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H"A;lc;B,A;(/A,Atc8`8;(/@8z H A(0A8z 8K8 8aH `|P8ac80H!8aH EAcH 5Ac(0c@cH A`88d`|cH-A,A8@8aHAH8p,AT&8ac(@@H`,@0c08!0A}aN 8aH}A8cH!EA|yAKb|uyA uK.Axc,AKb|uyAuK8b8 88cHuA`dH8Lb8v@bH}A8H8v@HmA8`GHـAKX8b888cHAcHA8`8!A}aN 8b;888ԀcHA`dHcb8@bHɀA8H8@HA8`8!a}N 8`8!}N C dunedit|AȒa̒ВԒ`ܿ!; <;T>`;`,@ ;AD;!D;,:8aAL(/AD8@db;9( @:( A,(/Ah(:A`b8AT,:( 8cA8`(/+:L3OFӂA 8c:,( @ԛc`e8c(:@`x:,(/A\( ATbAL(/,:8cA0`( LFA (/,8c:@ܛc8c,(/L0BAȓyD,@;;9D:xv,A0bbHq`,bAĄs : ,@,@08`@ (8! a}ЂԂ؂ܻN 8b;888XcHAD`dHb8@bHɀA8H8@HA8`@ (8! a}؂ԂЂܻN ,AL,A\c:`r((-@Ԉc,L3AHuA,A T;9;s,@yT;"|48yT|(.(A\| N vcEcK`|,@4c (8! A}ЂâԂ܂ػN 8ycHAc (8! A}ԂЂâ؂ܻN ,Ax;H,(/cA@N @ strcat   @(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21.-,///r rw.rw vcsh-r-i./s.....s.getcdcprsvalfixget/s.../..//p.%s /l. %scombsactwhateditinfotellSCCS/srcdiffsccssccsadmindeltaungetrmdelcleancheckdiffs-diffprintenterenterrd:p:rd:p: %s: adminget -edelgetuneditbranchcreate "%s" get -k "%s" chghistdeledit/sourcermdel:roper %dsccshelpsccsdiffsccs.catForking get -e -gPROJECTDIRcallprog: /usr/bin/vc/usr/bin/sh/usr/bin/get/usr/bin/cdc/usr/bin/prs/usr/bin/val %s SYSERR: /usr/bin/comb/usr/bin/sact/usr/bin/what-diff:elsfhbC/usr/bin/admin/usr/bin/rmdel/usr/bin/delta/usr/bin/unget/usr/bin/rmdel/usr/bin/bdiff%s %s %s %s %s/tmp/sccsXXXXXcommand: "%s" /usr/bin/sccshelp/usr/bin/sccsdiffcommand: rval=%d get:rcixt -s -k -pprs -a/get -p -m -s%s is being edited: ------- %s ------- Nothing is being edited. delta:mysrp/get:ixbeskcl -tSpecify only one directory. Temporary file %s is removed. Nothing is being edited by %s. Do not use .. or full pathnames. delta:mysrp -n/get:ixbskcl -e -t -g 1255-038 Specify a file name. (cm3) 1255-038 Specify a file name. (cm3) 1255-038 Specify a file name. (cm3) %s is not a recognized SCCS command. Cannot remove %s. Check permissions. Specify the -r flag with the fix command File name %s is not in correct SCCS format. No trunk of the SCCS file tree is being edited. No trunk of the SCCS file tree is being edited by %s. Only the user who is editing the file can unedit the file. Cannot open directory %s. Check path name and permissions. Cannot open %s again. Use local problem reporting procedures. get:ixrc -e -b/delta: -s -n -ybranch-place-holder/get:pl -e -t -gUsage: %s [-d Path] [-p Path] [-r] Command [CommandFlag...] [File...] %d is not an existing user number. Specify an existing user number. @(#)46 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/sccs.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/20/07 01:02:34dodiff: The pipe system call failed. Use local problem reporting procedures. The following file name or file names are too large for the buffer: %1$s %2$s File %s is not being edited. Use the unedit command only on files being edited. Cannot run %s. Check path name and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures. User %s does not exist. Change the PROJECTDIR environment variable to an existing user name. Cannot create %s. Check path name and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures. Cannot create %s. Check path name and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures. dodiff: The close system call or the dup system call failed. Use local problem reporting procedures. Cannot execute %s. Check path name and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures. (co50) Cannot create another process at this time. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. Cannot create another process at this time. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. sccs: There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. dodiff: Cannot create another process at this time. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. Project %s has no /source or /src subdirectory. Create a /source or /src subdirectory in the project home directory. Usage: %s [-d Path] [-p Path] [-r] Command [CommandFlag...] [File...] Runs SCCS programs as an interface between SCCS and the user. ()**+ ++,-sccs       p d   <     4 @ $ x t D 4   H D      H  @ H    L     P      X  `    8    ` h l p < x @3/ #@'@errno@access@ close@ link@ pipe@ setuid@ unlink@ _iob@malloc@ exit@ strlen@ 3@ fopen64@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ fputs@ printf@ fflush@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fgets@ signal@ perror@ ?@ R@ stat64@ waitpid@ e@ fork@ dup@ q@ }@ @ mktemp@ execv@ wait@ getopt@ execvp@ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@@__start ! 8 < D    $ ( , 0 4 8 < l p x                              ( , 4 8 @ D L P \ h t                 (1 ,0 0 44 8 < @ D H  L P T! X \ ` d# h l p t x  |   &    - '    ( * )      ,   $    +     /  %   2 .   3 "/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDsccs/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___strcpy freopen64_getpwuid_shadow_getpwnam_shadow setlocale opendir64 closedir64 readdir64 __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name