ISO8859-1'+ 38T=/6 :2 /m 8 ; 75J"5,.85=n Usage: ha_star -C ha_star: 1735-001 Unrecognised option. ha_star: 1735-002 ODM CONFIG_LOCK refused. ha_star: 1735-003 Error in ODM. ha_star: 1735-004 The ODM cpuguard attribute not found. ha_star: 1735-005 The ODM cpuguard attribute is not enabled. ha_star: 1735-006 The ODM attribute not found. ha_star: 1735-007 Could not modify the ODM attribute. ha_star: 1735-008 No previous CPU failure event received. ha_star: 1735-009 Terminating signal received. ha_star: 1735-010 Deallocation feature not implemented. ha_star: 1735-011 No PAL support for deallocation feature. ha_star: 1735-012 Too few processors for deallocation. ha_star: Unsuccessful due to bound process/thread id ha_star: Unsuccessful due to HAEH ha_star: Concurrent deallocation activity, stopping. ha_star: Successful deconfiguration for %s. ha_star: Unsuccessful deconfiguration for %s. ha_star: 1735-013 The ODM cpuspare attribute not found. ha_star: 1735-014 The ODM cpuspare attribute is not enabled. Indicates whether or not the system is with CPU Guard enabled. This value is changed by the root user. The possible values are enable or disable with enable being the default. The changed value is persistent across boots.