# @(#)12 1.2 src/tcpip/etc/isoservices, isodelib7, tcpip720 3/2/93 09:12:58 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # tcpip720 src/tcpip/etc/isoservices 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,1993 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # COMPONENT_NAME: (ISODELIB7) ISODE Libraries, Release 7 # # FUNCTIONS: none # # ORIGINS: 27 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990, 1993 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Material - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # NAME: /etc/isoservices # ############################################################################### # # isoservices - ISODE Services Database # # Mappings between services, selectors, and programs # # # $Header: /f/osi/config/RCS/services.local,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:16:50 mrose Interim $ # # # $Log: services.local,v $ # Revision 7.1 91/02/22 09:16:50 mrose # Interim 6.8 # # Revision 7.0 89/11/23 21:26:17 mrose # Release 6.0 # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # Syntax: # # / ... # # Each token is separated by LWSP, though double-quotes may be # used to prevent separation # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # locally defined services # (this section is usually empty...) ############################################################################### # local additions end here (do not remove this line) ############################################################################### # # $Header: /f/osi/support/RCS/services.db,v 7.5 91/02/22 09:46:56 mrose Interim $ # # # $Log: services.db,v $ # Revision 7.5 91/02/22 09:46:56 mrose # Interim 6.8 # # Revision 7.4 90/11/20 15:33:21 mrose # update # # Revision 7.3 90/10/15 22:54:24 mrose # typo # # Revision 7.2 90/07/09 14:50:58 mrose # sync # # Revision 7.1 90/01/11 18:38:07 mrose # real-sync # # Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:27:44 mrose # Release 6.0 # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # Entities living above the lightweight presentation service # # Selector is unimportant # ############################################################################### "lpp/isode miscellany" "" lpp.imisc lpp/mib "" lpp.cmot ############################################################################### # # Entities living above the transport layer, expressed as TSAP IDs # # 0 reserved # 1-127 reserved for GOSIP # 128-255 GOSIP-style TSAP IDs for ISODE # 256-511 TSAP selectors for ISO applications # 512-1023 TSAP selectors for ISODE # 1024-2047 TSAP selectors reserved for local programs # 2048-32767 unassigned # 32768-65535 process-specific # ############################################################################### # internal server to support asynchronous event INDICATIONs tsap/isore #0 isore # GOSIP-style addressing tsap/session #1 tsapd-bootstrap # debug aids tsap/echo #128 isod.tsap tsap/sink #129 isod.tsap # ISO applications # this is where ISODE 5.0 FTAM (IS over IS) lives "tsap/filestore" #259 iso.ftam # this is where ISODE 4.0 FTAM (DIS over IS) lives "tsap/filestore" #258 iso.ftam-4.0 # this is where ISODE 3.0 FTAM (DIS over DIS) lived "tsap/filestore" #256 iso.ftam-3.0 # QUIPU is a static server #"tsap/directory" #257 iso.quipu "tsap/terminal" #260 iso.vt "tsap/mib" #261 ros.cmip "tsap/Z39.50" #262 iso.z39-50 # ISODE applications "tsap/isode echo" #512 isod.acsap "tsap/isode rtse echo" #513 isod.rtsap -rtse "tsap/isode ros_echo" #514 isod.rtsap -rtse -rose "tsap/isode sink" #515 isod.acsap "tsap/isode rtse sink" #516 isod.rtsap -rtse "tsap/isode ros_sink" #517 isod.rtsap -rtse -rose "tsap/isode miscellany" #518 ros.imisc # imagestore is obsolete #"tsap/imagestore" #519 ros.image "tsap/isode callback demo" #520 iso.callback "tsap/passwdstore" #521 ros.lookup # dbmstore is obsolete #"tsap/dbmstore" #522 ros.dbm # temporary until the FTAM/FTP gateway is co-resident with the FTAM responder "tsap/ftpstore" #523 iso.ftam-ftp "tsap/shell" #524 ros.osh "tsap/isode idist" #525 ros.idist "tsap/rfa" #526 ros.rfa ############################################################################### # # Entities living above the session layer, expressed as SSAP IDs # # 0 reserved # 1-127 reserved for GOSIP # 128-255 GOSIP-style SSAP IDs for ISODE # 256-1023 unassigned # 1024-2047 SSAP selectors reserved for local programs # 2048-32767 unassigned # 32768-65535 process-specific # ############################################################################### # GOSIP-style addressing ssap/presentation #1 tsapd-bootstrap ssap/rts #2 tsapd-bootstrap ssap/ros #3 tsapd-bootstrap # debug aids ssap/echo #128 isod.ssap ssap/sink #129 isod.ssap ############################################################################### # # Entities living above the presentation layer, expressed as PSAP IDs # # 0 reserved # 1-127 reserved for GOSIP # 128-255 GOSIP-style PSAP IDs for ISODE # 256-1023 unassigned # 1024-2047 PSAP selectors reserved for local programs # 2048-32767 unassigned # 32768-65535 process-specific # ############################################################################### # GOSIP-style addressing psap/ftam #1 iso.ftam # debug aids psap/echo #128 isod.psap psap/sink #129 isod.psap ############################################################################### # # Old-style RTS addressing # # 0 reserved # 1-127 reserved for GOSIP # 128-255 GOSIP-style for ISODE # ############################################################################### # mhs rtsap/p1 1 rtsap/p3 3 # debug aids rtsap/echo #128 isod.rtsap rtsap/sink #129 isod.rtsap rtsap/ros_echo #130 isod.rtsap rtsap/ros_sink #131 isod.rtsap "rtsap/file transfer" #132 iso.rtf ############################################################################### # # Old-style ROS addressing # # 0 reserved # 1-127 reserved for GOSIP # 128-255 GOSIP-style for ISODE # ############################################################################### # debug aids rosap/echo #128 isod.rosap rosap/sink #129 isod.rosap