[,host...]][-h][-TV] -a Change Resource Shared ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -d Delete the user identity from the Resource Shared ACL. -f Input is specified in a file. -l Alternate form of multiple IDs and one permission. -n host,..Change Resource Shared ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -o Overwrite the existing permissions. -x Set Resource Shared ACL to deny all access. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of chlprsacl command. End processing of chlprsacl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Reading input file. Modifying the ACL. Relaying error information. Usage: lslpclacl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-l|-t|-d|-D delimiter] [-E][-p][-x][-h][-TV] lslpclacl [-n host] -i [-E][-h][-TV] -a List Class ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -d Delimited output using "|" for a delimiter. -D delimiter Delimited output using "delimiter" for a delimiter. -E Expand permission display for read and write permission. -l Long fomatted output. -i Formatted output to use as input for chlpclacl command. -n host,.. List Class ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -p Display peer domain name. -t Tabular fomatted output. -x Exclude header. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of lslpclacl command. End processing of lslpclacl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Listing the ACL. Relaying error information. Forming the output to display. Class ACLs for LPRM Identity::Permissions::NodeNameIdentity::Permissions::NodeName::PeerDomainNo access definedUsage: lslpracl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-l|-t|-d|-D delimiter] [-E][-L][-x][-h][-TV][Name] lslpracl [-n host] -i [-E][-L][-h][-TV][Name] -a List Resource ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -d Delimited output using "|" for a delimiter. -D delimiter Delimited output using "delimiter" for a delimiter. -E Expand permission display for read and write permission. -l Long fomatted output. -L Display Shared ACL when used. -i Formatted output to use as input for chlpracl command. -n host,.. List Resource ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -t Tabular fomatted output. -x Exclude header. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of lslpracl command. End processing of lslpracl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Listing the ACL. Relaying error information. Forming the output to display. Resource ACLs for LPRM Name::Identity::Permissions::NodeNameNo access definedUses Resource Shared ACLUsage: lslpriacl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-l|-t|-d|-D delimiter] [-E][-p][-x][-h][-TV] lslpriacl [-n host] -i [-E][-h][-TV] -a List Resource Initial ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -d Delimited output using "|" for a delimiter. -D delimiter Delimited output using "delimiter" for a delimiter. -E Expand permission display for read and write permission. -l Long fomatted output. -i Formatted output to use as input for chlpriacl command. -n host,.. List Resource Initial ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -p Display peer domain name. -t Tabular fomatted output. -x Exclude header. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of lslpriacl command. End processing of lslpriacl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Listing the ACL. Relaying error information. Forming the output to display. Resource Initial ACLs for LPRM Identity::Permissions::NodeNameIdentity::Permissions::NodeName::PeerDomainNo access definedUses Resource Shared ACLUsage: lslprsacl [-a|-n host[,host...]][-l|-t|-d|-D delimiter] [-E][-p][-x][-h][-TV] lslprsacl [-n host] -i [-E][-h][-TV] -a List Resource Shared ACL on all nodes in the cluster. -d Delimited output using "|" for a delimiter. -D delimiter Delimited output using "delimiter" for a delimiter. -E Expand permission display for read and write permission. -l Long fomatted output. -i Formatted output to use as input for chlprsacl command. -n host,.. List Resource Shared ACL on these nodes in the cluster. -p Display peer domain name. -t Tabular fomatted output. -x Exclude header. -V Verbose mode. -T Display trace information. -h Display this usage information. Begin processing of lslprsacl command. End processing of lslprsacl command. Setting the proper RMC session scope. Processing the specified options and parameters. Listing the ACL. Relaying error information. Forming the output to display. Resource Shared ACLs for LPRM Identity::Permissions::NodeNameIdentity::Permissions::NodeName::PeerDomainNo access defined%1$s: 2667-881 The permission "%2$s" is not valid. %1$s: 2667-882 The number of user identities and permissions is not the same. %1$s: 2667-883 The combination of %2$s and %3$s is not allowed. %1$s: 2667-884 Incorrect number of operands. %1$s: 2667-885 Unable to read the input file %2$s: %3$s. %1$s: 2667-886 Unexpected input was found in the input file %2$s: line %3$s. %1$s: 2667-887 No input data found in %2$s. %1$s: 2667-888 Only one node name is allowed. %1$s: 2667-889 An unexpected return code of %2$s was received by the command.