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Œ/š0*ª1Õ2@ñ3224/e5^•6éô7$Þ89,:I;,^<,‹=¸>!Í?%ï@%A!;B!]C D% E%ÆF%ìG%H!8I!ZJ|K‘L)¦M ÐN!ÞOPQ+RASVTlU,‚V¯WÃXàY,ýZ*[F\)b]!Œ^ ®_¸`Ça1àb+c>dENe<”fLÑgBh.ai$j#µkÙl)÷m'!n'Ioqp!‰q«rÇsãtCÿu Cv$dw.‰x.¸y/çz!{9|=Y}0—~/ÈKø€( D m‚ ƒƒ ¢„= µ…%ó†/&‡(&2ˆN&[‰E&ªŠ'&ð‹ë'ŒD.\/IŽR/¦Y/ùO0S‘S0£’I0÷“51A”+1w•<1£–1à—11ù˜2+™v9Iš2:À›,:óœ,; ";Mž&;pŸ;— +;´¡;ࢠ;é£;ö¤ <¥ <¦<§<%¨^<8© C—ªC¢«1CÀ¬PCò­<LC®2L€¯OL³°M±M²$M/³-MT´M‚µN¶N·N"¸ŽN2¹VÁº'VлVø¼/W½ WG¾ÓWh¿+Y<ÀYhÁFY‡Â!YÎYð'Z Z8†ZYUsage: iostat [-a] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-d] [-m] [-A] [-P] [-q | -Q] [-l] [Drives] [Interval [Count]] -a specifies adapter throughput report -s specifies system throughput report -t specifies tty/cpu report only -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only -m specifies statistics for paths -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associated AIO queue and request counts -l specifies the output in a 132 column width. The default is 80. -q or -Q can be specified only with -A -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified -t and -d cannot both be specified iostat: 0551-150 There is a sysconfig system error. iostat: 0551-151 There is a /dev/kmem system error. iostat: 0551-152 There is a knlist system error. iostat: 0551-153 Permission is denied. iostat: 0551-154 Disk %s is not found. iostat: 0551-155 system-wide statistics could not be retrieved iostat: 0551-156 cpu statistics could not be retrieved " Disk history since boot not available. " tin tout %% user %% sys %% idle %% iowaittty: avg-cpu:Disks: %% tm_act Kbps tps msps Kb_read Kb_wrtn%% tm_act Kbps tps System: Kbps tps Kb_read Kb_wrtn Physical LogicalAdapter: Kbps tps Kb_read Kb_wrtnODMDIR is not set Error : ODM could not be initialized. Error : ODM could not be terminated. Error : CFG_ODM_ACCESS. Error : Entry could not be made in the hash table. Paths: Paths/Disks: timeiostat: 0551-015 LPAR statistics could not be retrieved. iostat: PARTITION statistics could not be retrieved. iostat: 0551-022 CPU PURR statistics could not be retrieved. physc %% entcSystem configuration changed. The current iteration values may be inaccurate. System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2f System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d ent=%.2f System configuration: lcpu=%d aio: avgc avfc maxg maxf maxravgc avfc maxg maxf maxr avg-cpu: %%user %%sys %%idle %%iow %% user %% sys %% idle %% iowait physc %%entc physc %% entcQueue# Count Filesystems Cannot get mount table infoiostat: 0551-157 Asynchronous I/O not configured on the system. iostat: 0551-118 The interval value is not valid. iostat: 0551-119 The count value is not valid. Disk history flag turned off. The current iteration disk utilization values may be inaccurate Usage: iostat [-a] [-l] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-z] [{-A [-P] [-q | Q]} | {-d | -D [-R]}] [-m] [Drives] [Interval [Count]] -a specifies adapter throughput report -s specifies system throughput report -t specifies tty/cpu report only, turns off drive report -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report -D specifies extended drive report only -m specifies statistics for paths -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associated AIO queue and request counts -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning -q or -Q can be specified only with -A -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified -t and -d can both be specified only with -s or -a -t and -D cannot both be specified -d and -D cannot both be specified -m and -t cannot both be specified -R can be specified only with -D -z Resets disk metrics. Only root user can use this option xfer: %%tm_act bps tps bread bwrtn read: rps avgserv minserv maxserv timeouts failswrite: wps avgserv minserv maxserv wait: avgtime mintime maxtime avgqsz qfull xfers read write wait %%tm bps tps bread bwrtn act rps avg min max time fail serv serv serv outs wps avg min max time fail serv serv serv outs avg min max avg qfull time time time qsz Vadapter: Vtargets/Disks: tps bread bwrtn partition-id xfer: tps bread bwrtn xfers read write tps bread bwrtn avg min max serv serv serv xfer: bps tps bread bwrtnAdapter: xfers bps tps bread bwrtn xfer: Kbps tps bkread bkwrtn xfers Kbps tps bkread bkwrtn Kbps tps bkread bkwrtn %% user %% sys %% idle %% iowait avg-cpu: physc %% entcavgc avfc maxg maxf maxravgc avfc maxg maxf maxr %% user %% sys %% idle %% iowait physc %% entcSystem configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2f paths=%u vdisks=%lu System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d paths=%u vdisks=%lu System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2lf paths=%u vdisks=%lu fs=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d paths=%u vdisks=%lu fs=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d ent=%.2lf fs=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d fs=%d queue: avgtime mintime maxtime avgwqsz avgsqsz sqfull queue avg min max avg avg serv time time time wqsz sqsz qfull read write rps avg min max wps avg min max serv serv serviostat : The output is applicable only to the Global Environment. iostat: option is not allowed. iostat: failed. wparname required. iostat: Option %s cannot be combined with %s. iostat: Workload Partition %s is not found. iostat: Unable to query Workload Partition %s. iostat: Unable to get WPAR Info. iostat: WPAR %s is not active. iostat: Could not switch to workload partition environment. iostat: Unable to configure Filesystem metrics. iostat: Unable to retrieve Filesystem metrics. iostat: Unable to reset Filesystem metrics, the values can be inaccurate . iostat: Filesystem " %s " is not found. FS Name: %% tm_act Kbps tps Kb_read Kb_wrtnUsage: iostat [-a] [-l] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-z] [{-A [-P] [-q | -Q]} | {-d | -p [-D] [-R]}] [-m] [Drives] [Interval [Count]] -a specifies adapter throughput report -s specifies system throughput report -t specifies tty/cpu report only, turns off drive report -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report -p specifies tape report only, turns off tty/cpu report -D specifies extended drive report only -m specifies statistics for paths -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associated AIO queue and request counts -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning -q or -Q can be specified only with -A -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified -t and -d can both be specified only with -s or -a -t and -D cannot both be specified -m and -p cannot both be specified -m and -t cannot both be specified -R can be specified only with -D -z Resets disk/tape metrics. Only root or authorized user can use this option Tapes: iostat: 0551-158 No tapes found in the system. iostat: 0551-159 Tape %s is not found. System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2f paths=%u vdisks=%lu tapes=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d paths=%u vdisks=%lu tapes=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d tapes=%d Usage: iostat [-a] [-l] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-z] [{-A [-P] [-q|-Q]} | {[-d | -p] -D [-R]}[-m]] [{-f | -F} [FileSystems,...] ] [-@ WPAR Name|ALL] [Drives...] [Interval] [Count] -a specifies adapter throughput report -s specifies system throughput report -t specifies tty/cpu report only, turns off drive report -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report -D specifies extended drive report only -m reports Path statistics -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associatad AIO queue and request counts -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning -q or -Q can be specified only with -A or -P -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified -t and -d together turn off both disks and tty/cpu statistics, allowed only with -a or -s -t and -d can not be specified together (except with -s or -a) -t and -D cannot both be specified (except with -s or -a) -m and -t cannot both be specified -p and -d cannot be specified together (except with -a or -s ) -f or -F and -a cannot be specified together -f or -F and -D cannot be specified together -f or -F can be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q is specified -R can be specified only with -D -z Resets disk/tape metrics. Only root or authorized user can use this option -@ can be specified with -f or -F or both. Only possible combinations of -s, -T, -f, -F and -l are allowed Usage: iostat [-s] [-T] [-l] [-f|-F [FileSystems]] [Interval [Count]] -s specifies system throughput report -T specifies time stamp -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2lf paths=%u vdisks=%lu tapes=%d maxserver=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d paths=%u vdisks=%lu tapes=%d maxserver=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2lf paths=%u vdisks=%lu fs=%d maxserver=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d paths=%u vdisks=%lu fs=%d maxserver=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2lf paths=%u vdisks=%lu maxserver=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d paths=%u vdisks=%lu maxserver=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d ent=%.2lf maxserver=%d System configuration: lcpu=%d maxserver=%d iostat: 0551-160 Error fetching Asynchronous I/O parameter. avgc avfc maxg maif servavgc avfc maxg maxf serv Usage: iostat [-a] [-l] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-V] [-z] [{-A [-P] [-q|-Q]} | {[-d | -p] -D [-R]}[-m]] [{-f | -F} [FileSystems,...] ] [-@ WPAR Name|ALL] [Drives...] [Interval] [Count] -a specifies adapter throughput report -s specifies system throughput report -t specifies tty/cpu report only, turns off drive report -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report -D specifies extended drive report only -m reports Path statistics -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associatad AIO queue and request counts -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning -V reports only active non zero statistics -q or -Q can be specified only with -A or -P -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified -t and -d together turn off both disks and tty/cpu statistics, allowed only with -a or -s -t and -d can not be specified together (except with -s or -a) -t and -D cannot both be specified (except with -s or -a) -m and -t cannot both be specified -p and -d cannot be specified together (except with -a or -s ) -f or -F and -a cannot be specified together -f or -F and -D cannot be specified together -f or -F can be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q is specified -R can be specified only with -D -z Resets disk/tape metrics. Only root or authorized user can use this option -@ can be specified with -f or -F or both. Only possible combinations of -s, -T, -f, -F and -l are allowed Usage: iostat [-s] [-T] [-l] [-V] [-f|-F [FileSystems]] [Interval [Count]] -s specifies system throughput report -T specifies time stamp -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. -V reports only active non zero statistics -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning System configuration: %slcpu=%d %sent=%.2lf fs=%d System configuration: %slcpu=%d %sent=%.2lf %s configuration: %slcpu=%d ent=%.2lf fs=%d %s configuration: %slcpu=%d fs=%d %s configuration: %slcpu=%d ent=%.2lf %s configuration: %slcpu=%d iostat: Unable to retrieve SMT statistics. lcpu=%d cpulim=%.2f rset=Exclusive rset=Regular ent=%.2f fs=%d %s configuration: Usage: iostat [-a] [-l] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-V] [-z] [{-A [-P] [-q|-Q]} |> {[-d | -p] -D [-R]}[-m]] [{-f | -F} [FileSystems,...] ] [-@ WPAR Name|ALL] > [Drives...] [-S power] [Interval] [Count] > -a specifies adapter throughput report > -s specifies system throughput report > -t specifies tty/cpu report only, turns off drive report > -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report > -D specifies extended drive report only > -m reports Path statistics > -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O > -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls > -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associatad AIO queue and request counts > -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. > -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning > -V reports only active non zero statistics > -q or -Q can be specified only with -A or -P > -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified > -t and -d together turn off both disks and tty/cpu statistics, allowed only with -a or -s > -t and -d can not be specified together (except with -s or -a) > -t and -D cannot both be specified (except with -s or -a) > -m and -t cannot both be specified > -p and -d cannot be specified together (except with -a or -s ) > -f or -F and -a cannot be specified together > -f or -F and -D cannot be specified together > -f or -F can be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q is specified > -R can be specified only with -D > -z Resets disk/tape metrics. Only root or authorized user can use this option > -@ can be specified with -f or -F or both. Only possible combinations of -s, -T, -f, -F and -l are allowed drives=%d avgc avfc maxgc maxfc maxreqsavgc avfc maxgc maxfc maxreqs Usage: iostat [-a] [-l] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-V] [-z] [{-A [-P] [-q|-Q]} |> {[-d | -p] -D [-R]}[-m]] [{-f | -F} [FileSystems,...] ] [-X [ -o filename ]][-@ WPAR Name|ALL] > [Drives...] [-S power] [Interval] [Count] iostat -b [Block Device1 [Block Device2 [...]]] Interval [Count] > -a specifies adapter throughput report > -b specifies block device utilisation report > -s specifies system throughput report > -t specifies tty/cpu report only, turns off drive report > -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report > -D specifies extended drive report only > -m reports Path statistics > -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O > -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls > -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associatad AIO queue and request counts > -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. > -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning > -V reports only active non zero statistics > -q or -Q can be specified only with -A or -P > -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified > -t and -d together turn off both disks and tty/cpu statistics, allowed only with -a or -s > -t and -d can not be specified together (except with -s or -a) > -t and -D cannot both be specified (except with -s or -a) > -m and -t cannot both be specified > -p and -d cannot be specified together (except with -a or -s ) > -f or -F and -a cannot be specified together > -f or -F and -D cannot be specified together > -f or -F can be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q is specified > -R can be specified only with -D > -z Resets disk/tape metrics. Only root or authorized user can use this option > -X Generates xml report > -o filename specifies the filename to be used for xml report > -@ can be specified with -f or -F or both. Only possible combinations of -s, -T, -d, -D, -f, -F and -l are allowed System configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d ent=%.2lf vdisks=%luSystem configuration: lcpu=%d drives=%d vdisks=%ludevice reads writes bread bwrite rserv wserv rerr werr Block Devices :%uDevice %s doesnot exist Interval is required with -b option Interval cannot be less than 2 for -b option iostat: Block IO stats collection has been turned off. root user can turn it on with raso tunable command 'raso -o biostat=1' Disks: Tapes: Paths: Usage: iostat [-a] [-l] [-s] [-t] [-T] [-V] [-z] [{-A [-P] [-q|-Q]} |> {[-d | -p] -D [-R]}[-m]] [{-f | -F} [FileSystems,...] ] [-O Options] [-@ WPAR Name|ALL] [-X [ -o filename ]] [Drives...] [-S power] [Interval] [Count] > iostat -b [Block Device1 [Block Device2 [...]]] Interval [Count] -a specifies adapter throughput report > -b specifies block device utilisation report > -s specifies system throughput report > -t specifies tty/cpu report only, turns off drive report > -T specifies time stamp > -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report > -D specifies extended drive report only > -m reports Path statistics > -A specifies statistics for CPU and asynchronous I/O > -P same as -A option, but the data is obtained using POSIX AIO calls > -q specifies AIO queues and their request counts > -Q specifies mounted filesystems and their associatad AIO queue and request counts > -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. > -R specifies reset of min and max values at each interval. The default is reset only once at beginning > -V reports only active non zero statistics > -q or -Q can be specified only with -A or -P > -a and -s can also be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q are specified > -t and -d together turn off both disks and tty/cpu statistics, allowed only with -a or -s > -t and -d can not be specified together (except with -s or -a) > -t and -D cannot both be specified (except with -s or -a) > -m and -t cannot both be specified > -p and -d cannot be specified together (except with -a or -s ) > -f or -F and -a cannot be specified together > -f or -F and -D cannot be specified together > -f or -F can be specified with -A, but not when -q or -Q is specified > -R can be specified only with -D > -z Resets disk metrics. Only root or authorized user can use this option > -X generates XML report > -o filename specifies the filename to write xml report to > -O [ option=value, ... ] > fullname=[on|off] > ellipsis=[on|off] > -@ can be specified with -f or -F or both. Only possible combinations of -s, -T, -d, -D, -f, -F and -l are allowed Full_Nameiostat: -O unknown command line option iostat: -O requires an option iostat: Bad -O option syntax (an = is missing) iostat: Bad -O option parameter Usage: iostat [-s] [-T] [-l] [-V] [-d] [-D] [-@] [-f|-F [FileSystems]] [-O Options] [Drives] [-S power] [Interval [Count]] -s specifies system throughput report -T specifies time stamp -d specifies drive report only, turns off tty/cpu report -D specifies extended drive report only -l specifies the output in long listing mode. The default is 80 column width. -V reports only active non zero statistics -@ Specifies the System WPAR CPU utilization Can not allocate memory for xml file name iostat: invalid Scaling value No other option except -o can be combined with -X option. Exiting.... Can not open xmlfile.. Exiting.. Enter WPAR Name to be MonitoredShow File System Utilization StatisticsEnter Specific FS to be ReportedTo display the statistics of a single WPAR, select the WPAR name. To display the statistics of all the active WPARs, select ALL option