ISO8859-1%,1LK7:= K IN O N 4 L ? M I ^I g 5 Z8 f a 0_ X HK73DiE>XKGW _!nK"e#^ $8%b rU]fn F S  B y3D~ bSLH\y ,1[.l J!"#.$ % !&] *' ( )!3*!C+ !,e" -"p."/#>0#O1$B2$[3 %&4w%35 %6%7&J8&`9 &e:&p;"&<&= '\>s'j?'@)qA[)B)C *jD*wE+F1+0G,bH<,yI ,J,K-L-M.Nq.O/ PU/Q /dR/nS0T0*U0V0W 1ZX1fY2Z:2 [2D\2S]3Z^r3k_3`b3a 4Pb4\c5vd5e6:fq6Ig6hU6i 7j7 k7l7m8in8ro 9 p9q9rn9s :1t':?u;gvr;xw;x6;y <1zk<<{<|<}=C~=L == >B>? ???6@ArABBBBEB ~B Co AC yC D>DDT6DEE]EFGFFO FFFGetGtGBGH>GHC HH I!I*"I#cI$J>%JM&K'IK( K^)xKi*K+K,L-L. M/M0N&1N<2 NA3NL4"N`5BN6NNuObcO9P<7Pv]P4Q EQA TQ WQ R4 R RRR RR RR>R<S6 SswS}2639-000 Attribute identifier is not valid. 2639-001 Error from registry call %1$s, rc=%2$d. 2639-002 Attribute "%1$s" cannot be specified when defining a new resource. 2639-003 The Resource Handle specified does not exist. 2639-005 Attribute "%1$s" is read-only and cannot be set. 2639-006 Attribute "%1$s" appears in request more than once. 2639-007 The value specified for attribute "%1$s" has the wrong data type. 2639-008 Resource class name %1$s is not recognized by this resource manager. 2639-009 The control point for resource class "%1$s" could not be initialized. 2639-010 The control point for the target resource cannot not be initialized. 2639-013 Attribute "%1$s" must be specified when a new resource is defined. 2639-016 Action identifier %1$d is not valid for class "%2$s". 2639-017 The number of elements in template field definition is not correct. 2639-018 The data type of an element of a field definition is not valid. 2639-019 Unknown subsystem name "%1$s" specified in template definition. 2639-020 The name of a template field %1$d is either empty or contains characters which are not valid. 2639-021 The data type of field "%1$s" is not valid. 2639-022 The properties for field "%1$s" are not valid. 2639-023 Field name "%1$s" has characteristics which are not consistent with uses in other templates. 2639-024 The specified subsystem name is either empty or contains characters that are not valid. 2639-025 The specified catalog name is either empty or contains characters that are not valid. 2639-026 The subsystem "%1$s" cannot be deleted until all of its templates are deleted. 2639-027 The specified template id is larger than the maximum of 65535. 2639-028 The specified template id is already defined. 2639-029 Subsystem name "%1$s" is already defined. 2639-030 Incorrect number of fields in record for subsystem "%1$s". 2639-031 The data type of a common field within an audit log record for subsystem "%1$s" is not correct. 2639-032 Template id %1$d of subsystem "%2$s" is not defined. 2639-033 Wrong data type in record field %1$d of template id %2$d for subsystem "%3$s". 2639-034 There is no room in the Audit Log file to contain the new record. 2639-035 The number of parameters passed to the retrieve records request is not valid. 2639-036 The data type of one or more parameters on the retrieve records request is not valid. 2639-037 The value of the detail parameter in a request to retrieve records from the audit log is not 0 or 1. 2639-038 The number of parameters passed to the delete records request is not valid. It must be one. 2639-039 The data type of one or more parameters for the delete records request is not valid. 2639-040 The format string for the template is missing. 2639-041 The format string for the template contains substitution specifiers which are not valid. The Audit Log resource class provides the resources and operations for manipulating and managing an audit log. An audit log is a system wide persistent store for the recording of significant situations. Each subsystem can decide which situations are significant and record them through operations provided by the resources of this class. Each resource of this class is the definition of a subsystem that can add records to the audit log. Audit LogIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class. VarietyInternalGeneralWhenever a new subsystem definition is created by the Audit Log Resource Manager, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource DefinedAn event is generated whenever a new subsystem definition is created. Whenever a subsystem definition is undefined by the Audit Log Resource Manager, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a subsystem definition is removed. This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.This attribute reflects the current number of records in the audit log and is updated each time a record is added to the log. Records AddedThe example event expression will generate an event each time a record is added to the audit log. This attribute reflects the number of records in the audit log and a list of records that have been removed. It is updated each time records are removed from the audit log. The removed records are identified by their sequence numbers. To conserve space, the list of sequence numbers in the attribute value is compressed into ranges.Records RemovedAn event is generated each time records are removed from the audit log. This element of the RecordsRemoved attribute reflects the current number of records in the audit log after the removal. Record CountThis element of the RecordsRemoved attribute reflects the number of entries in the SeqNumRanges array. If this value is zero then no records have been removed. Sequence Number CountThis element of the RecordsRemoved attribute contains ranges of sequence numbers identifying the records that have been removed. Each pair of entries constitutes a range where the first value represents the lo end of the range and the second value represents the high end. The ranges are inclusive. Sequence Number RangesThis attribute reflects the current size of the file that is used to store audit records. Audit Log SizeThe example expression generates an event when the size of the audit log becomes greater than 4 Megabytes. The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the size of the audit log decreases to below 3.5 Megabytes. Identifies the name of a subsystem that can add records to the audit log. NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each subsystem. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources. Resource HandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource. VarietyThis attribute identifies the message catalog that contains the descriptive messages and format strings for all audit log information related to the subsystem. Message CatalogThis attribute identifies the message set within the message catalog that contains all descriptive messages and format strings for all audit log information related to this subsystem. Message SetThis attribute identifies a message in the associated message catalog that describes the subsystem. Description IdThis attribute contains the default message text for the message identified by the DescriptionId attribute. It is only used when the message catalog for the subsystem cannot be accessed. Description TextThis attribute defines a time period (in hours) that the subsystem's records are retained in the audit log. Any records older than this period are subject to implicit removal. A value of 0 disables the removal based on retention period. Retention Period (Hours)This attribute defines the maximum amount of disk space that the subsystem's records may use. If the size is exceeded, the oldest records from the subsystem will be removed to make room for new ones. Maximum SizeThis attribute is an internally generated small integer value that is for use by the Audit Log Resource Manager only. Subsystem IdThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource changes. Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis attribute reflects the current number of records in the audit log that were generated by the subsystem. It is updated each time the subsystem adds a record to the audit log. Records AddedThe example event expression will generate an event each time a record is added to the audit log by the subsystem. This attribute reflects the number of records in the audit log that are associated to the subsystem and a list of records that have been removed. The value is updated each time records for the subsystem are removed from the audit log. The removed records are identified by their sequence numbers. To conserve space, the list of sequence numbers in the attribute value are compressed into ranges. Records RemovedAn event is generated each time records for the subsystem are removed from the audit log. This element of the RecordsRemoved attribute reflects the current number of subsystem records that are in the audit log after the removal. Record CountThis element of the RecordsRemoved attribute reflects the number of entries in the SeqNumRanges array. If this value is zero then no records have been removed. Sequence Number CountThis element of the RecordsRemoved attribute contains ranges of sequence numbers identifying the records that have been removed. Each pair of entries constitutes a range where the first value represents the lo end of the range and the second value represents the high end. The ranges are inclusive. Sequence Number RangesThis action is used to retrieve records from the audit log. Get RecordsThis element of the GetRecords action input identifies which records in the audit log are to be retrieved. The value is a selection string that is matched against all records in the audit log. If the fields of the record match, the record is returned. Record SelectionThis element of the GetRecords action input is used to control whether all fields in the records are retrieved or only those that are required to format a message for display. Include DetailThis element of an audit record indicates the time at which the situation corresponding to the record occurred. TimeThis element of an audit record identifies the subsystem that generated the record. SubsystemThis element of an audit record contains a 64 bit integer that uniquely identifies the record within the audit log. No other record will have the same sequence number. Sequence NumberThis element of an audit record reflects the classification of the situation corresponding to the record as either informational or error. CategoryThis element of an audit record identifies the audit log template definition that defines the subsystem specific fields that are present in the record. Template IdThis element of an audit record contains a string that can be used to generate a formatted message describing the situation corresponding to the record. MessageThis action is used to delete records from the audit log. Delete RecordsThis element of the DeleteRecords action input identifies which records in the audit log are to be removed. The value is a selection string that is matched against all records in the audit log. If the fields of the record match, the record will be removed. Record SelectionThis element of the DeleteRecords action output indicates the number of records that were removed by the action. Number RemovedThis action is used to retrieve records from the audit log that were generated by the subsystem. Get RecordsThis element of the GetRecords action input identifies which records in the audit log are to be retrieved. The value is a selection string that is matched against all records for the subsystem in the audit log. If the fields of the record match, the record will be retrieved. Record SelectionThis element of the GetRecords action input is used to control whether all fields in the records are retrieved or only those that are required to format a message for display. Include DetailThis element of an audit record indicates the time at which the situation corresponding to the record occurred. TimeThis element of an audit record identifies the subsystem that generated the record. SubsystemThis element of an audit record contains a 64 bit integer that uniquely identifies the record within the audit log. No other record will have the same sequence number. Sequence NumberThis element of an audit record reflects the classification of the situation corresponding to the record as either informational or error. CategoryThis element of an audit record identifies the audit log template definition that defines the subsystem specific fields that are present in the record. Template IdThis element of an audit record contains a string that can be used to generate a formatted message describing the situation corresponding to the record. Message FormatThis action is used to delete records from the audit log that were generated by the corresponding subsystem. DeleteRecordsThis element of the DeleteRecords action input identifies which records from the corresponding subsystem in the audit log are to be removed. The value is a selection string that is matched against all records in the audit log. If the fields of the record match, the record will be removed. Record SelectionThis element of the DeleteRecords action output indicates the number of records that were removed by the action. Number RemovedThis action is used to add a record to the audit log. Add RecordThis element of the AddRecord action input defines the time (in microseconds) when the situation occurred. TimeThis element of the AddRecord action input defines the classification of the situation corresponding to the record as either informational or error. CategoryThis element of the AddRecord action input identifies the audit log template definition that defines the subsystem specific fields that are present in the record. Template IdThis element of the AddRecord action input identifies the node number where the record was generated. This is used internally to know where the subsystem's message catalog is accessible.Source NodeThis attribute identifies the node on which the auditlog resides. Node IdentifiersThis attribute reflects the sequence number of latest auditlog entry per subsystem. Whenever record is added or removed to/from audit log, this dynamic attribute will be updated. Last SequenceNumberThe example event expression will generate an event whenever latest sequence number is changed by adding or removing records to/from audit log for the corresponding subsystem. This resource class contains Audit Log Template definitions. An audit log template defines the format for records that may be added to the audit log. Each subsystem will define one or more templates for the records that it creates.AuditLogTemplateIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class. VarietyInternalWhenever a new template is defined to the Audit Log Resource Manager, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource DefinedAn event is generated whenever a new template definition is created. Whenever a template is undefined by the Audit Log Resource Manager, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event. Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a template definition is removed. This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.A globally unique handle that identifies each template resource. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources. Resource HandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource. VarietyThis attribute uniquely identifies the template within the subsystem. TemplateIdGeneralThis attribute identifies the subsystem that owns it and will use it. The subsystem must be defined to the Audit Log Resource Manager prior to defining any templates that refer to it. Subsystem NameThis attribute is a list of field definitions. Each element of the list defines the characteristics of one field. Field DefinitionsThis element of a field definition defines the name of the field. NameThis element of a field definition defines the data type of the field. Data TypeThis element of a field definition defines the message id that can be used as a label for the field when presented to an end user. Display Name IdThis element of a field definition contains the default message text for the display name that is used if the subsystem's message catalog cannot be found. Display Name TextThis element of a field definition contains the identifier of a message that describes the field. Description IdThis element of a field definition contains the default text for a message that describes the field. It is only used if the message catalog for the subsystem cannot be accessed. Description TextThis element of a field definition defines the properties for the field. PropertiesThis element of a field definition contains the id of a message that is used to format records that use this template. Format Message IdThis element of a field definition contains the default message that is used to format records of this template when the subsystem's message catalog cannot be accessed. Format Message TextThis is an internally generated field that is derived from the FormatMessageText element of the field definition. It reflects the number of subsystem specific fields that are referenced by the format string. Insert CountThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource changes.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis attribute identifies the node on which the auditlog resides. Node IdentifierssUsage: lsaudrec [-h] lsaudrec [-a | -n node_name[,node_name]...][-l][-S subsystem_name][-s selection_string][-x] [FieldName ...] Usage: rmaudrec [-h] rmaudrec [-a | -n node_name[,node_name]...][-S subsystem_name] -s selection_string [-V] 2639-100 %1$s: The following error was detected when issuing the RMC API function %2$s: %3$s%1$s: %2$d records have been deleted from the audit log. 2639-101 %1$s: Required memory could not be allocated. 2639-102 %1$s: The date and time specification must be an even number of decimal characters. 2639-103 %1$s: Unexpected error returned from %2$s: 2639-104 %1$s: The specified absolute or relative time is not valid. 2639-105 %1$s: The following error was returned from the RMC subsystem: %2$s2639-106 %1$s: %2$s is not a valid operand. It must be one of the common field names. 2639-107 %1$s: A record was retrieved from the audit log that has a format that is not valid and therefore cannot be displayed. InfoErrorTimeIdSubsystemSequence NumberDescriptionCategory2639-108 %1$s: The specified subsystem "%2$s" does not exist. 2639-109 %1$s: The -a and -n flags cannot be used together. Node Name2639-110 %1$s: Internal system call execv error (errno=%2$d) on RHEL 3.0. Please check system resources and try again.