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Source entry %1$s is a table. Target entry %1$s is a directory. Source entry %1$s is a directory. %1$s: 2607-263 Not enough operands. %1$s: 2607-326 Invalid server list. %1$s: 2607-015 Table %2$s not found. %1$s: 2607-018 No column data given. %1$s: 2607-230 Invalid row index %2$s. %1$s: 2607-307 Illegal move operation. %1$s: 2607-308 Error moving table %2$s %1$s: 2607-008 Error opening table %2$s. %1$s: 2607-009 Error closing table %2$s. %1$s: 2607-302 Could not open file %2$s. %1$s: 2607-328 Illegal selection string. %1$s: 2607-353 Invalid return code %2$s. %1$s: 2607-232 Invalid display type %2$s. %1$s: 2607-323 No servers could be found. %1$s: 2607-329 Lost connection to server. %1$s: 2607-002 Not a recognized flag: %2$s %1$s: 2607-264 Invalid directory path %2$s. Environment Variables being used are: %1$s %1$s: 2607-010 File %2$s could not be found. %1$s: 2607-310 The selection string is null. %1$s: 2607-003 Not a recognized operand: %2$s Long form output uses headers. -x flag ignored. %1$s: 2607-233 Invalid data type found in table. %1$s: 2607-261 Error checking target entry type. %1$s: 2607-012 No data type given for column %2$s. %1$s: 2607-303 No file name given on command line. %1$s: 2607-352 Invalid structured data definition. %1$s: 2607-007 No table name found on command line. %1$s: 2607-358 The binary value "%2$s" is not valid. %1$s: 2607-356 Required memory could not be allocated. %1$s: 2607-014 Improper usage of command line flag: %2$s %1$s: 2607-351 Invalid System Registry Input File format. %1$s: 2607-354 No selection string found on command line. %1$s: 2607-301 File name is missing from the command line. %1$s: 2607-016 A directory in the path %2$s does not exist. %1$s: 2607-228 Column name %2$s was not found in the table. %1$s: 2607-325 Invalid directory name used for mount point. %1$s: 2607-006 Table name %2$s not found in input file %3$s. %1$s: 2607-330 Table is currently involved in a transaction. %1$s: 2607-223 The selection string is syntactically invalid. %1$s: 2607-237 The syntax of a string constant is not correct %1$s: 2607-306 You do not have permission to move this table. %1$s: 2607-239 The syntax of a numeric constant is not correct %1$s: 2607-238 An expected string constant could not be parsed. %1$s: 2607-240 An expected string constant could not be parsed. %1$s: 2607-324 The mount point already exists in the local tree. %1$s: 2607-221 The selection string contains an invalid operator. %1$s: 2607-360 The array value "%2$s" does not have valid syntax. %1$s: 2607-019 The selection string contains unmatched parenthesis. %1$s: 2607-231 One or more column names were not found in the table. %1$s: 2607-262 %2$s and %3$s are identical. Operation not performed. The flag with the highest precedence will be used to set the display. %1$s: 2607-355 Invalid command format-too many operands were entered. %1$s: 2607-020 The selection string contains an invalid type variable. %1$s: 2607-011 The column name is missing from one or more definitions. %1$s: 2607-235 An invalid column name was found in the selection string. Unsupported data type found for column %1$s. Continuing to process data. %1$s: 2607-229 You do not have permission to access table %2$s using %3$s. %1$s: 2607-304 Table could not be saved (moved) because target %2$s exists. %1$s: 2607-359 The structured data value "%2$s" does not have valid syntax. %1$s: 2607-321 The lower bound of the range is greater than the upper bound. %1$s: 2607-001 The System Registry cannot be accessed. Return code was %2$s. %1$s: 2607-017 You do not have permission to open table %2$s using mode %3$s. %1$s: 2607-226 You do not have permission to get the metadata for table %2$s. %1$s: 2607-227 An error occurred while attempting to free the table metadata. %1$s: 2607-236 A type variable does not correspond to the type of the column. %1$s: 2607-322 The regular expression could not be properly compiled by regcomp. %1$s: 2607-305 You do not have permission on the target directory to move this table. %1$s: 2607-309 The range list contains invalid characters or does not obey the grammar. %1$s: 2607-013 A column was specified with an invalid name, type, qualifier, or default value. %1$s: 2607-327 The table %2$s does not exist in the current System Registry working directory. %1$s: 2607-225 There was a mismatch between the type variables and their corresponding parameters. %1$s: 2607-224 Extra characters were found at the end of the parsed portion of the selection string. %1$s: 2607-234 A column in the selection string could not be matched to a column in the input table. %1$s: 2607-004 Unexepected System Registry error issuing the command %2$s produced a return code of %3$s. %1$s: 2607-222 One or more operators in the selection string is not valid for the associated column type. %1$s: 2607-005 At least one relative path wasspecified and we could not change the current directory to %2$s. %1$s: 2607-357 A resource handle must be entered using the following format: "0x0000 0x0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000" instead of: "%2$s". )8 ) )P ) )pReserved: DO NOT USE!Listing table definition %1$s. %1$s: 2607-422 Column name is missing on the command line. %1$s: 2607-421 You do not have the required permission to read table %2$s. Usage: To list table definition. lssrtbldef-api [-D] [-I] [-p][-M][-h] [-T][-V] [::[::...]]  * * *< * * * * P HO * x ,   ) ;ierrno@@@@_iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ _Errno@ exit@ atexit@ strlen@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ getenv@ strtoul@ strchr@ fflush@ '@ vsprintf@ vprintf@ vfprintf@ printf@ fputc@ strtod@ fputs@ strpbrk@ 3@ strstr@ getopt@ strtof@ strtol@ strtoll@ strtoull@ ?@ S@ i@ __crt0v@optind@optarg@v@@ @@ @@ @ @ @ @ 4@ G@ Y@ s@ @ @ @ __start *! 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