Ul^H 5D 0 D D1L.text5D .data D D6D@.bss   .loader /M B(= ,|nx|#x|+xb,;AA 4| S*N!A98}{x~xH` ,Ab$H1AA| @__start,M H4N @__threads_init|!HAf| FN!Ab ,cA| CN!Ab,cAl| CN!Ab,Ac| CN!Ab,cA| CN!AH8!@}N b,AK A__threads_init@AF2_1|ܓ!A`z8`a쿁`8ꌐ`!ߐH.)A,A8;;;`cC:8cH.%A,Ah```,?,cA,hA,p88~A@H. A,@`:cCc8 H-A,@y@ ;;H-A,A;B̃"T;zT:|.,A`H,8bA8~H-̀A88~H-mA888,8a@@0H-ŀA8a@H-A,A8~H-A8`H.AxHxH.%A,@c8,@H'8`,@H)%y8T:|.,@(8`H-A8` x8! p}A!a컁N H-K|8~8H-Ax8~H-%Ax,@88` 8HM8`H-!AxK84H,A8a@H,A,@K8H-9A,x@88` H8`H,AxK8`HŃ8`H,AK8~8H+A,A8`H8`H,aAKt8`Hm8`H,AAKT;KL;KD8`H=8`H,AK A main|!laht8b8x|!Ap8cH,!A8h`8T:8|8.H,%A`d8hb8c@8H,1AcH,MAX8!P}N AIPRA.$odmcreatemsg88`,L H&LN @ free_classes88b̀T:|d.,A 8`N H' @,initclxn|`(8b̓`8ԓa!cT: .H+5Ac|{y8`cdAPcH+=`8 8, 8`|@H888(T( |@.A| N  |8|A8X8!PT:}aN 8T<8 K8T:8 K8T:|"8 Kx8T:8 K````88T88 |@@(( T|@.A | N Kу8`H(AccdcH)`8 |, 8`8@K Asave_descriptors|`!8`N 888`8cK8`H рA8`h8!`a}N Aget_descrip_info|ؒܓ!`Aa쿁;``!`8|;P;~;>H;^89^99>84`9809~dDL@!halA`aPH!TA\XH"Ac8H!Ac8|H!Ac8dH!рA; ;`;B;$;",:@T```(T:( A|.| N c8pH!iA;{ |A8DcH!IAc 8H!1Ac8H!Ac@`H!Ab8|H A ;Tc[c:,;#@P`(T:( AȀ|.| N b\H A; |A8LbH uA8at8,AHA8Tc|p.( A|iN D; K8`8K8`HA;Kx8; Kh- ;K\8; KL8; K<8aH8H `,A8aH8H `,@l8a9aK ,@H8; K8`8KQ8`H%AKȚ8a8[H A|nyA08n88 H YA,@9Kd8` 8K8`HA9K488`8ȓKڭ8`HAK A read_class_defs|8,;;ꌓ;̓aA!BA;|cc`HAccH A8(,8z APH A;|@|ccKX8!PAa}N 8`Kّ8`HeA8z 8(HA;|@|ccK@;8z 8(H]A;8z 8(|A܁X8!PAa}N Apcreate_classes@AF22_13|8bԓ;;aA;!|,@@;|A䁁X}8`8!PA胡a상N ,A ,@HiA|,AX;` ;C,@`z(,@|z,A\H%A;{ |AԀ|H A|,@cHAK0HAcHـAK;{ |@KHAz,@;{ |@KXHA|,@cHyAK`HiA|K|,APK Afree_classes@AF23_3|`8`!HA8,AH1`HAA8cHAdc,@T8`Kq8`HEA8ꌀc8HA8`H8!@}N 8ꌀ8HA8`H8!@}N 8`K8`HɀA8HY`HiA8cHAdc,@|K( ADinitclxn@AF24_4@A L| N DA L| N HA L| N LA L| N `A L| N dA L| N hA L| N lA L| N pA L| N tA L| N xA L| N |A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N |fx|#x|3xH @bcopy @memmoveH @bzeroA L| N H @strcpyA L| N H @strcmpA L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N ĐA L| N  H 8  @(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21rrww%d%shpchpcint%s charlonglink }; }; }; NULL }; %s.h%s.c%d %sclassvcharncharncharshortulongint64%s.vcstructbinarydoublelong64uint64method%s.creulong64%s.oclc%s/%s.h%s/%s.c%s %s %sODM_CHARlongcharODM_LONGODM_LINK%s %s %sODM_VCHARODM_NCHARODM_NCHARODM_SHORTODM_ULONGODM_BINARYODM_DOUBLEODM_METHOD%s_STRINGSodmcmd.cat/usr/bin/cc short %s; char *%s; ODM_LONGCHAR double %s; ODM_LONG_LONG struct %s { int64_t %s; ODM_ULONG_LONG uint64_t %s; char %s[%d]; /usr/vac/bin/cc __long32_t %s; %s %s %s %s %s %s #include "%s.h" __long32_t _id; __ulong32_t %s; #include odmcreateXXXXXX#define %s_Descs %d /usr/bin/cc -E %s > %s #endif /* _H_%s */ __long32_t _scratch; __long32_t _reserved; "%s", 0,NULL,NULL,0,0,0 /opt/IBM/xlc/13.1.0/bin/cc/usr/vac/bin/cc -E %s > %s #include char %s[%d]; /* method */ struct %s *%s; /* link */ struct StringClxn %s[] = { struct Class %s_CLASS[] = { #ifndef _H_%s #define _H_%s char %s_Lvalue[%d]; /* link */ extern struct Class %s_CLASS[]; NULL,0,0,NULL,0,"", 0,-ODMI_MAGIC ODMI_MAGIC, "%s", sizeof(struct %s), struct listinfo *%s_info; /* link */ %s_Descs, %s_ClassElem, %s,FALSE,NULL,static struct ClassElem %s_ClassElem[] = { { "%s",ODM_CHAR, %d,%d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_LONG, %d, %d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_VCHAR, %d,%d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_BINARY,%d,%d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_SHORT, %d, %d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_ULONG, %d, %d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_METHOD, %d,%d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_DOUBLE, %d, %d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_LONGCHAR, %d,%d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_LONG_LONG, %d, %d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_LINK, %d ,%d, %s_CLASS,"%s",%d,NULL,-1,0}, { "%s",ODM_ULONG_LONG, %d, %d, NULL,NULL,0,NULL,-1,0}, #define get_%s_list(a,b,c,d,e) (struct %s *)odm_get_list(a,b,c,d,e) 0518-001 odmcreate: Specify a valid descriptor type, line %1$d in file %2$s. 0518-024 odmcreate: The C compiler must exist when the -p flag is specified. 0518-009 odmcreate: Syntax error in description file: line %1$d in file %2$s. 0518-002 odmcreate: Specify descriptor %1$s as an array, line %2$d in file %3$s. 0518-014 odmcreate: Cannot append to file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-012 odmcreate: Cannot open header file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-022 odmcreate: Cannot create object class %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-003 odmcreate: Do not specify descriptor %1$s as an array, line %2$d in file %3$s. 0518-018 odmcreate: Cannot open output source file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-013 odmcreate: Cannot open class description file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-020 odmcreate: Cannot close database. Try again later or contact the system administrator. @(#)63 src/bos/usr/bin/odmcreate/odmcreate.c, cmdodm, bos720, 1520A_720 4/28/15 14:04:440518-0006 odmcreate: Specify less than 128 descriptors in object class %1$s, line %2$d in file %3$s. 0518-019 odmcreate: Cannot allocate enough storage. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-016 odmcreate: Cannot run preprocessor on class description file %1$s. Check file for syntax errors. 0518-008 usage: odmcreate [-p][-h][-c] {File . . . } Creates object classes based on descriptions in the file. 0518-023 odmcreate: The name of the input file %1$s is too long. Specify a name less than %2$d characters long. 0518-004 odmcreate: Incorrect descriptor type specified, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify a valid descriptor type. 0518-017 odmcreate: Cannot access the database at this time. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-025 odmcreate: Too many object classes specified in the file %1$s. Specify less than 5025 classes in one file. 0518-010 odmcreate: An incorrect array dimension specified, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify an integer greater than 1. 0518-000 odmcreate: Do not use clone to imbed class description, line %1$d in file %2$s. Copy the description instead. 0518-021 odmcreate: A descriptor name is too long, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify a name less than %3$d characters long. 0518-011 odmcreate: The name of the object class is too long, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify a name less than %3$d characters long. 0518-005 odmcreate: The descriptor %1$s does not exist in class %2$s, line %3$d in file %4$s. Specify a valid descriptor name for an ODM_LINK descriptor. 0518-007 odmcreate: An internal problem has been detected. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact a service representative or the approved supplier. 0518-015 odmcreate: Object class %1$s is not described in description file, line %2$d in file %3$s. Object classes linked to must be defined in class description file. <Pdh(<Pdx    \ t   t  t  ********+*++ L <    t     t  L  H H      < (   x D D D      " 2%y? D @___bzero@,@9@errno@access@ unlink@ _iob@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ fprintf@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ sprintf@ catclose@ vfprintf@ strrchr@ fgets@ sscanf@ system@ E@ mktemp@ getopt@ Q@ mbschr@ __crt0v@optind@^@{@ @ @ __start 0! D H P               $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                       $ ( , 0 4 8 < l! p t x# |     %  "                               $ &  /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibodm.ashr.o@VPDodmcreate/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memmove ___strcpy setlocale __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name odm_rm_classodm_initializeodm_create_class