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Tux;1  "!#2"V#m$&%&'1(2)&C*j+,-./01 23 44AU56789:;"<7=M>h?~@ABCDEF #GDH dIoJK L MNOPQRS5TJUeV|W!X YZ1[",\O]c^x_`$'efghi/j EkflNmTny&op@)qBjr0s^tm=uv5w5x (y Izj{|}.~+'3["m@::!>\>&xfz!! / %+ U. 5 ; !" !8 ;!W ! )! !=!"7S"S9" 1"!"+#!6#M!###$# &$ #$' !$K !$m $$%Na&n&{'()+ u+K,3,-./o.D/1j/v/0 1!2d"3#(3$#4 %*40&"4['!4~(%4)W4*?5+U5^,%5-(5.36/670-7W1H7 y(7D7,8<8i"88,8(8 '9 !9D 9f 9t 999 999#: :-:M(:h:/:):#; ;/%;M1;s;; ;!;";#<$<2%8!>99>[:>z;><>=>>>?>@?A?B?<C?WD?]E ?cF?qG?H?I?J?K?L?M.?N<?O\@,P@QARA'S7A>T)AvUZAVFAWEBBX>BYABZAC [ICK\IC]2C^*D_:D=`DxaKDb>EFcFEd8EeFf7FgFh>GUi<GjNGkEH l-Hfm7Hn:Ho>IpiIFqZIr5J sDJAt@Ju>Jv)KwK0x#KJy Kn3KKKKK6L&LKLr L L L L 2L;M09Ml6M(M N!N'9NI%N'N8NO 'O&"ON0Oq)O!OOP (P%!(PN"Pw#P$P%-P&P'$Q()Q@)#Qj*Q+Q,!Q-(Q.BR/BR\0KR1,R2S3S5creating RPC connection to %s:%d, prognum=%#x creating RPC open session to %s:%d, prognum=%#x created RPC connection to %s:%d, prognum=0x%x, fd=%d retrying creating RPC connection to %s:%d, prognum=%#x start listening at %s:%d with principal %s stop listening at %s:%d closing RPC connection to %s:%d (fd=%d) clnt_call failed (%d:%s) Need GSS securityNeed GSS integriy securityNeed GSS privacy securityNeed AUTH_SYS securityNeed AUTH_NULL securityauth_sys failed on hostname match (was %s expected %s) auth_sys authorization failed unable to get raw credentials need GSS services need GSS integrity services need GSS privacy services need auth_sys security need auth_null security GSS principal is invalid Invalid service type defined for admin server - %s invalid auth type on authorization check Kerberos based rpc gss not available can't open ldb=%s, errno=%d(%s) %sSIGDANGER ignored, pid=%d Error Information: status=%d, level=%d, uuid=%s, depth=%d Error Information: status=%d, level=%d, depth=%d Error Text=%s 0: file=%s, function=%s, line=%d %d: file=%s, function=%s, line=%d Primary error occured Secondary error occured Memory allocation failed for %i bytes Failed to init debug context Failed to init os Failed to open message catalog %s, errno=%d (%s) Failed to specify valid memory handler parameters Memory allocation failed for %i bytes RPCSEC_GSS not availableNo socket availableFunction not implementedInvalid sequence of operationsAdmin server unavailableInvalid security flavorInternal errorldb failureNot found on this serverLocations missing on this serverMultiple locations found on this server. Please precise the path.Can't encode argumentsCan't decode resultsFailure in sending callFailure in receiving resultCall timed outRpc versions not compatibleAuthentication errorProgram not availableProgram version mismatchedProcedure unavailableDecode arguments errorCannot contact remote hostBroadcasting not supportedUnknown host nameUnknown protocolRemote address unknownPortmapper failed in its callRemote program is not registeredName to addr translation failedRPC failedCannot contact admin daemonsRPC intrRPC TLI errorRPC UDERRORRPC in progressRPC stale handleCannot open TCP socketCannot bind TCP socketCannot connect TCP socketAdmin server name is invalidCell name is invalidInvalid to set a cell nameObject name is invalidInvalid to set an obj nameInvalid verb specified for objectInvalid key specified for objectInvalid value specified for keyCan not remove copy from the DmTransferTable listCannot remove the last key elementInvalid server nameNo results availableMore results availableInvalid parameter typeMultiple admin servers not supportedLast replica location cannot be unplaced. Use a 'dmf destroy' commandMaster replica location cannot be unplaced. Assign a new master before with a 'dmf master' commandMissing path parameter Please provide the pathMaster cell location cannot be unplacedThe object name is too longContinue to follow pathDset nesting to deepOperation not yet completeServer is out of dateTraceback for primary error - %sOperation cancelled by userThis action cannot be performed due to a database check currently in progress.Nested dset/replica (path in a sub-directory of another dset/replica) not supported.Dsets/replicas/cells not allowed on this file system. Please use dms_enable_fs on that server to enable this file system.Could not read dsets/replicas/cells information on this file system. Please use dms_enable_fs on that server to enable this file system.Only members of system/root (0) group can create an admin serverThe effective user ID of the process can't be found in /etc/passwdA dataset is already mounted at this mount pointAttempt to destroy the admin data server Doing this should be achieved using dmf destroy adminA write operation failed during replication process. This error usually occurs when target filesystem is fullNo message foundIncorrect length of string UUID - was %d not 36 (%s) Incorrect tokens in string UUID - was %d not 11,(%s) Failed to format uuid as string Failed to alloc memory for uuid Failed to create uuid %s: invalid %s value '%s' failed to parse command '%s' failed to process dn='%s' in objectclass='%s' Failed to create DUAUTH pool Failed to allocate memory from DUAUTH pool failed to get principal_name for %s@%s No memory, rc=%s hostname translated from %s to %s cannot get addrinfo Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not available Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not set Failed checking another %s is running - bad semaphore key Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not created Failed checking another %s is running - semaphore not aquired Another %s session is already running %s: Invalid value '%s' for log_level parameter. Possible values are: critical, error, warning, notice and information. %s: Invalid value '%s' for security parameter. Possible values are: auth_sys, krb5, krb5i and krb5p. socket init failed, errno=%d(%s) socket inet_ntop failed errno=%d socket getaddrinfo failed for %s:%d, rc=%d(%s) socket bind failed for %s:%d, errno=%d(%s) socket connect failed for %s:%d, errno=%d(%s) Failed to allocate memory with t_alloc, errno=%d(%s) RPC: handler for prognum %#x registered on host %s port %d svctcp_create failed callback svctcp_create failed can't create RPC TCP connection to %s:%d prognum=%#x.%d %s can't register service %#x can't do pmap_set for %#x:%d for port %d can't do pmap_unset for %#x:%d can't establish GSS authorization for principal=%s, rc=%d:%s invalid security flavor=%d can't establish GSS authorization for service=%s, prog=%#x, ver=%d, error=(%d: %s) can't kinit to principal %s with keychain %s (status=%d) No memory for context handle Failed to create cli memory pool Memory allocation error for connect object Memory allocation error for generic structure size %d Failed to allocate for xdr check Failed xdr encode check At command validation - %s Failed to create object memory pool Return code from admin server %d (%s) Good return code from admin server Failed to get memory for results Admin server return code %d (%s) Invalid result object returned Admin server DmUuid: %s DmAdminName: %s DmDnsName: %s DmFrameworkVersion: %s DmCallbackPort: %d DmPrincipal: %s DmServiceType: %s Admin server DmUuid: %s DmAdminName: %s DmDnsName: %s DmFrameworkVersion: %s DmCallbackPort: %d DmPrincipal: %s DmServiceType: %s DmCentralLogLevel: %d DmLogPort: %d Cell DmUuid: %s DmCellName: %s DmAdminName: %s DmLocsMax: %d DmPrincipal: %s Data server DmUuid: %s DmServerName: %s DmDnsName: %s DmAdminName: %s DmAdminPort: %d DmClientDnsName: %s DmFrameworkVersion: %s DmMinRpcPort: %d DmMaxRpcPort: %d DmDefaultRepPath: %s DmDefaultDsetPath: %s DmDTAPort: %d DmTransferTable: %s DmPrincipal: %s DmLogLevel: %s DmExternal: %d DmAlive: %d Dataset DmUuid: %s DmName: %s DmAdminName: %s DmCellName: %s DmOwner: %s DmGroup: %s DmMode: %s DmLocsMax: %d DmMasterLocUuid: %s DmTransferTable: %s DmVersion: %d DmPrincipal: %s DmOwningRole: %s Replica DmUuid: %s DmName: %s DmAdminName: %s DmCellName: %s DmOwner: %s DmGroup: %s DmMode: %s DmLocsMax: %d DmMasterLocUuid: %s DmSourceName: %s DmTransferTable: %s DmVersion: %d DmPrincipal: %s DmOwningRole: %s Consistent Copy DmUuid: %s DmName: %s DmAdminName: %s DmCellName: %s DmOwner: %s DmGroup: %s DmMode: %s DmLocsMax: %d DmMasterLocUuid: %s DmSourceName: %s DmTransferTable: %s DmVersion: %d DmPrincipal: %s DmOwningRole: %s Location DmUuid: %s DmAdminName: %s DmCellName: %s DmServerName: %s DmDatasetName: %s DmPath: %s DmNFSPath: %s DmVersion: %d DmModifyTime: %s Location DmUuid: %s DmServerName: %s DmPath: %s DmNFSPath: %s DmVersion: %d DmModifyTime: %s Location DmServerName: %s DmDnsName: %s DmFrameworkVersion: %s Role DmUuid: %s DmAdminName: %s DmCellName: %s DmPrincipal: %s DmOwningRole: %s DmMember: %s DmServer: %s DmCreateDs: %d DmDestroyDs: %d DmModifyDs: %d DmDuplicateDs: %d DmCreateRole: %d DmDestroyRole: %d DmModifyRole: %d Data server DmUuid: %s DmServerName: %s DmDnsName: %s DmAdminName: %s DmFrameworkVersion: %s DmPrincipal: %s DmExternal: %d #DmUuid:DmAdminName:DmDnsName:DmFrameworkVersion:DmCallbackPort:DmPrincipal:DmServiceType:DmCentralLogLevel:DmLogPort %s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%d #DmUuid:DmAdminName:DmDnsName:DmFrameworkVersion:DmCallbackPort:DmPrincipal:DmServiceType %s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s #DmUuid:DmCellName:DmAdminName:DmLocsMax:DmPrincipal %s:%s:%s:%d:%s #DmUuid:DmServerName:DmDnsName:DmAdminName:DmFrameworkVersion:DmPrincipal:DmExternal %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%d #DmUuid:DmServerName:DmDnsName:DmAdminName:DmAdminPort:DmClientDnsName:DmFrameworkVersion:DmMinRpcPort:DmMaxRpcPort:DmDefaultRepPath:DmDefaultDsetPath:DmDTAPort:DmTransferTable:DmPrincipal:DmLogLevel:DmExternal:DmAlive %s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d #DmUuid:DmName:DmAdminName:DmCellName:DmOwner:DmGroup:DmMode:DmLocsMax:DmMasterLocUuid:DmTransferTable:DmVersion:DmPrincipal:DmOwningRole %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s #DmUuid:DmName:DmAdminName:DmCellName:DmOwner:DmGroup:DmMode:DmLocsMax:DmMasterLocUuid:DmSourceName:DmTransferTable:DmVersion:DmPrincipal:DmOwningRole %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s #DmUuid:DmName:DmAdminName:DmCellName:DmOwner:DmGroup:DmMode:DmLocsMax:DmMasterLocUuid:DmTransferTable:DmVersion:DmPrincipal:DmOwningRole %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%d:%s:%s #DmUuid:DmAdminName:DmCellName:DmPrincipal:DmOwningRole:DmMember:DmServer:DmCreateDs:DmDestroyDs:DmModifyDs:DmDuplicateDs:DmCreateRole:DmDestroyRole:DmModifyRole %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d Failed to copy address to command block Failed to setup command adequately dmf_destroy_result completed with rc = %d Invalid verb for specified object Invalid key for specified object Confirm callback cancelled operation ---------- STARTING REPORT FROM SERVER %s ---------- %d ERROR(S) -------------------- ---------- DATABASE CONSISTENCY WITH ADMIN DATABASE ---------- ERROR: %d DATABASE: %s DN: %s ERROR TYPE: %s ATTRIBUTE NAME: %s ATTRIBUTE VALUE: %s ---------- DATABASE CHECK ---------- ERROR: %d DATABASE: %s DESCRIPTION: %s ---------- END OF REPORT FROM SERVER %s ---------- One or more characters in the object name are not allowed. Characters that are not allowed in object names are: '\()* The '*' character is only allowed in two cases: dmf add_to role DmServer=* -a -c -o dmf remove_from role DmServer=* -a -c -o '/' character is not allowed in object name. The effective user ID (%d) of the process can't be found in /etc/passwd Failed to load iconv system, rc=%d (%s) Setting error inject point to file '%s' function '%s' location '%s' Memory allocation error for parse ctx block Syntax error - token '%s' %s Syntax error (%d) - token '%s' %s Error printing syntax errorMemory allocation error for token ctx block Memory allocation error for line buffer Memory allocation error for arg buffer Memory allocation error for flag expected verbexpected objectunexpected tokenUnexpected address format [...]expected address key valueexpected =expected address valueexpected a text stringMissing container address componentMissing admin address componentHOME env variable not set Memory allocation error for name string Memory allocation for dir name Failed to stat address store directory %d (%s) Failed to create store directory %d (%s) Store directory is not a directory Failed to allocate temp name Failed to allocate mem for line read Failed to create address store file %s - %d (%s) iconv failed %d (%s) SIGTERM received SIGINT received creating .dmf directory current address [%s:%d,%s,%s] current address [%s:%d,%s] current address [%s:%d] current address [none set] address context restored address context saved in %s address decode from command line current address stored in %s Error - %s unlinking file %s freeing address component %x Waiting for async command completion Confirm destroy yes/no [no] Confirm unplace yes/no [no] Confirm yes/no [no] yes Request uuid was : %s NDAF administration CLIUsage: dmf %s [] Where: Usage: dmf %sUsage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s []Usage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s [pattern]Usage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s []Usage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s Usage: dmf %s []Usage: dmf %s [-r] [-f] [-w timeout] [-d | -w timeout] [-m] [-e] [-V] [-U] [-R] [-a ] Where: [-a ] [-c ] Where: [-a ] [-c ] [-o ] Where: action : specifies the action to be performed. Valid actions are: %s object : specifies the object on which the action is performed. Valid values depends on the action, e.g.: %s Valid objects are: %s Valid types are: %s Other parameters depend on the action/object couple. Other parameters depend on the object. type : specifies the type of objects to return. Valid values: %s name : specifies the name for the admin server to be created name : specifies the name for the data server to be created name : specifies the name for the cell to be created name : specifies the name for the dataset to be created name : specifies the name for the replica to be created name : specifies the name for the consistent copy to be created name : specifies the name for the consistent copy to be created name : specifies the name of the replica server : specifies the server name new_source : specifies the name of the new source dset dns_target : specifies the DNS name or IP address of the server the port may be added using a colon separator -w value : specifies how long the command can wait before completing. -e : specifies that the object is external to NDAF -d : specifies that the command must be run asynchronously -r : prints the uuid assigned to the request -m : specifies that the data of the created dset will be managed outside NDAF (typical use is for cluster machines) -f : forces the action without confirmation -a value : specifies the DNS name or IP address of the admin server the port may be added using a colon separator -c value : specifies the container, i.e. the server name -c value : specifies the container, i.e. the cell name -o value : specifies the name of the object this command is addressed to pattern : optional matching text pattern (? and * can be used) path : specifies the path to lookup path : specifies the local path on the server mount_path : specifies the mount path in the namespace ldif : specifies the debug record to add in the LDAP key=value : specifies an attribute and the value to assign to it. Valid keys are: %s key : specifies the attribute to be cleared. Valid keys are: %s depth : specifies how many records to return -V : specifies that locations will be verified (default) -U : specifies that bad locations will be unexported -R : specifies that bad locations will be repaired Memory allocation error for usage string launched command: dmf %s command dmf successfully completed command dmf failed with rc = %d as printf failed Failed xdr encode check mq_open failed with %d (%s) mq_receive failed with %d (%s) mq_send failed with %d (%s) Memory allocation error for generic structure size %d creating queue %s with buffer size %d mq_create failed with %d (%s) deleting queue %s mq_delete failed with %d (%s) mq_erase failed with %d (%s) Missing UUID for locations Failed to open file for srvq comms (%s), error=%s Failed to allocate memory for opening srvq comms file (%s) Failed checking space for srvq comms file (%s), error=%s Failed to truncate file for srvq comms (%s), error=%s failed to create key for semaphore - %s failed to create semaphore - %s failed to mmap control file - %s At end of srv queue register handlerr error info missing Failed to lock servers sem - %d (%s) Failed to unlock servers sem - %d (%s) At end of srv queue service handlerr error info missing Client call failed %d (%s) Server name to long to form queue (%d) No queue for server found - %s:%d Failed to send signal to listen process %d (%s) Failed to allocate memory for queue name deleting messages queue file: %s message sent to %s:%d message sent to %s:%d timedout message sent to %s:%d can't recv result Failed to delete in ldb - dn=%s - err=%sFailed to format search text LDB search error - %s - for %s Failed to find entry %s Found %d locations on server %s - not single Failed to convert uuid format Failed to fetch attribute string %s Failed to fetch integer value for key %s Failed to delete old entry %s - %s Failed to re-add entry %s - %s mq_mq_lock failed with %d (%s) mq_mq_unlock failed with %d (%s) failed to flush queue to server %s (%d) In %s list we have an empty first pointer and a full last pointer In %s list we have an empty last pointer and a full first pointer In %s list failed integrity check, block %d had prev of %d but expected %d Block %d has a use count of %d, should be 1 Principal name to long - %s Entry not defined- %s