ISO8859-1|:>&6&]- -  , >F 6B; D ;!D "7 #J < H= H>cR?[@ AB##C'D,kE1F5G:sH?eIDTJIlKNULPShMVNoZmOa]P\a?QdRiPSnTrUwV|YW-XYZL5[_no;lp.q;rIs]tuv#Vw5zx9y;z;&{9b|8Ĝ}>~<9Q"ыԮo$2)WS.QVVI  txq%.-23a91@XFMHT _[V`r7fmr]ye1RSWPztw3 G˸9<I>LmE5?uy2!0!B!s!!>%a))=):|Kc\Am M 8  ܟ VZF1F[p] X  d t Z^j( ;*!N"Ea# v\$  % &j' ()}}*B+B>,,с-5Ѯ./@0AA1C҃2B3! 4;,5%h6Bӎ78B9B:BR;LՕ<B=B%8hO֡XIBM data suppliers.Statistics provided by the harmld resource monitor daemon.Virtual Shared Disk server device statistics (locally served).Virtual Shared Disk driver statistics.Virtual Shared Disk device statistics.SP Switch statistics.LoadLeveler statistics.LoadLeveler statistics for the startd daemon.LoadLeveler statistics for the schedd daemon.Processors enabled statistic.harmld daemon statistics.Each L1 context contains up to 10 L2 contexts for VSD devices.Each L2 context contains up to 10 VSD device contexts.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.VSD: The name of the virtual shared disk device to monitor.STARTD: Name of the LoadLeveler startd daemon (the string "startd").SCHEDD: Name of the LoadLeveler schedd daemon (the string "schedd").L1: Level 1 instances of device Virtual Shared Disk variables. There are up to 10 Level 2 instance vectors for each Level 1 vector value. The Level 1 and Level 2 instance vectors are used to distribute the Virtual Shared Disk device variables on large systems for improved performance and viewing in xmperf.L2: Level 2 instances of device Virtual Shared Disk variables. There are up to 10 Virtual Shared Disk device instance vectors for each Level 2 vector value. The Level 1 and Level 2 instance vectors are used to distribute the Virtual Shared Disk device variables on large systems for improved performance and viewing in xmperf.The number of job steps managed by the LoadL_startd daemon. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.current_jobs provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon is managing. The total current_jobs of all LoadL_startds do not necessarily add up to the total number of jobs. For parallel jobs, different LoadL_startds may be managing the same job step. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd current_jobs variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.current_jobs Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs steps managed that are in the running state. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.jobs_running provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon is running. The total jobs_running of all LoadL_startds do not necessarily add up to the total number of running jobs. For parallel jobs, different LoadL_startds may be running the same job step. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd jobs_running variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.jobs_running Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs steps managed that are in the pending state. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.jobs_pending provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon is in the process of starting. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd jobs_pending variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.jobs_pending Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs steps managed that are in the suspended state. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.jobs_suspended provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon has suspended. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd jobs_suspended variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.jobs_suspended Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of start job requests that have been received by the startd. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_received represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon has been asked to start. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_jobs_received variable has not changed on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_received Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X == X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs steps started that have been completed. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_completed represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon started and ran to completion. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_jobs_completed variable remains at 0 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_completed Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X == 0 Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs steps canceled by the user, or by LoadLeveler. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_removed represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon has put in the removed state. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_jobs_removed variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_removed Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of jobs removed exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs terminated and returned to be rescheduled. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_vacated represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon has put in the vacated state. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_jobs_vacated variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_vacated Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of jobs vacated exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs that could not be run by the startd daemon. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_rejected represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon has put in the rejected state. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_jobs_rejected variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_rejected Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of jobs rejected exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of jobs suspended by the LoadL_startd daemon. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_suspended represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps that the LoadL_startd daemon has suspended. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_jobs_suspended variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_jobs_suspended Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of jobs suspended exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of connections attempted by the LoadL_startd daemon. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_connections represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of connections that the LoadL_startd daemon has attempted between other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_connections variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_connections Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total connections exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The total number of connection attempts that have been unsuccessful. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.failed_connections represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of connections that were unsuccessful when the LoadL_startd daemon attempted to connect with other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd failed_connections variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.failed_connections Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of unsuccessful connections exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of outbound transactions that have been attempted. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_out_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the total number of outbound transactions that the LoadL_startd daemon has attempted between other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_out_transactions variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_out_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total outbound transactions exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of outbound transaction attempts that were unsuccessful. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.failed_out_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of outbound transactions that were unsuccessful when the LoadL_startd daemon attempted to communicate with other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd failed_out_transactions variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.failed_out_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of unsuccessful outbound transactions exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of inbound transactions that have been attempted. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_in_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the total number of inbound transactions that the LoadL_startd daemon has attempted between other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd total_in_transactions variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.total_in_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total inbound transactions exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless.The number of inbound transaction attempts that were unsuccessful. IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.failed_in_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of inbound transactions that were unsuccessful when the LoadL_startd daemon attempted to communicate with other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_startd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler startd daemon. For example, to register an event that the startd failed_in_transactions variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.STARTD.failed_in_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;STARTD=startd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of unsuccessful inbound transactions exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The STARTD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the STARTD element regardless. The number of job steps managed by the LoadL_schedd daemon. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.current_jobs provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that this LoadL_schedd daemon is managing. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd current_jobs variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.current_jobs Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of jobs in idle state managed by the LoadL_schedd daemon. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_idle provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that this LoadL_schedd daemon manages which are in the process of being considered to run on a machine, but no machine has been selected yet. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd jobs_idle variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_idle Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of jobs managed that are in the pending state. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_pending provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that this LoadL_schedd daemon manages which are in the process of starting. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd jobs_pending variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_pending Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of jobs managed that are in the starting state. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_starting provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that this LoadL_schedd daemon manages which are starting. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd jobs_starting variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_starting Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of jobs managed that are in the running state. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_running provides a current snapshot of the number of job steps that this LoadL_schedd daemon manages which are running. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd jobs_running variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.jobs_running Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The total number of job steps submitted to the schedd. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_submitted represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps that the LoadL_schedd daemon has been asked to manage. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_jobs_submitted variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_submitted Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total_jobs_submitted transactions exceeds 25. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.THe number of jobs steps submitted that have completed. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_completed represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps managed by the LoadL_schedd daemon that have run to completion. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_jobs_completed variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_completed Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total_jobs_completed transactions exceeds 25. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of jobs canceled by the user, or by LoadLeveler. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_removed represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps managed by the LoadL_schedd daemon that have been canceled. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_jobs_canceled variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_canceled Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total_jobs_canceled transactions exceeds 25. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of jobs terminated and returned to be rescheduled. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_vacated represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps managed by the LoadL_schedd daemon that were terminated and returned to the queue to be rescheduled. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_jobs_vacated variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_vacated Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total_jobs_vacated transactions exceeds 25. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of jobs submitted that could not be run. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_rejected represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of job steps managed by the LoadL_schedd daemon that could not be run. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_jobs_rejected variable has exceeded 25 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_jobs_rejected Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 25 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total_jobs_rejected transactions exceeds 25. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of connections that have been attempted by LoadL_schedd. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_connections represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of connections that the LoadL_schedd daemon has attempted between other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_connections variable has exceeded 1000 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_connections Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 1000 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of total connections exceeds 1000. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The total number of connection attempts that were unsuccessful. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.failed_connections represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of connections that were unsuccessful when the LoadL_schedd daemon attempted to connect with other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd failed_connections variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.failed_connections Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of unsuccessful connections exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of outbound transactions that were attempted by LoadL_schedd. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_out_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the total number of outbound transactions that the LoadL_schedd daemon has attempted between other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_out_transactions variable has exceeded 1000 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_out_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 1000 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of unsuccessful connections exceeds 1000. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of outbound transaction attempts that were unsuccessful. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.failed_out_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of outbound transactions that were unsuccessful when the LoadL_schedd daemon attempted to communicate with other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd failed_out_transactions variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.failed_out_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of unsuccessful outbound transactions exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of inbound transactions that were attempted by LoadL_schedd. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_in_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the total number of inbound transactions that the LoadL_schedd daemon has attempted between other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd total_in_transactions variable has exceeded 1000 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.total_in_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 1000 Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of inbound transaction attempts that were unsuccessful. IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.failed_in_transactions represents a continuously increasing accumulator of the number of inbound transactions that were unsuccesful when the LoadL_schedd daemon attempted to communicate with other LoadLeveler daemons or commands. This counter is initialized to 0 during each LoadL_schedd daemon's startup and is not reset during the life of the daemon. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. \n The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number of the variable and the variable instance for the LoadLeveler schedd daemon. For example, to register an event that the schedd failed_in_transactions variable has exceeded 50 on node number 5, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.failed_in_transactions NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd X > 50 Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.LL.SCHEDD.failed_in_transactions Resource ID: NodeNum=5;SCHEDD=schedd Expression: X > 50 This event registration may also want to define a re-arm expression so that the client only gets one notification when the number of unsuccessful inbound transactions exceeds 50. Resource ID wildcarding: The SCHEDD and NodeNum elements may be wildcarded but only one instance per node is generated for the SCHEDD element regardless.The number of requests queued which are waiting for a request block. The VSD driver keeps a pool of free request blocks to carry out user requests as needed. When there are no free request blocks, then the user request is queued waiting for a request block to free up. The request shortage count is incremented whenever this happens. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a shortage for a request block occurs on node number 5, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.request_block_shortage Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Example: To be informed whenever a shortage for a request block occurs on any node in the domain, one could register for an event with the disgnations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.request_block_shortage Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests queued which are waiting for a pbuf. The VSD driver keeps a pool of free pbuf structures to carry out the requests to the logical volume as needed. When there are no free pbuf structures, then the request is queued waiting for a pbuf structure to free up. The pbuf shortage count is incremented whenever this happens. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a shortage for a pbuf occurs, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.pbuf_shortage Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests queued which are waiting for a cache block. The VSD driver keeps a pool of free cache blocks to carry out requests as needed. When there are no free cache blocks, then the request is queued waiting for a cache block to free up. The cache block shortage count is incremented whenever this happens. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a shortage for a cache block occurs, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.cache_shortage Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests queued which are waiting for a buddy buffer. The VSD driver keeps a pool of free buddy buffers to carry out requests as needed. When there are no free buddy buffers, then the request is queued waiting for a buddy buffer to free up. The buddy buffer shortage count is incremented whenever this happens. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a shortage for a buddy buffer occurs, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.buddy_buffer_shortage Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of rejected requests. The VSD driver will reject a request for the reasons that follow; the VSD driver incarnation number does not match the request's incarnation number, the request's sequence id is not valid, or this packet falls outside of the message. The rejected request count is incremented whenever one of the above conditions is detected. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a request is rejected, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.rejected_requests Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of rejected responses. The VSD driver will reject a response from a remote VSD server when it cannot find the matching request for the response. The rejected response count is incremented whenever this happens. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a response is rejected, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.rejected_responds Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.Rejected no buddy buffer. This counter is no longer used in the current VSD driver. It was used by KCI when KCI was supported.The number of requests which require rework. This counter is incremented whenever the data being copied to the user buffer or from the user buffer is unsuccessful. The copy request is queued and retried later. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a request requires rework, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.request_rework Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of timeouts. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. When the retry count is exhausted, then the Timeouts counter is incremented and the request is unsuccessful. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a timeout occurs, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.timeout_error Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least one retry. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the first retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a first retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.1_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least two retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the second retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a second retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.2_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least three retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the third retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a third retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for the event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.3_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least four retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the fourth retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a fourth retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for the event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.4_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least five retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the fifth retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a fifth retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for the event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.5_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least six retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the sixth retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a sixth retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for the event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.6_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least seven retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the seventh retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a seventh retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for the event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.7_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least eight retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the eighth retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a eighth retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for the event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.8_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of requests that had at least nine retries. The VSD driver keeps a timer and retry count for every remote request. When the timer expires for a request that has not completed, the request will be retried if the retry count is not exhausted. If this retry is the ninth retry for this request, then this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever a ninth retry on node 5 occurs, one could register for the event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.9_retry_count Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The average buddy buffer wait_queue size. The VSD driver keeps a running sum counter of buddy buffer shortages and a counter of the requests that might require a buddy buffer. By dividing these counters, an average number of requests that had to wait for a buddy buffer is obtained. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the average number of requests that had to wait was greater then 5, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.avg_buddy_wait Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 5 Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.I/O is not performed directly from the mbuf. The VSD driver keeps a counter of when the i/o has to use a buddy buffer. This indicates that the i/o could not be done directly to or from the mbuf, hence, indirect i/o. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the i/o has to use a buddy buffer, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.indirect_io Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.Shortage on the Communication Buffer pool. The VSD driver will attempt to use the communications adapter buffer pool if supported and conditions are correct for its use. If an attempt is made and is unsuccessful, then the counter for communications adapter buffer shortage is incremented. This counter would be an indication that better performance is possible if the amount of communications adapter buffer pool could be increased. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the attempt to use the communications adapter buffer is unsuccessful, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.comm_buf_shortage Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X@R > X@PR Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of local read requests. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as the server node for the VSD and has received a local read request for that VSD, it keeps a count of the number of local read requests for the VSD that it receives. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of local reads exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.local_req_read Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of local write requests. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as the server node for the VSD and has received a local write request for that VSD, it keeps a count of the number of local write requests for the VSD that it receives. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of local writes exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.local_req_write Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of remote read requests. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as the server node for the VSD and has received a remote read request for that VSD, it keeps a count of the number of remote read requests for the VSD that it receives. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of remote reads for the vsd named on node 5 exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.remote_req_read Resource ID: VSD=vsdn21;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of remote write requests. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as the server node for the VSD and has received a remote write request for that VSD, it keeps a count of the number of remote write requests for the VSD that it receives. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of remote writes exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.remote_req_write Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of client read requests. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as a client node for the remote VSD and has received a local read request for the remote VSD, it keeps a count of the number of local read requests for the VSD that it must send to the remote VSD server node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of remote reads exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.client_req_read Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of client write requests. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as a client node for the remote VSD and has received a local write request for the remote VSD, it keeps a count of the number of local write requests for the VSD that it must send to the remote VSD server node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of remote writes exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.client_req_write Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of physical reads. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as the server node for the VSD and is doing a read i/o to the logical volume, it increments the physical read counter. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of physcial reads exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.physical_req_read Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of physical writes. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as the server node for the VSD and is doing a write i/o to the logical volume, it increments the physical write counter. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of physcial writes exceeds 25, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.physical_req_write Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 25 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of cache hits. In the case where the VSD driver is performing as the server node for the VSD and the data for a remote read request is found in the cache, this counter is incremented. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of cache hits on node 5 exceeds 50, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.cache_hits Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 50 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element valuess are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The total number of bytes (read). The VSD driver keeps a running count of the number of 512 byte blocks per VSD that it reads. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of 512 byte blocks read exceeds 2,048, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.bytes_read Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 2,048 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The total number of bytes (write). The VSD driver keeps a running count of the number of 512 byte blocks per VSD that it writes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the value of 512 byte blocks written exceeds 2,048, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.bytes_write Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 2,048 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.VSD state: STOPPED/ACTIVE/SUSPENDED. This is the state that the VSD is in. It can be one of the three states, STOPPED, ACTIVE, or SUSPENDED. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the state of a VSD is not active, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.state Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X@R != 2 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.Current VSD server. All nodes that can be either client VSD nodes or server VSD nodes are assigned a logical cpu number. This is the logical cpu number for the server node for this VSD. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor.The total number of data blocks read or written. The VSD subsystem can be queried for the total number of data blocks read or written, to or from this VSD, or its rate. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the rate of blocks read and written on node 5 exceeds 5,000 one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSD.blocks_rw Resource ID: VSD=*;NodeNum=5;L1=*;L2=* Expression: X > 5000 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "NodeNum" and "VSD" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VSD" resource ID element is wildcarded, the query or event registration will be applied to all VSDs on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Note: Since the "L1" and "L2" resource ID element values are arbitrary numbers and cannot be predicted, it is recommended that they always be wildcarded.The number of VSDs that are active on this node. The VSD subsystem can be queried for the number of VSDs that are active on the node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the number of active VSDs on node 5 changes, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.num_active Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of VSDs that are suspended on this node. The VSD subsystem can be queried for the number of VSDs that are suspended on the node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the number of suspended VSDs on node 5 changes, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.num_suspended Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of VSDs that are stopped on this node. The VSD subsystem can be queried for the number of VSDs that are stopped on the node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the number of stopped VSDs on node 5 changes, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.num_stopped Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of VSDs that are not active on this node. The VSD subsystem can be queried for the number of VSDs that are not active on the node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example: To be informed whenever the number of not active VSDs on node 5 changes, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.num_not_active Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The state of the RVSD on this node. The VSD subsystem can be queried for the state of RVSD on the node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. The possible states are: (-2) RVSD_Can_Not_Tell (-1) RVSD_NotAvail ( 0) RVSD_Idle ( 1) RVSD_Activating ( 2) RVSD_Node_Join ( 3) RVSD_Node_Recovery ( 4) RVSD_Fence ( 5) RVSD_Quorum ( 6) RVSD_Tail_Recoveryn ( 7) RVSD_Wait_GS ( 8) RVSD_Refresh Example: To be informed whenever node 5 is changing states, one could register for an event with the designations that follow: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.VSDdrv.RVSD_status Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain.The number of packets received on the interface (msw bits 61-31). A message sent to a node over the Communication SubSystem (CSS) switch is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw is a portion of the count of packets sent successfully over the switch to the subject node, since that interface was last initialized. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw is the most significant word of the count of packets received by the subject node on its CSS interface. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw (bits 61-31) may be prepended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw (bits 30-0) to form a 62-bit counter of inbound CSS packets. This is a total count of protocol-level (IP, MPI, and switch service) packets received by the node since the node's CSS interface was last initialized. For performance reasons, this count is only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw -- bits 30-0 of the received packet count -- first rolls over on node 5, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X>0 Re-arm expression: X==0 Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw Total number (lsw bits 30-0) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw Total number (msw bits 31-61) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt Packets received on interface (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0).The number of packets received on the interface (lsw bits 30-0). A message received by a node over the switch of the Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw is a portion of the count of packets sent successfully over the switch to the subject node, since that interface was last initialized. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw is the least significant word of the count of packets received by the subject node on its CSS interface. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw (bits 30-0) may be appended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw (bits 61-31) to form a 62-bit counter of inbound CSS packets. This is a total count of protocol-level (IP, MPI, and switch service) packets received by the node since the node's CSS interface was last initialized. For performance reasons, this count is only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw exceeds 1024 on any node (initially or following a roll over of the value), register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>1024 Re-arm expression: X<=1024 Of course, such a notification can only occur once every 2 minutes. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw Total number (lsw bits 30-0) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw Total number (msw bits 31-61) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt Packets received on interface (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31).The number of packets received on the interface (delta). A message sent to a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt is the change, since the previous sample, in the total count of packets received by the subject node on its CSS interface. This is a total count of protocol-level (IP, MPI, and switch service) packets received by the node. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt constitutes the increase, since the previous sample, in the 62-bit counter comprised of the pair of variables IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw and IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed whenever IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt is zero on node 5, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X==0 This event can occur, at most, once every 2 minutes. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt Total number of octets received (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31).The total number (msw bits 31-61) of octets received. A message received by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets, and each such packet consists of a string of bytes, or bit octets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw is the most significant word of the count of octets received by the subject node on its CSS interface, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw (bits 61-31) may be prepended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw (bits 30-0) to form a 62-bit counter of incoming CSS octets. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw first rolls over on any node, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>0 Re-arm expression: X==0 Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt Total number of octets received (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw Total number (lsw bits 30-0) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31).The total number (lsw bits 30-0) of octets received. A message received by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets, and each such packet consists of a string of bytes, or bit octets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw is the least significant word of the count of octets received by the subject node on its CSS interface, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw (bits 30-0) may be appended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw (bits 61-31) to form a 62-bit counter of incoming CSS octets. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw exceeds 4K on any node (initially or following a roll over of the counter), register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>4096 Re-arm expression: X<=4096 Of course, such a notification can only occur once every 2 minutes. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt Total number of octets received (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw Total number (msw bits 31-61) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31).The total number of octets received (delta). A message received by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets, and each such packet consists of a string of bytes, or bit octets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt is the change, since the previous sample, in the total count of octets received by the subject node at its CSS interface. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt constitutes the increase, since the previous sample, in the 62-bit counter comprised of the pair of variables IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw and IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt falls below 30 on node 4, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt Resource ID: NodeNum=4 Expression: X<30 Re-arm expression: X>=30 Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt Total number of octets received (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw Total number (msw bits 31-61) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt Packets received on interface (delta).The number of receive interrupts (msw bits 61-31). A message received by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_msw is the most significant word of the count of interrupts raised by the adapter microcode to cause the subject node's CSS software to handle incoming CSS packets, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_msw (bits 61-31) may be prepended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.orecvintr_lsw (bits 30-0) to form a 62-bit counter of receive interrupts raised by the CSS interface. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvinit_msw becomes non-zero on node 12, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvinit_msw Resource ID: NodeNum=12 Expression: X>0 Re-arm expression: X==0 Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_dlt Number of receive interrupts (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_lsw Number of receive interrupts (lsw bits 30-0).The number of receive interrupts (lsw bits 30-0). A message received by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_lsw is the least significant word of the count of interrupts raised by the adapter microcode to cause the subject node's CSS software to handle incoming CSS packets, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_lsw (bits 30-0) may be appended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_msw (bits 61-31) to form a 62-bit counter of receive interrupts raised by the CSS interface. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvinit_lsw exceeds 2K on any node (initially or following a roll over of the value), register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvinit_lsw Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>2048 Re-arm expression: X<=2048 This event can occur, at most, once every 2 minutes. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_dlt Number of receive interrupts (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_msw Number of receive interrupts (msw bits 61-31).The number of receive interrupts (delta). A message sent to a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_dlt is the change, since the previous sample, in the total count of receive interrupts raised by the subject node's CSS interface. These interrupts are used by the adapter microcode to notify the node that incoming packets are available to be processed. These interrupts might only be sent to avoid possible backup of the CSS interface. IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_dlt constitutes the increase, since the previous sample, in the 62-bit counter comprised of the pair of variables IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_msw and IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_lsw. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To receive a notification each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvinit_dlt falls below 10 on any node, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvinit_dlt Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X<10 Re-arm expression: X>=10 This event can occur at most once every 2 minutes. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_dlt Total number of octets received (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_dlt Packets received on interface (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_lsw Number of receive interrupts (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.recvintr_msw Number of receive interrupts (msw bits 61-31).The number of input errors on the CSS interface. Errors may be seen at a node's interface to the switch of the Communi- cation SubSystem (CSS). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ierrors is the count of errors seen on the receive side of that CSS interface for the subject node, since that interface was last initialized. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when such an error occurs on any node, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ierrors Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X!=X@P Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_lsw Total number (lsw bits 30-0) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibytes_msw Total number (msw bits 31-61) of octets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31).The number of packets sent on the interface (msw bits 61-31). A message sent by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw is the most significant word of the count of packets sent out by the subject node on its CSS interface, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw (bits 61-31) may be prepended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw (bits 30-0) to form a 62-bit counter of outbound CSS packets. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw first rolls over on any node, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>0 Re-arm expression: X==0 Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw Total number of octets sent (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw Total number of octets sent (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_dlt Packets sent on interface (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31).The number of packets sent on the interface (lsw bits 30-0). A message sent by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw is the least significant word of the count of packets sent out by the subject node on its CSS interface, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw (bits 30-0) may be appended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw (bits 61-31) to form a 62-bit counter of outbound CSS packets. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw exceeds 2K on any node (initially or following a roll over of the value), register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>2048 Re-arm expression: X<=2048 Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw Total number of octets sent (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw Total number of octets sent (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_dlt Packets sent on interface (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0).The number of packets sent on the interface (delta). A message sent by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_dlt is the change, since the previous sample, in the total count of packets sent out by the subject node on its CSS interface. IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_dlt constitutes the increase, since the previous sample, in the 62-bit counter comprised of the pair of variables IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw and IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To receive a notification each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_dlt falls below 50 on node 3, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_dlt Resource ID: NodeNum=3 Expression: X<50 Re-arm expression: X>=50 This event can occur at most once every 2 minutes. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt Total number of octets sent (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31).The total number of octets sent (msw bits 61-31). A message sent to a node over the Communication SubSystem (CSS) switch is comprised of packets, and each such packet consists of a string of bytes, or bit octets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw is the most significant word of the count of octets sent out by the subject node on its CSS interface, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw (bits 61-31) may be prepended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw (bits 30-0) to form a 62-bit counter of outbound CSS packets. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw -- bits 30-0 of the received packet count -- first rolls over on node 5, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X>0 Re-arm expression: X==0 Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt Total number of octets sent (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw Total number of octets sent (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31).The total number of octets sent (lsw bits 30-0). A message sent by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets, and each such packet consists of a string of bytes, or bit octets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw is the least significant word of the count of octets sent out by the subject node on its CSS interface, since that interface was last initialized. The variable IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw (bits 30-0) may be appended to its companion IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw (bits 61-31) to form a 62-bit counter of outbound CSS octets. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw exceeds 1024 on any node (initially or following a roll over of the value), register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>1024 Re-arm expression: X<=1024 Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt Total number of octets sent (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw Total number of octets sent (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31).The total number of octets sent (delta). A message sent from a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets, and each such packet consists of a string of bytes, or bit octets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt is the change, since the previous sample, in the total count of octets received by the subject node on its CSS interface. IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt constitutes the increase, since the previous sample, in the 62-bit counter comprised of the pair of variables IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw and IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw. For performance reasons, counts such as this are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To receive a notification each time IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt falls below 30 on node 4, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt Resource ID: NodeNum=4 Expression: X<30 Re-arm expression: X>=30 This event can occur at most once every 2 minutes. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw Total number of octets sent (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw Total number of octets sent (msw bits 61-31).The number of output errors on the interface. Errors may be seen at a node's interface to the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS). IBM.PSSP.CSS.oerrors is the count of errors on the send side of that CSS interface for the subject node, since that interface was last initialized. For performance reasons, such counts are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be informed when such an error first occurs on node 9, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.oerrors Resource ID: NodeNum=9 Expression: X>0 Re-arm expression: X==0 Of course, notification can only be promised within 2 minutes of the actual event. Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_lsw Total number of octets sent (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_msw Total number of octets sent (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31).The number of packets not passed up. A message received by a node from the switch of the Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_drop is the count of the number of good incoming packets at the subject node's CSS interface which were dropped by the adapter microcode, since that interface was last initialized. If a node has too heavy a general workload, it may not service its CSS interface often enough, causing its messages to linger in the switch network. If this is allowed to continue, the switch can become backed up causing other nodes to encounter poor switch performance; in fact, this condition can cause the entire switch to clog. Instead, the adapter microcode drops any "excess" packet -- a reliable protocol will eventually retry the message. For performance reasons, counts such as this are only updated approximately once every 2 minutes. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Example expression: To be notified when IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_drop exceeds 100 on any node, register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_drop Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X>100 Re-arm expression: X<100 Resource ID wildcarding: The resource variable's resource ID is used to specify the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes in the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibadpackets Number of bad packets received by the adapter. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31).The number of bad packets received by the adapter. A message received by a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ibadpackets is the count of badly formed incoming packets at the CSS interface of the subject node, since that interface was last initialized. This counter is not supported due to the design outlined below. When a bad packet is received, the incident is logged by CSS recovery code; the log includes several bytes from the bad packet. The bad packet is then ignored, and CSS resumes normal activity until the number of bad packets achieves a threshold, at which point the node is fenced from the switch. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_drop Number of packets not passed up. IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_lsw Packets received on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_msw Packets received on interface (msw bits 61-31).The number of transmit interrupts (msw bits 61-31). A message sent to a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_msw is the most significant word of the total count of transmit interrupts raised by the subject node's CSS adapter interface, since that interface was last initialized. Interrupts are not used in the transmit flow of the CSS adapter interface, so this variable is always 0. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_dlt Number of transmit interrupts (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_lsw Number of transmit interrupts (lsw bits 30-0).The number of transmit interrupts (lsw bits 30-0). A message sent to a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_lsw is the least significant word of the total count of transmit interrupts raised by the subject node's CSS adapter interface, since that interface was last initialized. Interrupts are not used in the transmit flow of the CSS adapter interface, so this variable is always 0. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31). IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_dlt Number of transmit interrupts (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_msw Number of transmit interrupts (msw bits 61-31).The number of transmit interrupts (delta). A message sent to a node over the switch of the SP Communication SubSystem (CSS) is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_dlt is the change, since the previous sample, in the total count of transmit interrupts raised by the subject node's CSS adapter interface, since that interface was last initialized. Interrupts are not used in the transmit flow of the CSS adapter interface, so this variable is always 0. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.obytes_dlt Total number of octets sent (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_dlt Packets sent on interface (delta). IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_lsw Number of transmit interrupts (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitintr_msw Number of transmit interrupts (msw bits 61-31).The number of instances when no buffers were available. A message sent to a node over the Communication SubSystem (CSS) switch is comprised of packets. These packets are transferred from the adapter to buffers in the node's main memory. In addition, there are queue slots on the CSS adapter via which packets exit the adapter to flow through the high performance switch on the way to a target node. It is acceptable in the CSS design for these "buffers" to be unavailable or full at different times, and later become free. Hence, this counter is not supported. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor.The maximum number of transmits ever queued. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_max is the largest number of entries ever queued for transmission over the CSS interface, since that interface was last initialized. This maximim is the sum of the entries in main memory and on the CSS adapter. For performance reasons, transmit queue counters are not supported by CSS, so this variable will always be 0. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_cur Sum of driver and adapter transmit queues. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_ovf Number of transmit queue overflows.The number of transmit queue overflows. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_ovf is the number of times, since the CSS interface was last initialized, that a transmit queue for the CSS interface overflowed. For performance reasons, transmit queue counters are not supported by CSS, so this variable will always be 0. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_cur Sum of driver and adapter transmit queues. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_max Max transmits ever queued.The number of packets not transmitted. A message sent by a node over the Communication SubSystem (CSS) switch is comprised of packets. IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_drop is the count of the number of packets intended to be sent out via the subject node's CSS interface which were dropped by the adapter microcode, since that interface was last initialized. This count is not supported, due to the design outlined below. Poorly formed packets cannot be presented to the CSS interface without a DMA or other hardware error occurring; such an error is generally treated as a permanent error, and the node will drop from the switch. That error is logged and the packet is discarded. If a packet is sent by the CSS adapter, and that packet is flawed, it will be noted by either the switch fabric or the receiving node. Hence, that incident will either be logged by the switch primary node, or counted in ipackets_drop on the receiving node. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.ipackets_drop Number of packets not passed up. IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_lsw Packets sent on interface (lsw bits 30-0). IBM.PSSP.CSS.opackets_msw Packets sent on interface (msw bits 61-31).The sum of the driver and adapter transmit queues. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_cur is the total number of entries currently queued for transmitting via the CSS adapter. These entries may be either in main memory or on the CSS adapter. For performance reasons, transmit queue counters are not supported by CSS, so this variable will always be 0. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_max Max transmits ever queued. IBM.PSSP.CSS.xmitque_ovf Number of transmit queue overflows.The number of broadcast packets transmitted. IBM.PSSP.CSS.bcast_tx_ok is the count of the broadcast packets sent out successfully via the CSS interface of the subject node. Currently, CSS supports broadcasts only for UDP. For performance reasons, this variable is not supported. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resouce Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.bcast_rx_ok Number of broadcast packets received.The number of broadcast packets received. IBM.PSSP.CSS.bcast_rx_ok is the count of the broadcast packets received successfully at the CSS interface of the subject node. Currently, CSS supports broadcasts only for UDP. For performance reasons, this variable is not supported. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.CSS.bcast_tx_ok Number of broadcast packets transmitted.The number of active processors. IBM.PSSP.PRCRS.procs_online represents the number of active processors on a node. The resource variable's resource ID "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. On a uniprocessor system, the value of the "procs_online" variable will be 1. On a multiprocessor system, it will be the number of processors that were enabled before the system was started. The cpu_state command can be used to enable or disable, and display processor status on a multiprocessor system. For example: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that three of four processors were enabled at system start. The value of "procs_online" would therefore be 3. If proc1 were to be enabled, the value of "procs_online" would be 4 when the system is restarted. The "procs_online" variable is supplied as a convienince to EMAPI clients for determining the number of active processors. Since changes to processor state only take effect when the system is restarted, the value of the resource variable remains constant. Registering for a specific event it is therefore not necessary, as the value may be obtained by a query. For example, to determine the number of processors active on node number 5, query using the parameters that follow: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.PRCRS.procs_online Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded which will result in the query or event registration being applied to all nodes in the domain. The number of resource managers connected to harmld. IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.mgrs_conn represents the number of resource managers currently connected to the IBM.PSSP.harmld resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node the resource monitor is executing on. Resource managers which connect to the "harmld" monitor are haemd (Event Manager Daemon), and PTPE (Performance Toolbox Parallel Extensions) daemons. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Note: The IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.mgrs_conn resource variable is intended for demonstration and testing purposes only. As such, it does not supply a value which would be of significant use to monitor on a production system. Example expression: To be notified that the number of resource managers connected to the harmld daemon has changed on any node, register for the event that follows: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.mgrs_conn Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: There are two additional example resource variables supplied by the "harmld" resource monitor. IBM.PSSP.harmld.err_count Number of errors logged by the resource monitor. IBM.PSSP.harmld.refresh_cntr Value updates to the IBM.PSSP.HARMLD class of variables. Value updates to the IBM.PSSP.HARMLD class of variables. IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.refresh_cntr is a sample variable. The initial value of "refresh_cntr" is 0. When a resource manager requests that its value be updated (for example, when an event has been registered against it), the value will be incremented by 1 with each passing of the number of seconds defined for the reporting interval of the variable's resource class (IBM.PSSP.HARMLD). The resource variable's resource ID, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node the resource monitor is executing on. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Note: The IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.refresh_cntr resource variables is intended for demonstration and testing purposes only. As such, it does not supply a value which would be of use to monitor on a production system. Example expression: While the value of the "refresh_cntr" variable has no significance for monitoring, it may be of interest to developers of EMAPI clients. Since its value is easily predicted, it can be useful for testing event registrations. For example, to receive an event notification when the value of "refresh_cntr" is a multiple of 16, specify the designations that follow: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.refresh_cntr Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: (X % 16) == 0 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: There are two additional example resource variables supplied by the "harmld" resource monitor. IBM.PSSP.harmld.mgrs_conn Number of resource managers connected to harmld. IBM.PSSP.harmld.err_count Number of errors logged by the resource monitor.The number of errors logged by the "harmld" resource monitor. IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.err_count represents the number of errors that have been logged to the AIX Error Log by the IBM.PSSP.harmld resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node the resource monitor is executing on. This variable is supplied by the "IBM.PSSP.harmld" resource monitor. Note: The IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.err_count resource variable is intended for demonstration and testing purposes only. As such, it does not supply a value which would be of significant use to monitor on a production system. For monitoring the AIX Error Log, refer to the Problem Management feature of PSSP. Example expression: To be notified when the harmld daemon on node 7 has logged an error to the AIX Error Log facility, register for the event that follows: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.HARMLD.err_count Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X > X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: There are two additional example resource variables supplied by the "harmld" resource monitor. IBM.PSSP.harmld.mgrs_conn Number of resource managers connected to harmld. IBM.PSSP.harmld.refresh_cntr Value updates to the IBM.PSSP.HARMLD class of variables.A count of, and list of, processes running a program for a user. IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount represents processes running a specified program on behalf of a specified user. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the program name (ProgName), user name (UserName), and node number (NodeNum) of interest. The ProgName value specifies the base name of the file containing the program. The UserName value specifies the real user name, not the effective user name, associated with the process. The NodeNum value specifies the node or nodes on which the processes are running. The resource variable's value is a structured byte string that includes: - A count of the current number of processes running the program for the user (field serial number 0; long data type). - A count of the previously known number of processes that had been running the program for the user (field serial number 1: long data type). - A comma separated list of the process identifiers (PIDs) of the processes currently running the program for the user (field serial number 2: character string data type). For example, assume the six processes shown in the ps output that follows are running the biod program on node 5. # ps -e -o "ruser,pid,ppid,comm" | grep biod root 7786 8040 biod root 8040 5624 biod root 8300 8040 biod root 8558 8040 biod root 8816 8040 biod root 9074 8040 biod The value of the IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount instance represented by the resource ID "ProgName=biod;UserName=root;NodeNum=5" would include a current process count of 6 and a current process list of "7786,8040,8300,8558,8816,9074". The value of the previous process count would depend on the history of processes running the biod program on node 5. A change in the value of an IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount instance either indicates that fewer processes are running the program represented by the resource variable instance or more processes are running the program. Which condition is indicated can be determined by comparing the value of the current process count with the value of the previous process count. To be informed whenever the set of processes running the biod program for the root user changes on node 5, one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount Resource ID: ProgName=biod;UserName=root;NodeNum=5 Expression: X@0 != X@1 To only be informed whenever no processes are running the biod program for the root user on node 5, one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount Resource ID: ProgName=biod;UserName=root;NodeNum=5 Expression: X@0 == 0 Limitations: The IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount resource variable is designed to be used to monitor programs that are expected to have long lifetimes. If it is used to monitor a program that runs for only a few seconds, all processes that run the program may not be detected. The resource variable monitors a program based on the base name of the file containing the program. This name is displayed by the ps command when -l or -o "comm" is specified. The program name displayed by ps when -f or -o "args" is specified may not be the same as the base name of the file containing the program. The resource variable matches processes running with the specified real user name. The real user name of a process is displayed by the ps command when -f or -l or -o "ruser" is specified. The effective user name displayed by ps when -o "user" is specified may not be the same as the real user name. Resource ID wildcarding: Neither the ProgName nor the UserName resource ID element may be wildcarded. The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded. Related Resource Variable: There is another resource variable closely related to IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount. It is named IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount. The "pcount" resource variable represents all processes running a specified program, regardless of why the processes are running the program. The "xpcount" resource variable only represents those processes that are running a specified program as a result of having called one of the exec() routines. A typical process runs a program because it called an exec() routine specifying the program. However, a process may be running a program because it inherited the program from its parent process, and it never called an exec() routine to execute another program. Some daemons, including biod, do this. For example, the ps output below shows that only the process whose PID is 8040 called an exec() routine to run the biod program. All the other processes running biod do not have the SEXECED process flag (200000) set. These processes inherited the biod program from their parent process - the process with PID 8040. # ps -e -o "flag,pid,ppid,comm" | grep biod 40001 7786 8040 biod 240001 8040 5624 biod 40001 8300 8040 biod 40001 8558 8040 biod 40001 8816 8040 biod 40001 9074 8040 biod To monitor processes that inherit programs, the IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount resource variable should be used. To only monitor processes that explicitly call an exec() routine to run a program, the IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount resource variable should be used. Using IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount to monitor certain programs may be a mistake. For example, if a program creates child processes that run other programs, registering for an event using "pcount" may generate unintended events. Consider the inetd program as an example. The purpose of the inetd program is to spawn other daemons. As the services of a daemon it controls are requested, inetd calls fork() to create a child process. That child process starts out running the inetd program, but quickly calls an exec() routine to run the appropriate daemon, such as telnetd. Therefore, for brief periods of time, more than one process will be running the inetd program. If "pcount" was used to monitor inetd, events might be generated showing these child processes running inetd for small periods of time. To avoid these "false" events, it would be better to use "xpcount" to monitor inetd. As can be seen from the previous discussion, some knowledge about how a program operates may be needed before deciding how to monitor the program. For most cases, it is probably appropriate to use the "xpcount" resource variable to monitor a program. However, if the program to be monitored is inherited by long running processes that do not call an exec() routine, "pcount" might be appropriate. A count of, and list of, processes running a program for a user. IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount represents processes running a specified program on behalf of a specified user. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the program name (ProgName), user name (UserName), and node number (NodeNum) of interest. The ProgName value specifies the base name of the file containing the program. The UserName value specifies the real user name, not the effective user name, associated with the process. The NodeNum value specifies the node or nodes on which the processes are running. The resource variable's value is a structured byte string that includes: - A count of the current number of processes running the program for the user (field serial number 0; long data type). - A count of the previously known number of processes that had been running the program for the user (field serial number 1: long data type). - A comma separated list of the process identifiers (PIDs) of the processes currently running the program for the user (field serial number 2: character string data type). For example, assume the process shown in the ps output that follows is running the inetd program on node 5. # ps -e -o "ruser,pid,ppid,comm" | grep inetd root 7218 5624 inetd The value of the IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount instance represented by the resource ID "ProgName=inetd;UserName=root;NodeNum=5" would include a current process count of 1 and a current process list of "7218". The value of the previous process count would depend on the history of processes running the inetd program on node 5. A change in the value of an IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount instance either indicates that fewer processes are running the program represented by the resource variable instance or more processes are running the program. Which condition is indicated can be determined by comparing the value of the current process count with the value of the previous process count. To be informed whenever the set of processes running the inetd program for the root user changes on node 5, one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount Resource ID: ProgName=inetd;UserName=root;NodeNum=5 Expression: X@0 != X@1 To only be informed whenever no processes are running the inetd program for the root user on node 5, one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount Resource ID: ProgName=inetd;UserName=root;NodeNum=5 Expression: X@0 == 0 Limitations: The IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount resource variable is designed to be used to monitor programs that are expected to have long lifetimes. If it is used to monitor a program that runs for only a few seconds, all processes that run the program may not be detected. The resource variable monitors a program based on the base name of the file containing the program. This name is displayed by the ps command when -l or -o "comm" is specified. The program name displayed by ps when -f or -o "args" is specified may not be the same as the base name of the file containing the program. The resource variable matches processes running with the specified real user name. The real user name of a process is displayed by the ps command when -f or -l or -o "ruser" is specified. The effective user name displayed by ps when -o "user" is specified may not be the same as the real user name. Resource ID wildcarding: Neither the ProgName nor the UserName resource ID element may be wildcarded. The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded. Related Resource Variable: There is another resource variable closely related to IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount. It is named IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount. The "pcount" resource variable represents all processes running a specified program, regardless of why the processes are running the program. The "xpcount" resource variable only represents those processes that are running a specified program as a result of having called one of the exec() routines. A typical process runs a program because it called an exec() routine specifying the program. However, a process may be running a program because it inherited the program from its parent process, and it never called an exec() routine to execute another program. Some daemons, including biod, do this. For example, the ps output below shows that only the process whose PID is 8040 called an exec() routine to run the biod program. All the other processes running biod do not have the SEXECED process flag (200000) set. These processes inherited the biod program from their parent process - the process with PID 8040. # ps -e -o "flag,pid,ppid,comm" | grep biod 40001 7786 8040 biod 240001 8040 5624 biod 40001 8300 8040 biod 40001 8558 8040 biod 40001 8816 8040 biod 40001 9074 8040 biod To monitor processes that inherit programs, the IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount resource variable should be used. To only monitor processes that explicitly call an exec() routine to run a program, the IBM.PSSP.Prog.xpcount resource variable should be used. Using IBM.PSSP.Prog.pcount to monitor certain programs may be a mistake. For example, if a program creates child processes that run other programs, registering for an event using "pcount" may generate unintended events. Consider the inetd program as an example. The purpose of the inetd program is to spawn other daemons. As the services of a daemon it controls are requested, inetd calls fork() to create a child process. That child process starts out running the inetd program, but quickly calls an exec() routine to run the appropriate daemon, such as telnetd. Therefore, for brief periods of time, more than one process will be running the inetd program. If "pcount" was used to monitor inetd, events might be generated showing these child processes running inetd for small periods of time. To avoid these "false" events, it would be better to use "xpcount" to monitor inetd. As can be seen from the previous discussion, some knowledge about how a program operates may be needed before deciding how to monitor the program. For most cases, it is probably appropriate to use the "xpcount" resource variable to monitor a program. However, if the program to be monitored is inherited by long running processes that do not call an exec() routine, "pcount" might be appropriate. ProgName: the short program name of the program of interest.UserName: the real user name of the user running the program of interest.NodeNum: the node on which the program of interest is running.Summary data from an entry written to the AIX error log. provides summary data from an entry written to the AIX error log. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the node number (NodeNum) of interest. The NodeNum value identifies the nodes on which the AIX error log entry is written. The resource variable's value is a structured byte string that consists of the fields that follow, from the AIX error log entry: - Sequence number (field number 0: character string data type) - Error ID (field number 1: character string data type) - Error class (field number 2: character string data type) - Error type (field number 3: character string data type) - Alert flags value (field number 4: character string data type) - Resource name (field number 5: character string data type) - Resource type (field number 6: character string data type) - Resource class (field number 7: character string data type) - Error label (field number 8: character string data type) Refer to the AIX documentation for descriptions of these fields. The value of the instance represented by the resource ID "NodeNum=5" includes the sequence number, error ID, error class, error type, alert flags value, resource name, resource type, resource class and error label of the most recent AIX error log entry that is known to Event Management. A change in the value of an instance indicates that a new entry has been written to the AIX error log. To be informed whenever anything gets written to the AIX error log on node 15, one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: Resource ID: NodeNum=15 Expression: X@0 != X@P0 The expression "X@0 != X@P0" is true if the sequence number of the current AIX error log entry is different than the sequence number of the previous AIX error log entry. Since every AIX error log entry has a unique sequence number, an event gets generated every time an AIX error log entry gets written on node 15. To be informed whenever any permanent errors get written to the AIX error log on any node in the current system partition, one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X@3 == "PERM" To be informed whenever an error log entry, whose error label equals "REALLY_BAD_ERROR" and whose resource name refers to the "tok1" token ring adapter, gets written to the AIX error log on any one of nodes 1, 2 or 3, one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: Resource ID: NodeNum=1-3 Expression: X@5=="tok1" && X@8=="REALLY_BAD_ERROR" One could also register for the same event by using the error ID (X@1) in the expression instead of the error label (X@8). However, the error ID for the same error can vary between different releases of AIX, so it is always better to use the error label (X@8) in the expression. Limitation: If an AIX error log entry is written while either of the Problem Management or Event Management subsystems are not running (on the node where the AIX error log entry is written), no events are generated for the AIX error log entry. This behavior is consistent with most other resource variables--if either the resource monitor or the Event Management subsystem (on the node where the resource monitor resides) is not running when the event occurs, the event is missed. However, there is one case where encounters this problem consistently: When a severe problem causes a node to crash, the AIX error log entry for the problem is written into non-volatile memory (NVRAM), and the AIX error log entry does not get processed until the node gets rebooted. At reboot time, the AIX error logging daemon (errdemon) usually processes the error log entry from NVRAM before the Event Management and Problem Management subsystems are ready to process the event, so the event gets missed. This problem can be avoided by using the AIX error notification facility instead of Since AIX error notification does not depend on the Problem Management or Event Management subsystems, it is more reliable than Data from the system administrator's resource monitor. The Problem Management subsystem defines 16 resource variables, named through, which are reserved for use by system administrators. System administrators can control these resource variables through a simplified resource monitoring facility that is provided by the Problem Management subsystem. Refer to the Problem Management documentation for further details. These resource variables all have the same definition: The resource ID specifies the node number (NodeNum) of interest. The NodeNum value identifies nodes where the system administrator's resource monitor data is obtained by the Problem Management subsystem. The resource variable value is a structured byte string that consists of one field: - String (field number 0: character string data type) The system administrator determines the meaning of the string field. If the system administrator's resource monitor on node 11 for the resource variable provides the string "READY", then the value of the instance represented by the resource ID "NodeNum=11" is "READY". To be informed whenever the value of on node 11 becomes equal to the string "READY", one could register for an event specified as follows: Resource Variable Name: Resource ID: NodeNum=11 Expression: X@0 == "READY" See the Problem Management documentation for further details about using these resource variables. The number of the node on which the resource resides.Indicates whether a LAN adapter has connectivity. IBM.PSSP.Membership.LANAdapter.state indicates if a LAN adapter in a node has connectivity, as determined by the High Availability Topology Services subsytem and reported by the High Availability Group Services subsystem. A value of 1 indicates connectivity; 0 indicates no connectivity. This variable is supplied by the "Membership" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node containing the LAN adapter, the type of the Adapter and the instance of the adapter. To register an event that indicates the switch adapter on node 5 has lost connectivity, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.Membership.LANAdapter.state Resource ID: NodeNum=5;AdapterType=css;AdapterNum=0 Expression: X == 0 Resource ID wildcarding: All resource ID elements may be wildcarded. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.Membership.Node.state IBM.PSSP.Response.Host.state IBM.PSSP.Response.Switch.state Indicates whether a node has connectivity. IBM.PSSP.Membership.Node.state indicates if a node has connectivity, as determined by the High Availability Topology Services subsystem and reported by the High Availability Group Services subsystem. A value of 1 indicates connectivity; 0 indicates no connectivity. This variable is supplied by the "Membership" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node. To register an event that indicates node 5 has lost connectivity, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.Membership.Node.state Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X == 0 Resource ID wildcarding: The resource ID element may be wildcarded. Related Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.Membership.LANAdapter.state IBM.PSSP.Response.Host.state IBM.PSSP.Response.Switch.state The number of the node containing the LAN adapter.The type of the LAN adapter, i.e. "en" or "css".The number of the LAN adapter.The number of the node.Indicates if the node has connectivity over the en0 adapter. IBM.PSSP.Response.Host.state indicates if a node has connectivity over the en0 LAN adapter, as determined by the High Availability Topology Services subsystem and reported by the High Availability Group Services subsystem. A value of 1 indicates connectivity; 0 indicates no connectivity. This variable is supplied by the "Response" resource monitor. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node. To register an event that indicates node 5 has lost connectivity over its en0 adapter, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.Response.Host.state Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X == 0 Resource ID wildcarding: The resource ID element may be wildcarded. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.Response.Switch.state IBM.PSSP.Membership.LANAdapter.state IBM.PSSP.Membership.Node.state Indicates the state of the switch adapter. IBM.PSSP.Response.Switch.state indicates the state of the switch adapter within a node, as specified by information in the "switch_responds" SDR class. A value of 1 indicates the adapter is functional; 0 indicates it is not. A value of 2 indicates the adapter has "autojoin" enabled, but is currently not on the switch; 3 indicates the adapter is not configured. This variable is supplied by the "Response" resource monitor. This variable only applies to HiPS and SP switch adapters. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node containing the adapter. To register an event that indicates the switch adapter on node 5 is not functional, the variable, resource ID and expression would be: Resource Variable: IBM.PSSP.Response.Switch.state Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X == 0 Resource ID wildcarding: The resource ID element may be wildcarded. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.Response.Host.state IBM.PSSP.Membership.LANAdapter.state IBM.PSSP.Membership.Node.state The number of the node.The number of the node.System-wide time CPU is idle (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle represents the system-wide percent of time the CPU or CPUs are idle. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate average percent of time all active CPUs are currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these resource variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU are executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. On a multiprocessor system, the cpu_state command can be used to display which processors are active: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has 3 of 4 processors active. The value of the variable, IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle, for example, will be the average amount of time that the processors with logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are idle. Example expression: To be notified when the average time all processors are idle at least 70% of the time on node 7, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X >= 80 Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration being applied to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID name and value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern represents the system-wide percent of time the CPU or CPUs are executing in kernel mode. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate average percent of time all active CPUs are currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these resource variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU or CPUs are executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. On a multiprocessor system, the cpu_state command can be used to display which processors are active: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has 3 of 4 processors active. The value of the variable, IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle, for example, will be the average amount of time the processors with logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are idle. Example expression: To be notified when the average time all processors are executing in kernel mode at least 70% of the time on node 7, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X >= 70 Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration being applied to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID name and value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser represents the system-wide percent of time the CPU or CPUs are executing in user mode. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate average percent of time all active CPUs are currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these resource variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU or CPUs are executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. On a multiprocessor system, the cpu_state command can be used to display which processors are active: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has 3 of 4 processors active. The value of the variable, IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle, for example, will be the average amount of time the processors with logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are idle. Example expression: To be notified when the average time all processors are executing in user mode at least 70% of the time on node 7, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X >= 70 Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration being applied to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID name and value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait represents the system-wide percent of time the CPU or CPUs are in wait state. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate average percent of time all active CPUs are currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these resource variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU or CPUs are executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. On a multiprocessor system, the cpu_state command can be used to display which processors are active: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has 3 of 4 processors active. The value of the variable, IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle, for example, will be the average amount of time the processors with logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are idle. Example expression: To be notified when the average time all processors are in wait state at least 50% of the time on node 7, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X >= 50 Resource ID wildcarding: The "NodeNum" resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration being applied to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID name/value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).Time CPU is idle (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle represents the percent of time a CPU is in idle state. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the processor (CPU) and node number (NodeNum) of interest. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate percent of time a specific CPU is currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU is executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. The "CPU" resource ID element value is formed by concatenating the string "cpu" with the logical number of the processor to be monitored. On a uniprocessor system, this will always be the string, "cpu0". On a multiprocessor, the value is dependent on the number of processors enabled when the system was started. The cpu_state command can be used to display the state of processors on a multiprocessor system: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has four processors, three of which are active. The "Name" field is the ODM processor name, which is in the form procx, where x is the physical processor number. The "Cpu" field is the logical processor number. Logical numbers are assigned to processors by numbering all currently enabled processors starting with physical processor 0. In the example system above, with 3 enabled processors, the logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are used. The possible values of the "CPU" resource ID element would then be "cpu0", "cpu1" and "cpu2". Example expression: To be notified each time any processor on node 5 is idle at least 80% of the time for two consecutive observations of the resource variable, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Resource ID: CPU=*;NodeNum=5 Expression: (X >= 80) && (X@P >= 80) Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "CPU" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "CPU" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all processors on the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID element name and value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern represents the percent of time a CPU is executing in kernel mode. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the processor (CPU) and node number (NodeNum) of interest. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate percent of time a specific CPU is currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU is executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. The "CPU" resource ID element value is formed by concatenating the string "cpu" with the logical number of the processor to be monitored. On a uniprocessor system, this will always be the string, "cpu0". On a multiprocessor, the value is dependent on the number of processors enabled when the system was started. The cpu_state command can be used to display the state of processors on a multiprocessor system: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has four processors, three of which are active. The "Name" field is the ODM processor name, which is in the form procx, where x is the physical processor number. The "Cpu" field is the logical processor number. Logical numbers are assigned to processors by numbering all currently enabled processors starting with physical processor 0. In the example system above, with 3 enabled processors, the logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are used. The possible values of the "CPU" resource ID element would then be "cpu0", "cpu1" and "cpu2". Example expression: To be notified each time any processor on node 5 is executing in kernel mode at least 70% of the time for two consecutive observations of the resource variable, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Resource ID: CPU=*;NodeNum=5 Expression: (X >= 70) && (X@P >= 70) Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "CPU" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "CPU" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all processors on the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID element name and value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user represents the percent of time a CPU is executing in user mode. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate percent of time a specific CPU is currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU is executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. The "CPU" resource ID element value is formed by concatenating the string "cpu" with the logical number of the processor to be monitored. On a uniprocessor system, this will always be the string, "cpu0". On a multiprocessor, the value is dependent on the number of processors enabled when the system was started. The cpu_state command can be used to display the state of processors on a multiprocessor system: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has four processors, three of which are active. The "Name" field is the ODM processor name, which is in the form procx, where x is the physical processor number. The "Cpu" field is the logical processor number. Logical numbers are assigned to processors by numbering all currently enabled processors starting with physical processor 0. In the example system above, with 3 enabled processors, the logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are used. The possible values of the "CPU" resource ID element would then be "cpu0", "cpu1" and "cpu2". Example expression: To be notified each time any processor on node 5 is executing in user mode at least 80% of the time for two consecutive observations of the resource variable, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Resource ID: CPU=*;NodeNum=5 Expression: (X >= 80) && (X@P >= 80) Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "CPU" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "CPU" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all processors on the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID element name and value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait represents the percent of time a CPU is in wait state. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The system tracks the amount of time CPU or CPUs spend idle, in wait state and executing in kernel and user modes. Each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the CPU activity based on the state of the current running process. The CPU user, kern, wait and idle resource variables provide the approximate percent of time a specific CPU is currently spending in each state. Therefore the sum of these variables will be 100 at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes executing in user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example making a system call, a mode switch occurs causing the process to execute in kernel mode while the service is executing. The "kern" and "user" CPU utilization variables supply the average time the CPU is executing processes in each of the two modes. When the current executing process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into wait state. A CPU is considered idle when the current process running is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) which is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run. The "CPU" resource ID element value is formed by concatenating the string "cpu" with the logical number of the processor to be monitored. On a uniprocessor system, this will always be the string, "cpu0". On a multiprocessor, the value is dependent on the number of processors enabled when the system was started. The cpu_state command can be used to display the state of processors on a multiprocessor system: # cpu_state -l Name Cpu Status Location proc0 0 Enabled 00-0P-00-00 proc1 - Disabled 00-0P-00-01 proc2 1 Enabled 00-0Q-00-00 proc3 2 Enabled 00-0Q-00-01 Shows that the system the command was executed on has four processors, three of which are active. The "Name" field is the ODM processor name, which is in the form procx, where x is the physical processor number. The "Cpu" field is the logical processor number. Logical numbers are assigned to processors by numbering all currently enabled processors starting with physical processor 0. In the example system above, with 3 enabled processors, the logical numbers 0, 1, and 2 are used. The possible values of the "CPU" resource ID element would then be "cpu0", "cpu1" and "cpu2". Example expression: To be notified each time any processor on node 5 is in wait state at least 50% of the time for two consecutive observations of the resource variable, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Resource ID: CPU=*;NodeNum=5 Expression: (X >= 50) && (X@P >= 50) Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "CPU" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "CPU" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all processors on the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* resource variables can be used to monitor specific processor utilization: IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.kern Time CPU executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.user Time CPU executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.wait Time CPU waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.idle Time CPU is idle (percent). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.* resource variables can be used for monitoring system-wide CPU utilization. Their values represent the average time spent in each state for all active processors. Note that on a uniprocessor system, the value for an IBM.PSSP.aixos.cpu.* variable (resource ID element name and value pair "CPU=cpu0"), will be the same as the equivalent system-wide CPU utilization variable. IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glkern System-wide time executing in kernel mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.gluser System-wide time executing in user mode (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glwait System-wide time waiting for I/O (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.CPU.glidle System-wide time CPU is idle (percent).Time disk is busy (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.busy represents the percent of time a disk is busy. The resource variable's resource ID specifies disk name (Name), and the number of the node (NodeNum) controlling the disk. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. After a disk is added to the system, it must first be designated as a physical volume before it can be added to a volume group and used for file system or paging space. A physical volume has certain configuration and identification information written on it. When a disk becomes a physical volume, it is divided into 512-byte physical blocks. Physical volumes have a unique name (typically hdiskx where x is a unique number on the system), which is permanently associated with the disk until it is undefined. The physical volume name of a disk is used as the value of the "Name" resource ID element for identifying a specific disk in a query or event registration. The command lspv can be used to list the physical volumes in a system: # lspv hdisk0 00002369f3ae4cf9 rootvg hdisk1 00002369f3ae5029 rootvg The example output shows that the system the command was executed on has two physical volumes (disks), both are in the rootvg volume group. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.busy resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the average percent of time the disk is busy from one observation of the variable to the next. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk). Example expression: To be notified each time disk, hdisk1, on node 5 has been busy at least 90% of the time for two consecutive observations of the resource variable, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.busy Resource ID: Name=hdisk1;NodeNum=5 Expression: (X >= 90) && (X@P >= 90) Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Name" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Name" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all disks controlled by the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: There are three additional resource variables in the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk resource class for monitoring attributes of physical disks: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.rblk 512 byte blocks read from disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.wblk 512 byte blocks written to disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.xfer Transfers to or from disk.The number of 512 byte blocks read from a disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.rblk represents the number of 512 blocks read from a disk. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the disk name (Name), and the number of the node (NodeNum) controlling the disk. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. After a disk is added to the system, it must first be designated as a physical volume before it can be added to a volume group and used for file system or paging space. A physical volume has certain configuration and identification information written on it. When a disk becomes a physical volume, it is divided into 512-byte physical blocks. Physical volumes have a unique name (typically hdiskx where x is a unique number on the system), which is permanently associated with the disk until it is undefined. The physical volume name of a disk is used as the value of the "Name" resource ID element for identifying a specific disk in a query or event registration. The command lspv can be used to list the physical volumes in a system: # lspv hdisk0 00002369f3ae4cf9 rootvg hdisk1 00002369f3ae5029 rootvg The example output shows that the system the command was executed on has two physical volumes (disks), both are in the rootvg volume group. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.rblk resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the rate at which blocks are read from the disk. The rate is calculated as the difference in total blocks read from the disk from one observation of the variable to the next, divided by the time between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate per second of 512 byte blocks read from disk hdisk1 on node 5 is less than 50, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.rblk Resource ID: Name=hdisk1;NodeNum=5 Expression: X < 50 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Name" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Name" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all disks controlled by the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: There are three additional resource variables in the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk resource class for monitoring attributes of physical disks: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.busy Time disk is busy (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.wblk 512 byte blocks written to disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.xfer Transfers to or from disk.The number of 512 byte blocks written to a disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.wblk represents the number of 512 blocks written to a disk. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the disk name (Name), and the number of the node (NodeNum) controlling the disk. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. After a disk is added to the system, it must first be designated as a physical volume before it can be added to a volume group and used for file system or paging space. A physical volume has certain configuration and identification information written on it. When a disk becomes a physical volume, it is divided into 512-byte physical blocks. Physical volumes have a unique name (typically hdiskx where x is a unique number on the system), which is permanently associated with the disk until it is undefined. The physical volume name of a disk is used as the value of the "Name" resource ID element for identifying a specific disk in a query or event registration. The command lspv can be used to list the physical volumes in a system: # lspv hdisk0 00002369f3ae4cf9 rootvg hdisk1 00002369f3ae5029 rootvg The example output shows that the system the command was executed on has two physical volumes (disks), both are in the rootvg volume group. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.wblk resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the rate at which blocks are written to the disk. The rate is calculated as the difference in total blocks written to the disk from one observation of the variable to the next, divided by the time between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate per second of 512 byte blocks written to disk hdisk1 on node 5 is less than 50, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.wblk Resource ID: Name=hdisk1;NodeNum=5 Expression: X < 50 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Name" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Name" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all disks controlled by the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: There are three additional resource variables in the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk resource class for monitoring attributes of physical disks: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.busy Time disk is busy (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.rblk 512 byte blocks read from disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.xfer Transfers to or from disk.The number of transfers to or from a disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.xfer represents the number of transfers performed by a disk. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the disk name (Name), and the number of the node (NodeNum) controlling the disk. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. After a disk is added to the system, it must first be designated as a physical volume before it can be added to a volume group and used for file system or paging space. A physical volume has certain configuration and identification information written on it. When a disk becomes a physical volume, it is divided into 512-byte physical blocks. Physical volumes have a unique name (typically hdiskx where x is a unique number on the system), which is permanently associated with the disk until it is undefined. The physical volume name of a disk is used as the value of the "Name" resource ID element for identifying a specific disk in a query or event registration. The command lspv can be used to list the physical volumes in a system: # lspv hdisk0 00002369f3ae4cf9 rootvg hdisk1 00002369f3ae5029 rootvg The example output shows that the system the command was executed on has two physical volumes (disks), both are in the rootvg volume group. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.xfer resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the average rate of transfers per second that were issued to the physical disk. A transfer is an I/O request to the physical disk. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. A transfer is of indeterminate size. The transfer rate is calculated as the difference in total transfers from one observation of the variable to the next, divided by the time in seconds between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of transfers to disk hdisk1 on node 5 has increased by 50%, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.xfer Resource ID: Name=hdisk1;NodeNum=5 Expression: (X > X@P) && ((X - X@P) > (X@P * .5)) Note: This example may cause an event to be generated at the first observation of the variable. This is because the X@P value may not be valid as it could contain the initial value as defined for the resource variable. To avoid a false event in this circumstance, the HA_EM_SCMD_REVAL subcommand could be used to request an immediate evaluation of the expression. The subcommand causes an event response to be returned regardless of the result of the evaluation. Since an initial event response is guaranteed, the first event response could then be ignored. Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Name" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Name" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all disks controlled by the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: There are three additional resource variables in the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk resource class for monitoring attributes of physical disks: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.busy Time disk is busy (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.rblk 512 byte blocks read from disk. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.wblk 512 byte blocks written to disk.The percentage of the file nodes that are used. IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%nodesused represents the percent of used file nodes in a file system. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the names of the logical volume (LV) and volume group (VG) of the file system, and the number of the node (NodeNum) on which the file system resides. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A file system is a hierarchical structure (file tree) of files and directories. This type of structure resembles an inverted tree with the roots at the top and branches at the bottom. This file tree uses directories to organize data and programs into groups, allowing the management of several directories and files at one time. A file system resides on a single logical volume. The mkfs (make file system) command creates a file system. Every file and directory belongs to a file system within a logical volume. To be accessible, a file system must be mounted onto a directory mount point. When multiple file systems are mounted, a directory structure is created that presents the image of a single file system. It is a hierarchical structure with a single root. This structure includes the base file systems and any additional file systems created. The lsvg command can be used to list, and display information about the volume groups defined on a node. For example: # lsvg | lsvg -i -l spdata: LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINT spdatalv jfs 450 450 1 open/syncd /spdata loglv00 jfslog 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A rootvg: LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINT hd6 paging 64 64 1 open/syncd N/A hd5 boot 1 1 1 closed/syncd N/A hd8 jfslog 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A hd4 jfs 18 18 1 open/syncd / hd2 jfs 148 148 1 open/syncd /usr hd9var jfs 13 13 1 open/syncd /var hd3 jfs 32 32 1 open/syncd /tmp hd1 jfs 1 1 1 open/syncd /home Shows the logical volume names and mount points for the volume groups spdata and rootvg. When a file system is created, its size is specified. The "%totused" resource variable enables monitoring of the percent of space in use on a file system. If a file system fills to capacity, applications attempting to write to the file system may be unsuccessful, and data could be lost. A file system could be monitored to generate a notification before it is exhausted of free space, or to detect a condition that denotes under utilization. When a file system is created, file node (i-node) structures are created to represent the files. These structures exist in static form on disk and contain access information for the file as well as pointers to the real disk addresses of the file's data blocks. The number of nodes available to a file system is dependent on the size of the file system. When enough files have been created to use all the available i-nodes, no more files can be created, even if the file system has free space. The "%nodesused" resource variable can be used to monitor the percent of file nodes which are in use. Example expression: To receive a notification that the percent of file nodes in the /tmp file system on node 3 have exceeded 90%, and also receive a notfication when the percentage has subsequently dropped below 80%, one could register for the event that follows using the HA_EM_CMD_REG2 command: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%nodesused Resource ID: VG=rootvg;LV=hd3;NodeNum=3 Expression: X > 90 Re-arm expression: X < 80 (The rootvg and hd3 resource ID values are from the example lsvg output.) An event notification will be generated when more than 90% of the file nodes in the /tmp file system are used. Once that condition occurs, /tmp will be monitored using the re-arm expression. When the amount of available nodes is greater than 20%, an event notification will be generated from the re-arm expression, and the file system will once again be monitored for the "more than 90% used" condition. Resource ID wildcarding: The "VG", "LV", and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may all be wildcarded. Related resource variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%totused Percent of used space in a file system. Resource variable for monitoring the amount of free space in a volume group.The percentage of used space. IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%totused represents the percent of space in a file system that is in use. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the names of the logical volume (LV) and volume group (VG) of the file system, and the number of the node (NodeNum) on which the file system resides. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A file system is a hierarchical structure (file tree) of files and directories. This type of structure resembles an inverted tree with the roots at the top and branches at the bottom. This file tree uses directories to organize data and programs into groups, allowing the management of several directories and files at one time. A file system resides on a single logical volume. The mkfs (make file system) command creates a file system. Every file and directory belongs to a file system within a logical volume. To be accessible, a file system must be mounted onto a directory mount point. When multiple file systems are mounted, a directory structure is created that presents the image of a single file system. It is a hierarchical structure with a single root. This structure includes the base file systems and any additional file systems created. The lsvg command can be used to list, and display information about the volume groups defined on a node. For example: # lsvg | lsvg -i -l spdata: LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINT spdatalv jfs 450 450 1 open/syncd /spdata loglv00 jfslog 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A rootvg: LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINT hd6 paging 64 64 1 open/syncd N/A hd5 boot 1 1 1 closed/syncd N/A hd8 jfslog 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A hd4 jfs 18 18 1 open/syncd / hd2 jfs 148 148 1 open/syncd /usr hd9var jfs 13 13 1 open/syncd /var hd3 jfs 32 32 1 open/syncd /tmp hd1 jfs 1 1 1 open/syncd /home Shows the logical volume names and mount points for the volume groups spdata and rootvg. When a file system is created, its size is specified. The "%totused" resource variable enables monitoring of the percent of space in use on a file system. If a file system fills to capacity, applications attempting to write to the file system may be unsuccessful, and data could be lost. A file system could be monitored to generate a notification before it is exhausted of free space, or to detect a condition that denotes under utilization. When a file system is created, file node (i-node) structures are created to represent the files. These structures exist in static form on disk and contain access information for the file as well as pointers to the real disk addresses of the file's data blocks. The number of nodes available to a file system is dependent on the size of the file system. When enough files have been created to use all the available i-nodes, no more files can be created, even if the file system has free space. The "%nodesused" resource variable can be used to monitor the percent of file nodes which are in use. Example expression: To receive a notification that the file system mounted on /tmp on any node is more than 90% full, and also receive a notfication when the percentage has subsequently dropped below 80%, one could register for the event that follows using the HA_EM_CMD_REG2 command: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%totused Resource ID: VG=rootvg;LV=hd3;NodeNum=* Expression: X > 90 Re-arm expression: X < 80 (The rootvg and hd3 resource ID values are from the example lsvg output.) An event notification will be generated when more than 90% of the space in a /tmp file system is used. Once that condition occurs, /tmp will be monitored using the re-arm expression. When the amount of free space is greater than 20%, an event notification will be generated from the re-arm expression, and the file system will once again be monitored for the "more than 90% used" condition. Resource ID wildcarding: The "VG", "LV", and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may all be wildcarded. Related resource variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.%nodesused Percent of file nodes that are used in a file system. Resource variable for monitoring the amount of free space in a volume group.The amount of free space in a volume group, in megabytes. represents the amount (in megabytes) of free space available in a volume group. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the name of the volume group (VG), and the number of the node (NodeNum) on which the volume group resides. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A hierarchy of structures is used to manage fixed-disk storage. Each individual fixed-disk drive, called a physical volume (PV) has a name, such as /dev/hdisk0. A volume group is a collection of one or more physical volumes. When a physical volume is added to a volume group, it is divided into contiguous equal-sized units of space called physical partitions (PPs). The lsvg command can be used to display characteristics of a volume group: # lsvg rootvg VOLUME GROUP: rootvg VG IDENTIFIER: 00002369efc43b73 VG STATE: active PP SIZE: 4 megabyte(s) VG PERMISSION: read/write TOTAL PPs: 408 (1632 megabytes) MAX LVs: 256 FREE PPs: 44 (176 megabytes) LVs: 11 USED PPs: 364 (1456 megabytes) OPEN LVs: 10 QUORUM: 2 TOTAL PVs: 2 VG DESCRIPTORS: 3 STALE PVs: 0 STALE PPs 0 ACTIVE PVs: 2 AUTO ON: yes The example output shows a rootvg volume group comprised of 408 physical partitions (TOTAL PPs). Each partition is 4 megabytes (PP SIZE), yielding a volume group size of 1632 megabytes. The volume group contains two physical volumes (TOTAL PVs). One or more logical volumes (LVs) are defined within each volume group. Logical volumes can serve a number of purposes, such as paging space, or holding system or user data within a file system. When a logical volume is created, a number of logical partitions is specified. Each logical partition maps to one, two, or three physical partitions in the volume group. The number of physical partitions denotes the number of copies of the logical volume. As logical volumes are created (or extended) the volume group and number of logical paritions to be allocated is specified. The amount of free space in the volume group is decremented by the total size of the physical partitions needed for the number of logical partitions requested. Example expression: To receive a notification that there is less than 40MB of free space in the rootvg volume group on node 5, and also receive a notfication once there is at least 40MB of free space again, one could register for the event that follows using the HA_EM_CMD_REG2 command: Resource Variable: Resource ID: VG=rootvg;NodeNum=5 Expression: X < 40 Re-arm Expression: X >= 40 An event notification will be generated when there is less than 40 MB of free space in the rootvg volume group. Once that condition occurs, the volume group will be monitored using the re-arm expression. When the amount of free space is greater or equal to 40 MB, an event notification will be generated from the re-arm expression, and the volume group will once again be monitored for the "less than 40 MB free" condition. Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "VG" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "VG" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all volume groups on the target nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variable(s): IBM.PSSP.aixos.FS.* Variables for monitoring attributes of file systems. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Disk.* Variables for monitoring attributes of physical volumes.The number of frame receive errors at the adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors represents the number of receive errors which occurred at the adapter level. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the name of the adapter (Adapter), and the number of the node (NodeNum) the adapter is installed on. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some examples are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for a Ethernet adapter or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number assigned, creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. The lsdev command can be used to display information about network adapters: # lsdev -C -k ent -H name status location description ent0 Available 00-01 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) ent1 Available 00-02 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) #lsdev -C -k atm -H name status location description atm0 Available 00-06 155 Mbps ATM Fiber Adapter (8f67) Shows that the system the command was executed on has two Ethernet and one ATM adapters installed and available. The adapter logical device names, "ent0", "ent1", and "atm0" could be used as the value of the resource ID element, "Adapter", in specifying an adapter in a query or event registration. Messages received by a LAN adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated within destination, header and trailer information added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level which caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. That counter provides the raw value for the LAN "rcverrors" variable. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets accepted, but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage), is tracked by a counter which provides the raw value of the "recvdrops" resource variable. Messages and data sent by an application to a LAN adapter for transmission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header then transmitted as frames by the adapter device. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of transmission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the LAN "xmiterrors", "xmitovfl" and "xmitdrops" resource variables. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the average number of receive errors at the adapter per second. The average is calculated as the number of errors detected between observations of the variable, divided by the time in seconds between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of receive errors detected on ethernet adapter "ent0" on node 5 exceeds 1 per second, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors Resource ID: Adapter=ent0;NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 1 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Adapter" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Adapter" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all LAN adapters on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN class of resource variables can be used to monitor attributes of LAN adapters: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors Count of frame receive errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops Count of receive packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops Count of transmit packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors Count of frame transmit errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl Count of transmit queue overflows.The number of receive packets dropped at the device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops represents the number of receive packets which were dropped by the adapter device driver. The resource variables's resource ID specifies the name of the adapter (Adapter), and the number of the node (NodeNum) the adapter is installed on. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some examples are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for a Ethernet adapter or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number assigned, creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. The lsdev command can be used to display information about network adapters: # lsdev -C -k ent -H name status location description ent0 Available 00-01 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) ent1 Available 00-02 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) #lsdev -C -k atm -H name status location description atm0 Available 00-06 155 Mbps ATM Fiber Adapter (8f67) Shows that the system the command was executed on has two Ethernet and one ATM adapters installed and available. The adapter logical device names, "ent0", "ent1", and "atm0" could be used as the value of the resource ID element, "Adapter", in specifying an adapter in a query or event registration. Messages received by a LAN adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated within destination, header and trailer information added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level which caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. That counter provides the raw value for the LAN "rcverrors" variable. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets accepted, but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage), is tracked by a counter which provides the raw value of the "recvdrops" resource variable. Messages and data sent by an application to a LAN adapter for transmission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header then transmitted as frames by the adapter device. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number transmission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the LAN "xmiterrors", "xmitovfl" and "xmitdrops" resource variables. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the average number of receive packets dropped by the adapter per second. The average is calculated as the number of drops occurring between observations of the variable, divided by the time in seconds between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of receive packets dropped by ethernet adapter "ent0" on node 5 exceeds 10 per second, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops Resource ID: Adapter=ent0;NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 10 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Adapter" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Adapter" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all LAN adapters on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN class of resource variables can be used to monitor attributes of LAN adapters: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors Count of frame receive errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops Count of receive packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops Count of transmit packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors Count of frame transmit errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl Count of transmit queue overflows.The number of transmit packets dropped at the device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops represents the number of outbound packets which were dropped by the adapter device driver. The resource variables's resource ID specifies the name of the adapter (Adapter), and the number of the node (NodeNum) the adapter is installed on. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some examples are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for a Ethernet adapter or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number assigned, creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. The lsdev command can be used to display information about network adapters: # lsdev -C -k ent -H name status location description ent0 Available 00-01 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) ent1 Available 00-02 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) #lsdev -C -k atm -H name status location description atm0 Available 00-06 155 Mbps ATM Fiber Adapter (8f67) Shows that the system the command was executed on has two Ethernet and one ATM adapters installed and available. The adapter logical device names, "ent0", "ent1", and "atm0" could be used as the value of the resource ID element, "Adapter", in specifying an adapter in a query or event registration. Messages received by a LAN adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated within destination, header and trailer information added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level which caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. That counter provides the raw value for the LAN "rcverrors" variable. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets accepted, but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage), is tracked by a counter which provides the raw value of the "recvdrops" resource variable. Messages and data sent by an application to a LAN adapter for transmission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header then transmitted as frames by the adapter device. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number transmission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the LAN "xmiterrors", "xmitovfl" and "xmitdrops" resource variables. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the average number of transmit packets dropped by the adapter per second. The average is calculated as the number of drops occurring between observations of the variable, divided by the time in seconds between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of transmit packets dropped by ethernet adapter "ent0" on node 5 exceeds 10 per second, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops Resource ID: Adapter=ent0;NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 10 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Adapter" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Adapter" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all LAN adapters on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN class of resource variables can be used to monitor attributes of LAN adapters: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors Count of frame receive errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops Count of receive packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops Count of transmit packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors Count of frame transmit errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl Count of transmit queue overflows.The number of frame transmit errors at the adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors represents the number of transmit errors which occurred at the adapter level. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the name of the adapter (Adapter), and the number of the node (NodeNum) the adapter is installed on. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some examples are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for a Ethernet adapter or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number assigned, creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. The lsdev command can be used to display information about network adapters: # lsdev -C -k ent -H name status location description ent0 Available 00-01 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) ent1 Available 00-02 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) #lsdev -C -k atm -H name status location description atm0 Available 00-06 155 Mbps ATM Fiber Adapter (8f67) Shows that the system the command was executed on has two Ethernet and one ATM adapters installed and available. The adapter logical device names, "ent0", "ent1", and "atm0" could be used as the value of the resource ID element, "Adapter", in specifying an adapter in a query or event registration. Messages received by a LAN adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated within destination, header and trailer information added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level which caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. That counter provides the raw value for the LAN "rcverrors" variable. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets accepted, but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage), is tracked by a counter which provides the raw value of the "recvdrops" resource variable. Messages and data sent by an application to a LAN adapter for transmission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header then transmitted as frames by the adapter device. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number transmission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the LAN "xmiterrors", "xmitovfl" and "xmitdrops" resource variables. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the average number of transmit errors at the adapter per second. The average is calculated as the number of errors detected between observations of the variable, divided by the time in seconds between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of transmit errors detected on ethernet adapter "ent0" on node 5 exceeds 1 per second, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors Resource ID: Adapter=ent0;NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 1 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Adapter" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Adapter" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all LAN adapters on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN class of resource variables can be used to monitor attributes of LAN adapters: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors Count of frame receive errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops Count of receive packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops Count of transmit packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors Count of frame transmit errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl Count of transmit queue overflows.The number of transmit queue overflows. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl represents the number of transmit queue overflows at the adapter device driver level. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the name of the adapter (Adapter), and the number of the node (NodeNum) the adapter is installed on. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some examples are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for a Ethernet adapter or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number assigned, creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. The lsdev command can be used to display information about network adapters: # lsdev -C -k ent -H name status location description ent0 Available 00-01 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) ent1 Available 00-02 Ethernet High-Performance LAN Adapter (8ef5) #lsdev -C -k atm -H name status location description atm0 Available 00-06 155 Mbps ATM Fiber Adapter (8f67) Shows that the system the command was executed on has two Ethernet and one ATM adapters installed and available. The adapter logical device names, "ent0", "ent1", and "atm0" could be used as the value of the resource ID element, "Adapter", in specifying an adapter in a query or event registration. Messages received by a LAN adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated within destination, header and trailer information added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level which caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. That counter provides the raw value for the LAN "rcverrors" variable. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets accepted, but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage), is tracked by a counter which provides the raw value of the "recvdrops" resource variable. Messages and data sent by an application to a LAN adapter for transmission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header then transmitted as frames by the adapter device. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number transmission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the LAN "xmiterrors", "xmitovfl" and "xmitdrops" resource variables. The value type of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl resource variable is Counter. The value of the variable therefore represents the average number of transmit queue overflows per second. The average is calculated as the number of errors detected between observations of the variable, divided by the time in seconds between observations. The observation interval is defined in the EM_Resource_Class SDR class for the variable (IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN). Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of transmit queue overflows on ethernet adapter "ent0" on node 5 exceeds 10 per second, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl Resource ID: Adapter=ent0;NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 10 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Adapter" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded. If the "Adapter" resource ID element is wildcarded, the event registration or query will be applied to all LAN adapters on the target node or nodes. Wildcarding "NodeNum" will apply the action to all nodes in the domain. Related resource variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN class of resource variables can be used to monitor attributes of LAN adapters: IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.rcverrors Count of frame receive errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.recvdrops Count of receive packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitdrops Count of transmit packets dropped at device driver level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmiterrors Count of frame transmit errors at adapter level. IBM.PSSP.aixos.LAN.xmitovfl Count of transmit queue overflows.The number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls resource variable represents the rate of requests per second for a kernel memory buffer. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. The resource ID element "Type" is used to specify the type of kernel memory to be monitored. Valid values for the "Type" resource ID element are: mbuf - Network data buffer. socket - Kernel socket structure. protcb - Protocol control block. otherip - Other IP. mblk - Stream header and data. streams - Other stream related memory. other - Other kernel memory. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). AIX provides routines used by the kernel and by services executing at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. The IBM.PSSP.Mem.Kmem.* resource variables can be used to monitor the number, size and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Example expression: To be notified when the rate of mbuf requests on node 10 exceeds 100 per second, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Resource ID: NodeNum=10;Type=mbuf Expression: X > 100 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Wildcarding the Type resource ID element results in the query or event registration being applied to all kernel memory buffer types. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures resource variable represents the rate of requests per second for a kernel memory buffer that were unsuccessful. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. The resource ID element "Type" is used to specify the type of kernel memory to be monitored. Valid values for the "Type" resource ID element are: mbuf - Network data buffer. socket - Kernel socket structure. protcb - Protocol control block. otherip - Other IP. mblk - Stream header and data. streams - Other stream related memory. other - Other kernel memory. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). AIX provides routines used by the kernel and by services executing at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. The IBM.PSSP.Mem.Kmem.* resource variables can be used to monitor the number, size and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Example expression: To be notified when the rate of unsuccessful allocations of kernel protocol control blocks on node 8 is at least 1 per second, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Resource ID: NodeNum=8;Type=protcb Expression: X >= 1 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Wildcarding the Type resource ID element results in the query or event registration being applied to all kernel memory buffer types. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The number of kernel memory buffers in use. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse resource variable represents the number of kernel memory buffers that are currently in use. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. The resource ID element "Type" is used to specify the type of kernel memory to be monitored. Valid values for the "Type" resource ID element are: mbuf - Network data buffer. socket - Kernel socket structure. protcb - Protocol control block. otherip - Other IP. mblk - Stream header and data. streams - Other stream related memory. other - Other kernel memory. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). AIX provides routines used by the kernel and by services executing at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. The IBM.PSSP.Mem.Kmem.* resource variables can be used to monitor the number, size and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Example expression: To receive a notification that the number of kernel memory buffers used for sockets on node 3 has exceeded 500, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Resource ID: NodeNum=3;Type=socket Expression: X > 500 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Wildcarding the Type resource ID element results in the query or event registration being applied to all kernel memory buffer types. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The ammount of memory that is currently in use (bytes). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse resource variable represents the amount, in bytes, of kernel memory buffers that are currently in use. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. The resource ID element "Type" is used to specify the type of kernel memory to be monitored. Valid values for the "Type" resource ID element are: mbuf - Network data buffer. socket - Kernel socket structure. protcb - Protocol control block. otherip - Other IP. mblk - Stream header and data. streams - Other stream related memory. other - Other kernel memory. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. There are two protection modes that processes execute in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes executing in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). AIX provides routines used by the kernel and by services executing at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. The IBM.PSSP.Mem.Kmem.* resource variables can be used to monitor the number, size and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Example expression: To obtain a snapshot of kernel memory usage in bytes on all nodes, one could query using the information that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Resource ID: NodeNum=*;Type=* The wildcarding the NodeNum and Type resource ID elements will result in querying all kernel memory buffer types on all nodes in the domain. Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Wildcarding the Type resource ID element results in the query or event registration being applied to all kernel memory buffer types. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The percentage of memory which is free. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free resource variable represents the percent of real page frames that are currently available on the VMM free list. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may be shared between processes or private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Memory regions defined in either system or user space may be pinned. Pinning a memory region prohibits the pager from stealing pages from the pages backing the pinned memory region. Once a memory region is pinned, accessing that region does not result in a page fault until the region is subsequently unpinned. While a portion of the AIX kernel remains pinned, many regions are pagable and are only pinned while being accessed. Thresholds used by the VMM include the minimum and maximum number of pages to be maintained on the free list (used to determine when the VMM should start or stop stealing pages to replenish the free list), and the maximum percentage of real memory which may be pinned. The values of these thresholds may be queried or altered using the system command vmtune. Example expression: To be notified each time the percentage of free page frames drops below 5 on node 7, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X < 5 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The percentage of memory which is pinned. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned resource variable represents the percentage of real page frames that are currently pinned and cannot be paged out. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may be shared between processes or private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Memory regions defined in either system or user space may be pinned. Pinning a memory region prohibits the pager from stealing pages from the pages backing the pinned memory region. Once a memory region is pinned, accessing that region does not result in a page fault until the region is subsequently unpinned. While a portion of the AIX kernel remains pinned, many regions are pagable and are only pinned while being accessed. Thresholds used by the VMM include the minimum and maximum number of pages to be maintained on the free list (used to determine when the VMM should start or stop stealing pages to replenish the free list), and the maximum percentage of real memory which may be pinned. The values of these thresholds may be queried or altered using the system command vmtune. Example expression: To be notified each time the percentage of pinned pages exceeds 75 on node 7, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X > 75 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The number of pages on the free list. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb resource variable represents the number of real page frames that are currently available on the VMM free list. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may be shared between processes or private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Memory regions defined in either system or user space may be pinned. Pinning a memory region prohibits the pager from stealing pages from the pages backing the pinned memory region. Once a memory region is pinned, accessing that region does not result in a page fault until the region is subsequently unpinned. While a portion of the AIX kernel remains pinned, many regions are pagable and are only pinned while being accessed. Thresholds used by the VMM include the minimum and maximum number of pages to be maintained on the free list (used to determine when the VMM should start or stop stealing pages to replenish the free list), and the maximum percentage of real memory which may be pinned. The values of these thresholds may be queried or altered using the system command vmtune. Example expression: To be notified each time the number of free page frames drops below 120 on node 7, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: X < 120 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The size of the physical memory (4K pages). The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size resource variable represents the actual size of the real system memory (RAM) as the number of real page frames. The resource ID element, "NodeNum" is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may be shared between processes or private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Memory regions defined in either system or user space may be pinned. Pinning a memory region prohibits the pager from stealing pages from the pages backing the pinned memory region. Once a memory region is pinned, accessing that region does not result in a page fault until the region is subsequently unpinned. While a portion of the AIX kernel remains pinned, many regions are pagable and are only pinned while being accessed. Thresholds used by the VMM include the minimum and maximum number of pages to be maintained on the free list (used to determine when the VMM should start or stop stealing pages to replenish the free list), and the maximum percentage of real memory which may be pinned. The values of these thresholds may be queried or altered using the system command vmtune. Example expression: To obtain the size of real memory (RAM) on all nodes, one could query the Event Management subsystem using the information that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Resource ID: NodeNum=* The wildcarded NodeNum resource ID element value will result in the query being applied to all nodes in the domain. The size returned from each node is reported in number of page frames. Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The rate of 4K pages read by VMM. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein resource variable represents the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is reading pages for both persistent and working segments from disk storage. The resource ID element, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may either be shared between processes or be private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Segments managed by the VMM are considered to be persistent or working. The pages of a persistent segment have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent segments. Since the pages of a persistent segment have a permanent storage location, if the VMM needs to move such a page from real memory, it can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page page on a subsequent request. Working segments are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text segments, and shared-library text and data segments. Pages of working segments also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of pages read by the VMM for both persistent and working segments exceeds 500 per second on node 5, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 500 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* and IBM.PSSP.aixos.pgsp.* resource variables may be used to monitor attributes of paging space. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The rate of 4K pages written by VMM. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout resource variable represents the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is writing pages for both persistent and working segments to disk storage. The resource ID element, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may either be shared between processes or be private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Segments managed by the VMM are considered to be persistent or working. The pages of a persistent segment have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent segments. Since the pages of a persistent segment have a permanent storage location, if the VMM needs to move such a page from real memory, it can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page page on a subsequent request. Working segments are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text segments, and shared-library text and data segments. Pages of working segments also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Example expression: To be notified each time the rate of pages written by the VMM for both persistent and working segments exceeds 500 pages per second on node 5, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 500 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* and IBM.PSSP.aixos.pgsp.* resource variables may be used to monitor attributes of paging space. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The rate of page faults. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct resource variable represents the average rate of page faults that occur per second. The resource ID element, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may either be shared between processes or be private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Segments managed by the VMM are considered to be persistent or working. The pages of a persistent segment have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent segments. Since the pages of a persistent segment have a permanent storage location, if the VMM needs to move such a page from real memory, it can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page page on a subsequent request. Working segments are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text segments, and shared-library text and data segments. Pages of working segments also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Example expression: To be notified each time the number of page faults per second on node 5 exceeds 500, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 500 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* and IBM.PSSP.aixos.pgsp.* resource variables may be used to monitor attributes of paging space. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The rate of 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin resource variable represents the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is reading pages of working segments from paging space disk storage. The resource ID element, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may either be shared between processes or be private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Segments managed by the VMM are considered to be persistent or working. The pages of a persistent segment have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent segments. Since the pages of a persistent segment have a permanent storage location, if the VMM needs to move such a page from real memory, it can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page page on a subsequent request. Working segments are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text segments, and shared-library text and data segments. Pages of working segments also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Example expression: To be notified each time more than 500 pages per second are read by the VMM on node 5 from paging space devices only (working segments), one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 500 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* and IBM.PSSP.aixos.pgsp.* resource variables may be used to monitor attributes of paging space. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The rate of 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout resource variable represents the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is writing pages of working segments from paging space disk storage. The resource ID element, "NodeNum", is used to specify the number of the node to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The RS/6000 virtual address space is partitioned into segments. Segments are fixed-size, contiguous portions of the virtual address space. Process addressability to data is at the segment (or object) level so that a segment may either be shared between processes or be private. Virtual memory segments are partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page in a segment may be in real memory (RAM), or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units, equal in size to virtual pages, and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Segments managed by the VMM are considered to be persistent or working. The pages of a persistent segment have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent segments. Since the pages of a persistent segment have a permanent storage location, if the VMM needs to move such a page from real memory, it can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page page on a subsequent request. Working segments are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text segments, and shared-library text and data segments. Pages of working segments also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of repage faults in the segment, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Example expression: To be notified each time more than 500 pages per second are written by the VMM on node 5 to paging space devices only (working segments), one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 500 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element value may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* and IBM.PSSP.aixos.pgsp.* resource variables may be used to monitor attributes of paging space. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of kernel memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.calls Number of requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.failures Number of unsuccessful requests for a kernel memory buffer. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.inuse Count of kernel memory buffers in use. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Kmem.memuse Current memory use (bytes). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of real (RAM) memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%free Percent memory which is free. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.%pinned Percent memory which is pinned. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.numfrb Number of pages on free list. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Real.size Size of physical memory (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of virtual memory. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagein 4K pages read by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pageout 4K pages written by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pagexct Total page faults. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgin 4K pages read from paging space by VMM. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Mem.Virt.pgspgout 4K pages written to paging space by VMM. Free portion of this paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free represents the percentage of free paging space available for a specific paging-space logical volume. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the name of the paging-space (Name), and the number of the node (NodeNum) on which the paging-space device resides. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is resident in virtual memory, but is not currently being accessed. A paging space, or swap space, is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other activities. The lsps command can be used to display information about paging space defined on a system. lsps -a displays the characteristics of all paging spaces defined on the system. For example: # lsps -a Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 25 yes yes lv Shows that the system the command was executed on has three 256M paging spaces defined and active. Limitations: There is another type of paging space which is accessed through a device that uses an NFS server for paging-space storage. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* resource variables are available only for paging-space logical volumes, and are not available for NFS mounted paging-space. However, the global paging-space resource variables, IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.*, do include NFS mounted paging-spaces in their values. Example expression: The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). The system monitors the number of free paging space blocks and detects when a paging-space shortage exists. When the number of free paging blocks falls below a threshold known as the paging-space warning level, the system informs all processes (except kprocs) of this condition by sending the SIGDANGER signal. If the shortage continues and falls below a second threshold known as the paging-space terminate level, the system sends the SIGKILL signal to processes that are the major users of paging space and that do not have a signal handler for the SIGDANGER signal. The warning and terminate level thresholds can be obtained and altered using the command vmtune (npswarn and npskill parameters respectively). Processes executing in the early allocation environment avoid receiving the SIGKILL signal if a low paging space condition occurs. If the PSALLOC environment variable is set to "early" when a program starts, paging space is reserved at the time the process makes a memory request. If there is insufficient paging space, the early allocation alogrithm used by the operating system will cause the memory request to be unsuccessful. If the PSALLOC environment is not set, or is set to any value other than "early", the operating system uses a late allocation algorithm for memory and paging space allocation. Late allocation does not reserve paging space at the time the memory is requested, but defers the reservation until the pages are touched. Note: The VMM is a complex system and paging space requirements depend on a number of factors including the paging space allocation policy used, amount of real memory, and type of activities performed on the system. A thorough understanding of system paging requirements and AIX memory management is recommended before attempting to alter VMM operating operating parameters or selecting a system paging space allocation policy. To be notified when less than 20% of paging space "paging01" on node 5 is free, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free Resource ID: Name=paging01;NodeNum=5 Expression: X < 256 Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Name" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all paging-spaces on the target node or nodes (Name=*), or all nodes in the domain (NodeNum=*), or both. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* variables represent the global state of all active (including NFS mounted) paging spaces, defined in the system. IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree Total free disk space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused Total used disk paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Total free disk paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Total active paging space size (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of specific paging-space logical volumes. IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free Free portion of this paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Size of paging space (4K pages).Total free disk space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree represents the percentage of free paging space available for all active paging-space logical volumes on a node. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is resident in virtual memory, but is not currently being accessed. A paging space, or swap space, is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other activities. There is another type of paging-space available which can be accessed through a device that uses an NFS server for paging-space storage. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* resource variables include in their total values both paging-space logical volumes and NFS mounted paging-space. The lsps command can be used to display information about paging space defined on a system. lsps -a displays the characteristics of all paging spaces defined on the system. For example: # lsps -a Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 25 yes yes lv Shows that the system the command was executed on has three 256M paging spaces defined and active. Example expression: The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). To be notified when more than 90% of the total paging space on node 5 is in use, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X < 10 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* variables represent the global state of all active (including NFS mounted) paging spaces, defined in the system. IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree Total free disk space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused Total used disk paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Total free disk paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Total active paging space size (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of specific paging-space logical volumes. IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free Free portion of this paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Size of paging space (4K pages).Total used disk paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused represents the percentage paging space in use for all active paging-space logical volumes on a node. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is resident in virtual memory, but is not currently being accessed. A paging space, or swap space, is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other activities. There is another type of paging-space available which can be accessed through a device that uses an NFS server for paging-space storage. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* resource variables include in their total values both paging-space logical volumes and NFS mounted paging-space. The lsps command can be used to display information about paging space defined on a system. lsps -a displays the characteristics of all paging spaces defined on the system. For example: # lsps -a Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 25 yes yes lv Shows that the system the command was executed on has three 256M paging spaces defined and active. Example expression: The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). To be notified when more than 90% of the total paging space on node 5 is in use, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused Resource ID: NodeNum=5 Expression: X > 90 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* variables represent the global state of all active (including NFS mounted) paging spaces, defined in the system. IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree Total free disk space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused Total used disk paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Total free disk paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Total active paging space size (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of specific paging-space logical volumes. IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free Free portion of this paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Size of paging space (4K pages).The size of the paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size represents the size of a specific paging space logical volume. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the name of the paging-space (Name), and the number of the node (NodeNum) on which the paging-space device resides. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is resident in virtual memory, but is not currently being accessed. A paging space, or swap space, is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other activities. The lsps command can be used to display information about paging space defined on a system. lsps -a displays the characteristics of all paging spaces defined on the system. For example: # lsps -a Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 25 yes yes lv Shows that the system the command was executed on has three 256M paging spaces defined and active. Limitations: There is another type of paging space which is accessed through a device that uses an NFS server for paging-space storage. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* resource variables are available only for paging-space logical volumes, and are not available for NFS mounted paging-space. However, the global paging-space resource variables, IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.*, do include NFS mounted paging-spaces in their values. Example expression: The size of an active paging space will remain constant unless altered using the chps command. Using the example lsps output, the size of paging space "paging01" could be queried on node 5, by specifying the information that follows:n Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Resource ID: Name=paging01;NodeNum=5 To be notified that the size of paging space "paging01" has been changed on node 5, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Resource ID: Name=paging01;NodeNum=5 Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: Both the "Name" and "NodeNum" resource ID elements may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all paging-spaces on the target node(s) (Name=*), or all nodes in the domain (NodeNum=*), or both. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* variables represent the global state of all active (including NFS mounted) paging spaces, defined in the system. IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree Total free disk space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused Total used disk paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Total free disk paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Total active paging space size (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of specific paging-space logical volumes. IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free Free portion of this paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Size of paging space (4K pages).Total free disk paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree represents the size, in 4k pages, of available paging space for all active paging-space logical volumes on a node. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is resident in virtual memory, but is not currently being accessed. A paging space, or swap space, is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other activities. There is another type of paging-space available which can be accessed through a device that uses an NFS server for paging-space storage. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* resource variables include in their total values both paging-space logical volumes and NFS mounted paging-space. The lsps command can be used to display information about paging space defined on a system. lsps -a displays the characteristics of all paging spaces defined on the system. For example: # lsps -a Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 25 yes yes lv Shows that the system the command was executed on has three 256M paging spaces defined and active. Example expression: The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). The system monitors the number of free paging space blocks and detects when a paging-space shortage exists. When the number of free paging blocks falls below a threshold known as the paging-space warning level, the system informs all processes (except kprocs) of this condition by sending the SIGDANGER signal. If the shortage continues and falls below a second threshold known as the paging-space terminate level, the system sends the SIGKILL signal to processes that are the major users of paging space and that do not have a signal handler for the SIGDANGER signal. The warning and terminate level thresholds can be obtained and altered by the command vmtune (npswarn and npskill parameters respectively). Processes executing in the early allocation environment avoid receiving the SIGKILL signal if a low paging space condition occurs. If the PSALLOC environment variable is set the "early" when a program starts, paging space is reserved at the time the process makes a memory request. If there is insufficient paging space, the early allocation alogrithm used by the operating system will cause the memory request to be unsuccessful. If the PSALLOC environment is not set, or is set to any value other than "early", the operating system uses a late allocation algorithm for memory and paging space allocation. Late allocation does not reserve paging space at the time the memory is requested, but defers the reservation until the pages are touched. Note: The VMM is a complex system and paging space requirements depend on a number of factors including the paging space allocation policy used, amount of real memory, and type of activities performed on the system. A thorough understanding of system paging requirements and AIX memory management is recommended before attempting to alter VMM operating parameters. The event registration examples that follows could be used to generate a notification when the system is nearing the paging-space warning and terminate level thresholds. The examples assume a warning level of 2048 4k pages (8 megabytes), and a terminate level of 512 4k pages (2 megabytes). To be notified that the VMM is within 2 megabytes (512 4k pages) of reaching the paging-space warning level, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X <= 2560 Re-arm expression: X > 2560 The wildcarded NodeNum resource ID element will result in the event being registered on all nodes in the domain. The re-arm expression could be optionally included to cause a notification to be sent when the expression condition is no longer true (if the HA_EM_CMD_REG2 command is used). To receive a further notification that the npswarn threshold was exceeded, and the system is nearing the paging-space terminate level, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X <= 1024 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* variables represent the global state of all active (including NFS mounted) paging spaces, defined in the system. IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree Total free disk space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused Total used disk paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Total free disk paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Total active paging space size (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of specific paging-space logical volumes. IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free Free portion of this paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Size of paging space (4K pages).Total active paging space size (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize represents the total size of all active active paging-space logical volumes. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) to be monitored. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is resident in virtual memory, but is not currently being accessed. A paging space, or swap space, is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other activities. There is another type of paging-space available which can be accessed through a device that uses an NFS server for paging-space storage. The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* resource variables include in their total values both paging-space logical volumes and NFS mounted paging-space. The lsps command can be used to display information about paging space defined on a system. lsps -a displays the characteristics of all paging spaces defined on the system. For example: # lsps -a Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 20 yes yes lv hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 256MB 25 yes yes lv Shows that the system the command was executed on has three 256M paging spaces defined and active. Example expression: The size of the active paging space on a system remains constant until it is changed, a new paging-space is added or a paging-space is removed. The "totalsize" resource variable may be used to query the total active sizes on each node in the domain, by specifying the information in the query that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Resource ID: NodeNum=* To be notified that the total size of paging space on any node in the domain has changed, one could register for the event that follows: Resource variable: IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Resource ID: NodeNum=* Expression: X != X@P Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related Resource Variables: The IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.* variables represent the global state of all active (including NFS mounted) paging spaces, defined in the system. IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalfree Total free disk space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.%totalused Total used disk paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalfree Total free disk paging space (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.PagSp.totalsize Total active paging space size (4K pages). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.* variables may be used to monitor attributes of specific paging-space logical volumes. IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.%free Free portion of this paging space (percent). IBM.PSSP.aixos.pagsp.size Size of paging space (4K pages).The average number of processes that are waiting for the cpu. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque represents the average number of processes on the run queue, waiting for the CPU. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) on which to monitor the run queue. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The AIX scheduler maintains a run queue of all of the processes that are ready to be dispatched. Each second, the process table is scanned to determine which processes are ready to run. If one or more processes are ready, they are placed on the run queue and a counter is incremented. The counter is used to compute the value of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque variable as the average number of ready to run processes. The scheduler also scans the process table for processes which are inactive because they are waiting to be paged in. A swapped process may (or may not) have some or all of its pages moved to the swap (page) device. As with the the "runque" variable, the system maintains a number and update counter for swapped processes, which are used to compute the value of IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.swpque as the average number of processes swapped out. A process must be paged in and marked nonswapped before it can be placed on the run queue for execution. Example expression: To be notified each time the average number of of processes on the run queue on node 7 has increased by 50% or more between observations, one could register for the event that follows: Resource varible: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: (X - X@P) >= (X@P * .5) Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related resource variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.swpque Average count of processes waiting to be paged in.The average number of processes waiting to be paged in. IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.swpque represents the average number of processes on the swap queue, waiting to be paged in. The resource variable's resource ID specifies the number of the node (NodeNum) on which to monitor the run queue. This variable is supplied by the "aixos" resource monitor. The AIX scheduler maintains a run queue of all of the processes that are ready to be dispatched. Each second, the process table is scanned to determine which processes are ready to run. If one or more processes are ready, they are placed on the run queue and a counter is incremented. The counter is used to compute the value of the IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque variable as the average number of ready to run processes. The scheduler also scans the process table for processes which are inactive because they are waiting to be paged in. A swapped process may (or may not) have some or all of its pages moved to the swap (page) device. As with the the "runque" variable, the system maintains a number and update counter for swapped processes. which are used to compute the value of IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.swpque as the average number of processes swapped out. A process must be paged in and marked nonswapped before it can be placed on the run queue for execution. Example expression: To be notified each time the average number of of processes swapped out on node 7 has increased by 10 processes or more, one could register for the event that follows: Resource varible: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque Resource ID: NodeNum=7 Expression: (X - X@P) >= 10 Resource ID wildcarding: The NodeNum resource ID element may be wildcarded to apply a query or event registration to all nodes within the domain. Related resource variables: IBM.PSSP.aixos.Proc.runque Average count of processes that are waiting for the cpu.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.CPU: The name of the CPU; for example, cpu0.NodeNum: The number of the node controlling the disk.Name: The name of the disk.NodeNum: The number of the node on which the filesystem resides.VG: The name of the volume group on which the filesystem resides.LV: The name of the logical volume on which the filesystem resides.NodeNum: The number of the node on which the volume group resides.VG: The name of the volume group.NodeNum: The number of the node containing the LAN adapter.Adapter: The name of the LAN adapter.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.Type: The type of kernel memory buffer. Valid values are "mbuf", "socket", "protcb" (protocol control block), "otherip" (other IP), "mblk" (stream header and data), "streams" (other stream related memory), and "other" (other kernel memory).NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.Name: The name of the paging space device for which the information applies.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.NodeNum: The number of the node for which the information applies.SBS variable updated each time an SDR class is modified.The SDR class corresponding to the Class resource ID element has been modified.Instances of the SDR modification resource variable are distinguished by SDR class name.