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Specify -X32, -X64, or -X32_640654-425 The OBJECT_MODE environment variable has an invalid setting. OBJECT_MODE must be 32, 64, or 32_64.0654-423 %s is not valid in the current object file mode. Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.0654-423 %s is not valid in the current object file mode. Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.@(#)90 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/strip/stripx.c, cmdaout, bos72L, l2017_26A5 6/12/17 14:26:150654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-403 Cannot read from file.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-410 Internal error while writing headers.0654-408 Internal error while copying sections.0654-408 Internal error while copying sections.0654-408 Internal error while copying sections.0654-406 Internal error while reading file tables.0654-409 Internal error while copying symbol table.0654-420 The file was already stripped as specified.0654-407 Internal error while processing file tables.0654-405 Specify an XCOFF object file or an archive of XCOFF object files.@(#)90 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/strip/stripx.c, cmdaout, bos72L, l2017_26A5 6/12/17 14:26:150654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-413 File seek error.0654-403 Cannot read from file.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-414 Temporary file %s: seek error.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-421 Cannot write to temporary file %s.0654-410 Internal error while writing headers.0654-408 Internal error while copying sections.0654-408 Internal error while copying sections.0654-408 Internal error while copying sections.0654-406 Internal error while reading file tables.0654-409 Internal error while copying symbol table.0654-420 The file was already stripped as specified.0654-407 Internal error while processing file tables.0654-405 Specify an XCOFF object file or an archive of XCOFF object files.@(#)96 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/strip/stripx64.c, cmdaout, bos720 2/27/97 17:13:30 D  X1.12.3.2 `    < @ D H L P T X \ ` d    ( 0 h     8 d !*O2  J8(@$@ ,@ 5@C@Q@X@ e@ n@ w@ ~@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ @ )@ 4@ @@ I@ S@ a@ l@ v@ @@@@@ h! ? ? ? H? 8? @? H? h? p? x? ? ?( ? ?' ? ?+ ? ? ? ?  ? (? 0? 8? @? H? P?! X? `? h? p?* x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?" ? ?% ? ?) ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? (? 0? 8? @? H? P? X? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?& ? ?# ?$ ? ? ?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o@VPDstrip/5765E6200/520errnocloseunlink ___strcmp64 ___memset64_iob __mod_initcallocmallocfreegetenvexitstrlenfopen64fprintffclosecatopencatgetssprintfprintf __flsbuf vfprintffwritestrncmpsignalperrorfread fseeko64 ftello64 setlocalegetopttempnam ftruncate64 fclear64creat64strtoll __n_pthreads__crt0voptindoptarg__malloc_user_defined_name__start