ISO8859-1@G2;LNN_&9 # [ Y@ 2 k+92645-200 Operation failed due to error %1$d returned from %2$s. 2645-201 An unexpected exception %1$s was caught with error code %2$d. 2645-202 An unexpected exception %1$s was caught. 2645-203 Operation failed due to exception %1$s from %2$s. 2645-204 Operation failed due to exception %1$s from $s with error code %2$d. 2645-205 Operation failed due to exception %1$s from $s with error code %2$d. 2645-206 Internal Error - Location in group table does not match the index that the group has. 2645-207 Internal Error - commandGroupCount is negative. 2645-208 RMC session is not active.2645-209 The session [%p] provided does not match the one [%p] associated with request %p. 2645-210 The group [%p] provided does not match the one [%p] associated with request %p. 2645-211 A resource class name must be specified. 2645-212 The request cannot be submitted to the group because the group has not been started successfully. 2645-213 An action name must be specified.