ùISO8859-1™è, D ep “ ­ ½ 'Ü #(9Pj&’$¹Þ*í8Ka(w  ³À!Ü þ!"(#%8$^% z&›'«(#¿)ã*ö+ , - -. B/ _0 v1 ’2 ¯3 Ë4 à5 ú6' 7 78 N9 j: ˆ;' £< Ë=) ë> ?$ &@ KA iB) ‡C# ±D ÕE ëF ñG H /I HJ fK „L ¢M ÀN ÞO üP Q $R BS ^T rU †V ¤W ¾X ÍY ÜZ õ[ \ ]:^S_l`‚a’b,¬c-Ùd3e#;f_g~hiŸj ¨k1Él(ûm$n>o+Qp}qr±sÁt!Ûuýv w x=yWzp{ƒ| •}!£~Š݀3ê‚:ƒ I„&W…~†‡¶ˆ Õ‰[áŠ(=‹fŒ&ƒ7ªŽ!â7/<‘l’ˆ“1—”)É•Có–7—S˜n™$‹Cannot get users ulimit. getpeername (%s): %mgetsockname (%s): %mftpd: Bad value for -u ftpd: Unknown flag -%c ignored. signal: %msetsockopt: %mioctl SIOCSPGRP: %m%s FTP server (%s) ready.lost connectionLocal resource failure: mallocGuest login ok, send ident as password.Can't change user from guest login.User %s unknown.User %s access denied.Password required for %s.Login with USER first.Login incorrect.User %s: can't change directory to %s.No directory! Logging in with home=/Can't set uid.Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.ANONYMOUS FTP LOGIN FROM %s, %sUser %s logged in.FTP LOGIN FROM %s, %s%s: not a plain file.Transfer complete (unique file name:%s).Transfer complete. (%ld bytes)Can't open data connection.Opening data connection for %s%s.FILE: %sBINARYUsing existing data connection for %s%s.Can't create data socket (%s,%d): %s.Can't build data connectionUnimplemented %s %d in send_dataData connectionError on input fileUnimplemented %s %d in receive_dataError writing filecontrol connectionEnd of Status%s FTP server status: Connected to %s Logged in anonymously Logged in as %s Waiting for password Waiting for user name Data connection open in Passive mode No data connection Error in server: %s Closing connection due to server error.%s command successful.%s command not implemented.'%s': command not understood."%s" is current directory.File exists, ready for destination nameYou could at least say goodbye.Transfer aborted. Data connection closed.Abort successfulStatus: %lu of %lu bytes transferredStatus: %lu bytes transferredCan't open passive connectionEntering Passive Mode (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)Unique file name cannot be created.%s: unknown error %d.ASCIIrepeated login failures from %sFTP LOGIN REFUSED FROM %s, %sPORT command successful.Type set to A; form set to C.Type set to A; form set to N.Type set to A; form set to T.Type set to E; form set to C.Type set to E; form set to N.Type set to E; form set to T.Form must be C, N, or T.Type set to I.Type set to L (byte size %d).Type must be A, E, I, or L.Structure set to F.Structure set to R.Unimplemented structure type.Structure must be F or R.Mode set to B.Mode set to S.Unimplemented mode type.Mode must be B or S.ALLO command ignored.Bad sequence of commands.ABOR command successful.NOOP command successful.Current UMASK is %03oBad UMASK valueCHMOD command successful.CHMOD: Mode value must be between 0 and 0777Current IDLE time limit is %d seconds; max %dMaximum IDLE time must be between 30 and %d secondsMaximum IDLE time set to %d secondsUNIX Type: L%d Version: BSD-%dUNIX Type: L%dUNKNOWN Type: L%dGoodbye.Please login with USER and PASS.Timeout (%d seconds): closing control connection.User %s timed out after %d seconds at %sUnknown state in scanner.Ran out of memory.The following %scommands are recognized %s.Direct comments to ftp-bugs@%s.Unknown command %s.Syntax: %s%s %s%s%-*s %s; unimplemented.SIZE not implemented for Type %c.(* =>'s unimplemented)command: %sUMASK set to %03o (was %03o)Unknown user name after ~Bad directory componentsArguments too longPathname too longOut of memoryGetconfattr failed with error: %mMKD command successful.MARK %s = %sRequested action not taken: invalid REST parameterService ready for new user.Restart begun. (%llu bytes)Status: %llu of %llu bytes transferredStatus: %llu bytes transferredLPRT command successful.Supported address family is 6.Bad length.Entering Long Passive Mode (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)You cannot login at this Security level. Authentication type: %s Waiting for authentication data IP Address for data destination doesn't match client's.A Privilieged port was requested.stream transfer restart failed because offset over %llu%d unsuccessful login attempt since last login.Last unsuccessful login: %sLast login: %sftpd: -C option must be preceded by the -q flag. Timeout (%d seconds): closing connection.Only TLS enabled Clients allowed. Server is closing the connection.%s Directory is not empty. %s Directory is not empty.Transfer complete by user %s No data connection by user %s