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V) x* +$ ,# -+ .((/(Q0%z1%2-3*4/57O647'8/9,:A; Z<{=%>?(@A'B$ECjD)E&F GH0I,KJ/xK-L/M*N,1O-^P0Q/RS- T%9U_V,W,X/Y4 Z&>[+e\4]6^1_4/`6dabcde f($g*Mh%xi*jCk% l3mLKnopSq.rTLs:tBu:v0Zw>xVy!z":{$]|}a~)B%6h,8%;aEv-6Sp>'4D$c D# ' 3% [ J & "!!6!U!s!*!'!$""%5"=-"s6"'"%#1#&4#X3#6#3#2$,-$_;$9$%5%)%U(%%%%%& &(&G&e&"&&"& 'Usage:objectactionleveldevNamepoolNamepartitionSizepartitionNametargetDevNamecePathLPARIdcacheStatevhostAdapterfileNametimeoutFailed to write file %s:Failed to remove file %s:Internal error.System error: %2$s (errno=%1$d).System error: %2$s.'N/A'activeinactiveunknownUnknown action '%s'.Unknown action '%s %s'.Action '%s' is not yet supported.Action '%s %s' is not yet supported.Option -%c must be unique.Missing argument for option -%c.Argument for option -%c should not be empty.Argument for option -%c should be numeric.Argument for option -%c is not a valid list.Invalid option -%c.Invalid argument %s.Value for option -%c should be 'yes' or 'no'.Authorization check failed. Need '%s' authorization.Failed to get the privileges to execute.Another instance of cache_mgt is already running. Please retry later.Failed to enumerate devices:Failed to enumerate pool names:Failed to enumerate cache engines:Failed to enumerate cache pairs:Pool %s created with devices %s.Failed to create pool %s:Failed to create pool:Partitions exist; remove partitions first or use the force flag.Pool %s removed.Failed to remove pool %s:Failed to remove pool:Pool %s extended with devices %s.Failed to extend pool %s:Failed to extend pool:Failed to list partitions:Partition %s created in pool %s.Failed to create partition %s in pool %s:Failed to create partition %s:Failed to create partition in pool %s:Failed to create partition:Caches exist; remove caches first or use the force flag.Partition %s removed.Failed to remove partition %s:Failed to remove partition:Partition %s extended by size %s.Failed to extend partition %s:Failed to extend partition:Partition %s assigned to targets %s.Partition %s assigned to target %s.Failed to assign partition %s to target %s:Failed to assign partition %s to target:Failed to assign partition to target %s:Failed to assign partition to target:Partition %s assigned to LPAR 0x%08x.Failed to assign partition %s to LPAR 0x%08x:Failed to assign partition to LPAR 0x%08x:Partition %s assigned to vSCSI Host Adapter %s.Failed to assign partition %s to vSCSI Host Adapter %s:Failed to assign partition to vSCSI Host Adapter %s:Partition %s unassigned from target %s.Failed to unassign partition %s from target %s:Failed to unassign partition from target %s:Partition %s unassigned.Failed to unassign partition %s:Failed to unassign partition:Partition %s is not already assigned.Cache Management %s set.Failed to setup the Cache Management %s:Cache Engine %s registered.Failed to register the Cache Engine %s:Failed to register the Cache Engine:Cache Engine %s unregistered.Failed to unregister the Cache Engine %s:Failed to unregister the Cache Engine:Unexpected content in file '%s'.Failed to get flags 'required':Failed to get flags 'required' for partition %s:Failed to get flag 'required' for target %s:Failed to get flags 'required' for all targets:Flags 'required' for all targets set to '%s'.Failed to set 'required' flags for all targets:Flag 'required' for target %s set to '%s'.Failed to set 'required' flag for target %s:Flag 'required' for partition %s set to '%s'.Failed to set 'required' flags for partition %s:Failed to import cache configuration from '%s':Cache configuration imported.Failed to export cache configuration to '%s':Cache configuration exported to '%s'.Parameter %s must be specified.One of parameter %s or %s must be specified.Parameters %s and %s are mutually exclusive.Pool name should be at most %d characters long.Partition name should be at most %d characters long.Pool name should not be equal to '%s'.Partition name should not be equal to '%s'.Device name %s should be at most %d characters long.Device name %s appears more than once in parameter %s.Name %s is not recognized as a valid device name.Name %s is not recognized as a valid partition name.Illegal name '%s'; the prefix of the name is reserved.Partition %s does not exist.Target %s does not exist.Pool %s does not exist.Cache Engine %s does not exist.Device %s does not exist.Device with unique ID %s does not exist.Device with target name %s does not exist.Device with lun ID %s does not exist.Partition %s and target %s are not paired.LPAR 0x%08x does not exist or does not have any vSCSI Host Adapter.vSCSI Host Adapter %s does not exist.Pool %s already exists.There is more than one pool hence the pool cannot be automatically selected.No pool is defined.Partition %s already exists.Partition %s is already assigned to targets, hence it cannot be assigned to a LPAR.Partition %s is already assigned to target %s.Partition %s is already assigned to a LPAR, hence it cannot be assigned to a target.Partition %s is already assigned to another LPAR (0x%08x).Partition %s is already assigned to anoth vSCSI Host Adapter (%s).Partition %s is already assigned to vSCSI Host Adapter %s.Partition %s is already assigned to LPAR 0x%08x.Partition %s is already assigned to %d targets, maximum is %d.There is more than one partition hence the partition cannot be automatically selected.No partition is defined.Partition %s is paired to no LPAR.Partition %s is paired to no target.No LPAR is configured.Extend of partition created for caching Shared Storage Pools not allowed using cache_mgt command.Maximum number of cache %s (%d) exceeded.Target %s is already paired to %d cache partitions, maximum is %d.Target %s is already cached by another partition (%s).Target %s is already cached by partition %s.Target %s is not cached.Target %s is a Cache device.Cache is active for target %s; please stop it and retry.Cache state is unknown for target %s.Cache is not active.Caching is active for some targets; please stop the caches and retry.Cache is already active.Failed to start the cache:Cache has been started.Force option and other options are exclusive.Monitoring has been started.Monitoring has been stopped.Monitoring is already active.The registered cache engine does not allow to stop monitoring.Monitoring is not active.Statistics are too large to be printed.At least one of option -%c or -%c must be specified.Device %s is not a SSD device.Device %s is already a Cache device.Device %s is not a Cache device.Not enough space in pool %s (additional %ld Megabytes are required).Failed to load the Cache Engine %s:Failed to load the Cache Engine:Cache Engine has been loaded (kmid=%d).Failed to unload the Cache Engine %s:Cache Engine has been unloaded.A Cache Engine is already registered (%s); please unregister it and retry.Cache Engine %s is already registered.Cache Engine %s is not registered.No Cache Engine is registered.Missing Cache Engine %s path.Cache Engine is not running.Cache Engine already loaded.Invalid Cache Engine '%s' capability '%s'.Failed to load Cache Engine library %s:Failed to load Cache Engine library:Library already loaded.Cache Engine library returned the following error: %sFailed to load symbol %1$s: %3$s (errno=%2$d)Failed to load symbol %1$s: Symbol not found (errno=0)Failed to stop the cache for target %s:Cache for target %s has been stopped.Failed to stop the caches for targets in pool %s:Caches for all targets in pool %s have been stopped.Failed to stop the caches for targets in all pools:Caches for all targets in all pools have been stopped.ODM initialization failed with error %s (errno %d).ODM initialization failed unexpectedly (errno %d).Failed to open ODM '%s' objects: odmerrno %d.Failed to get '%s' objects with criteria '%s': odmerrno %d.No object found in ODM with criteria '%s' and class '%s'.Corruption detected in ODM.Failed to change %s: %d item(s) changed, %d expected.ODM error for ODM object %s: odmerrno %d.Failed to start the cache for target %s:Cache for target %s has been started.Failed to start all the caches:All caches have been started.No cache has to be started.Failed to stop all the caches:All caches have been stopped.No cache has to be stopped.Failed to execute command '%s':Return Code: %d Standard Error: %sCommand exited abnormally: %sFailed to read content of file %s:(ignored) %s