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Usage %1$s: -l LVID -c copy [-f] 0516-1262 %1$s: need argument(s)! No syncvg operations in progress. Usage: %1$s -N PVname -g VGid [-f] 0516-410 %1$s: Illegal Copy value. 0516-412 %1$s: Illegal Size value. %1$s: Logical volume %2$s updated. iocnt Kb_read Kb_wrtn KbpsThe gsclvmd daemon is not running. 0516-110 %1$s: LV name not entered. 0516-116 %1$s: PV name not entered. 0516-138 %1$s: VG name not entered. Usage: %1$s [-v] VGname [LVname...] %1$s: Physical volume data updated. 0516-1184 %1$s: IO failure on %2$s. Usage: %1$s -l LVid -s Size Filename Usage: %1$s -l LVid -s Size Filename 516-1009 Usage: %1$s template [size] 0516-1182 %1$s Open Failure on %2$s. 0516-1263 %1$s: illegal option -%2$s 0516-1720 %1$s: Unable to open %2$s. 0516-1743 %1$s: Invalid tunable %2$s 0516-126 %1$s: File name not entered. Volume group identifier . minor number%1$s: Logical volume %2$s is removed. 0516-937 %1$s: Enter only one option. %1$s: Volume group %2$s is varied on. 0516-1183 %1$s: Seek failure on %2$s. 0516-1191 %1$s: Illegal factor value. 0516-1268 %1$s: write to %2$s failed! 0516-318 %1$s: No volume groups found. 0516-328 %1$s: Identifier not entered. 0516-1030 %1$s: Command not executed. 0516-1267 %1$s: read from %2$s failed! 0516-1857 %1$s: Mirror Pool not found. 0516-136 %1$s: Error reading input map. Policy for allocation on physical volume%1$s: Volume group name %2$s generated. 0516-334 %1$s: Major number not entered. 0516-348 %1$s: Major number not entered. 0516-414 %1$s: Illegal UpperBound value. Usage: %1$s [-v] [-P] VGname [LVname...] Invalid syncvg operation for PID %1$lld. 0516-038 %1$s: Illegal minor number used. 0516-102 %1$s: LV identifier not entered. 0516-106 %1$s: VG identifier not entered. 0516-108 %1$s: PV identifier not entered. Usage: %1$s -l LVid [-n] -s Size Filename Usage: %1$s [-Y Prefix] [-n LVname] [Type]0516-1392 %1$s: Use the -y vgname option. 0516-1518 %1$s: Call to lextendlv failed. 0516-1826 %1$s: Invalid mirror pool name. %1$s: Volume group successfully varied on. 0516-568 %1$s: Unable to get major number. 0516-570 %1$s: Unable to get minor number. %1$s: Do you wish to continue? y(es) n(o)? 0516-776 %1$s: Cannot import %2$s as %3$s. 0516-938 %1$s: One option must be entered. %1$d 128K records in %2$d 128K records out Usage: %1$s [-Y Prefix] [-n LVname] [Type] 0516-1834 %1$s: IOCINFO ioctl call failed. 0516-1835 %1$s: Not permitted inside WPAR. 0516-1881 %1$s: Bad high water mark value. 0516-1882 %1$s: Invalid Volume Group name. 0516-1941 %1$s: ioctl call failed on %2$s. 0516-112 %1$s: LV minor number not entered. 0516-114 %1$s: VG major number not entered. 0516-841 %1$s: Logical volume is read-only. 0516-1287 %1$s: %2$s ioctl for %3$s failed. 0516-1735 %1$s: Cannot query volume group. 0516-342 %1$s: The genmajor function failed. 0516-350 %1$s: The genminor function failed. 0516-372 %1$s: The chkmajor function failed. 0516-374 %1$s: The lstmajor function failed. Number of physical volumes to allocate across0516-962 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s migrated. Usage: %1$s [-H] [-P NumParallelLPs] -l LVid 0516-406 %1$s: Unable to maintain strictness. 0516-606 %1$s: Volume group name not entered. Number of logical partitions in logical volume0516-792 %1$s: Unable to extend volume group. 0516-862 %1$s: Unable to create volume group. %1$s: Volume group identifier %2$s generated. 0516-882 %1$s: Unable to reduce volume group. 0516-966 %1$s: Unable to create internal map. 0516-1884 %1$s: Too many arguments specified. 0516-1885 %1$s: Mirror Pool name not entered. 0516-1890 %1$s: Invalid Physical Volume name. No syncvg operation in progress for PID %1$s. %1$s: No logical volumes in volume group %2$s. 0516-1254 %1$s: Changing the PVID in the ODM. 0516-1266 %1$s: llseek to [%2$d](%3$s) failed! 0516-1356 %1$s: Volume group name not entered. 0516-336 %1$s: The gensequence function failed. 0516-602 %1$s: Logical volume name not entered. 0516-743 %1$s: Error occurred during data copy. 0516-788 %1$s: Unable to extend logical volume. 0516-822 %1$s: Unable to create logical volume. %1$s: Logical volume identifier %2$s generated. 0516-1171 %1$s: skip must be greater than zero. 0516-1172 %1$s: seek must be greater than zero. %1$s: lchangelv failed - logical volume exists. 0516-1896 %1$s: Invalid copy location received. 0516-028 %1$s: Unable to open internal map file. 0516-030 %1$s: Illegal logical partition number. 0516-152 %1$s: Source PV identifier not entered. 0516-604 %1$s: Physical volume name not entered. 0516-1231 %1$s: Mirror copies are not available. 0516-1257 %1$s: Upperbound value not specified. 0516-1264 %1$s: Specify correct VG type of %2$s! 0516-1320 %1$s: Unable to recreate volume group. 0516-1402 %1$s: Unable to join the volume group. 0516-1825 %1$s: Mirror pool name already in use. 0516-1895 %1$s: Invalid Mirror Pool Id received. 0516-1939 %1$s: PV identifier not found in VGDA. 0516-032 %1$s: Illegal physical partition number. 0516-118 %1$s: Maximum number of LVs not entered. Usage: %1$s [-g VGid | -p PVname] [-NsFncDaLPAvt] 0516-330 %1$s: Do not use -L with any other flag. 0516-332 %1$s: Do not use -V with any other flag. 0516-772 %1$s: Unable to export volume group %2$s %1$s: Use of -x flag without -c flag not allowed. 0516-968 %1$s: Unable to reorganize volume group. 0516-1033 %1$s: Physical volume(s) not specified. 0516-1355 %1$s: Unable to split the volume group. 0516-1512 %1$s: Failed to release VG config lock. 0516-1744 %1$s: Could not get LV status for %2$s. 0516-1897 %1$s: LVM driver failed to update VGSA. 0516-302 %1$s: The identifier format is incorrect. 0516-502 %1$s: Unable to access volume group %2$s. 0516-544 %1$s: Unable to access volume group %2$s. 0516-732 %1$s: Unable to change volume group %2$s. 0516-742 %1$s: Unable to copy logical volume %2$s. Usage: %1$s [-s] VGname Varies a volume group off. 0516-1200 %1$s: Failed to mirror the volume group. 0516-1283 %1$s: Error reading %2$s from /dev/kmem. 0516-1345 %1$s: Do not use -f with any other flag. 0516-1346 %1$s: Do not use -F with any other flag. 0516-1620 %1$s: Cannot open the dump device %2$s. 0516-1621 %1$s: Cannot read the dump device %2$s. 0516-506 %1$s: Unable to find any physical volumes. 0516-608 %1$s: New logical volume name not entered. Policy for allocation over multiple physical volumes0516-785 %1$s: The Copies parameter must be 1 or 2. 0516-952 %1$s: Unable to vary on volume group %2$s. 0516-988 %1$s: Unable to move a physical partition. 0516-1230 %1$s: %3$s value is not in the file %2$s. 0516-1344 %1$s Missing alternate volume manager id. 0516-1363 %1$s: %2$s is not a primary volume group. 0516-1715 %1$s: No %2$s or %3$s flag was specified. 0516-1883 %1$s: Operation not supported for rootvg. 0516-1903 %1$s: Failed to open a system error log. 0516-1904 %1$s: Required Error log entry not found. Usage: %1$s [-g VGid | -p PVname] [-NsFncDaLPAvtZ]. 0516-2022 %1$s: File specified %2$s does not exist. 0516-022 %1$s: Illegal parameter or structure value. 0516-162 %1$s: VG identifier or PV name not entered. 0516-170 %1$s: Logical partition number not entered. 0516-522 %1$s: Unable to update logical volume %2$s. 0516-556 %1$s: Unable to update logical volume %2$s. 0516-562 %1$s: Unable to access physical volume %2$s 0516-704 %1$s: Unable to change logical volume %2$s. %1$s: Volume group special file %2$s already exists. 0516-912 %1$s: Unable to remove logical volume %2$s. 0516-942 %1$s: Unable to vary off volume group %2$s. 0516-1290 %1$s: Invalid mirror copy value specified. 0516-1358 %1$s: volume group must be fully mirrored. 0516-1378 %1$s: Do not use %2$s with any other flag. Usage: %1$s [-g VGid | -p PVname] [-NsFncDaLPAvtZz]. 0516-128 %1$s: Unable to read input file map entries. 0516-132 %1$s: Incorrect entry in partition map file. 0516-156 %1$s: Destination PV identifier not entered. 0516-352 %1$s: Warning, the reldevno function failed. 0516-356 %1$s: Warning, the reldevno function failed. 0516-722 %1$s: Unable to change physical volume %2$s. 0516-884 %1$s: Unable to remove physical volume %2$s. 0516-964 %1$s: Unable to migrate logical volume %2$s. 0516-972 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is not relocatable 0516-1121 %1$s: -m option requires disks to be named. 0616-1173 %1$s: Invalid backup mirror mask specified. 0516-1270 %1$s: -s option must be used with -S option 0516-1508 %1$s: Failed to update VG timestamp in ODM. 0516-1510 %1$s: Failed to acquire concurrent VG lock. 0516-1513 %1$s: Failed to release concurrent VG lock. 0516-1748 %1$s: Only O and F are valid values for -T. 0516-1872 %1$s: Could not open dynamic libary (%2$s). 0516-1879 %1$s: Same option specified multiple times. 0516-1887 %1$s: Required arguments are not specified. 0516-2029 %1$s: physical partition size is not valid. 0516-120 %1$s: Size of VG descriptor area not entered. 0516-124 %1$s: Error getting Kernel module identifier. 0516-321 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s is not configured. 0516-366 %1$s: Volume group %2$s is locked. Try again. 0516-400 %1$s: Not enough free partitions in map file. 0516-542 %1$s: Unable to continue. Command terminated. 0516-574 %1$s: Volume Group name %2$s is already used. 0516-613 %1$s: Source logical volume name not entered. 0516-706 %1$s: Do not use -n flag with any other flag. 0516-778 %1$s: Volume Group Name %2$s is already used. 0516-782 %1$s: Partially successful importing of %2$s. 0516-852 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s already has copies. 0516-1228 %1$s: %3$s does not exist in %2$s directory. 0516-1250 %1$s: WARNING: node update message not sent! 0516-1831 %1$s: Superstrict mirror pools are required. 0516-2028 %1$s: chdev failed for physical volume %2$s. 0516-2038 %1$s: A LV of type %2$s cannot be encrypted. 0516-003 %1$s: The kernel module id cannot be obtained. 0516-122 %1$s: Size of physical partitions not entered. Usage: %1$s -L LVid [-p PVname] [-NGnMScsPRvoadlArtwb]. 0516-313 %1$s: No configured physical volumes are free. 0516-362 %1$s: Unknown Object Data Manager error: %2$d. 0516-408 %1$s: Illegal logical volume identifier value. 0516-612 %1$s: Source physical volume name not entered. Number of physical partitions for each logical partition0516-684 %1$s: The Copies parameter must be 1, 2, or 3. %1$s: Logical volume %2$s successfully copied to %3$s . 0516-780 %1$s: Unable to import volume group from %2$s. 0516-823 %1$s: Physical Volume %2$s is not allocatable. 0516-932 %1$s: Unable to synchronize volume group %2$s. 0516-1114 %1$s: Too many disks entered as target disks. 0516-1136 %1$s: %2$s option not allowed with -L option. 0516-1181 %1$s: Device entered is not a Logical Volume. Usage %1$s: -l LVID -c copy [-f] [-P] [-n minor number] 0516-1828 %1$s: Maximum number of mirror pools reached. 0516-1889 %1$s: Logical Volume type is not 'aio_cache'. %1$s: LVM system call returned with error code (%2$s). 0516-2036 %1$s: Do not use -k flag with any other flag. 0516-530 %1$s: Logical volume name %2$s changed to %3$s. 0516-610 %1$s: Number of logical partitions not entered. 0516-762 %1$s: The root volume group cannot be exported. 0516-816 %1$s: Unable to migrate %2$s:%3$s to %4$s:%5$s. 0516-844 %1$s: Logical partition synchronization failed. 0516-1190 %1$s: Use of -m flag with -t flag not allowed. 0516-1297 %1$s: -a option is not allowed with -h option. 0516-1323 %1$s: -Y option is not allowed with -l option. 0516-1717 %1$s: The %2$s parameter must be %3$s or %4$s. 0516-1878 %1$s: Unable to change Mirror Pool attributes. Usage: %1$s -L LVid [-p PVname] [-NGnMScsPRvoadlArtwbZ]. 0516-416 %1$s: Illegal combination of command line flags. Usage: %1$s {-d PVname | -i VGid} [-V MajorNumber] VGname 0516-832 %1$s: Special file %2$s or %3$s already exists. %1$s: Volume group name %2$s contains invalid characters. 0516-934 %1$s: Unable to synchronize logical volume %2$s. 0516-1113 %1$s: Not enough disks entered as target disks. 0516-1304 %1$s: The -s parameter for sync must be y or n. 0516-1404 %1$s: Cannot split the same volume group twice. 0516-2040 %1$s: Unable to initialize encryption metadata. Usage: %1$s [-p PreferredNumber] MajorNumber NewDeviceName 0516-658 %1$s: The -s parameter for Strict must be y or n. 0516-676 %1$s: The -v parameter for Verify must be y or n. 0516-796 %1$s: Making %2$s a physical volume. Please wait. 0516-936 %1$s: Unable to synchronize physical volume %2$s. 0516-1373 %1$s: Unable to access the primary volume group. 0516-1383 %1$s: Physical volume may be missing or removed. 0516-1438 %1$s: The -T parameter for IO options must be O. 0516-1511 %1$s: Failed to acquire concurrent VG sync lock. 0516-1514 %1$s: Failed to release concurrent VG sync lock. 0516-572 %1$s: Volume Group already exists under name %2$s. 0516-615 %1$s: Destination logical volume name not entered. 0516-616 %1$s: Number of logical volume copies not entered. 0516-622 %1$s: Warning, cannot write lv control block data. 0516-678 %1$s: The -a parameter for Auto-on must be y or n. 0516-697 %1$s: Number of copies must be specified (1 or 2). 0516-984 %1$s: There are no physical volumes to reorganize. 0516-992 %1$s: Illegal combination of command line options. 0516-1170 %1$s: number_of_blocks must be greater than zero. 0516-1407 %1$s Reboot with the 64-bit kernel and try again. 0516-1390 %1$s: Number of LPs should be between 1 and %2$s. 0516-1395 %1$s: The physical volume %2$s, is not supported. 0516-1798 %1$s: Cannot change quorum without losing quorum. 0516-1804 %1$s: The quorum change takes effect immediately. Usage: %1$s VGname Lists the filesystems in a volume group. 0516-1888 %1$s: Device Configuration Database query failed. 0516-086 %1$s: Volume group descriptor area has a bad block. 0516-154 %1$s: Source physical partition number not entered. 0516-418 %1$s: Illegal data on standard input map line %2$d. 0516-614 %1$s: Destination physical volume name not entered. 0516-664 %1$s: The -d parameter for Schedule must be p or s. 0516-672 %1$s: The -r parameter for Relocate must be y or n. Usage: %1$s VGname Exports the definition of a volume group. 0516-1210 %1$s: Unable to read the volume group status area. 0516-1387 %1$s: Failed to clear the volume manager from %2$s.0516-1500 %1$s: Couldn't initialize ODM module for querying. 0516-1515 %1$s: Failure to read VGSA from LVM device driver. 0516-1726 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s already has %3$d copies. 0516-026 %1$s: Cannot add more copies to a logical partition. Usage: %1$s -g VGid -p PVid [-r RemoveMode] [-a AllocateMode] 0516-660 %1$s: The -b parameter for BadBlocks must be y or n. 0516-681 %1$s: Name provided is of illegal length or content. %1$s: There are no physical volumes available for allocation. 0516-1118 %1$s: No logical volumes in volume group to mirror. 0516-1137 %1$s: -L option not allowed on active volume group. 0516-1301 %1$s: The -h parameter for hotspare must be y or n. 0516-1331 %1$s: Number of LPs should be between 1 and 32,512. VOLUME GROUP: %1$-19s Mirror Pool Super Strict: %2$-14s MIRROR POOL: %1$-19s Mirroring Mode: %2$-14s ASYNC MIRROR STATE: %1$-19s ASYNC CACHE LV: %2$-14s ASYNC CACHE VALID: %1$-19s ASYNC CACHE EMPTY: %2$-14s ASYNC CACHE HWM: %1$-19s ASYNC DATA DIVERGED: %2$-14s 0516-1899 %1$s: LVM driver received a invalid recovery type. 0516-368 %1$s: The reldevno function failed; name not changed. 0516-370 %1$s: The genminor function failed; name not changed. 0516-373 %1$s: Major number and volume group name not entered. 0516-420 %1$s: Illegal InterPolicy value, defaulted to middle. 0516-504 %1$s: Unable to access device configuration database. 0516-528 %1$s: Unable to access device configuration database. 0516-564 %1$s: Unable to access device configuration database. 0516-576 %1$s: Unable to update device configuration database. 0516-662 %1$s: The -c parameter for Copies must be 1, 2, or 3. 0516-666 %1$s: The -p parameter for Permission must be w or r. 0516-674 %1$s: The -a parameter for Allocation must be y or n. 0516-1168 %1$s: Do not use the -B option with any other option 0516-1179 %1$s: Backup mirror copy already exists for this LV. 0516-1227 %1$s: Warning, replacepv did not completely succeed. 0516-1242 %1$s: The -s parameter for Strict must be y, n or s. 0516-1269 %1$s: Sorry, You MUST BE ROOT to execute readvgda! 0516-1343 %1$s Could not clear owning volume manager for %2$s. 0516-1400 %1$s: The device %2$s, is locked by another process. 0516-1517 %1$s: Failed to create a valid partition allocation. 0516-1811 %1$s: Mirror pool was not found in the Volume Group. 0516-058 %1$s: Not enough memory available now. Try again later 0516-307 %1$s: Unable to access Device Configuration Database. 0516-402 %1$s: Incorrect data encountered during scan function. 0516-654 %1$s: The -e parameter for InterPolicy must be x or m. 0516-686 %1$s: The -m parameter for Synchronize must be 1 or 2. 0516-695 %1$s: The -y option cannot be used with the -Y option. %1$s: Use chlv command with -t flag to change the type to copy. 0516-810 %1$s: Not enough room on destination physical volumes. 0516-1353 %1$s: The VGID %2$s was found on the physical volume. 0516-1384 %1$s: The -r parameter for relocation must be y or n. 0516-1716 %1$s: The %2$s and %3$s flags are mutually exclusive. 0516-1863 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume not found. 0516-1886 %1$s: Arguments %2$s and %3$s are mutually exclusive. Usage: %1$s -a VGname -V MajorNumber -g VGid [-ornpft] Filename 0516-346 %1$s: Major number and logical volume name not entered. 0516-670 %1$s: The -v parameter for Availability must be a or r. 0516-738 %1$s: WARNING: Concurrent node update message not sent. 0516-818 %1$s: Striped logical volume %2$s will not be migrated. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-p PVname] LVname... Removes a logical volume. 0516-949 %1$s: This volume group not created concurrent capable. 0516-1110 %1$s: Original boot logical volume cannot be detected. 0516-1376 %1$s: Physical volume contains a VERITAS volume group. 0516-1844 %1$s: Asynchronous Mirror Pool attributes are not set. 0516-1938 %1$s: LVM library call failed with return code (%2$d). 0516-2012 %1$s: Cannot continue because source PV is not active. %1$s: Volume Group deleted since it contains no physical volumes. 0516-158 %1$s: Destination physical partition number not entered. 0516-335 %1$s: Warning, name has been truncated to 15 characters. 0516-526 %1$s: Logical volume and volume group names not entered. 0516-692 %1$s: The -f option can only be used with the -e option. 0516-789 %1$s: Physical Volume %2$s is not in volume group %3$s. 0516-1122 %1$s: Invalid number of copies entered, must be 2 or 3. 0516-1131 %1$s: Invalid number of copies entered, must be 1 or 2. 0516-1167 %1$s: invalid mirror_copy_number, it must be 1, 2 or 3. 0516-1393 %1$s: The %2$s and %3$s options are mutually exclusive. 0516-1791 %1$s: lvm_rec for PV %2$s has VGID %3$s (%4$s expected) 0516-1902 %1$s: Command failed due to the invalid command usage. Usage: %1$s [-b] VGname Exports the definition of a volume group. 0516-532 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s not found in volume group %3$s. 0516-1117 %1$s: Not enough disks available to mirror volume group. 0516-1334 %1$s: The command /usr/sbin/tellclvmd returned an error. 0516-020 %1$s: Logical volume name or minor number already in use. 0516-130 %1$s: Incorrect input; expecting more entries in map file. 0516-693 %1$s: The -%2$s parameter is of illegal length or content. 0516-787 %1$s: Maximum allocation for logical volume %2$s is %3$s. 0516-020 %1$s: Logical volume name or minor number already in use. 0516-1044 %1$s: Copies are not allowed on a striped logical volume. 0516-1317 %1$s: Migration of pv %2$s to %3$s in %4$s is successful. 0516-1352 %1$s: The -o parameter for Overlapping IO must be y or n. 0516-1751 %1$s: The command %2$s returned the following error: %3$s0516-1840 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume is not valid. 0516-2043 %1$s: Encryption is already enabled on this volume group. 0516-010 %1$s: Volume group must be varied on; use varyonvg command. 0516-423 %1$s: Not enough entries in mapfile to fulfill allocation. 0516-680 %1$s: Unable to read Mapfile specified as the -m parameter. 0516-696 %1$s: Physical Volume %2$s belongs to another volume group. 0516-868 %1$s: The -d parameter for MaxPVs must be between 1 and 32. %1$s: Partitions from the following logical volumes will be deleted: 0516-1037 %1$s: Physical volumes or upperbound value not specified. Usage: %1$s [-c Copies] VGname [PVname...] Unmirrors a volume group. 0516-1159 %1$s: Cannot varyoff volume group %2$s in management mode. 0516-1207 %1$s: An invalid physical volume ID been detected on %2$s. %1$s: imfs failed - logical volume changed - filesystem not created. 0516-1303 %1$s: The -h parameter for hotspare must be y, n, Y, or r. 0516-1311 %1$s: There are no hotspare disks in %2$s to migrate %3$s. 0516-1391 %1$s: Unable to unrelocate bad blocks in the volume group. 0516-1898 %1$s: Could not drain IOs from the asynchronous IO cache. 0516-2044 %1$s: Encryption is already disabled on this volume group. 0516-548 %1$s: Partially successful with updating volume group %2$s. 0516-764 %1$s: The volume group must be varied off before exporting. 0516-804 %1$s: Source physical volume %2$s cannot be in destination. Warning, all data contained on logical volume %2$s will be destroyed. 0516-1166 %1$s: Unable to change logical volume backup copy for %2$s. 0516-1339 %1$s: Physical volume contains some 3rd party volume group. 0516-1797 %1$s: Logical Volume name %2$s contains invalid characters. 0516-1874 %1$s: Look up the location of a symbol in a module failed. 0516-2014 %1$s: -p flag value must be in the format copyn=mirrorpool. 0516-008 %1$s: LVM system call returned an unknown error code (%2$s). 0516-046 %1$s: Cannot delete logical volume before partitions removed. 0516-070 %1$s: LVM system call found an unaccountable internal error. 0516-546 %1$s: Unable to update volume group %2$s. Command terminated 0516-746 %1$s: Destination logical volume must have type set to copy. %1$s: This concurrent capable volume group must be varied on manually. Usage: %1$s [-i] {-l|-p|-v} Name Synchronize logical partition copies. 0516-1041 %1$s: Cannot create a striped logical volume as relocatable. 0516-1042 %1$s: Cannot change a striped logical volume to relocatable. 0516-1048 %1$s: Cannot create a striped logical volume as type 'boot'. 0516-1049 %1$s: Cannot change a striped logical volume as type 'boot'. 0516-1272 %1$s: The -d parameter for Schedule must be p, s, ps, or pr. 0516-1782 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s is not part of volume group %3$s. 0516-320 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s is not assigned to a volume group. 0516-520 %1$s: Partially successful with updating logical volume %2$s. 0516-711 %1$s: Warning, unable to update logical volume control block. 0516-824 %1$s: Unable to get allocation data for physical volume %2$s. 0516-970 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s belongs to a different volume group 0516-1034 %1$s: Not enough physical partitions in physical volume %2$s. 0516-1119 %1$s: Not enough free physical partitions to satisfy request. 0516-1148 %1$s: Invalid NumParallelLps. Value must be between 1 and 32. 0516-1368 %1$s: This command is not allowed on a snapshot volume group. 0516-1380 %1$s: Re-sizing of the disks is not supported for the rootvg. 0516-1960 %1$s: Only 'F' is valid for -T flag on regular volume groups. 0516-1984 %1$s: The -r parameter for Critical VG option must be y or n. 0516-836 %1$s: The -u value of 1 not valid for a striped logical volume. 0516-956 %1$s: Synchronization of Device Configuration Database failed. 0516-990 %1$s: Unable to create new allocation for logical volume %2$s. 0516-1011 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is labeled as a boot logical volume. 0516-1147 %1$s: Warning - logical volume %2$s may be partially mirrored. 0516-1321 %1$s: Unable to read LvNameFile specified as the -l parameter. 0516-1616 %1$s: This operation is only valid for scalable volume groups. 0516-1703 %1$s: The %2$s option is not valid for scalable volume groups. 0516-1781 %1$s: The %2$s option is not valid for scalable volume groups. 0516-1963 %1$s: rootvg cannot be created in the big volume group format. 0516-2011 %1$s: The -e parameter for Critical PVs option must be y or n. 0516-360 %1$s: The device name is already used; choose a different name. 0516-656 %1$s: The -u parameter for Upperbound must be between 1 and 32. 0516-1281 %1$s: WARNING, lv control block of %2$s has been over written. 0516-1340 %1$s Alternate volume group ids must be greater or equal 32000. 0516-1705 %1$s: Cannot get the current volume group descriptor area size. 0516-1709 %1$s: The -b parameter for bad block relocation must be y or n. 0516-2031 %1$s: The -k parameter for VG Encryption option must be y or n. 0516-2032 %1$s: The -k parameter for LV Encryption option must be y or n. 0516-886 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s does not belong to volume group %3$s. 0516-1186 %1$s: Cannot create a backup mirror on a Striped Logical Volume. 0516-1212 %1$s: rootvg cannot be converted to the big volume group format. 0516-1347 %1$s: The -u, and -s options cannot be used with the -m option. 0516-1892 %1$s: Asynchronous IO started in Remote Physical Volume Driver. 0516-1952 %1$s: The -O parameter for Infinite Retry option must be y or n. %1$s: Concurrent capable snapshot volume group must be varied on manually. 0516-1987 %1$s: The -R parameter for preferred read must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. 0516-009 %1$s: The migrate failed due to an error during the resync phase. 0516-004 %1$s: The mapped file is currently being used by another process. 0516-652 %1$s: The -a parameter for IntraPolicy must be m, im, c, ie or e. 0516-817 %1$s: Source physical volume %2$s state does not allow migration. 0516-830 %1$s: Both volume group and number of partitions must be entered. 0516-842 %1$s: Unable to make logical partition copies for logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-i] [-f] {-l|-p|-v} Name Synchronize logical partition copies. 0516-1374 %1$s: All splitoff disks in the primary volume group are removed. 0516-1394 %1$s: The physical volume %2$s, is not configured and available. 0516-1506 %1$s: ODM query for the strictness of this logical volume failed. 0516-1727 %1$s: Cannot split the last good copy of the logical volume %2$s. 0516-1813 %1$s: The -M parameter for mirror pool strictness must be y or n. 0516-2024 %1$s: Unable to restore performance tunables of the volume group. 0516-808 %1$s: Destination physical volume state does not allow allocation. 0516-1013 %1$s: No contiguous partitions found for boot logical volume %2$s. 0516-1192 %1$s: The product of -d option and -t option should not exceed 32. 0516-1203 %1$s: The -u parameter for Upperbound must be between 1 and %2$s. 0516-1282 %1$s: The volume group appears to be in big volume format already. 0516-1249 %1$s: The -u parameter for Upperbound must be between 1 and %2$s. 0516-1278 %1$s: The -L parameter for LTGsize must be 128, 256, 512, or 1024. Usage: %1$s [-c copy] [-y newvgname] [-i] [-f] vgname Splits a volume group. 0516-1505 %1$s: ODM query for the upper bound of this logical volume failed. 0516-1775 %1$s: Physical volumes %2$s and %3$s have identical PVIDs (%4$s). Usage: %1$s [-h /dev/PVname] | [-p PVid [-g VGid | -N PVname] [-scPnaDdAtY]] 0516-040 %1$s: Unable to read the specified physical volume descriptor area. 0516-694 %1$s: The -v, -y, and -Y options cannot be used with the -e option. Usage: %1$s [-d] [-f] [-m Mode] [-n] [-s] VGname... Varies a volume group on. 0516-015 %1$s: The migrate was done but the partition could not be resynced. 0516-677 %1$s: The -w parameter for Mirror-Write Consistency must be y or n. 0516-1315 %1$s: Migration of pv %2$s to %3$s in %4$s is partially successful. 0516-1503 %1$s: ODM query for the intra-policy of this logical volume failed. 0516-1504 %1$s: ODM query for the inter-policy of this logical volume failed. 0516-1706 %1$s: This volume group is already in scalable volume group format. 0516-1746 %1$s: %2$s is in 'active' state and has an open LV allocated on it. 0516-1934 %1$s: -I and -X are an illegal combination of command line options. 0516-1962 %1$s: rootvg cannot be created in the scalable volume group format. PV_name reclaim Mb_freed Mb_pending Mb_success Mb_failed Mb_reused 0516-014 %1$s: The physical volume appears to belong to another volume group. 0516-084 %1$s: Cannot remove or delete physical volume without losing quorum. Usage: %1$s [ -h /dev/PVname ] | [-p PVid [-g VGid | -N PVname] [-scPnaDdAt] ] 0516-306 %1$s: Unable to find %2$s %3$s in the Device Configuration Database. 0516-510 %1$s: Physical volume not found for physical volume identifier %2$s. %1$s: All data contained on the destination logical volume will be destroyed. 0516-848 %1$s: Failure on physical volume %2$s, it may be missing or removed. %1$s: Concurrent capable volume creation or extension not allowed with: %2$s. 0516-1217 %1$s: User ID, group ID and file modes can only be set by root user. 0516-1240 %1$s: The %2$s options cannot be used with striped logical volumes. 0516-1357 %1$s: splitvg is not allowed in classic or enhanced concurrent mode. 0516-1516 %1$s: Number of PVs supplied exceeds the number in the volume group. 0516-1710 %1$s: The %2$s parameter must be a power of 2 between %3$d and %4$d. 0516-1711 %1$s: The attempted operation is only supported on the 64bit kernel. 0516-1824 %1$s: Mirror pool name must be less than or equal to 15 characters. 0516-1829 %1$s: Every mirror pool must contain a copy of the logical volume. 0516-567 %1$s: No configured physical volumes were found for the volume group. 0516-806 %1$s: Destination physical volume %2$s belongs to wrong volume group. 0516-1396 %1$s: The physical volume %2$s, was not found in the system database. 0516-1704 %1$s: rootvg cannot be converted to the scalable volume group format. 0516-1830 %1$s: Local and remote disks cannot belong to the same mirror pool. 0516-1984 %1$s: The -j parameter for sync only FS blocks option must be y or n. 0516-1998 %1$s: Unable to export volume group %2$s due to previous live update. 0516-2025 %1$s: Unable to restore performance tunable %2$s of the volume group. 0516-982 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s status is missing, no allocate, or removed. 0516-1397 %1$s: The physical volume %2$s, will not be added to the volume group. 0516-1442 %1$s: The stripe_width of 1 is not valid for a striped logical volume. 0516-1509 %1$s: VGDA corruption: physical partition info for this LV is invalid. 0516-2000 %1$s: Live Kernel Update operation is in progress. Try again later. 0516-2030 %1$s: Warning, waiting for outstanding reclaim operations to complete. 0516-682 %1$s: The -s parameter for Size must be a power of 2 between 1 and 256. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1038 %1$s: Not enough physical partitions for striped logical volume %2$s. Usage: %1$s vgname Joins the snapshot volume group with the primary volume group. 0516-1833 %1$s: The -M parameter for mirror pool strictness must be y, n, or s. 0516-1893 %1$s: Asynchronous IO is not started in Remote Physical Volume Driver. 0516-628 %1$s: Warning, cannot install physical volume %2$s in volume group %3$s. 0516-1198 %1$s: The -a, -e, -u, and -s options cannot be used with the -m option. 0516-1440 %1$s: Physical volumes, upperbound or stripe_width value not specified. 0516-1708 %1$s: Varyonvg failed during conversion to scalable volume group format. 0516-1850 %1$s: Data divergence will occur if volume group activation is allowed. 0516-1906 %1$s: The Volume Group version is not valid for this command execution. 0516-1979 %1$s: Invalid arguments, possibly due to an argument containing a space. 0516-2045 %1$s: Encryption is enabled in some logical volumes in the volume group. 0516-304 %1$s: Unable to find device id %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. 0516-710 %1$s: mknod function failure. Cannot create new device special file %2$s. 0516-922 %1$s: Unable to remove logical partition copies from logical volume %2$s. 0516-1143 %1$s: Target disk %2$s does not support booting on this specific system. 0516-1197 %1$s: The -s parameter for Size must be a power of 2 between 1 and 1024. 0516-1199 %1$s: Failed to create logical partition copies for logical volume %2$s. 0516-1502 %1$s: ODM query for the volume group name for this logical volume failed. 0516-1870 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume recovery operation is failed. 0516-1875 %1$s: Remote Physical Volume call for asynchronous configuration failed. %1$s: Please run : hdcryptmgr authinit lvname [..] to define LV encryption options. 0516-023 %1$s: The volume group is currently varied on at a different major number. 0516-371 %1$s: The loadext function failed. Unable to get kernel module identifier. 0516-1115 %1$s: Target disks must be equal or larger in size than the source disks. 0516-1324 %1$s: Warning, cannot update lv control block data of logical volume %2$s. 0516-1745 %1$s: %2$s has an active dump device allocated on it and cannot be closed. 0516-1891 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume must fully reside at one site. Usage: %1$s [-c Copies] [-p MirrorPool] VGname [PVname...] Unmirrors a volume group. 0516-2023 %1$s: Performance tunables saved in %2$s are for a different volume group. 0516-690 %1$s: The -a, -e, -u, -s, and -c options cannot be used with the -m option. Usage: %1$s [-f] VGname PVname... Extends a volume group by adding a physical volume. 0516-1116 %1$s: None of the available disks support booting on this specific system. 0516-1149 %1$s: The -H and -P flags are ignored when synchronizing by physical volume 0516-1370 %1$s: Failure on physical volume %2$s, it belongs to snapshot volume group. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-n] [-s] [-c] [-b] [-r] [-p] [-t] VGname Varies a volume group on. 0516-1519 %1$s: Failed to create a temporary partition map file necessary for allocp. 0516-2033 %1$s: Cannot create an encrypted LV in a VG that is not encryption enabled. 0516-005 %1$s: The physical volume is already a member of the requested volume group. 0516-316 %1$s: Unable to find volume group %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. 0516-631 %1$s: Warning, all data belonging to physical volume %2$s will be destroyed. Usage: %1$s [-S | -s] [-Q] [-c Copies] [-m] VGname [PVname...] Mirrors a volume group. 0516-1139 %1$s: -L option failed in volume group ownership and permissions retrieval. 0516-1142 %1$s: Unable to match disk %2$s to a PVID in Device Configuration Database. 0516-1150 %1$s: The logical volume name %2$s already exists for another volume group. 0516-1279 %1$s: The -w parameter for Mirror-Write Consistency must be: a, y, n, or p. 0516-1854 %1$s: Could not mark partition copy stale because it is the last good copy. 0516-1945 %1$s: -d and other flags are an illegal combination of command line options. 0516-1968 %1$s: This node is unable to notify remote nodes to update splitvg changes. 0516-1970 %1$s: Snapshot volume group VGID:%2$s must be exported on all remote nodes. 0516-2051 %1$s: This flag is not valid for a backup mirror copy of a logical volume. 0516-724 %1$s: Unable to change physical volume %2$s. There is an open logical volume. 0516-825 %1$s: With -i option the physical volume names must come from standard input. 0516-1111 %1$s: Not enough disks available that can mirror %2$s boot logical volumes . 0516-1234 %1$s: The destination disk size must be atleast the size of the source disk. 0516-1876 %1$s: Remote Physical Volume device driver does not support asynchronous IO. 0516-011 %1$s: The volume group has been forcefully varied off due to a loss of quorum. 0516-312 %1$s: Unable to find logical volume %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. 0516-314 %1$s: Unable to find logical volume %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. 0516-921 %1$s: All logical partitions have less than or equal to %2$s number of copies. 0516-1277 %1$s: Volume group not changed. Volume group %2$s has the specified LTG size. 0516-1978 %1$s: The -N parameter for no varyon on multiple nodes option must be n or o. 0516-068 %1$s: Unable to completely resynchronize volume. Run diagnostics if neccessary. 0516-1310 %1$s: Successfully synchronized the logical volume %2$s in volume group %3$s. 0516-1335 %1$s: This system does not support enhanced concurrent capable volume groups. 0516-1736 %1$s: Unable to determine if the volume group contains an active paging space. 0516-1873 %1$s: Could not resolve Remote physical volume device driver exported symbols. 0516-1935 %1$s: The version of this VG indicates it is not eligible for the -I operation. 0516-104 %1$s: Incorrect LV identifier. The format must be VG_identifier.LV_minor_number 0516-358 %1$s: Illegal name; the prefix of the name is reserved. Choose a different name. 0516-688 %1$s: The -y parameter for Name cannot be used with the -Y parameter for Prefix. 0516-1043 %1$s: There are not enough physical volumes to create a striped logical volume. 0516-1305 %1$s: This command is not allowed while volume group %2$s is concurrent capable. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-q] VGname PVname... Extends a volume group by adding a physical volume. 0516-634 %1$s: /tmp directory does not have enough space, delete some files and try again. 0516-814 %1$s: No other physical volumes are available for allocation in the volume group. %1$s: Warning, physical volume %2$s is excluded since it may be either missing or removed. Usage: %1$s [-i] VGname [LVname...] Reorganizes partition allocation within a volume group. 0516-1035 %1$s: The -e, -u, -s, and -m options cannot be used with striped logical volume. 0516-1312 %1$s: Unable to disable the hotspare characteristic of %2$s in volume group %3$s. 0516-1365 %1$s: The only allowable %1$s options on the snapshot volume group is -a -R -S -u 0516-1734 %1$s: Warning, savebase failed. Please manually run 'savebase' before rebooting. 0516-1967 %1$s: Above syncvg failure(s) could be because %2$s has a snapshot volume group. 0516-2013 %1$s: Cannot continue because there is no room to add an additional PV in the VG. 0516-054 %1$s: The volume group is not varied on because a physical volume name is missing. 0516-059 %1$s: Unable to read physical volume ID or the physical volume may not have an ID. 0516-566 %1$s: Unable to find configured physical volumes in device configuration database. 0516-894 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove volume group %2$s from device configuration database. Usage: %1$s lvname/lpartnum[/copynum] destpv[/ppartnum] Migrates a single logical partition. 0516-1718 %1$s: The %2$s parameter must be greater than %3$d and less than or equal to %4$d. 0516-1792 %1$s: User ID, group ID and file modes can only be set by root or authorized user. 0516-090 %1$s: This node unable to get configuration lock for this concurrent volume group. 0516-1112 %1$s: %2$s contains a logical volume, this disk cannot be used with the -m option. 0516-1366 %1$s: The only allowable %1$s options on the primary volume group is -a -R -S -u -h Performing a varyoffvg and varyonvg on the failing volume group may resolve this condition. 0516-091 %1$s: This node unable to free configuration lock for this concurrent volume group. Usage: %1$s -g VGid -p SourcePVid -n SourcePPnumber -P DestinationPVid -N DestinationPPnumber 0516-705 %1$s: Cannot change -u value. New value violates current logical volume parameters. 0516-766 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove logical volume %2$s from device configuration database. 0516-948 %1$s: Concurrent volume group's clvmd daemon not started because of SRC error %2$s. 0516-1140 %1$s: Unable to read the volume group descriptor area on specified physical volume. 0516-1265 %1$s: WARNING!!! VGDA of %2$s is corrupted. OR incorrect VG type flag specified. 0516-1280 %1$s: The %2$s option is only valid for volume groups of the Big Volume group type. 0516-087 %1$s: This node unable to get synchronization lock for this concurrent volume group. 0516-603 %1$s: This command is not allowed while volume group is varied on in concurrent mode. 0516-741 %1$s: Source logical volume %2$s is open. Unmount file system on this logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-d] [-f] VGname PVname... Reduces volume group size by removing a physical volume. 0516-896 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove physical volume %2$s from Device Configuration Database. 0516-916 %1$s: Warning, can not remove logical volume %2$s from device configuration database. 0516-1040 %1$s: Physical volumes cannot be specified when extending the striped logical volume. 0516-1202 %1$s: Invalid parameter specified with -P option. Enter permissiions in Octal value. Usage: %1$s [ -B ] [ -f ] [ -p Physical Volume ] LogicalVolume ... Removes a logical volume. 0516-1367 %1$s: Creation of a new logical volumes is not allowed on a snapshot volume group. 0516-1372 %1$s: This command is not allowed on a volume group that has a snapshot volume group. 0516-1852 %1$s: User selected copy is not accessible. Check the state of the physical volumes. 0516-1923 %1$s: The stripe width %2$s, cannot be larger than the number of PVs specified %3$s. 0516-088 %1$s: This node unable to free synchronization lock for this concurrent volume group. 0516-1036 %1$s: Striped logical volume size can only be an even multiple of the striping width. 0516-1046 %1$s: The -e, -u, -s, -w, and -d options cannot be used with striped logical volumes. 0516-1132 %1$s: Quorum requirement turned on, reboot system for this to take effect for rootvg. 0516-1299 %1$s: Cannot change the allocation permission of %2$s because %2$s is a hotspare disk. 0516-1313 %1$s: Hotspare disk with the required size to migrate %2$s is not available in %3$s. 0516-1787 %1$s: This command is not allowed on an active Firmware-Assisted dump logical volume. 0516-1790 %1$s: Failed bootinfo -s %2$s. Ensure the physical volume is available and try again. Usage: %1$s -a VGname -V MajorNumber -N PVname -n MaxLVs -D VGDescriptorSize -s PPSize [-f] [-t] 0516-508 %1$s: Warning, unable to update device configuration database for physical volume %2$s. 0516-1124 %1$s: Quorum requirement turned off, reboot system for this to take effect for rootvg. 0516-1700 %1$s: The %2$s option is not valid for volume groups of the original volume group type. 0516-1814 %1$s: Mirror pools must be defined for each copy when strict mirror pools are enabled. 0516-1846 %1$s: No data copy selection is required because there is no data divergence detected. 0516-1905 %1$s: Failed to retrieve the volume group information or volume group descriptor area. 0516-308 %1$s: Unable to find logical volume attribute %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. 0516-1123 %1$s: One or more lv already has copies. This state is not allowed with the -m option. 0516-1244 %1$s: Destination physical volume %2$s contains partitions of the logical volume %3$s. 0516-1294 %1$s: If map option is used for striped logical volumes, upper bound must be specified. 0516-1959 %1$s: Specifying '-T F' for logical volumes on a regular volume group cannot be undone. @(#)76 src/bos/usr/sbin/lvm/liblv/lvm_msg.c, cmdlvm, bos72X, x2021_19A3 5/8/21 18:02:310516-007 %1$s: The physical volume state was updated in the descriptor area but not in the kernel. 0516-794 %1$s: %2$s is not configured. Please configure the disk before trying this command again. 0516-679 %1$s: The -w parameter for Mirror-Write Consistency of a paging Logical Volume must be n. 0516-1942 %1$s: The -v parameter for maximum logical volumes must be 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. 0516-1853 %1$s: Could not determine location of the copy. Check the state of the physical volumes. 0516-1869 %1$s: Remote asynchronous IO cache logical volume is not empty and it is not accessible. 0516-2050 %1$s: This flag is not valid for a logical volume that has an active backup mirror copy. 0516-521 %1$s: Warning, using device configuration database default values for logical volume %2$s. Usage: %1$s [-i] [-f] [-H] [-P NumParallelLps] {-l|-p|-v} Name Synchronize logical partition copies. 0516-1408 %1$s: The only allowable %1$s options on the snapshot volume group are -a, -R, -S, and -u. 0516-1841 %1$s: Volume group descriptor area for Asynchronously mirrored volume group is not valid. 0516-019 %1$s: The migrate failed after the old partition was removed and it could not be recovered. 0516-1330 %1$s: Concurrent capable volume groups are not supported when running with a 64 bit kernel. 0516-1369 %1$s: Warning, physical volume %2$s is excluded since it belongs to snapshot volume group. 0516-1441 %1$s: Striped logical volume upperbound can only be an even multiple of the striping width. 0516-1445 %1$s: The -M parameter for LTGsize must be a power of 2. (ex: 128K, 256K...1M, 2M...128M) Usage: %1$s [-f] [-p MirrorPool] VGname PVname... Extends a volume group by adding a physical volume. 0516-737 %1$s: Modification of vg to concurrent capable volume group not allowed with the disk: %2$s. 0516-1010 %1$s: Warning, the physical volume %2$s has open logical volumes. Continuing with change. 0516-2052 %1$s: The logical volume of type aio_cache cannot be mirrored to a remote physical volume. 0516-066 %1$s: Physical volume is not a volume group member. Check the physical volume name specified. 0516-768 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove physical volume %2$s from the LVM device configuration database. 0516-017 %1$s: The partition was moved to the new location but the old partition could not be removed. 0516-1309 %1$s: Statistics collection is not enabled for this logical device. Use -e option to enable. 0516-1409 %1$s: The only allowable %1$s options on the primary volume group are -a, -R, -S, -u, and -h. 0516-1707 %1$s: The volume group must be varied off during conversion to scalable volume group format. 0516-1786 %1$s: Convert the volume group to a scalable volume group with the %2$s command, then retry. 0516-1836 %1$s: Asynchronous GLVM Mirroring is in use. Super strict mirror pools cannot be disabled. 0516-1843 %1$s: Asynchronous Mirror Pool attributes in the volume group descriptor area are not valid. 0516-1988 %1$s: Invalid prefered read copy specified. The prefered read copy specified does not exist. 0516-093 %1$s: Another varyonvg command seems active at the same time. This varyonvg request is ignored. 0516-364 %1$s: Attribute %2$s not found in Device Configuration Database. The database is inconsistent. Usage: %1$s [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] [-f] [-c] [-x] PVname Imports the definition of a volume group. 0516-1031 %1$s: Please vary off and export the previous volume group %2$s before execute this command. 0516-1133 %1$s: Quorum requirement turned on, varyoff and varyon volume group for this to take effect. 0516-1382 %1$s: Volume group is not changed. None of the disks in the volume group have grown in size. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-n] [-M LTGSize] [-u ] [-s] [-c] [-b] [-r] [-p] [-t] VGname Varies a volume group on. 0516-1894 %1$s: Invalid Asynchronous Device Pool information returned by Remote Physical Volume Driver. 0516-1125 %1$s: Quorum requirement turned off, varyoff and varyon volume group for this to take effect. 0516-1258 %1$s: Modification of a big volume group to a concurrent capable volume group is not allowed. 0516-1314 %1$s: Mirror copy is not available for the lv %2$s to migrate from %3$s in volume group %3$s. 0516-1410 %1$s: Warning, physical volume %2$s is excluded because it belongs to a snapshot volume group. 0516-1845 %1$s: Superstrict mirror pool properties for superstrict mirror pool volume group are invalid. 0516-1865 %1$s: Asynchronous IO status is currently active in the Logical Volume Manager device driver. 0516-752 %1$s: Warning, cannot update destination logical volume's type in device configuration database. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-p MirrorPool] [-q] VGname PVname... Extends a volume group by adding a physical volume. Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -v Availability } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. 0516-753 %1$s: Warning, cannot update destination logical volume's label in device configuration database. Usage: %1$s [-o] [-n PVname] %2$s [-i] [-l | -p] VGname Lists the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1927 %1$s: Asynchronously mirrored volume group is not allowed to activate in system management mode. 0516-1930 %1$s: PV type not valid for VG restriction. Unable to comply with requested PV type restriction. 0516-080 %1$s: Device is block device; must be raw device. Execute redefinevg to build correct environment. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-c] [-x] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1039 %1$s: The -S parameter for stripe size must be a power of 2. (ex: 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K or 128K) 0516-1300 %1$s: -h option is not allowed for %2$s because it belongs to a concurrent capable volume group. 0516-1381 %1$s: Not enough descriptor area space left in this volume group to re-size the physical volumes. 0516-1838 %1$s: Volume Group Auto varyon flag must be turned off for Asynchronous Mirroring configuration. 0516-1866 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume is opened in the Logical Volume Manager device driver. 0516-013 %1$s: The volume group cannot be varied on because there are no good copies of the descriptor area. Usage: %1$s [-i] [-l LVname] SourcePV DestinationPV... Migrates all logical partitions off a physical volume. 0516-856 %1$s: -k option is ignored while in concurrent state. User should run syncvg after mirror creation. 0516-914 %1$s: Warning, all data belonging to logical volume %2$s on physical volume %3$s will be destroyed. 0516-1141 %1$s: Mismatch between VGID information in ODM and VGDA. Check the physical volume name specified. 0516-1229 %1$s: Recovery directory %2$s does not exist. Make sure that the recovery directory %2$s is valid. 0516-1322 %1$s: Physical volumes specified on the command line are not enough to recreate the volume group. 0516-1401 %1$s: Unable to update the vgda in some of the disks. Execute joinvg to build correct environment. 0516-1747 %1$s: The -T option is only available for logical volumes in either big or scalable volume groups. Usage: %1$s [-S | -s] [-Q] [-c Copies] [-m] [-p copyN=MirrorPool] VGname [PVname...] Mirrors a volume group. 0516-1851 %1$s: Data divergence detected, user must select local or remote copy for volume group activation. 0516-850 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s is not available for allocation. Use chpv to change the allocation state. 0516-322 %1$s: The Device Configuration Database is inconsistent. Execute redefinevg to correct the database. 0516-1361 %1$s: The system has encountered the maximum number of physical volumes allowed for a volume group. 0516-1364 %1$s: Modification of a snapshot volume group to a concurrent capable volume group is not allowed. 0516-1701 %1$s: The -P parameter for maximum physical partitions must be 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, or 2048. 0516-056 %1$s: The volume group is not varied on because a physical volume is marked missing. Run diagnostics. 0516-021 %1$s: The varyonvg failed because the volume group's major number was already used by another device. 0516-1273 %1$s: LTG size must be less than or equal to the max_transfer size of all disks in the volume group. 0516-1739 %1$s: Did not re-open the devices underlying this volume group due to the presence of a dump device. 0516-1799 %1$s: Destination logical volume %2$s is open. Close the logical volume or use the -f flag to force. 0516-1859 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume resides in the asynchronous mirror pool being configured. 0516-945 %1$s: The library /usr/lib/libclstr.a is not found on the system. Concurrent operations not allowed. 0516-1135 %1$s: The unmirror of the volume group failed. The volume group is still partially or fully mirrored. 0516-1211 %1$s: The physical partitions needed to expand the volume group descriptor status areas are not free. Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -v Availability | -c } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. 0516-1332 %1$s: Stripe size of a logical volume must be less than or equal to the LTG size of the volume group. 0516-1837 %1$s: Volume Group Bad block relocation must be turned off for Asynchronous Mirroring configuration. 0516-1839 %1$s: Asynchronous mirroring configuration is only supported on non-concurrent capable volume groups. 0516-2017 %1$s: Invalid MirrorPool specified. Logical volume mirror does not exist on the specified MirrorPool. 0516-074 %1$s: Cannot extend logical partitions being synchronized. Try again after synchronization is complete. 0516-422 %1$s: [-i LVid] [-t Type] [-c Copies] [-s Size] [-k] [-u UpperBound>] [-e InterPolicy] [-a IntraPolicy] 0516-1153 %1$s: failed because %2$s is the %3$s dump device. You need to be the root user to run this operation. 0516-1216 %1$s: Physical partitions are being migrated for volume group descriptor area expansion. Please wait. 0516-1328 %1$s: The auto vary-on settings are not supported for an enhanced concurrent mode enabled volume group. 0516-1439 %1$s: If map option is used for striped logical volumes, upper bound or stripe width must be specified. 0516-1849 %1$s: Volume group is active using local copy. Remote copy selection for reactivation is not allowed. 0516-1391 %1$s: To use this command, you must either have root user authority or be a member of the system group. 0516-1855 %1$s: Local copy must be accessible to recover asynchronously mirrored volume group while it is active. 0516-1868 %1$s: Asynchronous Mirror pool configuration is only allowed on a superstrict mirror pool volume group. 0516-029 %1$s: The Physical Volume is a member of a currently varied on Volume Group and this cannot be overidden. 0516-770 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove the identifier for volume group %2$s from the device configuration database. Usage: %1$s LVname LPcopies [PVname...] Leaves at most LPcopies number of physical partitions per logical partition Usage: %1$s [-o] [-n PVname] %2$s [-i] [-M | -l | -p] VGname... Lists the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1032 %1$s: The -e, -m, -s, -u, -w, -d and -c options cannot be used with striped logical volumes (-S option). 0516-1434 %1$s: Following physical volumes appear to be grown in size. Run chvg command to activate the new space. 0516-1940 %1$s: LV minor number is already in use in the VG. Execute synclvodm to attempt to correct the Database. 0516-1827 %1$s: An unrecoverable error occurred. The volume group must be varied off. Attempting to varyoff the VG. 0516-1861 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume is already used by the asynchronous mirror pool configuration. 0516-2048 %1$s: There are not enough physical volumes to make logical partition copies for striped logical volume. 0516-708 %1$s: Cannot rename open logical volume. If LV contains a filesystem, unmount to close logical volume %2$s. 0516-620 %1$s: Warning, cannot update device configuration database. Execute synclvodm to synchronize the database. 0516-1856 %1$s: Asynchronous Mirror Pool attributes are already set but do not match with user specified attributes. 0516-024 %1$s: Unable to open physical volume. Either PV was not configured or could not be opened. Run diagnostics. 0516-812 %1$s: Warning, migratepv did not completely succeed; all physical partitions have not been moved off the PV. 0516-1333 %1$s: LTG size must be greater than or equal to the stripe size of all logical volumes in the volume group. Usage: %1$s [-L] [-A] [-n DescriptorPhysicalVolume] [-m MirrorPoolName] VGname Lists the mirror pool(s) information. 0516-062 %1$s: Unable to read or write logical volume manager record. PV may be permanently corrupted. Run diagnostics 0516-082 %1$s: Unable to access a special device file. Execute redefinevg and synclvodm to build correct environment. 0516-736 %1$s: The -c or -x option an only be used on a volume group that has been varied on in non-concurrent mode. 0516-1178 %1$s: Cannot extend or reduce logical partitions for a Logical Volume that has an active backup mirror copy. 0516-1805 %1$s: The quorum change will not take effect until the volume group has been varied off and then varied on. 0516-076 %1$s: Cannot remove last good copy of stale partition. Resynchronize the partitions with syncvg and try again. 0516-1738 %1$s: Did not re-open the devices underlying this volume group due to the presence of an active paging space. 0516-1785 %1$s: The number of physical partitions is greater than the maximum allowed value for scalable volume groups. 0516-1806 %1$s: Cannot varyon a split VG in concurrent mode. Either rejoin the VG or vary it on in non-concurrent mode. 0516-1807 %1$s: Could not restore lvm pbuf tunable parameters. Use lvmo to verify the settings and modify if necessary. 0516-072 %1$s: Bad-block directory is corrupted. The physical volume data has been permanently damaged. Run diagnostics. 0516-002 %1$s: The volume group version is incompatible with this level of the operating system and cannot be activated. 0516-783 %1$s: This imported volume group is concurrent capable. Therefore, the volume group must be varied on manually. Usage: %1$s [-l | -p] [-n DescriptorPV] [-v VGid] [PVname] Lists the characteristics of a volume group's physical volume. 0516-1292 %1$s: Volume group is currently in read-only mode. Use varyoffvg before varyon volume group in different mode. 0516-1302 %1$s: Cannot make the %2$s as a hot spare disk because some of the physical partitions of %2$s are allocated. 0516-1788 %1$s: This command is not allowed on a volume group that has an active Firmware-Assisted dump logical volume. %1$s: Please run : hdcryptmgr plain2crypt [..options..] lvname to define LV encryption options and apply data encryption. 0516-018 %1$s: No more logical volumes can be created; the maximum number has been reached. Use a different volume group. 0516-034 %1$s: Unable to access volume group device. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg -m1 to build new environment. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-c] [-x] [-t [factor]] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1293 %1$s: Volume group is currently in read-write mode. Use varyoffvg before varyon volume group in different mode. 0516-1435 %1$s: The -S parameter for stripe size must be a power of 2. (ex: 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K...1M, 2M...128M) 0516-1864 %1$s: Logical Volume Manager device driver failed to process requested asynchronous IO configuration operation. 0516-1901 %1$s: Command execution failed. This is an undocumented command ONLY executed by the error notification system. 0516-1154 %1$s: an invalid PVID (%3$s%4$s) has been detected on %2$s. Use chdev command to clear and assign a new PVID. 0516-1188 %1$s: All the physical volumes in this volume group must be in active state for this operation to be successful. 0516-1867 %1$s: Asynchronous Mirror pool configuration is not supported on volume groups involved in a snapshot operation. 0516-1980 %1$s: Block size of all disks in the volume group must be the same. Cannot mix disks with different block sizes. 0516-1233 %1$s: No. of physical partitions on the destination disk are more than max number of physical partitions allowed. 0516-1860 %1$s: Asynchronous IO cache logical volume resides at the same site as asynchronous mirror pool being configured. 0516-712 %1$s: The chlv succeeded, however chfs must now be run on every filesystem which references the old log name %2$s. 0516-748 %1$s: Warning, copying to a smaller logical volume -- may lose data. Also, could corrupt any existing filesystem. %1$s: boot logical volume %2$s migrated. Please remember to run bosboot, specifying %3$s as the target physical boot device. Usage: %1$s [-o] [[-L] -n PVname] %2$s [-L] [-i] [-M | -l | -p] VGname... Lists the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1622 %1$s: Varyonvg should not be used to force open or relock the drives of the volume group containing a dump device. Usage: %1$s [-v VGname] [-y NewName | -Y Prefix] SourceLV %1$s -e [-f] DestinationLV SourceLV. Copies a logical volume. 0516-946 %1$s: Warning, this volume group already varied on in non-concurrent mode. Concurrent varyonvg request is ignored. 0516-947 %1$s: Warning, this volume group already varied on in concurrent mode. Non-concurrent varyonvg request is ignored. 0516-1862 %1$s: Asynchronous Mirror Pool configuration detected more than one candidate asynchronous IO cache logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-n] [-M LTGSize] [-u] [-s] [-c] [-b] [-r] [-p] [-t] [-k loc|rem] [-d] [-o] VGname Varies a volume group on. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-n] [-M LTGSize] [-u] [-s] [-c] [-b] [-r] [-p] [-t] [-k loc|rem] [-d] [-o] VGname Varies a volume group on. 0516-854 %1$s: Current lv mapping already exceeds -u limit for logical volume. Reorganize current lv or change lv's -u limit. Usage: %1$s [-M | -l | -p] [-n DescriptorPV] [-v VGid] [PVname] Lists the characteristics of a volume group's physical volume. 0516-1291 %1$s: Mirror copy %2$s of logical partition %3$s of logical volume %4$s migrated to physical partition %5$s of %6$s. 0516-1328 %1$s: The auto vary-on and No Quorum settings are not supported for an enhanced concurrent mode enabled volume group. 0516-1388 %1$s: %2$s is part of a imported LVM volume group. To clear the LVM volume group from the disk you must use reducevg.0516-1389 %1$s: The -x parameter for MaxLPs must be between 1 and %2$s. It cannot be smaller than the existing number of LP's. 0516-1436 %1$s: Stripe size of a logical volume must be less than or equal to the physical partition size of the volume group. 0516-1793 %1$s: failed because %2$s is the %3$s dump device. You need to be the root or authorized user to run this operation. Usage: %1$s { -B | -b [ -c mirror_copy_number ] [-f] } LVname Change the backup mirror copy characteristics for a Logical Volume 0516-1213 %1$s: Cannot get the current volume group descriptor area size or volume group is already in big volume group format. 0516-1777 %1$s: %2$s contains an active paging device. Cannot execute this command on a Volume Group with active paging space. 0516-082 %1$s: Unable to access a special device file. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg -m1 to build correct environment. 0516-089 %1$s: This node unable to notify other nodes using this concurrent volume group to update changes made to volume group. 0516-668 %1$s: The -x parameter for Maximum must be between 1 and 32,512. It cannot be smaller than the existing number of LP's. 0516-899 %1$s: Cannot delete the only active physical volume from the volume group if there is a physical volume marked missing. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-c] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B ] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-2018 %1$s: %2$s contains an active paging device. Cannot execute this command on a physical volume with active paging space. 0516-048 %1$s: Maximum number of physical volumes allowed by LVM is already used. Add physical volume to a different volume group. Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -h hotspare | -v Availability | -c | -C } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. 0516-1737 %1$s: varyonvg cannot be used with '-b' to break locks on the drives of a volume group containing an active paging space. Usage: %1$s [-f] [-n] [-M LTGSize] [-u] [-s] [-c] [-b] [-r] [-p] [-t] [-k loc|rem] [-d] [-o] [-O] VGname Varies a volume group on. Usage: %1$s [-p MirrorPool] LVname LPcopies [PVname...] Leaves at most LPcopies number of physical partitions per logical partition 0516-080 %1$s: Device is block device; must be raw device. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg -m1 to build correct environment. 0516-620 %1$s: Warning, cannot update device configuration database. Execute varyonvg with -m1 option to synchronize the database. Usage: %1$s %1$s [-M | -l | -p] [-n DescriptorPV] [-v VGid] PVname Lists the characteristics of a volume group's physical volume. 0516-1405 %1$s: Maximum number of physical volumes exceeded. The maximum number of physical volumes for volume group %2$s is %3$d. 0516-1741 %1$s: Warning, the requested allocation violates upper bound. Since a map file was provided, the operation will continue. 0516-2027 %1$s: The physical volume %2$s has open logical volumes. Use the force option or close the Logical Volumes and try again. 0516-2035 %1$s: Unable to write the encryption metadata area. Check the state of the physical volume. Run diagnostics if necessary. 0516-1160 %1$s: Volume group conversion is not possible since the factor value of %2$d can accommodate atmost %3$d physical volumes. 0516-624 %1$s: Warning, cannot update device configuration database for volume group. Execute redefinevg to synchronize the database. Usage: %1$s [-f] { sourcepvname | sourcepvid } destpvname %1$s -R dir_name [newdestpv] Replaces a physical volume in a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B ] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1776 %1$s: Cannot migrate striped LV %2$s to multiple destination PVs. To migrate this LV, please specify only 1 destination PV. 0516-1780 %1$s: Volume group conversion is not possible since the factor value of %2$d can accommodate at most %3$d physical volumes. 0516-2073 %1$s: %2$s is in locked/uninitialized/encrypting/unencrypting state. Fix the logical volume encryption state and try again. 0516-050 %1$s: Not enough descriptor area space left in this volume group. Either try adding a smaller PV or use another volume group. 0516-1501 %1$s: This script has been deprecated as of AIX 5.30 and should no longer be used for mklvcopy. Use the new mklvcopy instead. Usage: %1$s [-o] [[-L] -n PVname] %2$s [-L] [-i] [-P] [-m] [-M | -l | -p] VGname... Lists the characteristics of a volume group. Usage: %1$s [ [ [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] [-f] [-c] [-x] ] | [-L VGname] ] [-n] [-F] PVname Imports the definition of a volume group. 0516-1507 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s cannot be used for allocation, because its status is missing, no allocate, removed, split or stale. 0516-1981 %1$s: Bad block relocation policy of a volume group is not supported on a volume group that is created with 4KB block disks. Usage: %1$s %1$s [-L] [-M | -l | -p] [-n DescriptorPV] [-v VGid] PVname Lists the characteristics of a volume group's physical volume. 0516-1740 %1$s: Warning, existing allocation violates upper bound. Consider reorganizing the logical volume to bring it into compliance. 0516-1931 %1$s: PV type restriction not valid. This is not a supported restriction. Unable to comply with requested PV type restriction. 0516-012 %1$s: Logical volume must be closed. If the logical volume contains a filesystem, the umount command will close the LV device. 0516-042 %1$s: Cannot allocate partitions on a physical volume which has allocation disabled. Use the chpv command to enable allocation. 0516-310 %1$s: Unable to find attribute %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to correct the database. 0516-324 %1$s: Unable to find PV identifier for physical volume. The Device Configuration Database is inconsistent for physical volumes. Usage: %1$s [-d MaxPVs] [-f] [-c] [-x] [-i] [-m MaxPVsize] [-n] [-s PPsize] [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1812 %1$s: Warning, existing allocation violates mirror pools. Consider reorganizing the logical volume to bring it into compliance. 0516-621 %1$s: The Device Configuration Database is inconsistent. Execute exportvg %2$s followed by importvg to synchronize the database. 0616-1174 %1$s: Invalid backup mirror copy specified. The mirror copy specified does not exist. Specify another mirror copy and try again. 0516-1316 %1$s: Mirror copies are not available for any of the logical volumes in %2$s. Unable to migrate %2$s to hotspare disks in %3$s. 0616-1176 %1$s: The non-backup mirror copies have stale partitions. Use the force option or resynchronize the Logical Volume and try again. 0516-1359 %1$s: The mirror specified to split the volume group must exists on a disk or set of disks that contains nothing but this mirror. Usage: %1$s -l LVid [-s MaxPartitions] [-n LVname] [-M SchedulePolicy] [-p Permissions] [-r BadBlocks] [-v WriteVerify] [-w mirwrt_consist]. 0516-630 %1$s: Warning, cannot update the device configuration database for logical volume %2$s. Execute synclvodm to update the database. 0516-1155 %1$s: Last good copy of a partition cannot reside on a missing disk. Try again after reactivating the disk using chpv and varyonvg. 0516-1614 %1$s: The valid values for maxlvs include 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096. This option is only usable for scalable volume groups. 0516-092 %1$s: A sync operation is active on volume group somewhere in cluster. Varyonvg command on volume group cannot execute during sync. Usage: %1$s -d device [ -c mirror_copy_number | -C mirror_copy_number | -b ] [ -n number_of_blocks ] [ -o outfile ] [ -s skip ] [ -S seek ] 0516-1298 %1$s: Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -h hotspare | -v Availability | -c } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. 0516-1371 %1$s: The only allowable %1$s options on the snapshot volume group or the volume group that has a snapshot volume group is -L -p -n Usage: %1$s %1$s [-L] [-P] [-M | -l | -p] [-n DescriptorPV] [-v VGid] PVname Lists the characteristics of a volume group's physical volume. 0516-1997 %1$s: Unable to completely resynchronize volume because of conflicting I/O in asynchronous cache logical volume. Try again later. 0516-734 %1$s: Warning, after this change is complete, all nodes that access this volume group must export and re-import this volume group. Usage: %1$s [-l | -m] [-n DescriptorPV] LVname %2$s: [-n DescriptorPV] -p PVname [LVname] Lists the characteristics of a logical volume. 0516-1008 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s must be closed. If the logical volume contains a filesystem, the umount command will close the LV device. 0616-1175 %1$s: The backup mirror copy specified has stale partitions. Use the force option or resynchronize the Logical Volume and try again. Usage: %1$s [ [ [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] [-f] [-c] [-x] ] | [-L VGname] ] [-n] [-F] [-R] PVname Imports the definition of a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-f] -B | { -b [-c copy] [-f] [-P] [-l newlvname] [-w] } LV name Change the backup mirror copy characteristics for a Logical Volume 0516-1719 %1$s: mirscan -l lvname | -v vgname | -p pvname | -r reverse_pvname [-a] [-o] [-q nblks] [-c lvcopy] [-u upperbound] [-s strictness] 0516-1742 %1$s: Error, the requested allocation violates upper bound. The command should be retried with different allocation characteristics. 0516-1983 %1$s: Cannot execute splitvg -i if Mirror Pools are enabled for any LV. Disable mirror pools for all LVs with chlv -M and try again. 0516-1722 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is striped, therefore migration will not be performed for physical partition %3$d of physical volume %4$s. 0516-1152 %1$s: Volume group %2$s cannot be varied on in Concurrent mode. Retry varyonvg after renaming the logical volume with duplicate name. 0516-1193 %1$s: WARNING, once this operation is completed, volume group %2$s cannot be imported into AIX 430 or lower versions. Continue (y/n) ? 0516-1224 %1$s: WARNING, once this operation is completed, volume group %2$s cannot be imported into AIX %3$s or lower versions. Continue (y/n) ? Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -h hotspare | -v Availability | -c | -C |-r relocation } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. 0516-1443 %1$s: The -L flag is ignored. When the volume group is varied on the LTG size will be set to the common max transfer size of the disks 0516-2053 %1$s: %2$s uses asynchronous GLVM mirroring. The volume group mirroring must be converted in synchronous mode before splitting the VG. 0516-044 %1$s: The write to internal map file failed. Confirm space is available under the filesystem directory /etc then execute varyonvg again. Usage: %1$s -N LVname -g VGid -n MinorNumber [ -M MirrorPolicy] [-s MaxLPs] [-p Permissions] [ -r Badblocks] [-v WriteVerify] [-w mirwrt_consist] 0516-959 %1$s: /tmp directory does not have enough space, delete some files to free up at least 72KB then execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg. 0516-1318 %1$s: The volume group is currently in read-only mode. Use varyoffvg, then varyonvg in read-write mode before trying this command again. 0516-1342 %1$s: Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -h hotspare | -v Availability | -c | -C } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. 0516-1712 %1$s: Volume group %2$s changed. %2$s can include up to %3$s physical volumes with %4$s total physical partitions in the volume group. 0516-1789 %1$s: Warning, the Firmware-Assisted system dump was unable to configure the updated logical volume. Please, check with 'sysdumpdev -l' 0516-1964 %1$s: Warning, cannot update %2$s file system with LV name change. Execute unmount and mount to update the file system with new LV name. Usage: %1$s [-u] %1$s [-L] [-P] [-M | -l | -p] [-n DescriptorPV] [-v VGid] PVname Lists the characteristics of a volume group's physical volume. 0516-322 %1$s: The Device Configuration Database is inconsistent. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg with -m1 option to build new LV database. 0516-633 %1$s: Logical partitions have stale copies. Before %2$s either use syncvg to synchronize the stale copies or use rmlvcopy to remove them. 0516-1295 %1$s: Unable to completely resynchronize volume. The logical volume has an active backup copy. This may have caused the command to fail. Usage: %1$s [ [ [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] [-f] [-c] [-x] ] | [-L VGname] ] [-n] [-F] [-R] [-O] PVname Imports the definition of a volume group. 0516-624 %1$s: Warning, cannot update device configuration database for volume group. Execute varyonvg with -m1 option to synchronize the database. 0516-1215 %1$s: Partitions of striped logical volume %2$s cannot be migrated. These partitions are needed to expand the volume group descriptor area. Usage: %1$s [-f] { sourcepvname | sourcepvid } { destpvname | destpvid } %1$s -R dir_name [newdestpv] Replaces a physical volume in a volume group. 0516-1721 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is not mirrored, therefore migration will not be performed for physical partition %3$d of physical volume %4$s. 0516-064 %1$s: Unable to write the volume group descriptor area or status area. Check the state of the physical volume. Run diagnostics if necessary. 0516-838 %1$s: The logical volume creation would violate the user provided -u limit. Change the -u limit or designate specific disks for the mklv. Usage: %1$s [-d MaxPVs] [-f] [-c] [-x] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-m MaxPVsize | -t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1723 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is a boot device, therefore migration will not be performed for physical partition %3$d of physical volume %4$s. 0516-052 %1$s: Volume group cannot be varied on without a quorum. More physical volumes in the group must be active. Run diagnostics on inactive PVs. 0516-1444 %1$s: WARNING, once this operation is completed, volume group %2$s cannot be imported into AIX versions lower than AIX %3$s. Continue (y/n)? 0516-1156 %1$s: Can not convert the volume group %2$s if there are any stale physical partitions. Synchronize the volume group before attempting chvg. 0516-1164 %1$s: Volume group %2$s changed. With given characteristics %2$s can include up to %3$s physical volumes with %4$s physical partitions each. 0516-1259 %1$s: None of the available disks support booting on this specific system or the boot logical volume already exists on the specified disk. 0516-1398 %1$s: The physical volume %2$s, appears to belong to another volume group. Use the force option to add this physical volume to a volume group. 0516-1411 %1$s: The only allowable %1$s options on the snapshot volume group, or the volume group that has a snapshot volume group, are -L, -p, and -n. Usage: %1$s [-L] [-l | -m] [-n DescriptorPV] LVname %2$s: [-L] [-n DescriptorPV] -p PVname [LVname] Lists the characteristics of a logical volume. 0516-1617 %1$s: %2$d is an invalid value for maxlvs, the value must be greater than the current value, %3$d, and cannot be greater than the limit, %4$d. 0516-1618 %1$s: %2$d is an invalid value for maxpps, the value must be greater than the current value, %3$d, and cannot be greater than the limit, %4$d. Usage: %1$s [ [ [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] [-f] [-c] [-x] ] | [-L VGname] ] [-n] [-F] [-R] [-O] [-r] PVname Imports the definition of a volume group. 0516-898 %1$s: Warning, volume group varied on in concurrent mode. While in concurrent mode, disk reduction must leave at least one disk in volume group Usage: %1$s -B | { -b [-c copy] [-f] [-P] [-l newlvname] [-m mountpoint] [-w] } LV name Change the backup mirror copy characteristics for a Logical Volume 0516-1842 %1$s: Asynchronous Mirror Pool attributes are set for a volume group. This operation is not supported on asynchronously mirrored volume group. 0516-1375 %1$s: Cannot use the last good copy of a logical volume to make the backup volume group. Resynchronize the partitions with syncvg and try again. 0516-630 %1$s: Warning, cannot update device configuration database for logical volume %2$s. Execute varyonvg with -m1 option to synchronize the database. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-m MapFile] [-s Strict] [-u UpperBound] LVname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Extends the size of a logical volume. 0616-1177 %1$s: Both the backup and non-backup mirror copies have stale partitions. Use the force option or resynchronize the Logical Volume and try again. Usage: %1$s { -l|-v } [ -e|-d ] [-F] [-C] [-c count] [-s] [interval [iterations]] Reports input/output statistics for logical partitions and volumes. 0516-034 %1$s: Failed to open VG special file. Probable cause is the VG was forced offline. Execute the varyoffvg and varyonvg commands to bring the VG online.Usage: %1$s [ [ [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] [-f] [-c] [-x] ] | [-L VGname] ] [-n] [-F] [-R] [-I] [-O] [-r] PVname Imports the definition of a volume group. 0516-750 %1$s: Warning, cannot verify destination logical volume is large enough; logical volume might be reduced; this could corrupt any residing filesystem. Usage: %1$s [-d MaxPVs] [-B] [-G] [-f] [-c] [-x] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-m MaxPVsize | -t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1724 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is an active paging device, therefore migration will not be performed for physical partition %3$d of physical volume %4$s. 0516-1615 %1$s: The valid values for maxpps include 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 768K, 1024K, and 2048K. This option is only usable for scalable volume groups. 0516-2020 %1$s: Performance tunables of the volume group are saved in %2$s. Run 'importvg -r %2$s %3$s' to restore the performance tunables of the volume group.0516-1126 %1$s: rootvg successfully mirrored, user should perform bosboot of system to initialize boot records. Then, user must modify bootlist to include: %2$s. 0516-1296 %1$s: Unable to completely resynchronize volume. The logical volume has bad-block relocation policy turned off. This may have caused the command to fail. 0516-916 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove logical volume %2$s from device configuration database. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg -m1 to synchronize the database. 0516-994 %1$s: Too many copies for logical partition %2$d. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact a service representative or the approved_supplier. 0516-1251 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove logical volume %2$s. This logical volume is also used as the primary dump device. Reset the dump device and retry the command. Usage: %1$s [ -f ] { -B [ -s ] } | { -b [ -c copy ] [ -f ] [ -P ] [ -l newlvname ] [ -w ] } LV name Change the backup mirror copy characteristics for a Logical Volume 0516-2046 %1$s: Not enough free physical partitions exist on %2$s to enable volume group encryption. Migrate/reorganize to free up %3$s partitions and run %1$s again. 0516-1252 %1$s: Warning, cannot remove logical volume %2$s. This logical volume is also used as the secondary dump device. Reset the dump device and retry the command. Usage: %1$s [ -v -p PV_pbuf_count ] [ -P Golbal_pbuf_count ] [ -M Max_VG_pbuf_count ] [ -Q ] Change pbuf settings and report pbuf statistics for volume groups. 0516-1796 %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is a Firmware-Assisted dump device, therefore migration will not be performed for physical partition %3$d of physical volume %4$s. 0516-1029 %1$s: Optical device found. Only one optical device is supported per volume group and no other device is allowed in the same volume group. Command rejected. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B ] [-L LTGsize] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1144 %1$s: rootvg successfully unmirrored, user should perform bosboot of system to reinitialize boot records. Then, user must modify bootlist to just include: %2$s. Usage: %1$s [-d MaxPVs] [-B] [-G] [-f] [-c] [-x] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-m MaxPVsize | -t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1360 %1$s: The mirror copy specified to create the snapshot volume group has stale partitions. Use the force option or resynchronize the Logical Volume and try again. 0516-1406 %1$s: The system already has the maximum number of volume groups varied on. You must varyoff one or more volume groups before this volume group can be varied on. 0516-016 %1$s: Cannot delete physical volume with allocated partitions. Use either migratepv to move the partitions or reducevg with the -d option to delete the partitions. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-k] [-m MapFile] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] LVname LPcopies [PVname...] Makes logical partition copies for a logical volume. PV_name reclaim Mb_freed Mb_pending Mb_success Mb_failed Mb_reused Mb_inprog io_count io_failed io_misalign Mb_misalign Mb_resubmit num_pp_free Kb_blksize 0516-2070 %1$s: One or more encrypted logical volumes in %2$s are in locked/uninitialized/encrypting/unencrypting state. Fix logical volumes encryption state and try again. 0516-310 %1$s: Unable to find attribute %2$s in the Device Configuration Database. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg with -m1 option to attempt to correct the LV database. 0516-626 %1$s: Warning, cannot update device configuration database for physical volume %2$s in volume group %3$s. Execute varyonvg with -m1 option to synchronize the database. 0516-1157 %1$s: Can not convert the volume group %2$s if there are any logical volumes in open state. Please close all the open logical volumes in %2$s before attempting chvg. Usage: %1$s [-d MaxPVs] [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c [-x]] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-m MaxPVsize | -t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-2041 %1$s: Unable to remove encryption for LV %2$s. LV must be decrypted first. Please run hdcryptmgr crypt2plain [..options..] lvname to decrypt data and remove encryption. Usage: readvgda {[-S] -s } | {-b|-B } | {...} The -S option is only needed if the -d option was specified on the mkvg command. 0516-1151 %1$s: The operating system version of this node is not compatible with another node in the cluster. This command cannot be executed in concurrent mode in this situation. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-635 %1$s: The logical volume manager mirror functions will be made available in the fourth quarter of 1990 to current licensees via a Program Temporary Fix (PTF) distribution. 0516-636 %1$s: The logical volume manager mirror functions will be made available in the fourth quarter of 1990 to current licensees via a Program Temporary Fix (PTF) distribution. 0516-078 %1$s: Incomplete device driver configuration. Probable cause is the special file for the VG is missing. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg to build correct environment. 0516-1187 %1$s: Volume group not changed. Either the volume group %2$s has the specified factor value or is at proper maximum physical partitions per physical volume limit already. 0516-1201 %1$s: Warning: Volume group %2$s is locked. This command will continue retries until lock is free. If lock is inadvertent and needs to be removed, execute 'chvg -u %2$s'. 0516-1971 %1$s: The volume group is already varied on in other node. varyoff the volume group in other node and retry the varyonvg, or use -O flag to force varyon the volume group. Usage: %1$s [-d MaxPVs] [-B] [-G] [-f] [-q ] [-C | -c [-x]] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-m MaxPVsize | -t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1817 %1$s: Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -h hotspare | -v Availability | -c | -C | -p MirrorPool | -P | -m MirrorPool } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. 0516-1877 %1$s: Asynchronously mirrored volume group does not allow to set single physical volume for logical input output, if no other physical volume in the mirror pool is available. 0516-078 %1$s: Incomplete device driver configuration. Probable cause is the special file for the VG is missing. Execute varyoffvg followed by varyonvg -m1 to build correct environment. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1399 %1$s: Warning: Physical volume %2$s is locked. This command will continue retries until the lock is free. If lock is inadvertent and needs to be removed, execute 'chpv -u %2$s'. %1$s: boot logical volume %2$s migrated. Please remember to run bosboot, specifying %3$s as the target physical boot device. Also, run bootlist command to modify bootlist to include %3$s. 0516-1214 %1$s: Not enough free physical partitions exist on %2$s for the expansion of the volume group descriptor area. Migrate/reorganize to free up %3$s partitions and run %1$s again. 0516-1232 %1$s: NOTE: If this program is terminated before the completion due to a system crash or ctrl-C, and you want to continue afterwards execute the following command %1$s -R %2$s 0516-2026 %1$s: Usage: %1$s { -a Allocation | -h hotspare | -v Availability [-f] | -c | -C | -p MirrorPool | -P | -m MirrorPool } PVname... Changes the characteristics of a physical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1774 %1$s: Cannot varyon volume group with an active dump device on a missing physical volume. Use sysdumpdev to temporarily replace the dump device with /dev/sysdumpnull and try again. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-I] [-S [-v LogicalVolumes] [-P Partitions]] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-k] [-m MapFile] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-p copyN=MirrorPool] LVname LPcopies [PVname...] Makes logical partition copies for a logical volume. Usage: %1$s { [-i] [-f] [-H] [-P NumParalleLPs] {-l|-p|-v} Name } | { [-a {all|pid1,... }] [-r {all|pid1,... }] [-t{ all|pid1,... }] [-n vgName] | [-q] [-Q]} Synchronize logical partition copies. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-I] [-M] [-S [-v LogicalVolumes] [-P Partitions]] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1972 %1$s: The volume group is varied on in other node in concurrent mode; you cannot vary on the volume group in non-concurrent mode. Use -O flag to force varyon the volume group if needed. 0516-1319 %1$s: Usage: %1$s [ -y VGname ] [ -p ] [ -f ] [ -Y lv_prefix |-l LvNameFile ] [ -L label_prefix ] [ -n] PVname... Recreates a volume group that is already existing on the specified set of disks. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-I] [-M {y/s}] [-S [-v LogicalVolumes] [-P Partitions]] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-626 %1$s: Warning, cannot update device configuration database for physical volume %2$s in volume group %3$s. Execute redefinevg to synchronize the database with the physical volume descriptor areas. 0516-1725 %1$s: There are not enough free partitions which satisfy the allocation characteristics of logical volume %2$s. Migration will not be performed for physical partition %3$d of physical volume %4$s. 0516-1163 %1$s: %3$s already has maximum physical volumes. With the maximum number of physical partitions per physical volume being %2$s, the maximum number of physical volumes for volume group %3$s is %4$s. 0516-1377 %1$s: The volume group has an LTG size of %2$s KB, this is larger than the max_transfer size of the disk(s). The max_transfer size of the following disk(s) must be increased to at least %3$s KB. %4$s 0516-1158 %1$s: The t flag parameter value %2$s is too small to accommodate the largest disk in the volume group %3$s. Specify a value between %4$s and 16 OR do not specify any value for default minimum value. Usage: %1$s -A [-c AIOCacheLVName] [-h HighWaterMark] -m MirrorPoolName VGName %1$s -h HighWaterMark -m MirrorPoolName VGName %1$s -S [-f] -m MirrorPoolName VGName Changes the characteristics of a Mirror Pool. 0516-957 %1$s: A physical volume is missing from the volume group. Run diagnostics on the missing physical volume. If you must activate the volume group to recover data, use the varyonvg command with the -f flag. 0516-1858 %1$s: Asynchronous mirror pool can not coexist with any other mirror pools at site (local/remote). User tried to configure an asynchronous mirror pool while more than one mirror pools at the same site. 0516-1910 %1$s: Filesets for Geographical Logical Volume Manager are not installed or required files are missing from the system. Make sure that Geographical Logical Volume Manager filesets are installed correctly. 0516-1926 %1$s: This imported volume group is configured with asynchronous mirroring. Activation of volume group may diverge data or data is already diverged. Therefore, the volume group must be varied on manually. 0516-1241 %1$s: This operation is not compatible with the current running version of the LVM device driver. Note: If bos.rte.lvm has been updated recently, it will not be fully effective until after a system reboot. 0516-958 %1$s: The volume group is not available for normal operation. Run diagnostics on the missing physical volumes. If you must activate the volume group to recover data, use the varyonvg command with the -f flag. 0516-1245 %1$s: Warning, the boot record of %2$s has not been cleared. Please have the root user run 'chpv -c %3$s' to clear the boot record to avoid a potential boot off an old boot image that may reside on this disk. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-I] [-M {y/s}] [-S [-v LogicalVolumes] [-P Partitions]] [-X {none/SSD}] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1714 %1$s: The total number of partitions on the disks for this volume group would be %2$d, which exceeds the current maxpps value of %3$d. Increase the maxpps value to %4$d using the %5$s command, then retry. 0516-1802 %1$s: Firmware-Assisted system dump is not supported on one or more of the target physical volumes. Please use the 'sysdumpdev -t traditional' command to change the system dump type and retry the command. 0516-1871 %1$s: All physical volumes in the volume group must be accessible for performing this operation. One or more physical volumes are currently not accessible or Logical Volume Manager may have marked them missing. 0516-1908 %1$s: Asynchronous mirroring configuration has detected that bad block relocation is turned on for one or more logical volumes. Find such logical volumes and turn off the bad block relocation using chlv command. 0516-1943 %1$s: Usage: %1$s [ -y VGname ] [ -p ] [ -f ] [ -Y lv_prefix |-l LvNameFile ] [ -L label_prefix ] [ -n ] [ -V MajorNumber ] PVname... Recreates a volume group that is already existing on the specified set of disks. 0516-1803 %1$s: One or more nodes in the cluster are not at the correct version to support this command. The command completed successfully on this node. The command was not distributed to any other nodes in the cluster. 0516-1909 %1$s: Asynchronous mirroring configuration has detected that mirror pool assignment is missing for one or more logical volume copies. Find such logical volumes and assign mirror pool to each copy using chlv command. 0516-006 %1$s: Check the status report. At least one of the physical volumes does not belong to the volume group or at least one of the physical volumes was removed, was not configured or could not be opened. Run diagnostics. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-367 %1$s: Warning: Volume group %2$s is locked. This command will continue retries until lock is free. If lock is inadvertent and needs to be removed, execute varyonvg onto active volume group to clear the volume group lock 0516-1944 %1$s: Usage: %1$s [ -y VGname ] [ -p ] [ -f ] [ -Y lv_prefix | -l LvNameFile ] [ -L label_prefix ] [ -n ] [ -V MajorNumber ] [ -d ] PVname... Recreates a volume group that is already existing on the specified set of disks. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-I] [-M {y/s}] [-S [-v LogicalVolumes] [-P Partitions]] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. Usage: %1$s { [-i] [-f] [-H] [-P NumParalleLPs] {-l|-p|-v} Name } | { [-a {all|pid1,... }] [-r {all|pid1,... }] [-t{ all|pid1,... }] [-n vgName] | [-q] [-Q]} [-T SyncRate [-d {all|pid1,pid2,...}]] Synchronize logical partition copies. 0516-2047 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s is too small to enable encryption of the volume group. If possible, increase the size of the physical volume, use chvg -g to update LVM metadata with the new size, and then run chvg %3$s again. 0516-1907 %1$s: Could not perform requested operation because all local site disks or all remote site disks are missing. One or more physical volumes are currently not accessible or Logical Volume Manager may have marked them missing. 0516-1982 %1$s: Usage: %1$s [ -y VGname ] [ -p ] [ -f ] [ -Y lv_prefix | -l LvNameFile ] [ -L label_prefix ] [ -n ] [ -V MajorNumber ] [ -d ] [ -O ] PVname... Recreates a volume group that is already existing on the specified set of disks. 0516-1194 %1$s: Warning, mkboot command failed to clear the boot record of %2$s. Please have the root user run 'mkboot -c -d /dev/%2$s' to clear the boot record to avoid a potential boot off an old boot image that may reside on this disk. Usage: %1$s { -l|-v } [ -e|-d ] [-F] [-C] [-c count] [-s] [interval [iterations]] Reports input/output statistics for logical partitions and volumes. %1$s -v -r [ -L | -C ] Reports space reclaim statistics for volumes. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-I] [-M {y/s}] [-S [-v LogicalVolumes] [-P Partitions]] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] [-y VGname] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1246 %1$s: If %2$s is the boot logical volume, please run 'chpv -c %3$s' as root user to clear the boot record and avoid a potential boot off an old boot image that may reside on the disk from which this logical volume is moved/removed. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. %1$s: Warning, The Physical Partition Size of %2$s requires the creation of %3$s partitions for %4$s. The system limitation is 1016 physical partitions per disk. Specify a larger Physical Partition Size in order create a volume group on this disk. 0516-1195 %1$s: If %2$s is the boot logical volume, please run 'mkboot -c -d /dev/%3$s' as root user to clear the boot record and avoid a potential boot off an old boot image that may reside on the disk from which this logical volume is moved/removed. %1$s: Logical volume %2$s is in open state. Marking an open logical volume may cause data loss or corruption. Logical volumes should be closed before marking online backup copies in order to avoid a potential corruption window. Continue with change ? Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-404 %1$s: This system cannot fulfill the allocation request. There are not enough free partitions or not enough physical volumes to keep strictness and satisfy allocation requests. The command should be retried with different allocation characteristics. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-G] [-f] [-C | -c] [-i] [-s PPsize] [-n] [-t factor] [-V MajorNumber] [-L LTGsize] [-I] [-M {y/s}] [-S [-v LogicalVolumes] [-P Partitions]] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] [-y VGname] [-r {y/n}] [-e {y/n}] PVname... Makes a volume group. 0516-1847 %1$s: Remote copy has latest volume group descriptor area hence user must select the remote copy. Latest copy selection is required if varyonvg detects the data divergence and also detects the metadata updates performed by user while peer site was down. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. 0516-784 %1$s: Concurrent volume group %2$s cannot be imported because it contains the logical volume name %3$s, which already exists on the local system. Concurrent logical volumes cannot be renamed by importvg. Rename %3$s on local system and retry the importvg. 0516-1713 %1$s: The total number of partitions on the disks for this volume group would be %2$d, which exceeds the highest possible maxpps value of %3$d. Create a volume group with a larger partition size if you wish to use all these disks within one volume group. 0516-1783 %1$s: Physical volume %2$s is too small to hold a volume group with the requested type and physical partition size. If possible, increase the size of the physical volume, use chvg -g to update LVM metadata with the new size, and then run chvg %3$s again. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] [-X {none/SSD}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. %1$s: Warning, number of partitions %2$s given by the MaxPVsize and PPsize is larger than system limitation 1016. 1016 partitions per PV is used to calculate the LVM overhead space per PV. Specify a larger partition size in order to not waste space on MaxPVsize physical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-i] [-L Label] [-m MapFile] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict][-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-S StripeSize] [-Y Prefix] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-o Overlapping IO] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] [-X {none/SSD}] [ -O {y/n}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-B] [-t factor] [-S [-v logicalvolumes] [-P partitions]] [-C] [-G] [-f] [-i] [-I] [-c] [-X {none/SSD}] [-L ltgsize] [-n] [-s size] [-V majornumber] [-y VGname] [-M {y/s}] [-p mirrorpool] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] [-r {y/n}] [-e {y/n}] [-k {y/n}] PVname... Makes a volume group. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-i] [-L Label] [-m MapFile] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict] [-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-w MWC] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-Y Prefix] [-S StripeSize] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. 0516-1260 %1$s: Device configuration database has been updated with new information. Since the volume group %2$s is not varied on, if the %2$s is of Big Volume group type, chvg command must be run with the volume group varied on for these attributes to be saved across exportvg/importvg operation. Usage: %1$s [-a LVdescript] [-B LVdescript] [-b LVid] [-c LVid] [-C] [-d VGdescript] [-e LVid] [-F] [-g PVid] [-h] [-j PVdescript] [-k] [-L VGdescript] [-l LVdescript] [-m LVid] [-p PVdescript] [-r LVid] [-s VGdescript] [-t VGid] [-u VGdescript] [-v VGdescript] [-w VGid] [-y LVid] [-G LVdescript] Usage: %1$s [-a LVdescript] [-B LVdesrcript] [-b LVid] [-c LVid] [-C] [-d VGdescript] [-e LVid] [-F] [-g PVid] [-h] [-j PVdescript] [-k] [-L VGdescript] [-l LVdescript] [-m LVid] [-p PVdescript] [-r LVid] [-s VGdescript] [-t VGid] [-u VGdescript] [-v VGdescript] [-w VGid] [-y LVid] [-G LVdescript] Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-i] [-L Label] [-m MapFile] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict][-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-S StripeSize] [-Y Prefix] [-o Overlapping IO] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. 0516-1208 %1$s: Warning, The Physical Partition Size of %2$s requires the creation of %3$s partitions for %4$s. The system limitation is %5$s physical partitions per disk at a factor value of %6$s. Specify a larger Physical Partition Size or a larger factor value in order create a volume group on this disk. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] [-r {y/n}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-B label] [-c Copies] [-e InterPolicy] [-L LVid] [-l LVname] [-n NewLVName] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict] [-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-y Copyflag] [-z Size] [-S StripeSize] LVid putlvodm [-o Auto-on] [-k] [-K] [-q VGstate] [-v VGname -m majornum] [-V] VGid putlvodm [-p VGid] [-P] PVid 0516-1911 %1$s: Logical Volume Manager failed to start asynchronous IO. The chmp command has successfully configured asynchronous mirroring on disk but failed to configure it in the driver. Use lsmp command to check the configuration status. Resolve the issues and rerun the chmp command to start the asynchronous IO. 0516-1162 %1$s: The Physical Partition Size of %2$s requires the creation of %3$s partitions for %4$s. The limitation for volume group %5$s is %6$s physical partitions per physical volume. Use chvg command with -t option to attempt to change the maximum Physical Partitions per Physical volume for this volume group. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] [-r {y/n}] [-j {y/n}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] [-r {y/n}] [-j {y/n}] [-e {y/n}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. 0516-1900 %1$s: Asynchronously mirrored volume group does not support paging type logical volume. If volume group is configured with asynchronous mirroring then creation of the paging logical volume will fail. Also configuration of asynchronous mirror operation will fail if volume group contains one or more paging logical volumes. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-i] [-L Label] [-m MapFile] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict][-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-S StripeSize] [-Y Prefix] [-o Overlapping IO] [-C StripeWidth] [-T IOoption] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a Auto on] [-Q quorum] [-u] [-C | -c | -l] [-x] [-t [factor]] [ -B | -G ] [-S | -R] [-L LTGsize] [-P maxpps per vg ] [-v maxlvs] [-h hotspare] [-s sync] [-g] [-b BadBlocks] [-I] [-M {y/n/s}] [-X {none/SSD}] [-O {y/n}] [-N {n/o}] [-r {y/n}] [-j {y/n}] [-e {y/n}] [-k {y/n}] VGname... Changes the characteristics of a volume group. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-o Overlapping IO] [-U Userid] [-G Groupid] [-P Modes] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-T { O | F }] [-o Overlapping IO] [-U Userid] [-G Groupid] [-P Modes] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. 0516-1138 %1$s: The -L option cannot be executed on the non-active volume group %2$s because the Volume Group Descriptor Area indicates it contains the logical volume name %3$s, which already exists for another volume group. The -L option does not allow logical volumes to be automatically renamed by importvg. Rename %3$s on local system and retry the importvg -L. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-f] [-i] [-m MapFile] [-o Overlapping IO] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict] [-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-w MWC] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-C StripeWidth] [-G groupid] [-L Label] [-P modes] [-S StripeSize] [-T IOoption] [-U userid] [-Y Prefix] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-T { O | F }] [-o Overlapping IO] [-U Userid] [-G Groupid] [-P Modes] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] [-m copyN=MirrorPool] [-M] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. 0516-1848 %1$s: Local copy has latest volume group descriptor area hence user must select the local copy. Latest copy selection is required if varyonvg detects the data divergence and also detects the metadata updates performed by user while peer site was down. Local copy selection is also mandatory if data divergence is detected and user is performing varyonvg while volume group is fully active. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-f] [-i] [-m MapFile] [-o Overlapping IO] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict] [-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-w MWC] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-C StripeWidth] [-G groupid] [-L Label] [-P modes] [-S StripeSize] [-T IOoption] [-U userid] [-p copyN=MirrorPool] [-Y Prefix] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-T { O | F }] [-o Overlapping IO] [-U Userid] [-G Groupid] [-P Modes] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] [-m copyN=MirrorPool] [-M] [-O InfiniteRetry] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-T { O | F }] [-o Overlapping IO] [-U Userid] [-G Groupid] [-P Modes] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] [-m copyN=MirrorPool] [-M copyn] [-O InfiniteRetry] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-f] [-i] [-m MapFile] [-o Overlapping IO] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict] [-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-w MWC] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-C StripeWidth] [-G groupid] [-L Label] [-P modes] [-S StripeSize] [-T IOoption] [-U userid] [-p copyN=MirrorPool] [-Y Prefix] [-O InfiniteRetry] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-T { O | F }] [-o Overlapping IO] [-U Userid] [-G Groupid] [-P Modes] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] [-m copyN=MirrorPool] [-M copyn] [-O InfiniteRetry] [-R PreferredRead] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b badblocks] [-c copies] [-C stripewidth] [-d schedule] [-R PreferredRead] [-e InterPolicy] [-i] [-L label] [-m mapfile] [-r relocate] [-s strict] [-t type] [-T O] [-u upperbound] [-v verify] [-w mirrorwriteconsistency] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-Y prefix] [-S stripsize] [-U userid] [-G groupid] [-P modes] [-p copyn=mirrorpool] [-O {y/n}] [-k {y/n}] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-f] [-i] [-m MapFile] [-o Overlapping IO] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict] [-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-w MWC] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-C StripeWidth] [-G groupid] [-L Label] [-P modes] [-S StripeSize] [-T IOoption] [-U userid] [-p copyN=MirrorPool] [-Y Prefix] [-O InfiniteRetry] [-R PreferredRead] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Usage: %1$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-b BadBlocks] [-c Copies] [-d Schedule] [-e InterPolicy] [-i] [-L Label] [-m MapFile] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict] [-t Type] [-u UpperBound] [-v Verify] [-w MWC] [-x MaxLPs] [-y LVname] [-Y Prefix] [-S StripeSize] [-U userid] [-G groupid] [-P modes] VGname NumberOfLPs [PVname...] Makes a logical volume. Note: You must be a root user to set the IDs and modes and these are applicable for big volume group format LVs only. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-U userid] [-G groupid] [-P modes] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. Note: You must be a root user to set the IDs and modes and these are applicable for big volume group format LVs only. Usage: %1$s -n NewLVname LVname %2$s -k {y|n} LVname %3$s [-a IntraPolicy] [-e InterPolicy] [-L Label] [-u UpperBound] [-s Strict] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-t Type] [-v Verify] [-x MaxLPs] [-T { O | F }] [-o Overlapping IO] [-U Userid] [-G Groupid] [-P Modes] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency] [-m copyN=MirrorPool] [-M copyn] [-O InfiniteRetry] [-R PreferredRead] LVname... Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. iiiiiiijjj j0j@jLjXjdjtjjjjjjjjjkkk$k0k<kLk\klk|kkkkkkkklll l0l@lPl`lplllllllllmmm m,m8mDmPm`mpmmmmmmmmmmnnn n0n<nHnTndntnnnnnnnnno oo,o8oTo`opo|oooooooopp pp,p<pLpXpdptpppppppppqqq$q0q@qPq`qpq|qqqqqqqqqr rr,r<rHrTr`rpr|rrrrrrrrrsss$oHs0s<sHsTs`sls|ssssssssttt$t4t@tPt\thtxtttttttttuuu u0u@uLuXuhutuuuuuuuuvvvv,v<vTv`vxvvvvvvvvvwwww(w4w@wLwXwhwxwwwwwwwwxxx x0x<xHvHxXxhxtxxxxxxxxxyyy y,y<yHyTy`ylyxyyyyyyyyvlyzzz(z8zHzXzhzxzzzzzzzQTpTHTTT8QQ,Q<T`SQHTQTT(QdQpQQQQQQTQQQQRRR R0R<RLR\RlR|RRRRRRRRSSS$S4STStSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTUUU U,U8UDUPU\UhUtUUUUUUUUUUVVV V,V8VDVPV\VhVVVVVVVVVVWW WW<WlWLW\WxWWWWWWWWWWXXX X,X8XDXPX\XhXtXXXXXXXXXXYYY Y,Y8YDYPY\YhYxYYYYYYYYYZ4Z@ZLZ\ZhZtZZZZZZZZZZZ[[[[([4[D[P[\[h[t[[[[[[[[[[[\\\ \0\@\L\\\l\|\\\\\\\\]] ]]$]0]<]H]T]`]l]x]]]]]]]]]]]^ ^^$^0^<^H^T^`^p^|^^^^^^^^^^___$_4_@_P_`_l_|________``` `,`8`D`P`\`l`|`````````aaa(a4a@aLaXahaxaaaaaaaaabb bb$b0b@bPb\bhbtbbbbbbbbbbccc$c0c<cHcTcdcpccccccccccddd d,d<dHdTd`dld|ddddddddde 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'%s'clean_primvg_odm: FAIL: get_ptrs failed, rc=%d clean_primvg_odm: FAIL: vgname=%s not found in ODM clean_primvg_odm: FAIL: lvname=%s not found in ODM checkpvid: FAIL: pvid=%08x%08x%08x%08x not found in ODM get_pvids_odm: FAIL: vgname=%s and attribute=pv not found in ODM clean_primvg_odm: FAIL: lvm_getpvda() failed, pvname=%s and rc=%d clean_primvg_odm: FAIL: odm_rm_obj failed for vgname=%s and rc=%d clean_primvg_odm: FAIL: odm_rm_obj failed for lvname=%s and rc=%d clean_primvg_odm: FAIL: Could not set mirror copies for "%s"; rc=%d @(#)31 src/bos/usr/sbin/lvm/liblv/util8.c, cmdlvm, bos720 4/5/12 10:30:10get_pvids_odm: FAIL: odm_get_list failed for vg=%s and attribute=pv rc=%d odmerrno=%d %s%s%s%s%s%s%c%c%c%c%c%spv%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s:1:2:3 N/AN/A%s %s typetypepvid%16s%32spvidnone%.*stypeN/A typelabellabelintraintrainterinterstatestate/dev//dev//dev/stale%s:%dcopiescopies%s:%d %s:%d%s %s %s:%d 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get_ptrs failed, rc=%d get_qlv_data: FAIL: bldlvinfo failed, rc=%d get_qlv_data: FAIL: get_lvinfo failed, rc=%d get_qlv_data: FAIL: qlv malloc failed, size=%d get_qlv_data: FAIL: vgsa malloc failed, size=%d get_qlv_data: FAIL: pv_ids malloc failed, rc=%d @(#)39 src/bos/usr/sbin/lvm/liblv/lsutil.c, cmdlvm, bos72X, x2021_06A2 2/3/21 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