ùISO8859-1b!0Rq‰¤½7Ù3 <E !‚ ,¤ Ñ +ò&91`0’%Ã0é.5I3³Óê  !$ @# e- ‰ ·  Ó! ó"$ ## 7$# [%( & ¨'( Ä( í) *# /+# S,# w-# ›.# ¿/# ã0 1# &2! J3 l4% †5( ¬6, Õ7/ 8% 29 X: v;; —<@ Ó=#>#8?#\@#€A.¤BÓC<óD80E<iF¦GÁH!ÜIþJK 5LVM*vN/¡O5ÑP:Q-BR*pS*›T&ÆU%íV$W,8X1eY+—Z0Ã[9ô\#.]#R^#v_(š`,Ãa1ðb1"Usage: chtun -t -v <4|6> [-s ] [-d ] [-m ] [-f [-x ]] [-e ] [-a ] [-p ] [-E ] [-A ] [-P ] [-l ] [-k ] [-h ] [-K ] [-H ] [-r ] [-i ] [-y ] [-z ] [-n ] [-u ] [-N ] [-U ] [-b ] [-c ] [-B ] [-C ] Only superuser can run chtun. Bad IP version number. Invalid tunnel number %s. Invalid tunnel mode %s. -t flag must be specified. Tunnel %1$d for IPv%2$d has been changed successfully. Filter rule %1$d has been changed for tunnel %2$d. Cannot change auto-generated filter rule (2) for tunnel %d. Invalid source ESP algorithm %s. %s can not be used as source ESP algorithm. Invalid source AH algorithm %s. %s can not be used as source AH algorithm. Invalid source policy %s. Invalid destination ESP algorithm %s. %s can not be used as destination ESP algorithm. Invalid source ESP Authentication algorithm %s. Invalid destination AH algorithm %s. %s can not be used as destination AH algorithm. Source ESP Authentication key %s is too long. Invalid destination ESP Authentication algorithm %s. Destination ESP Authentication key %s is too long. Invalid destination policy %s. Invalid life time %s. Invalid -r option %d. Source ESP key %s is too long. Source AH key %s is too long. Destination ESP key %s is too long. Destination AH key %s is too long. Invalid session key refresh overlap time %s. Invalid initiator flag %s. Invalid SPI %s for source ESP. Invalid SPI %s for source AH. Invalid SPI %s for destination ESP. Invalid SPI %s for destination AH. Invalid replay prevention flag %s. Invalid value %s for new header option. -v flag must be specified. -f flag must be specified with -x flag. -r flag is for IBM tunnel only. -i flag is for IBM tunnel only. -n flag is for manual tunnel only. -N flag is for manual tunnel only. -u flag is for manual tunnel only. -U flag is for manual tunnel only. -y flag is for manual tunnel only. -z flag is for manual tunnel only. Invalid source IP address %s. Invalid destination IP address %s. Invalid fire wall IP address %s. Invalid network mask %s. Invalid -l option %s for IBM tunnel. Invalid -l option %s for manual tunnel. -l option %1$d is less than -r option %2$d. -n option must be specified for manual tunnel. IBM tunnel is not supported by IPv6. Cannot change IBM tunnel %d. Cannot change manual tunnel %d. %s can not be used as source ESP Authentication algorithm. %s can not be used as destination ESP Authentication algorithm. -b flag is for manual tunnel only. -B flag is for manual tunnel only. -c flag is for manual tunnel only. -C flag is for manual tunnel only. The ESP algorithm does not support -b option. %s is not a source IP address. Cannot change auto-generated filter rule (1) for tunnel %d. Cannot get auto-generated filter rule for tunnel %d. %s Cannot get auto-generated filter rule (2) for tunnel %d. %s Cannot initialize ODM. %s Cannot lock ODM files. %s Cannot open ODM files %1$s. %2$s Invalid Source ESP key %s. Invalid Source AH key %s. Invalid destination ESP key %s. Invalid destination AH key %s. Invalid source ESP Authentication key %s. Invalid destination ESP Authentication key %s. Source ESP key for %s must be at least %d bytes long Destination ESP key for %s must be at least %d bytes long Can not set new header format for KEYED_MD5. KEYED_MD5 is not supported by IPv6 tunnel DES_CBC_4 is not supported by IPv6 tunnel Can not change active filter rule %d. ESP algorithm needed for the policy. AH algorithm needed for the policy. ESP source algorithm needed for the policy. ESP destination algorithm needed for the policy. AH source algorithm needed for the policy. AH destination algorithm needed for the policy. Can not change tunnel %d because it is currently active. -A flag is for manual tunnel only. -E flag is for manual tunnel only. -P flag is for manual tunnel only. Invalid AH algorithm %s for IBM tunnel. Invalid ESP algorithm %s for an IBM tunnel. Must set new header format for the AH algorithm. Only superuser or authorized user can run chtun.