ùISO8859-1~„;6?>vµLÔª!ŽÌ –[ Úò ÀÍ šŽ ˆ )Ä ²= w¢ µV X8 ¯7 èE X f9 ¿1 ù, +@ XS< ™ Ö õ%J:H…Î%Ö (ü E% Gk >³ 2òD%Dj8¯$è&  4Up#Ž²AÒ.C^,y0¦O×)' PQ!6¢")Ù#L$4P%0…& ¶'×(0î)!*A+E,J-S.Z/c0k1p2)x3@¢4+ã56-7"E8h9†:/¡;)Ñ<5û=*1> \?"}@J AëBðCEöD<EEFeGe„H:êIF%J5lKF¢LEéM/N-MO:{P¶Q=ÕR.S#BThere was no DHCP Admininistration function specified on the command line. You must specify one of the options listed below. You entered an invalid IP Address for the lease to delete. You must enter the IP Address of the lease to delete. You must enter the hostname of the DHCP server to connect to. Unexpected parameter: "%1$s". TCP/IP is not running on this machine. Please configure and start TCP/IP. The DHCP server "%1$s" is an unknown host name. Please verify that you are attempting to contact the correct DHCP Server and that the server name was entered correctly. The DHCP server on "%1$s" is not responding. The server could be too busy to service DADMIN requests or the server may have stopped running. A TCP/IP system call failed (socket(), %1$d). Please verify that TCP/IP is installed and running, you can perform this check using the PING command. A TCP/IP system call failed (send(),%1$d). Please verify that TCP/IP is installed and running, you can perform this check using the PING command. You should also verify that you can PING the DHCP server. A TCP/IP system call failed (recv, %1$d). The DHCP server on "%2$s" is not responding. Please verify that you are attempting to query the correct DHCP server and that the server is running. The DHCP server on "%1$s" dropped the connection. Please verify that you are attempting to query the correct DHCP server and that the server is running. Version (%1$s) mismatch with DHCP server (%2$s) (%3$s). Please verify that you are running the correct DHCP server and DADMIN command. The DHCP server on "%1$s" rejected the refresh request. Please verify that you are attempting to reset the correct DHCP server and that you have your host name in the server's "ETC\RHOSTS" file. The IP address %1$s not in the server's (%2$s) address pool. The DHCP server failed to delete lease for the IP address %1$s Please verify that you are attempting to delete the correct IP address on the correct DHCP server. You must enter ON, OFF, or a hexidecimal or decimal value with the trace (-t) option. Trace command failed on DHCP server, response was %1$i Unexpected transaction code %1$i received from server. You entered a non-numeric interval [%1$s], interval must be number . You must enter the Client ID to find. You can specify one using the t-string notation. Client command failed on DHCP server, response was %1$i You entered an invalid IP Address for the query. You must enter an IP Address for the query. The DHCP Server sent error code %1$i and stopped sending data. USAGE: dadmin [-?] | [-v] [[-h]] [-f] -d | [-v] [[-h] ] -i | [-v] [[-h] ] -s %1$s Version %2$s - IBM DHCP Server This utility is used to perform administrative functions on the specified DHCP Server. If no server is specified, the local DHCP Server is used. WHERE: -? Display help message. -v Execute in verbose mode. -f Don't prompt when deleteing a lease. Force it to yes. -h DHCP Server being used (local server if not specified). -d DELETE the lease for the specified IP address. -i ReINITIALIZE the specified server. -s Display address pool STATUS of the specified server. PLEASE WAIT....Gathering Information From the Server....PLEASE WAIT PLEASE WAIT....Reinitializing the Server....PLEASE WAIT Connecting to the DHCP server: %1$s Got a socket, attempting to connect. Connected to %1$s successfully. Send of header completed. Receive of header completed. Server successfully reinitialized. DADMIN completed successfully. Do you want to DELETE the above lease for %1$s? [y/n]Please answer with "Y" for YES or "N" for NO: Trace Started on server Trace Stopped on server Unexpected return %1$i received from server | [-v] [[-h]] -t <"on"/"off"/value> -t <"on"/"off"/value> Turn server trace on or off, or set the filtering mask. | [-v] [[-h]] -n -n Display server statistics, summary and any requested intervals. -q Display information for an IP address | [-v] [[-h]] -q IP Address Status Lease Time Start Time Last Leased Proxy ClientID Created Total Unrecognized ** Current Activity ** Discover offers ACK NAK Request Release Decline Bootp proxy monitor expirations Created Total Unrec Discover offers ACK NAK Request Release Decline Bootp proxy monitor expirations N/AFreeReservedLeasedReleasedExpiredUsedUnknown | [-v] [[-h]] -p -p Display information for a Pool of IP addresses. Client [%1$s] is not known to this server Received %1$i data records. Received data record. VERSION: Checking Version Number. VERSION: Sent header record. VERSION: Version Checked. Created Total Unrecognized ** Last Totals ** | [-v] [[-h]] -c -c Display information for a client ID. Client ID: %1$s Status:%2$s Proxy:%3$s IP Address: %1$s Lasttime: %2$s Host Name: %1$s Domain Name: %2$s IP Address Status Lease Time Start Time Last Leased Proxy ClientID TRUEFALSEYou requested greater than %1$s intervals, will use maximum of %2$s INFINITE Address to delete not found. | [-v] [[-h]] -x -x Use Version 1 of the DADMIN protocol. Use this to talk to Version 1 DHCP Servers. ERROR: Security call failed with System Error (rc = 1). ERROR: Security call failed with Unexpected Data received (rc = 2). ERROR: Security call failed with Timeout (rc = 3). ERROR:Security call failed, User not authorized by server (rc = 4). ERROR: Security call failed with unexpected return code of [%1$d]. Making call to security API. | [-v] [[-h]] -u -u The DHCP Administrator user password. | [-v] [[-h]] -a -a Don't perform Administrative password check. The requested pool was not found on server. New server tracing level is 0x%1$x