ISO8859-1  AEb#`7 _ / U * T 9  A E / Ai q ` ^ UM*Z')QRP`8iFM !q"#$%&@'M(2)H**+i,aF-N./\0U123s4Q/5]6s7rS89n:=;[Z<v=q->5?y@8 OAj B C!D"=Ey"FO#?G#H#I#J$'K:$LO%3Mi%N=%O&+PG&Qh'-R2'S3'T'U'V]'W](]X(Y)cZ)d[)e\)f])g^)h_)i`)ja)kb)lc})md)e*wf*xgE*yh,*i*j*kN*lk+=ml+n9,og,PpH,q-r-s-t-u .v .w.&x.,y.1z.2{.3|.4}.5~.;.< .M.Y.i.r.{...\..</ |/G//F/0 P00_01R2;u2.3;33Z3oy364D=4{<4F45=5B6m6+7O&7{)77a8xd89?d9H:J::A:g;A;xF;F<"F>>U>=?7?u?@AJBBC;CDdE#*EG(\GKH4`HHIYJqXJ&K$XKKEKMKgL8;LLlM!M/NN?*N]NSO]1252-001 %s is defined already. 1252-002 There is a nesting overflow. Do not specify more than 100 .function/.bb/.bi pseudo-ops without specifying the matching .ef/.eb/.ei pseudo-ops. 1252-003 The .set operand is not defined or is a forward reference. 1252-004 The .globl symbol is not valid. Check that the .globl name is a relocatable expression. 1252-005 The storage class is not valid. Specify a supported storage class for the csect name. 1252-006 The ERRTOK in the ICSECT ERRTOK is not known. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-007 The alignment must be an absolute expression. 1252-008 The .tocof name1 is not valid. Check that the name1 has not been defined previously. 1252-009 A Begin or End block or function pseudo-op is missing. Make sure that there is a matching .eb statement for each .bb statement and that there is a matching .ef statement for each .bf statement. 1252-010 The .tocof name2 is not valid. Make sure that name2 is an external symbol. 1252-011 A .space parameter is undefined. 1252-012 The .space size must be an absolute expression. 1252-013 The .space size must be a positive absolute expression. 1252-014 The .rename name symbol must be defined in the source code. 1252-015 A pseudo-op parameter is not defined. 1252-016 The specified opcode or pseudo-op is not valid. Use supported instructions or pseudo-ops only. 1252-017 The ERRTOK in the args parameter is not valid. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-018 Use a .tc inside a .toc scope only. Precede the .tc statements with a .toc statement. 1252-019 Do not specify externally defined symbols as .byte or .vbyte expression parameters. 1252-020 Do not specify externally defined symbols as .short expression parameters. 1252-021 The expression must be absolute. 1252-022 The first parameter must resolve into an absolute expression from 1 through %d. 1252-023 The symbol %s is not defined. 1252-025 The register, base register, or mask parameter is not valid. The register number is limited to the number of registers on your machine. 1252-026 Cannot create a temporary file. Check the /tmp directory permissions. 1252-027 Warning: Aligning with zeroes: The .short pseudo-op is not on the half word boundary. 1252-028 Cannot reopen the intermediate result file in the /tmp directory. Make sure that the size of the /tmp file system is sufficient to store the file, and check that the file system is not damaged. 1252-029 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate the text and data sections. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-030 Cannot create the file %s. Check path name and permissions. 1252-031 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate the ESD section. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-032 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate the RLD section. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-033 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate the string section. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-034 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate the line number section. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-038 Cannot open file %s. Check path name and permissions. 1252-039 The first .vbyte parameter must be an absolute value from 1 to %d. 1252-040 The specified expression is not valid. Make sure that all symbols are defined. Check the rules on symbols used in an arithmetic expression concerning relocation. 1252-041 Cannot divide the value by 0 during any arithmetic divisions. 1252-042 The internal arithmetic operator is not known. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-043 The relocatable assembler expression is not valid. Check that the expressions can be combined. 1252-044 The specified source character 0x%x does not have meaning in the command context used. 1252-045 Cannot open the list file %s. Check the quality of the file system. 1252-047 There is a nesting underflow. Check for missing .function, .bi or .bb pseudo-ops. 1252-048 Found a symbol type that is not valid when building external symbols. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-049 There is not enough memory to contain all the hash strings. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-050 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate the debug section. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-051 There is an sclass type of Number=%d that is not valid. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-052 The specified .align parameter must be an absolute value from 0 to 12. 1252-053 Change the value of the .org parameter until it is contained in the current csect. 1252-054 The register parameter in .using must be absolute and must represent a register on the current machine. 1252-055 There is a base address in .using that is not valid. The base address must be a relocatable expression. 1252-056 Specify a .using argument that references only the beginning of the toc section. The argument cannot reference locations contained within the toc section. 1252-057 The external expression is not valid. The symbol cannot be external. If external, the symbol must be defined within the assembly using a .toc or a .csect entry. 1252-058 Warning: The label %1$s is aligned with csect %2$s. 1252-059 The register in .drop must be an absolute value that is a valid register number. 1252-060 The register in .drop is not in use. Delete this line or insert a .using line previous to this .drop line. 1252-061 A statement within .toc scope is not valid. Use the .tc pseudo-op to define entries within .toc scope. 1252-062 The alignment must be a value from 0 to 31. 1252-063 The name for csect is not valid. Change the csect name to a unique name that has not been defined previously. 1252-064 The .comm size must be an absolute expression. 1252-065 The specified operation is not valid. Use instructions and pseudo-ops defined for this machine. 1252-066 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate the typchk section. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-067 The specified common storage class is not valid. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-068 The .hash string is set for symbol %s already. Check that this is the only .hash statement associated with the symbol name. 1252-069 The character %c in the hash string is not valid. The characters in the string must be in the set [0-9A-Fa-f]. 1252-070 The specified symbol or symbol type for the hash value is not valid. 1252-073 There is not enough memory available now. Cannot allocate a segment in memory. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-074 The pseudo-op is not within the text section. The .function, .bf, and .ef pseudo-ops must be contained within a csect with one of the following storage classes: RO, PR, XO, SV, DB, GL, TI, or TB. 1252-075 The specified number of parameters is not valid. 1252-076 The .line pseudo-op must be contained within a text or data .csect. 1252-077 The file table is full. Do not include more than 99 files in any single assembly source file. 1252-078 The bit mask parameter starting at %d is not valid. 1252-079 Found a type that is not valid when counting the RLDs. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact either your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-080 The specified branch target must be on a full word boundary. 1252-081 The instruction is not aligned properly. The instruction requires machine specific alignment. 1252-082 Use more parameters for the instruction. 1252-083 Use fewer parameters for the instruction. 1252-086 The target of the branch instruction must be a relocatable or external expression. 1252-087 The target of the branch instruction must be a relocatable or external expression. 1252-088 The branch address is out of range. The target address cannot exceed the ability of the instruction to represent the bit size of the branch address value. 1252-099 The specified displacement is not valid. The instruction displacement must be relocatable, absolute, or external. 1252-100 Either the displacement value or the contents of the specified general purpose register, or both, do not yield a valid address. 1252-103 The specified instruction is not supported by this machine. 1252-104 The %d parameter must be absolute. 1252-107 The parameter %d must be within range for the specific instruction. 1252-108 Warning: The alignment for label %s is not valid. The label requires machine specific alignment. 1252-109 Warning: Aligning with zeroes: The current location counter is not aligned on a %d-byte boundary. 1252-110 Warning: Aligning with zeroes in program csect. 1252-111 Warning: Csect alignment has changed. To change alignment, check previous .csect statements. 1252-112 Warning: The %c instruction is not supported by this machine. 1252-115 The sort failed with status %d. Check the condition of the system sort command or use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-116 There is a system error from %s. Check the condition of the system sort command or use local problem reporting procedures. Assembler: line %d: .xref.lstfile# file name %1$3d %2$s %1$-2d %2$6d | .... %-8.2x%-8.4x%-8.6x%.8x1252-141 There is an error in the collect pointer. Use local problem reporting procedures. 1252-142 Syntax error. 1252-143 The .function size must be an absolute expression. 1252-144 Warning: Any initialized data in %s csect of BS or UC storage class is ignored but required to establish length. 1252-147 Invalid .machine assembly mode operand: %s Valid values are:1252-149 Instruction %1$s is not implemented in the current assembly mode %2$s. 1252-150 The first operand value of %d is not valid for PowerPC. A BO field of 6, 7, 14, 15, or greater than 20 is not valid. 1252-151 This instruction form is not valid for PowerPC. The register used in operand two must not be zero and must not be the same as the register used in operand one. 1252-152 Internal error related to the source program domain. Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-153 Warning: Instruction %s functions differently between POWER and PowerPC. 1252-154 The second operand is not valid. For 32-bit implementations, the second operand must have a value of zero. 1252-155 Displacement must be divisible by 4. 1252-156 The sum of operands 3 and 4 must be less than %d. 1252-157 The value of operand 3 must be greater than or equal to the value of operand 4. 1252-158 Warning: Special-purpose register number 6 is used to designate the DEC register when the assembly mode is %s. 1252-159 The d(r) format is not valid for operand %d. 1252-160 Warning: A hash code value should be 10 bytes long. 1252-161 A system problem occurred while processing file %s 1252-162 Invalid -m flag assembly mode operand: %s. Valid values are:1252-163 The first operand's value (%d) is not valid for PowerPC. The third bit of the BO field must be one for the Branch-Conditional-to-Count-Register instruction. 1252-164 This instructions form is not valid for PowerPC. RA, and RB if present in the instruction, cannot be in the range of registers to be loaded. Also, RA=RT=0 is not allowed. 1252-165 The value of the first operand must be zero for PowerPC. 1252-166 This instruction form is not valid for PowerPC. The register used in operand two must not be zero. 1252-167 Specify a name with the -%c flag. 1252-168 %s is not a recognized flag. 1252-169 Only one input file is allowed. 1252-170 Usage: as [-a{32|64}] -l[ListFile] -s[ListFile] -n Name -o ObjectFile [-w|-W] -x[XCrossFile] -u -m ModeName [-i] [-p{off|on}] [-E{off|on}] [-v] [InputFile] 1252-171 The displacement must be greater than or equal to %1$d and less than or equal to %2$d. 1252-172 The .extern symbol is not valid. Check that the .extern name is a relocatable expression. 1252-173 Warning: The immediate value for instruction %1$s is %2$d It may not be portable to a 64-bit machine if this value is to be treated as an unsigned value. 1252-174 Too many .machine "push" instructions without corresponding .machine "pop" instructions. 1252-175 A .machine "pop" is seen without a matching .machine "push". 1252-176 The .ref pseudo-op cannot appear in section %s. 1252-177 The operand of the .ref %s is not a relocatable symbol. 1252-178 The maximum number of sections or symbols that an expression can refer to has been exceeded. File# Line# Mode Name Loc Ctr Object Code Source File# Line# Mode Name Loc Ctr Object Code PowerPC Source File# Line# Mode Name Loc Ctr Object Code POWER Source 1252-182 Warning: Storage mapping class %s is not valid for .comm pseudo-op. RW is used as the storage mapping class for the object code. 1252-183 TD csect only allowed inside ".toc" scope 1252-184 TOC anchor must be defined to use a TOC-relative reference to %s. Include a .toc pseudo op in the source. 1252-185 Warning: Operand is missing from pseudo-op. 1252-186 Warning: The maximum length of a stabstring is %d characters. Extra characters have been discarded. 1252-187 Warning: The alignment of the current csect is less than the alignment specified with the .align pseudo-op. 1252-188 The L operand is assumed to be zero for the %s instruction. 1252-190 Invalid reference to label %s: .function pseudo-op must refer to a csect. 1252-191 Only %s should be used for relocatable expressions. 1252-192 Assembly mode is not specified. Set the OBJECT_MODE environment variable to 32 or 64 or use the -a32 or -a64 option. 1252-193 Values specified with the .set psuedo-op are treated as 32-bit signed numbers. Unexpected results may occur when these values are used in a .llong expression. 1252-194 Warning: The immediate value for instruction %1$s is %2$lld It may not be portable to a 64-bit machine if this value is to be treated as an unsigned value. 1252-195 The pseudo-op is not within the text section. The .bb and .eb pseudo-ops must be contained within a csect with one of the following storage classes: RO, PR, XO, SV, DB, GL, TI, or TB. 1252-196 The first operand value of %d is not valid for PowerPC. A BO field of 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21-23, or 28-31 is not valid. 1252-197 The third operand's value (%d) is not valid for PowerPC. A BH field of 1 or 2 is not valid for the Branch-Conditional-to-Count-Register instruction. 1252-198 The third operand's value (%d) is not valid for PowerPC. A BH field of 2 is not valid for the Branch-Conditional-to-Link-Register instruction. 1252-199 The third operand's value (%d) is not valid for PowerPC. A TH field of 2 is not valid for the Data-Cache-Block-Touch instruction. 1252-200 Warning: The first operand's value (%d) is not valid for PowerPC.n Behavior of the System-Call and System-Call-Vectored instructions is undefined when the LEV field is not 0 or 1. 1252-201 The FXM field value (%d) is not valid for PowerPC. An FXM field with more than one bit set is not valid for the Move-From-One-Condition-Register-Field and Move-To-One-Condition-Register-Field instruction. 1252-202 Warning: the FXM field value (%d) has more than one bit set. The preferred form of the Move-To-Condition-Register-Field instruction has only one FXM bit set. The multi-field form of this instruction will be removed when the Move-To-One-Condition-Register-Field instruction is removed. 1252-203 Warning: this current form of the Move-From-Condition-Register instruction will be removed when the Move-From-One-Condition-Register-Field instruction is removed. 1252-204 The TLB-Invalidate-Entry instruction requires the L field as the second argument. 1252-205 This instruction form requires the RS or RT register to be even. 1252-206 The .weak symbol is not valid. Check that the .weak name is a relocatable expression. 1252-207 The third operand value of %d is not valid for Power5 or Power6. The only valid TH field values for the Data-Cache-Block-Touch instruction are 0b0000, 0b0001, 0b0011, 0b1000, and 0b1010. 1252-208 The third operand value of %d is not valid for Power5 or Power6. The only valid TH field values for the Data-Cache-Block-Touch-For-Store instruction are 0b0000, 0b1000, and 0b1010. 1252-209 The fourth operand of the %1$s instruction is valid only for Power6 and later. 1252-210 The third operand of the %1$s instruction is valid only for Power6 and later. 1252-211 Invalid relocation type: %s. 1252-212 Thread-local relocation types and thread-local symbols must be used together. 1252-213 The specified relocation type is not valid in this context. 1252-214 A TOC-relative relocation type can only be used with a TOC symbol. 1252-215 The ML relocation type is only valid for a reference to a TOC symbol from the symbol itself. 1252-216 The expression needs an explicit relocation type. 1252-217 Internal error at line %1$d in file %2$s Depending upon where you acquired this product, contact your service representative or your approved supplier. 1252-218 The line number for the %1$s pseudo-op needs to be greater than 0 and less than or equal to %2$u. 1252-219 Invalid visibility: %s. 1252-220 Displacement must be divisible by %d. 1252-221 Cannot allocate %1$u bytes (%2$s). There is not enough memory available. Check resource limits or use local problem reporting procedures.1252-222 Invalid source language name: %s 1252-223 Invalid reference to label: %s Use the .globl or .lglobl pseudo-op with the label. 1252-224 The reason specified by the .except pseudo-op must be between 1 and 255.