|orURM 1.2Motif Uil CompilerV2.0-000Mon Jun 1 14:59:01 2015 AccessXZFrn 8(4 <   0( H0X HelpErrorDialogHelpDialogLoadErrorDialogLoadDoneDialogSaveErrorDialogSaveDoneDialogStatusDialogSettingsDialogAccessXMainWindow H߀ ISO8859-1 HH߀ ISO8859-1(none) Hx߀ ISO8859-1+ H߀ ISO8859-1Shift H߀ ISO8859-1Lock H߀ ISO8859-1Control H8߀ ISO8859-1Mod1 Hl߀ ISO8859-1Mod2 H߀ ISO8859-1Mod3 H߀ ISO8859-1Mod4 H߀ ISO8859-1Mod5 H,߀ ISO8859-1MB1 H\߀ ISO8859-1MB2 H߀ ISO8859-1MB3 H߀ ISO8859-1MB4 H߀ ISO8859-1MB5 H!߀ ISO8859-1 accessx: Help H LGENERAL HELP AccessX was developed by Digital Equipment Corp., SUN Microsystems Laboratories, Inc., and the Trace Center, Univ. of WI-Madison (funding provided by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, US Dept. of Education, Grants H133E80021 & H133E30012). Additional support was received from the X Consortium and IBM. The X11 R6 version of AccessX was incorporated into the XKB keyboard extension by Silicon Graphics, Inc. The Main menu bar contains three pulldown menus: File, Status, and Help. The File menu allows you to either load or save your current settings for future use or exit the accessx utility. Note that exiting the accessx utility does not disable it. If you want to disable the utility, you must uncheck the 'Enable AccessX' checkbox. The Adjust menu allows you to open other panels to customize each of the accessx features to meet your personal needs. The Help menu allows you to get more information on the various features of accessx. Directly below the main menu bar are four general setting items. The first, labeled 'Enable AccessX,' allows you to turn off the entire utility. When this box is unchecked the rest of the interface in greyed out to indicate accessx is inactive. This also disables the keyboard hot keys. The second general setting, labeled 'Beep on feature use,' is a checkbox that instructs accessx to sound a low beep followed by a high beep when a feature is turned on and a high beep followed by a low beep when a feature is turned off. The third general setting allows you to pull up a separate window indicating the current status of the StickyKey modifier keys (whether they are latched or locked) and the status of the MouseKeys mouse buttons (whether they are pressed or released and what button is the default button to be used for a button action invoked from the keyboard.). The fourth general setting item is 'TimeOut.' In situations where many users work with one computer, 'TimeOut' allows you to tell the accessx utility to turn off all of the features after a period of inactivity. To save your settings, use the 'Save Settings...' choice under the Main 'File' menu. Your settings are saved in the file 'AccessX' in your login $HOME directory, and the accessx utility will use your settings the next time you run it. HTIT 4AccessXMainWindowse wer H  I 0`widget-0-754-2o w eDrHelpCascadee a y.cutHelpCascadeAdjustCascade oFileCascade|or|Dx (P 4 4  8 , L  P  , X $  X  <  P P  H h T X H  < t8  `x` Pt L l   $    , h `L  L    t         4   `(    T\ H < 0 $DXlxl`,p XX   h t d8   ,$ t x P `  0 TH 8 ` t<    L( L  d |  <   h    P < $  <   T  |  x`  H < P>ClassTable>ResourceTableHelpErrorDialogHelpCloseButtonHelpCloseFormHelpTextHelpDialogLoadErrorDialogLoadDoneDialogSaveErrorDialogSaveDoneDialogModifiersStatusLabelModifiersLabelStatusFormStatusFrameMB5ButtonMB4ButtonMB3ButtonMB2ButtonMB1ButtonDefaultButtonMenuStatusDialogOKButtonHelpButtonCancelButtonDefaultsButtonResetButtonSettingsOKFormFeaturesTestTextFeaturesTestFormFeaturesTestLabelCustomizeFeaturesTestFrameKRGDebounceScaleKRGDebounceLabelCustomizeBounceKeysFormCustomizeBounceKeysLabelCustomizeBounceKeysFrameKRGSlowKeysDelayScaleKRGSlowKeysDelayLabelSlowKeysOnAcceptToggleSlowKeysOnPressToggleSlowKeysSoundLabelCustomizeSlowFormCustomizeSlowKeysLabelCustomizeSlowKeysFrameKRGRepeatRateScaleKRGRepeatRateLabelKRGRepeatDelayScaleKRGRepeatDelayLabelCustomizeRepeatKeysFormCustomizeRepeatKeysLabelCustomizeRepeatKeysFrameMouseDelayScaleMouseDelayLabelMouseAccelScaleMouseAccelLabelMouseMaxSpeedScaleMouseMaxSpeedLabelCustomizeMouseKeysFormCustomizeMouseKeysLabelCustomizeMouseKeysFrameStickyModSoundToggleStickyTwoKeysToggleCustomizeStickyKeysFormCustomizeStickyKeysLabelCustomizeStickyKeysFrameSettingsDialogBounceKeysToggleSlowKeysToggleRepeatKeysToggleKRGFormKRGManagerFormKRGLabelKRGFeaturesToggleKeysToggleMouseKeysToggleStickyKeysToggleTurnOnOffFormFeaturesManagerFormEnableLabelTurnOnOffFeaturesFeaturesFormTimeOutScaleTimeOutLabelTimeOutToggleTimeOutFormShowStatusToggleSoundOnOffToggleEnableAccessXToggleCustomizeGeneralFormBounceKeysHelpButtonSlowKeysHelpButtonRepeatKeysHelpButtonToggleKeysHelpButtonMouseKeysHelpButtonStickyKeysHelpButtonGeneralHelpButtonHelpCascadeKRGButtonMouseKeysButtonStickyKeysButtonAdjustSeparatorAllButtonAdjustCascadeExitButtonMenuSeparatorSaveButtonLoadButtonFileCascadeAccessXMainWindowBounceHelpStringSlowHelpStringRepeatHelpStringToggleHelpStringMouseHelpStringStickyHelpStringGeneralHelpStringHelpWindowStringMB5StringMB4StringMB3StringMB2StringMB1StringMod5StringMod4StringMod3StringMod2StringMod1StringControlStringLockStringShiftStringPlusStringNoneStringEmptyStringAccessX|or8 HSTICKYKEYS DESCRIPTION: StickyKeys can benefit users who type with only one finger or who might use a mouth or head mounted-stick. StickyKeys allows users to perform multiple simultaneous key press operations by pressing the keys in sequence. For example, if an application requires a user to simultaneously press the 'Ctrl' and 'Tab' key, a StickyKeys user can press the 'Ctrl' key, release it, and then press the 'Tab' key and release it, achieving the same result. StickyKeys by design only functions with keys called 'modifier' keys. Modifier keys usually include keys labeled 'Shift, Ctrl, and Alt'. StickyKeys functions in both a 'latch' and a 'lock' mode. A latched modifier key will only modify the next non-modifier key pressed while a locked modifier key will modify all non-modifier keys pressed until the modifier is unlocked. Pressing a modifier key once will latch that modifier. Pressing a modifier key twice in a row will lock that modifier key. Pressing a locked modifier key a third time will release or unlock it. ENABLING: Users can turn StickyKeys on and off in one of two ways. Selecting the check box marked 'StickyKeys' under the 'Keyboard Control' panel will turn StickyKeys on or off. StickyKeys may also be turned on or off via the keyboard by pressing the left or right Shift key five times in a row. FEATURES: StickyKeys has two user settable options that are located under the 'Adjust StickyKeys' panel. The 'Auto off' check box instructs StickyKeys to turn itself off when it detects a user capable of pressing two keys at the same time. The 'Modifiers beep' checkbox instructs StickyKeys to beep once when a modifier is latched and twice when it is unlocked. A Test Area is located at the bottom of the settings panel to allow users to test StickyKeys settings. HMOUSEKEYS DESCRIPTION: MouseKeys can benefit StickyKey users or anyone unable to use the pointing device or in need of 'pixel by pixel' position control of the pointer. When activated, MouseKeys turns the numeric keypad into a mouse control pad. The keypad keys '1' through '4' and '6' through '9' are used to direct the pointer. The '5' keypad key simulates a mouse button click; the '+' keypad key simulates a mouse button double click; the '0' keypad key simulates a mouse button press; and the '.' keypad key simulates a mouse button release. Mouse button keys operate on the 'default' button, set via keys specific to each vendor. Often the mouse button keys are located directly above the numeric key pad and can be '/' for MB1, '*' for MB2, and '-' for MB3. Other possibilities are PF2 for MB1, PF3 for MB2, and PF4 for MB3. ENABLING: MouseKeys can be turned on or off in one of two ways. Selecting the 'MouseKeys' check box under the 'Keyboard Control' panel turns MouseKeys on or off. MouseKeys is also turned on or off via a vendor-specific three key combination. This is usually Shift+Alt+NumLock or Shift+Alt+PF1. FEATURES: There are three user settable parameters that control the behavior of the pointer. These parameters are set via scales in the 'Adjust MouseKeys' panel. The 'Peak speed' is displayed in pixels/second, the 'Time to peak' is displayed in seconds, and the 'Motion delay' is displayed in seconds. The 'Peak speed' is the top speed setting for the pointer while the 'Time to peak' is the amount of time it takes the pointer to achieve top speed. The 'Motion delay' setting determines the time before which the pointer starts moving. When a user holds down a direction key on the key pad, the pointer moves in that direction, slowly at first, eventually reaching maximum speed. If you do not wish to wait for the pointer to achieve top speed, sey 'Time to peak' to 0. |or  HTOGGLEKEYS DESCRIPTION: ToggleKeys can benefit the visually impaired user who has difficulty seeing the small LED keyboard indicators. ToggleKeys provides one beep when an LED (e.g., the Caps Lock LED) is turned on and two beeps when it is turned off. ENABLING: ToggleKeys can only be turned on and off via the check box in the 'Keyboard Control' panel. FEATURES: There are no additional options for ToggleKeys. HREPEATKEYS DESCRIPTION: RepeatKeys can benefit users who have difficulty removing their fingers, mouth held sticks, etc., off the key they are pressing before that key begins to 'auto-repeat'. RepeatKeys allows users to control the key-repeating characteristics of the system's keyboard. ENABLING: RepeatKeys may only be turned off via the check box in the 'Keyboard Response' panel. FEATURES: RepeatKeys allows the user to set two parameters: a 'Repeat rate' displayed in seconds per key and a 'Repeat delay' time displayed in seconds. 'Repeat rate' instructs the system to pause so long before repeat of a key. The 'Repeat delay' time instructs the system to wait a certain number of seconds before starting to repeat a pressed key. This time delay is started after the first 'accepted' key stroke. CALIBRATING: A Test Area is located at the bottom of the settings panel to allow users to test their RepeatKeys settings. HFSLOWKEYS DESCRIPTION: SlowKeys can benefit users who hit unwanted keys as they type. SlowKeys instructs the system not to accept keys as pressed, unless the key has been pressed and held for a user adjustable amount of time (i.e., the key delay). ENABLING: SlowKeys may be turned on or off in one of two ways. It may be turned on or off via the check box in the 'Keyboard Response' panel or it may be turned on or off via the keyboard by holding the left or right 'Shift' key for eight seconds. As a warning that you are about to turn SlowKeys on or off, you will receive three quick beeps after holding the shift key down for four seconds. FEATURES: SlowKeys has three user settable parameters. The first two instruct SlowKeys to produce a beep when a key pressed or when the key has been accepted or both. The other setting, 'Key delay', displayed in seconds, instructs the system to only accept a key after it been held down for that number of seconds. CALIBRATING: A Test Area is located at the bottom of the setting panel to allow users to test their SlowKeys settings. H BOUNCEKEYS DESCRIPTION: BounceKeys can benefit users who sometimes tremor when they release a key. BounceKeys instructs the system to ignore all subsequent presses of the SAME key if they happen within a user selectable period of time. ENABLING: BounceKeys may be turned on or off via the check box in the 'Keyboard Response' panel. Note that the SlowKeys and BounceKeys features are mutually exclusive (i.e. only one may be turned on at time). FEATURES: BounceKeys has one user settable parameter, the 'Debounce Time', displayed in seconds. Once a key is released, if this SAME key is pressed again in a time shorter than the 'Debounce Time', it will be ignored. CALIBRATION: A Test Area is located at the bottom of the setting panel to allow users to test their BounceKeys settings. H I ,FileCascade x h lpXa  H  I 0Dwidget-0-790-2|ExitButtonMenuSeparatoreSaveButtondLoadButtonc H  I d,LoadButton0fhXCreateProc  it% nufheveLoadButtey if thActivateProchinr io H!߀ ISO8859-1 Load Settings HL|or"< H I d,SaveButton0fhXCreateProc  it% nufheveLoadButtey if thActivateProchinr io H!߀ ISO8859-1 Save Settings HS HD<ID 0MenuSeparatorh H XI d,ExitButtonofhXCreateProc  it% nufheveLoadButtey if thActivateProchinr  io H߀ ISO8859-1Exit HE H߀ ISO8859-1File HF H4I 0AdjustCascadeh | l \   H PI 0Dwidget-0-850-2hKRGButtonhMouseKeysButtonStickyKeysButtony iAdjustSeparatorAllButtonr H I d,AllButton50fhXCreateProc  % GBfhuseyStickyKey iAdjuActivateProcllBr io H߀ ISO8859-1All... HA HDID 0AdjustSeparator H 4I l4StickyKeysButtonfh`CreatePrCreateProc   % hfhActivateActivateProcr  H!߀ ISO8859-1 StickyKeys... HS H I h0MouseKeysButtonfhh\CreaCreateProcr  % fhhActiActivateProcroc H ߀ ISO8859-1 MouseKeys... HM H  0I d,KRGButtonutfhhhXCreateProcr  % fhhhActivateProcroc H( L߀$ ISO8859-1Keyboard Response... H PK H ߀ ISO8859-1Adjust H A H I ,HelpCascadeh x h XPr H < I< 0Dwidget-0-923-2(BounceKeysHelpButtonSlowKeysHelpButtoncRepeatKeysHelpButtonToggleKeysHelpButton BMouseKeysHelpButtonStickyKeysHelpButton cGeneralHelpButtoney H  I l4GeneralHelpButtonfh`CreateProc  % fhunlpButtonKeysHelpActivateProctKeBuKe H ߀ ISO8859-1 General... H G H 4I p8StickyKeysHelpButtonfhfhdCreaCreateProc  % fhunttonHelpActiActivateProc H!P߀ ISO8859-1 StickyKeys... H`S|or  P 4 `D p l4 P H  D ,<  < h,    `  $ X T        8 x  @ T  (     l 0  \$|or, H I l4MouseKeysHelpButtonfhh` CreateProcr  % fhhun ttonHelpActivateProcroc  H ߀ ISO8859-1 MouseKeys... H M H DI p8ToggleKeysHelpButtonfhfhd!CreaCreateProc  % fhun!ttonHelpActiActivateProc  H!`߀ ISO8859-1 ToggleKeys... HpT H I p8RepeatKeysHelpButtonfhfhd"CreaCreateProc  % fhun"ttonHelpActiActivateProc  H!߀ ISO8859-1 RepeatKeys... HR H  I l4SlowKeysHelpButtonnfhh`#"CreateProcr  % fhhun#"ttonHelpActivateProcroc H(߀ ISO8859-1 SlowKeys... H4l H lI p8BounceKeysHelpButtonfhfhd$CreaCreateProc  % fhun$ttonHelpActiActivateProc H!߀ ISO8859-1 BounceKeys... HB H߀ ISO8859-1Help HH HI 0pwidget-0-765-2ufh ` $P! eaFeaturesFormTimeOutFormCustomizeGeneralFormate H8I 8CustomizeGeneralFormfh    |! atrtiShowStatusToggleSoundOnOffToggleEnableAccessXToggle H I l4EnableAccessXTogglefh` CreateProc   ( atfhiShowStatChangeControlProcnOle H" <߀ ISO8859-1Enable AccessX H HI l4SoundOnOffTogglelefh` CreateProc  ( atfhiShowStatChangeControlProcnOle H' ߀# ISO8859-1Beep on feature use H I l4ShowStatusTogglelefh` CreateProc  "  at( fhShowgeControActivateProcle eSoundOnOffTogglesHe H8 ߀4 ISO8859-1$Show StickyKeys and MouseKeys Status H I ,TimeOutForms St    " |$CustomizeGeneralForm at! o CtTimeOutScaleTimeOutLabelounTimeOutToggleHe H TI h0TimeOutTogglefh\ CreateProc  iz( rmfh oChangeControlProc H߀ ISO8859-1TimeOut|or,` HI h0TimeOutLabelfh\B CreateProc   izrm !an TimeOutToggletLabel H! @" H ߀ ISO8859-1 Time (min) HHDIH h0TimeOutScalefh\ CreateProc   ,iz rm ( fhTimeetLabelChangeControlProcHe!onpBTimeOutLabelpon HH|IH 0FeaturesForm   " Pr!   ! !TimeOutFormabelanr4(KRGFeaturesTurnOnOffFeatureson HtIt 4TurnOnOffFeatureshTFeaturesManagerFormEnableLabel H\<I\ ,EnableLabels LhT H$߀  ISO8859-1Keyboard Control HX<IX 4FeaturesManagerFormHTurnOnOffForm HxI 0TurnOnOffFormrF  rntrFLa! 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