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(or help) for helpsay what: ``%s'' -- type ? (or help) for help %s: gap in ID:s, last seen %d, lowest present %d @(#)66 1.15 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/uip/msh.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/22/04 08:36:21 x ( ( (  4 0 0  8 @ H @ P X  ` H P h p x X   iLj<iLjhjjjk iLjiLiLkLkxkkLll<llmiLkLm0iLiLh,pxP`@(#)84 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_seqflag.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:13:57@(#)68 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_fmsg.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:12:58%s=%s@(#)02 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/putenv.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 16:18:12 coliclpcsgseso(PTERM@(#)91 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/uip/trmsbr.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:21:09 : : , Error %d@(#)36 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/advertise.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/30/05 16:09:50@(#)37 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/advise.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:08unable to allocate string storage@(#)59 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/getcpy.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:44:31@(#)50 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/done.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:54@(#)34 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/adios.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:10:56From  From eof encountered in field "%s"eol encountered in field "%s"field name "%s" exceeds %d bytesm_getfld() called with bogus state of %dmaildrop delimiter must be at least 2 bytes@(#)71 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_getfld.c, cmdmh, bos720 2/1/93 16:51:43  00r-1mtsmts  P T l p x"%s"  mmailidserverspophostnoshellunknownmmdfldirmmdflfiluucpldiruucplfilmmdelim1mmdelim2lockldirhostablesendmailbbdomaineveryonelocalnameumincproclockstyleSIGNATURE/etc/lockssystemnamemaildelivery/usr/spool/mail/usr/spool/mail/usr/lib/mh/hosts/usr/lib/sendmaillocalhost localnet/usr/lib/mh/mtstailor/usr/lib/mh/maildeliveryThe Unknown User-ID (%d)@(#)14 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/zotnet/mts.c, cmdmh, bos720 9/5/97 10:58:39 h     a`  ad  ah  al  ap  H   t at   , ax 8 a| D a  a  a P a  a \   a  X  \      ` d 4 hmsg-protect@(#)73 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_gmprot.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:13:19r/rrrMHMHHOMEforkpath-auto%s/%sMHCONTEXTinstall-mhunable to forkunable to execerror opening %sunable to read %sno HOME envariableYour MH-directory "unable to create %s[install-mh aborted]" doesn't exist; Create it ? unable to access MH-directory "%s"@(#)70 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_getdefs.c, cmdmh, bos720 5/7/02 14:15:20..../..././...../%s/../../../../%.*s%s/%s%.*s/%s@(#)95 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/path.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 15:38:03/unable to determine working directory: %s@(#)03 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/pwd.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:52:44continuing...@(#)35 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/admonish.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:43:49 fMHEcurSYS5MHRC07110644%s/%sinboxdraftSENDMTScontextdistcompsforwcompsreplcompscomponentsmhl.formatdigestcomps.mh_profilemhl.forwardrcvdistcomps/usr/bin/inc/usr/bin/msh/usr/bin/rmf/usr/bin/msh.mh_sequences/usr/bin/more/usr/bin/more/usr/bin/send/usr/bin/more/usr/bin/whom/usr/lib/mh/%sCurrent-Folder/usr/bin/packfUnseen-Sequence/usr/bin/refile/usr/bin/mhmail/usr/lib/mh/mhl/usr/bin/whatnowSequence-NegationPrevious-Sequence/usr/lib/mh/spost/usr/bin/prompter/usr/lib/mh/slocalMORE='"/usr/bin/pg"'/usr/lib/mh/mh.profile/usr/lib/mh/install-mh/usr/lib/mh/MailAliases@(#)11 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/config/config.c, cmdmh, bos720 9/3/08 20:57:10 e\@(#)72 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_getfolder.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:13:15.../.../.../../../%s/path@(#)75 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_maildir.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 11:32:24@(#)44 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/copy.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:31@(#)11 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/ssequal.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:31 elproccontextincprocmhlprocmshprocrmfprocrmmprocvmhprocfileprocmailprocmoreprocpackprocpostprocsendprocshowprocwhomprocslocalprocinstallprocwhatnowprocmh-sequences%s is poorly formattedunable to allocate profile storageno blank lines are permitted in %sbug: m_readefs called but pump not primed@(#)78 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_readefs.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:48:33 i l j l i l i l$ jh l( i l, j l0 i l4 j l8 i l< j l@ j, lD i lH i lL j8 lP jD lT j\ lX i l\ jt l` jP ld et f, f e g f< f f fL e f g8 f f\ fl g` f f f|%s%sunable to allocate string storage@(#)31 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/add.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:43:46@(#)13 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/trimcpy.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 16:18:52unable to allocate string storage@(#)42 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/concat.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/18/99 22:36:36@(#)58 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/getanswer.c, cmdmh, bos720 2/1/93 16:47:33%s%s %s unknown%s: %s. ambiguousOptions are: @(#)56 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/gans.c, cmdmh, bos720 8/15/06 14:56:28@(#)08 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/smatch.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:23@(#)99 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/pidwait.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 15:38:17w%s: %s unable to write %s@(#)92 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_update.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:59forkmkdirmkdirmkdirmkdir/bin/mkdirunable to fork/usr/bin/mkdirfolder-protectunable to exec unable to create directory %s@(#)94 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/makedir.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:51:04 eD@(#)39 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/atooi.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:16%s%s %s: %s: Exit %d Signal %d (core dumped)@(#)97 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/pidstatus.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 18:12:50@(#)14 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/uleq.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:42@(#)67 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_find.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:12:54 eL e0,@,r atr-atr-%s/%s%s/%s is poorly formattedunable to allocate info storageunable to allocate info storageunable to allocate folder storageunable to allocate folder storageno blank lines are permitted in %s/%s@(#)74 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_gmsg.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:48:30@(#)40 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/brkstring.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 09:14:43@(#)61 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_atoi.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:12:34@(#)04 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/r1bindex.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:08@(#)45 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/copyip.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:35 ewOKINIACKERRCMDQRYTTYWINEOFFINXXXDATA%s.outMHVDEBUG: Error %dmalloc of %d lost%d: rcinit (%d, %d) write to peer lost(1)write to peer lost(2)read from peer lost(1)read from peer lost(2)%d: <--- %s %d: "%*.*s" %d: ---> %s %d: "%*.*s" t t t t t t t t t t t t@(#)95 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/uip/vmhsbr.c, cmdmh, bos720 1/31/08 12:46:40--%s ambiguous. It matches@(#)38 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/ambigsw.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:44:01[no] %s%s %s%s %s[no]%s @(#)00 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/printsw.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:14:52-syntax: %s version: %s switches are: @(#)60 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/help.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:49 wMH [6.6 UCI] [RAND] [IBM]@(#)49 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/discard.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:50wwynynww. %sor%s) curcurcurallpop%s %s curaddallallcuraddallandnotallcurcurallcurcatmhl allforkhelphelplinkhelpfastpackpushlisthelphelpforkforklistzerohelphelpzerolisthelphelphelphelphelpnextprevnextprevhelpDatefork-filequietdraft-filetotalprint-file-formdebugquery-filecleardraftnoeditnolinknofastheadernopack%22s noeditformatdeletepublicnozerounseendeletelbracerbracepublicnozeronolist1 hit noeditformatheaderheaderunseenunseenunseeninplaceinplacenoquietverboserecursenototalinplacecc typeinplacenoquerynoclear[msgs] verbose-------annotatepreservenoheaderannotatenoformat%sXXXXXX-forwallnopublicCTXMOD./msgbox./msgboxnopublic%d hits annotatenoformatnoheadernoheader, %s: %dnoinplacenoinplacenoverbosefile filenorecurse; cur=%*dnoinplacenowhatnow -------%s%s: %s %s%s: %s file namenocc typenoinplacenowhatnownoverbosenoannotatenopreservenoannotate (private)after datenoannotatenomoreprocnoshowprocsrc +folder Message %dcc patternto patternbefore datefcc +folder%*d empty (Message %d-%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown -%s unknown length lines-%s unknown nodraftfoldereditor editorform formfilenowhatnowprocnodraftfoldereditor editorform formfilesequence namedate patternfrom patternsequence namenodraftfoldereditor editorform formfilewidth columnsformat stringwidth columnsform formfilewidth columnsunable to forkunable to forkunable to forkunable to forkunable to exec unable to exec search patterndatefield fieldinternal error!form formatfiledatefield fieldunable to exec ydraftmessage msgdraftmessage msgerror on file %ssubject patterndraftmessage msgmoreproc programshowproc programunable to read %sunable to read %sfilter filterfileunable to read %sunable to create unable to open %sfilter filterfilescan() botch (%d) Forwarded Messagedraftfolder +folderwhatnowproc programdraftfolder +folderwhatnowproc program Forwarded Messagesdraftfolder +folderwhatnowproc program%s [msgs] [switches]%s [msgs] [switches]has no messages%*s%s [msgs] [switches]%s [msgs] [switches]lowoff=%d hghoff=%d %s [msgs] [switches]%s [msgs] [switches]%s [msgs] [switches]%s [msgs] [switches]%s [msgs] [switches]%s [msgs] [switches]more than %d messagesfoldpath=%s flags=%s missing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %ssorry, -%s not allowed!sorry, -%s not allowed! } y-othercomponent patternhas %*d message (%*d-%*d)unable to rename %s to %sno %s field in message %dsorry, no folders allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!has %*d messages (%*d-%*d)sorry, no folders allowed!only %d sequences allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!only %d sequences allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!sorry, no folders allowed!format error in message %dinternal error -- you loseonly one message at a time!only one message at a time!only one folder at a time! only one message at a time!only one message at a time!only one message at a time!no messages remaining in %sonly one message at a time! ctxpath=%s context flags=%s no messages remaining in +%sburst() botch -- you lose big%s [+folder] [msg] [switches]Create file "%s" <%s or %s>? message %d becomes message %d lowsel=%d hghsel=%d numsel=%d Press to list "%d"...Press to list "%d"...only one date field at a time!%s +folder... [msgs] [switches]no messages match specificationmessage %d not in digest format unable to allocate folder storageunable to allocate folder storageunable to allocate folder storagemore than %d messages for %s exec1 message exploded from digest %d unable to create temporary file %sinvo_name=%s mypath=%s defpath=%s unable to create temporary file %snull folder names are not permitted ------- End of Forwarded Message %d messages exploded from digest %d ------- End of Forwarded Messages unable to read default filter file %sunable to parse %s field in message %d%s %s[switches] [switches for showproc] { }D yREADONLYSEQMODMHPATHOTHERSMODIFIEDhghmsg=%d lowmsg=%d nummsg=%d curmsg=%d %*d: id=%d top=%d start=%ld stop=%ld %s message %d of digest %d becomes message %d -%s requires at least one -sequence argumentusage: %s [switches] [switches for showproc] Folder %*s# of messages (%*srange%*s); cur%*smsg {P | z {X {` | y( z y0 z { }\ } | y8 zh {  { |l  y@(#)67 1.11 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/uip/mshcmds.c, cmdmh, bos720 12/18/95 16:22:04 x z y P z | y z y zP zp  D } ~  X } {( |x y { }P ~ ~ zx  {H | 4  y  x y@ z z { yH z {h | z0 {p z8 yP x yX y` { }h H  0 z @ z { {x | \ | yh%4(msg)%<(cur)+%| %>%<{replied}-%| %>%02(mon{date})/%02(mday{date})%<{date} %|*%>%<(mymbox{from})To:%14(friendly{to})%|%17(friendly{from})%> %{subject} %<{body}<<%{body}%> |T } { } 0   { }  { |` { }, zX { }8  y x x x z z } ` p p  }  } }   z |< y z y { yThe %s program emulates many of the commands found in the Rand MH system. Instead of operating on MH folders, commands to %s concern a single file. To see the list of commands available, just type a ``?'' followed by the RETURN key. To find out what switches each command takes, type the name of the command followed by ``-help''. To leave %s, use the ``quit'' command. Although a lot of MH commands are found in %s, not all are fully implemented. %s will always recognize all legal switches for a given command though, and will let you know when you ask for an option that it is unable to perform. Running %s is fun, but using MH from your shell is far superior. After you have familiarized yourself with the MH style by using %s, you should try using MH from the shell. You can still use %s for message files that aren't in MH format, such as BBoard files. 8L8P&&T&&&'@'''(T..,,/(/(/(/(//(//(/(/(//,,///(//(/646l666661(1(1(1(1(1(61(1(1(701X1X881X1X8 KKLL,L<LLC\C\M$M,M4MQROORtRtSRtSS(RtST OORtST(^^TU^^^^^^UUUUUUUU^eef4ffc4c4f4f4fjpjkkk$k,k4k<kDnnlloHoHooHooHlloHoo..newallcurcurcurlastprevnextfullfirstemptyfirst-lastno %s messageno %s messagesequence %s %sbad message list %sno messages in range %smessage %s doesn't existmessage %d doesn't existfolder full, no %s messagemessage %s out of range 1-%dno messages match specificationillegal argument delimiter: `%c'(0%o)@(#)63 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_convert.c, cmdmh, bos720 1/21/08 07:41:23 g g$ @(#)88 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_setseq.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:14:09newalllastprevnextfirstempty sequence nameno such sequence as %sillegal sequence name: %sillegal sequence name: %sillegal sequence name: %sonly %d sequences allowed (no room for %s)!only %d sequences allowed (no room for %s)!@(#)85 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_seqnew.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:54ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY?????-+JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSatGMTBSTESTEDTCSTCDTMSTPSTPDTSundayMondayFriday%s, %sTuesday%s (%s)ThursdaySaturdayWednesday%s%02d%02d%02d %s %0*d %02d:%02d:%02d %s%.3s %.3s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %.4d @(#)19 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/zotnet/dtime.c, cmdmh, bos720 12/8/99 10:39:13             < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x | r,r: Tocc%s%s%s ) , , : : Bcc bellhelpDateFrombellbodytexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttextpipeforkclearwidtherrorerrorerrorerrorerrornobellSendercenternobelloffsetlengthextrasnoclearforwardforwallnoclearignores(stdin)Reply-TonocentercompressMHLDEBUGmhfolder ------->>> %s >>> %s Resent-ToResent-ccuppercaseaddrfielddatefieldcomponentcompwidth(Message nomoreprocResent-Bccleftadjustnocompress flags=%s digest listResent-DateResent-Fromnocomponentnouppercaseclearscreenformatfield Message %dmessagenamelength linesnoleftadjust-%s unknown overflowtextform formfilewidth columnsResent-Sendernoclearscreenfolder +folderoverflowoffsetunable to pipeunable to forkResent-Reply-Tostandard outputunable to exec standard outputmoreproc programEnd of %s Digest unable to open %sbad argument %s %sbad argument %s %s Forwarded Message nfs=0x%x fmt=0x%x Forwarded Messagesgetfld() returned %dmissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %smissing argument to %s%s [switches] [files ...]format error in message %sformat file syntax error: %sformat file syntax error: %sformat file syntax error: %sunable to open format file %sPress to list "%s"...Press to list "%s"...unable to allocate comp memorymissing argument to variable %smissing argument to variable %sunable to dup() standard outputunable to allocate buffer memoryunable to allocate pqpair memoryunable to dup2() standard output ------------------------------ ------- End of Forwarded Message c1: name="%s" text="%s" ovtxt="%s" ------- End of Forwarded Messages P( offset=%d ovoff=%d width=%d cwidth=%d length=%d component: %s width(%d) too small for overflow(%d) ------------------------------------------------------------ @(#)61 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/uip/mhlsbr.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/22/04 08:36:16NOCOMPONENTUPPERCASECENTERCLEARTEXTEXTRAHDROUTPUTCLEARSCRLEFTADJUST COMPRESS ADDRFMT BELL DATEFMT FORMATINIT ( ( @   0 0 8 T 8 @  X    ` l     $ x    d @ 0@ @@ 0 p <  H  dސ$DLT\߼<$@(#)45 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/uip/bzero.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:17:42^eqnegtmelitnummsgcurdatdaytwssecminmondst%*szeronullvoidcompsizeplushourmdayyearydaywdayzonesdaypersmboxhostpathnotetypematchwidthminusmonthtzoneclockgnameingrpamatchputstrputnumstrlenlmonthrclockprettynodatepropernohostmymboxornamenonzerononnullputstrfputnumfputaddrcompvaltimenowweekdaycompflagcharleftfriendlyformataddr'}' expected')' expected'>' expected.unknown functionextra '%>' or '%|''(' or '{' expectedcomponent name expected'(', '{', ' ' or ')' expected'(', '{', '%<' or ')' expected"%s": format compile error - %sunable to allocate format storagecomponent or function name expectedcomponent used as both date and addresscomponent used as both date and addresscomponent used as both date and address@(#)52 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/fmtcompile.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:44:13 G@ F? dF? hG@ lHA D= E> @IB JC        t    x |   H   p   P ,  X5 5 `5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 !5 "5 #5 $5 %5 h&5 '5 (5 )5 5 5 *6 +6 ,6 (-6 p.6 0/6 06 826 x36 46 D77 816 8$%%','|'((T(x@%s/C=/c=%s@%sextra >extra )%s <%s>illegal \missing >missing )missing "null addressnull address '%s'alternate-mailboxesillegal address: %salternate-mailboxesbad address '%s' - %sunable to allocate string storageinsufficient memory to represent addressinsufficient memory to represent addressplease fix the %s: entry in your %s file@(#)33 1.11 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/addrsbr.c, cmdmh, bos720 8/3/92 14:49:01rMayJuneJulyMarchAprilAugustJanuaryOctoberFebruaryNovemberDecemberSeptemberinternal error (FT_STRFW)error reading format file %sunable to open format file %sunable to stat format file %sunable to allocate space for format %s 0   $@(#)55 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/formatsbr.c, cmdmh, bos720 9/14/99 17:10:40LMtNpPPRLR\S0TTUPVW([[[[[[[\\\(\4\P\l\\]]8]T]d]t]]]]]]^^,^t^^^^___(_8^_T_d_t__``aLLaabb$b@b\bxcTc|ccccdd    f4fHffg0h`ik l\mnpDqrt4uvwxxyz{t|H|H|d||||}}@}\}}}}~~,~H~p~~~Hdff       OPPO +*       = = = = = = = = = =. 9E @ HN A L0x >FG ? 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