ISO8859-16CE+q"%  % %0 %V %| %%%%%:%`%%%%%%D%j%   !" #$54%%j&%'%(%)%*%(+%N,%t-%.%/%0% 1%22%X3%~4%5%6%Usage: ipsecstat [-c] System call ipsec_cntl() failed to get IPSec statistics, errno %d. System call ipsec_cntl() failed to clear IPSec statistics, errno %d. IPSec Statistics - Must be superuser for the c flag. IPSec is not yet started. Usage: ipsecstat [-c] [-d] [-A] [-E] Only one flag can be specified. Total incoming packets: %12d Incoming AH packets: %12d Incoming ESP packets: %12d Srcrte packets allowed: %12d Total outgoing packets: %12d Outgoing AH packets: %12d Outgoing ESP packets: %12d Total incoming packets dropped: %12d Filter denies on input: %12d AH did not compute: %12d ESP did not compute: %12d AH replay violation: %12d ESP replay violation: %12d Total outgoing packets dropped: %12d Filter denies on output: %12d Tunnel cache entries added: %12d Tunnel cache entries expired: %12d Tunnel cache entries deleted: %12d IPSec Devices: Defined Available Stopped Diagnose Not Found Authentication Algorithm: None Encryption Algorithm: Must be superuser or authorized user for the c flag. Total incoming packets: %12u Incoming AH packets: %12u Incoming ESP packets: %12u Srcrte packets allowed: %12u Total outgoing packets: %12u Outgoing AH packets: %12u Outgoing ESP packets: %12u Total incoming packets dropped: %12u Filter denies on input: %12u AH did not compute: %12u ESP did not compute: %12u AH replay violation: %12u ESP replay violation: %12u Total outgoing packets dropped: %12u Filter denies on output: %12u Tunnel cache entries added: %12u Tunnel cache entries expired: %12u Tunnel cache entries deleted: %12u