ISO8859-1B0@&Q@x !0 3A 6u  - +,-J:x+,+ )82b*.0.?-n A; Z!p"3#D$E%4D&&y'5(2)J *O T+3 ,8 -5 .E G/) 0. 1. 23 34 I46 ~5* 69 7M 8= h9D :( ;0 <# E=: i>" ?( @ A B'Unknown error. Internal error. Memory allocation error (errno = %d). Can't change signal handler for %s, sigvec failed (errno = %d). Invalid parameter. sigvec(%s) failed (errno = %d). Can't close the message catalog. %s '-%c': Invalid debug level %d: (0 <= level). %s '-%c': isns_srvs_print_list() failed (rc = %d). %s '-%c': Invalid target name value (0< lenght < 16). Target name required. Can't create the daemon socket (errno = %d). Can't bind the daemon socket (errno = %d). Can't close the daemon socket (errno = %d). Can't create the client socket (errno = %d). Can't create an unique UNIX socket name, mktemp() failed. Can't bind the client socket (errno = %d). Can't close the client socket (errno = %d). Can't create the iSNS socket (errno = %d). Can't bind the iSNS socket (errno = %d). Can't set the iSNS socket option %s (errno = %d). Can't close the iSNS socket (errno = %d). Can't unlink %s directory entry (errno = %d). select() failed (errno = %d). Can't process client request (error code = %d). Can't process iSNS request (error code = %d). Can't process SRC request (error code = %d). recvfrom() failed (errno = %d). recvfrom() received %d byte(s) differs from expected %d byte(s). sendto() failed (errno = %d). sendto() sent %d byte(s) differs from expected %d byte(s). Started as a Daemon. Daemon is stopping. Can't refresh iSNS registration (error code = %d). Can't open the file %s, open() failed (errno = %d). Can't continue. Probably one more instance of the daemon is running. Can't continue. Can't open/create the lock file %s. Can't continue. Initialisation error. Can't continue. Can't start as a Daemon, fork() failed (errno = %d). Can't configure the target %s, system(%s) failed. Can't get available Target list from ODM (get_avail_isns_tgtlist failed). Can't add the Target %s to the availble iSNS Target list (add_tgtinfo failed). Change the iSNS registration period from %u to %u. iSNS registration period: out of bounds (must be < %u). Can't get the iSNS registration period from file %s. Can't update the iSNS registration period, set_refreshPeriod failed. odm_initialize() failed (odmerrno = %d). Can't get CuDv object in ODM (odmerrno = %d). Can't get CuAt object in ODM (odmerrno = %d). iSNS library initialisation error. Can't continue. iSNS library initialisation error. Continue anyway. iSNS memory allocation error (isns_qry_alloc failed). Error while sending an iSNS Device Query. iSNS Device Query request failed (isns error code = %d). Can't receive HeartBeat message from socket (isns_store_received_hb failed). Can't parse HeartBeat message (isns_parse_heartbeat failed). Handle is not initialized, please call init_isnstgtd_info() before. Failed to send a message to the daemon. Failed to get a message from a daemon's client. Failed to get the daemon response. Failed to set the daemon refresh value (error code = %d). Failed to ask the daemon to stop. Send a response to the daemon's client. Received a STOP message. Received a REFRESH message. received an UNKNOWN message.