ISO8859-1 )48^8  - #D "h Y3F1`*JH%n   0 N+ m:  !) " #' =$ e% &- '* (( )7 "*! Z+ |,* -( .7 /! $0 F1+ f2) 37 4" 5+ 6) C77 m8" 9 :- ;+<7C=${>-?+@7A$2BRWC2D-E! F-G4H=I FJ!PKrL yMN O P Q RST UVWX+YFZU[m\,]-^+_, ` :aDbac*xd$efghi&j :k[l_mbnop q3rs/t'Fu>nv*wxyz {=|S}j~r;3 #$ %0Vr & F.Q  ))&(6!_ Usage : For Command Line Inputs:devrsrv -c query | release | prin -s sa | (prout -s sa -r rkey -k sa_key -t prtype) -l devicenamedevrsrv -f -l devicenameService Action Values: For PRIN Command : 0(READ KEYS) 1(READ_RESERVATION) 2(REPORT CAPABILITIES) For PROUT Command: 2(RELEASE) 3(CLEAR) 4(PREEMPT) 5(PREEMPT AND ABORT)rkey specifies the reservation key This field is needed for service actions PREEMPT, PREEMPT AND ABORT, RELEASE AND CLEAR sa_key specifies the service action reservation key This field is needed for service actions PREEMPT, PREEMPT AND ABORT prtype specifies the Persistent Reservation Type PRTYPE values supported are:1(WRITE EXCLUSIVE) 2(EXCLUSIVE ACCESS)3(WRITE EXCLUSIVE REGISTRANTS ONLY) 4(EXCLUSIVE ACCESS REGISTRANTS ONLY)5(WRITE EXCLUSIVE ALL REGISTRANTS) 6(EXCLUSIVE ACCESS ALL REGISTRANTS) devrsrv: Parent access failed devrsrv: Open FAILERROR: Invalid Device nameERROR: Invalid Input ArgumentERROR: Invalid Input Parameters devrsrv: Open %s FAIL devrsrv: Adapter Init failedmain: malloc prin_data failedmain: malloc sense_data failedCommand Failed due to internal error, RetryForced_reserve:Command Failed due to internal error, RetryERROR: Invalid Service ActionValid Service Actions for prin: 0,1 and 2ERROR: Reserve Key not specifiedERROR: Service Action Key not specifiedERROR: PR_TYPE not specifiedERROR: Invalid Service ActionValid Service Action values for prout: 0 to 6issue_passthru_PRIN: malloc sciocmd failedissue_passthru_PRIN: Ioctl FAIL errno %dstatus_validity: %x, scsi_status: %x, adapter_status:%xissue_passthru_PRIN: Sense Data: The command was successful.issue_sciolcmd_PRIN: malloc sciocmd failedissue_sciolcmd_PRIN: Ioctl FAIL errno %dstatus_validity: %x, scsi_status: %x, adapter_status:%xissue_sciolcmd_PRIN: Sense Data: Issue_sciolcmd_PRIN: Ioctl Passissue_passthru_PROUT: malloc sciocmd failedissue_passthru_PROUT: Ioctl FAIL errno %dstatus_validity: %x, scsi_status: %x, adapter_status:%xissue_passthru_PROUT: Sense Data: issue_sciolcmd_PROUT: malloc sciocmd failedissue_sciolcmd_PROUT: Ioctl FAIL errno %dstatus_validity: %x, scsi_status: %x, adapter_status:%xissue_sciolcmd_PROUT: Sense Data: issue_sciolcmd_PROUT: Ioctl Passissue_sciolcmd_command: malloc sciocmd failedissue_sciolcmd_command: Ioctl FAIL errno %dstatus_validity: %x, scsi_status: %x, adapter_status:%xissue_sciolcmd_command: Sense Data: issue_passthru_command: malloc sciocmd failedissue_passthru_command: Ioctl FAIL errno %dstatus_validity: %x, scsi_status: %x, adapter_status:%xissue_passthru_coammnd: Sense Data: Error: Unable to query device. Ensure a working path exists to this device.Already reserved through SINGLE PATH by other hostprin_read_keys: malloc failed for pr_key_listPR Capabilities Byte[2] : 0x%x CRH SIP_C ATP_C PTPL_C PR Capabilities Byte[3] : 0x%x TMV PTPL_A PR Types Supported : NOT VALIDPR_WE_AR PR_EA_RO PR_WE_RO PR_EA PR_WE PR_EA_AR Path Id of Reserved Path : %dRegistered PR Keys : No Keys RegisteredPR Generation Value : %dPR Type : PR_WE (WRITE EXCLUSIVE)PR_EA (EXCLUSIVE ACCESS)PR_WE_RO (WRITE EXCLUSIVE, REGISTRANTS ONLY)PR_EA_RO (EXCLUSIVE ACCESS, REGISTRANTS ONLY)PR_WE_AR (WRITE EXCLUSIVE, ALL REGISTRANTS)PR_EA_AR (EXCLUSIVE ACCESS, ALL REGISTRANTS)NOT VALIDPR Holder Key Value : %lldERROR: INVALID PR TYPE devrsrv: Open FAIL with SC_FORCED_OPEN %dDevice Reservation State InformationDevice Parent Name : %sDevice WW NAME : %sDevice LUN ID : %sDevice SCSI ID : %sDevice Name : %sDevice Open On Current Host? : YESNOODM Reservation Policy : %sODM PR Key Value : %lldDevice Reservation State : %sOpen fail. Device is currently Open on this host by a process.Do you want to continue y/n:The reservation has been cleared on the device. Query operation may not work properly.Please close application which held the reservation and retry.Reservation will be cleared on the device.Invalid/Unsupported device.Internal error.Device in NO RESERVE state.RESERVATION CONFLICT on pathSkipping passive pathUnable to find path idERROR: Incomplete commandERROR: Reservation conflict. To perform persistent reserve operations on a device, you must first register a key.ERROR: You cannot clear keys while device is in this state.ERROR: Illegal Request. Either the command is not supported, or there are no more reservation resources available for this device.Unknown scsi command error: 0x%xDevice Reservation State : UNKNOWNNOYESINVALIDError obtaining/displaying CuDv dataError obtaining CuDv list for display%s: Error getting CuDv data%s: Error getting CuAt data%s: Error getting CuPath data%s: Error getting PdDv data%s: Error getting PdAt dataLine %d: Error allocating memory%s: Error registering keyLine %d: Error getting states from pcmdevrsrv -ddevrsrv -c query [-e] | release | prin -s sa |UNKNOWNNameWW Port NameLUN IDSCSI IDxportTarget Name%s ODM Error getting Virtio SCSI info %s ODM Error getting CFLASH path info %s ODM Error getting fcp path info %s ODM Error getting vscsi path info %s ODM Error getting SAS info %s No paths found