ISO8859-1)))()R=|= #  0 $B g{F"\^w6d \r^=.Rl P W \h ; ^B &- i, U H  cz ; + x e n_ _ 4\ ^ (PKy 1!"****************** stdout *********** %s ****************** no stdout *********** ****************** stderr *********** %s ****************** no stderr *********** ********** stdout includes unprintable characters ********** ********** stderr includes unprintable characters ********** invoking top level program -- "%s" return code = %d calling savebase attempting to configure device '%s' invoking %1$s %2$s Method error (%1$s %2$s): Packages to install %s... Installing devices packages from: %1$s with devinstall switches:%2$s cfgmgr is running in phase %d cfgmgr: 0514-600 Usage error : %s Usage: cfgmgr [-f|-s|-p phase] [-l name] [-v] [-i device] cfgmgr: 0514-601 Flag conflict : %s Usage: cfgmgr [-f|-s|-p phase] [-l name] [-v] [-i device] cfgmgr: 0514-602 Cannot initialize the ODM data base. cfgmgr: 0514-603 Cannot access the Config_Rules object class in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-604 Cannot access the CuDv object class in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-605 Cannot access the CuDvDr object class in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-606 Running phase 1 at this point is not valid. cfgmgr: 0514-607 There are no sequence rules to execute for the specified phase. cfgmgr: 0514-608 Cannot update an object in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-609 Unable to save the base customized information on /dev/ipldevice. %s cfgmgr: 0514-610 Cannot access the PdAt object class in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-611 There is not enough memory available now. cfgmgr: 0514-612 Unable to configure the %s device because it either does not exist in the customized device database or it does not have a corresponding entry in the predefined device database. cfgmgr: 0514-613 Unable to acquire the device configuration database \tlock. The errno is %d. cfgmgr: 0514-614 Warning - unable to determine the "type_of_boot" cfgmgr: 0514-616 Unable to write the file %s cfgmgr: 0514-617 Unable to open the file %s cfgmgr: 0514-618 Bosboot verification failed. Resolve the problem and re-run bosboot cfgmgr: 0514-619 Bosboot failed. Resolve the problem and re-run bosboot cfgmgr: 0514-620 The following device packages are required for device support but were not found on the current installation, or encountered an error during installation. cfgmgr: 0514-621 WARNING: The following device packages are required for device support but are not currently installed. cfgmgr: 0514-622 Unable to initialize configuration locks. cfgmgr: 0514-623 Invalid device name - %s. cfgmgr: 0514-624 Unable to define or configure one or more devices because the filesystem is full or is out of inodes. cfgmgr: 0514-625 Cannot perform the requested function because the %s device is currenlty exported. cfgmgr: 0514-626 Cannot access the CuAtDef object class in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-627 Cannot update the CuAtDef object class in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-628 Cannot update the PdAt object class in the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-629 Cannot remove the CuAtDef attribute from the device configuration database. cfgmgr: 0514-630 Invalid drc name - %s. cfgmgr: 0514-631 The drc name provided is not supported with the -u flag. cfgmgr: 0514-632 Invalid connection length - %s. cfgmgr: 0514-600 Usage error : %s Usage: cfgmgr [-f|-s|-p phase] [-u drc name | -l name] [-v] [-i device] cfgmgr [-f|-s|-p phase] [[-u drc name | -l name] -c connection] [-v] [-i device] cfgmgr: 0514-601 Flag conflict : %s Usage: cfgmgr [-f|-s|-p phase] [-u drc name | -l name] [-v] [-i device] cfgmgr [-f|-s|-p phase] [[-u drc name | -l name] -c connection] [-v] [-i device]