ISO8859-1K7x7+%-Q  *  B  ,*>;i;8?>Z<7++J v --- =!M"]#o$ %&!'.(.)!*>+M,\-o. /01*2 3) 45 H</ ~=F >/ ?F %@F lA4 BP C4 9DO nE4 FO G7 CH! {I J( K$ L M+ N& GO) nP, Q R 10 Gigabit Ethernet-LR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410ec02)10 Gigabit Ethernet-SR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410eb02)Bus interrupt levelInterrupt priorityTransmit jumbo framesEnable hardware transmit TCP resegmentationEnable hardware transmit and receive checksumLatency TimerOutstanding Split Transactions at One TimeSingle Burst Memory Read Sizeoutstanding split transactions that is shared by TX and RX requeststats refresh timePCI frequency MHZISR Polling Count for TX and RX Completionthreshold value for pause frame generation for queue 0 to 3threshold value for pause frame generation for queue 4 to 7pause time value to be inserted in outgoing pause framessampling period over which the transmit link util is calculatedsampling period over which the receive link util is calculatedenable frames containing broadcast addr to be passed to hostfiforeservthresmemory block size used for allocationg fifo descriptorsmaximum transmit descriptor list for fifo 0initial transmit descriptor list for fifo 0fifo0_intrenable configuration of fifo 0ring_memblockszenable configuration of ring-ackmaximum number of RxD blocks for the ring-ackinitial number of RxD blocks for the ring-ackring_ackbufmodering_ackdramszmring_ackbkoffusring-ack priorityring_ackurangearing_ackufcaring_acktimevalenable configuration of ring-mainmaximum number of RxD blocks for the ring maininitial number of RxD blocks for the ring mainbuffer mode supported by the ringring_mndramszmring_mnbkoffusring-main priorityReceive Link Utilization Rangering_mnufcaReceive Interrupt Frequencytransmit link utilization rangeframe count for transmit utilization rangeTransmit Interrupt FrequencyEnable Generation of Continuous Interrupttime(in microseconds) to generate scheduled interruptupper limit for the Receive Utilization Range Bnumber of receive interrupt frames for the Receive Utilization Range Bupper limit for the Receive Utilization Range Cnumber of receive interrupt frames for the Receive Utilization Range Cnumber of receive interrupt frames for the Receive Utilization Range Dupper limit for the Transmission Utilization Range Bnumber of transmission interrupt frames for the Transmission Utilization Range Bupper limit for the Transmission Utilization Range Cnumber of transmission interrupt frame for the Transmission Utilization Range Cupper limit for the Transmission Utilization Range Dnumber of transmission interrupt frame for the Transmission Utilization Range Dnumber of rx packets to process before yielding the cpuEnable alternate ethernet addressAlternate ethernet addressEnable transmit and receive flow controlEnable hardware receive UDP checksumBus memory address AMax rcv buffers processed per rcv interruptEnable receive TCP segment aggregationMin size of packet(bytes) LRO can processMax interrupt events processed per interruptRcv buffer poolBus memory address B