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Depending on where this product was acquired, contact your service representative or the approved supplier.%1$s: 0711-101 FATAL ERROR: Allocation of %2$u bytes failed in routine %3$s. There is not enough memory available. Please check your ulimit or paging space or use local problem reporting procedures.%1$s: 0711-104 FATAL ERROR: Reallocation of %2$u bytes failed in routine %3$s. There is not enough memory available. Please check your ulimit or paging space or use local problem reporting procedures.%1$s: 0711-113 WARNING: Allocation of zero bytes requested in routine %2$s.%s: Binder stops.%1$s: The return code is %2$d.The return code is %d.%1$s: 0711-635 WARNING: Binder command %2$s interrupted.%1$s: 0711-639 WARNING: Binder commands interrupted.%s: 0711-636 WARNING: Null characters are not allowed in a binder command.Binder command contains null characters. %1$s: 0711-638 SEVERE ERROR Check input file %2$s The remaining commands in the file are being ignored.Binder command contains null characters. %1$s: 0711-637 SEVERE ERROR Check standard input. The remaining commands are being ignored.%1$s: 0711-634 SEVERE ERROR: EXEC binder commands nested too deeply. Maximum recursion level is %2$d. Returning to previous level.Continue with remaining binder commands in file %s [NYA]? Please answer NO or YES or ABORT.ABORTType abort to terminate the binder or quit to exit recursive EXEC binder command execution.Type abort to terminate the binder or quit to continue executing binder commands from file %sType quit to terminate the binder.%1$s: The binder will terminate on return codes greater than %2$d.%1$s: The object file pad values are .text: %2$d .data: %3$d .loader: %4$d%1$s: The stack size limit field in the auxiliary header of the output object file will be set to: %2$d (0x%2$X) bytes%s: The stack size limit field in the auxiliary header of the output object file will be set to zero. The system will use the default limit.%1$s: The maximum .data section size field in the auxiliary header of the output object file will be set to: %2$d (0x%2$X) bytes%s: The maximum .data section size field in the auxiliary header of the output object file will be set to zero. The system will use the default limit.%1$s: 0711-144 WARNING: Binder command %2$s is unsupported.%1$s: 0711-149 Binder command %2$s is ignored.%1$s: 0711-150 SEVERE ERROR: Missing pathname for SETOPT loadmap:pathname%1$s: 0711-151 SEVERE ERROR: %2$s: Invalid option name: %3$s%1$s: 0711-278 SEVERE ERROR: %2$s: Argument missing for option %3$s%1$s: 0711-152 SEVERE ERROR: Invalid binder command: %2$s%1$s: 0711-153 WARNING: File %2$s Option %3$.*4$s may not be changed within an import or export file.%1$s: 0711-154 ERROR: Binder command %2$s requires non-negative arguments.%1$s: 0711-156 SEVERE ERROR: Binder command %2$s requires %3$d arguments.%1$s: 0711-157 SEVERE ERROR: Binder command %2$s requires %3$d or more arguments.%1$s: 0711-158 SEVERE ERROR: Binder command %2$s requires %3$d to %4$d arguments.%1$s: 0711-159 SEVERE ERROR: Binder command %2$s: Missing argument.%1$s: 0711-155 SEVERE ERROR: %2$s option %3$s: Invalid argument: %4$s%1$s: 0711-275 WARNING: %2$s option %3$s is ignored.%1$s: 0711-160 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot open file: %2$s %1$s:%3$s() %4$s%1$s: 0711-161 ERROR: File %2$s cannot be processed. The file was found to be truncated and is being ignored.%1$s: Kept %2$d of %3$d relocation entries.%1$s: Number of symbols garbage collected: %2$d of %3$d%1$s: 0711-224 WARNING: Duplicate symbol: %2$s%1$s: 0711-197 ERROR: Type mismatches for symbol: %2$s%1$s: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: %2$s%1$s: 0711-228 WARNING: Duplicate symbols were found while resolving symbols. The following duplicates were found:%1$s: 0711-189 ERROR: Type mismatches were detected. The following symbols are in error:%1$s: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found. The following symbols are in error: Symbol %s Inpndx Address TY CL Length Align Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object} -------------------------%s ------- -------- -- -- ------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------ Symbol Source-File(Object) OR Import-File{Shared-object} ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Referenced Symbol TOC Symbol %s Inpndx Address TY Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object} ------------------------- -------------------------%s ------- -------- -- ------------------------------------------------------ Referenced Symbol TOC Symbol Source-File(Object) OR Import-File{Shared-object} ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Symbol Hash %s Inpndx TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object} RLD:%s Address Section Rld-type%s Referencing Symbol ------------------------- ----------------------%s -------------------------------------------------------------------- Symbol Hash %s Inpndx TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object} ------------------------- ----------------------%s ------- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------ Symbol %s Inpndx TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object} RLD:%s Address Section Rld-type%s Referencing Symbol -------------------------%s--------------------------------------------------------------------- Symbol %s Inpndx TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR Import-File{Shared-object} -------------------------%s ------- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------%1$s: 0711-301 WARNING: Symbol specified with the -u flag not defined: %2$s%1$s: 0711-319 WARNING: Exported symbol not defined: %2$s%1$s: 0711-194 WARNING: TOC entries for symbol %2$s contain different values. The entries are not being combined.%1$s: %2$d of %3$d symbols were kept.%1$s: 0711-220 WARNING: The entry point is not a descriptor: %2$s%1$s: 0711-344 See the loadmap file %2$s for more information.%1$s: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more information.%1$s: 0711-227 WARNING: Symbol %2$s may be a CONSTANT.%s: No .loader section relocation entries exist for the .text section.%s: No type mismatches exist.%1$s: 0711-295 ERROR: The -bdelcsect option was used and the undefined symbol is in a csect containing duplicate symbol: %2$s%s: There are no unresolved symbols.%s: 0711-310 ERROR: Relocation entries from the .text section have been written to the .loader section. The following csects are in error:%1$s: Glink code added for %2$d symbols.%1$s: Glink symbol %2$s replaces%1$s: 0711-362 ERROR: Glink code cannot be added for function: %2$s This function is used by compilers and must be called directly.%1$s: 0711-363 WARNING: %2$s: No function names match pattern %3$s%1$s: 0711-364 ERROR: Invalid glink code file: %2$s An XCOFF file is needed. No glink code added.%1$s: 0711-365 ERROR: Unknown glink type: %2$s. Choices are:%1$s: 0711-587 WARNING: Object %2$s: Type-checking information from a glink file is ignored.%1$s: 0711-595 ERROR: Only one external name is allowed in a glink file. The glink file %2$s is invalid.%1$s: Generating descriptor: %2$s%1$s: Generating TOC entry for %2$s%1$s: Generating implicitly imported symbol: %2$s%1$s: Symbols imported from import file %2$s: %3$d%1$s: Symbol imported: %2$s%1$s: Shared object %2$s: %3$d symbols imported.%1$s: 0711-434 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s The shared object has no .loader section and is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-441 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s The s_scnptr or s_size field is invalid in the .loader section header. The object is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-444 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s The section headers could not be read. The object is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-445 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s Cannot read the .loader section. The object is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-449 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s Symbol table entry %3$d in the .loader section is invalid. The value of the l_offset field is %4$d, but should be between 0 and %5$d. The symbol is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-446 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s Symbol table entry %3$d (symbol %4$s) in the .loader section is invalid. The value of the l_parm field is %5$d, but should be be between 0 and %6$d. No type-checking string will be read for the symbol.%1$s: 0711-448 WARNING: Some symbols were not read from shared object %2$s. Additional errors may occur.%1$s: 0711-447 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s The .loader section has been truncated. The object is being ignored.%s: There is no entry point.%1$s: The entry point is %2$s%1$s: Entry point set to %2$s%1$s: The library path is %2$s%1$s: Library path set to %2$s%1$s: Highest return code was %2$d.%1$s: Number of previously inserted files processed: %2$d%1$s: 0711-523 WARNING: Section %2$d (%3$.8s) in object %4$s: Section type %5$d is not recognized. The section is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-547 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. RLD address 0x%3$x for section %4$d (%5$s) is not contained in the section.%1$s: 0711-548 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. RLD address 0x%3$x for section %4$d (%5$s) is out of order. RLDs must be in ascending address order.%1$s: 0711-562 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: An auxiliary symbol table entry is required for a C_EXT or C_HIDEXT entry.%1$s: The alignment of %2$s was %3$d.%1$s: The alignment of the csect containing the label %2$s was %3$d.%1$s: 0711-611 SEVERE ERROR: %2$s: Invalid alignment. Value must be in the range 0-31. Value specified is %3$s. USAGE: ALIGN [pattern] {0-31}%1$s: 0711-613 WARNING: %2$s: No global symbols match pattern: %3$s%1$s: 0711-673 ERROR: %2$s: Symbol %3$s was not found.%1$s: 0711-711 ERROR: Input file %2$s is empty. The file is being ignored.%s: 0711-165 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot free memory segments.%1$s: 0711-166 SEVERE ERROR: Size of file %2$s has changed since it was first opened.%1$s: 0711-168 SEVERE ERROR: Input file: %2$s Input files must be regular files.%1$s: 0711-715 ERROR: File %2$s cannot be processed. The file must be an object file, an import file, or an archive.%1$s: LDRINFO string added to .loader section: %2$s%1$s: Section sizes = %2$d+%3$d+%4$d (0x%2$X+0x%3$X+0x%4$X hex)%1$s: Size of TOC: %2$d (0x%2$X hex)%1$s: 0711-768 WARNING: Object %2$s, section %3$d, function %4$s: The branch at address 0x%5$x is not followed by a recognized no-op or TOC-reload instruction. The unrecognized instruction is 0x%6$X.%1$s: 0711-780 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: Relocation overflow in reference to: %5$s (entry %6$d) Address: 0x%7$08x; RLD type: %8$s; RLD length: %9$d%1$s: 0711-781 ERROR: TOC overflow. TOC size: %2$d Maximum size: %3$d%1$s: 0711-783 WARNING: TOC overflow. TOC size: %2$d Maximum size: %3$d Extra instructions are being generated for each reference to a TOC symbol if the symbol is in the TOC overflow area.%1$s: 0711-782 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The RLD at address %4$x has an unrecognized RLD type 0x%5$x. The RLD is not being processed.%1$s: 0711-793 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$x in section %4$d: The instruction at address 0x%5$x cannot be fixed up: The bit length of the reference is %6$d, not 16.%1$s: 0711-794 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$x in section %4$d: The instruction at address 0x%5$x cannot be fixed up: The opcode is %6$d.%1$s: 0711-788 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$x in section %4$d: The fixed-up instruction at address 0x%5$x is not a branch. Its opcode is %6$d.%1$s: Fixup csect size: %2$d%1$s: Bytes written to fixup csect: %2$d%1$s: 0711-787 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The instruction at address 0x%5$08x is not a branch. It is 0x%6$08x. RLD type: %7$s; RLD length: %8$d; Referenced symbol: %9$s%1$s: 0711-795 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The relocation type of the RLD for address 0x%4$x is R_BA, but the instruction is not an absolute branch. The referenced symbol is %5$s%1$s: 0711-796 WARNING: Object %2$s, section %3$d The branch instruction at address 0x%4$x, which has RLD type R_BA, refers to symbol %5$s, which is a relocatable symbol.%1$s: 0711-797 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The relocation type of the RLD for address 0x%4$x is R_BR, but the instruction is an absolute branch. The referenced symbol is %5$s%1$s: 0711-798 WARNING: Object %2$s, section %3$d The branch instruction at address 0x%4$x, which has RLD type R_BR, refers to symbol %5$s, which is not a relocatable symbol.%1$s: 0711-799 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The target of the branch instruction at address %4$x is not aligned on a word boundary. The target address is being truncated.%1$s: 0711-868 INTERNAL ERROR: The TOC symbol should have already been written.%1$s: 0711-870 WARNING: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: Unknown symbol type %4$d. The symbol is being copied to the output file.%1$s: 0711-871 WARNING: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: Symbol contains a reference to a static csect that was not saved.%s: 0711-885 INTERNAL ERROR: Number of sections miscounted. The .loader section cannot be written.%1$s: 0711-933 SEVERE ERROR: Pathname %2$s is invalid or inaccessible. %1$s:%3$s() %4$s%1$s: 0711-934 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot create the output file: %2$s %1$s:open() %3$s%1$s: 0711-936 SEVERE ERROR: Output file: %2$s The file is on a read-only file system.%1$s: 0711-937 SEVERE ERROR: Severe errors have occurred and the output file (%2$s) already exists. The file will not be overwritten.%1$s: 0711-938 ERROR: Errors have occurred and the output file %2$s, which already exists, was used as an input file. The file will not be overwritten.%1$s: 0711-925 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot create temporary output file: %2$s %1$s:open() %3$s%1$s: 0711-929 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot map the temporary output file: %2$s %1$s:%3$s() %4$s%1$s: 0711-876 ERROR: Filename %2$s, specified by the SAVENAME command, was invalid.%1$s: 0711-877 ERROR: Filename must be %2$s Use the same name as specified with the SAVENAME binder command.%1$s: 0711-875 SEVERE ERROR: Output file: %2$s The output file must be a regular file.%1$s: 0711-855 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot close the output file: %2$s %1$s:close() %3$s%1$s: 0711-244 ERROR: No csects or exported symbols have been saved.%1$s: 0711-245 WARNING: No csects or exported symbols have been saved.%1$s: 0711-851 SEVERE ERROR: Output file: %2$s The file is in use and cannot be overwritten.%1$s: 0711-853 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot rename the temporary object file: %2$s to be the output object file: %3$s %1$s:rename() %4$sADDRESS MAP FOR %s ADDRESS MAP FOR %s WITH REFERENCES ADDRESS MAP FOR %s WITH CROSS REFERENCES ADDRESS MAP FOR INPUT FILES ADDRESS MAP FOR INPUT FILES WITH REFERENCES ADDRESS MAP FOR INPUT FILES WITH CROSS REFERENCES SORTED ADDRESS MAP FOR %s SORTED ADDRESS MAP FOR %s WITH REFERENCES SORTED ADDRESS MAP FOR %s WITH CROSS REFERENCES SORTED ADDRESS MAP FOR INPUT FILES SORTED ADDRESS MAP FOR INPUT FILES WITH REFERENCES SORTED ADDRESS MAP FOR INPUT FILES WITH CROSS REFERENCES *%s%s ADDRESS LENGTH AL CL TY Sym# NAME SOURCE-FILE(OBJECT) or IMPORT-FILE{SHARED-OBJECT} %s--- -------- ------ -- -- -- ----- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- References from: ADDRESS RLD-type(bit-length) Sym# NAME ADDRESS References to: ADDRESS RLD-type(bit-length) Sym# NAME %1$s: 0711-834 WARNING: Invalid address map type %2$s. Choices are: %3$s%1$s: 0711-836 WARNING: Cannot open the address map file: %2$s %1$s:fopen() %3$s%1$s: 0711-837 ERROR: Cannot write to the address map file: %2$s %1$s:fprintf() %3$s The file may be incomplete.%1$s: 0711-838 WARNING: There is not enough memory available. The address map file %2$s has not been generated.%1$s: 0711-839 WARNING: The pathname is too long. The maximum length of a pathname is %2$d. The address map file has not been generated.%1$s: 0711-931 SEVERE ERROR: Output file: %2$s The file is write-protected.%1$s: 0711-200 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The archive member table does not exist.%1$s: 0711-201 SEVERE ERROR: External symbol %2$s, defined in member %3$s of archive %4$s, was not found in the archive's global symbol table.%1$s: 0711-202 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The offset to the archive member table (%3$d), found in the archive header, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-203 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The length of the archive member table (%3$d) is less than %4$d or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-204 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The number of archive members (%3$d), specified in the archive member table, is less than or equal to 0 or is not consistent with the length of the member table.%1$s: 0711-205 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. Offset %3$d, found in the global symbol table for symbol %4$s, does not match the offset of any member.%1$s: 0711-206 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The length of the global symbol table (%3$d) is less than 4 or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-207 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The global symbol table cannot be read.%1$s: 0711-208 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The offset to the global symbol table (%3$d), found in the archive header, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-209 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The global symbol table should contain %3$d names. Only %4$d names were found.%1$s: 0711-210 SEVERE ERROR: The length of archive member %2$s (%3$d) is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-211 SEVERE ERROR: Archive member %2$s was found to be truncated. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-212 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s, found in the global symbol table of archive %3$s, was not defined in archive member %4$s.%1$s: 0711-213 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s is corrupt. The member header at offset %3$u is invalid. The length of the member name (%4$d) is greater than 255, less than or equal to 0, or is not consistent with the length of the archive. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-214 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed.%1$s: 0711-215 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The offset to the first archive member header (%3$d), found in the archive header, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-216 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The offset to the next member header (%4$d), found in the member header beginning at offset %3$u, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-217 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s was not completely read.%1$s: 0711-218 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The number of members (%3$d), as specified by the archive member table, is not consistent with the number of member headers found (%4$d).%1$s: 0711-219 WARNING: Archive member %2$s The member is being ignored because the F_LOADONLY flag is set.%1$s: 0711-230 WARNING: Nested archives are not supported. Archive member %2$s is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-231 WARNING: Reading of archive file %2$s interrupted. Some members were not read. Additional errors may occur.%1$s: 0711-232 WARNING: Reading of archive file %2$s interrupted. Some symbols from the global symbol table were not read. Additional errors may occur.%1$s: 0711-235 WARNING: Archive member %2$s is not an object file or an import list. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-236 WARNING: Archive %2$s does not contain any members. The archive is being ignored.%1$s: Symbols exported: %2$d%1$s: Found %2$d XTY_CMs.%1$s: Found %2$d XTY_ERs.%1$s: Found %2$d C_FILEs.%1$s: Found %2$d XTY_LDs.%1$s: Found %2$d XTY_SDs.%1$s: Symbol %2$s will be kept.%s: These object files and archive members were used to create the output file:%1$s: The output filename is %2$s%s: No output filename has been specified yet.%s: String statistics: No strings.%s: String statistics:%1$s: 0711-950 ERROR: A name is too long. Names longer than 65535 characters are truncated. The name begins: %2$-45.45s%1$s: 0711-341 WARNING: Replaced XTY_CM symbol %2$s requires an alignment more strict than the alignment of the symbol that replaces it.%s: 0711-356 WARNING: The .text section may not be aligned properly.%s: 0711-357 WARNING: The .data section may not be aligned properly.%1$s: 0711-252 SEVERE ERROR: File auxiliary symbol entry %2$d in object %3$s: Field x_offset contains %4$d. Valid values are between 4 and %5$d. The object name is being substituted.%1$s: 0711-593 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The symbol refers to a csect with symbol number %5$d, which was not found. The new symbol cannot be associated with a csect and is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-594 SEVERE ERROR: Overflow section header %2$d in object %3$s: The section header does not refer to a .text or .data section header.%1$s: 0711-591 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: A symbol with type XTY_SD must be in a .text or .data section.%1$s: 0711-253 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: x_snhash=%5$d, which is not the section number of a .typchk section%1$s: 0711-589 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: Auxiliary entries for the symbol are missing.%1$s: 0711-590 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. The length field at the beginning of the string table is invalid.%1$s: 0711-251 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: Field n_offset contains %4$d. Valid values are between 4 and %5$d.%1$s: 0711-255 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: The symbol name was not null-terminated. Either the string table is damaged or field n_offset (which contains %4$d) is invalid.%1$s: 0711-563 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The n_scnum field contains %5$d. The section number must be between 1 and %6$d.%1$s: 0711-598 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. The XCOFF header contains an invalid value for the offset to the symbol table or for the number of symbol table entries.%1$s: 0711-865 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: Extra auxiliary entries for the TOC anchor are not being copied to the output file.%1$s: 0711-553 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: A TOC anchor for section %5$d has already been seen. The symbol is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-592 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The TOC anchor is not contained in a .text or .data section.%1$s: 0711-982 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot open /dev/tty.%1$s: 0711-585 WARNING: Object %2$s: Duplicate symbol deleted: %3$s%1$s: 0711-358 WARNING: Alignment of XTY_CM symbol %2$s increased to %3$d.%1$s: 0711-359 WARNING: Length of XTY_CM symbol %2$s increased to %3$d.%1$s: 0711-348 WARNING: Alignment of XTY_CM symbol %2$s set to %3$d.%1$s: 0711-349 WARNING: Length of XTY_CM symbol %2$s set to %3$d.%1$s: 0711-874 WARNING: The binder command %2$s may not be called more than once.%1$s: 0711-759 INTERNAL ERROR: Source file %2$s, line %3$d. Depending on where this product was acquired, contact your service representative or the approved supplier.%1$s: 0711-755 ERROR: Cannot open or create loadmap file: %2$s %1$s:fopen() %3$s%1$s: 0711-756 WARNING: A filename must not be specified when the loadmap option is used in an import or export file. The option is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-415 WARNING: Symbol %2$s is already exported.%1$s: 0711-873 WARNING: Symbol %2$s cannot be exported as symbol %3$s. Another instance of symbol %3$s is already exported.%1$s: 0711-320 WARNING: Symbol %2$s does not appear to be a procedure and should not be exported as a system call.%1$s: 0711-324 WARNING: Export of %2$s changed to export of %3$s%1$s: 0711-878 SEVERE ERROR: The pathname is too long. The maximum length of a pathname is %2$d. Binder command %3$s cannot be executed.%s: 0711-751 SEVERE ERROR: You have exceeded your disk quota.%s: 0711-750 SEVERE ERROR: The file system is full.%s: 0711-752 SEVERE ERROR: You have exceeded your filesize ulimit.%1$s: 0711-597 WARNING: Object %2$s contains extra bytes at the end.%1$s: 0711-411 WARNING: Additional symbols deleted:%1$s: 0711-596 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s An RLD for section %3$d (%4$s) refers to symbol %5$d, but the storage class of the symbol is not C_EXT or C_HIDEXT.%s: The current no-op instructions are:%s: The current TOC-reload instructions are:%1$s: 0711-280 SEVERE ERROR: Invalid instruction %2$s Instructions must consist of hex digits only.%s: 0711-282 SEVERE ERROR: Missing argument. Specify a machine instruction after primary%s: 0711-283 SEVERE ERROR: Missing argument. Specify a machine instruction after no%1$s: 0711-285 SEVERE ERROR: Instruction 0x%2$08x is not a current no-op instruction. It cannot be deleted.%s: 0711-281 SEVERE ERROR: The primary instruction cannot be deleted.%1$s: 0711-284 SEVERE ERROR: Instruction 0x%2$08x is not a current TOC-reload instruction. It cannot be deleted.%1$s: 0711-342 ERROR: Undefined internal symbol: %2$s%1$s: 0711-569 WARNING: File %2$s has not been inserted yet.%1$s: 0711-677 WARNING: regcomp() failed for pattern: %2$s %3$s%1$s: 0711-678 WARNING: No symbols match pattern: %2$s%1$s: 0711-679 WARNING: Symbol %2$s does not exist.%1$s: 0711-586 WARNING: Object %2$s contains multiple %3$s sections. The additional sections are being ignored.%1$s: 0711-277 ERROR: %2$s: New name %3$s is already in use.%1$s: 0711-346 ERROR: Replaced XTY_CM symbol %2$s is larger than the space remaining after the label that replaces it.%1$s: 0711-135 SEVERE ERROR: Cannot execute subshell %2$s%1$s: 0711-327 WARNING: Entry point not found: %2$s%1$s: 0711-572 WARNING: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The TOC anchor is not named %5$s.%1$s: 0711-254 WARNING: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: Type-checking strings for C_HIDEXT symbols are ignored.%1$s: 0711-256 WARNING: Symbol entry %2$d in object %3$s: Stabstring symbol has n_zeroes = n_offset = 0. The symbol is being copied to the output file.%1$s: 0711-570 WARNING: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s is invalid. Filename in C_FILE auxiliary symbol is null.%1$s: 0711-571 WARNING: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s is invalid. Filename in C_FILE symbol table entry is null.%1$s: 0711-576 WARNING: Section %2$d in object %3$s: A .bss section may not have relocation or line number entries. The entries are being ignored.%1$s: 0711-573 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: A symbol with type XTY_CM must be in a .bss section and have a storage-mapping class of XMC_BS, XMC_UC, or XMC_RW; or it must be in a .data section and have a storage-mapping class of XMC_TD.%1$s: 0711-574 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: XTY_LD symbol contains invalid values.%1$s: 0711-577 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: External reference has invalid fields: n_sclass=%5$s; n_smtype=%6$s; n_value=%7$d; n_scnum=%8$d%1$s: 0711-575 WARNING: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The symbol table entry for the TOC anchor has bad values.%1$s: 0711-710 ERROR: Input file %2$s is stripped. The file is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-712 ERROR: Archive member %2$s is stripped. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-716 ERROR: Archive member %2$s is empty. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-717 WARNING: Object file %2$s does not have any sections. The file is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-718 WARNING: Archive member %2$s does not have any sections. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-719 SEVERE ERROR: Section %2$d in object %3$s The overflow section header is missing for this section.%1$s: 0711-725 ERROR: Object %2$s has no .text, .data, or .bss sections.%1$s: .text (page boundary) = %2$d (%2$8X hex)%1$s: .text = %2$d (%2$8X hex) .data = %1$d (%1$8X hex) .data (page boundary) = %1$d (%1$8X hex)%1$s: 0711-276 ERROR: %2$s: A page origin must be a multiple of the page size (%3$d).%1$s: The following TOC Symbols were combined:%1$s: 0711-347 WARNING: RESOLVE already called and no new symbols have been inserted, exported, or kept.%1$s: 0711-300 ERROR: RESOLVE must be called before calling binder command %2$s.%1$s: 0711-329 WARNING: Binder command RESOLVE called more than once. Messages may differ from previous call.%1$s: 0711-326 ERROR: Replaced XTY_CM symbol %2$s is larger than the symbol that replaces it.%1$s: 0711-599 SEVERE ERROR: Section header %2$d (%3$s) in object %4$s: Fields in the header are invalid: s_scnptr = %5$d; s_size = %6$d%1$s: 0711-321 WARNING: Storage-mapping class of symbol %2$s changed from XMC_GL to XMC_PR because of a reference to the symbol.%1$s: 0711-323 WARNING: Storage-mapping class of symbol %2$s changed from XMC_UA to XMC_%3$s because of references.%s: STABSTRING statistics: No stabstrings.%s: STABSTRING statistics:%1$s: 0711-382 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Unexpected character in production %4$s.%1$s: 0711-383 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Colon (:) marking beginning of stabstring not found.%1$s: 0711-384 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Name expected.%1$s: 0711-385 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Integer expected.%1$s: 0711-381 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Real expected.%1$s: 0711-386 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Type number expected.%1$s: 0711-387 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Single or double quote expected.%1$s: 0711-388 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Unexpected character after %4$s in %5$s.%1$s: 0711-389 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Unexpected end of stabstring in production %4$s.%1$s: 0711-390 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Syntax error after %4$s in production %5$s.%1$s: 0711-391 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Extra characters at end of stabstring.%1$s: 0711-392 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Stabstring redefines predefined type %5$.*4$s.%1$s: 0711-393 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s A stabstring refers to type %4$d, which is not defined.%1$s: 0711-394 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Closing %4$s not found.%1$s: 0711-397 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Character %4$s expected in production %5$s.%1$s: 0711-398 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Exponent expected.%1$s: 0711-399 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Length expected in production %4$s.%1$s: 0711-379 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Expected character %4$s not found before end of stabstring.%1$s: 0711-378 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s A continued stabstring is at the end of the symbol table.%1$s: 0711-376 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Type %4$d has new definition replacing previous unnamed definition.%1$s: 0711-377 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Type %4$d has multiple definitions.%1$s: 0711-380 STABSTRING ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Length of stabstring in .debug section is invalid. The stabstring is being deleted.%1$s: 0711-396 INTERNAL ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d, object file %3$s Conflict in local mapping: old %4$d; new %5$d. Character %c seen. ASCII %d seen. End of stabstring reached. Remainder of stabstring is: %s%s: 0711-866 INTERNAL ERROR: Output symbol table size miscalculated.%s: Type-checking string statistics: No type-checking strings.%s: Type-checking string statistics:%1$s: 0711-955 SEVERE ERROR: Length of type-checking string is invalid. The string appears to extend beyond the end of the section.%1$s: 0711-610 USAGE: ALIGN [pattern] {0-31}%1$s: 0711-375 USAGE: ADDNAMEDGLUE fn pattern ...%1$s: 0711-372 USAGE: ADDGL fn%1$s: 0711-532 USAGE: {I|INSERT} [KEEP] fn%1$s: 0711-753 SEVERE ERROR: Unexpected I/O error %1$s:%2$s() %3$s%1$s: 0711-998 SEVERE ERROR: Unexpected exception %2$d caught. %3$s%1$s: 0711-999 SEVERE ERROR: Unexpected system call error. %1$s:%2$s() %3$s%1$s: 0711-983 SEVERE ERROR: File %2$s Premature end-of-file reached while reading %3$d bytes.%s: 0711-985 Error occurred while reading binder commands from the keyboard.%1$s: 0711-986 Error occurred while reading %2$d bytes from file: %3$s%1$s: 0711-987 Error occurred while reading file: %2$s%1$s: 0711-988 Error occurred while reading binder commands from file: %2$s%s: 0711-989 Error occurred while reading binder commands from standard input.%1$s: 0711-990 Error occurred while closing loadmap file: %2$s%1$s: 0711-991 Error occurred while writing to the loadmap file: %2$s%s: 0711-992 Error occurred while writing to standard output.%1$s: 0711-993 Error occurred while writing to the output file: %2$s%1$s: 0711-994 Error occurred while writing to the temporary output file: %2$s%1$s: 0711-995 Error occurred while processing file: %2$s (at address 0x%3$X)%1$s: 0711-996 Error occurred while processing file: %2$s%1$s: 0711-997 Error occurred while closing file: %2$s%s: 0711-416 Some symbols were not read. Buckets used=%1$d of %2$d Maximum-bucket-size=%3$d Strings=%4$d Actual distribution=%5$.1f Random distribution=%6$.1f Ratio=%7$.3f Bucket sizes: CSECT ordering:Deferred Imports (from file %s)Imported symbols in %1$s (from file %2$s) Old address: %1$.8X New: %2$.8X with label Symbols: Generated %1$d ERs %2$d Total %3$d Allocations Allocated In-Use Maximum In-Use Maximum Total UndoneFilesMapped with shmat()Mapped with mmap()UNKNOWN_COMPOSITE(%s[%s])** References **** References Without Matching Definitions **** No Hash **** Undefined Symbol **** Duplicate ** Value = 0x%08x%*sEIGENERATEDIMPORTARCHIVEFIXUPPL/IRPG Mod2PascLispFort C BASCCoblC++ Ada PL8 %1$s: 0711-773 WARNING: Object %2$s, imported symbol %3$s Symbol was expected to be local. Extra instructions are being generated to reference the symbol.%1$s: 0711-774 WARNING: Symbol %2$s Storage-mapping class of symbol changed to XMC_TD because at least one reference expects the symbol to be in the TOC.%1$s: 0711-775 WARNING: Symbol %2$s Storage-mapping class of symbol changed to XMC_RW because no references expect the symbol to be in the TOC.%1$s: 0711-417 ERROR: Import object %2$s at line %3$d: The pathname or member name specified after #! is too long. The line is being ignored.%1$s: Symbol imported (at address 0x%2$08X): %3$s%1$s: 0711-418 ERROR: Import or export file %2$s at line %3$d: A symbol name may only be followed by an export attribute or an address. The line is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-413 ERROR: Import or export file %2$s at line %3$d: Only one symbol name per line is allowed. The symbol name may be followed by an export attribute or an address. The line is being ignored. CSECT or (Symbol in CSECT)%s Inpndx Address TY CL Source-File(Object-File) .loader section RLDs:%s Address TY CL Rld-type%s Inpndx Name ----------------------------%s-------- -------- -- -- ------------------------%s CSECT or (Symbol in CSECT)%s Inpndx Address TY CL Source-File(Object-File) %s Symbols referenced with .loader section RLDs: TY CL %sInpndx Name ----------------------------%s----------------- -- -- ------------------------%1$s: 0711-302 ERROR: Object %2$s, csect %3$s%4$s%5$s The csect is part of the .text section, and relocation entries from the csect have been written to the .loader section.%1$s: 0711-303 ERROR: Object %2$s, csect with label (%3$s) The csect is part of the .text section, and relocation entries from the csect have been written to the .loader section.%1$s: 0711-588 WARNING: Section header %2$d in object %3$s: Fields in the section header are inconsistent with fields in the corresponding overflow section header %4$d.%1$s: 0711-584 WARNING: Section header %2$d in object %3$s: An overflow section header has already been found for section %4$d. The extra overflow header is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-325 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in section %4$d in object %5$s: There is a TOC-relative reference to the symbol, but the section contains no TOC anchor.%1$s: 0711-337 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: There is a TOC-relative reference to the symbol, but the object contains no TOC anchor.%1$s: 0711-776 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$x in section %4$d: The generated instructions (at address 0x%5$x) for the fixed-up instruction at address 0x%6$x are not recognized. The instruction will not be restored or relocated.%1$s: The storage-mapping class of %2$s was %3$s.%1$s: The storage-mapping class of csect [%2$s]%3$s has been updated.%1$s: The storage-mapping class of label [%2$s]%3$s has been updated.%1$s: 0711-614 SEVERE ERROR: Invalid storage-mapping class %2$s specified. Valid storage-mapping classes are %1$s: 0711-338 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s in object %3$s: There is a TOC-relative reference to this global symbol but its storage-mapping class is not XMC_TD or XMC_TC.%1$s: 0711-339 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: There is a TOC-relative reference to this internal symbol, but its storage-mapping class is not XMC_TD or XMC_TC.%1$s: 0711-340 SEVERE ERROR Symbol %2$s in object %3$s A csect with multiple labels cannot be moved into the TOC.%1$s: 0711-777 SEVERE ERROR Symbol %2$s The symbol has a reserved name and cannot be mapped into the TOC.%1$s: 0711-579 WARNING: Additional symbol deleted: %2$s%1$s: 0711-305 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found. Symbols marked with %% were deleted because the -bdelcsect option was specified. The following symbols are in error:%1$s: 0711-304 ERROR: Undefined symbol: %2$s (deleted because the -bdelcsect option was specified)%1$s: 0711-578 WARNING: Duplicate symbols deleted:%1$s: 0711-583 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The symbol is not entirely contained within its section.%1$s: 0711-601 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The n_scnum field of the symbol contains %5$d, which is not the section number of a .info section. The symbol is being deleted.%1$s: 0711-602 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The value of the symbol is not a valid offset into .info section %5$d. The symbol is being deleted.%1$s: 0711-603 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The length of the .info string referenced by the symbol is invalid. The string appears to extend beyond the end of .info section %5$d. The symbol is being deleted.%1$s: 0711-856 ERROR: Cannot set the mode of the output file: %2$s %1$s:fchmod() %3$s Changing export attribute for symbol.%1$s: 0711-322 WARNING: listed symbol not defined: %2$s%1$s: 0711-328 ERROR: Undefined initfini symbol: %2$s%1$s: 0711-443 SEVERE ERROR: Shared object %2$s The import file ID strings in the .loader section are not in the correct format. The object is being ignored.%1$s: The stack size limit field in the auxiliary header of the output object file will be set to: %2$lld (0x%2$llX) bytes%1$s: The maximum .data section size field in the auxiliary header of the output object file will be set to: %2$lld (0x%2$llX) bytes%1$s: 0711-547 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. RLD address 0x%3$llx for section %4$d (%5$s) is not contained in the section.%1$s: 0711-548 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. RLD address 0x%3$llx for section %4$d (%5$s) is out of order. RLDs must be in ascending address order.%1$s: Section sizes = %2$lld+%3$lld+%4$lld (0x%2$llX+0x%3$llX+0x%4$llX hex)%1$s: 0711-768 WARNING: Object %2$s, section %3$d, function %4$s: The branch at address 0x%5$llx is not followed by a recognized no-op or TOC-reload instruction. The unrecognized instruction is 0x%6$X.%1$s: 0711-780 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: Relocation overflow in reference to: %5$s (entry %6$d) Address: 0x%7$08llx; RLD type: %8$s; RLD length: %9$d%1$s: 0711-782 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The RLD at address %4$llx has an unrecognized RLD type 0x%5$x. The RLD is not being processed.%1$s: 0711-793 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$llx in section %4$d: The instruction at address 0x%5$llx cannot be fixed up: The bit length of the reference is %6$d, not 16.%1$s: 0711-794 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$llx in section %4$d: The instruction at address 0x%5$llx cannot be fixed up: The opcode is %6$d.%1$s: 0711-788 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$llx in section %4$d: The fixed-up instruction at address 0x%5$llx is not a branch. Its opcode is %6$d.%1$s: 0711-787 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: The instruction at address 0x%5$08llx is not a branch. It is 0x%6$08x. RLD type: %7$s; RLD length: %8$d; Referenced symbol: %9$s%1$s: 0711-795 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The relocation type of the RLD for address 0x%4$llx is R_BA, but the instruction is not an absolute branch. The referenced symbol is %5$s%1$s: 0711-796 WARNING: Object %2$s, section %3$d The branch instruction at address 0x%4$llx, which has RLD type R_BA, refers to symbol %5$s, which is a relocatable symbol.%1$s: 0711-797 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The relocation type of the RLD for address 0x%4$llx is R_BR, but the instruction is an absolute branch. The referenced symbol is %5$s%1$s: 0711-798 WARNING: Object %2$s, section %3$d The branch instruction at address 0x%4$llx, which has RLD type R_BR, refers to symbol %5$s, which is not a relocatable symbol.%1$s: 0711-799 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The target of the branch instruction at address %4$llx is not aligned on a word boundary. The target address is being truncated.%1$s: 0711-202 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The offset to the archive member table (%3$lld), found in the archive header, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-203 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The length of the archive member table (%3$lld) is less than %4$lld or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-204 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The number of archive members (%3$lld), specified in the archive member table, is less than or equal to 0 or is not consistent with the length of the member table.%1$s: 0711-205 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. Offset %3$lld, found in the global symbol table for symbol %4$s, does not match the offset of any member.%1$s: 0711-208 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The offset to the global symbol table (%3$lld), found in the archive header, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-213 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s is corrupt. The member header at offset %3$llu is invalid. The length of the member name (%4$d) is greater than 255, less than or equal to 0, or is not consistent with the length of the archive. The member is being ignored.%1$s: 0711-215 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed. The offset to the first archive member header (%3$lld), found in the archive header, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-216 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The offset to the next member header (%4$lld), found in the member header beginning at offset %3$llu, is negative or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-218 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The number of members (%3$lld), as specified by the archive member table, is not consistent with the number of member headers found (%4$lld).%1$s: 0711-256 WARNING: Symbol entry %2$d in object %3$s: Stabstring symbol has n_offset = 0. The symbol is being copied to the output file.%1$s: 0711-577 ERROR: Symbol %2$s (entry %3$d) in object %4$s: External reference has invalid fields: n_sclass=%5$s; n_smtype=%6$s; n_value=%7$lld; n_scnum=%8$d%1$s: .text (page boundary) = %2$lld (%2$8llX hex)%1$s: .text = %2$lld (%2$8llX hex) .data = %1$lld (%1$8llX hex) .data (page boundary) = %1$lld (%1$8llX hex)%1$s: 0711-599 SEVERE ERROR: Section header %2$d (%3$s) in object %4$s: Fields in the header are invalid: s_scnptr = %5$lld; s_size = %6$lld Old address: %1$.8llX New: %2$.8llX Value = 0x%08llx%*s%1$s: Symbol imported (at address 0x%2$08llX): %3$s%1$s: 0711-776 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, RLD address 0x%3$llx in section %4$d: The generated instructions (at address 0x%5$llx) for the fixed-up instruction at address 0x%6$llx are not recognized. The instruction will not be restored or relocated.%1$s: 0711-736 ERROR: Input file %2$s: XCOFF64 object files are not allowed in 32-bit mode.%1$s: 0711-735 WARNING: Archive member %2$s: XCOFF64 members are ignored in 32-bit mode.%1$s: 0711-738 ERROR: Input file %2$s: XCOFF32 object files are not allowed in 64-bit mode.%1$s: 0711-737 WARNING: Archive member %2$s: XCOFF32 members are ignored in 64-bit mode.*%s%s ADDRESS LENGTH AL CL TY Sym# NAME SOURCE-FILE(OBJECT) or IMPORT-FILE{SHARED-OBJECT} %s--- ---------------- -------- -- -- -- ----- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- References from: ADDRESS RLD-type(bit-length) Sym# NAME ADDRESS References to: ADDRESS RLD-type(bit-length) Sym# NAME %1$s: 0711-581 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: The auxtype field for the auxiliary symbol table entry is incorrect.%1$s: 0711-306 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, %3$s section RLD at address %4$llx (reference to %5$s): The RLD is invalid. Link without the -blazy option.%1$s: 0711-206 SEVERE ERROR: Archive file %2$s cannot be processed completely. The length of the global symbol table (%3$lld) is less than %4$d or is not consistent with the length of the archive.%1$s: 0711-739 WARNING: Archive member %2$s: is a discontinued XCOFF64 file.%1$s: 0711-740 ERROR: Input file %2$s: is a discontinued XCOFF64 file.%1$s: 0711-330 WARNING: Replaced XTY_CM symbol %2$s is larger than the symbol that replaces it.%1$s: 0711-307 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, csect with label (%3$s) The csect is part of the .text section.%1$s: 0711-308 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, csect %3$s%4$s%5$s The csect is part of the .text section.%1$s: 0711-331 WARNING: Value of %2$s exceeds maximum - set to 0x%3$llx.%1$s: 0711-332 WARNING: Value of %2$s set to 0x%3$llx.%1$s: Section sizes = %2$lld+%3$lld+%4$lld+%5$lld+%6$lld (0x%2$llX+0x%3$llX+0x%4$llX+0x%5$llX+0x%6$llX hex)%1$s: 0711-549 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. RLD at address 0x%3$llx for section %4$d (%5$s) uses a thread-local reference type, but the referenced variable is not thread-local.%1$s: 0711-550 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. RLD at address 0x%3$llx for section %4$d (%5$s) references a thread-local variable, but a TLS-related reference type was not used.%1$s: 0711-551 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s cannot be processed. The R_TLSML reference at address 0x%3$llx for section %4$d (%5$s) is invalid.%1$s: 0711-226 ERROR: Duplicate symbol: %2$s Thread-local variable definitions may not be mixed with non-thread-local definitions.%1$s: 0711-229 ERROR: Thread-local variable definitions may not be mixed with non-thread-local definitions. The following duplicate definitions were found:%1$s: 0711-333 ERROR: Variable %2$s Thread-local references and variables must be used together.%1$s: 0711-334 ERROR: Thread-local references and variables must be used together. The following symbols are in error:%1$s: 0711-778 ERROR Symbol %2$s in object %3$s The symbol is imported but a local-exec or local-dynamic reference to the symbol was found.@ Thread-local variable or reference%1$s: 0711-335 ERROR: Undefined cdtor symbol: %2$s%1$s: 0711-784 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The relocation type of the RLD for address 0x%4$llx is R_TOCL, but the instruction does not address the first byte of the referenced symbol. The referenced symbol is %5$s%1$s: 0711-785 ERROR: TLS overflow. TLS size: %2$d Maximum size: %3$d%1$s: 0711-786 WARNING: TLS overflow. TLS size: %2$d Maximum size: %3$d Extra instructions are being generated for some direct references to TLS symbols.%1$s: 0711-395 STABSTRING ERROR in object %2$s%1$s: 0711-582 SEVERE ERROR: Overflow section header %2$d in object %3$s: The section header does not refer to a valid primary section header.%1$s: 0711-789 ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d Relocation error for the RLD at address 0x%4$llx: The referenced location is not aligned properly. The referenced symbol is %5$s%1$s: 0711-552 SEVERE ERROR: Object %2$s: Csects with symbol numbers %3$d and %4$d overlap.%1$s: 0711-562 SEVERE ERROR: Symbol table entry %2$d in object %3$s: An auxiliary symbol table entry is required for this symbol.%1$s: 0711-400 STABSTRING ERROR: Too many global types%1$s: 0711-401 ERROR: Symbol %2$s An imported symbol cannot be exported with the specified visibility.%1$s: 0711-402 ERROR: Symbol %2$s The symbol does not have internal visibility and cannot be exported.%1$s: 0711-403 ERROR: Symbols %2$s and .%2$s Symbols must have the same visibility.%1$s: 0711-404 ERROR: Required symbol not found: %2$s%1$s: 0711-405 ERROR: Symbol %2$s A symbol with internal visibility cannot be hidden.%1$s: 0711-406 ERROR: Symbol %2$s A symbol with internal visibility cannot be exported.%1$s: 0711-407 ERROR: Symbol %2$s Visibility is not allowed on a reference to an imported symbol.%1$s: 0711-419 WARNING: %2$s: %3$s: Extra attributes ignored%1$s: 0711-554 ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The type or length of the RLD at address %4$llx is invalid The RLD is not being processed.%1$s: 0711-970 ERROR: No plugin specified. Use the -bplugin option when linking llvm bitcode.%1$s: 0711-971 ERROR: Plugin not found or invalid: %2$s%1$s: 0711-972 ERROR: Plugin is out-of-date: %2$s Version %3$d or higher is required.%1$s: 0711-973 ERROR: Plugin %2$s%3$s%4$s: %5$s%1$s: 0711-974 WARNING: Plugin %2$s%3$s%4$s: %5$s%1$s: Plugin message: %2$s%3$s%4$s: %5$s%1$s: Plugin version: %2$d, load.mapIBMvfprintfI fcloseISETOPT LOADMAPIwIBfflushsave_stringsave_dotted_stringget_object_file_name%s[%s]ifile_mapifile_open_and_mapIfseekIBfreadrfdopenIshmdtIBifiles.cIBMmunmapIfstatIBopennew_init_HASH_STRnew_STR??H~H~@%d,%dIJJnew_init_member_objects%1$s: 0711-742 WARNING: Mixed mode processing for: %2$s IBM IBMBCIBMobjects.cIBnew_init_objectnew_object_infoinit_loadtocsinit_save/.././.text.datamk_loader/usr/lib:/lib Sym# ------ Rld# <>%*s<%s>%*s%sIBftruncateIBcloseIBwriteIBlseekIBsave.cI (%s)IB %s%s%s%*s%08x %-2s %-2s %-8s %-6sIBM[%s]I %*s %-2s %-2s I..ILIBPATHb.IshmatIBstatxIBfstatxIopenIBM%s.stab %sIBM `OtextpsizedatapsizestackpsizeIBM I*.exceptbindoptaslrIBM.loaderxoutxx.cIBM.ovrfloinit_typchk_infoinit_symtab_infogenerate_symbol_tableadd_symbol_nameadd_fileaux_nameget_fixup_entrysave_bincl_einclsave_rangesave_fixupnew_line_number_infonew_exception_infoIcontinuationIBM.infoIB.typchkIBM ?C_BSTAT.textIB.dataIB.bssIBM.tdataI.tbssIB @FIX%dIIBIBsymtab_save.cIB.debugsetup_output_for_stabsnew_stabsave_typedefprocess_parsed_stabsIBM??HWӀHW@%d,%dI %d %d %7.3fIBMstab2.c=s0;IBM=Y0s(;Iextend_local_mappingIBMValueIBVRangeINFIINFNANaNQaNSANI%s:F-11?BAD?get_init_SRCFILEget_SYMBOLget_SYMBOL_blockget_CSECTsget_RLDsIBMRENAME:%s,%sIBMnew_TYPECHK??E~E~%d,%dtextpsizedatapsizestackpsize-bforkcor-bforkpolicyIBM*.exceptbindoptaslrIBM-bshrsymtab.loaderxoutxx.cIBM.ovrfloorder_glue_csectscollect_and_save_csectsgroup_csect_by_smclass_text$CODELO_etext$CODEHI_tdata_tedata_tend_data$DATALO_edata_endendDATAHIreloc+%dI%2s[%d]<>I<%s>IBM%sI[%d]%sI%d.FIXUP Length: %d New address: %.8llxIBM %s: old_delta = new_delta = 0 No relocation.IBM %s: sign=%d old_delta=%08llX (%08lld) new=%08llX (%08lld)IB %1$s: src_instr = %2$08X source= %3$04hX (%3$d) %1$s: tgt_instr = %4$04X%5$04X target= %5$04hX (%5$d) tst_value = (%6$llx)I %1$s: src_instr = %2$08X source= %3$04X (%3$d) %1$s: tgt_instr = %4$04X%5$04hX target= %5$04X (%5$d)IBM %s: source= %0*llX (%lld) base_value= (%lld) %s: target= %0*llX (%lld) test_value= (%lld)IB %s: source= %08llX target= %08llX rel_delta= %08llX (%lld)I %s: source= %08X target= %08X rel_delta= %08X (%d)I %1$s: src_instr = %2$08X source= %3$04hX (%3$d) base_value= (%4$d) %1$s: tgt_instr = %5$04X%6$04hX target= %6$04hX (%6$d) tst_value = (%7$d)IBM %1$s: src_instr= %2$08X src= %3$07X (%4$d) base_value= (%5$d) %1$s: tgt_instr= %6$08X tgt= %7$07X (%8$d) tst_value = (%9$d) %1$s: src_instr= %2$08X src= %3$07X (%4$d) rel_delta=(%5$d) %1$s: tgt_instr= %6$08X tgt= %7$07X (%8$d)I%1$s: 0711-xxx ERROR: Object %2$s, section %3$d The relocation at address 0x%4$llx and length %5$d is invalid. The referenced symbol is %6$sIB %1$s: src_instr = %2$016llX tgt_instr = %3$016llX source= %4$09llX (%4$lld) base_value= (%5$lld) target= %6$016llX (%6$lld) tst_value = (%7$lld)I %s: source= %0*llX (%llu) base_value= (%llu) %s: target= %0*llX (%llu) test_value= (%llu) %s: source = %0*llX (%lld) target = %0*llX (%lld) rel_delta= (%lld) %1$s: source = %3$0*2$llX (%3$llu) target = %4$0*2$llX (%4$llu) rel_delta= (%5$lld) %s: source= %0*X (%d) base_value= (%d) %s: target= %0*X (%d) test_value= (%d)IB %s: source= %0*X (%u) base_value= (%u) %s: target= %0*X (%u) test_value= (%u) %s: source = %0*X (%d) target = %0*X (%d) rel_delta= (%d)IB %1$s: source = %3$0*2$X (%3$u) target = %4$0*2$X (%4$u) rel_delta= (%5$d)IBcode_save.c%d .textIB.tdataI.tbssIB.dataIB.bssIBMtextIBMtdataIBdataIBM._ptrgl.$PTRGL__rtinitIr= =         remap_csectsIBM fixup: Instruction: %08XIBMfixup.c fixup: Restored instruction: %08X.text.data.tdata.bss.tbss.dwinfo.dwline.dwpbnms.dwpbtyp.dwarnge.dwabrev.dwstr.dwrnges.dwloc.dwframe.dwmac.dw...C_FILEC_EXTC_HIDEXTPRRODBGLXOSVSV64SV3264TITBRWT0TCTETDDSUABSUCTLULDWINFODWLINEDWPBNMSDWPBTYPDWARNGEDWABREVDWSTRDWRNGESDWLOCDWFRAMEDWMACERLDCMSD--ARISIFDWR_POSR_NEGR_RELR_TOCR_TOCLR_TOCUR_TRLR_TRLAR_GLR_TCLR_RLR_RLAR_REFR_BAR_RBAR_BRR_RBRR_TLSR_TLS_IER_TLS_LER_TLS_LDR_TLSMR_TLSML%dI0x%xIBM%c%dIBMR_%dIBMC_%dIBMSTYP_%d%4d %s(%s) {%s}IB %s{%s} (%s)IBXMC_%dIXTY_%dI%c%*s %*s %-*sIB %s %08X %08XIB %-5sIB [%s]I %08llx %2sIBM %6lld %2dI %6lld %5dI ifilesnnfilesA#filesdobjectsdpcsects#csectsNsymbols#symbolstypchks#typchksrlds#rlds#nrldsersunrefs#ersxrefUnknownInvalid-file(being ignored)ScriptExport-fileObjectBitcodeShared-ObjArchiveBig_ArchiveI_T_???IgnoredArchive_BIGArchive-SymtabArchive-Symtab64O_T_???INT HID PROTEXP ?v?IMPORTSGENERATEDUNKNOWNLAZYDUMPshmatmmapread??0.? GST_READnot IBM%s: ISSYMBOLIB DWARFI NO_DEF RESOLVEDIB TOC_RESOLVEDIB WEAKIB REQUIREDIB EXPORT(expall)IBM(symbolic)I(nosymbolic)IBM(nosymbolic-)IB(list)I(syscall)IB(syscall-64)IBM(syscall-3264)I(autoexp)IB(hidden)IBM(internal)I(protected)(export)IBM(force)(%d)IBM ENTRYI IMPORT ERRORI RENAMEDIBM KEEPIB STRING_USEDIBM VISIBILITY L_USED ER_OUTPUTI HAS_STARTI HAS_STOPIB IS_STARTIB IS_STOPIBM BITCODE_defIBM INITFINIIB [rename=%p]IBM [_idx=%d]InoneIBM XMC_XO PRIMARY_LABELI DUPLICATEI DUP2IB IN_ARCHIVE MARKED ISTOCI VISITEDIBM RESOLVED_OKIBM TYPCHK_IMPLIED TYPCHK_USEDIBM LOCAL_GLUE SAVEDI NUMBER_USURPED WEAKEXTIBM TLSIBM ARCHIVE_DUPIBM GLUE_DEFIB VAPI_DSIBM ER[%s]:IBMclass=%s, syn[%s]IB nxt[%s] typechk=%p from:%s flags:IBM, inpndx=IB%sI_TD/%d address = 0x%08llX Visibility: %s%d.%ldI%dI Symbol[%s]:IBMtype=%s,class=%s, addr[%08llx] syn[%s]ISymbol[%s]: name=%s IB nxt[%s]IBM (member %sread)IBM inpndx=I object[%s] csect[%s]I Resolved=[%s]I typechk=%p from:%s flags:IB %c/%cI/%sSymbol(%s)[%s]:No typecheckIBM%4s %08X %08X I from:%sIBMCSECT(%s):len=%lld align=%d smcl=%s hid=%c TD_ref=%c,IBCSECT(%s):len=%lldorg_len=%lld align=%d smcl=%s hid=%c TD_ref=%c,IBM/S=%c/%c,Isect = %s/%dIBMsect = %sIB LDs[%s] RLDs[%s] addrs[%08llx,%08llx] nxt[%s]I q#[%d] From:%sIBM From:%s/[F%d]%sIBMRLD(%s): csect[%p], next[%s], addr[%08llx], bit length[%d] type[R_DWARF], flags=%d, SYMBOL IBMRLD(%s): csect[%s], next[%s], addr[%08llx], bit length[%d] type[%s], flags=%d, SYMBOL [%s]IBM(%1$s):%2$sSymbol %d, from an archive symbol table, has no CSECT.Idump_cmd.cINumber (%d) must be non-negativeIBMSYNTAX ERROR: %s: Missing argumentIAmbiguous dump subcommand: #. Specify at least two charactersI%s interrupted.Dump subcommand %s requires arguments.IDump subcommand %s cannot have arguments.IBUnknown dump subcommandNo RLDs numbered %d''INo symbols named %sNo unnamed symbolsINo symbols numbered %dINo external references for name or pattern %sIBNo references to unnamed symbolsIBMNo external references numbered %dINo undefined symbols %sNo undefined symbolsIBM External References Hidden symbolsI DWARF symbolsIBUnnamed (HIDEXT) symbolsIBM Hidden csectsIB Dwarf csectsIBMSource file :%s: object[%s] inpndx=%s csects[%s] dwarf[%s] next[%s] I AUTOLOADIB USEDIB MEMBER VARIBM FN LAZYIBInput file number %d does not exist.IBMInput file %d has no associated object.Object %d.%d is last in file %s.IBMInvalid SRCFILE numberINo SRCFILES numbered %d #sects=%d #syms=%d symtab_offset[0x%p] sect-offset[%llx] Flags(0x%p): #sects=%d debug_sect=%d except_sect=%d #syms=%d strtab_len=%d symtab_offset[0x%p] ext_refs[%08p] strtab_base[0x%p] SECTS[%08p] syms_lookup[%08p] srcfiles[%s] Flags(0x%x):I HAS_DEBUGI HAS_DWARFI HAS_TYPECHKIBM HAS_EXCEPT HAS_INFOIB NOT_READIB GLUEIB HAS_BINCL_EINCLIBM NEW_NT VISI_SEENI VAPIIBObject %s [0x%p]: %sIBM Next[%s] size=%d %sIBM next_bitcode[%s]IB num_sects[%d], opt_hdr_size[%d]IBM srcfiles[%s]IB %s (%d members)IBM member of(%s): offset[%ld] gst_tab[%p]IBMNo objectsIFile %d [%.8p]: (stringhash[%p]) BILK=%d%d%d%d %s fd=%d type=%s closed=%d access=%s/%s size=%ld auxprv[%p] auxnxt[%p]File %d [%.8p]: (stringhash[%p]) BILK=%d%d%d%d %s fd=%d type=%s closed=%d access=%s/%s size=%ld mapped-at[%p] auxnxt[%p]INo input files exist.INSERTLIBRARYinsert.cIBMFILELISTbsscmdefinedexportforcehiddeninternallistnosymbolicnosymbolic-protectedrequiredsvcsvc32svc3264svc64symbolicsyscallsyscall32syscall3264syscall64weakREAD_IMPEXP_FILEfgetsfgetposautoload_objIBM%s[%s]I%s: %sI%.*sIFILEsOBJECTsSRCFILESCSECTsSYMBOLsRLDsTYPECHECKSSTRsTYPECHK/STR charsSTAB_STRSSTABSBYTESOBJECT_INFOsbindopt??SOINCLUDEPRIORITYORDEREXECshnoopORIGINplugindo_libpath/usr/lib:/libIB%-22s %9lu %9lu %9lu %9luIBLIBPATHPLUGIN_PATH%1$s: %2$sI .tdata = %1$lld (%1$8llX hex)IpageIBM %s .tdata: %1$dI Iprimary 0x%08xdsaSHELL-/dev/ttyIrIfopenIBmbrcsectIBall%sI%s:%sIB%s:0x%X%c%sIBMNO%sIBMNOIcommands.carchivex.cIBM I88gȦ |archive.cpush_bitcode_defread_modulebitcodeload_moduleadd_modulecodegeniIBisConstructorIBreferenced outside the LTO world.IBlto_api_versionloadbindIBMhash_node_createIBMloadLTOmoduleIBarMemberTableIBbitcode_modeIBMpowerpc64-Ipowerpc-IBMSTRLIST.initIBM-save-tempsSTRLIST.growIBMSTRLIST.appendI__sinit__stermlto.cIBPTRSET.growcodegen_createIPTRSET.initINSERT PLUGIN: %sprocess_section_headers.typchk.info.except.debug.text.tdata.dataIB..IB..dwline.dwinfo.dwabrev.dwarnge.dwpbnms.dwpbtyp.dwstr.dwrnges.dwloc.dwframe.dwmacrelocIBdwarf.c %s: old_delta = new_delta = 0 No relocation.IBM %s: old_delta=%08llX (%08lld) new=%08llX (%08lld) %s: source= %08X target= %08X rel_delta= %08X (%d)IBM %s: source= %08llX target= %08llX rel_delta= %08llX (%lld)IBM %s: R_REF No relocation.process_section_headers.typchk.info.except.debug.text.tdata.dataIB..IB.matchILIBIMPORTSEXPORTSRENAMESETOPTADDGLFILELISTHALTMISMATCHRCRESOLVESAVESAVENAMECOMPRLDERGENLIBPATHMAXDATAMAXSTACKORIGINPADENTRYEXECKEEPNOENTRYINITFININOPREBINDAUTOLOADSETFFLAGPAGESIZEPLUGINCDTORSINSERTLIBRARYADDNAMEDGLUEORGKEEPFILENOKEEPFILEQQUITEXITSTOPABORTEXPORTIMPORTTOCLOADNOLIBPATHDUMPSTATSSTGPROMPTSHALIGNGCHELPH?DISCARDEXCLUDEEXPNAMEHASHIMPNAMETAGSshmatmmapreaddfsby_addresstextindatadataintextdatatocintextdsintextnormal012-1rc_okrc_warningrc_errorrc_severerc_pgmerr481216MODE:*unset*MODE:32MODE:64toc:filereftoc:nofilerefnotocss0 032326432_6464ASISASLRAUTOEXPAUTOIMPBIGTLSBIGTOCDBOPT0DBOPT1DBOPT10DBOPT11DBOPT12DBOPT13DBOPT2DBOPT3DBOPT4DBOPT5DBOPT6DBOPT7DBOPT8DBOPT9DELCSECTERRMSGEXECUTEXPALLEXPFULLFOLDFOLDBSSFOLDDATAFOLDTEXTFORCEIMPRWFORKCORINPUTIPATHKEEPALLLAZYLDRINFOLOADABSLOADMAPLOADTOADDMAPPINGMEMBERMIXEDMODEMULTIDEFSNAMEDSECTSORDERORDER_FILEPLUGINOPTPROGRAMQUIETR/O->WRASREORDERRTLRTLLIBSHRSYMTABSO_DUPSTABCMPCTSTABSPLITSTAB_SEVSTRIPSVR4SYMBOLICTMPLRENAMETYPCHKVERBOSEWARNTEXTWEAKLOCALInormallocalmilicodeundefinedexportsnosymbolicaddglIB%s: %sI._ptrgl %sglue.cread_xcoff_symbolsIxcoff.cIBM 88gȦ |TOC%s/%svV ER%016llX %08llX %08llX %2d%06llX %2d %016llX %08llX %08llX %06llX%*s%016llX %s(%d)%*s%*s%08llX %s(%d)%*s %016llX%*s%016llX %s(%d)%*s %08llX%*s%08llX %s(%d)%*sIBS%-4d <%s>%sIBMS%-4d {%s}%sIBMS%-4d %s%sI%c%1s%1s IB %s%*s %s %s %*s<%s> I %*s%s{%s} I%*s%s(%s) I%*s{%s} IBM%*s(%s) IBM %2d %s %s S%-4d **%s**IBMw+ImapxrefIBMcallsIBmap smap xref sxref calls scalls@(#)98 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/POWER/longjmp.s, libcsys, bos720 6/27/13 13:24:34archivex.cIBM I88gȦ |record_start_stop$PTRGL_WhatBucket__committed__compi64__compu64__dbsubc__dbsubf__dbsubg__dbsubn__divi64__divu64__getinfo__itrunc__longjmpx__maxi64__mcount__mini64__mod_init__multi64__pthread_init__setjmpx__stack_pointer__uitrunc_fill_getcall_getcall2_idamax_itrunc_longjmp_move_moveeq_power_ilogb_power_logb_power_nextafter_ptrgl_pthread_body_start_restf3_restf14_restf15_restf16_restf17_restf18_restf19_restf20_restf21_restf22_restf23_restf24_restf25_restf26_restf27_restf28_restf29_restf30_restf31_savef3_savef14_savef15_savef16_savef17_savef18_savef19_savef20_savef21_savef22_savef23_savef24_savef25_savef26_savef27_savef28_savef29_savef30_savef31_setjmp_sqrt_sync_cache_range_tdata_tedata_tend_uc_trampoline_ud23_umd23 Sym# -----__cdtors_cdtorsresolveplugin_opt.text.data%*s<%s>%*s%sunres SYM# RLD# Iresolve.cIB%%I%*s%-6s%08llx %-8s %-8s %-6sIBM%*s%08llx %-8s %-8s IBM[%s]I %-25s %sIB %-22sIB %-19sIBM %sIBfreeIBMnofreeIrenameInorenameIBMfreeonlyIBMfullIBM %-23s WIBM %-25sI %-20s W %-25s %-25sIBM %-25s %-22sTOCI__start_IBM__stop_I__priority0x%08xI%1$s: Generating csect: %2$sIBM%1$s: 0711-xxx ERROR: LTO cannot be performed twice.IBM.__lazyload__lazy_data-blazyI__rtldadd_cdtor_symbol__cdtors[] = { _cdtors[] = { __tfIBM { %18lld, 0x%016llx }, IBM { 0x%016llx, 0x%016llx }, { 0x%016x, 0x%016x } I { %10d, 0x%08x }, { 0x%08x, 0x%08x }, IB { 0x%08x, 0x%08x } IBM } {-1, 0x%08x} IB{__sinit%s, IBM{0UL, I__sterm%s}, IBM0UL}, I{0UL, 0UL} } IBsinitIBstermIB__priority r iH |p@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21(ld): @(#)86 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/ld/bind/bindmain.c, cmdld, bos72X, x2021_27B0 7/7/21 11:52:34olP\Hht  @(#)92 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/ld/bind/error.c, cmdld, bos720 9/21/05 14:46:04 loadmap_controloooop8qqrr0rPrhrrs(stDtuu(u0uuv vdvw,wx@xyyDyyzzPz{{P{{|<||}}t}}~~@~p~@(,THd(t$L$\Dl$Hx4PtLL0Pp0@||D|(<`Tth,PXh(|\Tx$lL Tt4HHl( 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