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asm constructionillegal hex constantillegal use of fieldzero sized structurestatement not reachedtoo many initializersillegal initializationillegal member use: %szero size field for %sempty array declarationloop not entered at topnewline in BCD constantarg list in declarationillegal use of ellipsisillegal use of label %s%s unused in function %sconstant argument to NOTempty character constantillegal use of void typenon portable use of cast%s may be used before setbad scalar initializationdefault not inside switchgcos BCD constant illegaltype clash in conditionalunacceptable operand of &unknown array size for %sfield outside of structurezero or negative subscriptduplicate default in switchillegal pointer subtractionunsigned comparison with 0?unknown escape sequence \%cillegal typedef declarationillegal redeclaration of %sbad floating point constantLeft Shift involving a "%s"duplicate case in switch, %dillegal register declarationnon-constant case expressionundefined structure or unionillegal union initializationRight Shift involving a "%s"%s evaluation order undefinedarray of functions is illegalenumeration type clash, op %sfunction returns illegal typestruct/union %s never definednested comments not supportedbitwise "%s" involving a "%s"degenerate unsigned comparisonundeclared initializer name %sold style argument declarationstatic function %s not definedcannot take size of a functionoperand of %s has illegal typeconstant in conditional contextdeclared argument %s is missingfortran function has wrong typeillegal character: %03o (octal)void type illegal in expressionfunction returns qualified typefunction %s must return a valuepartially elided initializationfunction prototype not in scopecannot take size of a bit fieldnonportable character comparisonconst lhs of assignment operatorno name for definition parameterillegal structure initialization%s redefinition hides earlier oneBCD constant exceeds 6 charactersargument %s unused in function %sillegal member use: perhaps %s.%sold-fashioned assignment operatornon ansi type specifier long longdeclaration is missing declaratorfloating point exception detectedexternal symbol type clash for %s%s set but not used in function %sassignment of different structuresfunction has illegal storage classillegal lhs of assignment operatorillegal pointer combination, op %sillegal type specifier combinationnewline in string or char constantprecision lost in field assignmentillegal type qualifier combination%s declared both static and externconstant too big for cross-compilernon ansi integer constant suffix llillegal address constant expressioncannot initialize function variableundefined structure or union for %svoid function %s cannot return valueconstant value (0x%x) exceeds (0x%x)mismatched type in function argumentillegal array size combination, op %sillegal type for enumeration constantmember of structure or union requiredredeclaration of formal parameter, %s*/ found outside of a comment contextillegal cast in a constant expressionconversion from long may lose accuracyfunction %s has return(e); and return;function illegal in structure or unionoperands of %s have incompatible typesoperator (%s) in a constant expressionstatic function %s not defined or usedincompatible function prototype, op %sconversion from "%s" may lose accuracycannot initialize extern within a blockcannot declare incomplete static objectillegal bit field type, unsigned assumedonly one storage class specifier allowedcannot take address of register variablepossible pointer alignment problem, op %stoo many characters in character constantfortran declaration must apply to functionwrong number of arguments in function callstorage class not the first type specifierambiguous assignment for non-ansi compilersnon-null byte ignored in string initializerstructure members must be terminated by ';'illegal structure pointer combination, op %sprecedence confusion possible: parenthesize!illegal pointer qualifier combination, op %sstruct/union field cannot have storage classcomparison of unsigned with negative constantvalue of enumeration constant is out of rangestruct/union or struct/union pointer requiredmix of old and new style function declarationredeclaration of parameter %s inside functionconversion to long may sign-extend incorrectlymix of old and new style argument declarationsdeclaration must have explicit type specifiersprototype type mismatch of formal parameter %sillegal cast in an integral constant expressionnon-integral controlling expression of a switchwrong number of arguments in function definitionarray not large enough to store terminating nullillegal combination of pointer and integer, op %sincomplete type for %s has already been completed'string literals' mixed with 'wide string literals'basic type cannot mix with struct/union/enum/typedefmain() returns random value to invocation environmentprecision lost in assignment to (sign-extended?) fieldlong long in case or switch statement may be truncatedmust have at least one declaration in translation unitprototype not compatible with non-prototype declarationstruct/union lhs of assignment operator has const membernonunique name demands struct/union or struct/union pointerfloating point expression in an integral constant expressionuse of old-style function definition in presence of prototypelong in case or switch statement may be truncated in non-ansi compilers@(#)47 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/common/messages.c, cmdprog, bos720 2/14/97 10:35:13 , ) , ) PTR REF PTR REF FTN ((0%o)FTN ((0%o)const const MEMPTR MEMPTR volatile volatile ARY[%.0d] ARY[%.0d] lint error: too many errorswasted space: %oop: %d, val: %ld freeing blank tree!%s, line %d: error: "%s", line %d: error: "%s", line %d: error: "%s", line %d: warning: %s, line %d: lint error: "%s", line %d ("%s"): error: "%s", line %d ("%s"): error: "%s", line %d ("%s"): warning: cannot recover from earlier errors: goodbye! out of tree space; recompile with -Ntx option with x greater than %d@(#)52 1.4 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/common/comm1.c, cmdprog, bos720 6/3/91 10:44:39 ' ( ' ( (L ( ' ' ( ( ' ' ( ($ (T (| (, (\ ( (4 ( (d (< ( (Dintnullfargvoidcharlongmoetyundefscharshortfloatucharulongstrtyclasssigneddoubleushortenumtyecode %o %o ldoubleunionty.%dfakeellipsisunsignedlong longlong longulong long .line %d bad conversionincode: field > intTypID table overflowAryID table overflowstructure tagname not found @(#)53 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/common/local.c, cmdprog, bos720 1/15/00 12:16:43MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMaaHaaabb,b,b,abc(c(bXZZVVVV[,[T[[VYPZZZZZZZYPZZZYZZZZZZZYZZZU\UdUdUlUdUlUtU|U\UdUdUl""tftn.cblock nesting too deepp == &btypes[NTABTYPES]missing type table markillegal type table leveltrying to qualify generic structureoutstanding prototype list at type table markout of type nodes; recompile with -Nlx option with x greater than %d@(#)55 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/common/tftn.c, cmdprog, bos720 2/14/97 10:38:44mpmxmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm@MOSMOUMOEAUTOSNULLPARAMLABELUNAMEENAMETCSYMULABELSTATICEXTDEFEXTENTEXTERNSTNAMEAUTOREGUSTATICFORTRANTYPEDEFPARAMREGREGISTERUFORTRANPARAMFAKEFIELD[%d]no memory to malloc @(#)59 1.10 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/common/xdefs.c, cmdprog, bos720 3/4/96 09:32:02 1 1 2L 1 2l 2 2x 1 2 2$ 2T 2\ 2 2, 24 2< 2D 2 2 1 1 1 2d 2 ??%%%o %o %o , %s -->%s -->%s -->%s -->%s -->%s string!ilbracetyreduceirbrace1irbrace2%%FAKE%d %s (%d) defid calldclargs() otherType inoff errordoinit(%o) offset: %d bcsave errorswitch errorgotscal(%p) gotscal(%p) curTypeMask unhide fails modified to curQualifier paramstk errorcurLevel = %d tymerge: arg 1 member %s(%d) new entry made defid( %s (%d), illegal class: %sillegal class: %sillegal class: %sillegal class: %sillegal class: %sillegal class: %sillegal class: %sillegal class: %d, %s ), level %d previous def'n: , %s ), level %d filename too longSymbol table fullsymbol table fullsymbol table fullsymbol table full %d hidden in %d Structure too largestructure too largestructure too largeType Stack overflowType Stack overflowType Stack overflowType Stack overflowType Stack overflowType Stack overflowType Stack overflow previous class: %s parameter reset errorunprocessed parameterinstk((%d, %o, %lld) gummy structure memberbeginit(), curid = %d extrndec of: %d is %d parameter stack overflowendinit(), inoff = %lld too many local variablesprototype stack overflowunknown size for type 0%odoinit initial stack dumpextrndec of %d not found bstruct(idn %d, soru %d), unknown size for %s type 0%o%s type:%o qual:%o other:%o extrndec of: %d might be %d unhide uncovered %d from %d dimtab[%d,%d,%d] = %d,%d,%d defining function variable %sInitialization Stack OverflowInitialization Stack Overflowprotopop: dropped below stacktagging unknown structure namedclstruct( %s ), szindex = %d initialization alignment errorilbrace(): paramno = %d on entry irbrace(): paramno = %d on entry cannot complete function treewalktoo many dimensions, maximum is 13 @ n sz x n t id fl off @ n sz x n t id fl off @ n sz x n t id fl off @ n sz x n t id fl off @ n sz x n t id fl off nonunique entry for %s from %d to %d %3d %p %3d %3d %3d %p %3d %3d %3lld %s %3d %p %3d %3d %3d %p %3d %3d %3lld %s %3d %p %3d %3d %3d %p %3d %3d %3lld %s %3d %p %3d %3d %3d %p %3d %3d %3lld %s %3d %p %3d %3d %3d %p %3d %3d %3lld %s lookup(%s, %d), stwart=%d, instruct=%d removing %s from stab[ %d], flags %o level %d memory allocation problem for a ghost identifier@(#)54 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/common/pftn.c, cmdprog, bos720 11/5/99 15:04:45A      (@A  @ D   B F  H L  (A  @ D   B F  H L   @ D  (`````T$0T$888$@\@@@@|$@\@$@\@@@@|$@\@dltlllldltl\@|@@dttLxx8h ORERIFDOLPRPLCRCLBRBCMSMMULANDFORASM%s %s %s NAMEICONFCONPLUSORORASOPUNOPTYPEQUALGOTOELSECASEENUMMINUSQUESTCOLONRELOPEQUOPDIVOPINCOPSTROPTYDEFCLASSBREAKWHILE.e : eSTRINGANDANDSTRUCTRETURNSWITCHSIZEOFASSIGNASG_LSASG_RSASG_ORASG_ERWSTRINGSHIFTOPDEFAULTASG_MULASG_ANDASG_DIVASG_MOD-none- -none- -none- unary -unary +e : termELLIPSISCONTINUEASG_PLUSbad bdtycon_e : eelist : eASG_MINUS-unknown-token %s moe : NAMEenum_e : ebegin : LCe : e CM ee : e OR ee : e ER eibrace : LCe : e MUL ee : e AND eterm : NAMEterm : ICONterm : FCONoptsemi : SMlabel : CASEe : e PLUS ee : e OROR ee : e ASOP eend-of-file end-of-file end-of-file syntax erroropt_con_e : eoptcomma : CMdoprefix : DOe : e RELOP ee : e DIVOP ee : e MINUS ee : e EQUOP eterm : STRINGyacc_user.cattoken -none- moe_list : moenoptcomma : CMstatement : SMe : e ANDAND ee : e ASG_LS ee : e ASG_RS ee : e ASG_OR ee : e ASG_ER ee : e ASSIGN eterm : WSTRINGterm : LP e RPinitializer : ee : e SHIFTOP ee : e ASG_MUL ee : e ASG_MOD ee : e ASG_DIV ee : e ASG_AND eterm : MUL termterm : AND termReceived token Received token type_qual : QUALtype_spec : TYPEenum_head : ENUMname_list : NAMEstatement : e SM.e : /* empty */e : e ASG_PLUS eterm : PLUS termterm : UNOP termState %d, token nesting too deep .copt freg,0,2 type_spec : TYDEFstr_head : STRUCTname_lp : NAME LPname_list : errorxnf_init_list : ee : e ASG_MINUS eterm : term INCOPterm : MINUS termterm : INCOP termnull_decl : LP RPdeclarator : errorocon_e : opt_con_exnf_init_list : LCstatement : ASM SMlabel : NAME COLONelist : elist CM eterm : SIZEOF termtoken end-of-file -no such reduction-nfdeclarator : NAMEcon_e : /* empty */term : term LB e RBterm : funct_idn RPfunct_idn : NAME LPfunct_idn : term LPyacc stack overflowexternal_def : errortype_spec : str_spectype_spec : enum_dclenum_dcl : ENUM NAMEenum_e : /* empty */str_dcl_list : errorstr_type : decl_specptr_qual : qual_listocon_e : /* empty */statement : BREAK SMstatement : error SMstatement : error RClabel : CASE e COLONReduce by (%d) "%s" function level errorexternal_def : ASM SMenum_head : ENUM NAMEuplevel : /* empty */optsemi : /* empty */statement : RETURN SMlabel : DEFAULT COLONifprefix : IF LP e RPe : e QUEST e COLON eparameter level errorswitch table overflowswitch table overflowdeclaration : error SModecl_spec : decl_specstr_spec : STRUCT NAMEstr_head : STRUCT NAMEstr_dcl_list : str_dcloptcomma : /* empty */term : term STROP NAMEblock nesting too deeptrans_unit : file_startexternal_def : data_defdownlevel : /* empty */qual_list : /* empty */opt_con_e : /* empty */pdeclarator : null_declinit_declarator : errorinit_list : initializernoptcomma : /* empty */stmt_list : /* empty */statement : CONTINUE SMstatement : RETURN e SMnull_decl : /* empty */file_start : /* empty */data_def : odecl_spec SModecl_spec : /* empty */moe : NAME ASSIGN enum_edeclarator : fdeclaratordeclarator : COLON con_efdeclarator : name_lp RPpdeclarator : declaratorpush_level : /* empty */statement : compoundstmtstatement : GOTO NAME SMError recovery discards dimension table overflowdeclarator : nfdeclaratorstart_param : /* empty */statement : WHILE LP e RPterm : funct_idn elist RParg_dcl_list : /* empty */declaration : decl_spec SMspec_qual_list : type_qualspec_qual_list : type_specmoe_list : moe_list CM moeext_def_list : 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