# @(#)71 1.3 src/bos/usr/lib/nls/loc/km/zh_TW.IBM-eucTW.imkeymap.src, cfgnlskm, bos720 5/10/95 13:55:41 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/lib/nls/loc/km/zh_TW.IBM-eucTW.imkeymap.src 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1986,1992 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # COMPONENT_NAME: (CFGNLSKM) National Language Support # # FUNCTIONS: T-Chinese Keyboard Table (EUC) # # ORIGINS: 27 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1986, 1992 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # The unique key states are Base, Shift, CapsLock, Shift-CapsLock, Control # and Alt. # All other key states are mapped to one of these unique key states. # # KEY STATES # Base # Shift # CapsLock # Shift+CapsLock # Control # Alt # # #XK_Tsang_Jye 0xff47 \ U 0xff47 0xff47 0xff47 U 0xff4a #XK_Phonetic 0xff48 \ U 0xff48 0xff48 0xff48 U U #XK_Eisu 0xaff50 \ U 0xaff50 0xaff50 0xaff50 U U #XK_Half_Full 0xff42 \ U 0xff42 0xff42 0xff42 U U #XK_Convert 0xaff53 \ ' ' U 0xaff53 U U U #XK_ 0xaff51 \ 0xaff53 U 0xaff53 U U U #XK_Non_Convert 0xaff52 \ U 0xaff52 0xaff52 0xaff52 U U #XK_Internal_Code 0xff4a \ U U 0xff4a U U U #Reset Key XK_Reset \ U U XK_Reset U U U XK_space \ ' ' 0xff42 XK_space 0xff42 0xaff60 XK_space #Exclam key XK_exclam \ '!' U XK_exclam U U U #Double quote XK_quotedbl \ '"' U XK_quotedbl U U U #Number Size XK_numbersign \ '#' U XK_numbersign U U U #Dollar Size XK_dollar \ '$' U XK_dollar U U U #Percent Size XK_percent \ '%' U XK_percent U U U #Ampersand Size XK_ampersand \ '&' U XK_ampersand U U U #Apostrophe Size XK_apostrophe \ '\'' U XK_apostrophe U U U #Left paren XK_parenleft \ '(' U XK_parenleft U U U #Right paren XK_parenright \ ')' U XK_parenright U U U #Asterisk Size XK_asterisk \ '*' U XK_asterisk U U U #Plus Size XK_plus \ '+' U XK_plus U U U #Comma Size XK_comma \ ',' XK_less XK_comma XK_less U U # XK_minus \ '-' XK_equal XK_minus XK_equal '\x1f' U #Perios Size XK_period \ '.' XK_greater XK_period XK_greater U U # XK_slash \ '/' XK_question XK_slash XK_question U U #0 XK_0 \ '0' U XK_0 U U U 0xff4a # Internal Code #1 XK_1 \ '1' XK_exclam XK_1 XK_exclam U U 0xff47 # Tsang_Jye #2 XK_2 \ '2' XK_quotedbl XK_2 XK_quotedbl '\x00' U #3 XK_3 \ '3' XK_numbersign XK_3 XK_numbersign U U 0xff48 # Phonetic #4 XK_4 \ '4' XK_dollar XK_4 XK_dollar U U #5 XK_5 \ '5' XK_percent XK_5 XK_percent U U #6 XK_6 \ '6' XK_ampersand XK_6 XK_ampersand '\x1e' U #7 XK_7 \ '7' XK_apostrophe XK_7 XK_apostrophe U U #8 XK_8 \ '8' XK_parenleft XK_8 XK_parenleft U U #9 XK_9 \ '9' XK_parenright XK_9 XK_parenright U U #Colon Size XK_colon \ ':' XK_asterisk XK_colon XK_asterisk U U # XK_semicolon \ ';' XK_plus XK_semicolon XK_plus U U #Less Than Size XK_less \ '<' U XK_less U U U #Equal Size XK_equal \ '=' U XK_equal U U U #Greater Than Size XK_greater \ '>' U XK_greater U U U #Question Sign XK_question \ '?' U XK_question U U U # "@" Sign XK_at \ '@' XK_grave XK_at XK_grave U U #A XK_A \ 'A' U U XK_A '\x01' U #B XK_B \ 'B' U U XK_B '\x02' U #C XK_C \ 'C' U U XK_C '\x03' U #D XK_D \ 'D' U U XK_D '\x04' U #E XK_E \ 'E' U U XK_E '\x05' U #F XK_F \ 'F' U U XK_F '\x06' U #G XK_G \ 'G' U U XK_G '\x07' U #H XK_H \ 'H' U U XK_H XK_BackSpace U #I XK_I \ 'I' U U XK_I XK_Tab U #J XK_J \ 'J' U U XK_J XK_Linefeed U #K XK_K \ 'K' U U XK_K '\x0b' U #L XK_L \ 'L' U U XK_L '\x0c' U #!!!M XK_M \ 'M' U U XK_M XK_Return U #N XK_N \ 'N' U U XK_N '\x0e' U #O XK_O \ 'O' U U XK_O '\x0f' U #P XK_P \ 'P' U U XK_P '\x10' U #Q XK_Q \ 'Q' U U XK_Q '\x11' U #R XK_R \ 'R' U U XK_R '\x12' U #!!!S XK_S \ 'S' U U XK_S '\x13' U #T XK_T \ 'T' U U XK_T '\x14' U #U XK_U \ 'U' U U XK_U '\x15' U #V XK_V \ 'V' U U XK_V '\x16' U #W XK_W \ 'W' U U XK_W '\x17' U #X XK_X \ 'X' U U XK_X '\x18' U #Y XK_Y \ 'Y' U U XK_Y '\x19' U #Z XK_Z \ 'Z' U U XK_Z '\x1a' U #Left Bracket XK_bracketleft \ '[' XK_braceleft XK_bracketleft XK_braceleft XK_Escape U #Back Slash XK_backslash \ '\\' XK_bar XK_backslash XK_bar '\x1c' U #Right Bracket XK_bracketright \ ']' XK_braceright XK_bracketright XK_braceright '\x1d' U #Asciicircum XK_asciicircum \ '^' XK_overline XK_asciicircum XK_overline U U #UnderScore XK_underscore \ '_' U XK_underscore U U U #Grave XK_grave \ '`' U XK_grave U '\x00' U #a XK_a \ 'a' XK_A XK_A XK_a '\x01' U #b XK_b \ 'b' XK_B XK_B XK_b '\x02' U #c XK_c \ 'c' XK_C XK_C XK_c '\x03' U #d XK_d \ 'd' XK_D XK_D XK_d '\x04' U #e XK_e \ 'e' XK_E XK_E XK_e '\x05' U #f XK_f \ 'f' XK_F XK_F XK_f '\x06' U #g XK_g \ 'g' XK_G XK_G XK_g '\x07' U #h XK_h \ 'h' XK_H XK_H XK_h XK_BackSpace U #i XK_i \ 'i' XK_I XK_I XK_i XK_Tab U #j XK_j \ 'j' XK_J XK_J XK_j XK_Linefeed U #k XK_k \ 'k' XK_K XK_K XK_k '\x0b' U #l XK_l \ 'l' XK_L XK_L XK_l '\x0c' U #m XK_m \ 'm' XK_M XK_M XK_m XK_Return U #n XK_n \ 'n' XK_N XK_N XK_n '\x0e' U #o XK_o \ 'o' XK_O XK_O XK_o '\x0f' U #p XK_p \ 'p' XK_P XK_P XK_p '\x10' U #q XK_q \ 'q' XK_Q XK_Q XK_q '\x11' U #r XK_r \ 'r' XK_R XK_R XK_r '\x12' U #s XK_s \ 's' XK_S XK_S XK_s '\x13' U #t XK_t \ 't' XK_T XK_T XK_t '\x14' U #u XK_u \ 'u' XK_U XK_U XK_u '\x15' U #v XK_v \ 'v' XK_V XK_V XK_v '\x16' U #w XK_w \ 'w' XK_W XK_W XK_w '\x17' U #x XK_x \ 'x' XK_X XK_X XK_x '\x18' U #y XK_y \ 'y' XK_Y XK_Y XK_y '\x19' U #z XK_z \ 'z' XK_Z XK_Z XK_z '\x1a' U #Left Brace XK_braceleft \ '{' U XK_braceleft U XK_Escape U #Bar Sign XK_bar \ '|' U XK_bar U '\x1c' U #Rigth Brace XK_braceright \ '}' U XK_braceright U '\x1d' U #Ascii Tilde XK_asciitilde \ '~' U XK_asciitilde U '\x1e' U #Left Shift XK_Shift_L \ U U U U 0xaff59 U #Rigth Shift XK_Shift_R \ U U U U 0xaff59 U #Left Control XK_Control_L \ U U U U U U #Right Alt XK_Alt_R \ U U U U U U #Escape XK_Escape \ '\x1b' 0xff42 XK_Escape 0xff42 XK_Reset U XK_F1 \ U U U U U U #F2 function key XK_F2 \ U U U U U U #F3 function key XK_F3 \ U U U U U U # #K_F4  \ # U U U U U U #F4 function key XK_F4 U U U U U U #F5 function key XK_F5 \ U U U U U U #F6 function key XK_F6 \ U U U U U U #F7 function key XK_F7 \ U U U U U U #F8 function key XK_F8 \ U U U U U U #F9 function key XK_F9 \ U U U U U U #F10 function key XK_F10 \ U U U U U U #F11 function key XK_F11 \ U U U U U U #F12 function key XK_F12 \ U U U U U U #Print Key XK_Print \ U U U U U U #Cancel key XK_Cancel \ U U U U U U #Pause key XK_Pause \ U U U U XK_Break XK_Break #Break key XK_Break \ '\x7f' XK_Break XK_Break XK_Break XK_Break U #XK_yen \ # '\\' \ # U \ # XK_underscore \ # U \ # '\x1c' \ # U # #XK_overline \ # '~' \ # U \ # XK_overline \ # U \ # U \ # U #BackSpace XK_BackSpace \ '\x08' XK_BackSpace XK_BackSpace XK_BackSpace XK_Break U #Tab key XK_Tab \ '\x09' U XK_Tab U U U #Line Feed XK_Linefeed \ '\x0a' XK_Linefeed XK_Linefeed XK_Linefeed U U #Return XK_Return \ '\x0d' XK_Return XK_Return XK_Return XK_Return U #Action key XK_Execute \ U XK_Execute XK_Execute XK_Execute U U #Insert Key XK_Insert \ U XK_Insert XK_Insert XK_Insert U U #Delete key XK_Delete \ U XK_Delete XK_Delete XK_Delete U U #Left arrow key XK_Left \ U XK_Left XK_Left XK_Left U U #Home key XK_Home \ U XK_Home XK_Home XK_Home 0xaff54 U #End key XK_End \ U XK_End XK_End XK_End U U #Up key XK_Up \ U XK_Up XK_Up XK_Up U U #Down arrow key XK_Down \ U XK_Down XK_Down XK_Down U U # #XK_Prior \ # U \ # XK_Prior \ # XK_Prior \ # XK_Prior \ # U \ # U #XK_Next \ # # U \ # XK_Next \ # XK_Next \ # XK_Next \ # U \ # U #Right arrow key XK_Right \ U XK_Right XK_Right XK_Right 0xaff55 U #Number lock XK_Num_Lock \ U U U U '\x13' U # XK_KP_Space \ ' ' XK_KP_Space XK_KP_Space XK_KP_Space U U #KP-Enter XK_KP_Enter \ '\x0d' XK_KP_Enter XK_KP_Enter XK_KP_Enter XK_KP_Enter U # #XK_KP_Multiply \ # '*' XK_KP_Add XK_KP_Multiply XK_KP_Add U U XK_KP_Multiply '*' XK_KP_Add XK_KP_Multiply XK_KP_Add U U #Add sign XK_KP_Add \ '+' U XK_KP_Add U U U # XK_KP_Separator \ ',' XK_KP_Separator XK_KP_Separator XK_KP_Separator U U # XK_KP_Subtract \ '-' XK_KP_Subtract XK_KP_Subtract XK_KP_Subtract U U #Decimal XK_KP_Decimal \ '.' XK_KP_Decimal XK_KP_Decimal XK_KP_Decimal U U #Divide XK_KP_Divide \ '/' XK_KP_Divide XK_KP_Divide XK_KP_Divide U U #KeyPad-0 XK_KP_0 \ '0' XK_KP_0 XK_KP_0 XK_KP_0 U XK_KP_0 #KeyPad-1 XK_KP_1 \ '1' XK_KP_1 XK_KP_1 XK_KP_1 U XK_KP_1 #KeyPad-2 XK_KP_2 \ '2' XK_KP_2 XK_KP_2 XK_KP_2 U XK_KP_2 #KeyPad-3 XK_KP_3 \ '3' XK_KP_3 XK_KP_3 XK_KP_3 U XK_KP_3 #KeyPad-4 XK_KP_4 \ '4' XK_KP_4 XK_KP_4 XK_KP_4 U XK_KP_4 #KeyPad-5 XK_KP_5 \ '5' XK_KP_5 XK_KP_5 XK_KP_5 U XK_KP_5 #KeyPad-6 XK_KP_6 \ '6' XK_KP_6 XK_KP_6 XK_KP_6 U XK_KP_6 #KeyPad-7 XK_KP_7 \ '7' XK_KP_7 XK_KP_7 XK_KP_7 U XK_KP_7 #KeyPad-8 XK_KP_8 \ '8' XK_KP_8 XK_KP_8 XK_KP_8 U XK_KP_8 #KeyPad-9 XK_KP_9 \ '9' XK_KP_9 XK_KP_9 XK_KP_9 U XK_KP_9 %M 0 0 %M 1 1 %M 2 2 %M 3 3 %M 4 4 5 6 7 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 %M 5 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 %M 6 12 %M 7 64