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The value for time must be numeric from %d to %d. The value for maxdups must be numeric from %d to %d. Unable to get errpt restriction mode from ODM object class SWservAt. The error log memory buffer size you supplied will be rounded up to a multiple of 4096 bytes. The error log device driver, /dev/error, is already open. The error demon may already be active. @(#)29 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errdemon/main.c, cmderrlg, bos72L, l2018_07A8 2/5/18 06:28:33Failure to open the logfile '%s' for writing. Possible causes are: 1. The file exists but the invoking process does not have write permission. 2. The file exists but the directory '%s' does not have write permission. 3. The file exists but is not a valid error logfile. Remove the file and restart the errdemon. 4. The file does exist and the directory '%s' does not have enough space available. The minimum logfile size is %d bytes. Usage: errdemon -i filename -s value -B value [ -d | -D -m maxdups -t time ] | -l [-R enable | disable] -i filename Uses the error log file specified by the filename parameter. If this flag is not specified, the default system error log file, /var/adm/ras/errlog, is used. -s value Set the error log file maximum size. Valid range is 8192 bytes to your ulimit in bytes. -B value Set the error log file memory buffer size. This must be a minimum of %1$d bytes. -d Turn duplicate checking off. -D Turn duplicate checking on (the default). -m maxdups Maximum accumulated duplicates. -t time Duplicate handling time interval. -l Show the error log attributes. -R enable|disable Enable or disable errpt restriction for other users. /dev/error@(#)34 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/librts/errlog.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/13/09 10:50:38 ?NOYES%s: %s: line%s: LineWarning %s: %s: %s: %s: libc.catsyntax errorInternal Error%s: "%s", %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: syntax error - cannot backup@(#)87 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/er.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:44:10@(#)99 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/streq.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:03:42genexit(%d) @(#)88 1.4 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/genexit.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:43-cat.cicatopen(%s) Ndesc < NDESCopen of %s failed icatopen: slot=%d catd=%x Unable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. @(#)83 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/cat.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:38malloc on stracpy@(#)98 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/stracpy.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:48%donofftruefalseerrlg_buferrlg_buferrlg_buf errlg_buf errlg_buf errlg_buf /dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/etc/objrepos/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/etc/objrepos/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctlodm_initializeras_getattr ras_putattr odm_terminate ERRIOC_BUFSTATCannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Unable to terminate ODM. Unable to terminate ODM. Unable to put the error log memroy buffer size in the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the error log memory buffer size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Cannot set error log memory buffer size to %d, because there is not enough memory available. Cannot set error log memory buffer size to %d, because there is not enough memory available. The value %d for the error log memory buffer size will not take affect until the next system reboot. The value %d is not a valid error log memory buffer size value. This value must be a minimum of %d bytes. @(#)31 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/buffer.c, cmderrlg, bos72L, l2018_07A8 2/4/18 04:50:26The value specified for the error log memory buffer size is too large. The maximum value allowed is %d bytes. Error Log Attributes --------------------------------------------- Log File %s Log Size %d bytes Memory Buffer Size %d bytes Duplicate Removal %s Duplicate Interval %d milliseconds Duplicate Error Maximum %d PureScale Logging %s PureScale Logstream %s Restrict errpt to privileged users %s /dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctlopen(/dev/errorctl,0)ioctl(fd,/dev/errorctl)%s is not configured in this environment. @(#)07 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/errstop.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/7/07 16:01:07wyes%s %sPSDBGerrlogerrlogerrdemonerrdemonerrdemonPSLogInitPSLogTerm/tmp/psl.dbgfopen failed/etc/objrepos/etc/objreposerrlg_pscale_enablederrlg_pscale_enablederrlg_pscale_enablederrlg_pscale_enabledpsl_config: succeed CentralizedLogServicePSLogOpenLog %s/%s %dPSLogOpenLog %s/%s %derrlg_pscale_logstreamerrlg_pscale_logstreamerrlg_pscale_logstreamerrlg_pscale_logstreamerrlg_pscale_logstreamerrlg_pscale_logstreamPSLogCloseLog %s/%s %dPSLogWriteLog %s/%s %dPSLogWriteLog %s/%s %dCannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. PSLogInit failed. rc %x psl_initialize: succeed PSLogTerm failed. rc %x psl_terminate: succeded Unable to terminate ODM. Unable to terminate ODM. Check the '%s' ODM attributeCheck the '%s' ODM attributePSLogCloseLog failed. rc %x psl_initialize: malloc failedpsl_close_logstream: succeed psl_open_logstream: %s/%s opened psl_compute_logstream_name: %s/%s psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d psl_errlog: eventtype=%x details=%x psl_get_odm_status: attribute %s = %s psl_get_odm_logstream: attribute %s = %s psl_flush_dup: prev_status=%x err_count=%d psl_flush_log_status: restart: lost_count=%x psl_open_logstream: max_io_size=%d, logd = %d psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d status=%x The %s attribute value is limited to %d characters Check the log stream name in the '%s' ODM attributeInvalid log stream full name %s: missing slash character Invalid log stream full name %s: too long log space name psl_manage_log_status: status=%x details=%s err_count=%d Invalid log stream full name %s: too long log stream name Unable to get %s attribute from ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get %s attribute from ODM object class SWservAt. psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d lost_count=%d status=%x psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d lost_count=%d status=%x psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d lost_count=%d status=%x psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d lost_count=%d status=%x psl_write_errlgentry: le=%p esize=%d lost_count=%d status=%x @(#)48 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/pscalelog.c, cmderrlg, bos720 11/9/12 07:17:00%s PSLogInitPSLogTermPSLogErrorPSLogRegBufPSLogRelBufPSLogListLogPSLogStatLogPSLogOpenLogPSLogSeekLogPSLogReadLogPSLogCloseLogPSLogWriteLogPSLogCreateLogPSLogDeleteLogPSLogPerfReadLogPSLogListLogSpacePSLogStatLogSpacePSLogPerfWriteLogPSLogCreateLogSpacePSLogDeleteLogSpace/usr/lib/libpslog_api.a(shr_64.o)@(#)35 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpslog_wrap/pslog_wrap.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/11/10 02:17:43NONENONE &errdemon/dev/console@(#)05 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/child.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:29:57r%dsh-cvpdvpdvpdvpdCuDvnameTRUENONENONENONETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUENONECuVPD%s/%s%s/%sFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEPdDvLnPdDvLnen_pid0x%08xet_type%s = %d%s = %s%s = %s/bin/shname=%s )4 ' (( )|locationel_labelel_crcidet_classet_rtypeerrnotifyconnwhereet_rclassconcurrentet_alertflget_resource/etc/objreposodm_initialize%s: odm_add_objget_CuVPD_list(%s)/usr/lib/physloc %sodm_get_obj(CuDv,%s)en_persistenceflg = 0odm_get_obj(CuVPD,%s)odm_get_obj(errnotify)/usr/lib/ras/chkrpt -%d %dname = %s and vpd_type = %d@(#)12 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/notify.c, cmderrlg, bos72F, f2016_34A7 8/18/16 23:47:20,@Tx%s No error from odmerrno. Unknown odm error code: %d No valid arguments to odmperror. @(#)95 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/odmperror.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:47 ' ( ' )@ (HSOU0no, , ALLPERMTEMPPERFPENDUNKNINFOTRUE, , FALSEfalseGlobalel_typelogableel_crcidel_crcidel_classel_rtypeet_labelet_labelel_rclassel_nodeidel_wparidalertablereportableel_resourceel_sequenceet_alertflgel_machineidInvalid start or end time supplied: %s Invalid start or end time supplied: %s , , , ,@(#)10 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/lstchk.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/23/09 23:32:16 , , , , , , -4 x -@ x -L .@ x -$ . x -| x -X y - x - x - x - xx -d v -p v - h$PpP @l @`daydaysechourhourmonthmonthminuteminute%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%s field %02d not in range [%d,%d] @(#)84 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/dateutil.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:39@(#)01 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/streq_cn.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/29/94 19:55:09malloc@(#)89 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/jalloc.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:44NONEH////////%dnoneNONEdebugvinitinofflswparchwparrmwparmkwparenableoutoffrunwparmigwparmaxsizestopwparsyncwparwparexecrc.wparskillwparresourcesavewparmovewparaerrlograerrlogrsequenceaerrlogrerrdemonerrdemonerrdemonstartwparchkptwparrebootwparresumewparerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_sizeerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_filerestartwparunspecifiedlogread: read%-15s = %04x %-15s = %04x %-15s = %04x %-15s = %04x logopen: open/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objreposlogread: lseekLogfile is %s odm_initializeras_getattr odm_lock ras_putattr odm_unlock odm_terminate odm_initializeras_getattr ras_putattr odm_terminate logcreate: openlogwrite: lseeklogwrite: writelogwrite: writelogclose: closelogtrunc: ftruncate/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlogUnable to lock ODM. Unable to lock ODM. log_odm_error: errlogUnable to unlock ODM. Unable to unlock ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Unable to terminate ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lock/etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to terminate ODM. Unable to terminate ODM. restrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersloginit: open(Logfile,O_RDWR)loginit: open(Logfile,O_RDONLY)logread: unexpected end of file hdrfcntl(Logfd,F_SETLKW,F_WRLCK)hdrfcntl(Logfd,F_SETLKW,F_RDLCK)hdrfcntl(Logfd,F_SETLKW,F_UNLCK)errdemon: Unable to terminate ODM. errdemon: Unable to terminate ODM. Unable to process error log file %s. Unable to process error log file %s. Unable to process the error log file %s. %s is not configured in this environment. do_odm_hdr_size: size = atoi(swservp->value)The supplied error log file is not valid: %s. %s: invalid error log entry length: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry length: %d at offset: %d Unable to get %s attribute from ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to update %s attribute in ODM object class SWservAt. The path %s does not exist. Using default logfile %s from ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Using default value %s for error log file. Unable to get errpt restriction mode from ODM object class SWservAt. Uable to put the errpt restriction mode in the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to update the log file maximum size in the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the errpt restriction mode from the ODM object class SWservAt. The ODM object class SWservAT attribute %s contained an unacceptable value: %s errlg_size@(#)08 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/log.c, cmderrlg, bos72L, l2018_07A8 2/5/18 06:50:16Unable to get %s attribute from ODM object class SWservAt. Using default value %s for error log file. The supplied errlog header contains a file size different from ODM. Updating ODM to use the supplied header file size %d. Unable to get the error log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Using the value %d from the header of errlog file %s for error log size. Cannot initialize error log file %s. The error log file does not have the correct permissions, or is not a valid error log file. Using default error log file %s from ODM. 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6, 6 7| 68 6 6D 5 6P 6\ 5 Ϭ E( E F0TdefltvalueSWservAtattributeSWservAt.vc E  E E Eattribute = '%s'attribute = '%s' AND deflt = '%s'@(#)64 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/getattr.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/26/07 18:27:07@(#)03 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/range.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/29/94 19:54:41/usr/sbin/savebase/usr/sbin/savebase/usr/sbin/savebase@(#)96 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/savebase.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:47HOSUPERMTEMPPERFPENDINFOUNKNlseekerrtmp1/strtabl/errtmp1/strtabl/errtmp1/00000001log flagerror typealert flagerror labelerror classreport flagTmpltfile: readdetail length 1detail length 2detail length 3detail length 4detail length 5detail length 6detail length 7detail length 8detail length 9detail encode 1detail encode 2detail encode 3detail encode 4detail encode 5detail encode 6detail encode 7detail encode 8detail encode 9detail length 10detail length 11detail length 12detail length 13detail length 14detail length 15detail length 16detail encode 10detail encode 11detail encode 12detail encode 13detail encode 14detail encode 15detail encode 16tmpltfile : shmattmpltfile : shmattmpltfile : shmattmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : shmgettmpltfile : shmgettmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : calloc/var/adm/ras/errtmplt/var/adm/ras/errtmpltThe template file is corrupted. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. @(#)14 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/tmplt.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:32:29Cannot update the error template database %s. A write to the error template database failed. %s Possible Causes: 1. The filesystem containing the error template database is full. Run the errupdate command with the '.undo' file(s) to clean up the error template database. Increase the filesystem, and then rerun the errupdate command to add the templates. UUUU%s: NONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONE/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlogUsing default value %s for error log file. The error template repository file %s is either unreadable, or does not exist. @(#)15 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/udbutil.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:34:23Failure to open the logfile '%s' for writing. Possible causes are: 1. The file exists but the invoking process does not have write permission. 2. The file exists but the directory '%s' does not have write permission. 3. The file exists but is not a valid error logfile. Remove the file and restart the errdemon. 4. The file does exist and the directory '%s' does not have enough space available. The minimum logfile size is %d bytes. Unable to process error log file %s. Unable to process error log file %s. %s: invalid error log entry Node Id at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry magic: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry length: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry Machine Id at offset: %d %s: invalid log entry bad code: %d value: %d offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry Sequence Number: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry lengths: length: %d length2: %d at offset: %d @(#)61 1.22 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/dyn_ent_util.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/7/07 16:01:06log_ptr_mgmt.c(esize <= LE_MAX_SIZE) && (esize >= LE_MIN_SIZE)@(#)09 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/log_ptr_mgmt.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/23/04 11:57:57%don%d%d.oldtrueTRUEFALSE/dev/errorerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_dupmax/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objreposerrlg_duptime/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/etc/objreposras_getattr odm_lock ras_putattr odm_unlock errlg_dupcheckmalloc: old_LogfileUnable to unlock ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to terminate ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to terminate ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to initialize ODM. Unable to initialize ODM. Unable to initialize ODM. rename(Logfile,old_Logfile)errdemon: Unable to unlock ODM. This value wasn't found in ODM. This value wasn't found in ODM. This value wasn't found in ODM. errdemon: Unable to unlock ODM. Using the default value for duplicate maximum, %d. Using the default value for duplicate maximum, %d. Using the default value for duplicate checking, "on". Using the default value for duplicate checking, "on". Unable to update errlg_dupmax in ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to lock ODM after waiting 5 seconds. Try again later.Unable to lock ODM after waiting 5 seconds. Try again later.Using the default value for the duplicate time interval, %d. Using the default value for the duplicate time interval, %d. Unable to lock ODM after waiting 5 seconds. Try again later.Unable to update errlg_dupcheck in ODM object class SWservAt. errdemon: Unable to update errlog header for error log file %s. Unable to update errlg_duptimeint in ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to update the log file size in ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to initialize ODM. Using default value %d for error log size. Decreasing the error log file maximum size caused %s to be moved to %s. Unable to update the log file maximum size in the ODM object class SWservAt. @(#)13 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/threshold.c, cmderrlg, bos72F, f2016_48A8 11/24/16 09:43:13Failure to open the logfile '%s' for writing. Possible causes are: 1. The file exists but the invoking process does not have write permission. 2. The file exists but the directory '%s' does not have write permission. 3. The file exists but is not a valid error logfile. Remove it and rerun the errdemon. 4. The file exists but the directory %s does not have enough space available. The minimum logfile size is %d bytes. d@(#)02 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/vset.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:04:35 errdemonerrdemon@(#)77 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errdemon/log_recover.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:43:05 j8` j8` j8 j8" j8e j8 h 0 q@  qH 0 qP qX q` qh qp qx q X r X r(f  r0     r8 $H & & i r '` r r t v xx + i , 3 5 5` 5h 5p D( F G 8 H8 @f( h p j W [ x ]h |f@ ^ fH ^ h h h h h h f` i i( i j snt#P#8 @)@1@ 9@ A@ I@ Q@ Y@ a@ i@ u@ }@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @@@#@1@@@L@Z@ g@n@|@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ @ &@ 0@ 7@ A@ I@ R@ Y@ b@ m@ x@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ "@ *@ 4@ @@ H@ P@ Y@ `@ g@ p@ y@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @)@3@<@Y@g@ u@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ -@ 8@C@ \@  il! h? p? x? ?* ? &? (? (? (? 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