#! /usr/bin/perl -w # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/lib/kdb/masterscript.perlmod # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2001 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG package Master; ######################################################### # master script # # # # # #To run: Set environment variables MASTERLIST and # # USERLIST to the paths where the master files # # and user files are located, respectively. # # masterlibrary file must be found in current # # directory or in @INC path. # #Arguements: -P[1-9] printlevel, default=0, 9=verbose # # -D[1-9] debuglevel, " for making script/lib# # -L[lib_list] override lib search # # -S[script_list] override script search # # -M[0-999] sets max number of scripts # # processed before a summary will appear. # # Default = 0, unless only one script is # # run, then Default=1. # # -T[filename] Tells master to output to # # screen and specified file # # -F[filename] Tells master to only output # # to specified file # # -T[!filename] Forces overwrite of file if # # it exists. # # -F[!filename] Forces overwrite of file if # # it exists. # # -C Runs syntax check on scripts before # # processing. `perl -c filename` # ######################################################### sub master{ #argument list @ARGV = @_; undef $ms_Debug_Level; undef $ms_Print_Level; undef $ms_library_list; undef $ms_script_list; undef $ms_tee_name; undef $ms_output_file_name; undef $ms_max_elem; undef $ms_check_syntax; undef $ms_ovchoice; $ms_finaltotsec=0; $ms_finaltotmin =0; undef @ms_uscripts; #user scripts undef @ms_mscripts; #master scripts undef @ms_ulibs; #user libs undef @ms_mlibs; #master libs undef @ms_slist; #script list undef @ms_llist; #library list undef @ms_totalscripts; #list of all libs and scripts, in that order ###necessary initialization file needed to access kdb and adump objects use init; ### ###file of subroutines used require "/usr/lib/kdb/masterlibrary.pm" || die "can't access masterlibrary: $!\n"; ### ###allows for argument lists like "-Sfile1 file2 -L file3 file4 -P9 -D 6" if ($#ARGV<1){ @ARGV = split(/[ ,]/, $ARGV[0]); } $ms_loc = 0; foreach $a (@ARGV) { $_ = $a; ###if no flag exists, append previous flag to argument ###-P1 2 will set level to 2, not 12 or 1. -S file1 file2 will set -S file1 -S file2 if ($_ eq ''){ $ms_loc++; next; } ###if it doesn't start with a - if ($_ !~ /^-/) { if(($ms_loc)>0){ $ms_other_loc = $ms_loc; while(defined($ARGV[$ms_other_loc-1])){ if ($ARGV[$ms_other_loc-1] =~ /^(-\w)/){ $ARGV[$ms_loc] = $1 . $ARGV[$ms_loc]; last; }#end if else{ $ms_other_loc--; }#end else }#end while $_ = $ARGV[$ms_loc]; } else{ ms_printusage(); } } else { /^-(\w.*)/; if ($1 =~ /(D|P|L|S|M|T|F)(\s+|)$/){ $ms_loc++; next; } } if (/^-P(.*)/) {$ms_Print_Level = $1} elsif (/^-S(.+)/) {if(defined($ms_script_list)){$ms_script_list = $ms_script_list . ",". $1;} else{ $ms_script_list = $1;}} elsif (/^-F(.*)/) { $ms_output_file_name = $1} elsif (/^-T(.*)/) { $ms_tee_name = $1} elsif (/^-M(.*)/) {$ms_max_elem = $1} elsif (/^-L(.*)/) {if(defined($ms_library_list)){$ms_library_list = $ms_library_list . ",". $1;} else{ $ms_library_list = $1;}} elsif (/^-D(.*)/) {$ms_Debug_Level = $1} elsif (/^-C/) {$ms_check_syntax = 1} else { ms_printusage();} $ms_loc++; } ###these next two if blocks have to be placed before any infoprints, because on ###an infoprint, it writes to and therefore creates a file, and the program will exit in ###the following check. if($ms_tee_name) { if ($ms_tee_name =~ /^\!\s*(\w+)/){ $ms_tee_name = $1; `rm $ms_tee_name`; } elsif(-f $ms_tee_name){ print "Error: File already exists.\n"; print "Advise removing file $ms_tee_name or use:\n"; print "\t()>usemaster \"-F !$ms_tee_name\" to overwrite.\n"; next; } } ###this is else because you can only output to one of the two, not both if($ms_output_file_name) { if ($ms_output_file_name =~ /^\!\s*(\w+)/){ $ms_output_file_name = $1; `rm $ms_output_file_name`; } elsif(-f $ms_output_file_name){ print "Error: File already exists.\n"; print "Advise removing file $ms_output_file_name or use:\n"; print "\t()>usemaster \"-F !$ms_output_file_name\" to overwrite.\n"; next; } } if($ms_library_list) {infoprint(6, "\nAlternate library files include: $ms_library_list...\n");} $ms_max_elem = -1 unless defined($ms_max_elem); if(defined($ms_script_list)) { if($ms_max_elem <0){$ms_max_elem=1;} infoprint(6, "\nAlternate script files include: $ms_script_list...\n"); } ####### #check environment, if no variables there, set masterdir to default location, #set userdir to current directory ####### if ($ENV{"ADUMP_MASTER"}) { $ms_masterdir = $ENV{"ADUMP_MASTER"}; infoprint(3, "\nImport environment variable ADUMP_MASTER...\n"); infoprint(5, "ADUMP_MASTER = $ms_masterdir\n"); } else { $ms_masterdir = "/usr/lib/kdb"; infoprint(3, "\nNo ADUMP_MASTER environment variable found...\n"); infoprint(3, "Setting default master directory...\n"); infoprint(5, "Default master directory set to $ms_masterdir...\n"); } if ($ENV{"ADUMP_USER"}) { $ms_userdir = $ENV{"ADUMP_USER"}; infoprint(3, "\nImport environment variable ADUMP_USER...\n"); infoprint(5, "ADUMP_USER = $ms_userdir\n"); } else { chomp($ms_userdir = "."); infoprint(3, "\nNo ADUMP_USER environment variable found...\n"); infoprint(3, "Setting default user directory to current directory...\n"); infoprint(5, "Default user directory set to $ms_userdir...\n"); } ####### #saves filenames of master scripts/libraries from respective locations ####### infoprint(8, "Saving filenames of scripts, libraries...\n"); if(defined($ms_library_list)) { infoprint(2, "\nFinding alternate library files...\n"); @ms_llist = split /,/, $ms_library_list; infoprint(5, "$ms_userdir is the path used...\n"); foreach $ms_i (@ms_llist) { if($ms_i =~ /(\w+)\*/){ @ms_ulibs = (@ms_ulibs, ms_findallfiles($ms_userdir, "$1")); } else{ @ms_ulibs = (@ms_ulibs, ms_findexactfile($ms_userdir, $ms_i)); } } infoprint(2, "\nNo user libraries found!\n") unless (@ms_ulibs); infoprint(5, "$ms_masterdir is the path used...\n"); foreach $ms_i (@ms_llist) { if($ms_i =~ /(\w+)\*/){ @ms_mlibs = (@ms_mlibs, ms_findallfiles($ms_masterdir, "$1")); } else{ @ms_mlibs = (@ms_mlibs, ms_findexactfile($ms_masterdir, $ms_i)); } } infoprint(2, "\nNo master libraries found!\n") unless (@ms_mlibs); } else { infoprint(2, "\nFinding user libraries from USERLIST...\n"); infoprint(5, "$ms_userdir is the path used...\n"); @ms_ulibs = ms_findallfiles($ms_userdir, "ascl_"); infoprint(2, "\nNo user libraries found!\n") unless (@ms_ulibs); infoprint(2, "\nFinding master libraries from MASTERLIST...\n"); infoprint(5, "$ms_masterdir is the path used...\n"); @ms_mlibs = ms_findallfiles($ms_masterdir, "ascl_"); infoprint(2, "\nNo master libraries found!\n") unless (@ms_mlibs); } @ms_ulibs = ms_addpath($ms_userdir, @ms_ulibs); @ms_mlibs = ms_addpath($ms_masterdir, @ms_mlibs); if(defined($ms_script_list)) { infoprint(2, "\nFinding alternate user scripts...\n"); @ms_slist = split/,/, $ms_script_list; infoprint(5, "$ms_userdir is the path used...\n"); foreach $ms_i (@ms_slist) { if($ms_i =~ /(\w+)\*/){ @ms_uscripts = (@ms_uscripts, ms_findallfiles($ms_userdir, "$1")); } else{ @ms_uscripts = (@ms_uscripts, ms_findexactfile($ms_userdir, $ms_i)); } } infoprint(2, "\nNo alternate user scripts found!\n") unless (@ms_uscripts); infoprint(2, "\nFinding alternate master scripts...\n"); infoprint(5, "$ms_masterdir is the path used...\n"); foreach $ms_i (@ms_slist) { if($ms_i =~ /(\w+)\*/){ @ms_mscripts = (@ms_mscripts, ms_findallfiles($ms_masterdir, "$1")); } else{ @ms_mscripts = (@ms_mscripts, ms_findexactfile($ms_masterdir, $ms_i)); } } infoprint(2, "\nNo master scripts found!\n") unless (@ms_mscripts); } else { infoprint(2, "\nFinding user scripts from USERLIST...\n"); infoprint(5, "$ms_userdir is the path used...\n"); @ms_uscripts = ms_findallfiles($ms_userdir, "as_"); infoprint(2, "\nNo user scripts found!\n") unless (@ms_uscripts); infoprint(2, "\nFinding master scripts from MASTERLIST...\n"); infoprint(5, "$ms_masterdir is the path used...\n"); @ms_mscripts = ms_findallfiles($ms_masterdir, "as_"); infoprint(2, "\nNo master scripts found!\n") unless (@ms_mscripts); } @ms_uscripts = ms_addpath($ms_userdir, @ms_uscripts); @ms_mscripts = ms_addpath($ms_masterdir, @ms_mscripts); ####### #userscripts/libs have higher priority #these for loops check for unique elements, giving user elems higher priority ####### infoprint(5, "\nChecking for duplicate scripts, libraries...\n"); @ms_totalscripts = @ms_uscripts; for($ms_i=0; $ms_i<=$#ms_mscripts; $ms_i++) { if (ms_notinlist($ms_mscripts[$ms_i], @ms_totalscripts)) { @ms_totalscripts = (@ms_totalscripts, $ms_mscripts[$ms_i]); }#end if }#end for @ms_totallibs = @ms_ulibs; for($ms_i=0; $ms_i<=$#ms_mlibs; $ms_i++) { if (ms_notinlist($ms_mlibs[$ms_i], @ms_totallibs)) { @ms_totallibs = (@ms_totallibs, $ms_mlibs[$ms_i]); }#end if }#end for ####### #makes list of all files to be included, sorting scripts in ascending order ####### @ms_totallist = (@ms_totallibs, ms_sortname(@ms_totalscripts)); ####### #opens each library first, then each script specified #from USERLIST and MASTERLIST ####### infoprint(3, "Opening library files, then script files...\n"); $ms_loc_count = 0; foreach $ms_i (@ms_totallist) { ($ms_sec, $ms_min) = (localtime)[0, 1]; $_ = $ms_i; $ms_currentfilename = $ms_i; $ms_shortpathname = ms_strippath($ms_currentfilename); if(/(ascl_)/){infoprint(8, "\nOpening library $ms_currentfilename...\n");} if(/(as_)/){infoprint(7, "\nOpening script $ms_currentfilename...\n");} ###requires current file if (defined($ms_check_syntax)){ `perl -c $ms_i`; } $ms_returnvalue = do "$ms_i" || die "\nCouldn't open $ms_i: $!"; chomp($ms_returnvalue); infoprint(9, "Finished opening $ms_shortpathname\n"); ###turns return value into an integer $ms_bar = sprintf ("$ms_returnvalue"); if ($ms_bar =~ /(^[-]{0,1}\d+$)/) { $ms_num_val = $1 } else { $ms_num_val = 1 } $_ = $ms_i; $fileobj[$ms_loc_count][0] = $ms_num_val; $fileobj[$ms_loc_count][1] = $ms_returnvalue; ###times how long each process took to run, outputs at printlevel 9 ($ms_sec1, $ms_min1) = (localtime)[0, 1]; $ms_totsec = $ms_sec1-$ms_sec; $ms_totmin = $ms_min1-$ms_min; if($ms_totsec<0) { $ms_totsec = 60+$ms_totsec; $ms_totmin--; } if($ms_totmin<0) { $ms_totmin = 60+$ms_totmin; } $fileobj[$ms_loc_count][2] = $ms_totsec; $ms_finaltotsec += $ms_totsec; $fileobj[$ms_loc_count][3] = $ms_totmin; $ms_finaltotmin += $ms_totmin; if(/as_/){ $ms_temp_array_value = (ms_strippath($ms_i)." returned a positive value\n") unless ($ms_num_val<0); infoprint(1, "$ms_temp_array_value"); undef $ms_temp_array_value; infoprint(9, "Process $ms_shortpathname took: $ms_totsec sec, $ms_totmin min.\n"); $ms_loc_count++; }#end if else{ $ms_temp_array_value = (ms_strippath($ms_i)." returned a positive value\n") unless ($ms_num_val<0); infoprint(9, "$ms_temp_array_value"); undef $ms_temp_array_value; infoprint(9, "Process $ms_shortpathname took: $ms_totsec sec, $ms_totmin min.\n"); $ms_loc_count++; }#end else }#end foreach ########## # Summary# ########## if(($#ms_totalscripts) >= $ms_max_elem){ my $ms_outercount = 0; infoprint(0, "\n\n /-----------------------------------------/\n"); infoprint(0, " / /\n"); infoprint(0, " / SUMMARY /\n"); infoprint(0, " / /\n"); infoprint(0, " /-----------------------------------------/\n\n"); foreach $ms_i (@ms_totallist){ $_ = $ms_totallist[$ms_outercount]; if (/ascl_/){ ###print library info at high infoprints infoprint(6, "\nLibrary " . ms_strippath($ms_i) . "\n"); infoprint(9, "Full library path is $ms_i\n"); infoprint(6, "Time to complete library: "); infoprint(6, "$fileobj[$ms_outercount][2] sec, $fileobj[$ms_outercount][3] min.\n"); infoprint(8, "Return value is: $fileobj[$ms_outercount][1]\n"); $ms_outercount++; next; } ###skip library files if($fileobj[$ms_outercount][0] >= 0){ infoprint(6, "\n/-----------------------------------------------------------------------/"); infoprint(0, "\nScript " , ms_strippath($ms_totallist[$ms_outercount])); infoprint(0, " indicated positive return value.\n"); infoprint(1, "Full path to script is:\n$ms_totallist[$ms_outercount]\n"); infoprint(2, "Time to complete script: "); infoprint(2, "$fileobj[$ms_outercount][2] sec, $fileobj[$ms_outercount][3] min.\n"); infoprint(0, "Return value is: $fileobj[$ms_outercount][1]\n"); infoprint(6, "/-----------------------------------------------------------------------/\n"); $ms_outercount++; }#end if else { ###prints scripts that returned negative(no problem with them) infoprint(6, "\nScript " . ms_strippath($ms_i) ); infoprint(6, " indicated negative return value, most likely this is not a problem.\n"); infoprint(8, "Full path to script is $ms_i\n"); infoprint(6, "Time to complete script: "); infoprint(6, "$fileobj[$ms_outercount][2] sec, $fileobj[$ms_outercount][3] min.\n"); infoprint(7, "Return value is: $fileobj[$ms_outercount][1]\n"); $ms_outercount++; } }#end foreach infoprint(5, "\nTotal execution time: "); $ms_calctemp = $ms_finaltotsec % 60; $ms_moreminutes = $ms_finaltotsec / 60; $ms_moreminutes = int($ms_moreminutes); $ms_finaltotmin += $ms_moreminutes; infoprint(5, "$ms_calctemp secs, $ms_finaltotmin min\n"); }#end if infoprint(0, "\n\nEnd of Automated Analysis\n\n"); }#end sub master 1;