ISO8859-12$3X"s   5 N n 0Q` t"+KUsage: auditcat [-p|-u] [-o trail] [-r] [bin_file]** SET_PROC_AUDIT privilege required** cannot suspend auditing** cannot suspend process auditing** cannot open bin file ** cannot create trail file ** auditpack failed packing is already packed** auditpack failed unpacking ** failed writing to tail** failed writing to bin** cannot read bin header from ** corrupted bin header in ** corrupted bin tail in ** out of memory** cannot read contents of bin ** cannot stat() ** cannot read trail file ** bin older than trail is already unpacked** PV_AU_PROC privilege requiredInvalid path :Invalid Directory: Invalid SizeSize exceeed the filesystem size :Invalid freespace attribute Cannot copy the backup trail file to path :Usage: auditcat [-p|-u] [-s ] [-d ] [-o trail] [-r] [bin_file]