ùISO8859-1yL|ÆBC]†uäsnmpevent [-a agent] [-c community] -a agent: This is the hostname of the agent who will send the SNMP trap. The default is "localhost". -c community: This is the community string, or password that the AIX subagent will use to connect to the agent. The default is "public". -h display this help message. snmpevent [-H hostname] [-c community] -H hostname: This is the hostname of the machine that will receive the SNMP trap. The default is "localhost". -c community: This is the community string, or password that is sent to the SNMP management application. The default is "public". -h display this help message. This subsystem is defined by RSCT to receive SNMP alerts and trapsRMC SNMP is not configured because supported SNMP packages are not installed on this system. cfgrmcsnmp [-u] [-h] -u Uninstalls RMC ability to receive traps in the audit log -h display this help message.