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Consequently, there may not be enough free file system space to successfully create the backup format file images. Continuing anyway ... Usage: bffcreate [-qSvX] [-d device] [-t savedir] [-w workdir] {-l | package1 [level1][, package2 [level2], ...] | all} where -d input (d)evice containing source media default is /dev/rfd0 -l (l)ist media contents -q (q)uiet mode, don't needlessly prompt for device -S (S)uppress multi-volume processing -t (t)arget directory in which images will be created default is /usr/sys/inst.images -v (v)erbose mode, echoes image name -w (w)ork directory used for temporary work space default is /tmp -X autoe(X)pand package is the package name level is of the form vv.rr.mmmm.ffff.ppppppppp (version.release.mod.fix.ptf_id) 0503-602 bffcreate: A package list is not permitted with the -l flag. 0503-603 bffcreate: An invalid level was given for package %s: %s ALL levels must be in one of the following formats: vv.rr.mmmm.ffff OR vv.rr.mmmm.fffff.ppppppppp 0503-604 bffcreate: The specified software package %1$s was not found on device %2$s 0503-605 bffcreate: The specified software package %1$s %2$s was not found on device %3$s Package Name Level 0503-606 bffcreate: The "all" keyword cannot be given with a package list. Package Name Level Content Package Name Level I/U Content bffcreate: The -%s flag requires an argument. bffcreate: A list of packages on the command line is not permitted with the -f ListFile arguments. bffcreate: The -l flag and the -f ListFile option are mutually exclusive. bffcreate: The "all" keyword and the -%s flag are mutually exclusive. Usage: bffcreate [-qSvX] [-d Device] [-t SaveDir] [-w WorkDir] {-l | Package [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all} where -d input (d)evice containing source media default is /dev/rfd0 -f (f)ile containing a list of packages and levels -l (l)ist media contents -q (q)uiet mode, don't needlessly prompt for device -S (S)uppress multi-volume processing -t (t)arget directory in which images will be created default is /usr/sys/inst.images -v (v)erbose mode, echoes image name -w (w)ork directory used for temporary work space default is /tmp -X automatically e(X)pand file system as needed Package is the package name Level is of the form vv.rr.mmmm.ffff[.ppppppppp] (version.release.mod.fix[.ptf_id]) Usage: bffcreate [-qSvX] [-d Device] [-t SaveDir] [-w WorkDir] [-M Platform] {[-l | -L] | Package [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all} where -d input (d)evice containing source media default is /dev/rfd0 -f (f)ile containing a list of packages and levels -L (L)ist colon separated media contents -l (l)ist media contents -M platform specifier default is system platform -q (q)uiet mode, don't needlessly prompt for device -S (S)uppress multi-volume processing -t (t)arget directory in which images will be created default is /usr/sys/inst.images -v (v)erbose mode, echoes image name -w (w)ork directory used for temporary work space default is /tmp -X automatically e(X)pand file system as needed Package is the package name Level is of the form vv.rr.mmmm.ffff[.ppppppppp] (version.release.mod.fix[.ptf_id]) bffcreate: The specified software package %1$s for the specified platform was not found on device %2$s bffcreate: The specified software package %1$s %2$s for the specified platform was not found on device %3$s bffcreate: The -L flag and the -f ListFile option are mutually exclusive. Usage: bffcreate [-qSvX] [-d Device] [-t SaveDir] [-w WorkDir] [-M Platform] {[-l | -L] | -c [-s logFile] | Package [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all} where -d input (d)evice containing source media default is /dev/rfd0 -f (f)ile containing a list of packages and levels -L (L)ist colon separated media contents -l (l)ist media contents -c (c)hange image names to package name format -s (s)ave changed image names in file indicated by LogFile -M platform specifier default is system platform -q (q)uiet mode, don't needlessly prompt for device -S (S)uppress multi-volume processing -t (t)arget directory in which images will be created default is /usr/sys/inst.images -v (v)erbose mode, echoes image name -w (w)ork directory used for temporary work space default is /tmp -X automatically e(X)pand file system as needed Package is the package name Level is of the form vv.rr.mmmm.ffff[.ppppppppp] (version.release.mod.fix[.ptf_id]) bffcreate: The -c flag and the -%s flag are mutually exclusive. bffcreate: The directory or device %s is not writable. The -c flag requires that a writable directory is passed with the -d flag. 0503-607 bffcreate: A package list is not permitted with the -c flag. bffcreate: The -s LogFile option is only valid with the -c flag. Usage: ckprereq [-f PrereqFile | -l fileset] [-O {r|u|s}] [-v] Checks status information held in either the PrereqFile or the Software Vital Product Data about installed filesets. -f Specifies the name of the prerequisite file. The default name is prereq. -l Specifies the name of the fileset for which to get information from the Software Vital Product Data. -O Specifies which Software Vital Product Data database to search: root, usr, or share. -v Specifies verbose mode. 0503-200 %1$s: The environment variable INUTREE must be one of the following: %2$c, %3$c or %4$c. 0503-201 %1$s: One of the following must be specified with the -O flag: %2$c, %3$c or %4$c. 0503-202 %s: The ckprereq routine is exiting with an error. 0503-203 %1$s: Error in the Software Vital Product Data. The "usr" part of a fileset does not have the same requisites as the "root" part. The fileset is: %2$s 0503-204 %1$s: Error in the Software Vital Product Data. The "usr" part of an update is not superseded by the same fileset update as the "root" part. The update is: %2$s 0503-205 %s: The installation of the following filesets will be CANCELED because filesets upon which they depend are not installed (or not completely installed): 0503-206 %s: The installation of the "root" part of the following filesets will be CANCELED because filesets upon which they depend are not installed (or not completely installed): 0503-207 %1$s: Internal error. Code %2$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-208 %1$s: Internal error. Unexpected OP_TYPE for MICRO_CODE fileset. Fileset is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-209 %1$s: Error. A fileset maintenance level has an illegal requisite. The only valid requisite type for a maintenance level is "prereq." The fileset is: %2$s 0503-210 %1$s: Error. A 3.2-formatted fileset maintenance level cannot have a requisite on a fileset with a different name than itself. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-211 %1$s: A lexical error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. There is an illegal base level: %5$s. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-212 %1$s: A lexical error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. An illegal character, %5$c, was found (hexadecimal value: %6$x). All characters must be ASCII. The character will be treated as a SPACE. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-213 %1$s: A lexical error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. There is an illegal name, PTF ID, requisite, or field name: %5$s. Names must be more than one character in length and begin with a letter or '_'. Subsequent characters in a name may be a letter, a digit, a '_', a '-', or a '.'. A PTF ID has the same syntax as a name. A requisite is one of: *prereq, *coreq, *instreq, or *ifreq. A field name is one of: 'V', 'R', 'M', 'F', 'P', or 'O'. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-214 %1$s: A lexical error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. There is an illegal number: %5$s. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-215 %1$s: A lexical error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The name %5$s is too long. Maximum name length is %6$d. The name has been truncated. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-216 %1$s: A lexical error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. One of the following was expected instead of %5$s: *prereq, *coreq, *instreq, or *ifreq. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-217 %1$s: A lexical error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. An unexpected character, %5$c, was found (hexadecimal value: %6$x). The character will be treated as a SPACE. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-218 %1$s: Fileset %2$s is not in the Software Vital Product Data. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-219 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. There is a missing close brace '}'. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-220 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. Missing close parenthesis ')' after base level in an *ifreq expression. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-221 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. A base level was expected following an open parenthesis '(' in an *ifreq expression instead of %5$s. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-222 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. A fileset name was expected instead of %5$s. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-223 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. A 'V', 'R', 'M', 'F', or 'P' was expected instead of '%5$s'. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-224 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The fix field, 'F', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the fix field. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-225 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. An illegal PTF ID value, %5$s, was found. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-226 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. An OR expression, 'O', is invalid at this point. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-227 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The modification field, 'M', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the modification field. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-228 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. A version, release, modification, or fix number was expected where %5$s was found. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-229 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. A number or PTF ID was expected where %5$s was found. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-230 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. There is a missing open brace '{'. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-231 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. All operands of an OR expression, 'O', must operate on the same field. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-232 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The number of items in the group required to pass was expected instead of %5$s. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-233 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The group has fewer items than was specified for the number required to pass. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-234 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The PTF ID field, 'P', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the PTF ID field. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-235 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The release field, 'R', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the release field. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-236 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. Instead of %5$s, one of the following was expected: a '>' (to start a group) or *prereq, *instreq, *coreq, *ifreq or a fileset name. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-237 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. It is illegal to specify version, release, modification or fix fields when a base level is given in an *ifreq expression. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-238 %1$s: A parsing error occurred for %2$s on line %3$d, column %4$d. The version field, 'V', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the version field. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-239 %1$s: Error. %2$s is a corequisite of itself. 0503-240 %1$s: Error. %2$s is a prerequisite of itself. 0503-241 %1$s: Cannot find superseding update in Software Vital Product Data database for: %2$s. Superseding update is: %3$s. 0503-242 %1$s: The Software Vital Product Data indicates that %2$s has a "share" and "root" part or a "share" and "usr" part. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-243 %1$s: Error: A 4.1-formatted package must not contain an "ifreq" to a fileset update without also specifying the base level of the fileset. The ifreq expression must contain a dotted, numeric level as in: *ifreq (v.r.m.f) v.r.m.f or *ifreq v.r.m.f (if the requisite fileset is in 4.1 format) or *ifreq (v.r.m.f) p= (if the requisite fileset is in 3.2 format) where "(v.r.m.f)" is the base fileset level of the requisite and "v.r.m.f" or "p=" is the level of the requisite update itself. If a single, non-parenthetic level is provided, the base level is implied from the level of the update itself. The update in error is: %2$s The prereq information is: %3$s 0503-244 %1$s: Error: A fileset update must not contain the requisite type "instreq". The update in error is: %2$s 0503-245 %1$s: Error: A 4.1-formatted fileset update has an illegal requisite on a fileset with the same name as itself. The requisite type MUST be "*prereq". The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-246 %1$s: Error: Expecting a base level prereq expression using a dotted, numeric level (e.g., for the fileset update: %2$s Instead, the following was found: %3$s 0503-247 %1$s: Error: A fileset contained in a 4.1-formatted package cannot have a lower level (ver.rel.mod.fix) than a fileset with the same name in a 3.2 or 3.1-formatted package. The filesets in error are: %2$s and %3$s 0503-248 %1$s: Error: A fileset has parts that are different from one or more of the filesets it supersedes. It is NOT valid for a fileset with a "usr" part only to supersede a fileset with both "usr" and "root" parts. A fileset with a "share" part may only supersede another fileset with a "share" part. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-249 %1$s: Error: The base level implied or specified in an "*ifreq" expression is not a base level fileset. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-250 %1$s: Error: A fileset has an update level in an "*ifreq" expression that is not greater than the base level specified. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-251 %1$s: Error: A 4.1-formatted fileset has more than one requisite on filesets with its own name. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-252 %1$s: Error: A 4.1-formatted fileset has more than one requisite of the type "*prereq", "*coreq", or "*instreq" that are not contained in a group requisite expression. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-253 %1$s: Error: A fileset update prereqs a base level fileset with a different package format. (A 4.1-formatted update cannot prereq a 3.2-formatted base level and vice versa.) The update in error is: %2$s 0503-254 %1$s: Error: An update does not prereq its base level fileset with the same version and release, the same or lower modification number, or lower fix number. The update in error is: %2$s where: NOTE: One or more fileset updates in this list are flagged with "*". These updates supersede (i.e., replace) updates which you selected. Newer level fileset updates will always be automatically chosen instead of the fileset updates they supersede when the "auto-install" option (i.e., "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software" or -g flag) is specified. Miscellaneous Failures ---------------------- The following is a list of filesets that you asked to install. They failed pre-installation checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. The following is a list of filesets that you asked to commit. They failed pre-commit checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. The following is a list of filesets that you asked to reject. They failed pre-reject checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. The following is a list of filesets that you asked to remove. They failed pre-deinstall checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. Already Installed ----------------- The following filesets which you selected are either already installed or effectively installed through superseding filesets. Already Installed ----------------- The number of selected filesets that are either already installed or effectively installed through superseding filesets is %d. See the summaries at the end of this installation for details. Already Committed ----------------- The number of selected filesets that are already committed is %d. FAILURES -------- Filesets listed in this section failed pre-installation verification and will not be installed. Filesets listed in this section failed pre-commit verification and will not be committed. Filesets listed in this section failed pre-deinstall verification and will not be removed. Filesets listed in this section failed pre-reject verification and will not be rejected. No Supersedes Information in USR Part ------------------------------------- The following fileset updates have supersedes information in the "root" part but not the "usr" part. The information from the "root" part will be used if necessary. No Prereq Information in USR Part --------------------------------- The following have prereq information in the "root" part but not the "usr" part. The information from the "root" part will be used if necessary. No Prereq on Base Level Fileset ------------------------------- The following fileset updates do not prereq their base level fileset at all or do not prereq a base level fileset with the same version and release, the same or lower modification number, or lower fix number. This could cause dependency checks on these updates to fail. No USR Part for Applied ROOT Part --------------------------------- The following are applied on the "root" part but not on the "usr" part. To correct their state, try to reject the root part. If desired, you may attempt to remove the fileset with the "Remove Software Products" or deinstall facility (-u flag). Alternatively, you may attempt to re-install the fileset using "FORCE" (-F flag). No USR Part for Committed ROOT Part ----------------------------------- The following are committed on the "root" part but not installed on the "usr" part. To correct their state, you may attempt to remove the fileset with the "Remove Software Products" or deinstall facility (-u flag). Alternatively, you may attempt to re-install the fileset using "FORCE" (-F flag). Available Requisites of Previously Installed Software ----------------------------------------------------- The following filesets are requisites of software that is already installed. These filesets are not currently installed but should be to ensure that the system functions correctly. You did not select these filesets for installation, but they are available on the installation media. An attempt would have been made to install these filesets, but they appear to have missing or inconsistent requisites of their own. For further details, select these filesets explicitly for installation. They may be explicitly selected, or they will be automatically installed whenever you specify options to the installation commands to automatically include requisite software (-g flag). Missing Requisites of Previously Installed Software --------------------------------------------------- The following filesets are requisites of software that is already installed. They should be installed to ensure that the system functions correctly. These filesets are not installed on the "usr" (server) part and, therefore, they cannot be installed on the "root" (client) part. The following fileset updates are requisites of software that is already installed. They are not currently installed but should be to ensure that the system functions correctly. These updates are not on the current installation media. Results... << End of Warning Section >> << End of Failure Section >> << End of Success Section >> Updates to BROKEN Filesets -------------------------- The following selected fileset updates are updates to filesets which have one or more updates in the BROKEN state. Before installing any other updates to these filesets, you must correct the state of the BROKEN updates. BROKEN Filesets --------------- The following selected fileset updates are currently in the BROKEN state. Missing Filesets ---------------- The following filesets could not be found on the installation media. If you feel these filesets really are on the media, check for typographical errors in the name specified or, if installing from directory, check for discrepancies between the Table of Contents file (.toc) and the images that reside in the directory. Conflicting Versions of Filesets -------------------------------- The following filesets are conflicting versions of filesets for which there are multiple versions on the installation media. Since a specific version was not selected, the newest installable version has been selected. Missing Superseded Fileset Updates ---------------------------------- The following selected fileset updates could not be found on the installation media. Newer updates which supersede those selected were detected on the media and are indicated in parentheses. You may explicitly select the newer fileset updates for installation or use the "auto-install" facility (i.e., "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software" or -g flag), and the newer updates will be installed instead of those selected. Missing Superseded Fileset Updates ---------------------------------- The "usr" parts (i.e., "server" parts) of the following fileset updates are not currently installed, and, therefore, the "root" parts (i.e., "client" parts) cannot be installed. The "usr" parts of newer updates which supersede those selected are installed. You may explicitly select installation of the "root" part of the newer fileset updates, or you may use the "auto-install" facility (-g flag), and the newer updates will be installed instead of those selected. No ROOT Part to Install ----------------------- The following selected filesets do not have a "root" part that can be installed. Either the fileset's corresponding "usr" part has yet to be installed or the fileset does not have a "root" part. Root Part Not Specified ----------------------- The following contain both "usr" and "root" parts. You only asked to install the "usr" part. You cannot install the "usr" part of a fileset without its "root" part. Not Installed ------------- No software could be found on the system that could be deinstalled for the following requests: Not Committable --------------- No software was found in the APPLIED state that could be committed for the following requests: Committed: Not Rejectable ------------------------- The following have been committed and cannot be rejected: Not Rejectable -------------- No software could be found installed on the system that could be rejected for the following requests: Different Base Level Installed ------------------------------ The following selected filesets are updates to a base level which is at a level different from that currently installed (or selected to be installed during this installation). Use software listing utilities (lslpp command) for details of the installed base level. Non-Deinstallable Filesets -------------------------- You cannot deinstall bos.rte. This is the base operating system. (superseded by: %s) %-49s (Superseded by %s) (The fileset may not be currently installed, or you may have made a typographical error.) (Possible reasons for failure: 1. the selected software is already committed, 2. the selected software is not installed, or 3. a typographical error was made.) (The only way to remove a committed fileset or fileset update is to deinstall the fileset. Use the "Remove Software Products" facility (-u flag) if this is desired.) (Possible reasons for failure: 1. the selected software has been committed, i.e., cannot be rejected, 2. the selected software is not installed, 3. the pre-reject script failed, or 4. a typographical error was made.) Requisite Failure Key: Dependent Failure Key: Failure Key: Requisite Failures ------------------ SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to install. They cannot be installed until all of their requisite filesets are also installed. See subsequent lists for details of requisites. Requisite Failures (Commit Operation) ------------------ SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to commit. They cannot be committed until all of their requisite filesets are also committed. See subsequent lists for details of requisites. Dependency Failures (Deinstall Operation) --------------------- SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to remove. They cannot be removed until all of their dependent filesets are also removed. See subsequent lists for details of dependents. Dependency Failures (Reject Operation) ------------------- SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to reject. They cannot be rejected until all of their dependent filesets are also rejected. See subsequent lists for details of dependents. Selected Filesets ----------------- ("*" indicates a newer update chosen automatically over a selected fileset update) Requisites ---------- (being installed automatically; required by filesets listed above) (being committed automatically as requisites of selected filesets) Dependents ---------- Filesets listed in this section depend on one or more of the selected filesets (listed above) and, therefore, must also be removed. Filesets listed in this section depend on one or more of the selected filesets (listed above) and, therefore, must also be rejected. Requisites from Prior Installations ----------------------------------- (being installed automatically to ensure system functions correctly) Maintenance Level Fileset Updates --------------------------------- (being installed automatically to reflect level of system) (being committed automatically to preserve level of system) Mandatory Fileset Updates ------------------------- (being installed automatically due to their importance) %1$s %2$s (TO BE INSTALLED) %1$s %2$s (TO BE COMMITTED) %1$s %2$s (INSTALLED) %1$s %2$s (COMMITTED) Success Key: SelectedMaintenanceMandatoryP_RequisiteSupersedesRequisiteUnknownDependent Selected -- Explicitly selected by user for installation. Maintenance -- Maintenance Level fileset update; being installed automatically to enable the level of the system to be tracked. Mandatory -- Considered to be important to the system; will always be installed when detected on the installation media. Requisite -- Requisite of other filesets being installed. P_Requisite -- Previously installed fileset's requisite; being installed automatically now to ensure system's consistency. (Only installed automatically when "auto-install" (-g flag) is specified.) Supersedes -- Superseding fileset update; not selected, chosen instead of an older, selected update. (Only chosen in this fashion when "auto-install" is specified (-g flag)). Selected -- Explicitly selected by user to be committed. Maintenance -- Maintenance Level fileset update; being committed automatically to preserve the ability to track the level of the system (prevents rejecting). Requisite -- Requisite of filesets being committed; requisites are always committed when "auto-commit" (-g flag) is specified. Selected -- Explicitly selected by user to be deinstalled. Dependent -- Dependent of other filesets being deinstalled; dependents are always deinstalled when "auto-deinstall" (-g flag) is specified. Selected -- Explicitly selected by user to be rejected. Dependent -- Dependent of other filesets being rejected; dependents are always rejected when "auto-reject" (-g flag) is specified. SUCCESSES --------- Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verification and will be installed. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be installed. -- The reason for installing each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. -- If a fileset has requisites they are listed (indented) beneath the fileset. Filesets listed in this section passed pre-commit verification and will be committed. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be committed. -- The reason for committing each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. -- If a fileset has requisites they are listed (indented) beneath the fileset. Filesets listed in this section passed pre-deinstall verification and will be removed. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be removed. -- The reason for deinstalling each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. Filesets listed in this section passed pre-reject verification and will be rejected. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be rejected. -- The reason for rejecting each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. -- If a fileset has dependents they are listed (indented) beneath the fileset. REQUIRED FILESETS: The fileset under test cannot be installed without the following filesets. (These filesets are not currently installed.) MISSING REQUISITES: The following filesets are required by one or more of the selected filesets listed above. They are not currently installed and could not be found on the installation media. MISSING REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. They are not currently installed on the system. You should install these requisites to ensure that the selected filesets function correctly. You MUST install these requisites before committing the selected filesets. COMMITTED DEPENDENTS: The following filesets depend upon one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents must be rejected before the selected filesets. Since these dependents are in a COMMITTED state, they cannot be rejected. Therefore, the selected filesets cannot be rejected. (Committed software can be removed with the deinstall facility, i.e., "Remove Software Products" or -u flag. NOTE: This will remove an entire fileset.) (Selected filesets which depend upon these requisites are referenced in parentheses.) (Selected filesets upon which these depend are referenced in parentheses.) GROUP REQUISITE FAILURES: The fileset under test cannot be installed until the following group requisite is satisfied. A group requisite must pass a specified number of requisite tests. See the "Requisite Failure Key" below for details of group member failures. GROUP REQUISITES: The dependencies of one or more of the selected filesets listed above are defined by a group requisite. A group requisite must pass a specified number of requisite tests. The following describe group requisite failures for filesets that you selected. (See the "Requisite Failure Key" below for details of group member failures.) AVAILABLE REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically installed. The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These requisites would have been installed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. AVAILABLE REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. They are available on the installation media. To install these requisites with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically install requisite software (-g flag). APPLIED REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically committed. The following filesets are APPLIED requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These filesets would have been committed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. APPLIED REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These must be committed before or with the filesets that you selected. To commit these requisites with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically commit requisite software (-g flag). APPLIED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent fileset updates should be automatically rejected. The following updates are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These filesets would have been rejected automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. APPLIED DEPENDENTS: The following fileset updates are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents must be rejected before or with the updates that you selected. To reject these dependents with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically reject dependent updates (-g flag). INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent software should be automatically removed. The following filesets are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents would have been removed automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: The following filesets are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These must be removed before or with the filesets that you selected. To remove these dependents with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically remove dependent software (-g flag). WARNING: The fileset updates listed below have created dependencies from their filesets to one or more of the filesets that you are trying to remove. If you choose to automatically remove dependent software, the entire dependent fileset will be removed (not just the update). You may be able to reject the update to remove the dependency. AVAILABLE REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically installed. Additional filesets (%d) would have been installed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. APPLIED REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically committed. Additional filesets (%d) would have been committed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent software should be automatically removed. Additional filesets (%d) would have been removed automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. APPLIED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent software should be automatically rejected. Additional filesets (%d) would have been rejected automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. MISCELLANEOUS FAILING REQUISITES: The fileset under test cannot be installed without the following filesets. These filesets have various problems associated with them. See the "Requisite Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. MISCELLANEOUS FAILING REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. Various problems associated with these requisites are preventing the selected filesets from installing. See the "Requisite Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. MISCELLANEOUS FAILING REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. Various problems associated with these requisites are preventing the selected filesets from being committed. See the "Requisite Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. MISCELLANEOUS FAILING DEPENDENTS: The following filesets depend upon one or more of the selected filesets listed above. As a result, these dependents must be removed before or with the selected filesets. Various problems associated with these dependents are preventing the selected filesets from being removed. See the "Dependent Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. WARNINGS -------- Problems described in this section are not likely to be the source of any immediate or serious failures, but further actions may be necessary or desired. Filesets involved in the cycle: Verifying requisites... Requisite codes --------------- Requisite type: p -- prereq c -- coreq I -- instreq (only shows up on apply operations) i -- ifreq oi -- "old-style" ifreq (no level in expression) Installation State: a -- applied (fully installed) pa -- partially applied (usr or root part not installed) c -- committed pc -- partially committed (usr or root part not committed) b -- broken o -- on the installation media, not installed m -- "missing:" not installed, not on installation media #%d needs: (supersedes: %s Dependents: Requisites: (dep #s: %1$s %2$d.%3$d.%4$d.%5$d updates: Superseded Fileset Updates -------------------------- Fileset updates listed in this section will not be installed. Newer updates which supersede (replace) these were selected instead (either by you or automatically by the installation program). Make sure that the superseding updates listed passed pre-installation verification. Fileset %1$s %2$s requires: %s At least %d of the following: "*" indicates a requisite fileset that probably failed to install during this installation session. "%c" fileset has both "usr" and "root" parts installed. Both parts were not selected for this invocation of installp. The "usr" part cannot be removed separately when a fileset has both parts installed. "%c" fileset is applied on the "root" part but not on the "usr" part. Before attempting to re-apply this fileset you must remove its "root" part. (Use the reject facility if the fileset is an update. Remove the fileset via the deinstall facility if it is a base level fileset.) "%c" fileset contains both "usr" and "root" parts. The "usr" part is still in the applied state. A fileset's "root" part cannot be committed before its "usr" part. "%c" fileset is committed on the "root" part but not installed on the "usr" part. Deinstall the fileset (using -u flag) or "force re-install" the fileset (using -F flag). "%c" fileset is in the committed state. A committed fileset cannot be rejected. (Committed software can be removed with the deinstall facility, i.e., "Remove Software Products" or -u flag. NOTE: This will remove an entire fileset.) "%c" partially applied fileset (i.e., the "usr" and "root" parts are not both applied). A fileset must be fully applied before it can be committed. Use software listing facilities (lslpp command) to determine which parts are missing. If the "usr" part is missing, reject (or remove/ deinstall) the fileset so that it may be re-installed. If the "root" part is missing, request that the fileset be installed again, and the "root" part will be installed. "%c" base level fileset for which there is another version that is either already installed or that was selected to be installed during this installation session. "%c" fileset contains a "share" part. ("share" parts were not selected for this invocation of installp.) "%c" superseded fileset that is applied on the "usr" part which must also be applied on the "root" part for consistency. Select this fileset explicitly or use the option to automatically include requisite software (-g flag). "%c" fileset is available on the installation media but is not currently installed. This fileset is failing to install because the requirements of the group requisite, of which the fileset is a member, cannot be met or because the fileset has requisites of its own which are causing problems. Request this fileset for installation by itself to determine the actual reason. (Use the "Preview" option (-p flag) to prevent the installation from actually occurring.) "%c" unclear why this fileset failed. Use the software listing (lslpp command) and software verification facilities (lppchk command) to try to establish further information on this fileset. "%c" this is the base level for a fileset. You asked to install updates only (with the -B flag). The base level fileset will not be automatically installed. "%c" fileset is in a partially committed state (i.e., the "usr" or "root" part is committed). A committed fileset cannot be rejected. (Committed software can be removed with the deinstall facility, i.e., "Remove Software Products" or -u flag. NOTE: This will remove an entire fileset.) "%c" fileset is installed but in the BROKEN state. "%c" fileset is available on the installation media but not currently installed. Explicitly request that the fileset be installed, or use the option to automatically install requisite software (-g flag). "%c" fileset is not installed and not available on the current installation media. "%c" partially installed fileset (i.e., the "usr" and "root" parts are not both installed). "%c" fileset is in a partially committed state (i.e., the "usr" and "root" parts are not both committed but must be to satisfy the requisite check). "%c" fileset contains a "usr" part. ("usr" parts were not selected for this invocation of installp.) "%c" fileset contains both "usr" and "root" parts. Both parts were not selected. (If installing this fileset on a client, the "usr" (server) part is more than likely not yet installed.) "%c" fileset update supersedes a BROKEN update. In order to install this fileset or to fix the BROKEN update, you must specify options to the installation commands that will apply, commit, and automatically include requisite software without saving replaced files (-acgN flags). "%c" fileset update does not prereq its base level fileset. An update must prereq its base level fileset directly or indirectly (by prereqing another update which prereqs the base fileset). "%c" fileset must be installed prior to or at the same time as its dependent filesets. This requisite cannot be installed automatically (using -g option). It must be explicitly selected for installation. "%c" currently not installed on the system. BROKEN REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. They are currently installed on the system but are in the BROKEN state. Alternative actions that can be used to correct broken filesets are: 1. If the broken fileset is an update, re-install the update with options to the installation program that will apply, commit and automatically install requisite software without saving replaced files: -acgN flags. 2. Re-install the entire fileset, i.e., the base level and any desired updates (may need to use the "FORCE" option: -F flag). 3. Deinstall the entire fileset (using "Remove Software Products": -u flag). The following filesets were selected for deinstallation. Deinstallability checks indicate that they should not be removed from the system. NON-DEINSTALLABLE DEPENDENTS: The following filesets depend upon one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents should be removed before the selected filesets. Deinstallability checks indicate that these dependents should not be removed from the system; therefore, the selected filesets cannot be removed. CONFLICTING REQUISITES: The following filesets are required by one or more of the selected filesets listed above. There are other versions of these filesets which are already installed (or which were selected to be installed during this installation session). A base level fileset cannot be installed automatically as another fileset's requisite when a different version of the requisite is already installed. You must explicitly select the base level requisite for installation. Nothing to Commit ----------------- There is nothing in the APPLIED state that needs to be committed. Nothing to Install ------------------ There are no fileset "root" parts (i.e., client specific software) which need to be installed at this time. Force Apply Failures -------------------- The following is a list of fileset updates. Updates cannot be specified from the command line when the force flag (-F) is used in combination with the apply flag (-a). NOTE: There is a newer version of one or more of these requisite filesets on the installation media. If you choose to automatically install these requisites, the newer version will be selected instead. Do not use the auto-install option (-g flag) if you want the older version to be installed. 3.1 Formatted Filesets: ----------------------- The following is a list of 3.1 formatted filesets. Deinstallation of 3.1 formatted filesets may not be complete. Filesets installed on 3.2: -------------------------- The following filesets were originally installed on an AIX 3.2 system and, therefore, may not be completely deinstalled. Compatibility Entries: Not Deinstallable ----------------------------------------- The following filesets are compatibility entries used by installp and, therefore, cannot be deinstalled. Partially Migrated Filesets: Not Deinstallable ----------------------------------------------- The following filesets were originally installed on an AIX 3.2 system. They have only been partially migrated from AIX 3.2 to AIX 4.1 and, therefore, cannot be deinstalled. Supersedes of BROKEN Filesets ----------------------------- The following selected fileset updates supersede others that are installed but in the BROKEN state. In order to install the superseding fileset, use options to the installation program that will apply, commit and automatically install requisite software without saving replaced files: -acgN flags. "%c" fileset is partially migrated from an earlier installation. A partially migrated fileset cannot be updated. "%c" fileset is partially migrated from an earlier installation. A partially migrated fileset cannot be deinstalled. (Try again when the fileset has been fully migrated.) %s: The following filesets need to be installed or corrected to bring the system to a consistent state: %s: The following describes dependencies from installed filesets on one or more of the filesets listed above: not installed; requisite filesetnot installed "%c" older version of a fileset that has been renamed. The newer, renamed fileset, which supersedes this one, is already installed (or was selected to be installed during this installation). A fileset which has undergone a name change cannot be re-installed over the newly named fileset. The newer fileset must first be removed. 0503-255 %1$s: Error: A fileset cannot reference its own name more than once in its supersedes data. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-256 %1$s: Error: A compatibility entry in the supersedes data of a fileset should have the same name but not the same level as the compatible fileset. The level should be greater than all base levels and updates released for the compatible (superseded) fileset. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-257 %1$s: Error: Multiple compatibilty entries in the supersedes data of a fileset are not currently supported. A fileset may only have one name different than its own in its supersedes data. The fileset in error is: %2$s 0503-258 %1$s: Error: A dotted number in a requisite expression must contain four parts to specify version, release, modification and fix number. The fileset in error is: %2$s NOTE: Base level filesets may be reinstalled using the "Force" option (-F flag), or they may be removed, using the deinstall or "Remove Software Products" facility (-u flag), and then reinstalled. 0503-259 %1$s: Internal error. Unable to resolve conflicts between base level filesets which are already installed and/or which are on the installation media. Use local problem reporting procedures. (NOTE: This error has not affected the current installation if the two filesets listed here do not appear in subsequent failure messages AND if there are no references to "disabled" filesets in subsequent failure messages.) fileset1: %2$s %3$s fileset2: %4$s %5$s "%c" fileset was disabled for the current installation due to an internal error which occurred. Use local problem reporting procedures. NOTE: A requisite listed below supersedes (ie. replaces) the fileset with which it is in conflict but the two have different names. The installed fileset is displayed beneath the conflicting fileset. (Conflicts with: %s) Partially Migrated Filesets: ---------------------------- The following filesets were originally installed on an AIX 3.2 system and have only been partially migrated from AIX 3.2 to AIX 4.1. Deinstallation of these filesets is allowed, however, no unconfiguration will be performed. "%c" Operating system mismatch. Fileset or one of its requisites is designated to be applied only on a system supplied by a different system manufacturer. "%c" Generic fileset update cannot be applied onto a fileset which has been modified or would be modified during this installation to operate only on a system supplied by this specific system manufacturer. "%c" Generic fileset cannot be applied over the installed version of the fileset which has been modified to operate only on a system supplied by this specific system manufacturer unless the "FORCE" option (-F) is specified. Filesets Already Modified by System Manufacturer ------------------------------------------------ The following generic filesets can not be applied because the installed filesets have been modified by the system manufacturer to be specific to this system. The "FORCE" option (-F) must be used in order to overwrite the modified version of the fileset. Filesets Specific to Different System Manufacturer -------------------------------------------------- The following filesets can not be applied because this system was manufactured by a different system manufacturer than that required by the filesets or the requisites of the filesets. Filesets Already Modified by System Manufacturer ------------------------------------------------ The following generic fileset updates can not be applied because the installed filesets have been modified or have requisites which have been modified by the system manufacturer to be specific to this system. Multiple install types for same fileset --------------------------------------- The following filesets have both a base-level and an update fileset on the installation media at the same level. Since they have the same name and level, the last fileset on the installation media will be used. Partially Migrated Filesets: ---------------------------- The following filesets have been partially migrated from one or more other filesets. Deinstallation of these filesets is allowed, however, no unconfiguration will be performed. InstallShield Multi-Platform (ISMP) Packaged Products: ------------------------------------------------------ The following products were selected for deinstallation, but they are ISMP packaged products and cannot be deinstalled using the installp command. You may use the geninstall command to deinstall the following products. InstallShield Multi-Platform (ISMP) Packaged Products: ------------------------------------------------------ The following products were selected for uninstallation, but they are ISMP packaged products and cannot be uninstalled using the installp command. You may use the geninstall command to uninstall the following products. EFIX MANAGER LOCKS ------------------ * * * ATTENTION * * * The following selected filesets are locked by EFIX manager: installp has halted this operation because one or more files in the filesets listed above are registered as having an EFIX. You must remove these EFIXES before performing operations on the given fileset. To get a listing of all locked filesets and the locking EFIX label, execute the following command: # /usr/sbin/emgr -P To remove the given EFIX, execute the following command: # /usr/sbin/emgr -r -L For more information on EFIX management please see the emgr man page and documentation. Nothing to Reject ----------------- There is nothing in the APPLIED state to be rejected. 0503-000 %s: Unable to add an entry to the Software Vital Product Data database. 0503-001 %1$s: The archive of a constituent member into file %2$s failed. 0503-002 %1$s: File %2$s could not be moved to %3$s. 0503-003 %1$s: The specified device %2$s is not a valid device or file. 0503-004 %1$s: File %2$s is not in the correct format. 0503-005 %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %1$s: Incorrect content field of '%2$c' in the file lpp_name for software package '%3$s'. Assuming '%4$c' and continuing. 0503-006 %1$s: Cannot change to directory %2$s. Check path name and permissions. 0503-007 %1$s: Cannot create file %2$s. Check permissions and available space. 0503-008 %1$s: There is not enough free disk space in filesystem %2$s (%3$d more 512-byte blocks are required). An attempt to extend this filesystem was unsuccessful. Make more space available then retry this operation. 0503-009 %1$s: Cannot access or open file %2$s. Check path name and permissions. 0503-010 %1$s: The copy of file %2$s to %3$s failed. 0503-011 %1$s: An error occurred while attempting to build the table of contents file in the %2$s directory. %1$s: Using device %2$s instead of %3$s %s: Obtaining device information, please wait. 0503-012 %1$s: The prereq file is empty for the fileset maintenance level %2$s. 0503-013 %1$s: %2$s function call failed. 0503-014 %1$s: %2$s system call failed. %1$s: Please mount volume %2$d on %3$s. Press the enter key to continue. 0503-015 %s: An internal error has occurred. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-016 %1$s: The fileset name %2$s does not begin with its package name of %3$s. 0503-017 %1$s: Please mount volume %2$d and restart the command. 0503-018 %s: An internal error occurred while attempting to access the Software Vital Product Data. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-019 %1$s: %2$s is an invalid level. ALL levels must be in one of the following formats: vv.rr.mmmm.ffff OR vv.rr.mmmm.fffff.ppppppppp 0503-020 %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-021 %s: The package name field required in a 4.1-formatted package is missing from the lpp_name file. 0503-022 %1$s: Installable filesets %2$s and %3$s have different levels. All filesets within the same package must have identical levels (version, release, modification, and fix fields). (For 3.2-formatted update packages, the PTF ID must also be identical.) 0503-023 %1$s: The package containing installable fileset %2$s does not have a size file for the fileset. The size file is required for 4.1-formatted packages. 0503-024 %1$s: The %2$s file could not be sorted. 0503-025 %1$s: There is not enough free disk space in filesystem %2$s (%3$d more 512-byte blocks are required). Make more disk space available or use the option to automatically extend filesystems (-X flag). 0503-026 %1$s: File %2$s, specified in the list of saved files, does not exist and could not be recovered. 0503-027 %1$s: The %2$s option requires a directory. %3$s is a file. %s: Warning. Continuing even though there may not be enough space to complete the operation. 0503-028 %1$s: Cannot create the directory %2$s. Check permissions and available space. 0503-029 %s: Cannot create a directory in the /tmp directory. Check permissions or available space. 0503-030 %s: There is not enough space on the system to continue. %s: Warning. The directory for the Object Data Manager object repository was not specified. 0503-031 %1$s: The page space could not be increased by %2$d megabytes. 0503-032 %1$s: The file system %2$s is mounted read only. 0503-033 %1$s: An error occurred while attempting to read from the device %2$s. 0503-034 %s: Received an error while trying to reallocate space. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-035 %1$s: There is not enough free disk space in a filesystem. The remote filesystem %2$s:%3$s, mounted over %4$s, needs an additional %5$d 512-byte blocks. This filesystem cannot be extended automatically by the installation program. Make more space available then retry the installation. %1$s: Warning. File %2$s could not be renamed to %3$s. 0503-036 %1$s: Environment variable %2$s could not be set. 0503-037 %1$s: Failure on system call to execute command %2$s. 0503-038 %s: Not enough parameters were passed on the command line. 0503-039 %s: Too many parameters were passed on the command line. 0503-040 %s: A system error occurred while attempting to access the Software Vital Product Data. Use local problem reporting procedures. Please wait... Verifying selections...done 0503-041 %1$s: There is not enough free disk space in filesystem %2$s (%3$d more 512-byte blocks are required). This filesystem cannot be extended automatically by the installation program. Make more space available then retry the installation. 0503-042 %1$s: Unable to obtain information about whether %2$s is mounted. 0503-043 %1$s: Unable to mount %2$s over %3$s. 0503-044 %1$s: Unable to unmount %2$s. 0503-045 %1$s: Syntax error on line %2$d of %3$s. 0503-046 %1$s: Expecting "%2$s". 0503-047 %1$s: Multi-volume CD processing is enabled, however the CD was already mounted. Because of this %2$s can not unmount the CD to change volumes. One or more filesets reside on another volume. As such, processing can not continue. 0503-048 %1$s: You have inserted volume %2$d, but it is from a different set of CDs. Please insert volume %2$d from the same set of CDs so that processing can continue. %1$s: Please insert volume %2$d and press Enter to continue. %1$s: Please insert volume %2$d and click OK to continue. If volume %1$d is not available you can enter "q" to terminate this process. %s: No software packages found for the specified platform. %s: No software packages found which are compatible with this system. %1$s: The -%2$s flag requires an argument. %1$s: %2$s is an invalid argument to the -%3$s flag. %1$s: Device %2$s not ready for operation. Please insert media and press Enter to continue. %1$s: Device %2$s not ready for operation. Please insert media and click OK to continue. %1$s: Please insert volume %2$ld into device %3$s and press Enter to continue. %1$s: Please insert volume %2$ld into device %3$s and press Enter to continue or enter "q" to quit. %1$s: Please insert volume %2$ld into device %3$s and click OK to continue. 0503-150 %1$s: The target directory (%2$s) has an invalid structure. %1$s can upgrade the directory to the current standard. Please invoke %1$s with the -U flag. No files will be deleted in performing the upgrade. 0503-151 %1$s: The target directory (%2$s) could not be upgraded. Please check available space and permissions. %1$s: Using alternate installation device %2$s. %1$s: Using alternate input file %2$s. 0503-750 %1$s: An error occurred while running the %2$s conversion shell script. The return code is %3$d. 0503-751 %s: An error occurred while running the getwd function. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-752 %1$s: One or more root inventory files exist for the fileset %2$s, but the file %3$s is missing. 0503-753 %1$s: Cannot make the directory %2$s specified in the inventory file %3$s. Check path name and permissions. 0503-754 %1$s: An error occurred while trying to mark the fileset %2$s broken. The Software Vital Product Data database could not be read. The return code is %3$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-755 %1$s: An error occurred while trying to mark the fileset %2$s broken. The Software Vital Product Data database could not be updated. The return code is %3$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-756 %1$s: An error occurred while processing the inventory file. The file move of %2$s to %3$s failed. The return code is %4$d. The inventory file is %5$s Check path name and permissions. 0503-757 %1$s: An error occurred while processing the inventory file. Attempted to move %2$s to %3$s but the destination filesystem was not large enough and could not be expanded. The return code is %4$d. The inventory file is %5$s. 0503-758 %1$s: Cannot delete %2$s from the Software Vital Product Data database. The return code is %3$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-759 %1$s: An error occurred while processing the inventory file. Neither the newfile %2$s nor the oldpath %3$s exists. The inventory file is %4$s. 0503-760 %1$s: Cannot get information about %2$s from the Software Vital Product Data database. The return code is %3$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-761 %1$s: An error occurred while reading the oldpath attribute. The inventory file is %2$s. The stanza is %3$s. 0503-762 %1$s: An error occurred while processing the inventory file. The stanza %2$s incorrectly specifies that oldpath %3$s is a directory. The inventory file is %4$s. 0503-763 %1$s: An error occurred while processing the inventory file. The stanza %2$s incorrectly specifies that oldpath %3$s is a file. The inventory file is %4$s. 0503-764 %1$s: An error occurred while processing the inventory file. Cannot get information about the oldpath %2$s. The inventory file is %3$s. The stanza is %4$s. 0503-765 %1$s: Cannot return to directory %2$s. The return code is %3$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-766 %1$s: Cannot remove the directory %2$s. The inventory file is %3$s. The stanza is %4$s. The directory must be empty to be removed. Check path name and permissions. 0503-767 %1$s: An error occurred while processing the inventory file. The link %2$s could not be removed. The return code is %3$d. The inventory file is %4$s. The stanza is %5$s. Check path name and permissions. 0503-768 %1$s: The inventory file is not formatted correctly. The oldpath %2$s is not an absolute path. The inventory file is %3$s. The stanza is %4$s. 0503-769 %1$s: The inventory file is not formatted correctly. The stanza name %2$s is not an absolute path name. The inventory file is %3$s. 0503-770 %1$s: The inventory file is not formatted correctly. The type attribute is %2$s. It must be either a file name or directory name. The inventory file is %3$s. The stanza is %4$s. 0503-771 %1$s: An error occurred while reading the type attribute. The inventory file is %2$s. The stanza is %3$s. 0503-772 %1$s: The file %2$s could not be unarchived. The return code is %3$d. 0503-773 %1$s: A path cannot be set to the /usr/lib/objrepos directory. The return code is %2$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-400 installp: Only one of the following flags may be used on the command line at a time: -a, -ac, -c, -r, -u, -C, -A, -i, -l,or -s. 0503-401 installp: The -%c flag and a list of installable filesets are mutually exclusive. 0503-402 installp: The NO SAVE (-N) option is invalid without the COMMIT (-c) option. Fix information for %s installp: Using the existing save directory for the update %s. 0503-403 installp: Cannot access the save directory, %1$s, from the symbolic link, %2$s. installp: No action was indicated. The -a (apply) flag is being assumed. 0503-404 installp: %s is an invalid fileset name. Use the -l flag to see a list of available software. 0503-405 installp: An error occurred while running the restore command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-406 installp: The -%s flag is incompatible as given. . . . . . << Copyright notice for %s >> . . . . . . . . . . . . << End of copyright notice for %s >>. . . . 0503-407 %1$s: An error occurred during bosboot processing. Please correct the problem and rerun %2$s. %s: bosboot process completed. 0503-408 %s: bosboot process starting... %s: bosboot verification completed. 0503-409 %s: bosboot verification starting... 0503-411 installp: Cannot create a symbolic link named %1$s to file or directory %2$s. Check path name and permissions. installp: Cleaning up software for: installp: Cleaning up software by finishing the commit operation for: 0503-412 installp: The status file was not found. This could be caused by an internal error within the cleanup script or could be caused by using Ctrl-c to interrupt the installation processing. 0503-413 installp: The cleanup script, %1$s, could not be found for fileset %2$s. The fileset has been marked as BROKEN since cleanup could not be performed. installp: Unable to access the save directory, %1$s, from the symbolic link, %2$s. Committing without deleting saved files. 0503-414 installp: Due to errors unable to commit fileset %s. 0503-415 installp: The status file was not found. This could be caused by an internal error within the deinstall script or could be caused by using Ctrl-c to interrupt the installation processing. 0503-416 installp: The -%1$s and -%2$s flags are mutually exclusive. 0503-417 installp: The -%s flag and the keyword "all" are mutually exclusive. 0503-418 installp: The reinvocation of the installp command has failed. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-419 installp: Could not create the %s installp summary log file. Instructions for %1$s from file: %2$s 0503-420 installp: The status file was not found. This could be caused by an internal error within the installation scripts or could be caused by using Ctrl-c to interrupt the installation processing. 0503-421 installp: Invalid status character found in the status file. This could be caused by an internal error within the installation scripts or could be caused by using Ctrl-c to interrupt the installation processing. 0503-422 installp: An internal error has occurred. Expected information was not found in the Software Vital Product Data. 0503-423 installp: Fileset %s was not found in the status file. This could be caused by an internal error within the installation scripts or could be caused by using Ctrl-c to interrupt the installation processing. instupdt: The use of the -%1$s flag implies the use of the -%2$s flag(s). Please reissue the command or refer to the documentation on the installp command. 0503-424 installp: The installp command cannot execute while the inurid command is running. If the inurid command is not really running, remove the "/usr/lpp/inurid_LOCK" file and rerun the command. 0503-425 installp: A %1$s is an invalid argument to the -%2$s flag. 0503-426 installp: %s is an invalid fileset name. 0503-427 installp: Invalid superseding fileset name. The superseding fileset name %s must match the current fileset. 0503-428 installp: Invalid superseding fileset update. The superseding update %1$s is more than %2$d bytes. The superseding update may only be %3$d bytes. 0503-429 installp: %s is invalid. All levels must be preceded by the name of a fileset at that level. Usage installp: Valid Flags are AaBbCcDdeFfgIiLlNOpQqrSstuVvwXz where: -A List fixes -N Do not save replaced files -a Apply software -O {[r][s][u]} root, share, usr -B Consider updates only -p Preview -b No bosboot -Q Suppress instreq failures -C Cleanup install failure -q Quiet (no prompt) -c Commit update(s) -r Reject update(s) -D Delete install image -S Suppress multi-volume processing -d {install device} -s List applied software updates -e {log file} -t {alternate save directory} -F Force installation -u Deinstall (Remove) fileset(s) -f {file containing fileset(s)} -V {verbosity level [2-4]} -g Include requisite software -v Verify installation -I Consider base levels only -w No wildcarding -i List supplemental information -X Expand filesystem if necessary -L List software (colon separated) -z {media block size} -l List software on media ====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------0503-430 installp: Either there is an installp process currently running or there is a previously failed installation. Wait for the process to complete or run installp -C to cleanup a failed installation. %1$c Description: Will include ALL the images for %2$s. I/UContentFileset NameLevelQ0503-431 installp: The product ID data for fileset %s is missing from the iFOR/LS information within the table of contents on the installation media. 0503-432 installp: The product version data for fileset %s is missing from the iFOR/LS information within the table of contents on the installation media. 0503-433 installp: The -%1$s flag is only valid when the -%2$s flag is also used. 0503-434 installp: There are incomplete installation operations on the following filesets. Run installp -C to clean up the previously failed installations before continuing. 0503-435 installp: The -%s flag requires an argument. 0503-436 installp: Device %s could not be accessed. Specify a valid device name. 0503-437 installp: Cannot install the specified fileset %s. Could not access the installation control files. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-438 installp: This function of installp requires a list of installable filesets to be provided. 0503-439 installp: No filesets were found in the Software Vital Product Database that could be cleaned up. 0503-440 installp: %s is not a standard calling routine. 0503-441 installp: The -D flag is not valid because the installation image file is not on the file system. 0503-442 installp: %s is NOT a valid base level fileset. You may only specify base level filesets (no updates) to be deinstalled. 0503-443 installp: Unable to access the default deinstall script, %s. Deinstallation attempt CANCELED. There was no information for the following: 0503-444 installp: No filesets were found in the Software Vital Product Database that could be applied to the "root" part of %s. 0503-445 installp: The -%s flag may only be used once on the command line. 0503-446 installp: The alternate save directory is %1$s. Commit or reject all fileset updates before changing the alternate save directory to %2$s. installp: %s software for: installp: %1$s software for the "%2$s" part of fileset %3$s. 0503-447 installp: The %s operation has failed for the following filesets: 0503-448 installp: The %1$s operation has failed for the "%2$s" part of the following filesets: installp: The %s operation was successful for the following filesets: installp: The %1$s operation was successful for the "%2$s" part of the following filesets: 0503-449 installp: Warning. Some of the saved files may not have been cleaned up during the commit operation of %s. The save directory is %s. 0503-450 installp: The save directory name for the symbolic link is too long. 0503-451 installp: After completion of pre-installation processing, there were no valid filesets left to process. No processing has occurred. 0503-452 installp: Fatal error: %s erroneously supersedes itself. Processing cannot continue. installp: The installp command has been updated. Reinvoking installp to process the remaining items. 0503-453 installp: The reject has been CANCELED. Processing cannot continue. A directory for saved files cannot be accessed. A symbolic link, %1$s, suggests that a save directory is %2$s, and that the alternate save directory is %3$s. Please check that the alternate save directory is mounted or available. A save directory is not accessible for the following filesets: 0503-454 installp: The status file was not found. This could be caused by an internal error within the reject script or could be caused by using Ctrl_c to interrupt the installation processing. installp: Warning. The functionality for the -x flag has been removed due to its destructive nature. The installp command will continue. 0503-455 installp: "share" part is on a read only file system. Specify parts with the -O[r][u] option. %sName Level %sName Part Level State %s--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %sInstallp Status %s--------------- 0503-456 installp: The program "sysck" detected verification errors with fileset %s. The fileset may still be usable but will be marked as BROKEN. 0503-457 installp: The alternate save directory %1$s is not available. If the alternate save directory is available, then delete %2$s/%3$s or specify a different alternate save directory. If the file is on a remote filesystem, verify that the remote server allows root access to the remote directory for this host. Usage installp: Install software: Apply Only (-a): installp -a [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDIpqQSvwX] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { Fileset [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Install Software: Apply and Commit (-ac): installp -ac[N] [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDIpqQSvwX] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Install Software: Apply Only (-a) or Apply/Commit (-ac): installp [-a | -ac[N]] [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDIpqQSvwX] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: List Fixes (-A): installp -A [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BIqSw] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: List Fixes (-A) or Supplemental Information (-i): installp {-A | -i} [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BIqSw] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Clean Up Install Failure (-C): installp -C [-e LogFile] [-b] Usage installp: Commit Applied Software Updates (-c): installp -c [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-bgpvwX] [-O{[r][s][u]}] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Commit (-c), Reject (-r), or Deinstall (-u) Software: installp {-c | -r | -u} [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-bgpvwX] [-O{[r][s][u]}] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Note: The keyword "all" is not valid with the -r or -u flag. Usage installp: List Supplemental Information (-i): installp -i [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BImwq] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: List Software on Media (-l or -L): installp [-l | -L ] [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BIqS] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] Usage installp: Reject Applied Software Updates (-r): installp -r [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-bgpvwX] [-O{[r][s][u]}] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile } Usage installp: List Applied Software Updates (-s): installp -s [-e LogFile] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-w] [ FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all ] Usage installp: Specifying alternate save directory with the -t flag: installp [-a | -ac[N]] [-t SaveDirectory] [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDIpqQSvwX] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Deinstall (Remove) Software: installp -u [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-bgpvwX] [-O{[r][s][u]}] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile } 0503-458 installp: "usr" part is on a read only file system. Specify parts with the -O[r][s] option. installp PREVIEW: installation will not actually occur. installp PREVIEW: commit operation will not actually occur. installp PREVIEW: reject operation will not actually occur. installp PREVIEW: deinstall operation will not actually occur. End of installp PREVIEW. No apply operation has actually occurred. No commit operation has actually occurred. No reject operation has actually occurred. No deinstall operation has actually occurred. Pre-installation Verification... Pre-commit Verification... Pre-reject Verification... Pre-deinstall Verification... Installing Software... Committing Software... Rejecting Software... Deinstalling Software... Summaries: Committed: cannot be rejected Inconsistent usr and root parts 0503-459 installp: No filesets were found in the Software Vital Product Database in the APPLIED state. 0503-460 installp: The -p flag (preview operation) must be specified with one of the -a (apply), -c (commit), -r (reject), or -u (deinstall). 0503-461 installp: The -p flag (preview operation) must be specified with only one of the following flags: -a (apply), -c (commit), -r (reject), or -u (deinstall). 0503-462 installp: This may result in the installation summary being incomplete. Finished processing all filesets.Filesets processed: %1$d of %2$d (Total time: %1$d hrs %2$d mins %3$d secs). (Total time: %1$d mins %2$d secs). (Total time: %d secs). RESOURCES --------- Resource requirements could not be estimated. It appears that size information was not provided for the filesets being installed. Estimated system resource requirements for filesets being installed: (All sizes are in 512-byte blocks) Filesystem Needed Space Free Space TOTAL: %34d %22lu Paging Space Requirements: %10d NOTE: "Needed Space" values are calculated from data available prior to installation. These are the estimated resources required for the entire operation. Further resource checks will be made during installation to verify that these initial estimates are sufficient. Use the option to extend filesystems (-X flag) to ensure that any additional resources which may be needed are automatically allocated. 0503-463 %s: An error occurred during bosboot processing. Do NOT reboot your machine until you have successfully run the installp -C command to cleanup. installp: The bosboot command has successfully rebuilt the boot image. It may be necessary to reboot your system before the changes will take effect. 0503-464 installp: The installation has FAILED for the "%s" part of the following filesets: 0503-467 installp: The reject operation has FAILED for the "%s" part of the following filesets (the software has been marked BROKEN and may need to be reinstalled): 0503-470 installp: The cleanup operation has FAILED for the "%s" part of the following filesets: 0503-473 installp: The deinstall operation has FAILED for the "%s" part of the following filesets: 0503-476 installp: The installp command cannot be run directly from the command line in the Network Installation Management (NIM) environment. Please use the NIM commands. 0503-477 installp: The -V flag (detail/verbosity specifier for installp output) may only be used in combination with one of the following: -a (apply), -c (commit), -ac (apply and commit), -r (reject), or -u (deinstall). installp: You cannot force re-apply (-aF) the USR part without also specifying the ROOT part. 0503-478 installp: The 4.1-formatted fileset update %s incorrectly contains supersedes information. 0503-479 installp: 4.1-formatted fileset updates cannot contain supersedes information. 0503-480 installp: Base level fileset %1$s %2$d.%3$d.%4$d.%5$d.%6$s incorrectly contains a PTF ID field. 0503-481 installp: Base level fileset %1$s %2$d.%3$d.%4$d.%5$d.%6$s incorrectly contains a nonzero fix value. 0503-482 installp: All 4.1-formatted base level filesets must contain a fix value of zero. 0503-483 installp: Fileset update %1$s %2$d.%3$d.%4$d.%5$d.%6$s incorrectly contains a PTF ID field. 0503-484 installp: 4.1-formatted fileset updates cannot contain a PTF ID field. 0503-485 installp: The 4.1-formatted fileset update %1$s %2$d.%3$d.%4$d.%5$d.%6$s incorrectly contains zero modification and zero fix values. 0503-486 installp: 4.1-formatted fileset updates cannot contain zero modification and zero fix values. 0503-487 installp: Error parsing supersedes information for %s. 0503-488 installp: An invalid level of %1$s was specified in the supersedes information for %2$s. 0503-489 installp: An invalid fileset name was found in the supersedes information for %s. 0503-490 installp: The level field specified in the supersedes information of a base level fileset must not be greater than the level of the base level fileset itself. 0503-491 installp: Any fileset name specified in the supersedes information of a base level fileset must match the name of the base level fileset itself. 0503-492 installp: %s is a 3.1-formatted fileset. Deinstallation of this fileset requires the use of the FORCE option (-F flag). 0503-493 installp: The fileset, %s, was originally installed on an AIX 3.2 system. Deinstallation of this fileset requires the use of the FORCE option (-F flag). 0503-494 installp: The fileset, %s, was originally installed on an AIX 3.2 system. It has only been partially migrated from 3.2 to 4.1 and, therefore, cannot be deinstalled. 0503-495 installp: The fileset, %s, is a compatibility entry used by installp and, therefore, cannot be deinstalled. installp: * * * A T T E N T I O N ! ! ! Software changes processed during this session require this system and any of its diskless/dataless clients to be rebooted in order for the changes to be made effective. installp: * * * A T T E N T I O N ! ! ! Software changes processed during this session require the system to be rebooted in order for the changes to be made effective. FILESET STATISTICS ------------------ %5d Selected to be installed, of which: %9d Passed pre-installation verification %9d FAILED pre-installation verification %9d Replaced by superseding updates %9d Already installed (directly or via superseding filesets) %5d Additional requisites to be automatically installed %5d Unselected mandatory filesets that FAILED pre-installation verification %5d Total to be installed %5d Selected to be rejected, of which: %9d Passed pre-reject verification %9d FAILED pre-reject verification %5d Additional dependents to be automatically rejected %5d Total to be rejected %5d Selected to be deinstalled, of which: %9d Passed pre-deinstall verification %9d FAILED pre-deinstall verification %5d Additional dependents to be automatically deinstalled %5d Total to be deinstalled %5d Selected to be committed, of which: %9d Already in the committed state %5d Additional requisites to be automatically committed %5d Total to be committed %9d Deferred (see *NOTE below) *NOTE The deferred filesets mentioned above will be processed after the installp update and its requisites are successfully installed. Pre-installation Failure/Warning Summary ---------------------------------------- Name Level Pre-installation Failure/Warning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not found; try %s USR not instld; try %s Already installed Already COMMITTED Pre-installation failure No root part or usr not installed Cannot force apply fileset updates Must use -F flag (force) to deinstall Partially migrated, not deinstallable Compatibility, not deinstallable Already installed Already superseded by %s Must commit before reinstalling BROKEN, requires the -acgN flags Must apply both usr and root parts Not found on the installation media bos.rte is not deinstallable Nothing by this name to apply Must be in APPLIED state to commit Nothing by this name to deinstall Failed pre-rejection check First apply BROKENs for this fileset Requisite failure To be superseded by %s Failed pre-deinstallation check Supersedes a BROKEN fileset Installation Summary -------------------- Name Level Part Event Result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See WARNINGS section above 0503-496 installp: The "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software" option and the "OVERWRITE same or newer versions" option from the previous menu may not be selected together. Some configuration files could not be automatically merged into the system during the installation. The previous versions of these files have been saved in a configuration directory as listed below. Compare the saved files and the newly installed files to determine if you need to recover configuration data. Consult product documentation to determine how to merge the data. Configuration files which were saved in %s: ************************** W A R N I N G ************************** The /usr filesystem on this machine has been converted into a Network Install Manager (NIM) SPOT. You MUST perform the following NIM operations when this invocation of installp finishes: nim -o sync_roots %s Incorrect system manufacturer System manufacturer fileset required System manufacturer fileset installed 0503-497 %s: An error occurred during bosboot verification processing. Filesets processed: %1$d of %2$d System Installation Time: %1$d minutes Tasks Complete: %2$d%3$s System Installation Time: %1$d hr %2$d mins Tasks Complete: %3$d%4$s System Installation Time: %1$d hrs %2$d mins Tasks Complete: %3$d%4$s 0503-498 installp: The current directory is inaccessible. Unable to continue. 0503-499 installp: After completion of pre-installation processing, there were no installable filesets found on the installation media. No installation has occurred. 0503-500 installp: After completion of pre-installation processing, there were no installable base level filesets found on the installation media. Note that use of the force install option (-F flag) will cause installp to consider only base level filesets (fileset updates will be ignored). No installation has occurred. BOS install %1$d%2$s complete : Installing additional software. installp: * * * A T T E N T I O N ! ! ! Software changes processed during this session require any diskless/dataless clients to which this SPOT is currently allocated to be rebooted. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------- A previous install operation has resulted in a pending bosboot. One or more of the selected filesets will cause a bosboot to be performed. The bosboot command will rebuild the boot image. As a result it may be necessary to reboot your system for the changes to take effect. Usage installp: Valid Flags are AaBbCcDdeFfgIiLlMNOpQqrSstuVvwXz where: -A List fixes -M {A|I|N|R} platform -a Apply software -N Do not save replaced files -B Consider updates only -O {[r][s][u]} root, share, usr -b No bosboot -p Preview -C Cleanup install failure -Q Suppress instreq failures -c Commit update(s) -q Quiet (no prompt) -D Delete install image -r Reject update(s) -d {install device} -S Suppress multi-volume processing -e {log file} -s List applied software updates -F Force installation -t {alternate save directory} -f {file containing fileset(s)} -u Deinstall (Remove) fileset(s) -g Include requisite software -V {verbosity level [2-4]} -I Consider base levels only -v Verify installation -i List supplemental information -w No wildcarding -L List software (colon separated) -X Expand filesystem if necessary -l List software on media -z {media block size} Usage installp: List Software on Media (-l or -L): installp [[-l | -L] [-M Platform]] [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BIqS] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] installp: Only one of the following flags may be used on the command line at a time: -a, -ac, -c, -r, -u, -C, -A, -i, -l, -L or -s. Usage installp: Valid Flags are AaBbCcDdeEFfgIiLlMNOpQqrSstuVvwXYz where: -A List fixes -M {A|I|N|R} platform -a Apply software -N Do not save replaced files -B Consider updates only -O {[r][s][u]} root, share, usr -b No bosboot -p Preview -C Cleanup install failure -Q Suppress instreq failures -c Commit update(s) -q Quiet (no prompt) -D Delete install image -r Reject update(s) -d {install device} -S Suppress multi-volume processing -E Display license agreements -s List applied software updates -e {log file} -t {alternate save directory} -F Force installation -u Deinstall (Remove) fileset(s) -f {file containing fileset(s)} -V {verbosity level [2-4]} -g Include requisite software -v Verify installation -I Consider base levels only -w No wildcarding -i List supplemental information -X Expand filesystem if necessary -L List software (colon separated) -Y Accept new license agreements -l List software on media -z {media block size} The software you have selected for installation contains license agreement(s) that must be accepted before proceeding. Failure to accept the license terms will prevent the installation of the software. Accept the license agreement(s) by selecting "yes" in the "Accept new license agreements" field or by specifying the -Y option to the installp command. installp: The -E flag must be specified with either the -p or -l flag. Usage installp: Install software: Apply Only (-a): installp -a [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDIpqQSvwXY] [ -E {-p|-l} ] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { Fileset [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Install Software: Apply and Commit (-ac): installp -ac[N] [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDIpqQSvwXY] [ -E {-p|-l} ] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Install Software: Apply Only (-a) or Apply/Commit (-ac): installp [-a | -ac[N]] [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [ -E {-p|-l} ] [-bBDIpqQSvwXY] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Required license acceptance Filesets Requiring Software License Acceptance ---------------------------------------------- The following filesets contain license agreements that must be accepted. Failure to accept the license terms will prevent the installation of the software. To accept the license agreements, select "yes" in the "Accept new license agreements" field or specify the -Y option to the installp command. Software License Agreement LICENSE AGREEMENTS ------------------ Filesets listed in this section contain license agreements that must be accepted. Failure to accept the license terms will prevent the installation of the software. Software License Agreement -------------------------- # Software License Agreement ------------------------------ The software you have selected for installation contains license agreement(s) that must be accepted before proceeding. Failure to accept the license terms will prevent the installation of the software. Accept the license agreement(s) by selecting "yes" in the "Accept new license agreements" field or by specifying the -Y option to the installp command. LICENSE AGREEMENT FAILURES ------------------ The installation cannot proceed because the following filesets require software license agreement files which could not be found on the system or installation media: Usage installp: List Software on Media (-l or -L): installp {-l[E] | -L} [-M Platform]] [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BIqS] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] installp: The -E flag must be specified with either the -a or -l flag. Usage installp: Install software: Apply Only (-a): installp -a [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDEIpqQSvwXY] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { Fileset [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Install Software: Apply and Commit (-ac): installp -ac[N] [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDEIpqQSvwXY] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Install Software: Apply Only (-a) or Apply/Commit (-ac): installp {-a | -ac[N]} [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDEIpqQSvwXY] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } It is recommended that you reboot the system as soon as possible after the installation of this software to avoid disruption of current functionality. Usage installp: Valid Flags are AaBbCcDdeEFfgIiLlMNOpQqRrSstuVvwXYz where: -A List fixes -M {A|I|N|R} platform -a Apply software -N Do not save replaced files -B Consider updates only -O {[r][s][u]} root, share, usr -b No bosboot -p Preview -C Cleanup install failure -Q Suppress instreq failures -c Commit update(s) -q Quiet (no prompt) -D Delete install image after -R {User Specified Install Location} successful installation. -r Reject update(s) -d {install device} -S Suppress multi-volume processing -E Display license agreements -s List applied software updates -e {log file} -t {alternate save directory} -F Force installation -u Deinstall (Remove) fileset(s) -f {file containing fileset(s)} -V {verbosity level [2-4]} -g Include requisite software -v Verify installation -I Consider base levels only -w No wildcarding -i List supplemental information -X Expand filesystem if necessary -L List software (colon separated) -Y Accept new license agreements -l List software on media -z {media block size} Usage installp: List Software on Media (-l or -L): installp {-l[E] | -L} [-M Platform] [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BIqS] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] installp: The -E flag must be specified with either the -a or -l flag. Usage installp: Install Software: Apply and Commit (-ac): installp [-R Path] -ac[N] [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDEIpqQSvwX] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Install Software: Apply Only (-a) or Apply/Commit (-ac): installp [-R Path] {-a | -ac[N]} [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-d Device] [-bBDEIpqQSvwX] [-F | -g] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-t SaveDirectory] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Usage installp: Commit (-c), Reject (-r), or Deinstall (-u) Software: installp [-R Path] {-c | -r | -u} [-e LogFile] [-V Number] [-bgpvwX] [-O{[r][s][u]}] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } Note: The keyword "all" is not valid with the -r or -u flag. Usage installp: Clean Up Install Failure (-C): installp [-R Path] -C [-e LogFile] [-b] Usage installp: List Fixes (-A) or Supplemental Information (-i): installp {-A | -i} [-e LogFile] [-d Device] [-BIqSw] [-O{[s][u]}] [-z BlockSize] { FileSet [Level] ... | -f ListFile | all } BUILDDATE Verification ... Verifying build dates... 0503-465 installp: The build date requisite check failed for fileset %s. Installed fileset build date of %s is more recent than the selected fileset build date of %s. 0503-466 installp: The build date requisite check failed for fileset %s. Installed fileset build date is %s. Selected fileset does not have a build date, but one is required. installp: Installation failed due to BUILDDATE requisite failure. The updates being installed contain the following interim fix labels, which will be removed prior to installing the updates: 0503-501 installp: An error occurred while removing interim fixes. 0503-502 installp: An error occurred while unmounting interim fixes. 0503-503 installp: The emgr command failed to remove interim fix %s. The emgr command successfully removed interim fix %s. 0503-504 installp: An error occurred while removing temporary directory %s. 0503-505 installp: The emgr database is locked by process %d. 0503-506 installp: The emgr database is locked by the inactive process %d. Verify that this process is not running and remove the lock file %s. %s: Using alternate installation device %s. NOTE: Rejecting an update that contains an interim fix will not re-install the interim fix on the system. The updates being installed do not contain all the APARs to allow all existing interim fixes to be automatically removed. Please ensure the interim fixes are enabled for automatic removal and obtain the updates that contain the APARs for the following interim fixes, or remove the interim fixes, as described below. Removing interim fixes... The following interim fixes are not enabled for automatic removal: 0503-507 installp: A live update operation has been initiated by a geninstall command. All other install operations are locked until it is complete. Please see /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/logs/lvupdlog for details. Verifying known package signatures of install source: %s Usage: inucp -s start_dir [-e final_dir] listfile package where start_dir is the directory from which files will be copied. final_dir is the directory to which files will be copied. listfile is a file containing relative paths of files to be copied. package is the name of the package to be copied. inucp: Warning. inucp expects the listfile to contain relative path names to the file. inucp will attempt to complete anyway. Copying files from %s... 0503-630 inutoc: %s either does not exist or is not a directory. inutoc: Warning. Could not read the system time. The toc header will contain 000000000000 in the timestamp location. %1$s: Warning. The installation package image in %2$s has an unrecognized package type of "%3$s". This may indicate a bad image or a new package type requiring a newer version of the installation commands. The installation image was added to the .toc file anyway. Usage: inutoc [dirname] where dirname is the name of the directory for which a ./.toc file will be created. UNKNOWN3.1updtUSR ROOT SHARE usr root share usr,rootAPPLY APPLYING APPLIED COMMIT COMMITTING COMMITTED REJECT REJECTING CLEANUP DEINSTALL DEINSTALLINGCANCELED AVAILABLE BROKEN SUCCESS FAILED Usage: inurecv package [filesets_file] where package is the name of the software package to be recovered. filesets_file is the full path name of a file that specifies which filesets within the package to recover. Usage: inurdsd [-d dev] [-v v_n] [-s v_i] [-b blkn] [-n cnt] [-t n] where dev is the name of the input device (default is /dev/rfd0). v_n is the volume of where to start reading (default is 1). v_i is the volume ID string mmddhhMMssyy (default is none). blkn is the first block number to read (default is 1). cnt is the number of characters to read (default is 9999999). n is the trace code digit, from 0 to 9 (default is 0). 0503-700 inurest: Error in restoring files Restoring files, please wait. %1$d files out of %2$d restored %d files restored. Usage: inurest [-d device] [-q] listfile package where device is the input device. listfile is a file containing relative paths of files to be restored. package is the name of the software package to be restored. The restore failure may be due to a tape error or SCSI bus reset. Please check your physical SCSI configuration, the tape, the tape drive, and then try again. inusave: Warning. Unable to delete an entry from the Software Vital Product Data database. Usage: inusave listfile package where listfile is a file containing relative paths of files to be saved. package is the name of the software package to be saved. 0503-710 inusave: Software Vital Product Data information was not found for apply list entry %s. 0503-960 %1$s: %2$s already exists 0503-961 %s: ODMDIR not set 0503-962 %1$s: ODMDIR should be set to USR or SHARE instead of %2$s Usage: %s package fileset v.r.m.f 0503-963 %1$s: Cannot create record for SWVPD file: %2$s 0503-964 %1$s: %2$s is not a compatability entry or is missing Usage: %s -c | -p | -f -v [-D ] [-U ] [-R ] [-S ] [-M ] [-C ] [-I ] [-P ] Usage: %s -c | -p | -f -v -D Usage: %s <32_vpd_path> <41_vpd_path> 0503-970 %1$s: Could not merge %2$s database Usage: %s <32_vpd_path> Usage: get_license_info [-l][-f file] This lists iFOR/LS-enabled products which have been registered with iFOR/LS server(s) on a network. -f logs status of execution to a file (for communication with caller). -l lists vendor names, vendor id's, product name, product id's and product versions in a colon separated format. default: lists vendor id's, product id's and product version in a colon separated format. 0503-810 get_license_info: No name for the status file was entered. 0503-811 get_license_info: Invalid argument. 0503-812 get_license_info: ls_tv did not return successfully. 0503-813 get_license_info: Could not get any server names from ls_tv. 0503-814 get_license_info: ls_admin failed as no vendor names were obtained. 0503-815 get_license_info: Could not get any vendors from the server. 0503-826: %s: Unknown VPD error occurred while processing the fix database. %1$s: There are no filesets on the media for %2$s. %s: There are no filesets on the media for the requested Fix IDs. %1$s: Searching for installed filesets associated with %2$s. Fileset %s is not applied on the system. Fileset %s is applied on the system. All filesets for %s were found. Not all filesets for %s were found. There was no data for %s in the fix database. Usage: instfix [-T] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-p] [-i[a]] [-d device] Function: Installs filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -T Display entire Table of Contents from the media. -s Search for and Display Table of Contents entries containing a string. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -f Install filesets for multiple keywords or fixes using an input file. Note that the output of the -T option produces a suitable input file format. -f- will result in instfix using standard input. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether fixes or keywords are installed. This option is for information only. Installation is not attempted when this option is used. -a Use only with -i to optionally display the symptom text associated with a fix. -d Specify the input device (required for all but -i). -p Used with -k or -f to Print (Preview) filesets associated with keywords. This options is for information only. Installation is not attempted when this options is used. Examples: instfix -k IX38794 -d /dev/rmt0.1 will install all filesets associated with fix IX38794 from the tape mounted on /dev/rmt0.1 instfix -s SCSI -d /dev/rmt0.1 will list all keyword entries on the tape containing the string "SCSI". instfix -i -k "IX38794 IX48523" will inform the user on whether fixes IX38794 and IX48523 are installed. Note: Available fixes are stored in the ODM fix database. %1$s Abstract: %2$s Symptom Text: %1$s Usage: instfix [-T] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (required for all but -i and -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. #Keyword:Fileset:ReqLevel:InstLevel:Status:Abstract No filesets which have fixes for %s are currently installed. Usage: instfix [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (required for all but -i and -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. to the environment provided. instfix: The -M flag may only be used in conjunction with the -T flag. Usage: instfix [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (not valid with flags -i or -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. to the environment provided. Usage: instfix [-R Path] [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (not valid with flags -i or -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -R User Specified Install Location -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. to the environment provided. Interim fix '%s' associated with %s is installed. Usage: instfix [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (not valid with flags -i or -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix), 'i' (interim fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. Usage: instfix [-R Path] [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (not valid with flags -i or -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -R User Specified Install Location -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix), 'i' (interim fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. Usage: inulag -r [-n fileset | -s filename] [-p productid] [-d description] [-m message specification] -f file inulag -l | -q [-c|-v] [-n fileset | -s filename | -p productid | -a] inulag -u [-n fileset | -s filename | -p productid] inulag -A inulag -D where -A Register agreements for all pending license agreements. -a Used with -l to show products which have pending license agreements. -c Used with -l for colon-separated listing. -D Force the revalidation of all license agreements. -d Default description for fileset or product to which license applies. -f The pathname specification for the license agreement. -l List software license agreements. -m Message catalog specification for a translated description of the form "catalog,set number,message number". -n The name of a fileset registered in the software vital product database which is governed by the license agreement. -p A non-translatable alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies a product. -q Query. Does not show output. Returns 0 if license agreement exists. -r Register a software license agreement. Requires -f for the path to the agreement file, and either -n or -s to indicate the fileset name or signature file containing software subject to the agreement. Cannot be used with -l, -q, or -u. -s A signature file unique to installed software which identifies software not registered in the software vital product database which is governed by a license agreement. The filename should include the full path to the file. -u Remove a license agreement. This does not actually remove the license agreement file, rather it adds a record to the license agreement log to deactivate the license. -v Verbose. Used with -l for verbose listing. Cannot be used with -c. inulag: Cannot open the ODM database /usr/lib/objrepos/lag. inulag: The -%1$s and -%2$s flags are mutually exclusive. inulag: The -%s flag requires an argument. inulag: The message specification for the -m flag must be in the format "catalog,set number,message number". Installed License Agreements The installed software listed below contains license agreements which have been accepted. Name Level Description Name Level License agreement for: Software Requiring License Acceptance The software listed below contains license agreement(s) that have not been accepted. NameDescriptionSoftware License Agreements inulag: Cannot open license agreement file %1$s. Usage: inulag -r [-n fileset | -s filename -p productid] [-d description] [-m message specification] -f file inulag -l | -q [-c|-v] [-n fileset | -s filename | -p productid | -a] inulag -u [-n fileset | -s filename -p productid] inulag -A inulag -D where -A Register agreements for all pending license agreements. -a Used with -l to show products which have pending license agreements. -c Used with -l for colon-separated listing. -D Force the revalidation of all license agreements. -d Default description for fileset or product to which license applies. -f The pathname specification for the license agreement. -l List software license agreements. -m Message catalog specification for a translated description of the form "catalog,set number,message number". -n The name of a fileset registered in the software vital product database which is governed by the license agreement. A comma separated list of fileset names may be entered only when specified with the -l flag for listing purposes. -p A non-translatable alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies a product. -q Query. Does not show output. Returns 0 if license agreement exists. -r Register a software license agreement. Requires -f for the path to the agreement file, and either -n or -s to indicate the fileset name or signature file containing software subject to the agreement. Cannot be used with -l, -q, or -u. -s A signature file unique to installed software which identifies software not registered in the software vital product database which is governed by a license agreement. The filename should include the full path to the file. -u Remove a license agreement. This does not actually remove the license agreement file, rather it adds a record to the license agreement log to deactivate the license. -v Verbose. Used with -l for verbose listing. Cannot be used with -c. inulag: Failed adding software license information to the lag database. Fileset:File:Product ID:Description:Agreement:Timestamp:Machine ID:Status Product ID: %s Description: %s Agreement File: %s Date: %s Machine ID: %s Fileset: %s File: %s ActiveInactivePendingLicense Agreement: inulag: There is no license associated with %s. inulag: The license for %s is pending. inulag: The license for %s has been accepted. Usage: inulag -r {-n fileset | -s filename -p productid} [-d description [-m message specification]] -f file inulag -l[a] [-c|-v] [-n fileset_list | -s filename | -p productid] inulag -qa inulag -u {-n fileset | -s filename -p productid} inulag -A inulag -D where: -A Register agreements for all pending license agreements. -a Used with -l to show only products which have pending license agreements instead of all installed license agreements. -c Used with -l for colon-separated listing. -D Force the revalidation of all accepted license agreements. -d Default description for fileset or product to which license applies. -f The pathname specification for the license agreement. -l List all installed software license agreements. -m Message catalog specification for a translated description in the form: "catalog,set number,message number". -n The name of a fileset registered in the software vital product database which is governed by the license agreement, or the keyword "all". A fileset_list may contain one or more fileset names seperated by commas. Spaces are allowed if the list is enclosed in quotation marks. For example: 'inulag -ln fileset1,fileset2,...' or 'inulag -lavn "fileset1, fileset2, ..."' -p A non-translatable alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies a product. -q Query. Does not show output. Returns 0 if pending license agreements exist. -r Register a software license agreement. Requires -f for the path to the agreement file, and either -n or -s to indicate the fileset name or signature file containing software subject to the agreement. Cannot be used with -l, -q, or -u. -s A signature file unique to installed software which identifies software not registered in the software vital product database which is governed by a license agreement. The filename should include the full path to the file. -u Remove a license agreement. This does not actually remove the license agreement file, rather it changes the license to an inactive state. -v Verbose. Used with -l for verbose listing. Cannot be used with -c. Usage: inulag -r [-R Path] {-n fileset | -s filename -p productid} [-d description [-m message specification]] -f file inulag -l [-R Path] [a] [-c|-v] [-n fileset_list | -s filename | -p productid] inulag -qa [-R Path] inulag -u [-R Path] {-n fileset | -s filename -p productid} inulag -A [-R Path] inulag -D [-R Path] where: -A Register agreements for all pending license agreements. -a Used with -l to show only products which have pending license agreements instead of all installed license agreements. -c Used with -l for colon-separated listing. -D Force the revalidation of all accepted license agreements. -d Default description for fileset or product to which license applies. -f The pathname specification for the license agreement. -l List all installed software license agreements. -m Message catalog specification for a translated description in the form: "catalog,set number,message number". -n The name of a fileset registered in the software vital product database which is governed by the license agreement, or the keyword "all". A fileset_list may contain one or more fileset names separated by commas. Spaces are allowed if the list is enclosed in quotation marks. For example: 'inulag -ln fileset1,fileset2,...' or 'inulag -lavn "fileset1, fileset2, ..."' -p A non-translatable alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies a product. -q Query. Does not show output. Returns 0 if pending license agreements exist. -R User Specified Install Location. -r Register a software license agreement. Requires -f for the path to the agreement file, and either -n or -s to indicate the fileset name or signature file containing software subject to the agreement. Cannot be used with -l, -q, or -u. -s A signature file unique to installed software which identifies software not registered in the software vital product database which is governed by a license agreement. The filename should include the full path to the file. -u Remove a license agreement. This does not actually remove the license agreement file, rather it changes the license to an inactive state. -v Verbose. Used with -l for verbose listing. Cannot be used with -c. Usage compare_report: Compare Installed Software to Fix Repository. compare_report -s -i FixDir {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Installed Software to List of Available Updates. compare_report -s -r ServiceReport {[ -l ] [ -h ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Fix Repository to List of Available Updates. compare_report -i FixDir -r ServiceReport [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Installed Software to Fix Repository to List of Available Updates. compare_report -s -i FixDir -r ServiceReport {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare List of Installed Software on Base System to Another System. compare_report -b BaseList -o OtherList {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Installed Software to Fix Repository. compare_report -s -i FixDir {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Installed Software to List of Available Updates. compare_report -s -r ServiceReport {[ -l ] [ -h ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Fix Repository to List of Available Updates. compare_report -i FixDir -r ServiceReport [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare List of Installed Software on Base System to Another System. compare_report -b BaseList -o OtherList {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] # Fileset Name Installed Level Fix Level #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #Fileset_Name:Installed_Level:Fix_Level #Fileset_Name:Fix_Level #Fileset_Name:Installed_Level # Installed Available # Fileset Name Level Level PTF #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #PTF:Fileset_Name:Installed_Level:Available_Level #Fileset_Name:Installed_Level:Available_Level # Available # Fileset Name Fix Level Level PTF #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #PTF:Fileset_Name:Fix_Level:Available_Level Base System Installed Software that is at a lower level Base System Installed Software that is at a higher level #Fileset_Name:Base_Level:Other_Level Filesets not installed on the Base System #Fileset_Name:Other_Level Filesets not installed on the Other System #Fileset_Name:Base_Level compare_report: At least one report must be selected. compare_report: At least one report [-l] [-h] must be selected. compare_report: At least one report [-l] [-h] [-m] [-n] must be selected. compare_report: The -%1$s flag is only valid with the -%2$s flag. compare_report: The -%1$s flag is only valid with the -%2$s and -%3$s flags. compare_report: The -%1$s and -%2$s flags are mutually exclusive. compare_report: The -%1$s flag is mutually exclusive to both the -%2$s and -%3$s flags. compare_report: Two inputs [-s -i] or [-s -r] or [-i -r] are required for a comparison. compare_report: The specified Fix Repository: %1$s does not exist or is not accessible. compare_report: Two inputs [-s|-b -i] or [-s|-b -r] or [-i -r] are required for a comparison. compare_report: The -%1$s flag is only valid with the -%2$s, -%3$s, or -%4$s flag. Usage compare_report: Compare Installed Software to Fix Repository. compare_report -s -i FixDir {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Installed Software to List of Available Updates. compare_report -s -r ServiceReport {[ -l ] [ -h ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare Fix Repository to List of Available Updates. compare_report -i FixDir -r ServiceReport [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare List of Installed Software on Base System to Another System. compare_report -b BaseList -o OtherList {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare List of Installed Software to Fix Repository. compare_report -b BaseList -i FixDir {[ -l ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -n ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] Usage compare_report: Compare List of Installed Software to List of Available Updates. compare_report -b BaseList -r ServiceReport {[ -l ] [ -h ]} [ -t ReportDir -Z | -v ] 0503-841 %1$s: usage: %2$s [-d BaseDirectory] [-T TemplateFile] Using %s as the base package directory. Cannot find %s. Attempting to create. Using %s to store package control files. Cleaning intermediate files from %s. 0503-842 %1$s: %2$s creation failed. 0503-843 %1$s: Base package directory %2$s does not exist. | Beginning interactive package input | | * - required; () - example value; [] - default value | * Package Name ( []: 0503-844 %1$s: Cannot overwrite existing %2$s file. 0503-845 %1$s: %2$s creation failed. * Package VRMF ( []: Update (Y/N) [N]: Number of filesets in %s (1) [1]: Gathering info for new fileset (%d remaining) * Fileset Name (%s) []: * Fileset VRMF ( []: * Fileset Description (some text) []: Do you want to include an installp pre_i/u script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the pre_i/u script to include []: 0503-846 %s: Script not found. Re-enter the absolute script path []: Do you want to include an installp unpre_i/u script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the unpre_i/u script to include []: Do you want to include an installp post_i/u script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the post_i/u script []: Do you want to include an installp unpost_i/u script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the unpost_i/u script []: Do you want to include an installp config script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the config script []: Do you want to include an installp unconfig script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the unconfig script []: Bosboot required (Y/N) [N]: License agreement acceptance required (Y/N) [N]: * Name of license agreement (/usr/swlag/%L/ []: 0503-847 %s: * This license agreement does not exist, reenter []: Include license files for %s in this package (Y/N) [N]: Number of license files included for %s (1) [1]: * %1$d of %2$d. License file path (/usr/swlag/en_US/ []: 0503-848 %s: * This license file does not exist, reenter []: Number of Requisites for %s (1) [0]: %1$d of %2$d. Requisite Type (coreq/ifreq/instreq/prereq) [prereq]: * %1$d of %2$d. Requisite Name (abc.rte) []: * %1$d of %2$d. Requisite VRMF ( []: Would you like to add additional filesystem space requirements (Y/N) [N]: Number of filesystems requiring additional space for this fileset [1]: * %1$d of %2$d. Filesystem path (/tmp) []: Number of ROOT part files in %s (1) [0]: * Required space for this filesystem in 512 byte blocks []: You should include any directories that you are creating in the file count. (ie: For /usr/xyz/foo, enter 2; 1 for /usr/xyz and 1 for /usr/xyz/foo) Number of Files in %s (1) [1]: * %1$d of %2$d. Directory or File Path (/etc/myfile.cfg) []: 0503-850 %s: This file already exists as a system file. Are you sure you want to include this file? (Y/N) []: 0503-851 %s: This file or directory does not exist, reenter []: Using %s as the template file. 0503-852 %1$s: Unknown keyword (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-853 %1$s: Invalid Update value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-854 %1$s: Package Name is missing from %2$s 0503-855 %1$s: Package VRMF is missing from %2$s 0503-856 %1$s: Update is missing from %2$s 0503-857 %1$s: Fileset Name is missing from %2$s 0503-858 %1$s: Fileset VRMF is missing from %2$s 0503-859 %1$s: Invalid PACKAGE_VRMF (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-860 %1$s: Invalid FILESET_VRMF (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-861 %1$s: installp pre_i/u script not found (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-862 %1$s: installp unpre_i/u script not found (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-863 %1$s: installp post_i/u script not found (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-864 %1$s: installp unpost_i/u script not found (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-865 %1$s: installp config script not found (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-866 %1$s: installp unconfig script not found (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-867 %1$s: Invalid Bosboot value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-868 %1$s: Invalid LIC_REQUIRED value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-869 %1$s: Invalid LAR value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-870 %1$s: Invalid LIC_INCLUDED value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-871 %1$s: Invalid LAF value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-872 %1$s: Invalid Requisite Type (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-873 %1$s: Invalid Requisite Name (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-874 %1$s: Invalid Requisite VRMF (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-875 %1$s: Invalid REQ_VRMF (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-876 %1$s: Invalid PATH value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-877 %1$s: Invalid In/Upsize (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-878 %1$s: Unknown keyword (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-879 %1$s: A blank filename was found in %2$s 0503-880 %1$s: This file %2$s already exists as a system file. 0503-881 %1$s: Invalid Filename (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-882 %1$s: Template file %2$s does not exist. Do you want to include an installp pre_rm script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the pre_rm script to include []: 0503-883 %1$s: installp pre_rm script not found (%2$s) in %3$s * %1$d of %2$d. Directory or File Path (/etc/proj/myFile) []: Would you like to create an empty ROOT part? (Y/N) [N]: Invalid ROOT Part value (%1$s) in %2$s (ie: For /etc/proj/myFile, enter 2; 1 for /etc/proj and 1 for /etc/proj/myFile) Number of filesystems requiring additional space for %s [0]: (ie: For /usr/proj/myFile, enter 2; 1 for /usr/proj and 1 for /usr/proj/myFile) Number of USR part files in %s (1) [0]: * %1$d of %2$d. Directory or File Path (/usr/proj/myFile) []: This file exists in another fileset on the system. File or directory does not exist. 0503-888 %1$s: Fileset Name is invalid in %2$s Do you want to specify Requisites using a file for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the Requisite file to use []: File not found. Re-enter the absolute Requisite file path []: 0503-889 %1$s: Invalid Requisite file (%2$s) in %3$s Do you want to make this fileset relocatable? (Y/N) [N]: 0503-890 %1$s: Invalid Relocatable value (%2$s) in %3$s 0503-891 %1$s: installp file not found (%2$s) in %3$s Do you want to specify Relocatable Requisites using a file for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the Relocatable Requisite file to use []: Number of Requisites needed for Relocatable installation for %s (1) [0]: %1$d of %2$d. Requisite Type (coreq[_r]/ifreq[_r]/instreq[_r]/prereq[_r]) [prereq_r]: Would you like to create ROOT part? (Y/N) [N]: Entering information for the USER part liblpp files Do you want to enter the ROOT part liblpp files? (Y/N) [N]: Do you want to include an override inventory file for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the override inventory file to include []: 0503-892 %1$s: File not found. Re-enter the absolute override inventory file path [] : Do you want to add WPAR attributes to your fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Do you want to add the SYSTEM attribute? (Y/N) [N]: Do you want to add the PRIVATE attribute? (Y/N) [N]: 0503-893 %1$s: Invalid WPAR attribute value (%2$s) in %3$s Do you want to include a copyright file for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the copyright file to include []: 503-899 %s: File not found. Re-enter the absolute copyright file path []: Do you want to include a pre-deinstall Script for this fileset? (Y/N) [N]: Enter the absolute path of the pre-deinstall Script to include []: * Name of license agreement (/usr/swlag/en_US/ []: 0503-884 makebff: ./.info/list does not exist. %1$s %2$s %3$s 0503-885 makebff: Requisite line for empty fileset in ./.info/list. (%d) 0503-886 makebff: License agreement line for empty fileset in ./.info/list. (%d) 0503-887 makebff: License file line for empty fileset in ./.info/list. (%d) creating ./.info/%s.a processing %s no such file: %s creating ./.info/liblpp.a copying ./.info/%1$s.a to %2$s/liblpp.a creating ./tmp/%1$s.%2$s.bff 0503-894 makebff: Relocatable line for empty fileset in ./.info/list. (%d) 0503-895 makebff: Relocatable Requisite line for empty fileset in ./.info/list. (%d) 0503-896 makebff: Either the size or checksum does not exist or its value is incorrect in %1$s stanza in %2$s/override. Using Size and Checksum system value. 0503-897 makebff: SYSTEM line for empty fileset in ./.info/list. (%d) 0503-898 makebff: PRIVATE line for empty fileset in ./.info/list. (%d) One or more of the files listed in /etc/check_config.files have changed. See /var/adm/ras/config.diff for details. The original file was saved to %1$s. The original file was not saved. File %1$s has been modified. %s: unable to locate or access directory %s %s: relocated path is limited to %d characters %s: invalid relocated path specified %s: unable to locate or access relocated path %s %s: error reading usilc ODM object class %s: unable to locate relocated path %s in SWVPD %s: executing "%s" to create new USIL instance INSTALL ROOT PATH = %s %s: the %s flag is currently required for this command. %s: relocated installation is not currently supported on TCB enabled systems. %s: error executing %s, return code = %d Usage: inuwpar [ -d Directory | -D ] [ -G ] { -A | -f WparFile | -w WparName1,WparName2,... } CmdName CmdArguments Flags: -A Apply the command to all detached system workload partitions. -D Use directory from installation command within workload partition. -d Directory to use for installation command within workload partition. -f File containing list of detached system workload partitions. -G Run command in global environment before system workload partitions -w Comma-separated list of detached workload partitions %1$s: %2$s is not a valid command to use with inuwpar. %1$s: The operation will be attempted in these environments: %1$s: ==== Performing operation on %2$s ==== %1$s: Operation Summary: Environment Return Code -------------------------------------------------------- %1$s: Failed to activate workload partition %2$s. %1$s: %2$s is not a valid detached workload partition. %1$s: Failure mounting installation device %2$s into workload partition %3$s. %1$s: Unable to create working directory for workload partition %2$s. %1$s: Installation device %2$s must be a regular file or directory. %1$s: Unable to copy installation file %2$s into workload partition %3$s. %1$s: %2$s is not a valid native detached workload partition.