ISO8859-1T 9V*o: _ !5 W !r \'=MW +R f];8<T*8:;0[lG u ! "< # $V %% U&% {'# (W )% *M C+% ,* - . / 0 41 P2x n3 4" 5& +6& R7P y8 9 :@;E< =9>1? M@'nA'B%CD"E &F;GG' "Bq_wjI.>Y"Insufficient access to EIM data.Access type is not valid.Access user type is not valid.Association type is not valid.Attribute name is not valid.Attribute not supported.Insufficient authority for the operation. CCSID is outside of valid range or CCSID is not supported.This change type is not valid with the requested attribute. Please check the API documentation.Length of EimConfig is not valid.Connection already exists.Connection type is not supported.Error occurred when converting data between code pages. EIM Domain entry already exists in EIM.Cannot delete a domain when it has registries or identifiers.Length of EimList is not valid. EimList must be at least 20 bytes in length.EimHandle is not valid.Name in use action is not valid.EIM Identifier already exists by this name.More than one EIM Identifier was found that matches the requested Identifier name.A restricted character was used in the object name. Check the API for a list of restricted characters.The protect parameter in EimSimpleConnectInfo is not valid.Unexpected LDAP error. %sEIM Domain not found or insufficient access to EIM data.EIM Identifier not found or insufficient access to EIM data.Unable to allocate internal system object.No memory available. Unable to allocate required space.EIM Registry not found or insufficient access to EIM data.Registry user not found or insufficient access to EIM data.EIM environment is not configured. Run eimSetConfiguration() API and try the request again.Not connected to LDAP. Use eimConnect() API and try the request again.The system is not configured to connect to a secure port. Connection type of EIM_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION is not valid.System registry not found.Missing required parameter. Please check API documentation.Pointer parameter is not valid.LDAP connection is for read only. Use eimConnectToMaster() to get a write connection.Registry entry already exists in EIM.Requested registry kind is not valid.Local registry name is too large. Cannot delete a registry when an application registry has this system registry defined.Unexpected error accessing parameter.The system is configured to connect to a secure port. EimSSLInfo is required.Length of unique name is not valid. Unknown exception or unknown system state.URL has no dn (required).URL has no domain (required).URL does not have a host.URL has no port (required).URL does not begin with ldap.LDAP connection can only be made to a replica ldap server. Change the connection information and try the request again.Configuration URL is too large. The EimIdType value is not valid. Length of EimAttribute is not valid.Connection type is not valid. Registry name must be NULL when access type is not EIM_ACCESS_REGISTRY. Unexpected object violation.Reserved field is not valid.Credentials must be NULL for the specified connection type. Error occurred after the domain object was created. The domain is in an unusable state. The ldap administrator will need to delete the domain.Policy filter type is not valid.Policy filter value not found for the specified registry.Registry type is not valid.User identity type is not valid.Length of EimUserIdentity is not valid.User identity format type is not valid.Distinguished Name (DN) is not valid.Certificate data is not valid.Configuration format is not valid.The specified type is not valid.The specified function is not supported by the EIM version.Unable to find LDAP schema." "Bind DN is too large.Connection system is not valid.Kerberos keytab file name is too large.Kerberos principal is too large.Kerberos password is too large.Kerberos realm is too large.EIM connection information is not set for this system. Run QsySetEIMConnectInfo() API and try the request again.EIM connection information is not set for the master system. Run QsySetEIMConnectInfo() API and try the request again.QSYEIM job is not active. Use the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command to start the job and try the request again.The length of the specified data is too large.The user profile name is not valid for the current connection.Unexpected error getting kerberos token. Refer to message in joblog for more information.