ISO8859-18bL;j1W0[A [ > 18 0j #>e^d^  "%s: 0652-032 Do not use the -p flag more than 20 times. Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvxbhwy] [-p[parasep]] -e pattern_list... [-f pattern_file...] [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvxbhwy] [-p[parasep]] [-e pattern_list...] -f pattern_file... [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvxbhwy] [-p[parasep]] pattern_list [file...] %s: 0652-033 Cannot open %s. %s: 0652-034 The maximum paragraph length is 10,000 bytes. %s: 0652-035 The specified pattern is not valid. %s: 0652-036 The number of patterns (including those in -f files) must not exceed 400. (standard input)Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxy] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] -e pattern_list... [-f pattern_file...] [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxy] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] [-e pattern_list...] -f pattern_file... [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxy] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] pattern_list [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxy] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] -e pattern_list... [-f pattern_file...] [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxy] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] [-e pattern_list...] -f pattern_file... [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxy] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] pattern_list [file...] $s: 0652-225 The -b flag may not be used with stdin or pipes. %s: 0652-226 Maximum line length of %d exceeded. %s: 0652-227 %s must be a regular or fifo file. 0652-228 circular reference for %s %s: 0652-225 The -b flag may not be used with stdin or pipes. Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvxbhwyu] [-p[parasep]] -e pattern_list... [-f pattern_file...] [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvxbhwyu] [-p[parasep]] [-e pattern_list...] -f pattern_file... [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-E|-F] [-c|-l|-q] [-insvxbhwyu] [-p[parasep]] pattern_list [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxyu] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] -e pattern_list... [-f pattern_file...] [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxyu] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] [-e pattern_list...] -f pattern_file... [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxyu] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] pattern_list [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxyu] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] -e pattern_list... [-f pattern_file...] [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxyu] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] [-e pattern_list...] -f pattern_file... [file...] Usage: %s [-r] [-R] [-H] [-L] [-hisvwxyu] [[-bn]|[-c|-l|-q]] [-p[parasep]] pattern_list [file...] Line too long.