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Usage: gprof [-b][-s][-z][-g FileName][-p FileName][-i FileName][-e Name][-E Name][-f Name][-F Name][-L PathName] [gmon.out ...] gprof: 0551-058 lookup failed. The data may be corrupt. gprof: 0551-059 The mon.out %d file doesn't match. gprof: 0551-060 The path names are too big in the loader table. gprof: 0551-061 Cannot read file header. gprof: 0551-062 ldahread failed. Not an archive. gprof: 0551-063 The ldtbseek function failed. gprof: 0551-064 Cannot read symbol: %d gprof: 0551-065 The file name string is too long. gprof: 0551-066 The member string is too long. %1$s: 0551-067 %2$s: %3$s: Reached end of file. ngranularity: Each sample hit covers %d bytes. Time: %.2f seconds No time has accumulated. ngranularity: Each sample hit covers %d bytes. There is no time propagated. 6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %11.11s %7.7s %7.7s [%d] Index by function name gprof: 0551-068 ldnshread failed. Warning: mon.out file has no call counts. Program possibly not compiled with profiled libraries. gprof: 0511-069 No such profile header. gprof: 0511-071 dfn : Unable to allocate stack. % cumulative self self total time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name called/total parents index %time self descendents called+self name index called/total children gprof: 0551-072 libelf version out of date gprof: 0551-073 cannot initialize object file %s gprof: 0551-074 cannot read ELF header for file %s gprof: 0551-075 invalid class for file %s gprof: 0511-076 No argument specified for the %c flag. flat profile: % the percentage of the total running time of thetime program used by this function.cumulative a running sum of the number of seconds accounted seconds for by this function and those listed above it. self the number of seconds accounted for by thisseconds function alone. This is the major sort for this listing.calls the number of times this function was invoked, if this function is profiled, else blank. self the average number of milliseconds spent in thisms/call function per call, if this function is profiled, else blank. total the average number of milliseconds spent in thisms/call function and its descendents per call, if this function is profiled, else blank.name the name of the function. This is the minor sort for this listing. The index shows the location of the function in the gprof listing. If the index is in parenthesis it shows where it would appear in the gprof listing if it were to be printed.call graph profile: The sum of self and descendents is the major sort for this listing. function entries:index the index of the function in the call graph listing, as an aid to locating it (see below).%time the percentage of the total time of the program accounted for by this function and its descendents.self the number of seconds spent in this function itself.descendents the number of seconds spent in the descendents of this function on behalf of this function.called the number of times this function is called (other than recursive calls).self the number of times this function calls itself recursively.name the name of the function, with an indication of its membership in a cycle, if any.index the index of the function in the call graph listing, as an aid to locating it. parent listings:self* the number of seconds of this function's self time which is due to calls from this parent.descendents* the number of seconds of this function's descendent time which is due to calls from this parent.called** the number of times this function is called by this parent. This is the numerator of the fraction which divides up the function's time to its parents.total* the number of times this function was called by all of its parents. This is the denominator of the propagation fraction.parents the name of this parent, with an indication of the parent's membership in a cycle, if any.index the index of this parent in the call graph listing, as an aid in locating it. children listings:self* the number of seconds of this child's self time which is due to being called by this function.descendent* the number of seconds of this child's descendent's time which is due to being called by this function.called** the number of times this child is called by this function. This is the numerator of the propagation fraction for this child.total* the number of times this child is called by all functions. This is the denominator of the propagation fraction.children the name of this child, and an indication of its membership in a cycle, if any.index the index of this child in the call graph listing, as an aid to locating it. * these fields are omitted for parents (or children) in the same cycle as the function. If the function (or child) is a member of a cycle, the propagated times and propagation denominator represent the self time and descendent time of the cycle as a whole. ** static-only parents and children are indicated by a call count of 0. cycle listings: the cycle as a whole is listed with the same fields as a function entry. Below it are listed the members of the cycle, and their contributions to the time and call counts of the cycle.Warning: truncating long demangled name %d threads were not profiled Unable to get symbol information regarding %s. syml_binsym_lookup() failed. Unable to create a pseudo process. Combination of 'z' and 'x' flag not supported Combination of 'z' and 'c' flag not supported No support of -s option for 32-bit thread level profiling No support of -s option for 64-bit thread level profiling %s is not a valid remote processing file usage: gprof [-b][-c [FileName]][-x [FileName]][-s][-z][-g FileName][-p FileName][-i FileName][-e name][-E name][-f name][-F name][-L Pathname][ a.out [ gmon.out ... ] ]