ISO8859-1 |-# = #W {  "97 S_ f t   1 %$!!F&h6/KBTo *10F e!" ,$ #7JZ2m  "  $   7 J ^/ vA N @ 7E x\  > iSCSI Protocol DeviceMaximum number of commands to queue to driveriSCSI Initiator NameMaximum Data RateDiscovery PolicyMaximum Targets AllowedConfiguration fileiSNS Servers IP AddressesiSNS Servers Port NumbersiSCSI Network Error Recovery PolicyMaximum transfer sizeSupport ImmediateDataRequire InitialR2TiSCSIConfigure iSCSI Protocol DeviceRemove iSCSI Protocol DeviceChange / Show Characteristics of an iSCSI Protocol DeviceTrace iSCSI Protocol DeviceDescriptionStatusiSCSI AdapterList All iSCSI Protocol DevicesLocationList All iSCSI AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of an iSCSI AdapterTrace iSCSI AdapteriSCSI Target Device Parameters in ODMList All iSCSI Target Devices in ODMAdd an iSCSI Target Device in ODMDelete an iSCSI Target Device from ODMAdd a Statically Discovered iSCSI Target Device in ODMAdd iSCSI Target Device(s) into ODM from a FileAdd Authentication Data for an Automatically Discovered iSCSI Target DeviceiSCSI Target NameIP Address of iSCSI TargetPort Number of iSCSI TargetPasswordiSCSI GroupFilename of iSCSI TargetsiSCSI Target ODM ParentsChange existing iSCSI Target Device in ODMChange password for an iSCSI Target Device in ODMNew iSCSI Target NameNew IP Address of iSCSI TargetNew Port Number of iSCSI TargetiSNS Discovery ConfigurationChange / Show iSNS ConfigurationAdditional iSCSI Protocol Driver InformationAdditional iSCSI Adapter InformationiSCSI AdapterBus interrupt levelInterrupt PriorityBus I/O addressBus memory addressMaximum number of commands to queue to the adapterMaximum transfer sizeiSCSI Initiator NameDiscovery PolicyiSCSI Device Discovery Policy usedDiscovery FilenameAutomatic discovery secrets filenameAdapter IP AddressAdapter Subnet MaskAdapter Gateway AddressAmount of memory used for long term DMA mappingSelect this option to create an additional iSCSI protocol device.Specify the name of the file to use when the discovery policy is set to file.Turn on or off support for iSCSI immediate data for this device.Indicate whether an iSCSI initial R2T PDU is required for each write.Enter the iSCSI device initiator name. Each iSCSI device must have a unique initiator name.Enter the host name of the iSNS server to query when using isns as the discovery policy. A value of auto discovers the iSNS servers automatically.Enter the TCP/IP port number to connect to on the iSNS server.The maximum number of targets allowed for the iSCSI protocol driver. You can specify a number from 1 through 32. The default value is 16.