ISO8859-1-*$%$B b n {      >>0D(u(C!  -6;8r6X  5!<"=D#k$% &&'C-(Kq)t*2+ 8,Y-)_0821-231 arp: Cannot open %s. 0821-232 arp: The line %s is not correct. 0821-233 arp: Permission is denied. 0821-234 arp: host name %s NOT FOUND 0821-235 arp: %s: address misformed 0821-236 arp: %s: unknown host %s (%s) at (incomplete) [ethernet] [802.3] [token ring] [X.25] permanent published trailers0821-237 arp: Entry %s (%s) was not found in local arp table. 0821-238 arp: Entry %s (%s) was not found in local arp table. Entry %s (%s) was deleted from local arp table. 0821-239 arp: Namelist %s is not found. 0821-240 arp: Namelist %s is not valid. 0821-241 arp: There is not enough memory available now for arptab. 0821-242 arp: Cannot read arptab. %s (%s) at 0821-247 arp: The hardware address %s is not correct. 0821-248 arp: The Token Ring address %s is not correct. rt_bytes = %d, i = %d 0821-249 arp: The Token Ring route %s is not correct. Usage: arp HostName arp -a[n] [/dev/kmem] arp -d HostName arp -s ether HostName ether_address [temp] [pub] arp -s 802.3 HostName ether_address [temp] [pub] arp -s 802.5 HostName token_address [token_route] [temp] [pub] arp -f FileName [type] %s (%s) at rt=%x0821-249 arp: The FDDI Ring route %s is not correct. [fddi] arp -s fddi HostName fddi_address [fddi_route] [temp] [pub] arp -s fddi HostName fddi_address [fddi_route] [temp] [pub] arp -s fcs hostname Nport [ipa] [temp] [pub] arp: invalid ipa '%s' arp: invalid Nport address '%s' [fcs] use 'arp -t ' to invoke interface-specific arp commands. %s : failed. The kernel is running in 64-bit mode, but %s cannot be found %s : failed. The kernel is running in 32-bit mode. The 64-bit version of the command cannot be run on this kernel [sn]arp : Not permitted inside WPAR [hf] arp -s hf HostName hf_addr [temp] [pub]