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This subsystem is defined by ERRM for recording significant event information. %1$s registered successfully with RMC. %1$s failed to register with RMC. Error: %2$s. %1$s unregistered successfully with RMC. %1$s failed to unregister with RMC. Error: %2$s. %1$s : %2$s occurred at %3$t on %4$s. Error detected during monitoring for %1$s. Error: %2$s. %1$s from %2$s that occurred at %3$t will cause %4$s from %5$s to be executed. %1$s from %2$s that occurred at %3$t caused %4$s from %5$s to complete with a return code of %6$d. %1$s from %2$s that occurred at %3$t caused %4$s from %5$s to complete with a return code of %6$d which matches with the expected return code. %1$s from %2$s that occurred at %3$t caused %4$s from %5$s to complete with a return code of %6$d which does not match with the expected return code %7$d. Event TypeType of event that occurred. Event TimeTime of event that occurred. Condition NameName of the Condition resource. Resource Name Name of the resource whose attribute changed to caused this event or rearm event. Error Message Error message that is generated by ERrm or returned from RMC. EventResponse NameName of the EventResponse resource. Command The command that gets executed when an event occurs.Return CodeThe value of the exit status from the command.Standard OutputThe standard output from the command.Standard ErrorThe standard error from the commandExpected Return CodeThe expected successful return code for the command2636-064 Action identifier %1$d is not valid for class "%2$s". 2636-065 The number of parameters passed to the action is not valid. 2636-066 The data type of one or more parameters passed to the action is not valid. 2636-067 A condition name cannot be a NULL string or contain all spaces. 2636-068 An event response name cannot be a NULL string or contain all spaces. 2636-069 %1$s is invalid. %1$s failed to register with RMC. %1$s failed to unregister with RMC. Error detected during monitoring for %1$s. %1$s registered again successfully with RMC when the RMC session was restored. %1$s unregistered with RMC because the RMC session is lost. Monitoring of condition %1$s resumed after the Resource Manager recovered from a failure. The resource %1$s of the monitored condition %2$s was deleted or no longer matched to the select string. The condition %1$s cannot be monitored due to errors from the Resource Manager. Monitoring of condition %1$s is started successfully. Monitoring of condition %1$s cannot be started due to subsystem errors. Monitoring of condition %1$s is stopped sucessfully. Monitoring of condition %1$s cannot be stopped due to subsystem errors. Monitoring of condition %1$s resumed after RMC session was restored. The condition %1$s cannot be monitored because RMC session is lost. EventRearm eventInformationalWarningCriticalMonitoring of condition %1$s is started successfully on %2$s. Monitoring of condition %1$s cannot be started due to subsystem errors on %2$s. Monitoring of condition %1$s is stopped sucessfully on %2$s. Monitoring of condition %1$s cannot be stopped due to subsystem errors on %2$s. Monitoring of condition %1$s resumed after RMC session was restored on %2$s. The condition %1$s cannot be monitored because RMC session is lost on %2$s. %1$s : %2$s occurred at %3$t on %4$s on %5$s. Error detected during monitoring for %1$s on %2$s. Monitoring of condition %1$s resumed after the Resource Manager recovered from a failure on %2$s. The resource %1$s of the monitored condition %2$s was deleted or no longer matched to the select string on %3$s. The condition %1$s cannot be monitored due to errors from the Resource Manager on %2$s. NodeThe node on which the monitoring or event occurs.2636-070 Invalid value for Condition ManagementScope attribute. 2636-071 Invalid value for NodeNameList. %1$s cannot be monitored due to a valid RMC session cannot be established. 2636-072 Value for Locked attribute must be 0 or 1. 2636-073 The resource is locked, attribute values cannot be changed. 2636-074 The resource is locked and cannot be undefined. 2636-075 The resource is locked, the requested operation cannot be performed. 2636-076 Value for NoToggleExprFlag attribute must be 0 or 1. 2636-077 The NodeNames attribute cannot be specified when the ManagementScope attribute value is local scope. Error event2636-078 The Condition and EventResponse resources do not have matching event batching attributes. 2636-079 A value for EventBatchingMaxEvents is not valid unless EventBatchingInterval is greater than 0. Batch eventThe resource %1$s of the monitored condition %2$s was deleted on node %3$s. The resource %1$s of the monitored condition %2$s is no longer matched to the select string on node %3$s. The node %1$s where resource %2$s of the monitored condition %3$s doesn't belong to the nodegroup any more. 2636-080 A value for %s is not valid unless EventBatchingInterval is greater than 0. 2636-081 Value for AuditLogControl attribute must be between %d and %d. 2636-082 Can't enable event batching for this Condition since it's associated to EventResponse(s) that is(are) not batching capable. 2636-083 Can't disable event batching for this Condition since it's associated to one or more batching capable EventResponse(s). The EventResponse resource class allows a user to define the commands to be executed when an event occurs. Event ResponseWhenever a new EventResponse resource is defined, the ResourceDefined attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource DefinedGeneralAdvancedInternalThis is an example expression for attribute ResourceDefined in resource class EventResponse. Whenever an EventResponse resource is undefined, the ResourceUndefined attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource UndefinedThis is an example expression for attribute ResourceUndefined in resource class EventResponse. Whenever a persistent attribute for an EventResponse resource is modified, the ConfigChanged attribute is asserted to generate an event. Configuration ChangedThis is an example expression for attribute ConfigChanged in resource class EventResponse. When the definition of the EventResponse resource changes with a new release, the value of Variety will also be changed. Therefore all EventResponse resources with the same value for Variety will have the same attributes and actions. VarietyDefines the classification of the resource class as Fixed, Floating or Concurrent. The EventResponse resource class is a Floating resource type. Resource TypeFloatingWhenever one or more persistent attribute values change, or an ACL changes, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Configuration ChangedConfiguration unchanged.A persistent attribute value has changed.An ACL has changed.A persistent attribute and an ACL have changed.GeneralAn internally assigned handle that uniquely identifies this EventResponse resource. Resource HandleAdvancedA name that uniquely identifies this EventResponse resource. When the EventResponse resource is defined, the user is required to provide a unique attribute value for the name. NameWhen the definition of the EventResponse resource class changes with a new release, the value of Variety will also be changed. Variety is used to identify the specific attributes supported for an EventResponse resource class. VarietyThe Actions attribute is an array of Structured Data. Each Structured Data element within the Structured Data array contains a command to be executed and other fields associated with that command. ActionsThe ActionName field within the Actions attribute is a user supplied value that must be unique within this Actions attribute. Action NameThe WeekDay field within the Actions attribute is a user supplied value that describes which days of the week the command within this Structured Data will be eligible to be executed. Days of the weekThe StartTime and EndTime fields within the Actions attribute are user supplied values that describe the time range of each day within the WeekDay field that the command will be eligible to be executed. Starting TimeThe StartTime and EndTime fields within the Actions attribute are user supplied values that describe the time range of each day within the WeekDay field that the command will be eligible to be executed. Ending TimeThe Command field within the Actions attribute is a user supplied value that describes the command and any options to be executed. CommandThe EventType field within the Actions attribute is a user supplied value that describes which types of events will be eligible to execute the command within this Structured Data. Event TypeThe CheckReturnCode field within the Actions attribute is a flag when set causes the Event Response Resource Manager to compare the value of the return code received from the execution of the command to the value of the ReturnCode field. Check Return CodeThe ReturnCode field within the Actions attribute is a value compared with the return code received from the execution of the command by the Event Response Resource Manager but only when the CheckReturnCode field is set. Return CodeThe StandardOutFlag field within the Actions attribute is a flag set by the user when the output from the command should be written to the Audit Log. Standard Output FlagThe NodeId of IBM.EventResponse Resource Class.Node IdentifiersThe EnvList field within the Actions attribute is an environment variable list set by the user for running the command. Environment Variable ListThe UndefResFlag field within the Actions attribute is a flag set by the user to specify that the command is to be run when a monitored resource becomes undefined. Undefined Resource FlagAn flag to indicate if the resource is currently locked. Resource LockedLockedNot LockedA class action that can be invoked by user to run actions defined within the target EventResponse resource. Run EventResponse actionsThe EventResponse name that specifies the target EventResponse resource for the actions to be run. EventResponse NameThe Condition name that causes the event to happen. Condition NameThe event's event flags. Event FlagsThe event time when the event happened. Event TimeThe environment variable list set by the user for running the actions. Environment Variable ListA flag to indicate if the Response supports event batching. Event BatchingDoes not support Batched EventsSupports Batched EventsThe Condition resource class allows a user to define a Condition resource that can be registered to RMC for event notification. ConditionWhenever a Condition resource is defined, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource DefinedExample expression of attribute ResourceDefined in resource class Condition. Whenever a Condition resource is undefined, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource UndefinedExample expression of attribute ResourceUndefined in resource class Condition. Whenever a persistent attribute for the resource class Condition changes, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Configuration ChangedExample expression of attribute ConfigChanged in resource class Condition. GeneralInternalIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class Condition. VarietyDefines the classification of the resource class as Fixed, Floating, or Concurrent. The resource class Condition is classified as Floating. Resource TypeFloatingWhenever (a) one or more persistent attribute values change or (b) an ACL changes, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Configuration ChangedConfiguration not changed.Persistent attribute value changed.ACL changed.Persistent attribute value and ACL changed.An internally assigned handle that uniquely identifies this Condition resource. Resource HandleA name that uniquely identifies this Condition resource. When a user defines a Condition, the user is required to provide a unique attribute value for the name. NameIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions for the Condition resource class that apply to this Condition resource. VarietyThe name of the resource class to which the DynamicAttribute that is being monitored by this Condition belongs. Resource ClassThe name of the dynamic attribute to be registered with RMC for monitoring. Dynamic AttributeThe exact text to be registered with RMC for monitoring, which describes when an event should be generated. Event ExpressionPrintable text assigned by the user, which describes the event that will be generated when the monitored event expression becomes true. Event DescriptionThe exact text to be registered with RMC to determine when monitoring should start again after the event expression generates an event. Rearm ExpressionPrintable text assigned by the user, which describes when monitoring should start again after the event expression generates an event. Rearm DescriptionThe exact text to be registered with RMC to limit which resources should be included in the set of monitored resources. Selection StringThis value indicates whether the event expression should be evaluated by RMC when the event registration is done. Immediate EvaluateNoYesA value assigned by the user to describe the importance of this Condition or event compared to other Conditions or events. SeverityInformationalWarningCriticalGeneralAdvancedInternalA list of node names that indicates the nodes where the Condition will be monitored. Node NamesWhenever the Condition (a) registers with RMC or (b) unregisters with RMC or (c) an RMC session is lost, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Monitoring StatusCondition is not registered with RMC.Condition is currently registered with RMC on every node specified in NodeNames.Condition is not currently registered with RMC on every node specified in NodeNames because one or more RMC sessions is lost. The Condition's monitoring status. StatusA list of nodes which monitoring status is currently in an error status. Node NamesA list of error codes corresponding to the NodeNames. Error CodesThis dynamic attribute stores the most recent event information for the Condition. This attribute can be monitored to receive event information. Event OccurredUsed by user as the expression for monitoring EventOccurred. OccurredThe error code returned from the RMC event notification for an error event. Error NumberThe error message returned by RMC to descirbe the error event. Error MessageThe event flags returned from RMC in the event notification. Event FlagsThe time the event was occurred in seconds. Event Time (sec)The time the event was occurred in microseconds. Event Time (usec)The resource handle of the resource whose state change caused the generation of this event. Resource HandleRMC ct_data_type_t of the dynamic attribute that changed to cause the generation of this event. Dynamic Attribute Data TypeThe name of the resource whose dynamic attribute changed to cause this event. Resource NameThe name of the node where the resource was being monitored when the event was generated. Node NameThe management scope the Condition applies to. Management ScopeLocal Scope.SR Scope.DM Scope.The NodeId of IBM.Condition Resource Class.Node IdentifiersThis action is used to obtain the current event status from RMC for every resource selected by the Condition's selection string. Query Event Status An error code to indicate the target Condition is not currently registered with RMC, or any other error code returned from RMC. Error CodeThis dynamic attribute indicates if the Condition is currently monitored and if there are any errors. Whenever the Condition (a) starts the monitoring or (b) stops the monitoring or (c) encounters error during monitoring, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event if this attribute is being monitored. Example expression of attribute EventOccurred in Condition for receiving a notification when the event occurred. Example expression of attribute MonitorStatus in Condition for receiving a notification when the MonitorStatus is changed. An flag to indicate if the resource is currently locked. Resource LockedLockedNot LockedA flag to indicate if event will be registered with no toggle option or not. No Toggle Expression FlagToggleNo ToggleThis dynamic attribute stores the most recent event information for the Condition. This attribute can be monitored to receive event information. Example expression of attribute LastEvent in Condition for receiving a notification when the event occurred. Last EventUsed by user as the expression for monitoring LastEvent. OccurredThe error code returned from the RMC event notification for an error event. Error NumberThe error message returned by RMC to descirbe the error event. Error MessageThe event flags returned from RMC in the event notification. Event FlagsThe time the event was occurred in seconds. Event Time (sec)The time the event was occurred in microseconds. Event Time (usec)The resource handle of the resource whose state change caused the generation of this event. Resource HandleThe name of the node where the resource was being monitored when the event was generated. Node NameThe number of attributes returned from RMC in the event notification. Number of AttributesThe number of attributes in the attributes returned from RMC in the event notification that are in the event expression. These attributes appear first in the attribute list. Number of Event AttributesThe offset to the attributes returned from RMC in the event notification. AttributesThis action displays operational information about the last events saved internally by ERRM. Statistics for Saved Last EventsThe status indicates if ERRM is internally saving the event notifications (equal to 1) or not (equal to 0). StatusThe number of events shows how many events are currently saved internally by ERRM. Number of Events SavedThis action displays the last events saved internally by ERRM. Display the Saved Last EventsUsed by user as the expression for monitoring LastEvent. OccurredThe error code returned from the RMC event notification for an error event. Error NumberThe error message returned by RMC to descirbe the error event. Error MessageThe event flags returned from RMC in the event notification. Event FlagsThe time the event was occurred in seconds. Event Time (sec)The time the event was occurred in microseconds. Event Time (usec)The resource handle of the resource whose state change caused the generation of this event. Resource HandleThe name of the node where the resource was being monitored when the event was generated. Node NameThe number of attributes returned from RMC in the event notification. Number of AttributesThe number of attributes in the attributes returned from RMC in the event notification that are in the event expression. These attributes appear first in the attribute list. Number of Event AttributesThe offset to the attributes returned from RMC in the event notification. AttributesThis action deletes the last events saved internally by ERRM by Age. Reset Last EventDelete last events saved internally by ERRM older than this age, in days.AgeThe return code from deleting saved events. It is 0 if the action completed successfully. Error CodeThe number of saved last events that were deleted. Number DeletedThis action displays the last events saved internally by ERRM for a condition. Display the Saved Last EventsUsed by user as the expression for monitoring LastEvent. OccurredThe error code returned from the RMC event notification for an error event. Error NumberThe error message returned by RMC to descirbe the error event. Error MessageThe event flags returned from RMC in the event notification. Event FlagsThe time the event was occurred in seconds. Event Time (sec)The time the event was occurred in microseconds. Event Time (usec)The resource handle of the resource whose state change caused the generation of this event. Resource HandleThe name of the node where the resource was being monitored when the event was generated. Node NameThe number of attributes returned from RMC in the event notification. Number of AttributesThe number of attributes in the attributes returned from RMC in the event notification that are in the event expression. These attributes appear first in the attribute list. Number of Event AttributesThe offset to the attributes returned from RMC in the event notification. AttributesThe event batching interval in seconds that determines when to batch the events. Event Batching Interval (sec)The maximum number of events that can be contained in a single batch of events. Maximum Number of Events for Event BatchingThe retention period in hours that determins how long the batched event file is kept. Since one batched event file can contain multiple events, the retention perioid is counted from last event in the file Retention Period of Batched Event File (Hours)The maximum size of total batched event files in MB(megabyte) that indicates some batched event file need to be deleted if total aggregate size of batched event files for this condition exceeds this value. Maximum Total Size of Batched Event Files (Megabytes)A flag to indicate that if AuditLog record will be generated for any activity with this Condition - 0: enable full AuditLog (default), 1: record only error information, 2: disable AuditLog AuditLog ControlA event is generated when new batched event file is available Last Batched Event FileA event is generated when Saved field has non-zero value indicates new batched event file is available Saveda new Batched Event File new Batched Event File NameAn Association resource joins a Condition resource and an EventResponse resource together. When the Association ActiveFlag is Active, its associated Condition resource attempts to register with RMC. When an event occurs, its associated EventResponse resource executes the configured commands. AssociationWhenever an Association resource is defined, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource DefinedExample expression of attribute ResourceDefined in resource class Association. Whenever an Association resource is undefined, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource UndefinedExample expression of attribute ResourceUndefined in resource class Association. Whenever a persistent attribute for the resource class Association changes, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Configuration ChangedExample expression of attribute ConfigChanged in resource class Association. GeneralInternalIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class Association. VarietyDefines the classification of the resource class as Fixed, Floating, or Concurrent. The resource class Association is classified as Floating.Resource TypeFloatingWhenever (a) one or more persistent attribute values change or (b) an ACL changes, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Configuration ChangedConfiguration not changed.Persistent attribute value changed.ACL changed.Persistent attribute value and ACL changed.An internally assigned handle that uniquely identifies this Association resource. Resource HandleA name used to identify an Association resource. The name does not have to be unique. If the user does not specify a name, it will be represented as a NULL string. NameIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource. VarietyThis value specifies the intent of the user that the associated Condition resource be registered with RMC and that when an event occurs, the commands configured for the associated EventResponse resource be executed. 0 - Inactive, 1 - Active. Active FlagInactiveActiveThe resource handle of a Condition that is used for RMC registration when ActiveFlag is set to Active. Condition HandleThe resource handle of an EventResponse that executes configured commands when an event occurs. Event Response HandleGeneralAdvancedInternalThis action is used to set the ActiveFlag simultaneously for multiple Association resources. Set ActiveFlagsA list of Association resource handles that are requested for setting the ActiveFlag. A list of Association resource handlesA list of ActiveFlag values that are used for setting the corresponding Association resource ActiveFlag. Active Flags This element reflects the error corresponding to its Association resource handle. Error CodeThis element reflects the Association resource handle that failed to set its ActiveFlag. Invalid Association resource handleThe NodeId of IBM.Association Resource Class.Node IdentifiersAn flag to indicate if the resource is currently locked. Resource LockedLockedNot LockedEvent TimeCondition NameSeverityEvent TypeExpressionResource NameNode NameResource ClassData TypeData ValueUsageinvalid directory%1$s %2$s occurred for Condition %3$s on the resource %4$s of the resource class %5$s at %6$sNode NameListResource Type%1$s %2$s occurred for Condition %3$s on the resource %4$s of the resource class %5$s at %6$s. The resource was monitored on %7$s and resided on %8$s. EventRearm eventInformationalWarningCritical%1$s %2$s occurred for Condition %3$s on the resource %4$s of the resource class %5$s at %6$s. The resource was monitored on %7$s and resided on %8$s. Event Value %9$s.