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InterfaceLUN Reset SupportedMaximum Quiesce TimeMPIO Other SAS IBM 1820 DiskMPIO Other SAS IBM 8886 DiskMPIO Other DS5K Array DiskSAS Solid State DriveIBM 2145 iSCSI Disk DriveMPIO 2810 XIV Disknon-MPIO 2810 XIV DiskMPIO DS3950 DiskMPIO DS5020 DiskMPIO DS5100/5300 DiskMPIO DS3500 DiskMPIO DS3200 SAS DiskMPIO DS3500 SAS DiskMPIO IBM 2145 FC DiskMPIO IBM 2076 FC DiskMPIO IBM 2076/2145 FC DiskIBM 2076 iSCSI DiskIBM 2076/2145 iSCSI DiskT10 protection supportT10 protection typenon-MPIO IBM SAS Disk DriveMPIO DCS3700 DiskMPIO DCS3700 SAS DiskDS3/4/5K PCM User InterfaceMPIO DS4500 DiskMPIO DS4700 DiskMPIO DS4800 DiskMPIO IBM 2107 FC DiskMaximum Coalesce SizeMPIO XIV Controllernon-MPIO XIV ControllerSAN Replication Device Configuration PolicySAN Replication DeviceUse FC Class 3 Error RecoveryPersistent Reserve Key ValueMPIO IBM FlashSystem DiskMPIO DS8K ControllerSAS 4K Disk DriveSAS 4K Solid State DriveOther SAS 4K Disk DriveMPIO DCS3860 DiskMPIO DCS3860 SAS Disknon-MPIO IBM 2107 FC Disknon-MPIO IBM FlashSystem Disknon-MPIO IBM 2076/2145 FC DiskMPIO Other EMC XTREMIO DiskMPIO CAPI Flash DiskInvalid Buffer ContentsSAS RI Solid State DriveSAS 4K RI Solid State DriveSAS 4K Nearline DriveMPIO Other Virtio SCSI Disk DriveAlgorithmMPIO IBM 2145 iSCSI DiskMPIO IBM 2076 iSCSI DiskMPIO IBM 2076/2145 iSCSI DiskMPIO IBM AIX iSCSI Target DiskMaximum command retries before failingMinimum value for rw_timeoutMaximum I/O completion timeMPIO 2810 XIV iSCSI DiskMPIO IBM FlashSystem iSCSI DiskPATH HAS FAILEDPATH IDCHECK PATHGROUP NAMEPPRC Failover DetectedPPRC Failover CompletedPPRC Failover FailedPPRC Failover AbortedPPRC Primary LUN FailedPPRC Secondary LUN FailedPPRC Device SuspendedPPRC Device ResumedPPRC Primary LUN RecoverdPPRC Secondary LUN RecoveredPPRC Replication Path FailedPPRC Replication Path RecoveredPPRC Device DetectedPPRC Device RemovedPPRC Software ErrorPATH HAS RECOVEREDCACHED DATA WILL BE LOST IF CONTROLLER FAILSUSER DISABLED CACHE MIRRORING FOR THIS LUNCACHE MIRRORING DISABLEDENABLE CACHE MIRRORINGSNAPSHOT VOLUME'S REPOSITORY FULLINCREASE SNAPSHOT VOL REPOSITORY CAPACITYSNAPSHOT OPERATION STOPPED BY ADMINSNAPSHOT HAS BEEN DISABLED OR STOPPEDRECREATE OR RE-TAKE THE SNAPSHOTSNAPSHOT REPOSITORY METADATA ERRORREMOTE VOL MIRRORING: ILLEGAL I/O ORIGINPRIMARY VOL RCVD R/W FROM REMOTE ARRAYSECONDARY VOL RECEIVED R/W FROM OTHER THAN PRIMARY SIDE OF MIRRORSNAPSHOT OPERATION NOT ALLOWEDSNAPSHOT VOLUME HAS BEEN FAILEDDELETE OR RECREATE SNAPSHOTLOGICAL VOLUME IS WRITE PROTECTEDREMOTE VOLUME MIRRORING, SNAPSHOT, OR COPY STATUS CHANGE MARKED UNIT READ ONLYVOLUME IS A REMOTE VOLUME SECONDARYCHECK STATUS OF VOLUME AND ASSOCIATED MIRRORS, SNAPSHOTS, AND COPIESSINGLE CONTROLLER RESTARTEDA COMMUNICATION OR HARDWARE PROBLEM REPAIREDLUN MOVED TO A CONTROLLER WITHOUT A PATHONE CONTROLLER DECONFIGURED BY USERIF THIS IS A DUAL CONTROLLER, IT IS IN ANON-REDUNDANT CONFIGURATION, RECONFIGURETHE DAC WHEN POSSIBLESINGLE CONTROLLER RESTART FAILUREPCM Software ErrorPPRC Command Request TracePATH DISABLEDMPIO Other IBM 2105 DiskMPIO Other IBM 2107 DiskMPIO Other IBM 1750 DiskMPIO Other EMC SYMMETRIX DiskMPIO Other EMC CLARIION DiskMPIO Other HDS DiskMPIO Other HDS 99XX DiskMPIO Other HDS 98XX DiskMPIO Other HDS 33XX DiskMPIO Other HDS 65XX DiskMPIO Other HDS DFXX DiskContextResource HandleReasonApplication TypeLUN TypeDrive parameter out of rangeLBP Tunable changed successfullyioo command used to change a LBP TunableNot an errorLBP Tunable change failedLBP Buffer Pool Creation/Resize failureMPIO Tunable changed successfullyioo command used to change a MPIO TunableNot an error