OSSP4@(#)sxbios.bin 2.4.3 1999/11/05 OEM@(#)Copyright (C) 1992, DIGI International. All Rights Reserved.CPU doesn't worka$<>$<4 5 <$$$ <4! q$$ <)5@*$)%%<%<?<=$< (<7) $<>$<`@<<4$$<>$$%$!(!$ $HB$@$hc$`$$$$$$$$ $()%  $~HJ%{@ $xhk%u` $r%o $l%i$f%c$`%]$Z'W$T&Q$N(1&K $HHR&E@$Bhs&?`$<&9$6&3$0&-$*&'$$HZ'!@$h{'`$'$'$ ' $'o$<>$<$$$ <4! $<>$<'$<>$$<>$<$<$$$0<؄$# ! $$Ȭ+ $<>$$<>$$<5 <̅)% <J% <k5%H+%PK+ %)%*<Z7@`@<{7$[`@p@B@$<>$H'-+ $U $<>$%<- $< $( <( $< $( $<B4IB@<<c4Ib@<B4HCI@a$r0BA$BC&!-$b,@6$H( !0 =6 =D%6<$( !00 $=6$( !0=6<$( !0=6$( !0=@!&<\XH$!@$C2@c4B2C%b0 bbb%7 6 <Ht$%!0( !8j&22@<( @%2@ <( L$%&>2@ <( D%2@ <( d%<( %R&B*@&! $! $T0h!0D! ! p*K@ $\t@! !bbbbbR&*J@ c$ $\t!h!"1& 1&1&TC$b<@6p$H( !0h<t"%C!B!CBbB0@<@6$H( !0 *$ $TB@1&  $1& 1&1&<tb%C!!CB"B0@<@6$H( !0KbTb @6<$H( !0*! ! T$bh!0D $! $1& 1&1&T#$b<6$H( !0K<t%C!"!CBBB0@<@6@$H( !0h! ! lD*@%PV:@`$@D*@!$@@ !!CbDR&D&*@c$@<$( !(@$< J@ !I!bc$b<( $<( $'ܡ Ԣ ܢ P  $ ` lD0(h`0hh0\lпLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 4 @ tn @  @"`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]\{}|;',./<>?AT&FATZAT&F OK OK EBI %d does not contain modems . Testing ebi %d ID %X... Port %d Probe '%s' Expected response Acceptable response Unexpected response: '%t' Modem tests passed Previous command pending Characters ready after resetting FIFO Command too long Modem did not empty THR Unexpected response '%t' from command '%t' Modem not reading command ATD1 Enter ebi number (0 to %d):%d Illegal ebi number Enter originating line (1 to %d): Illegal number Enter receiving line (1 to %d): Cannot connect to same port Setting up uarts '' remained in originating receive buffer ' remained in answering receive buffer Unable to set up originating UART FCR=%X LCR=%X SPR=%X Unable to set up answering UART Initiating connection... AT&F OKATX1W2S64=10 ATS7=50 Unable to prepare for dialing sequence Unable to prepare for answering sequence ATDATA ATAWaiting for connection... Unable to initiate dialing sequence Unable to initiate answering sequence Dialing modem did not respond in time CONNECT3360028800%t seems slow Originating modem response '%t' unexpected Answering modem did not respond in time Answering modem response '%t' unexpected Test passed 0123456789ABCDEF ERROR -0xBT40BT41BT42BT43BT01BT10 DigiBoard SmartComm BIOS RAM size: %08x CPU test............passed code checksum test..%E bad code checksum: %08x BT20Simple High Complex BT30%E Gap in EBI sequence ../smartbios.cBIOS GO OK GOODBT99DONEWAIT Pass %d --- SmartComm Diagnostics --- A = All tests E = All EBI tests 1 = Timer test 2 = RAM test 3 = EBI internal loopback test 4 = EBI external loopback test $ = EBI single external port test 5 = Special PAL test t/^T/T = Host side 8/16/32-bit RAM test start/stop i = card-to-host interrupt test d^DD)ump, r^RR)ead, w^WW)rite, f^FF)ill RAM lL)oop test w/modem dialing Number of times to do all tests: Tests stopped Total passes: %d Test %d: %d pass %d failures (press any key to stop) Timer test stopped Test 1: %d pass %d failures Start Address: End Address: RAM test stopped Test 2: %d pass %d failures EBI single external loopback test Enter EBI number to test (0-%d) Enter port to test (1-16) (press any key to stop) EBI test stopped Test %c: %d pass %d failures EBI exinternal loopback test Enter EBI number to test (0-%d) or 'A' for all PAL test..... FAILED - tell TJ Carter at 943-5361 PAL test stopped Test 5: %d pass %d failures Card-to-host interrupt test... Hex Address: %08x: %02x %04x %08x 81632-bit Hex Value: Hex Length: Press '?' for diagnostics menu %02X Timer test..........%E can't set up timer 0 %E can't set up timer 2 %E timer 2 bad count %E timer 0 INT stuck on %E timer 0 does not interrupt %E timer 0 INT won't go away passed FPGA Timer test..........%E can't set up timer 1 %E timer 1 bad count %E T%d wrote %08x read %08x at %08x  RAM test............%08x-%08x  @ Test EBI %d PARA-%02X..%E EBI %d parallel port TPR wrote 0x00 0xFF read %02x %02x %E EBI %d parallel port send %02x received %02x %E EBI %d parallel port interrupt stuck on %E EBI %d parallel port interrupt mask on w/o interrupt %E EBI %d parallel port interrupt mask does not set bit %E EBI %d parallel port interrupt does not work %E EBI %d parallel port interrupt won't go away %E EBI %d parallel port interrupt mask does not reset bit %E EBI %d parallel port TPR not found EBI %d...............none EBI %d...............unknown EBI type %02x, not tested ../timer.c @U @ EBI %d ext. loopback: Test int. EBI %d UART-%02X.. Test ext. EBI %d UART-%02X..%E EBI %d port %d scratch register wrote 0x00 0x7F read %02x %02x %E EBI %d port %d 'data ready stuck on %E EBI %d port %d THRE never ready %E EBI %d port %d nonempty transmitter looks empty %E EBI %d port %d data never arrived %E EBI %d port %d overrun error parity error framing error %E EBI %d port %d 'data ready' not set %E EBI %d port %d 'data ready' still set %E EBI %d port %d send %02x received %02x %E EBI %d port %d modem status out %02x in %02x CTS/RTS DSR/DTR RI/OUT1 DCD/OUT2%E EBI %d port %d INT stuck on %E EBI %d port %d INT mask on w/o interrupt %E EBI %d port %d INT mask does not set bit %E EBI %d port %d INT does not work %E EBI %d port %d INT won't go away %E EBI %d port %d INT mask does not reset bit %E EBI %d has %d ports, should be %ds %dp Max uarts: %d, Min uarts: %d %d devices passednot populated%E loopback port mismatch: port %d=%d, and port %d=%d %E loopback port mismatch: port %d=%d? %d=%d? P%d=P%d %d=debug%E No external connections found FAILURE - Not all PORTs detected in loopback WARNING - Parallel ports not looped back %E EBI %d parallel port sent %d bytes, EBI %d parallel port got %d bytes %E EBI %d parallel port wrote %02x, EBI %d parallel port read %02x %E EBI %d port %d & port %d modem status out %02x in %02x CTS/RTS DTR/DSR RTS/RI DTR/DCD%d PORTs 1 parallel ~?S@(#)*** biosinit.h $Revision: 3.3 $ $Date: 1996/12/05 16:42:17 $@(#)*** biosinit.s $Revision: 3.16 $ $Date: 1998/12/28 04:55:26 $ @(#)*** checkrange.c $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1998/03/21 08:05:32 $@(#)### common.mk $Revision: 3.39 $ $Date: 1999/09/28 10:47:46 $@(#)*** ctor.c $Revision: 3.2 $ $Date: 1996/10/10 23:27:07 $@(#)*** defs.h $Revision: 3.14 $ $Date: 1998/03/14 03:43:38 $@(#)*** device.h $Revision: 3.16 $ $Date: 1998/03/25 13:09:47 $@(#)*** hostcomm.c $Revision: 3.4 $ $Date: 1996/10/10 23:27:08 $@(#)*** hostcomm.h $Revision: 3.20 $ $Date: 1998/03/26 23:21:33 $@(#)*** mid.h $Revision: 3.12 $ $Date: 1998/02/23 09:28:09 $@(#)*** modemtst.c $Revision: 3.8 $ $Date: 1998/03/21 08:05:53 $@(#)*** modemtst.h $Revision: 3.5 $ $Date: 1997/01/20 20:58:43 $@(#)*** module.h $Revision: 3.9 $ $Date: 1998/03/21 08:05:56 $@(#)*** para.h $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 1998/03/21 08:06:01 $@(#)*** pbus.h $Revision: 3.4 $ $Date: 1996/12/05 16:50:25 $@(#)*** printf.c $Revision: 3.3 $ $Date: 1997/01/20 20:58:42 $@(#)*** rw.c $Revision: 3.2 $ $Date: 1996/09/16 23:29:44 $@(#)*** rw.h $Revision: 2.4 $ $Date: 1997/02/20 22:27:50 $@(#)*** sca.h $Revision: 3.7 $ $Date: 1998/01/06 02:39:46 $@(#)*** smartbios.c $Revision: 3.30 $ $Date: 1999/11/13 12:14:42 $@(#)*** smartbios.h $Revision: 3.5 $ $Date: 1996/09/19 21:23:48 $@(#)*** channel.h $Revision: 3.4 $ $Date: 1998/12/10 03:53:43 $@(#)### sxbios/Makefile $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 1998/02/25 05:55:29 $@(#)*** tests.c $Revision: 3.50 $ $Date: 1999/11/04 18:53:25 $@(#)*** tests.h $Revision: 3.5 $ $Date: 1996/12/05 16:57:14 $@(#)*** testuart.c $Revision: 3.10 $ $Date: 1999/11/13 14:43:19 $@(#)*** testuart.h $Revision: 3.2 $ $Date: 1996/10/10 23:27:14 $@(#)*** timer.c $Revision: 3.11 $ $Date: 1998/03/24 00:59:48 $@(#)*** timer.h $Revision: 3.16 $ $Date: 1999/11/04 17:27:15 $@(#)*** uart.h $Revision: 3.12 $ $Date: 1998/03/21 08:06:44 $@(#)*** util.s $Revision: 3.4 $ $Date: 1997/01/21 17:06:52 $