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Cannot get time Enter selection:capacity_not_setcapacity_not_setcapacity_not_setCannot read '%s' Device not ready. Device not ready. Ignore disk size? Cannot open '%s'. addr: %8d cnt: %d Cannot write '%s' Cannot open '%s'. addr: %8d cnt: %d total: %4d errors Enter filename [%s]: Enter filename [%s]: C2 errors rate: %f%% Cannot get start time Cannot get start time Time total: %d.%03dsec Usage: readcd [options] Cannot read source disk Cannot open SCSI driver. Retrying from sector %d. -w Switch to write mode Lun is '%s' not a Number. Not a valid sector range Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer. -c2scan Do a C2 error scan Target '%s' is not a Number. %s%sCannot open SCSI driver. Read %.2f kB at %.1f kB/sec. Scsibus is '%s' not a Number. Not a valid sector range '%s' Cannot write destination disk Cannot write destination disk Wrote %.2f kB at %.1f kB/sec. dev=target SCSI target to use Enter starting sector for copy:Enter starting sector for copy: -noerror do not abort on error Enter number of sectors to copy:Enter number of sectors to copy:Enter number of sectors per copy:Enter number of sectors per copy: kdebug=#,kd=# do Kernel debugging Panic cannot set back efective uid. Cannot retry, sector size %d too big. Not root. Will not write in suid mode f=filename Name of file to read/write Copy from SCSI (%d,%d,%d) disk to file Copy from file to SCSI (%d,%d,%d) disk retries=# set retry count (default is %d) -v increment general verbose level by one Copy from SCSI (%d,%d,%d) disk to file '%s' Copy from file '%s' to SCSI (%d,%d,%d) disk -version print version information and exit sectors=range Range of sectors to read/write C2 in sector: %3ld first at byte: %4d (0x%02X)Not root. Will only read from CD in suid mode Not root. Will only work on CD-ROM in suid mode C2 errors total: %d bytes in %d sectors on disk Error corrected after %d tries. Total of %d errors. -silent,-s do not print status of erreneous commands Error on sector %d not corrected. Total of %d errors. @(#)readcd.c 1.20 00/07/20 Copyright 1987 J. Schilling13:scsireset 14:seektest 15: readda 16: reada 17: c2err Notice: reading from file always starts at file offset 0. -V increment SCSI command transport verbose level by one 0:read 1:veri 2:erase 3:read buffer 4:cache 5:ovtime 6:cap readcd %s (%s-%s-%s) Copyright (C) 1987, 1995-2000 Jrg Schilling 7:wne 8:floppy 9:verify 10:checkcmds 11:read disk 12:write disk yY( %s) yesYES0.1BUSYDiskTapeWORMCDB: 0x%x 0x%x %02XIT8 1IT8 2CD-ROMschilyPrinterScannerno errorReservedJuke Boxerror: %dreserved Processor/dev/rcd%dresid: %d Removable fatal errorGOOD STATUSWrite Data: Sense Bytes:not present unsupported unsupported status: 0x%x CommunicationStorage arrayretryable errorReceived Data: CHECK CONDITIONOptical Storagescsi-aix.c-1.22Cannot open '%s'unit not presentunknown/no deviceCONDITION MET/GOODEnclosure servicesvendor specific %d data_length: %d timeout_value: %d status_validity: %d RESERVATION CONFLICTUnable to scan on AIXusing ioctl: dkiocmd using ioctl: Unknown %s: scsi sendcmd: %s buffer: 0x%X scsi_bus_status: 0x%X adapter_status: 0x%X adap_q_status: 0x%X q_tag_msg: 0x%X flags: 0X%X scsi_getbuf: %ld bytes ret: %d errno: %d (%s) SCSI ALREADY RUNNING !!using ioctl: dkpassthru INTERMEDIATE GOOD STATUSunknown device type 0x%xCan't do %d byte command. using ioctl: ide_passthru host adapter detected errorCannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl INTERMEDIATE CONDITION MET/GOODCurrently running '%s' command. Sending %d (0x%X) bytes of data. cmd timeout after %ld.%03ld (%d) sret < 0 errno: %d ux_errno: %d error: %d cmd finished after %ld.%03lds timeout %ds Illegal value for busno, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'Got %d (0x%X), expecting %d (0x%X) bytes of data. @(#)scsihack.c 1.28 00/06/30 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling@(#)scsi-aix.c 1.22 00/07/01 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling Executing '%s' command on Bus %d Target %d, Lun %d timeout %ds Cannot open '%s'. Specify device number (1 for cd1) as target (1,0)@(#)scsitransp.c 1.53 00/07/01 Copyright 1988,1995,2000 J. Schilling;;@;P;`;p;;;;;;;;<?%s: %rError %d%s: %s. %r%r t` file_write_err. Condition not caught: Raisecond: not implemented. 0-+ 00x0XCSILZODXUCSILudioxXCSILZODX(NULL POINTER)0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF{L{{{{{L{{{{{{L{{|<{{{{{{L{{L{{{{{{{|l|{L|}(}~{L{{~{~{L{L{|<~{~{{~{{L(NaN)(Infinity)() [][]dataEqualread seekcopy writerezeroformatcommand(valid)Reservedinquiryreservereleaseno sense(valid) warningNot ReadyreassignMiscomparedoor lock;paper jamBlank Checkmode sensestart/stop(not valid)Medium ErrorData ProtectCopy Abortedmode select(not valid) write errorVendor Unique no gap found;slew failure`lamp failureaout of focusHardware ErrorUnit Attentionrequest senseend of medium Cmessage errorQerase failure[log exceptionevoltage fault focus failureRecovered ErrorIllegal RequestAborted CommandVolume Overflowtest unit readyinvalid sensekey, deferred errordefective track#volume overflow'write protectedRcartridge fault spindle failure7read defect datainterleave errorself test failedsetmark detectedno seek completeno write currentrecord not found0cleaning failure;reposition errorKdata phase errorscd control errortracking failure.scsi parity errorfilemark detected head select faultdefect list error)power on occurred3tape length error4enclosure failure7rounded parameterGscsi parity error\rpl status change disk not insertedtemperature alarmNo Additional Sensefile mark detected operation %d%% donecleaning requested error log overflow miscorrected error*parameters changed:medium not presentPwrite append errorUsystem buffer fullYupdated block readlimited laser lifebad format on drive+set limit violation focus servo failureid crc or ecc errorJcommand phase errorSunload tape failuredinvalid packet size load/unload failurebias magnet failureillegal block length actual retry count %d/adapter parity errorend-of-data detectedmultiple read errorsblock sequence error$invalid field in cdb>logical unit failureiparity/data mismatchoperation in progress track following error spindle servo failureincomplete block readend-of-data not founddefect list not found)device internal reset1format command failed;end of medium reachedIinvalid message error\spindles synchronizedgconfiguration failureinvalid sense code 0x%X,error counter overflowi/o process terminatedno index/sector signalexcessive write errors tracking servo failure block not compressibleunrecovered read errorread retries exhaustedcirc unrecovered error*log parameters changed*reservations preempted,command sequence error;medium magazine locked[log counter at maximum^low power condition onrsession fixation error [No matching qualifier]ECC error during verify!invalid element address&parameter not supported&parameter value invalid'permanent write protect)scsi bus reset occurred*mode parameters changed1medium format corrupted; read past end of medium;medium magazine removed>timeout on logical unitDinternal target failureFunsuccessful soft resetUsystem resource failure[threshold condition metavideo acquisition erroraunable to acquire videogadd logical unit failed8recoverable write error-initiator detected errorl-ec uncorrectable error de-compression crc errorrandom positioning errorrecovered data with circrecovered data with l-ec'hardware write protected'associated write protect'persistent write protect;medium magazine inserted;medium magazine unlocked?inquiry data has changedSmedium removal prevented[log list codes exhaustedlrebuild failure occurrederror too long to correcterror reading isrc numberrecorded entity not founddefect list not availableXgeneration does not exist\spindles not synchronizedidata loss on logical unitkstate change has occurred:defect list update failed=defect list not available%logical unit not supported,too many windows specified2defect list update failure5enclosure services failure?microcode has been changedEselect or reselect failureSmedia load or eject failedkredundancy level got worseSense flags: Blk %d %s%s%s%saudio play operation pausedno reference position foundrecovered data with retriesparameter list length errorgrown defect list not found;failed to sense top-of-form; position past end of medium;medium source element emptyPwrite append position errorbscan head positioning errordillegal mode for this trackhlogical unit not configuredjinformational, refer to logkredundancy level got bettersprogram memory area is full9write error recovery failedvendor unique sense code 0x%X warning - enclosure degradederror reading upc/ean numbermechanical positioning errorpartial defect list transfer0cleaning cartridge installed;sequential positioning error?changed operating definitionmrecalculate failure occurredspower calibration area errorperipheral device write fault write error - recovery needed write error - recovery faileddata re-synchronization errorfilemark or setmark not foundprimary defect list not found,current program area is empty0incompatible medium installed6ribbon, ink, or toner failure; read past beginning of mediumNoverlapped commands attemptedgremove of logical unit failedlaser focus coil over-currentread error - loss of streaming invalid command operation code5unsupported enclosure function5enclosure services unavailable:medium not present - tray open;failed to sense bottom-of-form;medium magazine not accessible@ram failure (should use 40 nn)Zoperator selected write permitimultiple logical unit failuresncommand to logical unit failedspower calibration area is fullno additional sense information write error - loss of streamingdata synchronization mark errordefect list error in grown listsynchronous data transfer error&invalid field in parameter list)transceiver mode changed to lvd9saving parameters not supported; medium destination element fullZoperator medium removal requestZoperator selected write protectgexchange of logical unit failedgcreation of logical unit failedend-of-partition/medium detectedaudio play operation in progressdata sync error - data rewrittenrecovered id with ecc correction:medium not present - tray closed=invalid bits in identify messagePposition error related to timing#illegal function for medium typelaser tracking coil over-currentno current audio status to returndefect list error in primary list(import or export element accessed,current program area is not empty; position past beginning of medium^idle condition activated by timerfautomatic document feeder lift upgattachment of logical unit failed%sSense Key: 0x%X %s%s, Segment %d logical unit communication failure compression check miscompare error write error - padding blocks addedrecovered data - recommend rewritemiscompare during verify operation!logical block address out of range&threshold parameters not supported)bus device reset function occurred-overwrite error on update in place2no defect spare location availablefautomatic document feeder cover upspower calibration area almost fullsprogram memory area update failurediagnostic failure on component 0x%Xlogical unit communication time-outaddress mark not found for id fielddata sync error - recommend rewrite0cannot read medium - unknown format5enclosure services transfer failure5enclosure services transfer refusedWunable to recover table-of-contents^idle condition activated by commandgmodification of logical unit failedmultiple peripheral devices selected write error - recommend reassignment0cannot write medium - unknown format;tape position error at end-of-mediumAdata path failure (should use 40 nn)^standby condition activated by timeraddress mark not found for data field'logical unit software write protected/commands cleared by another initiatorTscsi to host system interface failure]failure prediction threshold exceededbeginning-of-partition/medium detected write error - auto reallocation failedrecovered data - data auto-reallocated0 current session not fixated for appendLlogical unit failed self-configurationZoperator request or state change input^standby condition activated by commandcpacket does not fit in available spacersession fixation error writing lead-inlogical unit communication parity errordata sync error - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data using previous sector idrecovered data - recommend reassignmentrsession fixation error writing lead-out warning - specified temperature exceededrecord not found - data auto-reallocateddata sync error - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with positive head offsetrecovered data with negative head offsetrecovered data with ecc - data rewritten)transceiver mode changed to single-ended,invalid combination of windows specified0cannot read medium - incompatible format0cannot write - application code mismatch>logical unit has not self-configured yet?target operating conditions have changedaudio play operation stopped due to errorrecord not found - recommend reassignment0cannot write medium - incompatible formatHinitiator detected error message receivedfdocument jam in automatic document feederqdecompression exception long algorithm idrempty or partially written reserved tracklogical unit not ready, format in progresslogical unit does not respond to selection data expansion occurred during compressioncannot decompress using declared algorithm0cannot format medium - incompatible medium;tape position error at beginning-of-mediumcend of user area encountered on this trackaudio play operation successfully completedlogical unit not ready, rebuild in progress recovered data without ecc - data rewrittentagged overlapped commands, queue tag is 0x%Xlogical unit not ready, cause not reportablelogical unit is in process of becoming readypositioning error detected by read of mediumrecovered data with error correction appliedlogical unit not ready, operation in progress"illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00))power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred]failure prediction threshold exceeded (false) $       " &  logical unit not ready, long write in progress write error - recovered with auto reallocationrecovered data without ecc - recommend rewriteunrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed unrecovered read error - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with no error correction appliedrecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedfdocument miss feed automatic in document feedergconfiguration of incapable logical units failedSense Code: 0x%02X Qual 0x%02X %s%s%s%s Fru 0x%X &invalid release of active persistent reservation+copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect;tape or electronic vertical forms unit not readyBpower-on or self-test failure (should use 40 nn)decompression exception short algorithm id of 0x%Xlogical unit not ready, recalculation in progressrecovered data with error corr. & retries appliederror refers to %s part, bit ptr %d %s field ptr %dlogical unit not ready, initializing cmd. requiredrecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocated(not ready to ready change, medium may have changedlogical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32) unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the datarecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentlogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredrsession fixation error - incomplete track in session@(#)scsierrs.c 2.22 00/05/07 Copyright 1987-1996 J. Schilling     3 & ,l )4 )P  /L 4    X  t     $  $  4 p  D    d       (    |  1  2  : " 3 * A ?@ 44 !  " 4 - H # B B H I` @t A Gt CD Dh @ * 9 5x 7  ( 4X 1 * 1 " .l + 6 3\ - / 6@ $ Ct !@ )l 1 $ $ 6h Fp  'X :( 't ' % H 4| C $ %( 6 " >8 1 H %D # # F # ) >d 4 . 6 :P . 8 > -, 9` ? A4 p > ;L %` "0 6 ) 8 L ) / / 8H 8p . ` 2 ` 3 / -L Ad 9 F D  +, 0  %| . +L 4 2< +l "H 0D % ' $ ' 3 > !X % ? ) -l ' 0h 9 G  % * % t ? "` 8  ;x / x + 3   *, P ( :x &  8 (  ; 2` 2 0  &$ $, (  "x ( : C $H 4 9 8 ; T &@ &\ d + A ; + h  7 5 ? E " F &x 8 2 /, 50 2 + ( 0 !p , ) ,, *L (8 - 0 @ $d <( = I @H  70 0 - 7X ,L . %cHP. 321624%s %s wctJVCIMSSAFWPISaveSet SaveSet B0: MD21MD23SONYACERSONYTEACtraynot not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not ENT: 0x%x R2626KODAKCDD20CDD26RICOHSANYOCDR10AENC SYNC caddyqic 02EMULEXOPTIMACDD521CDD522PCD225RF4100YAMAHACDR200CDR400pop-upinquiryPages: read_g0read_g1ADAPTECCDR2000GRUNDIGMITSUMIPHILIPSKHSW/OBCDR-240RCD5020RCD5040RCD 4X4PIONEERPLASMONCDR4220PLEXTORRO1060CCD-R50SCD-R55SCDR4120T.YUDENCDS615ERELADR WBUS32 WBUS16 LINKED CMDQUE unknownwrite_g0write_g1write_g5read tocread tocsend opcACB-4520ACB-4525SMO-C501RXT-800SCR-4020CCREATIVEXR-W2001XR-W2010MITSBISHCD-R 650PINNACLERCD-1000RO-1420CCD-R2004CD-RW226CD-R4012TRAXDATATraxdataCDR-632PMATSHITABERTHOLDTERMIOP 24 (I2S)CDR100IPWCDD521/00CDD521/02CD-R2006 %s: %d %s: %s %s: %s %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d blank unitcdtext.datTOC data: SOFTRESET Is %s%s rezero unitflush cacheread bufferread headertocheader: tocheader: C4324/C4325CD-WO EW-50Emulex MD21Emulex MD23Emulex MT02reserved(3)reserved(6)reserved(7)set cd speedCD-R2006PLUSCD-R CDU92CD-R CDU94Adaptec 4000Adaptec 4010Adaptec 4070Adaptec 5500Adaptec 4525Teac CD-R50Sdisc changer Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s request_senseread capacitymode sense g0mode sense g1B0 lout: %ld Blocks: %ld Blocklen:%ld Adaptec 4520ASony SMO-C501Sysgen SC4000Kodak PCD-600Sony CDU-924Sread disk infosend_cue_sheetmode select g0mode select g1B0 start: %ld Density: 0x%x CD-Writer 6020CD-WO DW-S114XDVD-R DVR-S101CD-WO CRD-R24SCD-R CW-7501CD-R CW-7502Maxtor RXT800SGeneric CD-ROMYamaha CDR-100Yamaha CDR-400Ricoh RO-1060CRicoh RO-1420Cplay audio CDstest unit readystart/stop unitread subchannelread track inforead track inforead master cueread buffer capMode ParametersMode ParametersMode Sense DataMode Sense DataCD-R PX-R24CSMicrotek MS300APhilips CDD-521Philips CDD-522Plasmon RF-4100CD capabilitiesread CD-R media Px P| P U8Inquiry Data :CD-Text len: %d Cannot read TOC capacity_not_setcapacity_not_setGeneric CCS DiskGeneric mmc CD-RGeneric mmc2 DVDPhilips CDD-2000Philips CDD-2600Pioneer DW-S114Xwrite CD-R mediaread CD-RW mediaread DVD-R mediaread CD bar codeInquiry Data : Device type : Capabilities : Generic mmc CD-RWcartridge changerwrite CD-RW mediawrite DVD-R mediaBuffer size in KBmedium load/unloadGeneric mmc CD-ROMMatsushita CW-7501Matsushita CW-7502Pioneer DVD-R S101read DVD-ROM mediaread DVD-RAM mediaclose track/sessionBerthold HR-ScannerPhilips old CDD-521write DVD-RAM mediaCannot read CD-Text Version : %d Response Format: %d Device seems to be: Generic NON CCS Disksupport test writingSectorsize: %ld Bytes Session info too big. Session info too big. Adaptec 4000/4010/4070read multi-session CDsLoading mechanism typeCannot read TOC header Length of data in BCLKsVendor_info : '%.8s' Revision : '%.4s' Missing Entry for dev %dIdentifikation : '%.16s' read Mode 2 Form 1 blocksread Mode 2 Form 2 blocksread digital audio blockssupport C2 error pointersBFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K support BURN-Proof (Sanyo)return CD ISRC informationdeliver composite A/V dataMode Sense Data (converted)Cannot read CD-Text header send digital data LSB-firstMaximum read speed in kB/sCurrent read speed in kB/sMaximum write speed in kB/sCurrent write speed in kB/sprevent/allow medium removalADAPTEC ACB-5500 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-40X0 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4000 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4010 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4070 FAKESYSGEN SC4000 FAKEEMULEX MT02 FAKEread R-W subcode informationsupport changing side of diskMode Parameters (un-converted)return CD media catalog numberNumber of volume control levels R P R V WX ^t V Vsupport digital output on port 1support digital output on port 2currently in a media-locked state Drive capabilities, per page 2A: set LRCK high for left-channel dataread raw P-W subcode data from lead inhave load-empty-slot-in-changer featuresupport Individual Disk Present featurehave valid data on falling edge of clockread fixed-packet CD media using Method 2lock media on power up via prevent jumpersupport ejection of CD via START/STOP commandsupport independent mute setting for each channelrestart non-streamed digital audio reads accuratelyreturn R-W subcode de-interleaved and error-correctederror: %d scb.chk: %d sense_count: %d sense.code: 0x%x @(#)scsi_cdr.c 1.93 00/07/02 Copyright 1995 J. SchillingCapacity: %ld Blocks = %ld kBytes = %ld MBytes = %ld prMB support individual volume control setting for each channelallow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW commandDP HXhx(8HXMode Sense DataMode Page DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Select DataCannot get %s data. Cannot get %s mask. Cannot get saved %s data. Cannot get default %s data. Warning: using default %s data. Warning: controller does not support %s page. Warning: controller returns zero sized %s page. Warning: controller returns wrong size for %s page. @(#)modes.c 1.14 00/05/07 Copyright 1988 J. SchillingWarning: controller returns wrong page %X for %s page (%X). ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) @(#)cd_misc.c 1.8 00/07/02 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingbad_file_moderwbr+rbwbr+b lP lT lX l` l\ ld lh llfile_read_erryY%ryesYESShorthands are: Not a number: '%s'. '%s' is out of range. The default radix is 10 %s %ld (%ld - %ld)/: '^' for minimum value (%ld) '$' for maximum value (%ld) '+' for incrementing value to %ld '-' for decrementing value to %ld Enter a number in the range from %ld to %ld @(#)io.c 1.19 98/10/10 Copyright 1988 J. SchillingPrecede number with '0x' for hexadecimal or with '0' for octal Enter 'y', 'Y', 'yes' or 'YES' if you agree with the previous asked question. All other input will be handled as if the question has beed answered with 'no'. @(#)cmpbytes.c 1.13 00/05/07 Copyright 1988 J. Schillingkdebug#,kd#,verbose+,v+,Verbose,V+,silent,s,debug,help,h,version,dev*,sectors*,w,c2scan,fulltoc,noerror,retries#,f*#?*&+getarg_bad_format@(#)getargs.c 2.28 00/05/20 Copyright 1985, 1988, 1995 J. Schillingscsidev: '%s' devname: '%s' Invalid lun specifier '%s'No memory for SCSI structureInvalid lun specifier in '%s'scsibus: %d target: %d lun: %d Invalid bus or target specifier in '%s'Invalid target or lun specifier in '%s'Invalid value for bus, target or lun (%d,%d,%d)@(#)scsiopen.c 1.82 00/06/23 Copyright 1995 J. SchillingWARNING: device not valid, trying to use default target... 1.9( rD rDc rD rD rD rD" rD rD@ rD rD rD rD t  ` p    t L P p t x | t`   q  X q t q x q O t i t k l@ t lPC tC t t t l l q r o u u o r r r, r8 w w w w w oH o w p q+Q"Q#-errno@close@ openx@ setreuid@ @_iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ open64@ fclose@ strchr@ abort@ write@ _flsbuf@ fflush@ _filbuf@ __filbuf@ read@ isspace@ getuid@ sleep@ fseek@ isalnum@ @ ioctl@ strstr@ geteuid@ fdopen@ setbuf@ sysconf@ strerror@ fcvt@ ecvt@ gcvt@ drand48@ _isinf@ )@ __crt0v@6@__start q! ` d         $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ x T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                            $ ( , D8 D< D@ DD DH DL DP DT DX D\ D` J J J J J  J$ J( J, J0 J4 J8 J< J@ JD JH JP JT JX J\ J` Jd Jh Jl Jp Jt Jx J| J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K  K K K K K  K$ K( K, K0 K4 K8 K< K@ KD KH KL KP KT KX K\ K` Kd Kh Kl Kp Kt Kx K| K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K L L L L  L L L L L  L$ L( L, L0 L4 L8 L< L@ LD LH LL LP LT LX L\ L` Ld Lh Ll Lp Lt Lx L| L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M  M M M M M  M$ M( M, M0 M4 M8 M< M@ MD MH ML MP MT MX M\ M` Md Mh Ml Mp Mt Mx M| M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N N N N  N N N N N  N$ N( N, N0 N4 N8 N< N@ ND NH NL NP NT NX N\ N` Nd Nh Nl Np Nt Nx N| N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O  O O O O O  O$ O( O, O0 O4 O8 O< O@ OD OH OL OP OT OX O\ O` Od Oh Ol Op Ot Ox O| O O O O O O O O \ \ \ \ d d d d d d d d ht hx h| h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h i i i i  i i i i i  i$ i( i, i0 i4 i8 i< i@ iD iH iL iP iT iX i\ i` id ih il ip it ix i| i i i i lp lt lx l| l l l l q q q q q q q q q q q q q r r r  r r r  r$ r, r0 r8 r< rl rp+ rt, rx r| r* r r r r r r r r r r  r  r r  r r r r r r r r  r r r r r r r r r) r s% s& s' s  s$ s s  s s  s$ s( s, s0# s4 s8 s< s@ sD sH sL sP sT sX s\ s` sd sh! sl sp" st sx s| s( s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s  s t t../libs/rs6000-aix-cc:/opt/schily/lib:/usr/vac/lib:/usr/lib:/liblibc.ashr.o_system_configuration gettimeofday __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name