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The new disks will not contain parity and the data will not be re-striped.Defined PCI-X SCSI Disk ArraysRAID ArrayNOTE: Failed disks should be replaced before attempting to reconstruct the Disk Array.Continue,CancelReconstruct CandidatesChange/Show PCI-X SCSI pdiskCreate a Hot SpareDelete a Hot SpareDelete an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 512 Byte SectorsDelete Missing Disks from System ConfigurationDisplay pdisk Vital Product DataControllersDisks to Make Hot Spares NOTE: Hot Spare devices are useful only if their capacity is greater than or equal to that of the smallest capacity disk in an array that becomes degraded.Hot Spares to be DeletedSelected DisksPCI-X SCSI pdisksCertify Physical Disk MediaDownload Microcode to a Physical DiskFormat Physical Disk Media (pdisk)Format Physical Disk Media (hdisk)Display Physical Disk Microcode LevelSCSI and SCSI RAID Hot Plug ManagerReclaim Controller Cache StorageController Rechargeable Battery MaintenanceController cache data will be discarded. Do you wish to continue and allow unknown data loss?PCI-X SCSI RAID ControllerContinue and allow unknown data loss?Display Controller Rechargeable Battery InformationForce Controller Rechargeable Battery Error Attention: Executing this option will require the controller's battery to be replaced. See help for details.Defined PCI-X SCSI RAID ControllersSCSI Controller BusNo,Yes Attention: Choosing YES will cause controller cache data to be discarded!Select Disks to Use in the ArrayDiskDisk ArrayNoYes Attention: Proceed with this function only if directed to from a service procedure. Data in the controller's cache will be discarded. Filesystem corruption may result on the system. By proceeding you will be allowing unknown data loss. AttentionUnconfigure an Available PCI-X SCSI RAID ControllerStart Adapter CacheChange/Show PCI-X SCSI RAID ControllerOperating modePreferred operating modeLink OperationalRemote Adapter Vendor and Product IDRemote Adapter Serial NumberChange/Show Characteristics of a PCI-X SCSI RAID ControllerSelection of this menu allows you to service and maintain your RAID Subsystem. Entering this menu allows you to create, service and maintain the Disk Array hdisks for your system. Selection of this option allows you to configure a system defined RAID Controller. When a device is defined, an instance of that particular device is recorded in the Customized Configuration Database. All of the device's attributes are known and recorded, but the device is not yet usable by the system. After the device is configured, it is said to be Available. Selection of this option allows you to view/change the parameters associated with your RAID Controller. Selection of this option lists information about disk arrays and disk drives associated with your system. This option allows you to create a Disk Array. Attention:USE WITH CAUTION Before deleting the Disk Array, you may want to backup all data in all logical volumes and file systems on the Disk Array and remove the Disk Array from its volume group. After the Disk Array is deleted, you cannot access it and the data is lost. This selection allows you to configure a system defined Disk Array. When a device is defined, an instance of that particular device is recorded in the Customized Configuration Database. All of the device's attributes are known and recorded, but the device is not yet usable by the system. After the device is configured, it is said to be Available. Selection of this option allows you to view/change parameters associated with a specific Disk Array. This option allows the user to select and reconstruct a failed disk, which is part of a degraded Disk Array. Typically, the user should replace the original failed disk with a new disk before attempting this procedure. Selecting this option displays a submenu of Diagnostics and Recovery Options. Recovery options typically should only be invoked if an error log entry has been detected or your controller has been replaced. Allows the user to transition a disk from Array Candidate to Hot Spare. A Hot Spare disk is used to automatically replace and reconstruct a failed disk in a redundant (RAID Level 5 or 10) Disk Array. Hot Spare disks are useful only if their capacity is greater than or equal to that of the smallest capacity disk in an array that becomes degraded. This option allows the user to display the Vital Product Data (ie. Model and Serial Number) about a particular disk. This is the number of contiguous Kbytes which are written to a single disk before switching to the next disk in the Disk Array. It provides the host with a method to tune data striping to the typical IO request size. This screen allows the selection of disks to be included in the new Disk Array. The screen may also list disks that are that are not currently available to be included in the array. These disks can be made available by using the Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 522 Byte Sectors option in the PCI-X SCSI Disk Array Manager. Note that adding disks to an existing array results in performance that is not optimal because the new devices do not contain parity and the data is not re-striped. Select a RAID Controller from the list. Selecting this option allows you to upgrade the controller's microcode. Use this option to prepare disks for use in Disk Arrays. This option allows you to add disks to an existing Disk Array. NOTE: Performance will not be optimal. The new disks will not contain parity and the data will not be re-striped. Selection of this option displays a submenu for viewing and managing disk drives. Select one or more RAID Controllers from the list. Select the desired logical device from the list. The disks selected to be formatted to 522 bytes/sector and prepared for use in Disk Arrays. The RAID level indicates the level of data protection and also how data and/or parity are written to the Disk Array. The RAID Controller selected on the previous screen. The Disk Array selected on the previous screen. The disks selected on the previous screen. The disk selected on the previous screen. The Disk Arrays selected on the previous screen. The RAID Level selected on the previous screen. The Stripe Size selected on the previous screen. Select a Disk Array to delete. Attention:USE WITH CAUTION Before deleting the Disk Array, you may want to backup all data in all logical volumes and file systems on the Disk Array and remove the Disk Array from its volume group. After the Disk Array is deleted, you cannot access it and the data is lost. Select a Disk Array. Select Array Candidate pdisks to use in the new Disk Array. The disks to be included in the array. If the disk is part of a volume group, its unique physical volume identifier is displayed in this field. If the disk is not part of a volume group, the value of this field is `none'. The depth of the command queue used for this Disk Array. The Capacity of the Disk Array. This value depends on the capacities of the disks included in the array and the level of array protection. Select the desired logical devices from the list. This option allows you to view and change the parameters associated with a pdisk. This option allows the user to transition a Hot Spare disk to an Array Candidate disk. Use this option to format disks to 512 bytes/sector. The disks will no longer be available for use in Disk Arrays. Selecting this option allows the user to clean up stale data in the Object Data Manager (ODM). Any pdisks that were once connected to a RAID Controller but are now missing can be selected to be deleted from ODM. Selecting this option allows you to display the vital product data for a pdisk. The capacity of the disk. The serial number of the disk. The Vendor and Product ID of the disk. The Service Level of the disk. This option is used to certify a disk. This option is used to download microcode to a disk. This option formats 522 bytes/sector pdisks. NOTE: To format and prepare disks for use in Disk Arrays run the Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 522 byte sectors option in the PCI-X SCSI Disk Array Manager. This option formats 512 bytes/sector disks. NOTE: These disks will not be usable in PCI-X SCSI Disk Arrays. To make them available, run the Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 522 Byte Sectors option. This option is used to display the Microcode level of a disk. This option invokes the SCSI Hot Swap Manager. This tool allows you to: - List all SCSI hot swap slots and their contents - Set the identify indication for a device attached to a SCSI Hot Swap Enclosure Device - Add a device to a SCSI Hot Swap Enclosure Device - Remove or Replace a hot swap device - Configure added or replaced devices Attention: Proceed with this function only if directed to from a service procedure. Data in the controller's cache will be discarded. File system corruption can result on the system. By proceeding you will be allowing unknown data loss. This option displays a submenu for battery maintenance. The following options are available: Force Controller Rechargeable Battery Error This option allows you to force a controller to put its cache battery pack into an error state. This state requires replacement of the battery. Typically, this option is performed to prevent possible data loss by ensuring that write caching is stopped prior to replacing a Cache Battery Pack. This option can all be used when you are replacing a Cache Battery Pack on one controller, and want to replace other Cache Battery Packs on controllers in the same system which have not yet issued the cache battery warning or cache battery error. Display Controller Rechargeable Battery Information This option lets you display information about the cache battery (battery type, power-on time, etc). This option displays rechargeable battery information for a selected RAID controller. The following information fields are shown: RAID Adapter: The logical name of the controller selected. Battery type: This field indicates the type of rechargeable cache battery pack. Battery state: This field indicates if an error condition currently exists that is related to the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack. The possible values for this field are: No battery warning/error No warning or error condition currently exists Warning condition A warning condition currently exists (an error has been logged) Error condition An error condition currently exists (an error has been logged) Unknown Information is not available to determine whether a warning or error condition currently exists Power-on time (days): This field indicates the raw power-on time, in units of days, of the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack. Adjusted power-on time (days): This field indicates the adjusted (prorated) power-on time, in units of days, of the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack. NOTE: Some rechargeable Cache Battery Packs are negatively affected by higher temperatures and thus are prorated based on the amount of time they spend at various ambient temperatures. Estimated time to warning (days): This field indicates an estimated time, in units of days, until a warning is issued indicating that the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack replacement should be scheduled. Estimated time to error (days): This field indicates an estimated time, in units of days, until an error is reported indicating that the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack must be replaced. Force Controller Rechargeable Battery Error Attention: Forcing a cache battery error will do the following: - The system will log an error - Data caching is disabled on the selected controller - System performance could be significantly degraded until the Cache Battery Packs are replaced on the selected controller Ensure that you have the correct type and quantity of cache battery packs to perform the replacement on the selected controller. You must replace the Cache Battery Pack in the selected controller in order to resume normal operations. Force Battery Packs Into Error State Attention: This service function should be run only under the direction of your hardware service support. Forcing a cache battery error will do the following: - The system will log an error - Data caching is disabled on the selected controller - System performance could be significantly degraded until the Cache Battery Packs are replaced on the selected controller Ensure that you have the correct type and quantity of cache battery packs to perform the replacement on the selected controller. You must replace the Cache Battery Pack in the selected controller in order to resume normal operations. Select the Controller to configure. Select the desired disk from the list. Select the desired disks from the list. Select the desired RAID Controller bus from the list. The RAID level indicates the manner in which the array controller reads and writes data and parity to the disks. Select a RAID level from the list. The location code format is AA-BB-CC. The AA-BB fields indicate the location of the controlling adapter. The CC field identifies the Controller's SCSI bus that was selected. The location code format is AA-BB-CC-S,L. The AA-BB fields identify the location of the controlling adapter. The CC value identifies the controller's SCSI bus to which the device is attached to. For a Disk Array this value will be ff which indicates a logical bus for RAID devices. The S,L values are the SCSI ID and LUN of the device. The option to allow unknown data loss. Choose 'yes' only if directed to from a service procedure. Data in the controller's cache will be discarded. The serial number of the Disk Array. Defines a short text description of the Disk Array. Indicates the current ODM status of the Disk Array. Possible values are Available, indicating that the hdisk is configured in the system and ready to be used, or Defined, indicating that the hdisk is defined to the system but not configured. Defines a short text description of the Disk. Indicates the current ODM status of the Disk. Possible values are Available, indicating that the pdisk is configured in the system and ready to be used, or Defined, indicating that the pdisk is defined to the system but not configured. The maximum amount of time the system will wait when formatting this device. Attention: Setting this value too short may prevent this device from completing a format, which may cause the disk to be unusable. This option will unconfigure the selected RAID controller and all child devices attached to the controller. # RAID %s supports a minimum of %s and a maximum of %s disks.# The total number of disks must be a multiple of %s.# Choose up to %s of the following disks to add to %s. # No more disks may be added to this array.# Note: If a disk is not listed here it is either not a candidate # to be added to this array, or it does not have its data zeroed # Use the Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 522 Byte # Sectors option to format and zero the disk. # There are no disks to be added to this array. # NOTE: Failed disks should be replaced before attempting to # reconstruct the Disk Array.0940-001 logical name (-l) must be of type: %s0940-002 Invalid or no command specified. Use (-h) to show valid commands.0940-003 %s: Device connected to unsupported adapter0940-004 %s: Open failed, errno = %d0940-005 %s: cannot add devices to this array0940-006 Invalid (-b) adapter capabilities option - use (-h) to display help0940-007 All disks in the (-z) list must be attached to the same adapter.0940-008 %d Kb not a supported stripe size for RAID %s.0940-009 %s: RAID %s not supported on this adapter.0940-010 %s is not a valid pdisk for array creation.0940-011 Create array command failed. Perform problem determination procedures.0940-012 Timeout occurred waiting for array to become active.0940-013 Timeout occurred waiting for new config table entry.0940-014 %s Error occurred on mkdev command.0940-015 Post-processing error. Run cfgmgr. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-016 %s is not a valid pdisk for hot spare.0940-017 %s: Add Hot Spare command failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-018 %s is not valid for hot spare removal.0940-019 %s: Remove Hot Spare command failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-020 All disks in the (-z) list must be pdisks and must be attached to the same adapter.0940-021 %s: No adapter configuration data exists for this device0940-022 %s: Adding devices to this array is not permitted. The RAID level of this array does not support adding disks or the maximum number of disks in an array of this type has been reached.0940-023 %s is not a valid pdisk to be added to %s.0940-024 %s is not a valid pdisk to reconstruct.0940-025 %s: Reconstruct command failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-027 %s is not a candidate for deletion.0940-028 %s is an invalid serial number.0940-029 %s: Array with this serial number cannot be deleted.0940-030 Insufficient command-line parameters. This command requires either a (-d) or (-e) command line option.0940-031 %s : command failed0940-032 %s is not a valid array to resynchronize.0940-033 Invalid parameter specified for Reclaim Cache Storage command. Use (-h) to show valid command options.0940-034 Invalid command option (%d) for Battery Maintenance. Use (-h) to show valid command options.0940-035 Memory allocation failed. errno = %d0940-036 %s: Unable to retrieve data from controller. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-038 %s: Open not attempted. Device not Available.0940-039 %s: Close failed, errno = %d0940-040 %d: Invalid (-p) command option. Use (-h) to show valid command options.0940-041 %d: Invalid (-v) command option. Use (-h) to show valid command options.0940-042 %d: Invalid (-j) command option. Use (-h) to show valid command options.0940-043 %s: Invalid device in list.0940-044 %s is attached to an unsupported adapter (%s).0940-045 No devices selected to prepare. Use (-h) to show command usage.0940-046 Invalid device selected: %s0940-047 No devices selected to unprepare. Use (-h) to show command usage.0940-048 %s Error occurred running cfgmgr to %s.0940-049 No devices selected to format. Use (-h) to show command usage.0940-050 Invalid parameter. Only pdisks may be specified with (-z) option.0940-051 %s: Could not exclusively open device.0940-053 Failed to find CuDv object for: %s0940-054 ODM failure getting CuDv object.0940-055 %s: Mode sense (Control Mode Page) failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-057 %s: Format unit command failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-058 %s: Format failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-066 %s: Format failed with IOASC %08X. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-067 %s: Format failed with status %02X. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-068 %s: Query command status failed.0940-069 Request sense failed.0940-071 Caught signal. Exiting.0940-072 Device reset sent to %s.0940-073 Sense data: %s0940-074 %s: Invalid logical name (-l) parameter.0940-075 Maximum number of disks (%d) exceeded in (-z) list.0940-076 Invalid command line parameter. Use (-h) option to view command options.0940-077 %s: Mode select (Control Mode Page) failed.0940-078 %s: Format not attempted. Parent bus not available.0940-079 A sisraid bus could not be found. Run cfgmgr.0940-080 %s: Create Array failed. Check input parameters, then retry operation.0940-081 %s: Array expansion failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-082 Delete Array failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-083 %s: Resynchronize Array command failed. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-084 %s: Device cannot be formatted to 522 bytes/sector.0940-085 This command requires a (-z) parameter and a list of one or more devices.0940-086 Unable to change disk array (%s).0940-087 %s: Disk not supported for transition to 522 bytes/sector format.0940-088 %s: Disk requires updated microcode before transitioning to 522 bytes/sector format.0940-089 %s: Format failed to complete. This may be caused by SCSI bus problems, bus resets, or device errors. Retry operation. If problem persists, perform problem determination procedures.0940-090 %s: This version of sisraidmgr does not support this adapter.0940-091 Reclaim not performed. Permission for unknown data loss not given. 0940-092 Reclaim not performed. Reclaim not needed. 0940-093 Controller cache storage reclamation has completed. The number of lost sectors could not be determined. 0940-094 The capacity of this array exceeds the 1TB limit and cannot be created.0940-095 %s is not a valid disk for setting error suppression attributes. The parent SCSI bus (%s) may not be Available.0940-096 Changing error suppression attributes failed for %s. Retry operation.0940-097 The function requested can only be preformed from the primary adapter. Please retry your command from the primary adapter with serial number %s0940-098 The previous command may have caused the adapter to change it's operating mode. The adapter will be unresponsive until the changeover is complete.0940-099 This adapter is not capable of running in a multi-initiator environment. Changing the operating mode is not supported. 0940-100 The capacity of this array exceeds the 2TB limit and cannot be created.NameLocationStateDescriptionSize OptimalFailedDegradedRebuildingDegradedMissingUnknownActiveFailedRWProtectedMissingUnknownArray MemberArray CandidateHot SpareDiskRebuildResyncCreateDeleteAddingFormatZeroed%s array with serial number %s removed %s: resynchronization started Formats complete. Post processing device. Formats in progress... Press the Enter key to continue ... %s has been expanded. However, %s needs to be unconfigured and reconfigured prior to the system being able to use the increased capacity. %s has been expanded. Note: The volume group, logical volumes, and file systems associated with %s might need to be changed in order to make use of the increased capacity. Reclaim cache storage has completed. Use the number of lost sectors to decide whether to restore from the most recent save media or to continue with possible data loss. Number of lost sectors . . . . . . . . . . : %d RAID Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . : %s Battery Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown Battery Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . : %s Battery State . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown Battery State . . . . . . . . . . . . . : %s Power-on time (days) . . . . . . . . . : %d Adjusted power-on time (days) . . . . . : %d Estimated time to warning (days) . . . : %d Estimated time to error (days) . . . . : %d Concurrently maintainable battery pack. : %s Battery pack can be safely replaced . . : %s