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FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-013 %3$s: Not a valid HB_SOCKET port number: expecting %4$d - %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-014 My node number is not defined. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-015 Do not know how to broadcast [%3$s] messages. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-016 Unable to send message, remote socket is not ready for writing. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-017 Received a [%3$s] message for an unknown address %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-018 Could not obtain HB_SHARED_MEM_KEY%3$d. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-019 Could not obtain HB_SHARED_SEM_KEY. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-020 Could not create shared memory segment %3$d. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-021 Could not attach shared memory segment %3$d. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-022 Could not create semaphore. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-023 Could not initialize semaphore. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-024 %3$s: Not a valid HB_SHARED_MEM_KEY number: expecting %4$d - %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-025 %3$s: Not a valid HB_SHARED_SEM_KEY number: expecting %4$d - %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-026 Could not open Local Socket. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-027 %3$s: setsockopt on %4$s Socket failed. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-028 Could not bind Local Socket = %3$d to %4$s. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-029 Unable to send message on Remote Socket, message too long. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-030 Client message from pid=(%3$d) on an unregistered socket, message ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-031 Incomplete client message sent, %3$d out of %4$d bytes sent. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-033 Unable to send Client message, the message pointer is not valid. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-034 Function listen() failed. Errno = %3$d. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-035 Listening Socket Error ID = %3$d, not recognized. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-036 Error Accepting Client Connection, errno=%3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-037 Error sending data to pid=%3$d, rc = %4$d, errno = %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-038 Error receiving data from pid=%3$d, rc = %4$d, errno = %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-039 Could not open Remote Socket. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-040 %3$s: getsockopt on %4$s Socket failed. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-041 Could not bind Remote Socket to address = %3$d, port = %4$d. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-042 Getsockname on Remote Socket failed. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-043 Unmatching From ID. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-044 Received %3$d bytes from %4$s with unmatching from ID. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-045 Bad Socket Descriptor. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-046 Internal Data Error. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-047 Caught Signal. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-048 Select data value not valid. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-049 Select data pointer not valid. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-050 Unexpected error from select. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-051 Could not open machine file "%3$s". FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-054 Node number invalid: %3$s. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-055 Node number duplicated: %3$s. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-056 Gethostbyname %3$s Failed, errno = %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-057 IP address duplicated: node %3$d address %4$s. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-058 Ignoring Adapter %3$s at offset %4$d on node %5$d. FFDC id [%6$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-059 Network %3$s exceeds limit of %4$d networks, will be ignored. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-060 Configuration error - no nodes defined. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-061 Refresh: deleted myself! %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-062 %3$s: ioctl failed. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-063 Node is not in my group, ignoring Node Connectivity message! %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-064 Node number for %3$s is not valid, ignoring message! %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-065 NCT unable to compute node reachability! %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-066 Node number of %3$s in my group not found. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-067 Adapter(%3$s) at offset %4$d not found. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-068 Node number %3$d is not valid. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-069 No members in current group. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-070 My adapter not in current group. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-071 Adapter %3$s is already in the current group. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-072 Missing adapter not found in my group %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-073 My node number is not defined. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-074 Adapter offset %3$d is not valid. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-075 Old subscription entry %3$d still exists. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-076 Unknown subscription type. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-077 Cannot send Hb_No_Event to clients. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-078 Cannot send Hb_All_Events to clients. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-079 Cannot send Unknown event to clients. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-080 Cannot delete a NULL entry. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-081 Cannot delete entry from an empty list. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-082 ACK retry count exhausted, no ACK sent. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-083 Leader died and originator is not the crown prince %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-084 From Id = %3$s From Group Id = %4$s %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-085 Crown Prince Id = %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-086 PTC NAK ignored, I am not the group leader. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-087 PTC NAK ignored, I am not committing. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-088 PTC NAK ignored, no longer in PTC mode. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-089 PTC ACK ignored, I am not the group leader. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-090 PTC ACK ignored, I am not committing. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-091 PTC ACK ignored, no longer in PTC mode. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-092 JOIN request rejected, I am not the group leader. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-093 JOIN request rejected, I am currently busy. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-094 DEATH_IN_FAMILY ignored, not from a group member %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-095 DEATH_IN_FAMILY ignored, I am not the group leader. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-096 DISSOLVE GROUP ignored, not from a group member %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-097 JOIN time has expired. PROCLAIM message was sent by %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-098 PTC ACK time has expired, committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-099 COMMIT BROADCAST ACK time has expired, ACKS missing. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-100 COMMIT ACK time has expired, not everyone ACKed. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-101 PTC ACK retry count exhausted. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-102 COMMIT time has expired, re-initializing. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-103 Received an unknown message type, message = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-104 Malloc failed, size = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-105 Group Connectivity Message from outside the configuration, ID=%3$s, ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-106 Network for Subscription[%3$s] Not Found. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-107 DEATH_IN_FAMILY ignored, for my local adapter %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-110 Unexplainable data encountered while processing a %3$s packet; data corruption is likely. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-111 Sending data to pid=%3$d would block, complete message not sent %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-112 Sending data to pid=%3$d interrupted and not restarted. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-113 Sending data to pid=%3$d caused an IO ERROR. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-114 Receiving data from pid=%3$d would block, complete message not received %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-115 Receiving data from pid=%3$d interrupted and not restarted. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-116 Sending data to pid=%3$d caused an IO ERROR. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-117 Client Socket Error ID = %3$d, not recognized. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-118 ::sendto would block %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-119 ::recvfrom would block %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-120 ::recvfrom failure %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-121 Late in sending Heartbeat by %3$d.%4$06ld seconds. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-122 %3$s, Not a valid value for TS_Frequency; positive integer expected. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-123 %3$s, Not a valid value for TS_Sensitivity; positive integer expected. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-124 "%3$s" does not specify a valid value for TS_FixedPriority. Valid values are between %4$d and %5$d. Default fixed priority %4$d used. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-125 %3$s, Not a valid value for TS_LogLength; positive integer expected. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-126 Unable to read CSSK key file: error code %3$d %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-127 Unable to retrieve a key value from CSSK file %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-128 Unable to unmarshall key: error code %3$d .%1$s[%2$d]: 2523-129 Unable to sign message: error code %3$d .%1$s[%2$d]: 2523-130 %3$s, Not a valid value for TS_PingGracePeriodMilliSec; %4$d (default) or positive integer expected. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-145 Unable to lock queue. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-146 Unable to unlock queue. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-147 Unable to increment count of items of queue. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-148 Unable to decrease count of items of queue. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-149 Unable to initialize thread attributes. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-150 Unable to create the send thread for adapter. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-151 Unable to create the receive thread for adapter. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-152 Incorrect machines list file, Instance Number header not found. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-153 Incorrect machines list file, configuration ID header not found. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-154 Incorrect machines list file, new ID=%3$lu current ID=%4$lu. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-155 Refresh dispatcher process pid %3$d has not finished. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-156 Error %3$d in waitpid() system call. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-157 Refresh dispatcher process terminated with signal %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-200 Function not implemented yet. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-201 TMIOSTAT ioctl failed %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-202 SCSI Adapter Error. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-203 General error in SCSI Card Status. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-204 Failed to obtain SCSI device sense. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-205 Sleeping too long without getting data. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-206 Connection lost. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-207 Failed to open serial port on %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-208 Could not get the flags - fcntl error %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-209 fcntl failure - could not set to non blocking and no delay. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-210 Terminal device not OK. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-211 Failed to set attributes for device. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-212 Could not add rts to stream stack. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-213 Failed to flush input and output. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-214 No data read from device %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-215 SCSI port %3$s open failed. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-216 Trying to send to a device not opened. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-217 No elements in the queue. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-218 Packet size < 0. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-219 Did not write all the bytes. Packet size = %3$d, Bytes sent=%4$d, device %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-220 Did not write all the bytes. Packet type = %3$s, device %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-221 Packet size too long!!. Packet size = %3$d %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-222 Packet check sum incorrect, device %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-223 Errno %3$d when writing packet on %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-224 Received an Grace request from %3$s with incorrect or missing data: %4$X %5$X %6$X %7$X %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-225 Cannot find network offset in ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message. GID %3$s, address 0x%4$x. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-226 Cannot force boot-to-service transition for %3$s. Service address %4$s is being used in offset %5$d, boot address %6$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-227 Cannot find adapter number for address %3$s when trying to force a boot-to-service transition. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-228 Address %3$s is already in use when trying to force a boot-to-service transition for address %4$s. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-229 Cannot find service address for %3$s when trying to force a boot-to-service transition. FFDC id [%4$s] %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-230 Interface name for %3$s missing in machines.lst file. Discarding adapter. FFDC id [%4$s] %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-231 Invalid slide of adapter %3$s node %4$d into network %5$s: migration-refresh. FFDC id [%6$s] %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-233 Received a %3$s message from %4$s that can not be authenticated. Message was late by %5$d seconds. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-238 During the past %3$d seconds, daemon has received %4$d messages that can not be authenticated. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-239 Hats script on CWS could not determine the security state. Daemon exiting. FFDC id [%3$s] %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-240 Time-to-Live expired for Daemon Routing message. Port %3$d, first destination %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-241 No route to send Daemon Routing message to node %3$d (port %4$d). %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-242 Low priority queue is full. Discarding packet %3$s, device %4$s (total %5$d dropped). %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-243 Cannot find adapter offset to send Daemon Routing message. Destination: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-244 Invalid number of destination nodes in Daemon Routing message: %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-245 Invalid node number in Daemon Routing message: %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-246 Invalid size of PRM message in Daemon Routing message: %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-250 Duplicated network name in machines.lst: %3$s. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-251 Internal error: %3$s, %4$d. Value 1: %5$d. Value 2: %6$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-252 Topology Services is using almost all CPU cycles available (%3$d msec of CPU in the last %4$d msec): exiting. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-253 Main thread has not made progress for %3$d seconds (number of major page faults in the last %4$d msec: %5$d): exiting. FFDC id [%6$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-254 Name missing for interface with address %3$s. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-255 Unable to open a pipe to command %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-256 All NIMs have died, so the Topology Services daemon must exit. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-257 Illegal alias detected on interface %3$s (Base address = %4$s; Alias = %5$s): Topology Services must exit. FFDC id [%6$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-260 Incorrect or missing address for %3$s. Address: %4$s. Boot-time address: %5$s. FFDC id [%6$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-261 Interface name missing in machines.lst for %3$s. Interface name assigned: %4$s. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-262 Internal Force Down error. Address: %3$s. File: %4$s. Line %5$d. Version %6$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-263 Error in parsing a line in machines.lst file: %3$s. %1$s: 2523-264 Duplicated keyword in machines.lst file: %2$s. %1$s: 2523-265 Cannot open %2$s file. Memory locking functions may notwork properly without access to %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-270 NIM (%3$s) process pid %4$d terminated. Signal number: %5$d. Exit value (if not signal): %6$d. FFDC id [%7$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-271 Error in netmon library. Errno: %3$d. Error code: %4$d. Function name: %5$s. Interface name: %6$s. FFDC id [%7$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-272 Error preparing packet for NIM process. Status: %3$d. Errno: %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-273 Error sending message to NIM process. Status: %3$d. Errno: %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-274 Unexpected response from NIM (%3$s). Message %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-275 Failed to open NIM (%3$s). Reason: %4$s - %5$s. %6$d, %7$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-276 NIM (%3$s) process PID %4$d taking too long to terminate. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-277 NIM (%3$s) error code %4$d. Error string: %5$s. Values %6$d, %7$d. FFDC id [%8$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-278 NIM (%3$s) sent unexpected messages. Status %4$d. Message type %5$d. Number of messages: %6$d. Message version %7$d. FFDC id [%8$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-279 Inconsistent broadcast address. %3$s: Address %4$s. Computed broadcast address %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-280 Unexpected adapter response from NIM: Address: %3$s: Interface: %4$s. Response: %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-281 Critical client failure. Client %3$s. Failure Code: %4$s. Action: %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-282 Daemon not started by the SRC subsystem: exiting. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-283 Cannot retrieve list of network interfaces: Error in cu_ifs_getaddrs(): return code: %3$d system error: %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-284 Unable to parse network adapter line in machines.lst file: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-285 Interface or device name too long in machines.lst file: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-286 Incorrect subnet prefix in machines.lst file: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-287 Network [%3$s] has mixed address types. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-300 Refresh operation failed because of errors in machines.lst file. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-301 Call to dead_man_sw in kernel extension failed, return code = %3$d, errno = %4$d %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-302 Failed to arm Dead Man Switch. Return code: %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-303 Failed to deactivate Dead Man Switch. Return code: %3$d, errno: %4$d. %1$s: 2523-380 ** Approximately %2$d write attempts failed on file %3$s previously. 2523.1.1456670%1$s[%2$d]: Received a PTC request from %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a PTC NAK response from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a PTC ACK response from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT request from %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT NAK response from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT ACK response from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT BROADCAST request from %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT BROADCAST NAK response from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT BROADCAST ACK response from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a JOIN request from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a DEATH IN FAMILY message from %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a BAD MESSAGE message from %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a Group Proclaim from %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: This is a Duplicate PTC NAK request. %1$s[%2$d]: This is a Duplicate PTC ACK request. %1$s[%2$d]: This is a Duplicate COMMIT NAK response. %1$s[%2$d]: This is a Duplicate COMMIT ACK response. %1$s[%2$d]: This is a Duplicate COMMIT BROADCAST NAK response. %1$s[%2$d]: This is a Duplicate COMMIT BROADCAST ACK response. %1$s[%2$d]: PTC NAK response is from outside the committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: PTC ACK response is from outside the committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: COMMIT NAK response is from outside the committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: COMMIT ACK response is from outside the committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: COMMIT BROADCAST NAK from outside the committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: COMMIT BROADCAST ACK from outside the committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending a COMMIT ACK response to %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending a COMMIT BROADCAST ACK response to %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received the final COMMIT response. %1$s[%2$d]: Received the final COMMIT BROADCAST response. %1$s[%2$d]: COMMIT response is not for this group or we are not accepting responses, message ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: COMMIT BROADCAST response is not for this group or we are not accepting responses, message ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a PTC from myself, ignoring. %1$s[%2$d]: PTC_ACK retry in response to PTC Message. %1$s[%2$d]: Sent PTC_ACK to %3$s, Total ACKs sent = %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: PTC message for %3$s in group %4$s, ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: My ID = %3$s My group ID = %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: PTC message not from group of higher priority, from %3$s in group %4$s, ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: The Committing Group Status is Hb_Group_%3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Upstream=%3$s ME=%4$s Downstream=%5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Committed New Group, Leader=%3$s CP=%4$s ME=%5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Setting T-unstable timer; trying to become STABLE. %1$s[%2$d]: Deleting group %3$s from the NCT. %1$s[%2$d]: Received an unexpected COMMIT, not a committing client or leader. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT from Wrong Leader, from %3$s waiting on %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Broadcasting COMMIT message on my subnet to: %1$s[%2$d]: Sending COMMIT message on my subnet to: %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: Broadcast address = %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: This is the first JOIN request! %1$s[%2$d]: This is a batched JOIN request! %1$s[%2$d]: Base group: %1$s[%2$d]: Other group: %1$s[%2$d]: Merged group: %1$s[%2$d]: Leader died, assuming the responsibilities of the Leader. %1$s[%2$d]: JOIN request was rejected. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter type is css0. %1$s[%2$d]: Tcss_down is currently disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Switch Adapter on this node is in the NODE NOT READY state. %1$s[%2$d]: Switch Adapter on this node is in the UP ON SWITCH state. %1$s[%2$d]: Css adapter is at fibrillate, start 2 minute grace period. %1$s[%2$d]: Missed Heartbeat ignored during grace period. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter grace period has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Notifying leader %3$s of death. FFDC id [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: Canceling the switch grace period 2 minute timer. %1$s[%2$d]: Received heartbeat, canceling grace period timer. %1$s[%2$d]: No One to heartbeat. %1$s[%2$d]: Missed heartbeat!!! %1$s[%2$d]: Missed Heartbeats = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Broadcasting DISSOLVE GROUP message to group. %1$s[%2$d]: At Fibrillate. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$s is dead. %1$s[%2$d]: Leader %3$s died, notifying crown prince %4$s. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: Re-sending PTC ACK to %3$s%4$s, Total ACKs sent = %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Group becoming Stable. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Group PROCLAIM messages. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Node Connectivity Message to my leader. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Group Connectivity Message to the entire membership. %1$s[%2$d]: Computing Node Reachability. %1$s[%2$d]: My New Group ID = %3$s and is %4$s. My Leader is %5$s. My Crown Prince is %6$s. My upstream neighbor is %7$s. My downstream neighbor is %8$s. I am %9$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$d is %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a [%3$s] Monitor Message. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a [%3$s] Daemon Message. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s environment variable undefined. %1$s[%2$d]: System Configuration File: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter[%3$d] Name = %4$s, Address = %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: gethostbyname %3$s TRY AGAIN(%4$d). %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d adapter %4$d Interface %5$s Address %6$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$d on nodes: (node number, current interface name, adapter address) %1$s[%2$d]: Name Broadcast? alias address subnet mask %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s %4$s %5$s %6$s %7$s %1$s[%2$d]: Type: %3$s Address: %4$s, %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Nodes defined = %3$d, Nodes in group = %4$d Group status = %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending JOIN request to %3$s%4$s in group %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending HEARTBEAT Message. %1$s[%2$d]: Using socket Port number = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Using server socket = %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Maximum number of nodes is %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: packet size = %3$d, packet header size = %4$d, packet message size = %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: The background flag = %3$d %1$s[%2$d]: All closed...., Exiting with Return Code %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$d not enabled to send/receive. %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d Adapter %4$d is in group %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d Adapter %4$d Group is Unstable. %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d Adapter %4$d is Disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a GROUP CONNECTIVITY message(%3$d) from node %4$s in group %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$d is in group %4$s on the following nodes. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$d is Disabled on the following nodes. %1$d (%1$d) %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d joined! %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d died! %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d is in the New Group. %1$d %2$s%1$s[%2$d]: %3$s - Elapsed time = (%4$d.%5$06ld). %1$s[%2$d]: My Adapter at offset %3$d not configured. %1$s[%2$d]: My Adapter at offset %3$d not configured or disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: My Adapter at offset %3$d configured but disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Remote socket send buffer size = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Remote socket receive buffer size = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Listening socket send buffer size = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Client socket send buffer size = %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Remote socket sendto() call failed. %1$s[%2$d]: Configuration line too long: |%3$s|. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter address = %3$s, Subnet mask = %4$s, number of mask-bits = %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Heartbeat send interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Heartbeat receive interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Unstable interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Join interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Batch Join interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Prepare to commit ACK interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Commit Broadcast ACK interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Commit ACK interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Commit interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Membership Group Proclaim interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Node Connectivity interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Group Connectivity interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Node Reachability interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Group Connectivity Entry, Adapter Index = %3$d, Group Id = %4$s bitmap = %1$02lx %1$s[%2$d]: The Current Adapter on Node %3$d is in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a %3$s request from client %4$s with PID = %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Unknown Monitor message, Request ID = %3$d from client %4$s with PID = %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter has been successfully enabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter Enable has Failed. %1$s[%2$d]: Attempted to enable an already enabled adapter. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter has been successfully disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Attempted to disable an already disabled adapter. %1$s[%2$d]: Subscription name [%3$s], type [%4$s] for event [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: New Interest entry created at 0x%3$p. %1$s[%2$d]: Route was found, first address = 0x%3$p. %1$s[%2$d]: Route was not found. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter has been configured down to Topology Services. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter has already been configured down to Topology Services. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter has been configured up to Topology Services. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter has already been configured up to Topology Services. %1$s[%2$d]: Currently there are no client subscriptions. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Configuration Update Notification Packet for [%3$s] subscription. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending adapter [%3$s] notifications. %1$s[%2$d]: Building Adapter Notification Packet for [%3$s] subscription. %1$s[%2$d]: Building Configuration Notification Packet for [%3$s] subscription. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$d has interest 0x%4$p. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending node [%3$s] notifications. %1$s[%2$d]: Building Adapter Notification Packet for [%3$s] subscription. %1$s[%2$d]: Node %3$d has interest 0x%4$p. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Notification packet for [%3$s] subscription. %1$s[%2$d]: Received the final PTC response, committing group. %1$s[%2$d]: Received no heartbeat during Grace period, disabling adapter. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending PTC to new membership: %1$s[%2$d]: Re-sending PTC to non-responding members in new membership: %1$s[%2$d]: This PTC is for myself, marking myself as ACKed. %1$s[%2$d]: PTC's sent = %3$d, PTC's received = %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$3ld) %4$s ACKed - adding. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$3ld) %4$s NAKed - removing. %1$s[%2$d]: Deleting Current Group, %3$s, from the NCT. %1$s[%2$d]: Re-sending Commit to non-responding members in new membership: %1$s[%2$d]: Received no response to my Commit Broadcast Message from the following: %1$s[%2$d]: Re-sending Commit Broadcast Message, picking new Mayors if possible: %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s = MAXTIME. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s = (%4$d.%5$06ld) seconds. %1$s[%2$d]: SERVER_SOCK_FNAME = %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: HB_SHARED_MEM_KEY%3$s = 0x%4$x. %1$s[%2$d]: HB_SHARED_SEM_KEY = 0x%3$x. %1$s[%2$d]: Usage: %3$s [-aN] [-b] [-BN] [-cN] [-d] [-DN] [-EN] [-hN] [-i] [-mN] [-MN] [-pN] [-PN] [-rN] [-sN] [-tN] [-u] where: -b: run the server in the background -B: adapter number to disable broadcasting for -d enable debug messages -i enable informational messages -u: unlink machines list file after reading it where N represents an integer specifying: -a: group activation interval in seconds -c: modulus of proclaim cycle -D: adapter number to be disabled -E: adapter number to be enabled -h: heartbeat interval in seconds -n: node number -p: proclaim interval in seconds -r: .1 secs max randomize wait_time -s: send delay between broadcast elements in milliseconds -t: number of missed heartbeats tolerated %1$s[%2$d]: Received a DISSOLVE_GROUP message from %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: DISSOLVE_GROUP message from a group member, Dissolving!!! %1$s[%2$d]: POLL_SW_STAT ioctl failed, returning NODE_NOT_RDY. %1$s[%2$d]: Css adapter returned to service, enabling adapter. %1$s[%2$d]: Css adapter not ready, disabling adapter. %1$s[%2$d]: Re-initializing................... %1$s[%2$d]: Dead Adapters = %3$d: %4$s %1$s[%2$d]: Joining Adapters = %3$d: %4$s %1$s[%2$d]: %3$d adapter(s) in the %4$s subnet Proclaim bitmap = %5$s %1$s[%2$d]: Fibrillate Count = %3$d %1$s[%2$d]: Netmon program returned. Local adapter is UP %1$s[%2$d]: Netmon program returned. Local adapter is DOWN %1$s[%2$d]: Cannot execute netmon program %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter group unstable for too long: cleaning its NCT entries %1$s[%2$d]: GROUP_CONNECTIVITY message %3$s seq no %4$d seen %5$d times %1$s[%2$d]: netmonAdapterHealth program has not exited yet %1$s[%2$d]: netmonAdapterHealth returned with error code %3$d %1$s[%2$d]: Received a %3$s message from %4$s with a different Instance number: ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a %3$s message from %4$s in group %5$s with a different Config ID, message ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: Configuration Instance: Current = %3$d Message = %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Dispatching a request to obtain the latest Configuration and refresh it. %1$s[%2$d]: AMG id %3$s for node %4$d offset %5$d already seen: ignoring duplicate value. %1$s[%2$d]: Accepted Client Connection on Socket FD=%3$d %1$s[%2$d]: Client on Socket File Descriptor %3$d is %4$s with PID %5$d %1$s[%2$d]: Connection Closed to Client %3$s with PID=%4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapters at offsets %3$d and %4$d at the same subnet: disabling pings %1$s[%2$d]: Incoming message's destination matches different offsets (bitmap 0x%3$x). Offset %4$d chosen. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter changed from address %3$s to %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Starting daemon refresh. %1$s[%2$d]: No need to execute refresh: configuration instance number did not change. %1$s[%2$d]: Network %3$s added to network offset %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Network %3$s removed from network offset %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter with address %3$s at node %4$d offset %2$d deleted. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter with address %3$s at node %4$d offset %5$d added. %1$s[%2$d]: Network %3$s slid from offset %4$d to offset %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter %3$d swapped with %4$d (removed). New adapter number: %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Grace period of %3$d seconds requested. %1$s[%2$d]: Grace period deactivation requested. %1$s[%2$d]: Node reachability grace period of %3$d seconds requested. %1$s[%2$d]: Node reachability grace period deactivation requested. %1$s[%2$d]: Node Connectivity Message stopped on adapter offset %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Changing to a different version. Used to be: %3$d.%4$d. Now: %5$d.%6$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Timer intervals used by offset %3$d ***************** %1$s[%2$d]: Timer intervals used by daemon ******************* %1$s[%2$d]: Started simulating death for %3$d seconds %1$s[%2$d]: Finished simulating death %1$s[%2$d]: MAX_PTC_RETRY %3$d. MAX_COMMIT_RETRY %4$d. MAX_ACK_RETRY %5$d %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Node Reachability Grace Notification packet to Client %3$s with PID=%4$d %1$s[%2$d]: Caught a SIGDANGER signal (%3$d)! %1$s[%2$d]: Caught a signal. Signal number is %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: File %3$s, Line %4$d call to %5$s returned %6$d %1$s[%2$d]: File %3$s, Line %4$d call to %5$s returned %6$d with errno=%7$d %1$s[%2$d]: Instance Number not converted, dumping input buffer, current pointer=0x%3$p %1$s[%2$d]: Configuration Id not converted, dumping input buffer, current pointer=0x%3$p %1$s[%2$d]: My Instance=%3$d, Incoming Instance=%4$d from a Stable Group. Sender: %5$s. Exiting %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s is an Unknown Realm, should be either PSSP, HACMP or Clusters, defaulting to PSSP %1$s[%2$d]: ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message %3$s seq no %4$d seen %5$d times %1$s[%2$d]: Handling an ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message %3$s seq no %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Address 0x%3$x (defined 0x%4$x) being changed to 0x%5$x in response to ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message. %1$s[%2$d]: Adding node %3$d adapter %4$d address 0x%5$x to forward list to receive ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message. %1$s[%2$d]: Number of messages in the Rsock message queue: %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Message %3$d: %4$s from %5$s to %6$s received at %7$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter too long in an unstable and singleton group. Disabling for %3$d seconds. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter too long in a stable and singleton group. Receiving only broadcast messages. Disabling for %3$d seconds. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter has been mis-configured; check adapter address. Disabling for %3$d seconds. %1$s[%2$d]: This node does not have any network adapter in the configuration! FFDC id [%3$s] %1$s[%2$d]: GROUP_PROCLAIM message from address %3$s (defined: %4$s) rejected: adapter still is in my group. %1$s[%2$d]: Joiner adapter %3$s is already in my group with address %4$s. Joiner discarded. %1$s[%2$d]: GROUP_PROCLAIM message from address %3$s (defined: %4$s) rejected: conflicts with local adapter's address. %1$s[%2$d]: Invoked by back-level HACMP. Instance file: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Found service address for boot address %3$s: %4$s. Processing boot-to-service operation. %1$s[%2$d]: Successfully completed boot (%3$s) to service (%4$s) transition. %1$s[%2$d]: Dead Man Switch Enabled %1$s[%2$d]: Dead Man Switch Disabled %1$s[%2$d]: An error occurred and the Dead Man Switch Timer was not started. %1$s[%2$d]: An error occurred and the Customized Dead Man Switch Panic message was not set. %1$s[%2$d]: An error occurred that prevented stopping the Dead Man Switch Timer. %1$s[%2$d]: Dead Man Switch Interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter with interface %3$s node %4$d has slid into network %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Network %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Time-of-day was moved backwards. It was %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: A joining adapter has the same address %3$s as an adapter in my_group. Join rejected. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s is an Unknown Security Status. The value should be either 'on' or 'off'. The default value of 'off' will be used. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s is not a valid value for KeyVersion; positive integer expected. %1$s[%2$d]: Active authentication methods for trusted services are: DCE %3$d compat %4$d. Expect DCE only. %1$s[%2$d]: Read-security-status-again interval has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon has been trying to re-read security status %3$d times. Giving up. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon has received message encrypted with old keys %3$d times. %1$s[%2$d]: Failed to retrieve security status through spsec routines. %1$s[%2$d]: Authentication key changed. Used to be: %3$d. Now: %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Security status changed. Security is now ON. (key version %3$d). %1$s[%2$d]: Security status changed. Security is now OFF. %1$s[%2$d]: Security status remains unchanged. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon will perform mutual authentication using key version %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon will not perform mutual authentication. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon received a message that is %3$d seconds old, possibly a replay. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon is unable to read the key file - %3$s. File may be missing, locked, corrupt, or permissions may be lacking. Return code %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon tried to read keys from key file %3$s %4$d times but could not allocate memory. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon failed to allocate memory for latest key from key file %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: MSS routine %3$s experienced error number %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: sec_%3$s_message() failed with error number %4$d. Action: %5$s %1$s [%2$d]: Message authentication failure %3$d, code %4$d %1$s[%2$d]: Heartbeat messages sent by the heartbeat thread: %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Heartbeat thread has not run for %3$d.%4$01ld seconds (maximum %5$d.%6$01ld). %1$s[%2$d]: Main thread took %3$d.%4$06ld seconds to process %5$s message. %1$s[%2$d]: Received request to send a Daemon Routing message: port %3$d TTL %4$d version %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Nodes: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Cannot send Daemon Routing Message to %3$s: some group members are not at the required level. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Daemon Routing message to %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending Daemon Routing message to PRM port at %3$s (Node %4$d). %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon Routing request (port %3$d TTL %4$d) with invalid version: %5$d (expected %6$d). Request discarded. %1$s[%2$d]: Baud rate on device %3$s set to %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Unable to open a pipe to command 'node_number'%1$s[%2$d]: Adapter swap: offset: number (address) %3$d: %4$d (%5$s) <-> %6$d: %7$d (%8$s). %1$s[%2$d]: Disabling adapter %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Request to enable adapter %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Configuring adapter: %3$s -> %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: IPAT address change: %3$s (%4$s) -> %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received The following configuration info from client %3$s (PID = %4$d). %1$s[%2$d]: Local node number %3$d. Max node number %4$d. Adapters per node %5$d. Number of adapters %6$d. Number of networks %7$d. %1$s[%2$d]: [%3$d %4$d] %5$s: %6$s. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s. %4$s. %1$d %2$s %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: Reachable nodes (1 hop) : %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: Reachable nodes (multi hop): %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s Subsystem Group PID Status %1$-16s %2$-16s %3$-7d active Network Name Indx Defd Mbrs St Adapter ID Group ID HB Interval = %1$d secs. Sensitivity = %2$d missed beats Missed HBs: Total: %1$lld Current group: %2$lld 1 locally connected Client with PID: %1$d locally connected Clients with PIDs: Dead Man Switch Enabled Dead Man Switch Disabled Dead Man Switch Enabled: reset interval = %1$d seconds trip interval = %2$d seconds Configuration Instance = %1$d Default: HB Interval = %1$d secs. Sensitivity = %2$d missed beats Control Workstation IP address = %1$s Daemon employs security. Key version %1$d Daemon employs no security Daemon is in a refresh quiescent period. Daemon is in a refresh grace period. Daemon is simulating down for %1$d sec. Time remaining: %2$d sec. Next Configuration Instance = %1$d None Text Data Stack Segments pinned:%1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s. Text segment size: %5$d KB. Static data segment size: %6$d KB. Dynamic data segment size: %7$d. Number of outstanding malloc: %8$d User time %1$d sec. System time %2$d sec. Number of page faults: %3$d. Process swapped out %4$d times. Number of nodes up: %1$d. Number of nodes down: %2$d. Nodes up : %1$s Nodes down : %1$s Number of invalid messages that are ignored: %1$d >> Number of networks exceeds limit. Extra networks ignored. << Packets sent : %1$lld ICMP %2$lld Errors: %3$lld No mbuf: %4$lld Packets received: %1$lld ICMP %2$lld Dropped: %3$lld NIM's PID: %1$d User log file %1$s opened. %1$s: Unable to reopen service log file %2$s on stderr stream. FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s: Unable to open user log file %2$s, FFDC id [%3$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: High Availability Topology Services Daemon. Message Catalog in code : %1$s Message Catalog in file : %2$s ** Log file number %1$d. Approximately %2$d lines logged, with %3$d lines lost. ** ** End of prologue. Regular messages start next. ** %1$s[%2$d]: Resource use in the last %3$5.3f seconds: CPU: %4$5.3f seconds; Page Faults: %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Total Resource use: CPU: %3$5.3f seconds; Page Faults: %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Received %3$s message from %4$s to %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Recv'd %3$d invalid mesgs (%4$d in past %5$d sec, presumed src: %6$s). Sleep 1 sec. %1$s[%2$d]: Node membership being set to Stable. Timer %3$s has expired. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter is in a quiesced state. Starting a grace period. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter is in a quiesced state for too long. Terminating grace period. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter quiesce grace period canceled: adapter no longer in quiesce state. %1$s[%2$d]: Interface %3$s is on its boot address. %1$s[%2$d]: Adding offset %3$d to cascading list. %1$s[%2$d]: Processing cascading offset %3$d. unused_addr_offset = %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Assigning an interface to boot address: Offset %3$d already using %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Assigning interface %3$s to offset %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s: Adapter number: %4$d; Address: %5$s; Network offset %6$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Network offset %3$d: address %4$s; Interface %5$s. Interface previously thought to contain address: %6$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Swap on enable: swap between adapter number (interface): %3$d: %4$s <-> %5$d: %6$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Interface flags for adapter indicate that the adapter is down. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter is down. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s(): unexpected state: %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending message on interface %3$s to %4$s. Packet length is %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Open NIM operation was successful. Interface %3$s. Address %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Deleting NIM control for interface %3$s, index %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Closing NIM connection. Interface %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Got End-Of-File on socket connection with NIM. Interface %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Shutting down NIM. Interface %3$s. pid %4$d. Forced? %5$d. dead_counter %6$d %1$s[%2$d]: Shutting down NIM: after joined with send and receive threads. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s() thread exiting. Interface %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: NIM did not respond to 'Are You Alive' message. Interface %3$s. Index %4$d. Count %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Restarting to heartbeat on interface %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received notification from NIM that neighbor adapter is dead. %1$s[%2$d]: Closing and reopening NIM for address %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Scheduling timer to mark adapter as disabled in %3$d seconds. %1$s[%2$d]: Canceling the timer to mark adapter as disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: "Disable Adapter" timer expired: Adapter will be disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: PTC message rejected: asymmetric. Sender in our group? %3$d. Our adapter in sender's group? %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Shared libraries pinned: total %3$d bytes. errno %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Shared libraries unpinned: total %3$d bytes. errno %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Received NOT_YOUR_NEIGHBOR message for id %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received HEART BEAT message but local adapter is singleton. Sending NOT_YOU_NEIGHBOR message to %3$s in group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Sender probably restarted. Sender's id %3$s. id in our group %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a request to EXIT. Marking local adapters as disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending message instance [%3$s] notifications. %1$s[%2$d]: Received response to Open NIM command. Status: %3$d (%4$s) %1$s[%2$d]: Received adapter status for address %3$s. Adapter state: %4$d (%5$s). %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s: A cascading takeover address. %1$s[%2$d]: Handling COMMIT fragment: [ offset %3$d; size %4$d ] Total size %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: All COMMIT fragments received. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a COMMIT FRAGMENT ACK response from %3$s: %4$d fragments. %1$s[%2$d]: COMMIT fragment from %3$s [ offset %4$d; size %5$d ] was not received. %1$s[%2$d]: Group ID changed from %3$s to %4$s when receiving a COMMIT FRAGMENT message. %1$s[%2$d]: Cannot move adapter from address %3$s back to address %4$s: it is a local adapter. %1$s[%2$d]: Address %3$s is in my_new_config but not in upcoming group. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter being moved back to boot address: %3$s. Service address: %4$s. Index %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Machine halt mode when client stops responding or terminates = %3$d %1$s[%2$d]: Already a committing client: PTC from different group leader ignored. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending a %3$s message to %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a DEATH IN FAMILY message from %3$s (for %4$s) in group %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s is currently batching JOINs. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s has inconsistent membership view. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s is a committing client for another group leader. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s: unknown reason: %4$d. %1$s: Interoperability supported. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s = (%4$d.%5$03ld) seconds. HB Interval = %1$d.%2$03d secs. Sensitivity = %3$d missed beats %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-083 Leader died and originator is not the successor %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-085 Group Leader Successor Id = %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: Leader %3$s died, notifying group leader successor %4$s. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: My New Group ID = %3$s and is %4$s. My Leader is %5$s. My Group Leader Successor is %6$s. My upstream neighbor is %7$s. My downstream neighbor is %8$s. I am %9$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Tunable "%3$s" adjusted from %4$d to %5$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Tunable "HEARTBEAT Send Interval" adjusted for network offset %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Tunable "HEARTBEAT Send Interval" adjusted for network offset %3$d to comply with minimum "Send Interval * Sensitivity" requirement. %1$s[%2$d]: Tunable "LogLength" adjusted from %3$d to %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Tunable "Sensitivity" adjusted from %3$d to %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Address %3$s in my_new_config does not match address %4$s in all_nodes. %1$s[%2$d]: Received a DEATH IN FAMILY message from %3$s about itself, with old Group ID %4$s. Sender must have fallen out of the group; removing that member. %1$s[%2$d]: Message received from address outside the configuration: %3$s. Watchdog module in use: %1$s %1$s[%2$d]: Route to node %3$d: %4$s %5$s %6$s %7$s. Network Name Indx Defd Mbrs St Adapter ID Group ID %1$s[%2$d]: Commit fragment size set to %3$d bytes. %1$s[%2$d]: Group Connectivity Message from external group %3$s, Sender %4$s, discarded. %1$s[%2$d]: Group Connectivity Message from %3$s ignored. Packet Queue Length: %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: 'Ignore Subnets' flag set to %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Mayor for subnet 0x%3$x: %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Received notification from NIM that node %3$d halted. Marking remote adapters down and informing other daemons. %1$s[%2$d]: Received notification from remote daemon that node %3$d halted. Fast Failure Detection enabled. Fast Failure Detection available but off. %1$s[%2$d]: Already in grace period for halted node: %3$d. Adapter state unknownNo traffic on adapterAdapter's interface flags set to downAdapter is misconfiguredBroadcast address is misconfiguredAdapter is not monitoredAdapter has no NIM runningNetmon library errorNIM could not bind UDP socketNIM could not open device%1$s[%2$d]: Halt OS mode set to %3$d (%4$s). DMS enabled? %5$d. Client Heartbeating Enabled. Period: %1$d secs. Timeout: %2$d secs. Client Heartbeating Disabled. LONG INFO MSG. %1$s[%2$d]: Response to client heartbeat still pending from %3$s. Rescheduling client heartbeat. %1$s[%2$d]: CPU USE WARNING: CPU use above %3$d%% %1$s[%2$d]: Results from last two times() calls: cpu use: this %3$d clock ticks: this %6$d last %4$d last %7$d delta %5$d delta %8$d %1$s[%2$d]: DMS start request received. DMS currently enabled? %3$d. Parameters: [%4$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: DMS stop request received. DMS currently enabled? %3$d. Parameters: [%4$s.] %1$s[%2$d]: NIM on interface %3$s has died too many times and will not be restarted. Performing check to see if any NIMs are still running. %1$s[%2$d]: Found active NIM on offset [%3$d] (%4$s). %1$s[%2$d]: Found %3$d running NIMs; the daemon will stay up. Daemon employs security. Key version 0x%1$16llx %1$s[%2$d]: Alias detected on interface %3$s: adapter_address = %4$s; alias_address = %5$s %1$s[%2$d]: Signing with key version %$3s %1$s[%2$d]: Authenticating with key version %$3s %1$s[%2$d]: Authenticating with key versions %$3s and %$4s %1$s[%2$d]: Unsigned message from %3$s discarded. Currently accepting messages signed with key version %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Unsigned messages from %3$s dropped. Currently accepting messages signed with key version %4$s or %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Authentication failed for packet from %3$s - numAuthFailures = %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Dropping packet from foreign source: ID %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: Dropping packet from reachable source: ID %3$s %1$s[%2$d]: Dropping packet from source %3$s since we cannot determine if it's reachable or not. %1$s[%2$d]: Dropping packet from source %3$s since we've not yet exceeded the different instance threshold. %1$s[%2$d]: Sending different instance notification for packet received from %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: CSSK Version: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Dropping packer from source %3$s since its key_count value of %4$d is out of range. %1$s[%2$d]: Dropping packet from source %3$s since its key_index value of %4$d is out of range. %1$s[%2$d]: Signature length in packet of %3$d from source %4$s is out of range. Not extracting signature.%1$s[%2$d]: Packet from %3$s failed authentication with a return code of %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Got a request to enable NIMs that require manual start. %1$s[%2$d]: Got a request to enable NIMs for %3$s that require manual start. %1$s[%2$d]: Got a request to disable NIMs that require manual start. %1$s[%2$d]: Got a request to disable NIMs for %3$s that require manual start. %1$s[%2$d]: No match to enable queued interface %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: No match to enable interface %3$s. Queuing this request. %1$s[%2$d]: No match to disable queued interface %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: No match to disable interface %3$s. Queuing this request. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon is not in a refresh quiescent period. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-062 %3$s: ioctl failed with errno %4$d. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: Warning: SIOCGIFCONF ioctl() call returned as much data as we have allowed for; there may be undetected local adapters. Ping Grace Period Interval = %1$d.%2$03d secs. %1$s[%2$d]: machines.lst: %3$s%1$s[%2$d]: Instance Number: %3$d. %1$s[%2$d]: machines list file : modification time: %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon was told NEVER to issue external thread-hung error messages, for itself or the NIM processes. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon was told to filter out external thread-hung error messages of less than %3$d seconds, for itself or the NIM processes. %1$s[%2$d]: Unexpected exit from handle_join_3p(other_id %3$s, other_gid %4$s) due to invalid data. Daemon is simulating down until important client starts %1$s[%2$d]: Started simulating death until important client starts %1$s[%2$d]: Client %3$s with PID %4$d is no longer alive. %1$s[%2$d]: Mayor for subnet %3$s: %4$s. %1$s[%2$d]: Route was found, first address = %3$s. %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-041 Could not bind Remote Socket to address = %3$s, port = %4$d. FFDC id [%5$s]. %1$s[%2$d]: Adding node %3$d adapter %4$d address %5$s to forward list to receive ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION message. %1$s[%2$d]: Adapter at node %3$d changed from netmask %4$s to %5$s. %1$s[%2$d]: DMS probe request received. Dead Man Switch Probe succeeded Dead Man Switch Probe failed %1$s[%2$d]: 2523-301 Failed to initialize Dead Man Switch. Return code: %3$d, errno: %4$d %1$s[%2$d]: Blockage avoidance level changed from %3$d to %4$d. %1$s[%2$d]: Kernel usleep() enabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Kernel usleep() disabled. %1$s[%2$d]: Node reachability being computed now. %1$s[%2$d]: Telling %3$s NIM to start sending blocked thread reports. Period %4$d msecs; threshold %5$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: Telling NIM to stop sending blocked thread reports. %1$s[%2$d]: NIM threads blockage reporting values set to period %3$d msecs, threshold %4$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s NIM reporting %4$d threads blocked. %1$s[%2$d]: details[%3$d]: %4$s thread blocked for %5$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s NIM is heartbeating and is suffering no blockage. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s NIM is heartbeating and has %4$d threads blocked. %1$s[%2$d]: Effective heartbeating network communication impact is now %3$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: Effective heartbeating parent communication impact is now %3$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s NIM is not heartbeating and heartbeating NIMs have been found, so it will be skipped. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s NIM is suffering no blockage, but is not currently heartbeating. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s NIM is not heartbeating and has %4$d threads blocked. %1$s[%2$d]: Overall communication impact for non-heartbeating adapters is now %3$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: %3$s NIM has been unresponsive for %4$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: Overall late report impact for heartbeating adapters is now %3$d msecs. %1$s[%2$d]: All heartbeating NIMs are unresponsive or suffering a network impact. %1$s[%2$d]: At least one heartbeating NIM has no network impact. %1$s[%2$d]: There are no heartbeating NIMs, and at least one NIM has no blockage. %1$s[%2$d]: There are no heartbeating NIMs, and all NIMs are suffering a blockage of some kind. %1$s[%2$d]: Need to calculate whether we can continue updating DMS using impact of %3$d msec, DMS scale %4$lf%% %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon can now resume updating the DMS. %1$s[%2$d]: No DMS interruption necessary at this time. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon will now stop updating the DMS until this condition clears. %1$s[%2$d]: Daemon cannot resume updating the DMS yet. %1$s[%2$d]: Main thread has not made progress for %3$d milliseconds; heartbeating thread will stop updating the DMS until this condition clears. %1$s[%2$d]: Main thread freed; heartbeating thread will now resume updating the DMS. %1$s[%2$d]: GSread is calling dms_veto_check() in reaction to one or more NIM blockage reports received. %1$s[%2$d]: Calling dms_veto_check() due to %3$s NIM's report being late. %1$s[%2$d]: Re-running dms_veto_check() to verify prior late report. %1$s[%2$d]: Thread blockage report received from %3$s after being unresponsive. %1$s[%2$d]: GROUP_PROCLAIM message rejected since sender %3$s is in quarantine list. %1$s [%2$d]: Message authentication failure, the message is delayed by %3$d secs but the delay limit is %4$d secs. 2523-500 No extension specified 2523-501 Error %1$d from sysconfig QUERY 2523-502 sysconfig QUERYLOAD2523-503 could not find a loaded %1$s 2523-504 Error %1$d from sysconfig LOAD 2523-505 sysconfig KULOAD2523-506 Unloaded kernel extension kmid = %1$d 2523-507 sysconfig SINGLELOAD2523-508 Error %1$d from sysconfig CFGKMOD init 2523-509 sysconfig CFGKMOD2523-510 No kernel module id specified 2523-511 Error %1$d from sysconfig 2523-512 Usage: haDMS_stop . 2523-513 haDMS_stop: timer id incorrect: %1$d. 2523-514 haDMS_stop: Dead Man Switch timer %1$d disabled. 2523-515 haDMS_stop: must be root. 2523-516 haDMS_stop: timer was inactive. 2523-517 DMS timer not active for %1$s. 2523-518 Incorrect data passed to dms_get_trigger_info() (%1$s). 2523-519 No memory available for kernel buffers (%1$s). 2523-520 Incorrect address passed to dms_get_trigger_info() (%1$s). Loaded kernel extension kmid = %1$d Called sysconfig QUERYLOAD %1$s kmid = %2$d calling unload code %1$d dead man switch timers in use. Kernel extension has version %1$d. Expecting %2$d. Information for Topology Services -- %1$s DMS Trigger time: %1$5.3f seconds. Last DMS Resets Time to Trigger (seconds) DMS Resets with small time-to-trigger Time to Trigger (seconds) Threshold value: %1$5.3f seconds. 2523-801 %1$s: Cannot load kernel extension %2$s. Error %3$d in sysconfig(). %1$s: Pinning kernel extension has been loaded. %1$s: Pinning kernel extension was already loaded. Local adapter misconfiguration detectedLocal adapter assigned incorrect IP addressLocal adapter assigned incorrect IP addressCorrect adapter IP address If the problem persists, restart Topology Services daemon.Adapter interface nameAdapter offsetAdapter expected IP addressRemote down nodes came back upRemote nodes powered on Remote nodes re-booted Previous network problems correctedRemote nodes powered on by user Remote nodes rebooted by userVerify that remote nodes are upFile containing up node numbers and associated REFERENCE CODETopology Services daemon startedDaemon started manually by userDaemon started during system start-up Daemon re-started automatically by SRC Daemon started during installation Daemon started manually by userConfirm that this is desirableTopology Services daemon started by:Topology Services daemon log file locationTopology Services daemon run directoryTopology Services daemon stoppedDaemon stopped by SRC Daemon stopped by signalDaemon stopped by userConfirm that this is desirableTopology Services daemon stopped by:Remote nodes downRemote nodes powered off Remote nodes crashed Networking problems render remote nodes unreachable Remote nodes removed from configuration after refresh Topology Services daemon on remote nodes stoppedRemote nodes crashed Lost connection to remote nodes due to network problems Remote nodes hangGet system dump from remote nodes. Re-boot remote nodes Clear networking problems Re-start Topology Services daemon on remote node Contact IBM Service if problem persistsUser powered off remote nodes Remote nodes removed from configuration after refreshConfirm that this is desirableFile containing down node numbers and associated REFERENCE CODECannot start. Cannot get DCE credentials for principal ssp/spbgrootDCE is not configured properly or is not active Keyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/ssp/{hostname}/spbgroot is corrupted or missing Failed to create credential file since the /usr file system is fullDCE is not configured properly or is not active Keyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/ssp/{hostname}/spbgroot is corrupted or missing Failed to create credential file since the /usr file system is fullVerify DCE status using command /usr/bin/lsdce. Start DCE using command /bin/start.dce See TS_DCECRED_ER section in PSSP Diagnosis Guide for procedures to restore keyfile Increase file system size of /usr using command /usr/sbin/chfs Call IBM Service if problem persistsThe return code from command /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/dsrvtgtSee following file for more detailsCommand ctmsskf failed to get keyfile informationCluster Security Services are not installed or configured properly Keyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/rsct/{partition}/hats_ct is corrupted or missingCluster Security Services are not configured properly or are not active Keyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/rsct/{partition}/hats_ct is corrupted or missingVerify Cluster Security Services have been installed and configured See TS_KEYS_ER section in PSSP Diagnosis Guide for procedures to restore keyfile Call IBM Service if problem persistsThe return code of command /opt/rsct/bin/ctmsskfSee following file for more detailsCommand lsauthpts failed to get authentication methodSystem security setting incorrect SP security services is not installed or configured properlySystem security setting incorrect SP security services is not installed or configured properlyIf the problem persists, call IBM Service.The return code of command /usr/bin/lsauthptsSee following file for more detailsCannot start. Cannot get system partition nameCommand /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spget_syspar failed to retrieve partition name from SDR.Cannot start. Cannot access or update data in SDRTopology Services failed to retrieve data or file from SDR Topology Services failed to get credentials to write to SDRSDR daemon on the control workstation is not running Network problem renders control workstation unreachable File /etc/SDR_dest_info contains incorrect informationVerify SDR server status Verify network status Verify contents of file /etc/SDR_dest_infoCannot start. Cannot create working directoryFile system full. Can not create necessary directoryFile system full. Can not create necessary directoryIncrease file system size for /var using command /usr/sbin/chfsThe directory Topology Services script failed to createCannot start. Command-line flag incorrectInvalid flag letters are given to Topology Services during start-up Invalid flags are given to Topology Services during start-upInvalid flag letters are given to Topology Services during start-up Invalid flags are given to Topology Services during start-upCorrect the flags or flag letters. Restart Topology Services daemonSee following file for more informationCannot start/refresh: duplicated network nameHACMP/ES: error in adapter configuration HACMP/ES: adapters of different types were configured in the same network PSSP: a problem in start-up scriptHACMP/ES: error in adapter configuration HACMP/ES: adapters of different types were configured in the same network PSSP: a problem in start-up scriptHACMP/ES: correct adapter specification PSSP: inform IBM ServiceNetwork name that was duplicatedCannot start. Configuration line too longLength of a line in configuration file exceeds 80 charactersLength of a line in configuration file exceeds 80 charactersIf the problem persists, call IBM Service.Topology Services daemon configuration fileCannot start. Control workstation address not foundThe Ethernet adapter misconfigured on the CWS No CWS Ethernet adapters reside on same subnet as Ethernet adapters on the nodes The SDR class SP contains incorrect value in cw_ipaddrs attributeThe Ethernet adapter misconfigured on the CWS No CWS Ethernet adapters reside on same subnet as Ethernet adapters on the nodes The SDR class SP contains incorrect value in cw_ipaddrs attributeVerify and correct the CWS Ethernet adapter configuration Verify and correct the CWS Ethernet information in SDRCannot start. Cannot get inter-process communication key for shared memory segmentsThe path used for creating inter-process communication key does not existThe path used for creating inter-process communication key does not existVerify that the path used for creating inter-process communication key existsPath used for creating inter-process communication keyCannot start. Cannot get a shared memory segmentA shared memory identifier exists for the key parameter Available physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segmentAvailable physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segmentUse /bin/ipcrm command to remove unused shared memory identifiersThe key parameter valueThe number of bytes of requested shared memoryCannot start. Cannot get or initialize a semaphoreA semaphore identifier exists for the key parameter Available physical memory not sufficient for initializing the semaphoreAvailable physical memory not sufficient for initializing the semaphoreUse /bin/ipcrm command to remove unused semaphore setsThe key parameter valueThe errno valueCannot start. Cannot attach to a shared memory segmentAn invalid shared memory identifier is used Available physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segmentAvailable physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segmentUse /bin/ipcrm command to remove one or more shared memory identifiersThe shared memory identifierThe number of bytes of requested shared memoryCannot start or refresh. Node number duplicated in configuration fileSame node number appears more than once on one networkThe adapter_type or node_number attributes of SDR class Adapter indicates that same node number appears more than once on one networkODM indicates that same node number appears more than once on one networkThe repository indicates that same node number appears more than once on one networkVerify and remove the duplicationThe adapter typeThe duplicated node numberCannot start or refresh. IP address duplicated in configuration fileSame IP address appears more than once on the systemThe netaddr or node_number attributes of SDR class Adapter indicates that same IP address appears more than once on one networkODM indicates that same IP address appears more than once on the systemThe repository indicates that same IP address appears more than once on the systemVerify and remove the duplicationThe node number where IP address duplication occursThe duplicated IP addressCannot start or refresh. Cannot convert an IP address to numberIP address in SDR Adapter class has invalid format Topology Services configuration file corruptedIP address in SDR Adapter class has invalid format Topology Services configuration file corruptedVerify and correct the IP address format stored in SDR Adapter class Call IBM Service if problem persistsThe IP address in dot notationThe node number where this IP address is onCannot start. Cannot get local node numberCommand /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number failedCommand /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number failedVerify contents of ODM class CuAt Call IBM Service if problem persistsCannot start. Cannot open listening socket for client connectionSystem resources are not sufficient to complete the request File name for UNIX domain socket already in useSystem resources are not sufficient to complete the request File name for UNIX domain socket already in useRe-boot the node Call IBM Service if problem persistsDaemon can not open socket because of following reasonSystem errno valueCannot start. Cannot open UDP socket for daemon communicationsSystem resources are not sufficient to complete the request Port number already in useSystem resources are not sufficient to complete the request Port number already in useRe-start Topology Services daemon Re-boot the node if problem persists If the problem persists after re-booting the node, call IBM Service.Daemon can not open socket because of following reasonSystem errno valueThe port number used by Topology Services daemonCannot start or continue. Cannot open private log fileThe log file can not be opened because file system is full A message catalog mismatch prevented the log from being openedThe log file can not be opened because file system is full A message catalog mismatch prevented the log from being openedRemove unused files in /var directory Increase file system size for /var using command /usr/sbin/chfs Remove or rename the message catalog, hats.catThe name of the log file daemon attempts to openCannot start or refresh. No service entry in /etc/servicesA service entry for Topology Services does not exist in /etc/servicesA service entry for Topology Services does not exist in /etc/servicesRun the following commands: /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -c /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -A Call IBM Service if problem persistsThe service name used as search key to query /etc/servicesCannot retrieve network interface configuration using ioctlThe remote socket file descriptor is not validThe remote socket file descriptor is not validRun the following commands: /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -s to re-start the Topology Service daemon If the problem persists, call IBM Service.Cannot start. Cannot create or destroy a thread attributes objectThere is not sufficient memory to create the thread attribute objectThere is not sufficient memory to create the thread attribute objectVerify and reduce system memory consumption Call IBM Service if problem persistsThe thread for which an attributes object can not be createdCannot start. A thread can not be createdThe system lacks the necessary resources to create another threadThe system lacks the necessary resources to create another threadIf the problem persists, call IBM Service.The thread that can not be createdTopology Services client library encountered internal errorDiscrepancy in configuration dataTopology Services daemon failed to update configuration data for libraryIf the problem persists, call IBM Service.Topology Services library encounters error with the following errnoTopology Services daemon exit abnormallyUnrecoverable internal failure in Topology Services daemonUnrecoverable internal failure in Topology Services daemonVerify that Topology Services daemon has been re-started Call IBM Service if problem persistsCore file locationContact with a neighboring adapter lostThe neighboring adapter mal-functioned Networking problem renders neighboring adapter unreachableThe neighboring adapter mal-functioned Problem with the networkVerify status of the faulty adapter Verify status of networkThe IP address of the faulty adapterNode number where the adapter is locatedLate in sending heartbeatHeavy CPU load Severe physical memory shortage Heavy I/O activitiesDaemon can not get required system resourceReduce the system loadA heartbeat is late by the following number of secondsError encountered during migration-refresh operationAdapters configured at incorrect address Errors in Topology Services configuration fileAdapters configured at incorrect address Errors in Topology Services configuration fileCollect Data for problem determination and inform IBM Service OrganizationLocal adapter disabled after unstable singleton for long timeAdapter misconfigured Adapter can receive broadcast but not unicast messages Adapter's IP address used by another adapterNetwork problemVerify adapter configuration Verify network connectivityAdapter interface nameAdapter offsetAdapter IP addressMessage authentication failure in Topology ServicesMessage got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error Message got delayed during transmission and was considered as replay The Topology Services keyfiles are not synchronized across all nodes Unknown outside sources injecting and replaying corrupted messages on networksMessage got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error Message got delayed during transmission and was considered as replay The Topology Services keyfiles are not synchronized across all nodesVerify that networks are functioning correctly Verify that networks are secured Verify that the Topology Services keyfiles are synchronized Call IBM Service if problem persistsPresumed source of the corrupted messageNumber of seconds this message was lateMore authentication failures during certain intervalMessages got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error Messages got delayed during transmission and was considered as replay Unknown outside sources injecting and replaying corrupted messages on networksMessage got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error Message got delayed during transmission and was considered as replayVerify that networks are functioning correctly Verify that networks are secured Call IBM Service if problem persistsInterval length in secondsNumber of messages that failed authentication during above intervalLocal DCE security mode can not be verifiedThe security services library (/usr/lib/libspsec.a) is not installed Calls to security services routines failed The local node is not configured in DCE-only mode Topology Services daemon on the CWS could not determine security stateThe security services library (/usr/lib/libspsec.a) is not installed Calls to security services routines failed The local node is not configured as in DCE-only mode Topology Services daemon on the CWS could not determine security stateIf the problem persists, call IBM Service.See following file for more detailsDaemon was unable to read keys from keyfileKeyfile is corrupt or missing Keyfile permissions are incorrectKeyfile is corrupt or missing Keyfile permissions are incorrectEnsure the creation of a valid keyfile Verify Cluster Security Services have been installed and configuredFile that could not be processedPossible malfunction on local adapterLocal adapter mal-functioned Local adapter lost connection to network Local adapter mis-configuredLocal adapter mal-functioned Local adapter lost connection to network Local adapter mis-configuredVerify adapter configuration Verify network connectivityCannot start or refresh. Cannot open configuration fileThe configuration file can not be created because file system is fullThe configuration file can not be created because file system is fullRemove unused files in /var directory Increase file system size for /var using command /usr/sbin/chfsEnvironment variables HB_MACHINES_LIST or HB_RUNDIR assigned incorrect values in the Topology Services start-up scriptRestore original script created during installation Call IBM Service if problem persistsName of the configuration file the daemon can not openLocal adapters missing in configuration fileLocal adapter information missing in SDR Local adapter information incorrect in SDRLocal adapter information missing in SDR Local adapter information incorrect in SDRUse commands spethernet/spadaptrs to enter local adapter information in SDR Use command SDRGetObjects to verify and correct local adapter information in SDRLocal adapter information missing in ODM Local adapter information incorrect in ODMLocal adapter information missing in ODM Local adapter information incorrect in ODMEnter local adapter information in ODM Verify and correct local adapter information in ODMLocal adapter information missing in the repository Local adapter information incorrect in the repositoryLocal adapter information missing in the repository Local adapter information incorrect in the repositoryEnter local adapter information in the repository Verify and correct local adapter information in the repositoryError encountered during refresh operationTopology Service configuration file contains different configId value Topology Service configuration file contains invalid interface nameTopology Service configuration file contains different configId value Topology Service configuration file contains invalid interface nameCall IBM ServiceDeadMan Switch (DMS) close to triggerTopology Services daemon cannot get timely access to CPUProblem in Operating System prevents processes from running Excessive I/O interrupt traffic prevents processes from running Excessive virtual memory activity prevents Topology Services from making progressExamine I/O and memory activity on the system Reduce load on the system Change (relax) Topology Services tunable parameters Call IBM Service if problem persistsExcessive I/O load is causing high I/O interrupt traffic Excessive memory consumption is causing high memory contentionReduce application load on the system Change (relax) Topology Services tunable parameters Call IBM Service if problem persistsTime remaining until DMS triggers (in msec)DMS trigger interval (in msec)Main thread blocked: exitingTopology Services daemon's main thread has been blocked too long Topology Services daemon cannot get timely access to CPUA problem in the Topology Services daemon A problem in a library invoked by the Topology Services daemon Excessive virtual memory activity prevents Topology Services from making progress Excessive disk I/O traffic is interfering with paging I/OExamine I/O and memory activity on the system Reduce load on the system Tune virtual memory parameters Call IBM Service if problem persistsExcessive memory consumption is causing high memory contention Excessive disk I/O is causing high memory contentionExamine I/O and memory activity on the system Reduce load on the system Tune virtual memory parameters Call IBM Service if problem persistsNumber of seconds where main thread made no progressNumber of page faults with disk I/O during periodInterval in milliseconds where page faults occurredUsing too much CPU: exitingTopology Services daemon attempting to use all CPU cycles availableA problem in the Topology Services daemon A problem in a library invoked by the Topology Services daemonCall IBM ServiceCPU usage in millisecondsInterval in milliseconds where CPU usage was measuredReceived large number of invalid messagesUnknown outside sources sending invalid messages to Topology Services portUnknown outside sources sending invalid messages to Topology Services portInform system administrator immediatelyPresumed source of the corrupted messageNumber of invalid messages received in the past 5 secondsTotal number of invalid messages receivedMissing or incorrect adapter addressAdapter is not configured Adapter has no address Adapter has an address that is outside the configurationA problem occurred when configuring the adapterCorrect adapter configuration: its address must match the boot-time address expected by Topology ServicesAdapter was incorrectly configured Correct adapter configuration: its address must match the boot-time address expected by Topology ServicesInterface nameActual addressExpected boot-time addressAdapter interface name missingHACMP: there is no interface name for adapter in HACMPadapter classHACMP: Interface name was not filled by HACMP at topology synchronization HACMP: Adapter boot-time address is different from that specified for HACMPHACMP: Verify whether boot-time addresses match the HACMP configuration HACMP: Verify whether Topology Services was able to assign an interface for the adapter If the problem persists, contact IBM Service.Address in Topology Services configurationInterface name assigned by Topology ServicesNumber of networks exceeds limit, extra networks ignored.System configured with too many networks/adaptersSystem configured with too many networks/adapters Non-IP networks in irregular configuration are using up available offsetsReduce number of networks Rearrange non-ip networks Call IBM ServiceThe first network to be ignoredMaximum number of networks allowedNIM process diedNetwork Interface Module (NIM) process terminated abnormallyNIM process had an internal error NIM process was terminated by a signalIf IBM-created NIM, contact IBM Service NIM will be automatically restarted by Topology Services daemonExit value, if not terminated with a signalSignal number (0: no signal)Core file created (1: core file; 0: no core file)Process PIDInterface namePathname of NIM executable fileError in netmon libraryInternal error in netmon libraryA problem in the netmon library code A possible non-supported adapter in the configurationVerify if there is a non-supported type of adapter in the configuration Contact IBM ServiceErrno valueError code from netmon libraryFunction name in library that presented a problemInterface nameFailed to open NIM connectionA problem occurred in the Network Interface Module (NIM) or in the communication with the NIMNIM process got blocked while responding to NIM open command NIM failed to open non-IP device NIM received an unexpected error code from a system call Topology Services daemon failed to created Unix-domain socketOpen operation will be retried If problem persists contact IBM ServiceInterface nameDescription 1Description 2Value 1Value 2Unrecoverable error in Cluster start-up scriptInternal error in Topology Services's cluster start-up scriptInternal error in Topology Services's cluster start-up scriptCall IBM ServiceError DescriptionThe refresh operation failed: Topology Services table not presentTopology Services table does not exist in the RegistryA problem occurred when trying to read the Topology Services table A problem occurred when trying to write the Topology Services tableRun /opt/rsct/bin/cttopsvcsctrl -s to start subsystem and create table Verify that Registry subsystem is working Call IBM Service if problem persistsA refresh was attempted before the first 'cttopsvcsctrl -s' in a nodeRun /opt/rsct/bin/cttopsvcsctrl -s to start subsystem and create table Verify that Registry subsystem is working Call IBM Service if problem persistsCannot refresh/start-up: cannot get cluster informationExecution of cluster information program failedInstallation problem: cluster information program is missingVerify installation of RSCTCluster is not configured on the node There is no space in /tmp or /varVerify that cluster is configured on the node Verify disk space on /tmp and /var Call IBM Service if problem persistsExecution codeCannot refresh/start-up: a command failedNo disk space left on /var Internal error in cttopsvcs scriptNo disk space left on /var Internal error in cttopsvcs scriptVerify space in /var Call IBM Service if problem persistsCommand name and parametersExecution codeCannot refresh/start-up: unexpected output format from cluster informationUnexpected output format from cluster information programNo disk space in /tmp or /var Error in cluster information program Internal error in cttopsvcs scriptVerify disk space in /tmp and /var Call IBM Service if problem persistsCluster information markerFree space in 1Kb-blocks in /var and /tmpCannot refresh/start-up: unexpected cluster informationUnexpected output from cluster information programIncorrect node number, cluster id, or cluster name Error in cluster information program Internal error in cttopsvcs scriptVerify node number, cluster id, and cluster name Call IBM Service if problem persistsLocal node numberCluster idCluster nameCannot refresh/start-up: cannot read data from Registrycttopsvcs could not execute ctdumpadapters ctdumpadapters failed to read information from System RegistryA Problem with the System Registry subsystem Needed tables are missing from System Registry A Problem with ctdumpadapters programVerify if System Registry is operational Verify if Network, Subnet, and Adapter tables are present in Registry Call IBM Service if problem persistsExecution codeCannot refresh/start-up: incorrect node number for adapterAn adapter read from the System Registry has an incorrect node numberAn adapter in the System Registry has an incorrect node number Internal error in ctdumpadapters or cttopsvcsVerify adapter configuration in System Registry Call IBM Service if problem persistsAdapter's node numberAdapter's addressAdapter's interface nameCannot refresh/start-up: duplicated adapter informationThere is duplicated or inconsistent adapter information in System RegistryDifferent adapters in same or different nodes have the same address Different adapters in same node have the same interface name Internal error in ctdumpadapters or cttopsvcsVerify adapter configuration in System Registry Call IBM Service if problem persistsAdapter's node numberAdapter's addressAdapter's Interface nameCannot refresh/start-up: cannot write data to Registrycttopsvcs could not execute cttopsvcs_write_table cttopsvcs_write_table failed to write information into System RegistryA Problem with the System Registry subsystem Topology Services table missing from System Registry (and not first start-up) A Problem with cttopsvcs_write_table programVerify if System Registry is operational Verify if Topology Services table is present in Registry Call IBM Service if problem persistsExecution codeIncorrect tunable value: ignoredAn incorrect tunable value was chosen for Topology ServicesAn incorrect tunable value was chosen for Topology ServicesChange the value of global/per-network tunable If no action is taken Topology Services will use default valuesTunable nameNetwork nameTunable valueToo many heartbeat ringsToo many adapters and networks are specified in System RegistryToo many IP and non-IP adapters and networks are present in the clusterReduce the number of IP and non-IP adapters and networks Mark some of the networks as 'disabled for heartbeating' If no action is taken, some networks will not be monitoredOne of the networks that is not going to be monitoredRing index in this networkPoint-to-point network does not have 2 end-pointsPoint-to-point network in System Registry does not have 2 interfacesInformation about point-to-point networks was incorrectly entered in RegistryEnsure that all point-to-point networks have exactly 2 interfacesNetwork nameNumber of interfaces in the networkPoint-to-point network uses too many heartbeat ringsToo many point-to-point interfaces have been defined Point-to-point networks are too strongly connectedToo many point-to-point interfaces have been defined Point-to-point networks are too strongly connectedRemove some of the point-to-point networks Mark some of the networks as 'disabled for heartbeating' Configure point-to-point networks in a ring topology Without action, some point-to-point networks will not be monitoredNetwork type for which the problem occurredToo many point-to-point interfacesToo many point-to-point interfaces have been definedToo many point-to-point interfaces have been definedRemove some of the point-to-point networks Mark some of the networks as 'disabled for heartbeating' Without action, some point-to-point networks will not be monitoredNetwork type for which the problem occurredMessage received with different instance number Topology Services being shutdown to avoid false network partition.A node is running with a different version of the configurationCluster was started on a node during a Topology DARE operation A node exists with an outdated version of the HACMP configuration A node was down during a Topology DARE operationLocate all nodes with an outdated version of the cluster configuration Run a Topology DARE to propagate configuration to all the nodes Restart cluster on nodes that were down during Topology DAREMessage instance numberRecipient's instance numberOriginator of messagehats port mismatch: /etc/services and SDR Syspar_portsChange of port number was done incorrectly or was not propagatedUser changed hats port in /etc/services but not in Syspar_port SDR classUser changed hats port in Syspar_ports class without restoring Topology ServicesChange hats port in Syspar_ports class if incorrectRestore topology services (syspar_ctrl -R hats)An internal error caused topology services to fail to reset the port numberRepeat restore of topology services (syspar_ctrl -R hats)Check for other error messagesNIM thread blockedA thread in a Topology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) process was blocked Topology Services NIM process cannot get timely access to CPUExcessive virtual memory activity prevents NIM from making progress Excessive disk I/O traffic is interfering with paging I/OExamine I/O and memory activity on the system Reduce load on the system Tune virtual memory parameters Call IBM Service if problem persistsExcessive memory consumption is causing high memory contention Excessive disk I/O is causing high memory contentionExamine I/O and memory activity on the system Reduce load on the system Tune virtual memory parameters Call IBM Service if problem persistsThread which was blockedInterval in seconds during which process was blockedInterface nameNIM internal errorInternal error in Topology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) process Unrecognized error code generated by the NIMNIM program failed an assert statement NIM exceeded some internal limitIf the problem persists, call IBM Service.Error level (1: serious 2: error 3: info) Error detailed informationError data 1Error data 2Interface nameNIM read/write errorTopology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) error: Read error while trying to retrieve packets Write error while trying to send packetsLack of 'mbufs' Network is down I/O errors while accessing heartbeating device Remote side is not presentCorrect device or network problem Call IBM Service if problem persists1: read operation 0: write operationError detailed informationError data 1Error data 2Interface nameNIM excessive packet trafficTopology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) error: Too much outbound packet traffic Too much inbound packet trafficNo IP connection remains: Group Services traffic using non-IP link Excessive message traffic created by Group Services or application Non-IP link is too slow for the Group Services trafficEnsure the IP connections are working Use a faster baud rate if RS232 device in use Use a faster non-IP connection between nodes Call IBM Service if problem persists1: input traffic 0: output trafficError detailed informationError data 1Error data 2Interface nameUnexpected messages from NIM: restarting NIMNetwork Interface Module (NIM) sent an incorrect message to the daemon NIM sent a message that daemon cannot processA problem in NIM that causes it to send an incorrect notification NIM and daemon are using different versions of protocolVerify that correct NIM is being used Call IBM Service if problem persistsLast error (nim_message_stat_t)Last packet type (nim_msg_type_t)Number of errorsMessage protocol versionDaemon protocol versionInterface nameCannot start. Unsupported operating system/machineThe operating system or machine is not supportedThe operating system or machine is not supportedNoneOperating systemMachineCannot start. Syntax error in command line optionsIncorrect syntax used when starting subsystemUnknown option At least one option is needed Option needs a parameter Option syntax error Option data type mismatch Option data out of range Check subsystem documentation for correct syntaxOption in errorCannot build configuration file. Syntax errorSyntax errors found in configuration data provided to Topology ServicesThe cluster is not properly configuredCheck if the cluster is properly configured Call IBM Service if problem persistsError explanationCannot start or continue. File or directory access failedFile or directory is not accessibleFile or directory does not exist User does not have read, write, or execute permission to file or directory Filesystem is full Check if the file or directory exists Check if access permission is correctly set Remove unused files to create some free space In AIX, increase the filesystem size using command /usr/sbin/chfs if the filesystem is full File or directory nameCannot continue. External command exited with errorExternal command invoked by the subsystem failedA required command did not perform its function successfully. The Topology Services subsystem cannot correctly operate.Check command documentation for the failure reasonCommandExit codeCannot start or continue. Repository access errorCannot access or update data in the repositoryThe repository subsystem is not running The repository is not configured correctly The network is not working correctly The /var filesystem is full Check if the repository subsystem is up and running Check if the repository is configured correctly Check if the network is functioning properly Increase the /var filesystem size using command /usr/sbin/chfs if the /var filesystem is full Repository access commandExit codeCannot start. Security keyfile corruptedThe cluster is not correctly configuredThe cluster is not correctly configuredRecreate the security keyfile in the cluster Call IBM Service if problem persistsKeyfile pathCritical client blocked/exitedGroup Services daemon was blocked too long or exitedGroup Services daemon blocked: resource contention Group Services daemon blocked: protocol problems Group Services daemon exited: internal failure Group Services daemon exited: critical client failure Group Services daemon blocked: reduce system load Group Services daemon exited: diagnose Group ServicesCritical client - program nameFailure CodeActionInconsistent Broadcast AddressBroadcast address inconsistent with subnet mask Incorrect subnet maskBroadcast address or subnet mask set incorrectlyCorrect broadcast address or subnet mask (broadcast_address = address | (~ subnet_mask)) Subnet mask must be of the form 11...100...0Interface nameAddressComputed broadcast addressNot enough disk space to startFile system is fullSubsystems wrote too much data (likely into /var)Clean-up space in file system Extend file systemNot enough space was reserved for file systemClean-up space in file system Extend file systemDirectory where data needs to be writtenFree space in 1 Kbyte-blocksNIM UnresponsiveTopology Services NIM failed to respond to liveness messagesThreads in the NIM process got blocked Condition in operating system prevents the threads from making progressCorresponding adapter will be marked as down Investigate cause for the blockage Terminate NIM process (via 'kill -6') A new NIM process is started once the previous instance terminates If the problem persists, call IBM Service.Interface nameProcess IDProblem in Operating System prevents processes from running Excessive I/O interrupt traffic prevents processes from running Excessive virtual memory activity prevents Topology Services from making progress The system clock was set forwardCannot start. Interface name missingThere may have been an HACMP configuration problem Adapter configuration changes may have been made without sychronizingThere may have been an HACMP configuration problem Adapter configuration changes may have been made without sychronizingThe interface in question must have a name configured Run 'smitty cm_update_hacmp_interface_with_aix_settings' and then Synchronize the cluster so HACMP can re-harvest the interfaces Call IBM Service if problem persistsAddress of interfaceCannot start or refresh. Bad node numberNode number is out of range in configuration fileThe adapter_type or node_number attributes of SDR class Adapter indicates that node number is out of rangeODM indicates that node number is out of rangeThe repository indicates that node number is out of rangeList all interfaces in the cluster to find out the correct node number for the network interface Unconfigure the network interface to the operating system and then re-add it after a few minutes If problem persists then remove node from the cluster and re-add it after a few minutes Contact IBM Service if problem persistsThe adapter typeThe invalid node numberTopology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) error: Too much outbound packet traffic Send thread is blocked Too much inbound packet trafficNo IP connection remains: Group Services traffic using non-IP link Excessive message traffic created by Group Services or application Send thread blocked while sending a packet Non-IP link is too slow for the Group Services trafficEnsure the IP connections are working Use a faster baud rate if RS232 device in use Use a faster non-IP connection between nodes Send thread blocked: terminate NIM process Call IBM Service if problem persistsA thread in a Topology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) process was blocked Topology Services NIM process cannot get timely access to CPU The system clock was set forwardExcessive memory consumption is causing high memory contention Excessive disk I/O is causing high memory contention The system clock was manually set forwardAll NIMs have died: main daemon exitingThere are no Network Interface Module (NIM) processes left to monitor interfaces on this nodeAll NIM processes had multiple internal errors All NIM processes were repeatedly terminated by a signalSee prior TS_NIM_DIED_ER errors Examine if signals are being sent to processes in the system Contact IBM ServiceIllegal alias present: daemon exitingService address has been aliased to a boot or standby adapterService address has been aliased to a boot or standby adapterRemove alias addressInterface nameBase addressAliasError retrieving local network interfacesError in base Operating System FunctionUnsupported network adapter being used A problem in the Operating System function which lists the local network interfacesContact IBM Service if problem persistsReturn codeSystem error valueUnable to parse adapter specificationNetwork adapter information in machines.lst file retrieved incorrectlyA problem in start-up script which generates machines.lst file Network interface or device name is too long Incorrect subnet prefixVerify cluster network adapter configuration Contact IBM Service if problem persistsLocation of machines.lst fileContents of line which could not be parsedNetwork has mixed address typesNetwork includes some adapters with IPv4 and others with IPv6 addressesA problem with the cluster configuration infrastructureVerify cluster network adapter configuration Contact IBM Service if problem persistsNetwork nameDead Man Switch being allowed to expire. If a TS_DMS_RESTORED_TE error appears after this, that will indicate this condition has been recovered from. Otherwise, a DMS-triggered node failure should be expected to occur after the time indicated in the Detail Data.Topology Services has detected blockage that puts it in danger of suffering a sundered network. This is due to all viable NIM processes experiencing blockage, or the daemon's main thread being hung for too long.Dead Man Switch will once again be reset. Depending on how long the DMS was allowed to expire before recovery occurred, a TS_DMS_WARNING_ST error may also be seen at this time.The conditions which led to an earlier TS_DMS_EXPIRING_EM error are no longer present on the system.The conditions which led to an earlier TS_DMS_EXPIRING_EM error are no longer present on the system.The previous TS_DMS_EXPIRING_EM error should be investigated to determine the cause of that problem.%1$s: 2523-600 Exit with return code: %2$s %1$s: 2523-601 Can not initialize FFDC environment, return code = %2$s %1$s: 2523-602 Cannot find or validate the active partition name using spget_syspar. %1$s: 2523-603 ERROR: Cannot create directory %2$s. %1$s: 2523-604 Unable to retrieve node number, exiting. %1$s: 2523-605 Cannot find the address of the control workstation. SAVED_CW_IPADDRS: %2$s netstat -in %1$s: 2523-606 Execution of spk2ck command failed to generate cluster key file %1$s: 2523-607 Partition is not in dce-only mode %1$s: 2523-608 Command lsauthpts failed %1$s: 2523-609 Unable to start the daemon after %2$s retries. Quitting. %1$s: 2523-610 Sleeping for %2$s seconds %1$s: 2523-611 Unable retrieve %2$s. Quitting. %1$s: 2523-612 Output from ifconfig %2$s has no netmask information %1$s: 2523-613 Cannot find SP system administration network. %1$s: 2523-620 Unable to retrieve SDR %2$s class [%3$s] %1$s: 2523-621 Unable to retrieve %2$s from SDR %3$s class [%4$s] %1$s: 2523-622 Unable to retrieve SDR Adapter subnet attribute [$%2$s] %1$s: 2523-623 Unable to retrieve SDR file %2$s [%3$s] %1$s: 2523-624 Unable to create SDR file %2$s [%3$s] %1$s: 2523-625 Unable to replace SDR file %2$s [%3$s] %1$s: 2523-626 DMS kernel extension not loaded or has an older version. Loading DMS kernel extension.%1$s: 2523-627 Special network %2$s contains %3$s in SDR Subnet class. Should be %4$s. %1$s: 2523-628 Subnet %2$s of network %3$s has been defined in SDR Subnet class. %1$s: 2523-629 SDR command exited with exit code=%2$s. Exiting. %1$s: 2523-630 Cannot remove service entry from /etc/services %1$s: 2523-631 Cannot get system partition name %1$s: 2523-632 Cannot get system partition IP address %1$s: 2523-633 Cannot get node number %1$s: 2523-634 missing command flag %1$s: 2523-635 only one command flag permitted %1$s: 2523-636 The %2$s subsystem must be stopped before removing or remaking it. %1$s: 2523-637 Port number not in SDR %1$s: 2523-638 Cannot set port number into /etc/services %1$s: 2523-639 ERROR: Unable to retrieve "%2$s" from SDR %1$s: 2523-640 %2$s/%3$s is not executable %1$s: 2523-641 Could not add %2$s subsystem to SRC. %1$s: 2523-642 Could not obtain HACWS status %1$s: 2523-643 Could not add %2$s to /etc/inittab %1$s: 2523-644 Cannot verify registration of service name %2$s, protocol UDP, port %3$s. %1$s: 2523-645 Cannot get DCE credentials to update SDR. rc=%2$s. %1$s: 2523-646 Refresh operation failed. Details are in the AIX error log and in the hats script log (/var/ha/log/hats.). %1$s: 2523-647 Halt Callback kernel extension not loaded or has an older version. Loading Halt Callback kernel extension. %1$s: 2523-650 ERROR: Unknown parameter %2$s. %1$s: 2523-651 ERROR: Cluster designator not valid : %2$s. %1$s: 2523-655 Unable to execute the odmget HACMPtopsvcs command. %1$s: 2523-656 Unable to get the ODM %2$s class. %1$s: 2523-657 ERROR: Not enough disk space in %2$s (%3$s Kbytes). %1$s: 2523-658 Command '%2$s' produced unexpected output: '%3$s'. %1$s: 2523-659 ERROR: Unable to create the machine list file, probably because the file system is full. %1$s: 2523-660 ERROR: Unable to execute HACMP utility %2$s. %1$s: 2523-661 File %2$s did not exist or is not executable. %1$s: 2523-662 ERROR: Error occurred while creating the machine list file. %1$s: 2523-663 Unable to open file %2$s.%1$s: 2523-664 Node is not in HACMP Mode %1$s: 2523-665 ERROR: Number of networks exceeds limit of %2$s. Network %3$s ignored. %1$s: 2523-666 socket port number in /etc/services (%2$s) did not match that in SDR Syspar_ports class (%3$s). %1$s: 2523-667 Keyfile %2$s present but corrupt. %1$s: 2523-670 The installed SP_Switch2 has no css1 interfaces. %1$s: 2523-671 There are %2$s types of switches installed on the system. %1$s: 2523-675 Required network options are not set correctly. Source routing may not work properly. %1$s: 2523-676 Cannot access system option %2$s. %1$s: 2523-677 Cannot set system option %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 2523-678 System %2$s/%3$s is not supported. %1$s: 2523-680 Unknown command line option %2$s. %1$s: 2523-681 At least one command line option is needed. %1$s: 2523-682 Only one command line option is permitted. %1$s: 2523-683 Option %2$s needs an argument. %1$s: 2523-684 Unrecognized command line options: %2$s were given. %1$s: 2523-685 Option %2$s cannot co-exist with %3$s. %1$s: 2523-686 Option %2$s must be used with %3$s. %1$s: 2523-687 Use: "-V variable:value" or "-V variable" %1$s: 2523-689 There are other %2$s running. Multiple instances are not supported. %1$s: 2523-690 Could not get cluster information from %2$s. %1$s: 2523-691 Topology Services port number not found by %2$s. %1$s: 2523-692 Extra value "%2$s" found in the key value of keyword %3$s %1$s: 2523-693 Key word %2$s requires %3$s parameters. %1$s: 2523-694 Invalid IP address or interface name %2$s. %1$s: 2523-695 NETWORK_NAME must be the first line of a network configuration. %1$s: 2523-696 Network %2$s redefined. %1$s: 2523-850 Unable to store Topology Services configuration file %2$s to repository using "%3$s". Exit code=%4$s. %1$s: 2523-851 Unable to retrieve Topology Services configuration file %2$s from repository using "%3$s". Exit code=%4$s. %1$s: 2523-852 Refresh operation failed. Details are in %2$s. %1$s: 2523-855 Cannot have a trailing ',' in key value %2$s. %1$s: 2523-856 Numeric value "%2$s" contains non-numeric characters. %1$s: 2523-857 The key value of key word %2$s is missing. %1$s: 2523-858 "%2$s" is not a valid value for variable %3$s. %1$s: 2523-859 Key word "%2$s" was redefined %1$s: 2523-860 Unknown key word %2$s. %1$s: 2523-865 Cannot access directory %2$s. %1$s: 2523-866 File %2$s does not exist. %1$s: 2523-867 File %2$s is not readable. %1$s: 2523-868 File %2$s is not writable. %1$s: 2523-869 Command "%2$s" is not executable. %1$s: 2523-870 Command %2$s not found in paths %3$s %1$s: 2523-871 "%2$s" command exited with exit code=%3$s. %1$s: 2523-890 ERROR: Network type: %2$s The value %3$s for the heartbeat rate is out of range. The value should be at least %4$s and no more than %5$s. %1$s: 2523-891 ERROR: Network type: %2$s The value %3$s for the failure cycle is out of range. The value should be at least %4$s and no more than %5$s. %1$s: 2523-892 ERROR: Network type: %2$s The baud value %3$s in the NIM parameters is incorrect. The value should be 9600, 19200, or 38400. %1$s: 2523-893 ERROR: Network type: %2$s The value %3$s for the grace period is out of range. The value should be at least %4$s and no more than %5$s. %1$s: 2523-894 ERROR: Network name: %2$s An interface with address %3$s has no name. Topology Services requires interfaces to be named. %1$s: 2523-895 ERROR: Network type: %2$s The string entered in the parameters field of the rs232 NIM module is incomplete or contains errors. Acceptable format is the following: [-l ] [['a']] %1$s: 2523-896 ERROR: Network type: %2$s The debug level %3$s specified after the -l flag in the NIM parameters field is outside the normal range of 3-20, and matches one of the accepted baud rates for the rs232 NIM: 9600, 19200, 38400 The debug level must be the first numeric value after the -l flag (-l 10), even when a baud rate is specified as well (-l 10 9600). %1$s: 2523-897 ERROR: Device name %2$s is too long. Exceeds limit of %3$s characters. %1$s: 2523-897 ERROR: Device name %2$s is not supported. Device names should start with "/dev/". %1$s: 2523-899 ERROR: Network name %2$s is too long. Exceeds limit of %3$s characters. %1$s called with options: ExecUsage: %1$s -a | -s | -r | -k | -d | -c | -u | -t | -o | -h | -? -a add topology services -d delete topology services -k stop topology services -c clean topology services (delete from all partitions) -u un-configure topology services (from all partitions) -r refresh topology services configuration -s start topology services -t turn on tracing for topology services -o turn off tracing for topology services -h|? this help message Usage: %1$s [-machList ] [-cluster ] [-nodeNumber ] [-noBuild] [-noExec] [-HACMPtopsvcs ] [-clhandle ] [-clmixver HACMP version + 1000 (mixed versions) or HACMP version (nodes at same level)] [-cllsnw ] [-cllsifList ] [-daemonDir ] [-debug All|IntName|NetType|NetName|Mytable|IPaddrs|NodeList|ConfigTable|Daisy|MachList|Alias] [-v] [refresh] -debug All Turn on all debug flags -debug IntName Turn on Interface Name debug output -debug NetType Turn on Network Type debug output -debug NetName Turn on Network Name debug output -debug Mytable Turn on Mytable debug output -debug IPaddrs Turn on IP addresses debug output -debug NodeList Turn on Node List debug output -debug NodeNumber Turn on Node Number debug output -debug ConfigTable Turn on Configuration Table debug output -debug Daisy Turn on DaisyTable debug output -debug MachList Turn on Machines List debug output -debug Alias Turn on Alias debug output Configuration is in migration. Configuration is not in migration. HACMP version %1$s. Unknown HACMP version. hacmp_ver = %1$s. Usage: %1$s -a | -s | -r | -m | -k | -d | -c | -z | -t | -o | -h | -e | -? -a add topology/group services -d delete topology services -k stop topology services -c clean topology services(delete from all partitions) -z clean up topology services for de-installation -r refresh topology services configuration -m refresh topology services configuration (migration refresh) -s start topology services -t turn on tracing for topology services -o turn off tracing for topology services -e start topology services with the Dead Man Switch enabled -h|? this help message Caution: %1$s subsystem has not fully stopped within %2$d seconds. Script invoked for verification purpose only. For errors, see messages with keyword ERROR. Usage: %1$s -a | -c | -d | -e | -k | -o | -p | -r | -s | -t | -u | -z | -h | -? -a add topology services -c clean topology services(delete from all partitions) -d delete topology services -e start topology services with the Dead Man Switch enabled -k stop topology services -o turn off tracing for topology services -p override port number -r refresh topology services configuration -s start topology services -t turn on tracing for topology services -u unconfigure topology services (from all partitions) -z clean up topology services for de-installation -h|? this help message Waiting for %1$s subsystem to stop. %2$s seconds remaining. Sending SIGKILL signal to terminate %1$s subsystem. Loading the Topology Services configuration file using: %1$s. Storing the Topology Services configuration file using: %1$s. Refreshing %1$s. Reloading the Topology Services configuration file. Starting HATS daemon: %1$s Usage: %1$s -h %1$s -b [-v] %1$s [-e | -n | -r] options: -b build machines.lst -e starts cthats subsystem with Dead Man Switch enabled -h print usage message -n do everything except for executing HATS daemon -r refresh cthats subsystem -v verbose mode - print the contents of configuration files in standard error Cluster name=%1$s, Cluster ID=%2$s, Node number=%3$s ===== File name: %1$s ===== ----- Removing temporary file: %1$s ----- Input "%1$s" line ignored %1$s: Heartbeat rate for %2$s set to %3$s. Assuming this is in seconds. %1$s: Heartbeat rate for %2$s set to %3$s. Assuming this is in microseconds. HACMP version higher than highest known version. hacmp_ver = %1$s %1$s: 2523-898 ERROR: Device name %2$s is not supported. Device names should start with "/dev/". %1$s: 2523-895 ERROR: Network type: %2$s The string entered in the parameters field of the rs232 NIM module is incomplete or contains errors. Acceptable format is the following: [-l ] [-c] [['a']] 2523-700 Cannot discard stale messages: %1$s 2523-701 Cannot accept stale messages: %1$s Usage: %1$s -s|-d Error %1$d occurredTimeout while contacting HATS daemonProblem with HATS daemonCannot open socket to HATS daemonCannot connect to HATS daemonHATS daemon closed socket connectionUsage: %1$s device_name %1$s: No NDDs. %1$s: getkerninfo(): error. %1$s: malloc() error. %1$s: device %2$s not found. Using device name as interface name. %1$s: 2523-720 The Topology Services tunables cannot be queried or changed before the cluster is defined. %1$s: 2523-721 Option "%2$s" is not a valid option. %1$s: 2523-722 Option "%2$s" can not be re-used. %1$s: 2523-723 Option "%2$s" can not coexist with options "-d" and "-h". %1$s: 2523-724 Option "-d" can not coexist with options "-f", "-s", "-p", "-l", "-m", and "-h". %1$s: 2523-725 Option "-h" can not coexists with options "-f", "-s", "-p", "-l", "-m", and "-d". %1$s: 2523-726 Options "-f", "-s", "-p", "-l", and "-m" need an extra option. %1$s: 2523-727 %2$s is not a valid object. Valid objects are "None", "Text", "Data", "Proc", and "default". %1$s: 2523-728 %2$s is not a valid decimal number. %1$s: 2523-729 A valid decimal number is expected. %1$s: 2523-730 Default frequency value is redefined. %1$s: 2523-731 Default sensitivity value is redefined. %1$s: 2523-732 Frequency value of network %2$s is redefined. %1$s: 2523-733 Sensitivity value of network %2$s is redefined. %1$s: 2523-734 "-r" option requires root privilege. %1$s: 2523-740 Frequency value %2$s is too small. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-741 Frequency value %2$s is too large. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-742 Sensitivity value %2$s is too small. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-743 Sensitivity value %2$s is too large. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-744 Priority value %2$s is too small. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-745 Priority value %2$s is too large. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-746 Maximum number of lines in the log files (%2$s) is too small. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-747 Maximum number of lines in the log files (%2$s) is too large. Valid range is [%3$s, %4$s]. %1$s: 2523-748 Network name %2$s is not defined. %1$s: 2523-749 Cannot get DCE credentials to update SDR. rc=%2$s. %1$s: 2523-750 PSSP command %2$s is missing. Check if PSSP is installed properly. %1$s: 2523-751 SDR subsystem is not working properly. %1$s: 2523-752 Error changing attribute values of SDR class TS_Config. %1$s: 2523-753 Error changing attribute values of SDR class Network for network %2$s. %1$s: 2523-754 Error retrieving SDR class TS_Config. %1$s: 2523-755 HATS tunable values can only be changed on the control workstation. %1$s: 2523-760 File %2$s does not exist. %1$s: 2523-761 File %2$s is not readable. %1$s: 2523-762 File %2$s is not writable. %1$s: 2523-763 Command "%2$s" is not executable. %1$s: 2523-764 "%2$s" command exited with exit code=%3$s. %1$s: 2523-765 Cannot open file %2$s for writing. %1$s: 2523-766 Cannot write data to %2$s %1$s: 2523-767 Cannot open pipe to %2$s. %1$s: 2523-768 Cannot pipe data to %2$s %1$s: 2523-769 Cannot close file %2$s. %1$s: 2523-770 Cannot rename file %2$s to %3$s %1$s: 2523-771 "%2$s" command exited with exit code=%3$s. Ensure cluster is online before trying command again. %1$s: 2523-775 Command line option %2$s needs an argument. %1$s: 2523-776 Unrecognized command line options: %2$s. %1$s: 2523-777 Command line option %2$s is mutually exclusive with all other options. %1$s: 2523-778 Command line option %2$s cannot be used with %3$s. %1$s: 2523-779 %2$s cannot be used with command line option %3$s. %1$s: 2523-780 Extra parameter "%2$s" in tunable %3$s. %1$s: 2523-781 "%2$s" is not a valid value for tunable %3$s. %1$s: 2523-782 Global tunable "%2$s" redefined. %1$s: 2523-783 Per-network tunable "%2$s" redefined for network %3$s. %1$s: 2523-784 Network name must be specified before per-network tunable %2$s can be set. %1$s: 2523-785 Could not get cluster information from %2$s. %1$s: 2523-786 Refresh failed. New tunable values did not take effect on all nodes. Usage: %1$s [-f frequency] [-s sensitivity] [-p priority] [-l log_length] [-m pin_object] [-r] %1$s -d [-r] %1$s -v %1$s -h The following HATS tunables are changed: Default heart beat frequency changed to %1$s. Default heart beat sensitivity changed to %1$s. Using non-fixed priority. Priority value ignored. Using fixed priority %1$s. Maximum number of lines in log files changed to %1$s. Pinning %1$s in real memory. Changing network specific heart beat frequency: Changing network specific heart beat sensitivity: Network %1$s changed to %2$s. Changing heart beat frequency to %1$s and sensitivity to %2$s for the following networks: %1$s Current HATS tunable values: Frequency: %1$s Sensitivity: %1$s Running fixed priority: %1$s Running non-fixed priority. Priority value %1$s ignored. Maximum number of lines in log file: %1$s Pinning in real memory: %1$s Network: %1$s Frequency: %2$s Sensitivity: %3$s I_CTTUNE_Usage obsolete messageNetwork %1$s is not defined. Updating the changed configuration to the repository. The specified changes are identical to the current configuration. Nothing is updated to the repository. %1$s [-f [[net]:][frequency]] [-s [[net]:][sensitivity]] [-g [[net]:][grace]] [-p priority] [-l log_length] [-m pin_object] [-r] [-v] %1$s [-h] 2523-810 Attempt to turn off Fast Failure Detection failed with return code: %1$d. 2523-811 Attempt to turn on Fast Failure Detection failed with return code: %1$d. 2523-812 Attempt to retrieve registered Fast Failure Detection device(s) failed with return code: %1$d. 2523-813 Initialization of kernel extension failed with return code: %1$d This command does not take any command line parameters. Initializing kernel extension No support for Fast Failure Detection Kernel extension has version %1$d. Expecting %2$d. Fast Failure Detection information: Kernel extension version: %1$d Kernel extension status: Not initialized Minimum initialization Fully initialized but not supported Supported but turned off Supported and enabled No devices registered for Fast Failure Detection Devices registered for Fast Failure Detection: Fast Failure Detection does not seem to be supported Success! Fast Failure Detection is already enabled Fast Failure Detection is already disabled