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ODM initialization failed Invalid number of sessions -%c option requires an argument Invalid total pinned memory size Invalid number of traced threads Invalid default trace buffer size Maximum allowed value for %s is %d Maximum allowed value for %s is %d Maximum allowed value for %s is %d Invalid session pinned memory size '-s' option can not be used alone. Number of threads to be traced: %u Allowed range for %s is %d to %d ms Maximum allowed value for %s is: %u Maximum allowed value for %s is: %u Maximum allowed value for %s is: %u Unable to retrieve probevue sessionsMax network buffer size(in bytes): %u Invalid number of page faults specified Number of page faults to be handled: %u Only decimal value can be given for '%s' Only decimal value can be given for '%s' Only decimal value can be given for '%s' Only decimal value can be given for '%s' Only decimal value can be given for '%s' Only decimal value can be given for '%s' Invalid total pinned memory size %-12d %-12d %-12d %-24u %-28lld %-17s %s Default trace buffer read rate(in ms): %u Invalid Session Id passed with '-s' option. Invalid session profiling action specified. Size of per-CPU local table size(in KB): %u Default per-CPU trace buffer size(in KB): %u Size of per-CPU computation stack(in KB): %u Invalid value specified for "trace" attribute Unable to retrieve current probevue parametersUnable to retrieve current probevue parametersp/t flag should be specified with c/n/l flags Unable to configure current probevue parametersFetch Statistics ONLY in Asynchronous mode: %s Invalid probe action profiling command provided. Minimum interval allowed in an interval probe: %u Error while retrieving probes for session %u : %d Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to retrieve next boot probevue parameter "%s" MAX concurrent sessions allowed for regular user: %u Asynchronous Statistics fetch interval (in ms): %llu Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Unable to configure next boot probevue parameter "%s" Not enough memory while allocating user space buffer. MAX pinned memory for Probevue framework(in MB): %llu MIN trace buffer read rate for regular user(in ms): %u Probevue not disabled as active probevue sessions exist '-C' option can not be specified with any other option. Invalid value for 'Maximum network buffer size' tunable. Probe action profiling is not yet setup for the session. Probe action profiling is not yet setup for the session. MAX pinned memory for regular user sessions(in MB): %llu Percent of dynamic data structure's memory allocated: %u Invalid percent value for dynamic data structure's memory Probe action profiling is already active for the session. Insufficient privilege to access the probes for session %u Probe action profiling is already stopped for the session. Display/changes to next boot probevue parameters not permitted. Max io probe execution time in Interrupt environment(in ms): %d Unable to configure current probevue parameters - Try Again Later'-f' option can be used only with 'show' session profiling action. Error with code %d, received while accessing session with id: %lld. Max sysproc probe execution time in Interrupt environment(in ms): %d Max network probe execution time in Interrupt environment(in ms): %d Max systrace probe execution time in Interrupt environment(in ms): %d Error with code 0x%llX, received while starting probe action profiling. Error with code 0x%llX, received while stopping probe action profiling. Error with code 0x%llX, received while resetting probe action profiling. Invalid value for 'Asynchronous Statisitcs fetch interval (in ms)' tunable. Probe action profiling cannot be reset until it is stopped for the session. -%c option: You need to be the root or authorized user to run this operation -%c option: You need to be the root or authorized user to run this operation -%c option: You need to be the root or authorized user to run this operation Error with code 0x%llX, received while fetching session profiling information. Max cpu bound interval probe execution time in Interrupt environment(in ms): %d Invalid value for 'Fetch Statistics ONLY in Asynchronous mode (yes/no)' tunable. Invalid value for 'Max io probe execution time in Interrupt environment' tunable. You need to be the root or authorized user to view probevue sessions owned by others Invalid value for 'Max network probe execution time in Interrupt environment' tunable. Invalid value for 'Max systrace probe execution time in Interrupt environment' tunable. Invalid values for 'Max sysproc probe execution time in Interrupt environment' tunable. Invalid time unit format specified with '-f' flag. Allowed values are 'milli' or 'micro'. session id not specified with '-s' option on which time profiling action needs to be taken. You do not have enough permissions to perform requested operation on session with id : %lld. Invalid value for 'Max cpu bound interval probe execution time in Interrupt environment' tunable. Attention: The command "/usr/sbin/bosboot -a" must be run for the change to take effect in the next boot. @(#)50 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/etrcctrl/etrcctrl.c, cmdetrace, bos72F, f2017_11A2 3/13/17 06:57:01Out of memory while setting up probe action profiling for the session. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Attention: Number of threads to be traced exceeded the maximum value of Integer, value will be truncated to 2147483647. Sid Pid Uid Buffer size in bytes Consumed memory in bytes Kernel Probes Profiling Attention: ProbeVue is already enabled.ProbeVue needs to be restarted for the new value(s) of attribute(s) "%s" to take effect for the current boot. Usage: probevctrl [-c { attr=val,.. }] [-i] [-l] [-n { attr=val,.. }] [-p] [-u ] [-t] [-d { all|ProbeVue_session_id } ] [-C] [-T { show|start|stop|reset }] [-s { ProbeVue_session_id } ] [-f { milli|micro }] T8hp/etc/objreposprobevue_stateprobevue_max_pinnedprobevue_stack_sizeprobevue_buffer_sizeprobevue_num_sessionsprobevue_min_readrateprobevue_min_intervalprobevue_pinned_sessionprobevue_deflt_readrateprobevue_num_page_faultprobevue_local_table_sizeprobevue_max_net_buf_sizeprobevue_num_threads_tracedprobevue_max_intr_ioprb_timeprobevue_pin_mem_dvar_percentprobevue_max_intr_netprb_timeprobevue_fetch_stats_async_onlyprobevue_max_intr_systrcprb_timeprobevue_max_intr_sysprocprb_timeprobevue_max_intr_cpuboundprb_timeprobevue_async_stats_fetch_interval ,$ ,4 , ,t ,\ , , ,H - , -< , -x - - - - -X .D - . @(#)52 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/etrcctrl/etrcctrl_odm_op.c, cmdetrace, bos72F, f2017_01A4 12/23/16 04:02:20 Ϭ 0 0 1 0  0p 0x 0attribute = '%s'attribute = '%s' AND deflt = '%s'@(#)64 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/getattr.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/26/07 18:27:07malloc on stracpy@(#)98 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/stracpy.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:48genexit(%d) @(#)88 1.4 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/genexit.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:43Probe string->Profiled time (microseconds) Probe string->Profiled time (milliseconds) ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- %s->min=%.3llf|max=%.3llf|avg=%.3llf|sum=%.3llf|count=%lld @(#)24 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/etrcctrl/probevue_common.c, cmdetrace, bos720, 1502A_720 12/9/14 01:10:05 4 4 L 5 5 7` , , /0 1@ 7 1 2p0pH6? lW !@___bzero@-@errno@9@ I@ X@ i@ |@ @_iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ @ fprintf@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ strchr@ atoi@ sprintf@ catclose@ snprintf@ printf@ vfprintf@ perror@ isspace@ atoll@ getpwnam@ strtok_r@ __divu64@ @ getopt@ __divi64@ strtoll@ @ strtoull@ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@optopt@@@  @ @ *@ :@ K@ __start 4! L P X + +  + + + + +  +$ +( +, +0 +4 +8 +< +@ +D +H +L +P +T +X +\ +` +d +h +l +p +t +x +| + + + + .h .l .p .t .x .| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /4 /@ /D 0 0 0 1  4 4 4 4 4- 4, 4 41 4 4 4& 4 4 4* 4 4 4' 4/ 4 5. 5  5 5  53 5 52 5 5 7 5$ 5( 5, 504 54 58 5< 5@  5D 5H6 5L5 5P 5T  5X 5\ 5` 5d" 5h0 5l  5p( 5t 5x 5| 5% 5  5 5  5 5 5 5+ 5 5$ 5# 5 5! 5 5 5) 5/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibodm.ashr.o@VPDprobevctrl/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___strcpycorral_getcid _etrc_config_etrc_sessions_etrc_get_probes_etrc_session_action_system_configuration strcasecmp setlocale checkauths __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name odm_set_pathodm_initialize odm_get_listodm_free_listodm_change_obj odm_add_obj