ISO8859-17      1 L `  {     3K_o#$5Z"o !"#$%&+'F(])l*+,-./01+22^3v456789: ;5<U=d>v?@ABCDEF&G$H!=I_JKLM N OP-Q>RVS ]TgUwV WX,YZ [\]$^;_>`Saib~cde'f gh ij$k 6lWm `nko!pq rstu v w#(x;Lyz*{)|}~-<j%!2 <*W9**(.;*j3"    ,8I e r}  'A Saq !" # 4>Rfy0Kf #&)Pi  &4  ; H V d p    ! ! ! !%!/!F!Y !n!x!'!!!!"-"+"Y"q")""*"##4*#I0#t*#0#*$)$,$V$p$$$ $$$$%%/%D%T%m%}% % % % % && &8&I&X&kP&~&& &'''/'C']#'w'' ' '!'" '#($('%(A&(^'!({(())(*(+),)-"):.$)]/))0 )1)2)3&)4"*5*+6*J7 *h8*s9*:*; *<*=*> +? +@ +A+*B+HC+ZD+yE +F+G+H+I+J+K!,L ,9M&,GN$,nO,P2,Q ,R,S,T,U-V-/W-CX-WY-gZ -w[ -\-]$-^-_ -`"-a.!b.0c .Pd%.Ze.f9.g2.h6.i /6j/@k?/Zl/m /n/o /p /q/r/s/t0 u0"v%03w:0Yx 0y 0z0{ 0|0}0~ 00111'1;1P 1f;1 1'112,2#2P2f 2g2q2v ashell will timeout in 60 seconds due to inactivity. timed out waiting for input. you have mail in $_. no query process. no history file. history file cannot open. %s: bad option(s). open file limit exceeded. argument expected. invalid argument of type %c. %c: unknown format specifier. %s: invalid regular expression. %s: bad number. %s: unknown locale. %s: parameter null or not set. %s: parameter not set. parameter not set. %s: no parent. %s: bad substitution. %s: cannot create. cannot create tempory file. %s: restricted. process already exists. %s: file already exists. cannot create pipe. cannot set alarm. %s: cannot open. Use 'exit' to terminate this shell. %s: cannot execute. cannot access parent directories. %s: not found. function not found. %s: subscript out of range. %s: recursion too deep. permission denied. universe not accessible. bad directory. %s: bad file unit number. bad file unit number. %s: bad trap. %s: is read only. %d: negative field size. %s: is not an identifier. %s: invalid name. %s: invalid variable name. %s: invalid function name. %s: invalid alias name. %s: invalid export name. %s: reference variable cannot be an array. %s: no reference name. %s: invalid self reference. %s: alias not found . %s: bad format. %s: label not implemented. %s: not implemented. not supported. %d-%d: invalid range. %s: requires pathname argument. -e - requires single argument. %s: fails %s. %s unknown base. %s: would cause loop. %s: limit exceeded. incorrect syntax. write to %d failed. onoff%s is a keyword . %s is a shell builtin . %s is a shell builtin version of %s . %s is an alias for %s . %s is an exported alias for %s . %s is a tracked alias for %s . %s is a function . %s is an exported function . %s is an undefined function . Reverting to old tty driver.... Switching to new tty driver.... Cannot start job control. No job control. You have stopped jobs. Done. Running. %s: Ambiguous. You have running jobs. no such job. no such process. %s: Arguments must be %%job or process ids. kill. (coredump). Bad root node specification. Version not defined. Unrecognized version. . cannot get mapping. cannot get versions. cannot set mapping. cannot set versions. Current option settings . login setuid/setgid shells prohibited. restricted. bad substitution. %s:. requires arguments. cannot be unset. adding built-ins not supported. %s: %s. %s is %s. %s: illegal function name. %s: invalid discipline function. out of memory. cannot fork. %s: unknown signal name. condition(s) required. -c requires argument. end of file. newline. %d: invalid binary script version. line %d: use space or tab to separate operators %c and %c. line %d: $ not preceeded by \. syntax error at line %d: `%s' unexpected. syntax error at line %d: `%s' unmatched. syntax error: `%s' unexpected. syntax error: `%s' unmatched. syntax error at line %d: duplicate label %s. line %d: label %s ignored. line %d: %s unknown label. line %d: `...` obsolete, use $(...). line %d: -a obsolete, use -e. line %d: '=' obsolete, use '=='. line %d: %s within [[...]] obsolete, use ((...)). line %d: set %s obsolete. line %d: `{' instead of `in' is obsolete. line %d: use braces to avoid ambiguities with $id[...] . line %d: %c within ${} should be quoted . line %d: escape %c to avoid ambiguities. line %d: quote %c to avoid ambiguities. line %d: spaces required for nested subshell. %c: invalid character in expression - %s. line %d: \ in front of %c reserved for future use. line %d: %c quote may be missing. zero byte. Abort. Asynchronous I/O. Alarm call. SIGAPOLLO. Bus error. Death of Child. Stopped process continued. DIL signal. EMT trap. Floating exception. Special signal used by CPR. Hangup. Illegal instruction. Interrupt. IO signal. Killed. Security label changed. Resources lost. Special signal used by thread library. Phone interrupt. Broken Pipe. Polling alarm. Profiling time alarm. Power fail. Quit. Lowest priority realtime signal. Highest priority realtime signal. Memory fault. Stopped (SIGSTOP). Bad system call. Terminated. Trace/BPT trap. Stopped. Stopped (SIGTTIN). Stopped (SIGTTOU). Socket interrupt. User signal 1. User signal 2. Virtual time alarm. Window size change. Migrate process. System crash soon. Sound completed. Process LWPs are blocked. Exceeded CPU time limit. Exceeded file size limit. %s: more tokens expected. %s: unbalanced parenthesis. %s: invalid use of :. %s: divide by zero. %s: arithmetic syntax error. %s: assignment requires lvalue. %s: ':' expected for '?' operator. %s: unknown function. %s: operands have incompatible types. %s: overflow exception. %s: domain exception. %s: singularity exception. %s missing. %s: unknown operator. unknown. index=%d marker=%d. hist_flush: EOF seek failed errno=%d. History file write error-%d %s: file unrecoverable. rootnode: . Signal %.4s. dump failed. I/O error. %d: mode changed to JMP_EXIT. line %d: Invariant test. line %d: -t requires argument. : "%s", line %d. Usage: . [%s library]: . line %d: . warning: . panic: . debug%d:%s. debug: . (%s: "%s", line %d) . ("%s", line %d) . [* out of space *]. numeric. %s: name not found. unknown option. [* call optget() before optusage() *]. %s in indirect expression. out of space. %s: cannot find magic file. %s: cannot open magic file. { ... } operator nesting too deep -- %d max. `%c': invalid nesting. %c: invalid function name. %c: function has no return. %c: invalid function call argument list. %c: function not defined. `%c': invalid line continuation operator. not enough fields: `%s'. empty substitution. `\' cannot terminate lhs of substitution. missing `%c' delimiter for lhs of substitution. `\' cannot terminate rhs of substitution. missing `%c' delimiter for rhs of substitution. extra characters `%s' after substitution. extra character `%s' after substitution. %-.*s: unknown function. too many } operators. not enough } operators. %s: %s error. error. undefined. %s: cannot set value. %s: invalid call prefix. %s: invalid standard prefix. %s: invalid section prefix. %s: invalid symbol. %s: not found. regular expression: %s. list overflow. subexpression %d ref="%s". subexpression %d src="%s". more tokens expected. too many )'s. closing ) expected. operator expected. : expected for ? operator. operator syntax error. divide by zero. syntax error. operand expected. invalid use of :. %s probe information for %s language processor %s must be manually regenerated. %u: fss name not found. %s: cannot copy. cannot copy. %s: unknown user. %s: unknown group. %s: cannot change. %s: cannot change group. %s: cannot change owner. %s: cannot change owner and group. %s: invalid mode. %s: cannot change mode. %s: EOF. %s: %s: invalid skip. %s: cannot stat. write error. invalid range for c/f option. bad list for c/f option. f option already specified. c option already specified. c or f option must be specified. %d: width must be positive. %c: %d: option requires positive number. incompatible options selected. %s: invalid field list. field number must positive. -a fileno: number must be 1 or 2. obsolete -j must be 1 or 2. %s: field number must be greater than 0. write error. write failed. %s: pathname too long. %s: %c not in portable character set. %s: component name %.*s too long. %c requires numeric argument. r option requires line mode. no space. %s: cannot set host name. information unavailable. too many arguments. c and m are mutually exclusive. internal error. %s: cannot remove. cannot open. cannot exec. Error %d. out of space space [id map]. %s: cannot read. missing ] in character class. trailing \ is invalid. unmatched (. internal error: . operand stack overflow. missing operand for . operator stack overflow. operator stack underflow. unknown operator in evaluntil(). unmatched ). too many character classes -- limit . invalid sub-expression reference \. chdir(%s)=%d. AT&T employees should use supported STC software. %d: %s%s. [%s]. r [varname seconds]. ptx [name=[value]...]. dsf:[library] [name...]. LP [dir] [change]. pvV name [arg].... name [arg...]. [-n] [arg...]. [arg...]. a:[name]c [command [args...] ]. p [name[=value]...]. :a:[name] optstring name [args...]. [name [pathname] ]. [job...]. e:[editor]ltnrsN# [first] [last]. nlp [job...]. ln#[signum]s:[signame] job.... expr.... f:[format]enprsu:[filenum] [arg...]. format [arg...]. Ad:[delim]prsu#[filenum]t#[timeout]n#[nbytes] [name...]. +DircabefhkmnpstuvxCR:[file]o:?[option] [arg...]. +abefhkmnpstuvxCR:[file]o:?[option]A:[name] [arg...]. seconds. p [action condition...]. +AC:[name]E#?F#?HL#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]. HSacdfmnrstuv [limit]. S [mask]. [name]. fnv name.... a name.... [top] [base]. [dir] [list]. afpv name.... alarm -r %s +%.3g . alarm %s %.3f . prw [ name [ path [ value ] ] ... ]. must not change length of "nodename"!!!! aS:[nodename] . Debug trap. ERR trap. Exit. IOT trap. Sendable stop. Stack overflow. CPR thaw. Interrupt (terminal). All threads blocked. Sendable stop. pathname [suffix]. benstuv [file...] . fHLPR mode file .... ls file1 file2 [skip1] [skip2]. b:[blist]c:[clist]f:[flist]d:[delim]D:[delim]ns [file...]. pathname. n#[lines]c#[chars]s#[skip] [file ...]. pm:[mode] directory .... lw[cm] [file...]. %s: function has wrong number of arguments. Sleep time too long! unlimitedusersys