'\" @(#)25 1.4 src/cmdtext/usr/share/lib/macros/ptx.src, cmdtext, cmdtext720 10/30/91 16:52:45 '\" '\" COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services '\" '\" FUNCTIONS: '\" '\" ORIGINS: 54 '\" '\" Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T '\" All Rights Reserved '\" THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T '\" The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual '\" or intended publication of such source code. .tr ~ .nr )y \n(.lu-.65i .nr )x \n()yu/2u .ds s2 ~~~\" this is the center gap -- 1m wide .ds s4 ~\" .ds s5 ~\" .dexx .dss1 .if\w\\$2 .ds s1 ~\| .dss3 .if\w\\$4 .ds s3 ~\| .dsy \\*(s4\f3\a\fP\\*(s5 .ta\\n()yu-\w\\*(s5u \h\\n()xu-\w\\$1\\*(s1\\$2\\*(s2u\\$1\\*(s1\\$2\\*(s2\\$3\\*(s3\\$4\\*y\\$5 .. 'nf