ùISO8859-1Ø7è7 "X:{!¶ Øæ í MøRF(™9ÂTü2QN„3Ó - H5 r~ /ñ E!Loopback DeviceName of the image file to be associated with the deviceDetermines if the device should be removed at boot timeLoopback device generated an errorEither invalid parameter, out of memory, or device is busyQuiesce the device and try again.Device NumberKerrnoImage FileUsage: loopmount {-i imagefile -l device} [-o "mount options" -m mountpoint] Usage: loopumount {-i imagefile | -l device} [-o "unmount options" -m mountpoint] 1320-001 %1$s: Failed to initialize ODM 1320-002 %1$s: Failed to read Customized Database in ODM 1320-003 %1$s: Specified loopback device is not found in ODM Customized Database 1320-004 %1$s: Failed to create a loopback device 1320-005 %1$s: Failed to associate the image file with the loopback device 1320-006 %1$s: Failed to get the filename from ODM 1320-007 %1$s: Failed to mount the imagefile 1320-008 %1$s: No loopback devices are found in ODM Customized Database 1320-009 %1$s: No loopback device associated with the specified imagefile was found in ODM Customized Database 1320-010 %1$s: Failed to unmount the imagefile 1320-011 %1$s: Failed to determine if a loopback device is temporary