ISO8859-1jMp*9>)!h97 + 3( -\  ),-.-1\O3.(A$j@&-1%*WG-$!  ( ?!T h"> #J $K G%M &G 'P )(I z)E *D +G O,A -C .E /R c0Z 1S2<e394j5YG672889"&:-I;w<2=9>>?0+@5\A%B;C3D9(E8bF+GIH9I/KJ3{K,L4M6N8HO7P*QRS TU,V2=W>pX>Y8Z,'[*T\*]-^*_7`F;aAb,c)d e %f 0g=h Uicjtclsnmp: 1473-401 catopen() failed for message catalog '%1$s', errno = %2$s. clsnmp: 1473-402 Error return from %1$s. %s clsnmp: 1473-403 Error finding network address for %1$s. clsnmp: 1473-404 Error finding local host name, errno = %1$s. Using loopback address clsnmp: 1473-405 Error finding local host address: %1$s. clsnmp: 1473-406 Error converting %1$s %2$s to Entity. clsnmp: 1473-407 Memory allocation failed. Set function requires variable name/value pair(s). Only one variable allowed for %1$s function. Timeout after %1$ld seconds. Option %1$s was entered without a value. %1$s is not a valid timeout value, ignored. clsnmp: 1473-408 Unsupported function: %1$s. Function %1$s requires at least one variable. %1$s request was received . The program is %2$s. clsnmp: 1473-409 Command abended with abend code %1$8.8X, reason code %2$8.8X. clsnmp: 1473-410 Sigaction failed for %1$s : %2$s. clsnmp: 1473-411 Unrecognized SMI Type: %1$d. %1$s is not a valid variable.instance. %1$s is not found in any local MIB. clsnmp: 1473-412 Error in /etc/mib.defs file, line %1$d : %2$s. clsnmp: 1473-413 %1$s is not numeric. clsnmp: 1473-414 %1$s value is out of range. clsnmp: 1473-415 %1$s is not a valid IP address. clsnmp: 1473-416 %1$s is not a valid OID. clsnmp: 1473-417 Variables cannot be specified with the TRAP function. No valid PDUs returned on this %1$s request. -p allowed only with TRAP function. %1$d is not a valid port number. SET request failed. No values changed. The clsnmp command is not available because the TCP/IP Base feature is not enabled. clsnmp: 1473-418 Only -d option is valid for clsnmp findname. clsnmp is a UNIX System Services command and must be issued from a shell. clsnmp: 1473-419 Unrecognized Transport Protocol in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-420 Unrecognized Administrative Model in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-421 Unrecognized Security Level in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-422 Unrecognized Authentication Protocol in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-423 Unrecognized Privacy Protocol in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-424 SNMPv3 User Name too long in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-425 SNMPv3 Password too long in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-426 SNMPv3 Context Name too long in file %1$s(Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-427 WinSnmp Name too long in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-428 Community Name too long in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-429 SNMPv3 Password too short in file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-430 Entry in file %1$s (Line %2$d) should have at least %3$d fields. clsnmp: 1473-431 SNMPv3 Authentication Key in file %1$s (Line %2$d) has incorrect length. clsnmp: 1473-432 SNMPv3 Privacy Key in file %1$s (Line %2$d) has incorrect length. clsnmp: 1473-433 Error in %1$s (Line %2$d) - Line too long. clsnmp: 1473-434 Error processing file %1$s (Line %2$d). clsnmp: 1473-435 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file has a network address or host name which is not valid. clsnmp: 1473-436 Line number %1$d in the %2$s file has a port number which is not valid. Report received : %1$s. Usage: %s [-d [level]] [-h dest] [-c community] %*s [-t timeout] [-r retries] [-n non_rep] [-m max_rep] %*s [-p port] [-v] [-f conf_file] %*s function [variable [type] [value] [...]] Where: -d level - debug level, default level = 0. -h dest - send request to specified destination. hostname or entry in /etc/clsnmp.conf file. -c community - use specified community name. -t timeout - timeout in seconds if no response. -r retries - number of retries. -n non_rep - number of non_repeaters (BULK function). -m max_rep - max repetitions (BULK function). -p port - port number on which to receive TRAPs. -v - verbose : display the name instead of the OID on the response. -f conf_file - the full path and file name of the configuration file. function - the SNMP function/operation to perform GET, GETNEXT, GETBULK, SET, WALK, BULKWALK, TRAP, FINDNAME. variable - MIB variable name or OID. [type] - MIB variable type (SET function). [value] - value to be set (SET function); use double quotes(") to imbed whitespace. [...] - more variable [type] [value] tuples. clsnmp: 1473-450 ><%s value is not numeric. clsnmp: 1473-441 ><%s invalid ip address. clsnmp: 1473-442 ><%s value out of range. clsnmp: 1473-443 ><%s not a valid value oid. clsnmp: 1473-444 >