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DBX dump log %s. poolsize value %d poolsize value %d Refresh count: %d. Refresh count: %d. hosts/%s/CPU/numcpuhosts/%s/CPU/gluserhosts/%s/CPU/glkernhosts/%s/CPU/glwaithosts/%s/CPU/glidlehosts/%s/CPU/numcpuhosts/%s/LPAR/pbusyhosts/%s/LPAR/phinthosts/%s/LPAR/physc boot ipaddress :%s boot ipaddress :%s Fullhostname : %s Fullhostname : %s reconfig value: %d reconfig value: %d Fullhostname : %s Fullhostname : %s hosts/%s/LPAR/sharedhosts/%s/LPAR/cappedhosts/%s/LPAR/%%idonhosts/%s/LPAR/%%bdonhosts/%s/LPAR/poolid Updating DDS Data. Updating DDS Data. Dump log disabled. Dump log disabled. Signal %d received Signal %d received cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s availmem value: %d availmem value: %d Managed System : %s Managed System : %s cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s cleaning up host:%s hosts/%s/LPAR/%%istolhosts/%s/LPAR/%%bstol DDS already running. DDS already running. partitions value: %d partitions value: %d hosts/%s/Mem/Real/sizehosts/%s/LPAR/shcpusys Lrtime: %lu, CT: %lu. Lrtime: %lu, CT: %lu. unavailmem value: %d unavailmem value: %d Host(%s) alive at %lu. Host(%s) alive at %lu. Failure in inet_ntop. Failure in inet_ntop. hosts/%s/LPAR/onlinememhosts/%s/LPAR/pool_entc Error:%d in ftok call Error:%d in ftok call Failure in inet_ntop. Failure in inet_ntop. Error in gettimeofday.. Error in gettimeofday.. Error in put_dds_data...Error in put_dds_data...hosts/%s/Mem/Real/numfrbhosts/%s/LPAR/pcpuinpoolhosts/%s/LPAR/vrmenabled Agg time to sleep: %d. Agg time to sleep: %d. /etc/SpmiCECClusterDdsSHM DDS stats area is NULL. DDS stats area is NULL. hosts/%s/LPAR/ame_enabled Error:%d in shmget call Error:%d in shmget call %s Partition is Inactive %s Partition is Inactive availprocessor value: %f availprocessor value: %f part->is_shared_val: %d part->is_shared_val: %d hosts/%s/LPAR/max_pool_cap Error: %d in shmat call Error: %d in shmat call DDS Initialization failed. DDS Initialization failed. Unable to open the file %s Unable to open the file %s hosts/%s/LPAR/donate_enabled unavailprocessor value: %f unavailprocessor value: %f hosts/%s/LPAR/power_save_mode Updating DDS Cluster data. Updating DDS Cluster data. Cluster Hosts ipaddress: %s Cluster Hosts ipaddress: %s hostname:%s,lparnum:%d,ip:%s hostname:%s,lparnum:%d,ip:%s /usr/lib/perf/spmiclean -p %d RSiOpen is Success for ip %s RSiOpen is Success for ip %s CT: %lu, HAA: %lu, Diff: %lu. CT: %lu, HAA: %lu, Diff: %lu. xmtopasagg is Exiting at: %s xmtopasagg is Exiting at: %s DDS Cluster Stats area is NULL. DDS Cluster Stats area is NULL. DDS Initialization successful!. DDS Initialization successful!. DDS not running. Initializing... DDS not running. Initializing... Starting xmtopasagg process.... Starting xmtopasagg process.... Host alive to feed.. continuing.. Host alive to feed.. continuing.. IP address coming as NULL for %s. IP address coming as NULL for %s. cluster_partition_list_tail IP: %s cluster_partition_list_tail IP: %s SIGSEGV received.. Going to die.. SIGSEGV received.. Going to die.. Unable to initialize RSi interface Unable to initialize RSi interface Xmtopas not alive.. hence exiting.. Xmtopas not alive.. hence exiting.. No consumer to serve.. so exiting.. No consumer to serve.. so exiting.. Shm removed partition count is: %d Shm removed partition count is: %d Is_same_cec: Error in put_dds_data... Is_same_cec: Error in put_dds_data... Error: peopn for cllsnode command :%d Error: peopn for cllsnode command :%d Xmtopasagg pid setting its pid to %d. Xmtopasagg pid setting its pid to %d. No host to feed.. Bye bye from agg!!.. No host to feed.. Bye bye from agg!!.. checking for hostname:%s n lparnum:%d checking for hostname:%s n lparnum:%d Error %d while setting interval timer Error %d while setting interval timer spmiclean failed to dump the snapshot. spmiclean failed to dump the snapshot. Start collecting the CEC Node data... Start collecting the CEC Node data... which ssh >/dev/null 2>/dev/null;echo $? Dump log disabled. Ready for core dump. Dump log disabled. Ready for core dump. rh[free_rh].pi->data.host_stat.host: %s rh[free_rh].pi->data.host_stat.host: %s create_statset failed for ipaddress :%s create_statset failed for ipaddress :%s create_statset failed for ipaddress :%s create_statset failed for ipaddress :%s Start collecting the cluster node data.. Start collecting the cluster node data.. xmtopasagg seems not needed. Diff: %lu .. xmtopasagg seems not needed. Diff: %lu .. Dump log enabled. No core file generated. Dump log enabled. No core file generated. Server requested the child process to die Server requested the child process to die Server requested the child process to die Server requested the child process to die malloc is returning a null pointer at 0x%x malloc is returning a null pointer at 0x%x malloc is returning a null pointer at 0x%x malloc is returning a null pointer at 0x%x malloc is returning a null pointer at 0x%x malloc is returning a null pointer at 0x%x Unable to open cluster configuration file %s Unable to open cluster configuration file %s RSiStartFeedx failed RSiErrno:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiStartFeedx failed RSiErrno:%d , RSiEMsg:%s refresh_cluster_nodes call has failed, rc: %d refresh_cluster_nodes call has failed, rc: %d Failure in getaddrinfo, invalid address for %s Failure in getaddrinfo, invalid address for %s There is no free Rsi handle to add the new host xmtopasagg need by consumer to loop.. Diff: %lu. xmtopasagg need by consumer to loop.. Diff: %lu. PUT DDS data failed as there is no DDS CEC data. PUT DDS data failed as there is no DDS CEC data. Specify 'dumplog' in xmtopas.res file to enable. Specify 'dumplog' in xmtopas.res file to enable. gettimeofday in xmtopasagg failed.. keep looping.. gettimeofday in xmtopasagg failed.. keep looping.. InitDDS call is failed, so exiting the xmtopasagg InitDDS call is failed, so exiting the xmtopasagg spmiclean dumped snapshot into /var/perf/spmi.dump. spmiclean dumped snapshot into /var/perf/spmi.dump. RSiOpenx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiOpenx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiOpenx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiOpenx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiCreateStatSetx failed: RSiErrno:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiCreateStatSetx failed: RSiErrno:%d , RSiEMsg:%s PUT DDS data failed as there is no DDS cluster data. PUT DDS data failed as there is no DDS cluster data. get_cpus_in_sys: lpar_get_info failed with Error: %d get_cpus_in_sys: lpar_get_info failed with Error: %d In process_data_feed: gettimeofday failed.. errno: %d. In process_data_feed: gettimeofday failed.. errno: %d. Remove the host %s from the private shared memory area Remove the host %s from the private shared memory area RSiGetCECIDx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiGetCECIDx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiGetCECIDx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiGetCECIDx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiGetCECIDx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s RSiGetCECIDx Failed for IP:%s RSiErrn:%d , RSiEMsg:%s putenv Error: setting of env variable SPMI_PRIVATE failed putenv Error: setting of env variable SPMI_PRIVATE failed calloc is returning null pointer at 0x%x = calloc(1,%d) calloc is returning null pointer at 0x%x = calloc(1,%d) calloc is returning null pointer at 0x%x = calloc(1,%d) calloc is returning null pointer at 0x%x = calloc(1,%d) calloc is returning null pointer at 0x%x = calloc(1,%d) calloc is returning null pointer at 0x%x = calloc(1,%d) This program should not be executed from the command line. In execute_cmd1int: failed to open a pipe (cmd:%s pfile:%d) In execute_cmd1int: failed to open a pipe (cmd:%s pfile:%d) In execute_cmd2int: failed to open a pipe (cmd:%s pfile:%d) In execute_cmd2int: failed to open a pipe (cmd:%s pfile:%d) In execute_cmd2float : failed to open a pipe (cmd:%s pfile:%d) In execute_cmd2float : failed to open a pipe (cmd:%s pfile:%d) Xmtopasagg can not able to attach the private shared memory area. Xmtopasagg can not able to attach the private shared memory area. There is another xmtopasagg runnning process : %d > hence exiting the current one %d There is another xmtopasagg runnning process : %d > hence exiting the current one %d ssh -l hscroot %s "lssyscfg -r lpar -m \"%s\" -F lpar_id:state | grep -c Running" 2>/dev/null/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsnode -c | /usr/bin/tail +2 | /usr/bin/awk -F ":" '{print $7}' 2>/dev/null ssh -l hscroot %s "lshwres -r mem --level sys -m \"%s\" -Fconfigurable_sys_mem:curr_avail_sys_mem" 2>/dev/null@(#)37 src/perf/perfagent/usr/bin/xmtopasagg/xmtopasagg.c, perfagent, perf72F, f2017_08C7 2/8/17 04:04:48ssh -l hscroot %s "lshwres -r proc --level sys -m \"%s\" -Fconfigurable_sys_proc_units:curr_avail_sys_proc_units" 2>/dev/nullonlineAveraged online pysical memory of monitored paritions in MB consumedMemory in use in MB$%consumedPercentage of available memory consumedd ( monitoredNumber of paritions monitoredsharedNumber of shared paritionsdedicatedNumber of dedicated paritionscappedNumber of capped paritionsuncappedNumber of uncapped paritionsmonitoredNumber of paritions monitoredsharedNumber of shared paritionsdedicatedNumber of dedicated paritionscappedNumber of capped paritionsuncappedNumber of uncapped paritions unmonitoredNumber of paritions unmonitoreddonateNumber of donating paritions CEC/LparsCEC wide partition statistics 78CEC/MemCEC wide memory statistics > CEC/CPUCEC wide processor statistics GCluster/LparsCluster wide partitions statistics 4Cluster/MemCluster wide memory statistics 38Cluster/CPUCluster wide processor statistics C( onlineTotal memory from monitored paritions in MBLconsumedMemory in use in MB`availTotal available memory on CEC in MBTunmonitoredTotal memory from unmonitored paritions in MBP%onlinePercentage of available memory onlined h %consumedPercentage of available memory consumedd t %unmonitoredPercentage of available memory unmonitoredd l unallocUnallocated memory on CEC in MBX%unallocPercentage of available memory unallocatedd p monitoredNumber of physical processors monitored  sharedNumber of shared processors  dedicatedNumber of dedicated processorsshr_physbPhysical busy for shared partitions  ded_physbPhysical busy for dedicated partitions  %sharedPercentage of available physical processors sharedd , %dedicatedPercentage of available physical processors dedicatedd 0 %shr_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for shared partitionsd 4 %ded_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for dedicated partitionsd 8 monitoredNumber of physical processors monitored  sharedNumber of shared processors  dedicatedNumber of dedicated processors$appAvailable physical processors in the shared pool ( poolsizeOnline physical processors in Pool , shr_physbPhysical busy for shared partitions 0 ded_physbPhysical busy for dedicated partitions 4 vcswGlobal Virtual Context Switches8phintGlobal Phantom Interrupts <%app_poolPercentage of shared pool proc availabled  availNumber of physical processors available unmonitoredNumber of physical processors unmonitored  %monitoredPercentage of available physical processors monitoredd x %sharedPercentage of available physical processors sharedd  %dedicatedPercentage of available physical processors dedicatedd  %appPercentage of avail phys procs avail in shared poold  %poolsizePercentage of avail phys procs in shared poold  %shr_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for shared partitionsd  %ded_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for dedicated partitionsd  %unmonitoredPercentage of avail phys procs unmonitoredd | unallocNumber of physical processors unallocated  %unallocPercentage of available phys proc unallocatedd  donate_procPercentage of donating processors H stolen_procPercentage of Stolen processors D donate_cpuNumber of donating cpus@$ T TM Ti T T T   T( W [ [( T, [h _h _p g T0 T h h h T4 T8 T< T@ TD h TH TL TP TT TX T\ T` h h Td Th i iP Tl Tp il ip i i k k$ k( Tt k, Tx k0 l0 T T l8 T| l@ lD lH lP T l`Xh)l!@___bzero@-@9@___fill@F@errno@close@ fsync@ kill@ shmat@ shmctl@ shmdt@ shmget@ R@ truncate@ unamex@ `@ p@_iob@@malloc@ calloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ fprintf@ fclose@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ @ @ @ getpid@ snprintf@ @ fflush@ usleep@ fwrite@ strncmp@ fgets@ atof@ fscanf@ getppid@ ftell@ strtok@ ctime_r@ ctime@ strstr@ memcmp@ pclose@ popen@ @ putenv@ ftok@ @ @ @ @ @ @ __crt0v@,@I@ V@ e@ t@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ RSiOpenx@ RSiInitx@ RSiEMsg@RSiErrno@@ @ SpmiExit@ @@__start T!    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